Results for 'Isidore Epstein'

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    The Jewish way of life.Isidore Epstein - 1946 - London,: E. Goldston.
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  2. Modeste commentaire sur l'activité de M. J.-J. Gautier de Isidore Isou.Isidore Isou - 1970 - [Paris]: Lettrisme. Edited by Maurice Lemaître.
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    The logic of prediction: some observations on Dr. Sarbin's exposition.Isidor Chein - 1945 - Psychological Review 52 (3):175-179.
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  4. Integration of the cognitive and the psychodynamic unconscious.S. Epstein - 1994 - American Psychologist 49 (8):409-24.
  5. Mitsvot ha-bayit.Joseph David Epstein - 1966
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    Imitations of Libertarian Thought*: RICHARD A. EPSTEIN.Richard A. Epstein - 1998 - Social Philosophy and Policy 15 (2):412-436.
    Imitation is said to be the sincerest form of flattery. Socially, the proposition may well be true. But in the world of ideas it is false: to the extent that two incompatible traditions use the same words or symbols to articulate different visions of legal or social organization, imitation begets confusion, not enlightenment. The effects of that confusion, moreover, are not confined to the world of ideas, but spill over into the world of politics and public affairs. Words are more (...)
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  7. The Ant Trap: Rebuilding the Foundations of the Social Sciences.Brian Epstein - 2015 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    We live in a world of crowds and corporations, artworks and artifacts, legislatures and languages, money and markets. These are all social objects — they are made, at least in part, by people and by communities. But what exactly are these things? How are they made, and what is the role of people in making them? In The Ant Trap, Brian Epstein rewrites our understanding of the nature of the social world and the foundations of the social sciences. (...) explains and challenges the three prevailing traditions about how the social world is made. One tradition takes the social world to be built out of people, much as traffic is built out of cars. A second tradition also takes people to be the building blocks of the social world, but focuses on thoughts and attitudes we have toward one another. And a third tradition takes the social world to be a collective projection onto the physical world. Epstein shows that these share critical flaws. Most fundamentally, all three traditions overestimate the role of people in building the social world: they are overly anthropocentric. Epstein starts from scratch, bringing the resources of contemporary metaphysics to bear. In the place of traditional theories, he introduces a model based on a new distinction between the grounds and the anchors of social facts. Epstein illustrates the model with a study of the nature of law, and shows how to interpret the prevailing traditions about the social world. Then he turns to social groups, and to what it means for a group to take an action or have an intention. Contrary to the overwhelming consensus, these often depend on more than the actions and intentions of group members. (shrink)
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    SIM’s Directions: “Back to the Future”.Edwin M. Epstein - 2019 - Business and Society 58 (7):1418-1425.
    This essay addresses directions for the Social Issues in Management (SIM) Division from the perspective of “Back to the Future.” The author was chair of the SIM Division in 1983 to 1984 and the 1989 recipient of the SIM Division’s Sumner Marcus Distinguished Service Award. The essay reviews the general history of SIM during the 1960s and 1970s in which the University of California, Berkeley, played a key role in organizing conferences. The author explains his approach as an applied empiricist (...)
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    Intergenerational Support of Older Adults by the ‘Mature’ Sandwich Generation: The Relevance of National Policy Regimes.Noah Lewin-Epstein, Aviad Tur-Sinai & Merril Silverstein - 2020 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 21 (1):55-76.
    In this article we examine the association between national welfare regime and the propensity of middle–aged and older individuals with adult children of their own to provide social support to aged parents. Using data from mature adults (50+) in 26 European countries, we examine whether older and younger generations compete for the time resources of the middle “sandwiched” generation, and whether national policy context shapes this competition. Contrary to expectations, we found that sandwich generation members were less likely to provide (...)
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  10. Social Ontology.Brian Epstein - 2018 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Social ontology is the study of the nature and properties of the social world. It is concerned with analyzing the various entities in the world that arise from social interaction. -/- A prominent topic in social ontology is the analysis of social groups. Do social groups exist at all? If so, what sorts of entities are they, and how are they created? Is a social group distinct from the collection of people who are its members, and if so, how is (...)
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  11. Why group mental states are not exhaustively determined by member states.Brian Epstein - 2022 - Philosophical Issues 32 (1):417-433.
