Results for 'Islamic economics'

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  1. Mohamed Aslam haneef.Islamic Economics - 2008 - In Edward Fullbrook (ed.), Pluralist economics. New York: Distributed in the USA exclusively by Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 228.
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    Ethics in Islamic Economics.Faiçal Boutayeba, Mohammed Benhamida & Guesmi Souad - 2014 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 17 (4):111-121.
    The purpose of this contribution is to shed some light on the inter-relationships between ethics and economics in Islamic religion, and mainly to assert that ethics constitute endogenous phenomena in Islamic economics. In Islam, economic behaviours and transactions cannot be separated from ethics and values. The Islamic principles are intended to govern, direct and control human beings’ behaviours in their daily economic lives. They are aimed at helping people to distinguish between good and bad things (...)
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  3. Islamic economics : a case study.Mohamed Aslam Haneef - 2008 - In Edward Fullbrook (ed.), Pluralist economics. New York: Distributed in the USA exclusively by Palgrave Macmillan.
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    Islamic Economic Practices in Indonesia.Achmad Tubagus Surur, Muhamad Shulthoni & Hendri Hermawan Adinugraha - 2024 - Dialogue and Universalism 34 (2):239-264.
    As the country with the largest Muslim population in the world, Indonesia has great potential in the halal industry. However, research on symbols in Indonesia’s Islamic philosophy and economic history is still far behind that of other countries. Therefore, efforts are needed to improve its study. This research aims to describe and understand the importance of the symbol in the philosophy and history of Islamic economic practices in Indonesia. The findings of this qualitative research, conducted in Indonesia, have (...)
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  5. Searching for Islamic Economics: A Philosophical Inquiry.Syamsuddin Arif - 2023 - Journal of Critical Realism in Socio-Economics 1 (4):375–392.
    It can hardly be denied that each field of knowledge has its own subject-matter and aims, scope and limits, specific method and distinctive characteristics. Every science has its own historical background and dynamics which explain its emergence and raison d'etre, as well as influence its development over time, expanding and contracting as it were in response to the prevailing Zeitgeist and alongside societal, legal, and political changes. Consequently, each discipline inevitably reflects the realities, beliefs, needs, tendencies, and interests of the (...)
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    The Making of Islamic Economic Thought: Islamisation, Law and Moral Discourses.Sami Al-Daghistani - 2021 - Cambridge University Press.
    A historical analysis of economic thought in Islamic tradition which interrogates contemporary Islamic economics as a hybrid system.
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    The epistemological foundations of Islamic economic, social, and scientific order.Masudul Alam Choudhury - 1995 - Ankara: Statistical, Economic, and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries.
    v. 1. An overview. -- v. 2-6. [without special title]. -- v. [7]. Tables of contents and glossary of Arabic terms.
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    Morality and justice in Islamic economics and finance.Muhammad Umer Chapra - 2014 - Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar.
    Mankind is faced with a number of serious problems that demand an effective solution. The prevalence of injustice and the frequency of financial crises are two of the most serious of these problems. Consisting of an in-depth introduction along with a selection of eight of Muhammad Umer Chapra's essays--four on Islamic economics and four on Islamic finance--this timely book raises the question of what can be done to not only minimize the frequency and severity of the financial (...)
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    A phenomenological theory of Islamic economics.Masudul Alam Choudhury - 2017 - Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press.
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    Mass media exposure and its impact on family planning in bangladesh.M. Mazharul Islam & A. H. M. Saidul Hasan - 2000 - Journal of Biosocial Science 32 (4):513-526.
    This paper analyses mass media exposure and its effect on family planning in Bangladesh using data from the Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey (BDHS) 1993s place of residence, education, economic status, geographical region and number of living children appeared to be the most important variable determining mass media exposure to family planning. Multivariate analysis shows that both radio and TV exposure to family planning messages and ownership of a radio and TV have a significant effect on current use of family (...)
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    Guest Editors’ Note Rethinking Islamic Economics and Finance: Taking Stock and Moving Forward.Mohamed Aslam Haneef & Sayyid Tahir - 2018 - Intellectual Discourse 26:281-290.
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    A Critique of Economic Theory and Modeling: A Meta-epistemological General-system Model of Islamic Economics.Masudul Alam Choudhury - 2011 - Social Epistemology 25 (4):423 - 446.
    The scientific methodology underlying model-building is critically investigated. The modeling views of Popper and Samuelson and their prototypes are critically examined in the light of the theme of the moral law of unity of knowledge and unity of the world-system configured by the meta-epistemology of organic unity of knowledge. Upon such critical examination of received methodology of model-building in economics, the extended perspective?namely of integrating the moral law derived from the divine roots as the meta-epistemology?is rigorously studied. The example (...)
