Results for 'Iride Albanese'

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  1.  19
    The delight makers: Anglo-American metaphysical religion and the pursuit of happiness.Catherine L. Albanese - 2023 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    Can you draw a clear line through American history from the Puritans to the "Nones" of today? On the surface, there is not much connective tissue between the former, who often serve as shorthand for a persistent religious fanaticism in the United States, and the almost one quarter of the population who now regularly check the "None" or "None of the above" box when responding to surveys of religious preference. But instead of seeing a disconnect between these two groups separated (...)
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    Models in science and in education: A critical review of research on students' ideas about the earth and its place in the universe.A. Albanese, M. C. Danhoni Neves & Matilde Vicentini - 1997 - Science & Education 6 (6):573-590.
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  3. Biografia intellettuale di Mario Martelli.Gabriella Albanese - 2009 - Rinascimento 49:461.
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    Corresponding motion: transcendental religion and the new America.Catherine L. Albanese - 1977 - Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
    This study began with some questions about the saying and doings of a group of Transcendentalists in nineteenth-century New England. Renowned for their role in the creation of a distinctively philosophical thought, the Transcendentalists have long been regarded in twentieth-century scholarship as a major movement in American culture... Recently, they have become heroes for a generation concerned with ecological problems and seeking new models for respect toward the land and the environment.
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    Immagini della crisi: Nietzsche, Husserl, Joyce, Heidegger, Bachtin, Bataille, Foucault e Murakami.Luciano Albanese (ed.) - 2017 - [Rome]: Stamen.
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    I Misteri egiziani di Giamblico: guida alla lettura.Luciano Albanese - 2014 - Roma: Aracne editrice S.r.l..
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    Il neoplatonismo di Giamblico e altri saggi.Luciano Albanese - 2014 - [Rome]: Stamen.
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  8. Leon Battista Alberti nella storiografia letteraria E artistica Dell'umanesimo E Del rinascimento.Gabriella Albanese - 2007 - Rinascimento 47:49-91.
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    Un uomo di nome Benedetto: la vita di Croce nei suoi aspetti privati e poco noti.Camillo Albanese - 2001 - Napoli: Edizioni scientifiche italiane.
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    The Literary Imagination: Essays on Literature and Society (review).Ralph Albanese - 1984 - Philosophy and Literature 8 (1):135-136.
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    Why do we believe that an atom is colourless? Reflections about the teaching of the particle model.Alessandro Albanese & Matilde Vicentini - 1997 - Science & Education 6 (3):251-261.
  12. " In honorem regis edidit". The writing-desk of Bartolomeo Facio at the Neapolitan court of Alfonso the Magnanimous (With an edition of the'Rerum gestarum Alfonsi regis liber).G. Albanese & D. Pietragalla - 1999 - Rinascimento 39:293.
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  13.  26
    Wrist Position Sense in Two Dimensions: Between-Hand Symmetry and Anisotropic Accuracy Across the Space.Giulia A. Albanese, Michael W. R. Holmes, Francesca Marini, Pietro Morasso & Jacopo Zenzeri - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    A deep investigation of proprioceptive processes is necessary to understand the relationship between sensory afferent inputs and motor outcomes. In this work, we investigate whether and how perception of wrist position is influenced by the direction along which the movement occurs. Most previous studies have tested Joint Position Sense through 1 degree of freedom wrist movements, such as flexion/extension or radial/ulnar deviation. However, the wrist joint has 3-DoF and many activities of daily living produce combined movements, requiring at least 2-DoF (...)
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    We are not as ethical as we think we are: conversations about low visibility decisions that corrupt government, business and ourselves, or, better ethical conduct in six steps.Jay S. Albanese - 2021 - Potomac Falls, Virginia: Great Ideas Publishing.
    In six compelling chapters, this book recounts conversations that discuss what is ethical, why it does not occur more often, and how can we improve ethical conduct in our personal and public lives. The conversations include Knowing Ethical Principles, Learning How to Apply Principles in Practice, Moral Reminders, Accountability for Conduct, Addressing Structural Problems, and Ethical Vigilance. Major ethical perspectives are discussed in conversational format, as are fascinating ethical dilemmas taken from actual cases to evaluate and improve our ability to (...)