    With few exceptions, theorists analyze group attitudes in terms of the attitudes of members. In Epstein 2015, 2019a, 2019b, I argued that this thesis (which I call "MEMBERS ONLY")—and hence any theory that analyzes group attitudes in terms of member attitudes—is mistaken: the attitudes of many groups are ontologically determined by a broader range of factors than member attitudes. My aim in the present paper is to consider new arguments against MEMBERS ONLY. I argue that arguments based on the (...)
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    Moral distress interventions: An integrative literature review.Vanessa K. Amos & Elizabeth Epstein - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (3):582-607.
    Moral distress has been well reviewed in the literature with established deleterious side effects for all healthcare professionals, including nurses, physicians, and others. Yet, little is known about the quality and effectiveness of interventions directed to address moral distress. The aim of this integrative review is to analyze published intervention studies to determine their efficacy and applicability across hospital settings. Of the initial 1373 articles discovered in October 2020, 18 were appraised as relevant, with 1 study added by hand search (...)
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  13. In defense of the armchair: Against empirical arguments in the philosophy of perception.Peter Fisher Epstein - 2022 - Noûs 57 (4):784-814.
    A recurring theme dominates recent philosophical debates about the nature of conscious perception: naïve realism’s opponents claim that the view is directly contradicted by empirical science. I argue that, despite their current popularity, empirical arguments against naïve realism are fundamentally flawed. The non-empirical premises needed to get from empirical scientific findings to substantive philosophical conclusions are ones the naïve realist is known to reject. Even granting the contentious premises, the empirical findings do not undermine the theory, given its overall philosophical (...)
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    Legal and institutional fictions in medical ethics: a common, and yet largely overlooked, phenomenon.M. Epstein - 2007 - Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (6):362-364.
    A theoretical platform for a much‐needed change in the provision of healthcare based on restoring the autonomy of doctor–patient relationships.
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  15. Anchoring versus Grounding: Reply to Schaffer.Brian Epstein - 2019 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 99 (3):768-781.
    In his insightful and challenging paper, Jonathan Schaffer argues against a distinction I make in The Ant Trap (Epstein 2015) and related articles. I argue that in addition to the widely discussed “grounding” relation, there is a different kind of metaphysical determination I name “anchoring.” Grounding and anchoring are distinct, and both need to be a part of full explanations of how facts are metaphysically determined. Schaffer argues instead that anchoring is a species of grounding. The crux of his (...)
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    Why effective consent presupposes autonomous authorisation: a counterorthodox argument.M. Epstein - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (6):342-345.
    Since the late 1960s, the legal doctrine of consent has occasionally been subject to severe criticism from within the bioethical discourse. The criticism was often based on observations indicating that consents and refusals, which had been considered valid from legal or institutional points of view, had frequently failed to reflect genuinely autonomous decision making, hence genuinely autonomous choices.This has led several critics to conclude that informed consent is a legal fiction. To clarify the concept, a legal fiction is a supposition (...)
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  17. What are social groups? Their metaphysics and how to classify them.Brian Epstein - 2017 - Synthese 196 (12):4899-4932.
    This paper presents a systematic approach for analyzing and explaining the nature of social groups. I argue against prominent views that attempt to unify all social groups or to divide them into simple typologies. Instead I argue that social groups are enormously diverse, but show how we can investigate their natures nonetheless. I analyze social groups from a bottom-up perspective, constructing profiles of the metaphysical features of groups of specific kinds. We can characterize any given kind of social group with (...)
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    Tongan Dictionary.Isidore Dyen & C. Maxwell Churchward - 1960 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 80 (3):261.
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  19. Taxation in a Lockean World*: RICHARD A. EPSTEIN.Richard A. Epstein - 1986 - Social Philosophy and Policy 4 (1):49-74.
    'Tis true governments cannot be supported without great charge, and it is fit everyone who enjoys a share of the protection should pay out of his estate his proportion for the maintenance of it. But still it must be with his own consent, i.e., the consent of the majority giving it either by themselves or their representatives chosen by them. For if any one shall claim a power to lay and levy taxes on the people, by his own authority, and (...)
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  20. (1 other version)A Framework for Social Ontology.Brian Epstein - 2015 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 46 (2):147-167.
