Results for 'Ioannis Sarmas'

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  1.  11
    The Fair Balance: Justice as an Equilibrium-setting Exercise.Ioannis Sarmas - 2014 - Athens: Sakkoulas Publications.
    Emergence of the requirement of justice -- Justice's major platforms -- Justice within human rights -- Judges' balancing exercise -- The calculus of social harmonization -- Equilibrating the forces of attraction and repulsion -- Principles of justice and the reasons for their mixing -- Metrics and dialectics for a reflective equilibrium -- Social institutions as equilibrium setting tools.
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    Ioannis kyriakakis.Ioannis Kyriakakis - 2012 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 11 (32):132-154.
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    Smr̥tiyoṃ Meṃ Ācāra-Mīmāṃsā: Manu, Yājñavalkya Aura Pārāśara-Smr̥ti Ke Sandarbha Meṃ.Ushā Jośī Śarmā - 2012 - Satyam Pabliśiṅga Hāūsa.
    On Hindu ethics and code of conduct in Hindu smr̥tis.
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    Efficiency and complexity of price competition among single-product vendors.Ioannis Caragiannis, Xenophon Chatzigeorgiou, Panagiotis Kanellopoulos, George A. Krimpas, Nikos Protopapas & Alexandros A. Voudouris - 2017 - Artificial Intelligence 248 (C):9-25.
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    Hobbes's Thucydides.Ioannis Evrigenis - 2006 - Journal of Military Ethics 5 (4):303-316.
    Commentators have found Hobbes's translation of Thucydides? history puzzling. It was Hobbes's first publication and it preceded his earliest political treatise by more than a decade. Although towards the end of his life Hobbes himself claimed that he published it in order to warn his compatriots of the dangers of democracy and demagoguery, some commentators have dismissed his explanation as an attempt to tie it to his own political theory, in hindsight. Through an examination of Hobbes's preface and essay on (...)
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    The Hindu standpoint.Dittakavi Subrahmanya Sarma - 1956 - Madras,: M. L. J. Off..
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    The epistemology of the Prabhakara school of Purvamimamsa.Rajendra Nath Sarma - 2005 - Guwahati: Dr. Rajendra Nath Sarma.
    On theory of Knowledge and semantics accroding to Mimamsa philosophy.
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    The Impact of Perceived Greenwashing on Customer Satisfaction and the Contingent Role of Capability Reputation.Ioannis Ioannou, George Kassinis & Giorgos Papagiannakis - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 185 (2):333-347.
    We investigate the impact of perceived greenwashing on customer satisfaction. Unlike prior research that largely examines customer perceptions associated with irresponsible behavior, we focus on cases where firms overcommit and/or do not deliver on promised socially responsible actions. We theorize that this type of greenwashing is associated with lower customer satisfaction because customers perceive greenwashing through the lens of corporate hypocrisy. Using data from the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) for U.S. companies during the period 2008–2016, we document a negative (...)
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  9. Citsukha's contribution to Advaita: with special reference to the Tattva-pradīpikā.V. Anjaneya Sarma - 1974 - Mysore: Kavyalaya Publishers.
    Study on the contribution of Citsukha, 13th century Indian philosopher, to the non-dualistic (advaita) school of Hindu philosophy.
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    Anxiety makes time pass quicker while fear has no effect.Ioannis Sarigiannidis, Christian Grillon, Monique Ernst, Jonathan P. Roiser & Oliver J. Robinson - 2020 - Cognition 197 (C):104116.
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  11. Studies on Indian culture, science, and literature: being Prof. K.V. Sarma felicitation volume presented to him on his 81st birthday.K. V. Sarma, N. Gangadharan, S. A. S. Sarma & S. S. R. Sarma (eds.) - 2000 - Chennai: Sree Sarada Education Society Research Centre.
  12. Reign of Realism in Indian Philosophy.R. Nagaraja Sarma - 1931 - National Press.
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    10. Ammonius Hermeiou on the appearances of ghosts.Ioannis Papachristou - 2019 - In Katerina Ierodiakonou & Pantelis Golitsis, Aristotle and His Commentators: Studies in Memory of Paraskevi Kotzia. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 151-166.
