Results for 'Gérald Gaglio'

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  1.  26
    Organizational Sensemaking of Non-ethical Consumer Behavior: Case Study of a French Mutual Insurance Company.Bernard Cova, Gerald Gaglio, Juliette Weber & Philippe Chanial - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 148 (4):783-799.
    Researchers and managers alike are becoming increasingly interested in the topic of unethical consumer behavior. Where most studies view unethical behavior as something that is identifiable per se, the authors of the present article believe that it only exists because it has been constructed by people operating within a specific context. Hence the efforts made by this paper to explore, at the level of one specific organization, how interactions between employees and consumers might lead to the construct of unethical consumers. (...)
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    L’intelligence artificielle n’existe-t-elle vraiment pas? Quelques éléments de clarification autour d’une science controversée.Jean-Sébastien Vayre & Gérald Gaglio - 2021 - Diogène n° 269-270 (1):107-120.
    Depuis dix ans et avec le mouvement big data, l’intelligence artificielle a le vent en poupe. Les acteurs politiques et économiques retrouvent ainsi un intérêt à promouvoir activement l’intelligence artificielle dans le même temps que les chercheurs issus de tous les horizons scientifiques orientent de plus en plus leurs travaux vers cet objet d’étude qui, bien souvent et à tort, leur apparaît nouveau. Cet engagement collectif est nécessaire contenu de l’immensité des enjeux humains, sociaux et économiques qui sont associés au (...)
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  3. Empirical Success or Explanatory Success: What Does Current Scientific Realism Need to Explain?Gerald Doppelt - 2005 - Philosophy of Science 72 (5):1076-1087.
    Against the well-known objection that in the history of science there are many theories that are successful but false, Psillos offers a three-pronged defense of scientific realism as the best explanation for the success of science. Focusing on these, I criticize Psillos’ defense, arguing that each prong is weakened when we recognize that according to realist rebuttals of the underdetermination argument and versions of empiricism, realists are committed to accounting for the explanatory success of theories, not their mere empirical adequacy (...)
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    Defensive Escalations.Gerald Lang - 2022 - The Journal of Ethics 26 (2):273-294.
    Defence cases with an escalatory structure, in which the levels of violence between aggressor and defender start out as minor and then become major, even lethal, raise sharp problems for defence theory, and for our understanding of the conditions of defence: proportionality, necessity, and imminence. It is argued here that defenders are not morally required to withdraw from participation in these cases, and that defensive escalations do not offend against any of the conditions of defence, on an adequate understanding of (...)
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    Classical Sāṃkhya: an interpretation of its history and meaning.Gerald James Larson - 1979 - Santa Barbara [Calif.]: Ross/Erikson. Edited by Īśvarakṛṣṇa.
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    Believable Normative Error Theory.Gerald K. Harrison - 2022 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 8 (2):208-223.
    Normative error theory is thought by some to be unbelievable because they suppose the incompatibility of believing a proposition at the same time as believing that one has no normative reason to believe it—which believing in normative error theory would seem to involve. In this article, I argue that normative holism is believable and that a normative holist will believe that the truth of a proposition does not invariably generate a normative reason to believe it. I outline five different scenarios (...)
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    Reasons and Arguments.Gerald M. Nosich - 1982 - Belmont, CA, USA: Wadsworth.
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  8. Backwards into the future: Neorepublicanism as a postsocialist critique of market society.Gerald F. Gaus - 2003 - Social Philosophy and Policy 20 (1):59-91.
    A. Two conceptions of moral legitimacy Socialism, understood as the rejection of markets based on private property in favor of comprehensive centralized economic planning, is no longer a serious political option. If the core of capitalism is the organization of the economy primarily through market competition based on private property, then capitalism has certainly defeated socialism. Markets have been accepted—and central planning abandoned—throughout most of the “third world” and the formerly Communist states. In the advanced industrial states of the West, (...)
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  9. The Place of Religious Belief in Public Reason Liberalism.Gerald Gaus - unknown
    In the few decades a new conception of liberalism has arisen—the “public reason view” — which developed out of contractualist approaches to justifying liberalism. The social contract theories of Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau all stressed that the justification of the state depended on showing that everyone would, in some way, consent to it. By relying on consent, social contract theory seemed to suppose a voluntarist conception of political justice: what is just depends on what people choose to agree to — (...)
