Results for 'Intelligence artificielle Aspect moral.'

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  1.  35
    Philosophic sur ordinateur ou intelligence artificielle.Gilbert Boss & Maryvonne Longeart - 1993 - Dialogue 32 (2):271-.
    L'informatique se définissant comme le traitement rationnel de l'information par machine automatique et l'intelligence se caractérisant par une même capacité de traitement rationnel, il était inévitable que l'on songe à associer l'intelligence au traitement automatique de l'information. C'est ce qu'a fait John McCarthy en forgeant le terme d'intelligence artificielle. Par «intelligence artificielle» on peut vouloir exprimer l'ambition de1. Recréer, transformer ou développer l'intelligence artificiellement2. Simuler l'intelligence en la reconstituant dans des modéles imitant (...)
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    Intelligences artificielles et créativité au sens extra-moral.Mathieu Corteel - 2024 - Multitudes 96 (3):179-184.
    Alors que Le Sony World Photography Award 2023 a été attribué à une œuvre générée par IA, que les scénaristes d’Hollywood manifestent dans les rues de Los Angeles, et que les Large Language Models sont appelées à prendre de plus en plus de place dans nos activités cognitives, il est urgent de se demander si la force de création humaine, celle des auteurs, des scénaristes, des artistes et même des scientifiques ne s’est pas aliénée dans la combinatoire. Les IA LLM (...)
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    Technology, Users and Uses: Ethics and Human Interaction Through Technology and AI.Joan Casas-Roma, Jordi Conesa & Santi Caballé (eds.) - 2023 - [Bradford]: Ethics Press.
    New technological advancements have always changed the way society and human relationships work. New affordances created by technological tools inevitable modify and affect the way people interact with such tools, as well as with one another, and with the world within which this technology is embedded. -/- Technology, Users and Uses explores and discusses ethical issues around the use of technology and AI, by focusing on the way they affect individual, social and global interactions. The collection addresses topics including social (...)
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    Philosophie contre intelligence artificielle.Jacques Bolo - 1996 - Paris: Lingua Franca.
    This essay replies to some representative authors, canonic indeed, of the opposition to artificial intelligence : Hubert L. DREYFUS, with his study, systematic enough in its time, What Computers can't do. His phenomenological critic meets a numerous audience, even among computer scientists. Joseph WEIZENBAUM, research worker in artificial intelligence himself, gone over to the opposition with his book Computer Power and Human Reason. His objections are classically moral and anti-techno-scientific. The philosopher John R. SEARLE, whose book Mind, Brain (...)
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  5. Daniel Andler, Intelligence artificielle, intelligence humaine : la double énigme, Paris, Gallimard, « NRF Essais », 2023, 434 p. [REVIEW]Éloïse Boisseau - 2024 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 122 (2):284-285.
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    Le cerveau implanté: penser l'homme à l'ère des implants cérébraux.Éric Fourneret - 2022 - Paris: Hermann.
    "Cet essai de bioéthique propose de penser l'Homme et son avenir à travers une innovation technologique extraordinaire : les implants cérébraux. Utilisés déjà dans des contextes de maladies, leur développement actuel laisse espérer pouvoir contrôler bientôt des dispositifs robotiques en connectant le cerveau à des ordinateurs équipés d'intelligences artificielles. Si les premiers résultats sont très encourageants, ces interfaces cerveau-machines posent néanmoins un questionnement éthique majeur. Que devient l'Homme si son cerveau fonctionne avec un dispositif électronique "intelligent" implanté? Pourrait-on percer les (...)
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    We have always been cyborgs: digital data, gene technologies, and an ethics of transhumanism.Stefan Lorenz Sorgner - 2022 - Bristol, UK: Bristol University Press.
    Transhumanism : in a nutshell -- On a silicon-based transhumanism -- On a carbon-based transhumanism -- A fictive ethics -- The end of the beginning.
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    Digitaler Humanismus: eine Ethik für das Zeitalter der künstlichen Intelligenz.Julian Nida-Rümelin - 2018 - München: Piper. Edited by Nathalie Weidenfeld.