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    Tamil Siddhas: a study from historical, socio-cultural, and religio-philosophical perspectives.Shuddhananda A. Sarma - 2007 - New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers.
    Illustrations: 14 B/w Illustrations Description: Tamil Siddhas hav ebeen known as iconoclastic in their writings and tendencies. Here this misunderstanding is cleared and correct knowledge of the writings is given. For the first time also, the writings is given. For the first time also, the das adiksa and gymnosophy of the Tamil Siddhas are adumberated here in a new light, which the students of the Tamil Siddhas will appreciate. The author has attempted, successfully to prove some of the concepts and (...)
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  15. Hypothesis, analysis and synthesis, it’s all Greek to me.Ioannis Iliopoulos, Sophia Ananiadou, Antoine Danchin, John P. A. Ioannidis, Peter D. Katsidis, Christos A. Ouzounis & Vasilis J. Promponas - 2019 - eLife 8:e43514.
    The linguistic foundations of science and technology include many terms that have been borrowed from ancient languages. In the case of terms with origins in the Greek language, the modern meaning can often differ significantly from the original one. Here we use the PubMed database to demonstrate the prevalence of words of Greek origin in the language of modern science, and call for scientists to exercise care when coining new terms.
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    Spiritualism in the Philosophy of Socrates.Ramala Sarma - 2024 - International Philosophical Quarterly 64 (1):47-56.
    The quest for knowledge, for Socrates, is a holistic approach in which the subject is required to transform himself. This brings Socrates’ philosophy closer to the self-enhancement practice of spiritualism. The present study tries to explore the spiritual hue in the key thoughts of Socrates, viz., self-knowledge, goodness, knowledge and virtue, conscious ignorance, training for death, and the investigative methods he used like irony, midwifery method, and dialectic method, etc. The work is an analytical study based on the relevant published (...)
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  17. Emerging Zoonotic Diseases: Should We Rethink the Animal–Human Interface?Ioannis Magouras, Victoria J. Brookes, Ferran Jori, Angela K. Martin, Dirk Udo Pfeiffer & Salome Dürr - 2020 - Frontiers in Veterinary Science 582743 (7).
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    Aristotle's Wondering Children.Ioannis Alysandratos, Dimitra Balla, Despina Konstantinidi & Panagiotis Thanassas - 2019 - Politeia 1 (3):68-81.
    Wonder is undoubtedly a term that floats around in today’s academic discussion both on ancient philosophy and on philosophy of education. Back in the 4th century B.C., Aristotle underlined the fact that philosophy begins in wonder, without being very specific about the conditions and the effects of its emergence. He focused a great deal on children’s education, emphasizing its fundamental role in human beings’ moral fulfillment, though he never provided a systematic account of children’s moral status. The aim of this (...)
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    Necessity in International Law, written by Jens David Ohlin & Larry May.Ioannis D. Evrigenis - 2018 - Grotiana 39 (1):155-159.
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  20. Reign of realism: English exposition of Daśaprakaranas of Śrī Ānandatīrtha.R. Nagaraja Sarma - 2008 - Bangalore: Dvaita Vedanta Studies and Research Foundation. Edited by Madhva.
    Exposition of Daśaprakaraṇa (ten minor collective tracts) on Dvaita Vedanta by Madhva, 13th cent. ; includes complete text in Sanskrit.
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  21. Sarikaracarya in the Perspective of His Time.Dr Er Sreekrishna Sarma - 1997 - In V. Venkatachalam, Śaṅkarācārya: the ship of enlightenment. New Delhi: Sahitya Akademi.
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  22. Ecumenical empiricism.Ioannis Votsis - unknown
    Empiricism has been a pivotal philosophical topic for more than two millennia. Several Sophists, Aristotle, the Epicureans, Sextus Empiricus, Francis Bacon, Locke, Hume, Mill, Mach and the Logical Empiricists represent a long line of historically influential empiricists who share a prioritising of the sensory over all other forms of knowledge. The latest influential incarnation, Bas van Fraassen’s constructive empiricism, takes science to aim at empirically adequate theories, i.e. theories that save all and only the observable phenomena. Roughly put, an object (...)
