Results for 'Isa Sari'

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    Turkish Language Hand Book for Universities.Isa Sari - 2010 - Journal of Turkish Studies 5:1517-1521.
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    Human Germline Gene Editing from Maslahah Perspective: The Case of the World’s First Gene Edited Babies.Noor Munirah Isa - 2021 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 18 (2):349-355.
    This paper describes maslahah, a fundamental concept in Islam and its application in deliberating permissibility of human germline gene editing from an Islamic perspective. This paper refers to He Jiankui’s research that led to the birth of the world’s first gene edited babies, who were edited to be protected from HIV. The objective, procedure, and output of the research were assessed against the conditions of maslahah. It can be concluded that the experiment did not meet the conditions; it is inconsistent (...)
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  3. Long-Term Nursing Care of Elderly People: Identifying ethically problematic experiences among patients, relatives and nurses in Finland.Sari Teeri, Helena Leino-Kilpi & Maritta Välimäki - 2006 - Nursing Ethics 13 (2):116-129.
    The aim of this study was to explore ethically problematic situations in the long-term nursing care of elderly people. It was assumed that greater awareness of ethical problems in caring for elderly people helps to ensure ethically high standards of nursing care. To obtain a broad perspective on the current situation, the data for this study were collected among elderly patients, their relatives and nurses in one long-term care institution in Finland. The patients (n=10) were interviewed, while the relatives (n=17) (...)
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    Maintenance of Patients' Integrity in Long-Term Institutional Care.Sari Teeri, Maritta Välimäki, Jouko Katajisto & Helena Leino-Kilpi - 2008 - Nursing Ethics 15 (4):523-535.
    This study aimed to describe and compare the views of nurses and older patients' relatives on factors restricting the maintenance of patient integrity in long-term care. The purposive sample comprised 222 nurses and 213 relatives of older patients in four Finnish long-term care institutions. The data were collected using a self-developed questionnaire addressing five sets of factors relating to patients, relatives, nurses, the organization and society. The maintenance of patient integrity was restricted by: (1) social factors, including lack of respect (...)
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    Better Phonological Short-Term Memory Is Linked to Improved Cortical Memory Representations for Word Forms and Better Word Learning.Sari Ylinen, Anni Nora & Elisabet Service - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    Neurophysiological Correlates of the Rubber Hand Illusion in Late Evoked and Alpha/Beta Band Activity.Isa S. Rao & Christoph Kayser - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    Adults and Children Engage in Subtle and Fine‐Grained Action Interpretation and Evaluation in Moral Dilemmas.Isa Blomberg, Britta Schünemann, Marina Proft & Hannes Rakoczy - 2024 - Cognitive Science 48 (11):e70012.
    Understanding the actions of others is fundamental for human social life. It builds on a grasp of the subjective intentionality behind behavior: one action comprises different things simultaneously (e.g., moving their arm, turning on the light) but which of these constitute intentional actions, in contrast to merely foreseen side-effects (e.g., increasing the electricity bill), depends on the description under which the agent represents the acts. She may be acting intentionally only under the description “turning on the light,” but did not (...)
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    Thinking with, against, and beyond the Pratyabhijñā philosophy—and back again.Sari L. Berger, J. M. Fritzman & Brandon J. Vance - 2018 - Asian Philosophy 28 (1):1-19.
    We argue that the pratyabhijñā system of Kaśmir Śaivism holds an inconsistent position. On the one hand, the Pratyabhijñā regards Śiva as an impersonal mechanism and the universe, including persons, as not having agency; call this the Impersonal Component. On the other hand, it considers Śiva himself as a person, and individual persons as having agency sufficient to respond to Śiva; call this the Personal Component. We maintain that the Personal Component should be affirmed and the Impersonal Component rejected. The (...)
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    Balancing Security and Liberty.Sari Kisilevsky - 2017 - Public Affairs Quarterly 31 (1):19-50.
    This paper examines the legitimacy of the US government’s argument that it must “balance liberty and security” with regard to its policy of trying enemy belligerents in military commissions rather than federal courts. I distinguish between three senses of “balance,” and argue that the policy is ambiguous between the second (internal) and third (emergency external) senses of balance. Neither line of reasoning justifies the policy, however. On the second sense, it is unjustified because it constitutes an arbitrary limitation of the (...)