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    Digitalisierung - Technik - Verantwortung: anthropologische Impulse aus Theologie, Pflege und Ethik.Ingo Proft, Franziskus von Heereman & Sabine Ursula Nover (eds.) - 2022 - Ostfildern: Matthias Grünewald Verlag.
    Digitalisierung und Technik bestimmen heute maßgeblich das sozialgesellschaftliche Miteinander. Dies betrifft eher traditionsorientierte Strukturen in Religion und Kultur ebenso wie progressive Bereiche in Medizin und Pflege. Technik erweist sich nicht länger als ein bloßes Instrument des Wandels, sondern treibt den Wandel an, gibt ihm Richtung. Der Mensch wird dabei zunehmend zum Passagier einer Entwicklung, die er immer seltener überblickt. Umso wichtiger ist es daher, eine strukturierte und kontextsensible Auseinandersetzung mit Chancen und Risiken technischer Möglichkeiten vorzunehmen. Interdisziplinäre Beiträge aus Theologie, Pflege (...)
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    Integrating Morality Into Intelligent Machines – Can Artificial Intelligence Make Unsupervised Moral Decisions?Ana Frichand & Biljana Blazhevska Stoilkovska - 2024 - Годишен зборник на Филозофскиот факултет/The Annual of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje 77 (1):195-224.
    With the expansion of artificial intelligence and advanced technologies, theworld in the 21st century is rapidly changing and imposing new living dynamics. Althoughsuch changes affect all age groups, younger generations accept them faster andreact more positively. The new cohorts - Generation Z and Alpha - live in a digital worldthat affect their lifestyle, interpersonal relations, quality of mental health, psychologicalwell-being and everyday challenges. The presence of the so called “Frankenstein effect”in some adults provoked by the fast development of artificial (...)
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  11. Reconnaissance de Formes.B. Dubuisson & Intelligence Artificielle Diagnostic - forthcoming - Hermes.
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    Practical Intelligibility and Moral Skepticism: Should Realists Worry About Grass-Counters and Hand-Claspers?Micah Lott - 2021 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 102 (1):103-125.
    The focus of this paper is the following claim: as a purely conceptual matter, the moral truths could be pretty much anything, and we should assume this in assessing our reliability at grasping moral truths. This claim, which I call No Content, plays a key role in an important skeptical argument against realist moral knowledge – the Normative Lottery Argument. In this paper, I argue that moral realists can, and should, reject No Content. My argument centers on the idea of (...)
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  13. Artificial Intelligence, Values, and Alignment.Iason Gabriel - 2020 - Minds and Machines 30 (3):411-437.
    This paper looks at philosophical questions that arise in the context of AI alignment. It defends three propositions. First, normative and technical aspects of the AI alignment problem are interrelated, creating space for productive engagement between people working in both domains. Second, it is important to be clear about the goal of alignment. There are significant differences between AI that aligns with instructions, intentions, revealed preferences, ideal preferences, interests and values. A principle-based approach to AI alignment, which combines these elements (...)
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  14.  82
    Artificial Intelligence and Robotics in Nursing: Ethics of Caring as a Guide to Dividing Tasks Between AI and Humans.Felicia Stokes & Amitabha Palmer - 2020 - Nursing Philosophy 21 (4):e12306.
    Nurses have traditionally been regarded as clinicians that deliver compassionate, safe, and empathetic health care (Nurses again outpace other professions for honesty & ethics, 2018). Caring is a fundamental characteristic, expectation, and moral obligation of the nursing and caregiving professions (Nursing: Scope and standards of practice, American Nurses Association, Silver Spring, MD, 2015). Along with caring, nurses are expected to undertake ever‐expanding duties and complex tasks. In part because of the growing physical, intellectual and emotional demandingness, of nursing as well (...)
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  15. Aligning artificial intelligence with moral intuitions: an intuitionist approach to the alignment problem.Dario Cecchini, Michael Pflanzer & Veljko Dubljevic - 2024 - AI and Ethics:1-11.