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    Heat in Inter-theory Relations.Ioannis Votsis - unknown
    In scientific realist eyes we are only warranted to assert that a theory is true or approximately true if that theory enjoys considerable explanatory and predictive success. The most well known challenge to this claim, the pessimistic meta-induction, holds that the history of science is replete with successful theories that are now considered false. In effect, this challenge raises doubts about the reliability of inferences from explanatory and predictive success to (approximate) truth. The main realist reaction has been to argue (...)
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    First steps towards probabilistic justification logic.Ioannis Kokkinis, Petar Maksimović, Zoran Ognjanović & Thomas Studer - 2015 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 23 (4):662-687.
  25. Aesthetic perception and its minimal content: a naturalistic perspective.Ioannis Xenakis & Argyris Arnellos - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
    Aesthetic perception is one of the most interesting topics for philosophers and scientists who investigate how it influences our interactions with objects and states of affairs. Over the last few years, several studies have attempted to determine “how aesthetics is represented in an object,” and how a specific feature of an object could evoke the respective feelings during perception. Despite the vast number of approaches and models, we believe that these explanations do not resolve the problem concerning the conditions under (...)
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  26. On Causal and constructive Modeling of Belief Change.Ravishankar Sarma - manuscript
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    The metric distortion of multiwinner voting.Ioannis Caragiannis, Nisarg Shah & Alexandros A. Voudouris - 2022 - Artificial Intelligence 313 (C):103802.
  28. The teaching of computer ethics on computer science and related degree programmes. a European survey.Ioannis Stavrakakis, Damian Gordon, Brendan Tierney, Anna Becevel, Emma Murphy, Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic, Radu Dobrin, Viola Schiaffonati, Cristina Pereira, Svetlana Tikhonenko, J. Paul Gibson, Stephane Maag, Francesco Agresta, Andrea Curley, Michael Collins & Dympna O’Sullivan - 2021 - International Journal of Ethics Education 7 (1):101-129.
    Within the Computer Science community, many ethical issues have emerged as significant and critical concerns. Computer ethics is an academic field in its own right and there are unique ethical issues associated with information technology. It encompasses a range of issues and concerns including privacy and agency around personal information, Artificial Intelligence and pervasive technology, the Internet of Things and surveillance applications. As computing technology impacts society at an ever growing pace, there are growing calls for more computer ethics content (...)
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    The Functional Role of Emotions in Aesthetic Judgement.Ioannis Xenakis, Argyris Arnellos & John Darzentas - 2012 - New Ideas in Psychology 30 (2).
    Exploring emotions, in terms of their evolutionary origin; their basic neurobiological substratum, and their functional significance in autonomous agents, we propose a model of minimal functionality of emotions. Our aim is to provide a naturalized explanation – mostly based on an interactivist model of emergent representation and appraisal theory of emotions – concerning basic aesthetic emotions in the formation of aesthetic judgment. We suggest two processes the Cognitive Variables Subsystem (CVS) which is fundamental for the accomplishment of the function of (...)
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  30. t. 1. Introduction / Benoît Patar. Expositio in Aristotelis octo libros Physicorum.Ioannis Buridani - 1999 - In Jean Buridan, Benoît Patar & Albertus, Expositio et quaestiones in Aristotelis Physicam ad Albertum de Saxonia attributae. Louvain-la-Neuve: Louvain-la-Neuve [Belgique] : Éditions de l'Institut supérieur de philosophie.
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  31. Quantifying superlatives and homo sapiens.Veloudis Ioannis - 1998 - Journal of Semantics 15 (3).
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    D.V.G. Gita dharma: philosophy of living.Gollapalli Nagabhushana Sarma - 1999 - Bangalore: Ultra Publications.
    Study on Śrīmadbhagavadgītātparya, exposition of Bhagavadgītā, Hindu philosophical text, by D.V. Gundappa.
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    Non-canonical word order: Topic and Focus in adult and child Tamil.Vaijayanthi Sarma - 2003 - In Simin Karimi, Word order and scrambling. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell. pp. 4--238.
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    Verbal knowledge in Prābhākara-Mīmāṁsā.Rajendra Nath Sarma - 1990 - Delhi, India: Sri Satguru Publications.
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  35. Śābarabhāṣya vyākhyā Granthayojanā.E. R. Sreekrishna Sarma, Jaimini & Śabarasvāmi (eds.) - 1989 - Madras: Adyar Library and Research Centre.