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    The politics of materiality: Affective encounters in a transdisciplinary debate.Sari Irni - 2013 - European Journal of Women's Studies 20 (4):347-360.
    This article analyses the discussion about the ‘new materialism’ or ‘material feminisms’ as an interplay between transdisciplinarity – moving beyond canons and disciplines – and affective interdisciplinary encounters. The previous discussion is taken in a slightly different direction, by arguing that a politics of materiality is at work in the debate, which is implied in affective interdisciplinary encounters. It is argued that despite the transdisciplinarity, the relations of natural science engagements to both social science and humanities feminisms are pivotal. Two (...)
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    Islamic Perspectives on CRISPR/Cas9-Mediated Human Germline Gene Editing: A Preliminary Discussion.Noor Munirah Isa, Nurul Atiqah Zulkifli & Saadan Man - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (1):309-323.
    The recent development of CRISPR/Cas9 technology has rekindled the ethical debate concerning human germline modification that has begun decades ago. This inexpensive technology shows tremendous promise in disease prevention strategies, while raising complex ethical concerns about safety and efficacy of the technology, human dignity, tampering with God’s creation, and human genetic enhancement. Germline gene editing may result in heritable changes in the human genome, therefore the question of whether it should be allowed requires deep and careful discussion from various perspectives. (...)
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    Biofeedback mechanisms between shapeable endogen structures and contingent social complexes: The nature of determination for developmental paths.Sari Goldstein Ferber - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (5):392-393.
    Biofeedback mechanisms (a) between individuals, (b) between the individual and the society structures which shape individual cognitions, and (c) within the individual genetic biochemical circulation, may explain the diversity of trustworthiness potential and the option of mutual trust for every individual in any given society.
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  13. Kitāb al-ʻuqūd al-durrīyah fī aqwāl aʼimmat al-Naṣrānīyah: yashtamil ʻalá muqaddimah wa-tisʻ ajzāʼ.Sīmūn ʻIsá (ed.) - 1911 - al-Miksīk: [Publisher Not Identified].
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    Legal Positivism and Legal Normativity: Gardner's Law as a Leap of Faith.Sari Kisilevsky - 2015 - Jurisprudence 6 (3):588-600.
  15.  25
    La Conservación Integral Alternativa desde el Sur. Una visión diferente de la conservación.Isa Torrealba & Fabricio Carbonell - 2008 - Polis 21.
    Esbozamos los elementos de un nuevo modelo conceptual para entender desde la perspectiva latinoamericana qué ocasiona el desbalance entre naturaleza y sociedad y vislumbrar así las verdaderas oportunidades y amenazas de soslayar el abismo entre lo ambiental y lo social al integrar efectivamente desarrollo y conservación. Como propuesta teórica endógena compatible con la perdurabilidad del bienestar humano y producto de 10 años de investigación en el medio rural latinoamericano (sur), presentamos al enfoque Conservación Integral Alternativa. En este artículo además de (...)
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    The concept of coregulation between neurobehavioral subsystems: The logic interplay between excitatory and inhibitory ends.Sari Goldstein Ferber - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (3):337-338.
    Neuroconstructivism, Vol. 1: How the Brain Constructs Cognition implies that brain functioning depends on biofeedback and ecological trajectories. Using the building blocks of Boolean algebra known as logic gates and models of distributed control systems, I suggest that levels of regulatory states are responsible for optimal, pathological, and developmental processes. I include the impact of regulatory and nonregulatory functions on structural development.
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    Vaihtoehtopuolue: vihreän liikkeen tie puolueeksi.Sari Aalto - 2018 - Helsinki: Into.
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    Türkiye'de Pozitivizm ve İlk Yansımaları.Mehmet Ali Sari - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 14):635-635.
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    İsl'm Devletler Hukukunda Devletin Gayrimüslimlere Ait M'betler Hususunda Yürüttüğü Politikanın Dinî mi Yoksa Siyasî mi Olduğu Üzerine Bir İnceleme.İsa Atcı - 2022 - Atebe 7:15-36.