    As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to advance, one key challenge is ensuring that AI aligns with certain values. However, in the current diverse and democratic society, reaching a normative consensus is complex. This paper delves into the methodological aspect of how AI ethicists can effectively determine which values AI should uphold. After reviewing the most influential methodologies, we detail an intuitionist research agenda that offers guidelines for aligning AI applications with a limited set of reliable moral intuitions, each (...)
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  16. Feelings in moral conflict and the hazards of emotional intelligence.David Carr - 2002 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 5 (1):3-21.
    From some perspectives, it seems obvious that emotions and feelings must be both reasonable and morally significant: from others, it may seem as obvious that they cannot be. This paper seeks to advance discussion of ethical implications of the currently contested issue of the relationship of reason to feeling and emotion via reflection upon various examples of affectively charged moral dilemma. This discussion also proceeds by way of critical consideration of recent empirical enquiry into these issues in the literature of (...)
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    Artificial intelligence applications in higher education: theories, ethics, and case studies for universities.Helen Crompton & Diane Burke (eds.) - 2025 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Artificial Intelligence Applications in Higher Education offers direct examples of how artificial intelligence systems can be applied in today's higher education contexts. As use of AI rapidly advances within colleges and universities worldwide, there is a pressing need to showcase the challenges, opportunities, and ethical considerations inherent in deploying these advanced computational tools. This book highlights the multifaceted roles of AI across teaching and learning, institutional administration, student data management, and beyond. Its collected case studies furnish actionable insights (...)
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    Artificial intelligence and music ecosystem.Martin Clancy (ed.) - 2022 - New York: Routledge.
    Artificial Intelligence and Music Ecosystem highlights the opportunities and rewards associated with the application of AI in the creative arts. Featuring an array of voices, including interviews with Jacques Attali, Holly Herndon and Scott Cohen, this book offers interdisciplinary approaches to pressing ethical and technical questions associated with AI. Considering the perspectives of developers, students and artists, as well as the wider themes of law, ethics and philosophy, Artificial Intelligence and Music Ecosystem is an essential introduction for anyone (...)
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    (1 other version)Narrative responsibility and artificial intelligence.Mark Coeckelbergh - 2021 - AI and Society:1-14.
    Most accounts of responsibility focus on one type of responsibility, moral responsibility, or address one particular aspect of moral responsibility such as agency. This article outlines a broader framework to think about responsibility that includes causal responsibility, relational responsibility, and what I call “narrative responsibility” as a form of “hermeneutic responsibility”, connects these notions of responsibility with different kinds of knowledge, disciplines, and perspectives on human being, and shows how this framework is helpful for mapping and analysing how artificial (...)
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  20.  12
    Competitive intelligence ethics: navigating the gray zone.Dale Fehringer & Bonnie Hohhof (eds.) - 2006 - Alexandria, Virginia: Competitive Intelligence Foundation.
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  21. Why do We Need to Employ Exemplars in Moral Education? Insights from Recent Advances in Research on Artificial Intelligence.Hyemin Han - forthcoming - Ethics and Behavior.
    In this paper, I examine why moral exemplars are useful and even necessary in moral education despite several critiques from researchers and educators. To support my point, I review recent AI research demonstrating that exemplar-based learning is superior to rule-based learning in model performance in training neural networks, such as large language models. I particularly focus on why education aiming at promoting the development of multifaceted moral functioning can be done effectively by using exemplars, which is similar to exemplar-based learning (...)
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    Playing God with artificial intelligence.Dean A. Gratton - 2025 - New York, NY: Routledge. Edited by Sarah-Jayne Gratton.
    The concept of 'artificial intelligence' has been eulogised within science fiction since the early twentieth century, and today, it is accompanied by a tenacious desire to transition this fiction into some kind of reality. AI has become engulfed in hysteria-its expectations have been exaggerated, widely confused, and erroneously distorted. Playing God with Artificial Intelligence dispels the misconceptions surrounding AI and forms a realistic betterment in understanding, as there is an uncensored belief in something not entirely understood. It offers (...)