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    Challenges in using rater judgements in medical education.Mark A. Albanese - 2000 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 6 (3):305-319.
  16.  16
    Physician-reported characteristics, representations, and ethical justifications of shared decision-making practices in the care of paediatric patients with prolonged disorders of consciousness.Marta Fadda, Emiliano Albanese, Roberto Malacrida, Federica Merlo & Vinurshia Sellaiah - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-13.
    BackgroundDespite consensus about the importance of implementing shared decision-making (SDM) in clinical practice, this ideal is inconsistently enacted today. Evidence shows that SDM practices differ in the degree of involvement of patients or family members, or in the amount of medical information disclosed to patients in order to “share” meaningfully in treatment decisions. Little is known on which representations and moral justifications physicians hold when realizing SDM. This study explored physicians’ experiences of SDM in the management of paediatric patients with (...)
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  17.  84
    " Ser alguém na vida": uma análise institucional do discurso de estudantes do litoral paranaense.Marlene Guirado & Luciana Albanese Valore - 2011 - Revista Aletheia 35:79-94.
    Referenciado na Análise Institucional do Discurso, o estudo investigou os sentidos atribuídos ao "ser alguém na vida" no discurso de estudantes do ensino médio de uma escola pública do litoral paranaense. Realizaram-se entrevistas, cuja análise buscou delinear os modos de produção de subjetividade, ..
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    Functions and Outcomes of a Clinical Medical Ethics Committee: A Review of 100 Consults. [REVIEW]Jessica Richmond Moeller, Teresa H. Albanese, Kimberly Garchar, Julie M. Aultman, Steven Radwany & Dean Frate - 2012 - HEC Forum 24 (2):99-114.
    Abstract Context: Established in 1997, Summa Health System’s Medical Ethics Committee (EC) serves as an educational, supportive, and consultative resource to patients/families and providers, and serves to analyze, clarify, and ameliorate dilemmas in clinical care. In 2009 the EC conducted its 100th consult. In 2002 a Palliative Care Consult Service (PCCS) was established to provide supportive services for patients/families facing advanced illness; enhance clinical decision-making during crisis; and improve pain/symptom management. How these services affect one another has thus far been (...)
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  19.  30
    Elizabeth Maddock Dillon and Michael Drexler, eds. The Haitian Revolution and the Early United States: Histories, Textualities, Geographies. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2016. 448 pp. [REVIEW]Mary Grace Albanese - 2017 - Critical Inquiry 44 (1):180-182.
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  20.  30
    Le Dynamisme de la peur chez Moliere: une analyse socio-culturelle de 'Dom Juan,' 'Tartuffe' et 'L'Ecole des Femmes'.Jean-Marie Apostolides & Ralph Albanese - 1978 - Substance 6 (20):125.
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    De l’intégration à l’inclusion scolaire : implication des enseignants et importance du soutien social.Denise Curchod-Ruedi, Serge Ramel, Patrick Bonvin, Ottavia Albanese & Pierre-André Doudin - 2013 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 7 (2):135-147.
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    Inclusion scolaire : de l’injonction sociopolitique à la mise en œuvre de pratiques pédagogiques efficaces.Patrick Bonvin, Serge Ramel, Denise Curchod-Ruedi, Ottavia Albanese & Pierre-André Doudin - 2013 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 7 (2):127-134.
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  23. Iride: Luoghi Della Memoria E Dell'oblio.A. Spafadora (ed.) - 1995
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  24. Iride: Luoghi Della Memoria E Dell'oblio.A. Spadafora (ed.) - 1995
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  25.  20
    The Tractatus de iride “Inter omnes impressiones” Formerly Attributed to Oresme and Its Grossetestian Milieu: Introduction and Edition.Greti Dinkova-Bruun & Cecilia Panti - 2021 - Vivarium 59 (4):287-323.