    Müslüman olmayıp belirli şartlar çerçevesinde İslâm devletinin hâkimiyetinde yaşayan insanlara “gayrimüslim” denilmektedir. Hz. Peygamber Medine’ye hicretiyle beraber gayrimüslim toplumla karşılaşmış ve bunlarla ilgili duruşunu “Medine Sözleşmesi” ile net bir şekilde ortaya koymuştur. Sahabe dönemi ile başlayan yoğun fetih hareketleri sonucunda gayrimüslimler İslâm devletinin tebaası olmuştur. Bunlarla ilgili hukukî düzenlemeler gerçekleştirilerek devlet nezdindeki ve toplum içerisindeki statüleri belirlenmiştir. İslâm inancını kabul etmeye zorlanmayan bu insanlara inanç ve ibadet hürriyeti de tanınmıştır. Bununla birlikte bu hürriyetin çerçevesi, İslâm devleti ve Müslüman toplumun maslahatı (...)
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    (1 other version)Controlling Perimeters, Controlling Lives:Israel and Gaza.Sari Bashi - 2013 - Law and Ethics of Human Rights 7 (2):243-282.
    This article analyzes the way in which the Israeli military exercises control over life in Gaza by regulating who and what may enter or leave. Using primary source documents obtained via the Freedom of Information Act proceedings, the article details a military bureaucracy that micro-manages requests to move people and goods through Gaza’s crossings. For example, the transfer of chickpea paste requires approval from a senior military official holding the rank of major general, and soldiers evaluate the quality of care (...)
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  21. al-Manhaj al-Ḥadīthī ʻinda al-Imām Ibn Ḥazm al-Andalusī.Abū ʻAlī Ṭāhā Būsarīḥ - 2001 - Bayrūt: Dār Ibn Ḥazm.
  22.  9
    La logique et la science: étude épistémologique.Paul Césari - 1955 - Paris: Dunod.
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    La valeur.Paul Césari - 1957 - Paris,: Presses universitaires de France.
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    Les déterminismes et la contingence.Paul Césari - 1950 - Paris,: Presses universitaires de France.
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  25. Bhāratīya darśana ke sandarbha meṃ Īśa-darśana: Īsāī dr̥shṭikoṇa se.Yohana Fāisa - 1988 - Rān̐cī: Satya Bhāratī.
    Theism in Indic philosophy from the point of view of Christianity.
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    Generating Use Case Models from Arabic User Requirements in a Semiautomated Approach Using a Natural Language Processing Tool.Sari Jabbarin & Nabil Arman - 2015 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 24 (2):277-286.
    Automated software engineering has attracted a large amount of research efforts. The use of object-oriented methods for software systems development has made it necessary to develop approaches that automate the construction of different Unified Modeling Language models in a semiautomated approach from textual user requirements. UML use case models represent an essential artifact that provides a perspective of the system under analysis or development. The development of such use case models is very crucial in an object-oriented development method. The main (...)
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    Commentationes Humanarum Litterarum.Sari Kivistö - 1922
    La defensa humanista de la Retórica y la poesía a menudo toman la forma de ataques al lenguaje escolástico[...].Epistolae obscurorum virorum(1515-1517) representa, en la figura de los hombres oscuros, el iletrado monstruo escolástico, cuyo lenguaje está plagado de vicios retóricos y gramaticales y de una total falta de gusto. La poética del texto reside en la violación de las reglas retóricas e ideales formales que se les transmitieron en epistolarios antiguos y humanísticos y en manuales de Retórica[...].El presente estudio ilustra (...)
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    Arendt and Nancy.Yasemin Sari - 2019 - Symposium 23 (1):235-259.
    In light of the recent political events, it is clear that democracy itself has come to be contested and modified in a plethora of democratic practices that have expanded the very articulation of equal citizenship. My argument in this article is twofold: first, I rearticulate Arendt’s conception of “revolution” found in her On Revolution by insisting on its “beginning” and “founding” dimensions for the appearance of freedom. Coupled with Jean-Luc Nancy’s insight into a “spirit of democracy” that does not reside (...)
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    Dimentions Of The Morhemes -dAvUK / -dAyUK and –Uk In Dialects Of Turkey Turkish.Mustafa Sari - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:489-498.
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    GÜMÜŞATAM, Gürkan , Kıbrıs Türk Ağızları , TipografArt, Lefkoşa, 208 s., ISBN.Gülden Sari - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 12):779-779.
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    Historical And Geographical Dimentions Of Some Words In Şanlıurfa Dialect.Mustafa Sari - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8.