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  23.  19
    The Ethics of Intelligence: A New Framework.Ross Bellaby - 2014 - New York: Routledge.
    This book starts from the proposition that the field of intelligence lacks any systematic ethical review, and then develops a framework based on the notion of harm and the establishment of Just Intelligence Principles. As the professional practice of intelligence collection adapts to the changing environment of the twenty-first century, many academic experts and intelligence professionals have called for a coherent ethical framework that outlines exactly when, by what means and to what ends intelligence is (...)
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  24.  75
    The ethics of artificial intelligence in education: practices, challenges, and debates.Wayne Holmes & Kaśka Porayska-Pomsta (eds.) - 2022 - New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence in Education identifies and confronts key ethical issues generated over years of AI research, development, and deployment in learning contexts. Adaptive, automated, and data-driven education systems are increasingly being implemented in universities, schools, and corporate training worldwide, but the ethical consequences of engaging with these technologies remain unexplored. Featuring expert perspectives from inside and outside the AIED scholarly community, this book provides AI researchers, learning scientists, educational technologists, and others with questions, frameworks, guidelines, policies, (...)
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    Virtue, Happiness, and Intelligibility.John Lemos - 1997 - Journal of Philosophical Research 22:307-320.
    In such works as A Short History of Ethics, Against the Self-lmages of the Age, and After Virtue, Alasdair MacIntyre has argued that the intelligibility of the moral life hinges upon viewing the moral life as essential to the happy life, or eudaimonia. In my article I examine the reasons he gives for saying this, arguing that this thesis is not sufficiently defended by MacIntyre. I also draw connections between this thesis about the intelligibility of the moral life and other (...)
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  26. Minding the Future: Artificial Intelligence, Philosophical Visions and Science Fiction.Barry Francis Dainton, Will Slocombe & Attila Tanyi (eds.) - 2021 - Springer.
    Bringing together literary scholars, computer scientists, ethicists, philosophers of mind, and scholars from affiliated disciplines, this collection of essays offers important and timely insights into the pasts, presents, and, above all, possible futures of Artificial Intelligence. This book covers topics such as ethics and morality, identity and selfhood, and broader issues about AI, addressing questions about the individual, social, and existential impacts of such technologies. Through the works of science fiction authors such as Isaac Asimov, Stanislaw Lem, Ann Leckie, (...)
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    Anthropological Crisis or Crisis in Moral Status: a Philosophy of Technology Approach to the Moral Consideration of Artificial Intelligence.Joan Llorca Albareda - 2024 - Philosophy and Technology 37 (1):1-26.
    The inquiry into the moral status of artificial intelligence (AI) is leading to prolific theoretical discussions. A new entity that does not share the material substrate of human beings begins to show signs of a number of properties that are nuclear to the understanding of moral agency. It makes us wonder whether the properties we associate with moral status need to be revised or whether the new artificial entities deserve to enter within the circle of moral consideration. This raises (...)
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  28.  15
    Evolutionary emergence of collective intelligence in large groups of students.Santos Orejudo, Jacobo Cano-Escoriaza, Ana Belén Cebollero-Salinas, Pablo Bautista, Jesús Clemente-Gallardo, Alejandro Rivero, Pilar Rivero & Alfonso Tarancón - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The emergence of collective intelligence has been studied in much greater detail in small groups than in larger ones. Nevertheless, in groups of several hundreds or thousands of members, it is well-known that the social environment exerts a considerable influence on individual behavior. A few recent papers have dealt with some aspects of large group situations, but have not provided an in-depth analysis of the role of interactions among the members of a group in the creation of ideas, as (...)