    This article presents a study and a critical edition of the short anonymous treatise on the rainbow starting with the incipit Inter omnes impressiones. The text was known to Nicole Oresme who engages with it twice: in his Questiones in Meteorologica de prima lectura and in Le livre du ciel et du monde. This Tractatus de iride, previously unknown to scholars, is transmitted in three late thirteenth-century manuscripts. It uses Robert Grosseteste’s theories of the rainbow as caused by the (...)
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    Sex, iride pigmentation, and the pupillary attributions of college students to happy and angry faces.Susan L. Williams & Robert A. Hicks - 1980 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 16 (1):67-68.
  27.  17
    G. Da Molin, "L'immigrazione albanese in Puglia".M. Giovannetti - 2000 - Polis 14 (1):139-140.
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    New Science, New World. Denise Albanese.Pamela Gossin - 2000 - Isis 91 (1):144-144.
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    Magnifying Grains of Sand, Seeds, and Blades of Grass: Optical Effects in Robert Grosseteste’s De iride (On the Rainbow).Rebekah C. White, Giles E. M. Gasper, Tom C. B. McLeish, Brian K. Tanner, Joshua S. Harvey, Sigbjørn O. Sønnesyn, Laura K. Young & Hannah E. Smithson - 2021 - Isis 112 (1):93-107.
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    Electron paramagnetic resonance study of thef–dinteraction in pyrochlore iridate Gd2Ir2O7.Hui Han, Lei Zhang, Hui Liu, Langsheng Ling, Wei Tong, Youming Zou, Min Ge, Jiyu Fan, Changjin Zhang, Li Pi & Yuheng Zhang - 2015 - Philosophical Magazine 95 (27):3014-3022.
  31. Emigrazione e devianza: una inchiesta sulla gioventù albanese.Emila Markgionaj - 2001 - Studium 97 (6):977-990.
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  32.  14
    Opera physica: de radiis visus et lucis in vitris perspectivis et iride Euripus seu de fluxu et refluxu maris = Radovi iz fizike: o zrakama vida i svjetla u optičkim staklima i dugi Eurip ili o plimi i oseci mora.Marco Antonio De Dominis - 2005 - Split: Lamaro.
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    A Republic of Mind & Spirit: A Cultural History of American Metaphysical Religion by Catherine Albanese[REVIEW]Mark Chapman - 2011 - Alternative Spirituality and Religion Review 2 (2):370-374.
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  34. Li︠u︡dvig Feĭerbakh i konet︠s︡ klassicheskoĭ nemet︠s︡koĭ filosofii: S irid. K. Marks Teėisy o Feĭerbakhe.Friedrich Engels - 1971 - Moskva [U.S.S.R.]: Poditiėat. Edited by Karl Marx.
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    Hume e l’etica contemporanea, Section “Nodi” of Iride 25(67) (2012): 537-615.Lorenzo Greco (ed.) - 2012 - Il Mulino.
  36.  1
    Theodoricus Teutonicus de Vriberg De iride et radialibus impressionibus: Dietrich von Freiburg Über den Regenbogen und die durch strahlen erzeugten Eindrücke. Dietrich - 1914 - Münster i. W.: Aschendorff. Edited by Joseph Würschmidt.
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  37.  20
    Aspects of political theology in the spiritual autobiography of Mother Teresa of Calcutta.Iuliu-Marius Morariu - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (1).
    By resorting to the spiritual autobiography of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, an important religious and cultural personality of the 20th century, the author tries to emphasise the aspects of political theology that defined her way of acting and thinking and to show how she understood the relationship between religion and politics. Topics like poverty, love, giving, peace, sacrifice or responsibility are presented as keywords in the understanding of a complex vision with interdisciplinary relevance, while the two levels of poverty, namely (...)
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    Experience, Reality, and Scientific Explanation: Essays in Honor of Merrilee and Wesley Salmon.Maria Carla Galavotti & A. Pagnini - 2010 - Dordrecht and London: Springer, Dordrecht.