    Granthayojanā, anonymous supercommentary, on Śābarabhāṣya, commentary on the Mīmāṃsāsūtra of Jaimini; based on a rare manuscript preserved in the Adyar Library.
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  36. Proceedings of the National Seminar on Vedic Astro Sciences.S. Sudarsana Sarma (ed.) - 2009 - Tirupati: Sri Venkateswara Vedic University.
    Contributed research papers presented as National Seminar on Vedic Astro Sciences, organized by S.V. Vedic University on 7th and 8th June, 2008 in association with the Centre for Theoritical Studies and Research, Birbhum, West Bengal).
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    Sanskrit Astronomical Tables in the United States.K. V. Sarma & David Pingree - 1969 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 89 (4):786.
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    Transition from the flux lattice to the intermediate state structures in a lead-indium alloy.N. V. Sarma - 1968 - Philosophical Magazine 18 (151):171-176.
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    The influence of defects on the structure of the intermediate state in superconductive lead.N. V. Sarma & J. R. Moon - 1968 - Philosophical Magazine 17 (147):501-508.
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    The influence of a transport current on the intermediate state of superconductive lead.N. V. Sarma & A. Wilcockson - 1969 - Philosophical Magazine 20 (165):539-545.
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  41. Advaitavedāntasāhityetihāsakośaḥ.R. Thangaswami Sarma - 1980 - Madras: University of Madras.
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  42. Bhāratīyadarśaneṣu pratyakṣapramāṇavimarśaḥ.R. Thangaswami Sarma - 1995 - Madrāsa: Aḍayāra Pustakālayaḥ Anusandhānakendraśca.
    Study on perception in Indian philosophy.
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  43. Darśanamañjarī.R. Thangaswami Sarma - 1985 - [Madras]: University of Madras.
    Digest of published and unpublished texts on Indic philosophy.
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  44. Mīmāṃsāmañjarī.R. Thangaswami Sarma - 1996 - New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers.
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    Nietzschean Evaluation of Kant's and Marx's Historical Thought.Ioannis Topalis - 2004 - Philosophical Inquiry 26 (4):115-130.
  46. Hegel on Forms of Consciousness.Ioannis Trisokkas - 2012 - In Pyrrhonian Scepticism and Hegel’s Theory of Judgement: A Treatise on the Possibility of Scientific Inquiry. Brill. pp. 71-92.
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  47. Hegel on Reason and Unification of Truth-Claims.Ioannis Trisokkas - 2012 - In Pyrrhonian Scepticism and Hegel’s Theory of Judgement: A Treatise on the Possibility of Scientific Inquiry. Brill. pp. 43-70.
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    Putting Realism in Perspectivism.Ioannis Votsis - 2012 - Philosophica 84 (1):85-122.
    This paper examines what exactly amounts to the view commonly known as ‘perspectivism’, sometimes also known as ‘perspectivalism’. Of the various possible conceptions of perspectivism, four are singled out for closer inspection. Each makes clearly separable claims of varying strength. Their strength is judged against how much doubt they throw on key claims made by the view’s presumed arch-nemesis, namely realism. It is argued that the first two offer no serious challenge to realism. To be precise, it is argued that (...)
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    Truthful aggregation of budget proposals with proportionality guarantees.Ioannis Caragiannis, George Christodoulou & Nicos Protopapas - 2024 - Artificial Intelligence 335 (C):104178.
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  50. Everything you always wanted to know about structural realism but were afraid to ask.Roman Frigg & Ioannis Votsis - 2011 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 1 (2):227-276.
    Everything you always wanted to know about structural realism but were afraid to ask Content Type Journal Article Pages 227-276 DOI 10.1007/s13194-011-0025-7 Authors Roman Frigg, Department of Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method, London School of Economics and Political Science, Houghton Street, London, WC2A 2AE UK Ioannis Votsis, Philosophisches Institut, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Universitätsstraße 1, Geb. 23.21/04.86, 40225 Düsseldorf, Germany Journal European Journal for Philosophy of Science Online ISSN 1879-4920 Print ISSN 1879-4912 Journal Volume Volume 1 Journal Issue Volume 1, Number (...)
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