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  10. Derrida's cat (who am I?).Gerald Bruns - 2008 - Research in Phenomenology 38 (3):404-423.
    What is it to be seen (naked) by one's cat? In “L'animal que donc je suis” (2006), the first of several lectures that he presented at a conference on the “autobiographical animal,” Jacques Derrida tells of his discomfort when, emerging from his shower one day, he found himself being looked at by his cat. Th experience leads him, by way of reflections on the question of the animal, to what is arguably the question of his philosophy: Who am I? It (...)
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  11. Salience Reasoning.Gerald J. Postema - 2008 - Topoi 27 (1-2):41-55.
    The thesis of this essay is that social conventions of the kind Lewis modeled are generated and maintained by a form of practical reasoning which is essentially common. This thesis is defended indirectly by arguing for an interpretation of the role of salience in Lewis’s account of conventions. The remarkable ability of people to identify salient options and appreciate their practical significance in contexts of social interaction, it is argued, is best explained in terms of their exercise of what I (...)
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    “Protestant” interpretation and social practices.Gerald Postema - 1987 - Law and Philosophy 6 (3):283 - 319.
    In general, offers a good discussion of Dworkin's theory of interpretation. Postema is critically concerned with whether Dworkin commits himself to individualistic and privatistic sense of interpretation and how Dworkin articulates the logical independency of pre-interpretive paradigm instances or social facts which form the object of interpretation and the end which is interpretively posited in the act of interpretation. Criticisms, for the most part, appear to be compatible with Dworkin's overall theory and may simply be additional explication of the character (...)
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  13.  83
    Hume’s reply to the sensible knave.Gerald J. Postema - 1988 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 5 (1):23 - 40.
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    Perceptual content.Gerald Vision - 1998 - Philosophy 73 (3):395-427.
  15. Interests, universal and particular: Bentham's utilitarian theory of value.Gerald J. Postema - 2006 - Utilitas 18 (2):109-133.
    The basic concept of Bentham's moral and political philosophy was public utility. He linked it directly with the concept of the universal interest, which comprises a distinctive partnership of the interests of all members of the community. The ultimate end of government and aim of all of morality is ‘the advancement of the universal interest’. This essay articulates the structure of Bentham's notion of universal interest and locates it in his theory of value.
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  16. Philosophie im deutschsprachigen Raum 1800-1830.Gerald Hartung (ed.) - 2020
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  17. In Honor of Bonnie Bullough.Gerald Larue - 1996 - Free Inquiry 16.
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    Some Notes on the Concept and Experimental Study of Cooperation.Gerald Marwell & David R. Schmitt - 1971 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 1 (2):153-164.
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    Is St. Thomas’ “Science of God” Still Relevant Today?Gerald A. McCool - 1974 - International Philosophical Quarterly 14 (4):435-454.
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    “To Shift to a Higher Structure”: Desire, Disembodiment, and Evolution in the Anime of Otomo, Ishii, and Anno.Gerald Miller - 2008 - Intertexts 12 (1-2):145-166.
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    Doing Philosophy.Gerald Rochelle - 2012 - Edinburgh, Scotland: Routledge.
    First published in 2012, Doing Philosophy presents the basics of how 'to do' philosophy -- what philosophy is, how we can think, the nature of logic, some special terms -- in a straightforward and easy to understand style. Then, using questions and exercises as well as everyday examples, the author takes the reader on a wide-ranging tour of key philosophical topics which, as well as the 'standard fare' of logic, epistemology, mind, God etc., also includes ethical, social, scientific, cultural and (...)
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  22. (1 other version)Saint Thomas Aquinas.Gerald Vann - 1940 - London,: Hague & Gill.
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    Integrity and compromise in nursing ethics.Gerald R. Winslow - 1991 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 16 (3):307-323.
    Nurses are often caught in the middle of what appear to be intractable moral conflicts. For such times, the function and limits of moral compromise need to be explored. Compromise is compatible with moral integrity if a number of conditions are met. Among these are the sharing of a moral language, mutual respect on the part of those who differ, acknowledgement of factual and moral complexities, and recognition of limits to compromise. Nurses are in a position uniquely suited to leadership (...)