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    The Origins of Responsibility.Yasemin Sari - 2012 - Symposium 16 (1):266-270.
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    Some problems of the paradigm in communication theory.Sari Thomas - 1980 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 10 (4):427-444.
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    Darurah (Necessity) and Its Application in Islamic Ethical Assessment of Medical Applications: A Review on Malaysian Fatwa.Noor Munirah Isa - 2016 - Science and Engineering Ethics 22 (5):1319-1332.
    The discovery and invention of new medical applications may be considered blessings to humankind. However, some applications which might be the only remedy for certain diseases may contain ingredients or involve methods that are not in harmony with certain cultural and religious perspectives. These situations have raised important questions in medical ethics; are these applications completely prohibited according to these perspectives, and is there any room for mitigation? This paper explores the concept of darurah and its deliberation in the formulation (...)
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    Bioethics in the Malay‐Muslim Community in Malaysia: A Study on the Formulation of Fatwa on Genetically Modified Food by the National Fatwa Council.Noor Munirah Isa, Azizan Baharuddin, Saadan Man & Lee Wei Chang - 2014 - Developing World Bioethics 15 (3):143-151.
    The field of bioethics aims to ensure that modern scientific and technological advancements have been primarily developed for the benefits of humankind. This field is deeply rooted in the traditions of Western moral philosophy and socio-political theory. With respect to the view that the practice of bioethics in certain community should incorporate religious and cultural elements, this paper attempts to expound bioethical tradition of the Malay-Muslim community in Malaysia, with shedding light on the mechanism used by the National Fatwa Council (...)
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    “First Things First”: Application of Islamic Principles of Priority in the Ethical Assessment of Genetically Modified Foods.Noor Munirah Isa & Saadan Man - 2014 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 27 (5):857-870.
    Advancement of modern agricultural biotechnology has brought various potential benefits to humankind, but at the same time ethical concerns regarding some applications such as genetically modified foods have been raised among the public. Several questions are being posed; should they utilize such applications to improve quality of their life, or should they refrain in order to save themselves from any associated risk? What are the ethical principles that can be applied to assess these applications? By using GMF as a case (...)
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    Kantian Anti-Theodicy and Job's Sincerity.Sari Kivistö & Sami Pihlström - 2016 - Philosophy and Literature 40 (2):347-365.
    This essay is based on a double perspective provided by literary reading and philosophy for approaching the problem of evil through a critical analysis of certain texts and characters constructed and represented in them, particularly Kant’s theodicy essay and its most important pre-text, the Book of Job. This methodology yields a novel approach to the familiar issue of theodicy vs. anti-theodicy. Our methodology differs from the more standard ways of examining philosophical ideas expressed in literature. In the case discussed here, (...)
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  38.  21
    On the Materialization of Hormone Treatment Risks: A Trans/feminist Approach.Sari Irni - 2017 - Body and Society 23 (2):106-131.
    With a focus on hormone treatments, this article contributes to recent problematizations of the ontology of bodies, illnesses and medication. Hormone treatment is conventionally understood to comprise preparations like pills, patches or injections, and following from this understanding, the materiality of risk is perceived as potential adverse effects of pharmaceuticals within individual bodies. By discussing Finnish trans persons’ experiences of hormone treatments, and drawing from material feminisms and trans/feminist studies, this article rethinks what ‘hormone treatments’ and their risks materially entail. (...)
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    Indonesia's Vaccine Diplomacy to the Indo-Pacific: Opportunities & Challenges.Deasy Silvya Sari, Akim, Mas Halimah & Ali Zahid - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:336-348.
    The COVID-19 vaccine is one way to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Indonesia has produced Indovac, a COVID-19 vaccine made by Biofarma which has the opportunity to be distributed to countries in the Indo-Pacific Region. This article aims to explain the opportunities and challenges of Indonesia's vaccine diplomacy during the COVID-19 pandemic to the Indo-Pacific region through Biofarma. By using a vaccine diplomacy approach and qualitative methods with System Dynamic analysis, this article concludes that (i) The opportunity for Indonesia's vaccine (...)
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    Freedom and Force: Essays on Kant’s Legal Philosophy.Sari Kisilevsky & Martin Jay Stone (eds.) - 2017 - Portland, Oregon: Bloomsbury.