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  29.  22
    Intelligent disobedience: doing right when what you're told to do is wrong.Ira Chaleff - 2015 - Oakland, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
    The pressure to obey : what would you do? -- Obedience and disobedience : when is which right? -- Breaking the habit : it takes more than you think -- Finding your voice : saying "no" so you are heard -- Understanding the true risks of saying "yes" -- The dynamics of authority and obedience -- Changing the dynamics -- The crucial lessons from guide dog training -- The price of teaching obedience too well -- Teaching intelligent disobedience : where (...)
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    The handover: how we gave control of our lives to corporations, states and AIs.David Runciman - 2023 - New York, NY: Liveright Publishing Corporation, a division of W.W. Norton & Company.
    An eminent political thinker uses our history with states and corporations--"artificial agents" to which we have granted immense power--to predict how AI will remake society. Countless books, news reports, and opinion pieces have announced the impending arrival of artificial intelligence, with most claiming that it will upend our world, revolutionizing not just work but society overall. Yet according to political philosopher and historian David Runciman, we've actually been living with a version of AI for 300 years because states and (...)
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  31. Ethics and intelligence collection: a new framework.Ross Bellaby - 2014 - New York: Routledge.
    This book starts from the proposition that the field of intelligence lacks any coherent or systematic ethical review, and then develops an ethical framework for intelligence based on the notion of harm and the establishment of the Just Intelligence Principles. This book argues that the most appropriate ethical framework for intelligence collection is one which is able to recognise that intelligence collection does indeed cause harm, but that sometimes this harm is necessary in order to (...)
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    Ecological intelligence: rediscovering ourselves in nature.Ian McCallum - 2005 - Cape Town: Africa Geographic.
    Defines a new way of thinking about the unprecedented environmental pressures of our day. McCallum offers a compelling argument that we must think differently about ourselves and the earth if we are to take seriously the survival of wilderness areas.
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  33. On the criteria of the imitation for the artificial intelligent systems in the moral imitation game.Jolly Thomas - 2023 - Theoria 89 (6):872-890.
    To assess the intelligence of machines, Alan Turing proposed a test of imitation known as the imitation game, famously known as the Turing test. To assess whether artificial intelligent (AI) systems could be moral or not, Colin Allen et al. developed a test of imitation in the context of morality, a test known as the Moral Turing Test (MTT), which I will, in this paper, call the moral imitation game. There are arguments against developing any type of MTT or (...)
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  34. Four Responsibility Gaps with Artificial Intelligence: Why they Matter and How to Address them.Filippo Santoni de Sio & Giulio Mecacci - 2021 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (4):1057-1084.
    The notion of “responsibility gap” with artificial intelligence (AI) was originally introduced in the philosophical debate to indicate the concern that “learning automata” may make more difficult or impossible to attribute moral culpability to persons for untoward events. Building on literature in moral and legal philosophy, and ethics of technology, the paper proposes a broader and more comprehensive analysis of the responsibility gap. The responsibility gap, it is argued, is not one problem but a set of at least four (...)
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  35.  18
    Buddhism and intelligent technology: toward a more humane future.Peter D. Hershock - 2021 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    When machine learning, data and AI are reshaping the human experience, Peter Hershock gives us a new way to think about attention, presence and ethics in our changing lives by balancing Western technology with Asian philosophy. He explains how Confucian and Socratic ethics can make visible what a history of choices about remaking ourselves has rendered invisible, and applies Buddhist ideas to give us an understanding about the self and consciousness. Seamlessly blending ancient Chinese, Indian and Greek philosophy, Hershock responds (...)
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    The hidden abode of artificial intelligence production: Stretching the limits of artificial intelligence ethics and critique.Bernardo Paci - 2024 - Thesis Eleven 184-185 (1):152-166.
    The present article aims to discuss the possibility of including the sphere of artificial intelligence production within the domain of artificial intelligence ethics and investigate its moral implications. In the first section, the role of human labour in the artificial intelligence production processes is considered, with particular reference to the distinction between high-skilled and low-skilled jobs, their differential distribution in the production process itself, and the labour conditions of ghost workers, in order to analyse the main ethical (...)
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  37. Gullible Yet Intelligible.Daniel O'Brien - 2006 - Abstracta 3 (1):46-73.