    The papers collected here comprise the proceedings of a Workshop in honor ofMerrilee and Wes Salmon, held in Florence on May 17-18, 1996. The aim of the meeting was to pay homage to these two American scholars, whose contact with Italian and European Universities and Institutes had a major influence on "Continental" thought in the field of epistemology and probability. In fact, Merrilee and Wes spent various periods lecturing at the Universities of Bologna, Florence, Rome, Trieste, Catania and Pisa, as (...)
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  39. Is the personal political? The boundary between the public and the private in the realm of distributive justice.Michael Otsuka - 2001 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 14 (34):609-634.
    English version of: "Il personale e politico? Il confine fra pubblico e privato nella sfera della giustizia distributiva." --- Italian text published in Carter, Ian, Otsuka, Michael and Trincia, Francesco Saverio Discussione su "If You're an Egalitarian, How Come You're So Rich?" di G.A. Cohen. Iride, XIV. pp. 609-634. ISSN 1122-7893.
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  40. Ragione E pratica sociale: L'inferenzialismo di Robert Brandom.Carlo Penco - 1999 - Rivista di Filosofia (3):467-486.
    Insieme a John McDowell, Robert Brandom è uno dei filosofi emergenti della reazione al naturalismo filosofico; seguace Wilfrid Sellars, è l'autore americano che più si avvicina al dialogo con la filosofia continentale e propone una rivalutazione di Kant e Hegel nella filosofia analitica. Già allievo di Richard Rorty, Brandom è diventuo famoso con la pubblicazione di Making it Explicit. Questo ponderoso volume di 900 pagine non ha avuto però ancora una sufficiente attenzione nel dibattito filosofico italiano (a parte alcuni inteventi (...)
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  41. Memórias de docentes: narrativas sobre saberes e fazeres de duas professoras rurais de Caxias do Sul/RS (1920-1950).Gelson Leonardo Rech, Lúcio Kreutz & Terciane Ângela Luchese - 2012 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 17 (2):98-122.
    O presente texto narra a história de duas professoras rurais que atuaram em Caxias do Sul, no período de 1920 a 1950: Alice Gasperin e Irides Lourdes Rech. Entretecer a história da educação do município a partir das histórias ordinárias de vida dessas professoras nos permite compreender os cenários escolares rurais: os saberes ensinados, os fazeres cotidianos, as dificuldades para frequentar a escola, para se tornarem e, mesmo, para se manterem professoras. São histórias ímpares, mas que comungam da condição de (...)
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  42.  24
    I diritti umani e le diverse dimensioni della democrazia.Yamandú Acosta - 2006 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 19 (3):499-508.
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    Scienze della complessità e teoria della società.Nicolò Addario - 2004 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 17 (1):123-134.
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    L'antropologia politica di Elias Canetti.Olivier Agard - 2010 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 23 (3):543-556.
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    Informis urbs.Matteo Agnoletto - 2002 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 15 (2):321-330.
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    Discussione su "Cast Away" di Robert Zemeckis.Alessandro Agostinelli & Umberto Curi - 2001 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 14 (2):405-414.
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    Discussione su "Gangs of New York" di Martin Scorsese.Alessandro Agostinelli & Umberto Curi - 2003 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 16 (3):599-608.
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    Discussione su "Moulin Rouge", di Baz Luhrmann.Alessandro Agostinelli, Umberto Curi & Dario Squilloni - 2002 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 15 (1):155-170.
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  49.  12
    Il noir come genere, il detective come personaggio-ruolo.Alessandro Agostinelli - 2002 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 15 (3):585-600.
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  50. Censoring Online Bullshit.Kristoffer Ahlstrom-Vij - forthcoming - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica.
    Online bullshit consists in online claims offered by speakers misrepresenting themselves as being concerned about the truth or falsity of what they’re saying. I’ll argue that if some practice is epistemically detrimental, we have pro tanto reason to censor it; a practice of OB is epistemically detrimental; and we thereby have pro tanto reason to censor such a practice. After having considered, and rejected, the three most promising arguments to the effect that is either false, or the reasons involved tend (...)
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