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    American pragmatism as a guide for professional ethical conduct for engineers.Gerald A. Emison - 2004 - Science and Engineering Ethics 10 (2):225-233.
    The ethical choices faced by engineers today are increasingly complex. Competing and conflicting ethical demands from clients, communities, employees, and personal objectives combine to suggest that engineers employ ethical approaches that are adaptive yet grounded in three concrete professional circumstances: first, that engineers apply unique professional skills in the service of a client, subject to protecting the public interest; second, that engineers advance the state of knowledge of their professional field through reflection, research, and sharing experience in journals and conferences, (...)
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    Understanding symbolic logic.Gerald J. Massey - 1970 - New York,: Harper & Row.
  26. “Cemented with Diseased Qualities”: Sympathy and Comparison in Hume’s Moral Psychology.Gerald J. Postema - 2005 - Hume Studies 31 (2):249-298.
    Mandeville writes that it was said of Montaigne “that he was pretty well vers’d in the Defects of Man-kind, but unacquainted with the Excellencies of human Nature,” adding, “If I fare no worse, I shall think my self well used.” Mandeville transformed Montaigne’s suggestion into a methodology for his systematic attempt to “anatomize the invisible Parts of Man”. His tale of “the grumbling hive,” and his extensive commentary on it, were designed to demonstrate that “if Mankind could be cured of (...)
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    Emotion regulation choice: a broad examination of external factors.Gerald Young & Gaurav Suri - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 34 (2):242-261.
    Emotion regulation choices are known to be profoundly consequential across affective, cognitive, and social domains. Prior studies have identified two important external factors of emotion regulati...
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  28. The rights recognition thesis : defending and extending Green.Gerald F. Gaus - 2006 - In Maria Dimova-Cookson & William J. Mander (eds.), T.H. Green: ethics, metaphysics, and political philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press.
    In his Lectures on the Principles of Political Obligation, T. H. Green characterizes a right as ‘a power claimed and recognized as contributory to a common good’ (LPPO §99). Scholars such as Rex Martin have noted that Green’s characterization of a right has multiple elements: it includes social recognition and the common good,1 as well as the idea of a power. More formally, it seems that Green wants to say that R is a right if and only if R is (...)
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  29. The truth about philosophical investigations I §§134–137.Gerald Vision - 2005 - Philosophical Investigations 28 (2):159–176.
    A broad, though not unanimous, consensus among commentators is that the later Wittgenstein subscribes to a redundancy conception of truth. I reject that interpretation. No doubt much depends on what is meant by a redundancy theory. But once even mildly plausible versions of that view are isolated a review of the relevant texts shows that the evidence for that interpretation collapses. Moreover, the redundancy interpretation is at odds with guiding prescriptions in the post‐1932 corpus. Wittgenstein doesn’t hold that truth can (...)
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  30.  18
    Chapter IV. The Nonideal: The Open Society.Gerald Gaus - 2016 - In Gerald F. Gaus (ed.), The Tyranny of the Ideal: Justice in a Diverse Society. Princeton: Princeton University Press. pp. 150-240.
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    Note on Copi's system.Gerald J. Massey - 1963 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 4 (2):140-141.
  32.  15
    Is Perception Cognitively Mediated?Gerald W. Glaser - 1991 - In Terence E. Horgan & John L. Tienson (eds.), Connectionism and the Philosophy of Mind. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 437--443.
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  33. Alan Watts and secular competence in religious praxis.Gerald Ostdiek - 2021 - In Peter J. Columbus (ed.), The Relevance of Alan Watts in Contemporary Culture: Understanding Contributions and Controversies. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Metamorphosis of Language in Apuleius: A Study of Allusion in the Novel (review).Gerald N. Sandy - 1999 - American Journal of Philology 120 (3):471-475.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Metamorphosis of Language in Apuleius: A Study of Allusion in the NovelGerald SandyEllen D. Finkelpearl. Metamorphosis of Language in Apuleius: A Study of Allusion in the Novel. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1998. xii 1 241 pp. Cloth, $42.50.At first glance the use of the word “allusion” in the subtitle of this book suggests an old-fashioned approach to literary analysis. Finkelpearl has, however, given a lot of (...)