    In this paper I describe the imaginary community of Gullible. Gulliblians are led by moral pressures to believe whatever they are told and, in the scenario that I sketch, this leads to them having widespread contradictory beliefs. This community is nevertheless intelligible to us given what we know about their situation and their moral code. Davidson, however, holds there to be what I call a logicist constraint on interpretation: thinkers can only be interpreted if a good proportion of their beliefs (...)
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    How to feel about emotionalized artificial intelligence? When robot pets, holograms, and chatbots become affective partners.Eva Weber-Guskar - 2021 - Ethics and Information Technology 23 (4):601-610.
    Interactions between humans and machines that include artificial intelligence are increasingly common in nearly all areas of life. Meanwhile, AI-products are increasingly endowed with emotional characteristics. That is, they are designed and trained to elicit emotions in humans, to recognize human emotions and, sometimes, to simulate emotions (EAI). The introduction of such systems in our lives is met with some criticism. There is a rather strong intuition that there is something wrong about getting attached to a machine, about having (...)
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  39. L’intelligence artificielle : un levier permettant de restaurer l’égalité?Jean-Pierre Béland - 2022 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 5 (2):162.
    Le Journée d’étude « Pour des intelligences artificielles au service du corps vulnérable : Les contreforts de l’éthique et du droit » tenu en décembre 2021 à l’Université catholique de Lyon, en France, a permis d’explorer si l’intelligence artificielle (IA) pouvait être un levier permettant de restaurer l’égalité entre les pauvres et les riches, les femmes et les hommes, les handicapés, les sujets âgés? En contexte de pandémie Covid-19, cette question se pose partout, incluant diverses instances internationales, comme (...)
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    Intelligence artificielle et médecine : l’apport de la philosophie et de l'éthique de la technique de Gilbert Simondon.Brice Poreau - 2020 - Revue Médecine et Philosophie 4 (1).
    L’utilisation de l’intelligence artificielle dans le domaine de la santé pose la question des limites de celle-ci : jusqu’où devons-nous employer l’intelligence artificielle, la médecine pourrait-elle être déshumanisée et perdre son sens \textit{princeps}? Le philosophe Gilbert Simondon (1924-1989) propose durant la seconde moitié du vingtième siècle une philosophie de la technique. Il s’agit de repenser la technique, non pas comme aliénation, mais comme possibilité d’évolution, avec le développement de la technique. Cet article présente ainsi l’intelligence (...)
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    L'intelligence artificielle n'est pas une question technologique: échanges entre le philosophe et l'informaticien.Laurent Bibard - 2023 - La Tour-d'Aigues: Éditions de l'Aube. Edited by Nicolas Sabouret.
    Les auteurs de ce livre partent d'un constat clair : il n'y a pas de problème d'intelligence artificielle, il n'y a que le problème de nos attentes à l'égard de ce que nous avons nous-mêmes créé. L'ouvrage étudie donc un enjeu sociétal actuel décisif : notre rapport aux technologies. Mené à deux voix, il interroge notre vision de l'intelligence artificielle en tant que technologie. Il présente l'intérêt du double éclairage de la philosophie et de l'informatique. L'informaticien (...)
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    L’intelligence artificielle n’existe-t-elle vraiment pas? Quelques éléments de clarification autour d’une science controversée.Jean-Sébastien Vayre & Gérald Gaglio - 2021 - Diogène n° 269-270 (1):107-120.
    Depuis dix ans et avec le mouvement big data, l’intelligence artificielle a le vent en poupe. Les acteurs politiques et économiques retrouvent ainsi un intérêt à promouvoir activement l’intelligence artificielle dans le même temps que les chercheurs issus de tous les horizons scientifiques orientent de plus en plus leurs travaux vers cet objet d’étude qui, bien souvent et à tort, leur apparaît nouveau. Cet engagement collectif est nécessaire contenu de l’immensité des enjeux humains, sociaux et économiques (...)