    This collection of essays takes as its starting point Arthur Ripstein's Force and Freedom: Kant's Legal and Political Philosophy, a seminal work on Kant's thinking about law, which also treats many of the contemporary issues of legal and political philosophy. The essays offer readings and elucidations of Ripstein's thought, dispute some of his claims and extend some of his themes within broader philosophical contexts, thus developing the significance of Ripstein's ideas for contemporary legal and political philosophy. -/- All of the (...)
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    The Philosopher Responds: An Intellectual Correspondence from the Tenth Century.Sari Nusseibeh - 2023 - Common Knowledge 29 (1):102-103.
    This first-time and excellent English-Arabic production of an eleventh-century work by the moral philosopher Miskawayh consists of “Conclusive Answers to Disparate Questions” put to him by Tawhidi, a literary intellectual. The book should not be viewed simply as a window for the modern English reader on what occupied the minds of thinkers in that milieu and of that period. As Vasalou notes in the introduction, the work does not quite fit into the Arabic genre of the Aristotelian Problemata literature, where (...)
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    Foundations of modernity: human agency and the imperial state.Isa Blumi - 2012 - New York: Routledge.
    Investigating how a number of modern empires transform over the long century (1789-1914) as a consequence of their struggle for ascendancy in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East, Foundations of Modernity: Human Agency and the Imperial State moves the study of the modern empire towards a comparative, trans-regional analysis of events along the Ottoman frontiers: Western Balkans, the Persian Gulf and Yemen. This inter-disciplinary approach of studying events at different ends of the Ottoman Empire challenges previous emphasis on Europe as (...)
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  43. Nutrition issues in end-of-life care.Sari Edelstein, Sharon Weston & Vanessa Ludlow - 2010 - In Sandra L. Friedman & David T. Helm (eds.), End-of-life care for children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Washington, DC: American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.
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    presença de Habermas na ciência da informaçao no Brasil.Isa Maria Freire - 2022 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 9:222-237.
    Esta é a terceira vez que tenho a honra de participar dos Colóquios Habermas, o qual tem propiciado aos pesquisadores da Ciência da Informação, no Brasil, um encontro com o pensamento do filósofo e sociólogo Jürgen Habermas. No processo, aprendi com meus colegas pesquisadores e entrei na rede de conexões conceituais que tece o fio de Habermas no tear conceitual da Ciência da Informação, no Brasil. Começou em 2020, quando compartilhei o resultado de exercício sobre o conceito de esfera pública (...)
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    A “Quick and Dirty” Approach to Women’s Emancipation and Human Rights?1.Sari Kouvo - 2008 - Feminist Legal Studies 16 (1):37-46.
    During the past decade, women’s and human rights ‘language’ has moved from the margins to the ‘mainstream’ of international law and politics. In this paper, the author argues that while feminists and human rights activists criticise the ‘mainstream’s interpretation of women’s and human rights, ‘we’ do not question what becoming part of the mainstream and the cosmopolitan classes has meant for us. Drawing on examples of how women’s and human rights arguments have been used in the post-conflict state-building process in (...)
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    Religious and spiritual motifs in the art of the patients of Nikkilä Hospital.Sari Kuuva - 2021 - Approaching Religion 11 (1):135-55.
    This article focuses on religiousness and spirituality in the art works of psychiatric patients of Nikkilä Hospital, Finland. The pictures analysed here belong to a collection held at the Helsinki City Museum and they were made during the twentieth century. The theoretical frame of the study is a cultural study of mental health. The collection is approached as presenting a specific kind of imagery which has connections not only to the personal history and diagnoses of the patients; their cultural context (...)
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  47.  21
    Synonymity In Turkish Language and The Words ‘Sayru- Sökel’.Mustafa Sari - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:2219-2229.
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    Türkiye Türkçesinin Ağız Atlası Nasıl Tasarlanmalıdır?İsa Sari - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 10):513-513.
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  49. The enduring transition: temporality, human security and competing notions of justice inside and outside of the law in Bosnia and Herzegovina.Sari Wastell - 2019 - In Sandra Brunnegger (ed.), Everyday justice: law, ethnography, injustice. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Neuroscience illuminating the influence of auditory or phonological intervention on language-related deficits.Sari Ylinen & Teija Kujala - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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