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  35. The Evolution of Society and Mind: Hayek's System of Ideas.Gerald Gaus - unknown
    As a rule, Hayek has not been treated kindly by scholars. One would expect that a political theorist and economist of his stature would be charitably, if not sympathetically, read by commentators; instead, Hayek often elicits harsh dismissals. This is especially true of his fundamental ideas about the evolution of society and reason. A reader will find influential discussions in which his analysis is described as “dogmatic,” “unsophisticated,” and “crude.” In this chapter I propose to take a fresh start, sketching (...)
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    Commentary: Legal and Ethical Issues.Gerald Dworkin - 1987 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 12 (1):63-64.
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  37. Kingship According to the Deuteronomistic History.Gerald Eddie Gerbrandt - 1986
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  38. Targeted Killing.Gerald Lang - 2021 - In Hugh LaFollette (ed.), International Encyclopedia of Ethics. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
    Targeted killing is a subspecies of assassination, deployed against irregular combatants such as terrorists. The justification for targeted killing bypasses the usual ‘war paradigm’ and ‘criminal enforcement paradigm’, and is thus unusual. There are various ways of securing such a justification, but also a number of dangers attending these arguments.
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    The perception of rotary motion.Gerald M. Murch - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 86 (1):83.
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    Some notes on the concept and experimental study of cooperation.Gerald Marwell Anddavid R. Schmitt - 1971 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 1 (2):153–164.
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    Human Flourishing and Autonomy as Passive.Gerald Taylor - unknown
    Most prominent accounts of autonomy are active accounts, which means they hold that an agent can be autonomous with respect to a given action only if that agent has appropriately sanctioned that action. Active accounts, however, are vulnerable to the regress problem, since it seems that the required sanctioning actions are themselves just actions that must be sanctioned. Passive accounts hope to avoid the regress problem by eschewing the notion that autonomous action requires agential sanction, but face in its place (...)
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  42. Vagueness, Truth and Varzi.Gerald Hull - manuscript
    Is 'vague' vague? Is the meaning of 'true' vague? Is higher-order vagueness unavoidable? Is it possible to say precisely what it is to say something precisely? These questions, deeply interrelated and of fundamental importance to logic and semantics, have been addressed recently by Achille Varzi in articles focused on an ingenius attempt by Roy Sorensen ("An Argument for the Vagueness of 'Vague'") to demonstrate that 'vague' is vague.
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  43. The idea and ideal of capitalism.Gerald Gaus - 2010 - In George G. Brenkert & Tom L. Beauchamp (eds.), The Oxford handbook of business ethics. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Consider a stylized contrast between medical and business ethics. Both fields of applied ethics focus on a profession whose activities are basic to human welfare. Both enquire into obligations of professionals, and the relations between goals intrinsic to the profession and ethical duties to others and to the society. I am struck, however, by a fundamental difference: whereas medical ethics takes place against a background of almost universal consensus that the practice of medicine is admirable and morally praiseworthy, the business (...)
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  44.  22
    What's Special about the History of Philosophy?Gerald J. Galgan - 1987 - American Philosophical Quarterly 24 (1):91 - 96.
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    Secret Passions, Secret Remedies: Narcotic Drugs in British Society, 1820-1930. Terry M. Parssinen.Gerald Grob - 1984 - Isis 75 (3):606-607.
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    Ideographic computation in the propositional calculus.Gerald B. Standley - 1954 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 19 (3):169-171.
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    Thinking Critically about College Writing.Gerald J. Erion - 2000 - Teaching Philosophy 23 (1):53-61.
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    An Alert And Independent Thomist: William Norris Clarke.Gerald A. Mccool - 1986 - International Philosophical Quarterly 26 (1):3-22.
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    Le constructivisme piagétien et la théorie de l'équilibration illustrés par la construction de la notion de proportion.Gérald Noelting - 1977 - Philosophiques 4 (2):145-194.
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    3. Why Did George Grant Love Celine?Gerald Owen - 1996 - In Arthur Davis (ed.), George Grant and the subversion of modernity: art, philosophy, politics, religion, and education. Buffalo: University of Toronto Press. pp. 54-76.
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