    This paper sets out an organizing framework for the field of social ontology, the study of the nature of the social world. The subject matter of social ontology is clarified, in particular the difference between it and the study of causal relations and the explanation of social phenomena. Two different inquiries are defined and explained: the study of the grounding of social facts, and the study of how social categories are “anchored” or set up. The distinction between these inquiries is (...)
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    The Case of the Killer Robot: Stories about the Professional, Ethical, and Societal Dimensions of Computing.Richard G. Epstein - 1997 - Wiley-Interscience.
    Using the case of an industrial accident involving a killer robot, the author successfully combines technical and ethical concepts to present to students and professionals real-life issues that they may one day have to confront.
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    Modulation of myosin assembly.Henry F. Epstein - 1988 - Bioessays 9 (6):197-200.
    Myosin self‐assembly is generally considered to be the major process in thick filament formation within striated muscles. The biological assembly of myosin into thick filaments is being analysed by genetic dissection as well as biochemical and morphological experiments in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. This work shows that the assembly of myosin is modulated by its biosynthesis and interaction with non‐myosin proteins. Assemblages which generate multiple nascent thick filaments may play a central role in a catalytic cycle of myosin assembly.
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    Notes on the History of Goitre and of Thyrotoxicosis in Denmark.Isidor Greenwald - 1968 - Centaurus 12 (3):192-196.
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  24. San Isidoro (antología).Isidore - 1940 - [Madrid]: Ediciones FE. Edited by Justo Pérez de Urbel & Timoteo Ortega.
  25.  6
    Introduction à une nouvelle conception de la science: la chorismatique, la dusarestique, la diatasique et la toméique des domaines préoccupés de la réalité objective.Isidore Isou - 1973 - Paris: Lettrisme.
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    Recherches sur les sources de la légende de Pythagore.Isidore Lévy - 1926 - Paris,: E. Leroux.
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    Der Optimismus des Judentums.Isidor Scheftelowitz - 1913 - Frankfurt a. M.,: J. Kauffmann.
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    Marguerite de Navarre and Ronsard (I).Isidore Silver - 1993 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 55 (3):527-546.
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    Plato and Ficino in the work of Symphorien Champier.Isidore Silver - 1993 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 55 (2):271-280.
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  30. Moral Distress, Moral Residue, and the Crescendo Effect.Elizabeth Gingell Epstein & Ann Baile Hamric - 2009 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 20 (4):330-342.
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    Marriage Laws in the Bible and the Talmud.L. M. Epstein - 1942 - BRILL.
    Preliminary Material /Louis M. Epstein --Polygamy /Louis M. Epstein --Concubinage /Louis M. Epstein --Levirate Marriage /Louis M. Epstein --Intermarriage /Louis M. Epstein --Incest /Louis M. Epstein --Other Marriage Prohibitions /Louis M. Epstein --Abbreviations /Louis M. Epstein --Register of Foreign Terms /Louis M. Epstein --Bibliography /Louis M. Epstein --Index of Subjects and Names /Louis M. Epstein.
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    Agent‐based computational models and generative social science.Joshua M. Epstein - 1999 - Complexity 4 (5):41-60.
  33. Edwin M. Epstein.Spring Epstein - 1987 - The Corporate Social Policy Process: Beyond Business Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Corporate Social Responsiveness, California Management Review 29:99-114.
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    Estrangement: Marx's conception of human nature and the division of labor.Isidor Wallimann - 1981 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
  35.  55
    Is the NHS research ethics committees system to be outsourced to a low-cost offshore call centre? Reflections on human research ethics after the Warner Report.M. Epstein & D. L. Wingate - 2007 - Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (1):45-47.
    The recently published Report of theAHAG on the Operation of NHS Research Ethics Committees advocates major reforms of the NHS research ethics committees system. The main implications of the proposed changes and their probable effects on the major stakeholders are described.The Ad Hoc Advisory Group on the operation of NHS research ethics committees, set up in November 2004 by Lord Warner on behalf of the Department of Health, submitted its report in June 2005.1 The report advocates major reforms of the (...)
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    Welcome to Project MUSE.Mikhail Epstein - 2010 - Common Knowledge 16 (3):367-403.
    In this guest column, Epstein offers “a new sign” that, he argues, resolves difficulties that have arisen in many theories and practices, including linguistics, semiotics, literary theory, poetics, aesthetics, ecology, ecophilology, eco-ethics, metaphysics, theology, psychology, and phenomenology. The new sign, a pair of quotation marks around a blank space, signfies the absence of any sign. Most generally, “ ” relates to the blank space that surrounds and underlies a text; by locating “ ” within the text, the margins are (...)