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  43. The emergence of “truth machines”?: Artificial intelligence approaches to lie detection.Jo Ann Oravec - 2022 - Ethics and Information Technology 24 (1):1-10.
    This article analyzes emerging artificial intelligence (AI)-enhanced lie detection systems from ethical and human resource (HR) management perspectives. I show how these AI enhancements transform lie detection, followed with analyses as to how the changes can lead to moral problems. Specifically, I examine how these applications of AI introduce human rights issues of fairness, mental privacy, and bias and outline the implications of these changes for HR management. The changes that AI is making to lie detection are altering the (...)
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    Attitude of college students towards ethical issues of artificial intelligence in an international university in Japan.Nader Ghotbi, Manh Tung Ho & Peter Mantello - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (1):283-290.
    We have examined the attitude and moral perception of 228 college students towards artificial intelligence in an international university in Japan. The students were asked to select a single most significant ethical issue associated with AI in the future from a list of nine ethical issues suggested by the World Economic Forum, and to explain why they believed that their chosen issues were most important. The majority of students chose unemployment as the major ethical issue related to AI. The (...)
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    Intelligence artificielle et signification. À propos des limites et des possibilitées des sciences cognitives.W. Mendonça - 1990 - Philosophiques 17 (1):3-19.
    L'auteur distingue, dans les.travaux sur l'intelligence artifi- cielle, deux approches : l'approche technologique et l'approche cognitiviste. Il montre que les rapprochements faits, dans l'approche cognitiviste, entre l'intelligence humaine et l'intelligence artificielle, ne vont pas de soi, et que les thèses sur l'intelligence artificielle sont largement tributaires de certaines spéculations rationalistes et empi- ristes de la philosophie classique. Il expose la principale difficulté que rencontre alors une compréhension de l'intelligence humaine à partir de l'approche (...)
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    Exploring the Ethical and Spiritual Dimensions of Artificial Intelligence in Virtual Gaming: A Philosophical Inquiry.Ni Chen, Ruzinoor B. Che Mat, Limin Duan, Pingyang Lu, Yunting Liu, Xueyan Xia & Yanhong Jin - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 16 (2):52-68.
    In the digital era, digital games, particularly those in virtual spaces, have become integral to daily life, offering users not only a blend of real and virtual world interactions but also an enhanced sense of happiness and fulfilment. However, traditional digital gaming modes often fall short in meeting the increasing demands for higher quality and more immersive experiences. This paper proposes a new model for the development of artificial intelligence-driven digital games based on virtual space, addressing the ethical and (...)
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    L’intelligence artificielle peut-elle aider à estimer le risque de récidive dans les comportements violents?Agathe Berly, Cécile Manaouil & Alain Dervaux - 2020 - Médecine et Droit 2020 (163):105-109.
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  48. Philosophy and Theory of Artificial Intelligence 2021.Vincent C. Müller (ed.) - 2022 - Berlin: Springer.
    This book gathers contributions from the fourth edition of the Conference on "Philosophy and Theory of Artificial Intelligence" (PT-AI), held on 27-28th of September 2021 at Chalmers University of Technology, in Gothenburg, Sweden. It covers topics at the interface between philosophy, cognitive science, ethics and computing. It discusses advanced theories fostering the understanding of human cognition, human autonomy, dignity and morality, and the development of corresponding artificial cognitive structures, analyzing important aspects of the relationship between humans and AI systems, (...)
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  49. Human Goals Are Constitutive of Agency in Artificial Intelligence.Elena Popa - 2021 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (4):1731-1750.
    The question whether AI systems have agency is gaining increasing importance in discussions of responsibility for AI behavior. This paper argues that an approach to artificial agency needs to be teleological, and consider the role of human goals in particular if it is to adequately address the issue of responsibility. I will defend the view that while AI systems can be viewed as autonomous in the sense of identifying or pursuing goals, they rely on human goals and other values incorporated (...)
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  50.  19
    L’intelligence artificielle a-t-elle un genre?Vanessa Nurock - 2019 - Cités 4:61.
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