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    ASH, CJ, Categoricity in hyperarithmetical degrees (1) BALDWIN, JT and HARRINGTON, L., Trivial pursuit: Re-marks on the main gap (3) COOPER, SB and EPSTEIN, RL, Complementing below re-cursively enumerable degrees (1). [REVIEW]Rl Epstein - 1987 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 34 (1):311.
  38.  11
    A Poetics of Competition in Conjugal Bedroom Conversation in the “Iliad”, the “Odyssey”, and the “Argonautica”.Katharina Epstein - 2020 - Hermes 148 (2):128.
    Both aggressive and non-aggressive strategies of competition pervade the poetics of the “Iliad”, the “Odyssey”, and the “Argonautica”, shaping the expression of narrator-ethos and implicit standards of poetic quality. Studying a poetics of competition in scenes of conjugal bedroom conversation in Il. 3.421-448, Od. 23.295-343, and A. R. 4.1068-1111 benefits understanding of the text-immanent strategies employed to achieve and advertise the superior quality of these poems. The poetics of competition in Il. 3.421-448 can be read against Middle-Eastern poetry and the (...)
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    Omissions relevant to gender-linked mathematical abilities.Herman T. Epstein - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):251-252.
    Analyses of bodies of data usually omit some relevant studies. Geary omits some studies looking at functional correlates of basic biological data, studies of developmental implications for functioning, and the recent achievement of acceleration of cognitive development.
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    Payors, Data, and Nudges to Improve Care.Wendy Netter Epstein - 2018 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 46 (4):927-930.
    Unnecessary health care is a tremendous problem that negatively impacts individuals and also increases health care costs across the system. While much scholarly attention has been paid to the role of patients and providers, payors' role in contributing to the problem is underexplored. The article recommends that payors should nudge providers away from unnecessary care by requiring electronic alerts intended to deter unnecessary care.
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    Studying Science and Social Inequalities: Resurgences and Divergences.Steven Epstein - 2016 - Spontaneous Generations 8 (1):3-12.
  42. The Process of Philosophy a Historical Introduction.Joseph Epstein & Gail Kennedy - 1967 - Random House.
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    Werner syndrome: Entering the helicase era.Charles J. Epstein & Arno G. Motulsky - 1996 - Bioessays 18 (12):1025-1027.
    Werner syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive disorder that mimics some of the characteristics of aging. The gene for this disorder has recently been identified as a helicase of the recQ subclass(1). Other phenotypically distinctive disorders caused by different helicase mutations include Bloom syndrome, Cockayne syndrome, xeroderma pigmentosum and trichothiodystrophy. Possible mechanisms by which helicases might produce the variable phenotypes are discussed. These include altered nucleotide excision repair and RNA polymerase II‐mediated transcription. The discovery of the helicase defect in Werner (...)
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    Husserl's intentionalitäts- und urteilslehre..Isidor Fisch - 1942 - Basel,: Dr. E. Waldstein.
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    The Ogam Alphabet.Isidor Hopfner - 1935 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 10 (1):95-107.
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  46. A propos des procès pour diffamation dans la presse.Isidore Isou - 1970 - Paris,: Impr. spéciale de Lettrisme.
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    Les Champs de force de la peinture lettriste.Isidore Isou - 1964 - Paris,: R. Altmann, I. Isou.
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  48. La prima fortuna di Omero nel Rinascimento francese.Isidore Silver - 1956 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 29 (3049):560-78.
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    Mc Smith's review of ronsard and the grecian Lyre (rgl).Isidore Silver - 1982 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 44 (2):373-375.
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  50. Ontological individualism reconsidered.Brian Epstein - 2009 - Synthese 166 (1):187-213.
    The thesis of methodological individualism in social science is commonly divided into two different claims—explanatory individualism and ontological individualism. Ontological individualism is the thesis that facts about individuals exhaustively determine social facts. Initially taken to be a claim about the identity of groups with sets of individuals or their properties, ontological individualism has more recently been understood as a global supervenience claim. While explanatory individualism has remained controversial, ontological individualism thus understood is almost universally accepted. In this paper I argue (...)
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