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    Content Analysis on the Origins of Islamic Economics: Contextualized Interpretation of Two Bibliographies in the 20th Century.Zeyneb Hafsa Orhan - 2018 - Intellectual Discourse 26:383-402.
    Since its formal inception in the early 20th century, Islamic economicshas been considered a modern phenomenon, even though its foundations canbe traced back to the earliest of Muslim civilizations. However, despite Islamiceconomics being more than half a century old, there are many serious issues,such as epistemological and methodological concerns, that need to be resolved.In order to delve into such matters, a clear understanding of the origins of modernIslamic economics is necessary. Hence, some of the important questions are:who are (...)
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    Assessing the influence of organisational citizenship behaviour towards environment on economic cost performance in UAE hotels.Rekha Pillai, Aminul Islam, Parul Kumar & Hamza Almustafa - forthcoming - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility.
    Organisational citizenship behaviour towards the environment (OCBE) aids in both environmental protection and in harnessing sustainable competitive organisational advantage. This study proposed a conceptual research model which investigated managerial perceptions of the relationship between OCBE and economic cost performance (ECP) in the UAE hospitality sector, with green innovative behaviour (GIB) mediating and green training moderating the relationship. Drawing on the theory of planned behaviour and abilities motivation opportunity theory, the study administered 479 structured questionnaires to hotel managers in the UAE (...)
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  15. Part II. A walk around the emerging new world. Russia in an emerging world / excerpt: from "Russia and the solecism of power" by David Holloway ; China in an emerging world.Constraints Excerpt: From "China'S. Demographic Prospects Toopportunities, Excerpt: From "China'S. Rise in Artificial Intelligence: Ingredientsand Economic Implications" by Kai-Fu Lee, Matt Sheehan, Latin America in an Emerging Worldsidebar: Governance Lessons From the Emerging New World: India, Excerpt: From "Latin America: Opportunities, Challenges for the Governance of A. Fragile Continent" by Ernesto Silva, Excerpt: From "Digital Transformation in Central America: Marginalization or Empowerment?" by Richard Aitkenhead, Benjamin Sywulka, the Middle East in an Emerging World Excerpt: From "the Islamic Republic of Iran in an Age of Global Transitions: Challenges for A. Theocratic Iran" by Abbas Milani, Roya Pakzad, Europe in an Emerging World Sidebar: Governance Lessons From the Emerging New World: Japan, Excerpt: From "Europe in the Global Race for Technological Leadership" by Jens Suedekum & Africa in an Emerging World Sidebar: Governance Lessons From the Emerging New Wo Bangladesh - 2020 - In George P. Shultz (ed.), A hinge of history: governance in an emerging new world. Stanford, California: Hoover Institution Press, Stanford University.
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    The contribution of infaq funds to socio-economic resilience during COVID-19 pandemic: An Islamic economics insight from Indonesia.Hamzah Hamzah & Agus Yudiawan - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (1):9.
    This study aimed to analyse the contribution of infaq funds to the social and economic resilience of the community during the COVID-19 pandemic in West Papua, Indonesia. This study uses a mixed-method approach, combining qualitative and quantitative studies. Qualitative data were collected through focus group discussions with administrators, Dai [Islamic preacher] and mosque congregations to obtain information about the form and mechanism for disbursing infaq funds. Furthermore, the state of distribution of infaq funds is confirmed to the recipient community (...)
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  17.  23
    The Genesis of Islamic Economics: A Chapter in the Politics of Muslim Identity.Timur Kuran - 1997 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 64.
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    An Analysis of Institutionalization of Societal Relationships from the Perspective of Islamic Economics.Harun Şencal - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (2):661-677.
    The focus of this study is to explore the impact of transformation from living as a community and perceiving cooperation as a responsibility to meet each other’s needs to individualized society of the modern life due to the capitalist market system on religious obligations with economic implications through emerging institution in the modern period. This study will first analyze how the proxy-embeddedness has led to a transformation in the society from the perspective of Islamic economics under four categories: (...)
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    Political philosophy in the East and West: in search of truth.Jaan Islam - 2018 - Wilmington, Delaware: Vernon Press.
    In the 21st century, amid converging global political, social, and economic forces we are questioning the fundamental values we hold true, driven by an antagonism between different schools of philosophy--between left- and right-wing politics. This book provides a comprehensive analysis of western political philosophy and underlines the core principles of each argument. It then argues that neither have we solved nor do we have any pathway to eventually solve, the question of right and wrong--we are essentially moral relativists in disguise. (...)
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    Charismatic Political Leadership and Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s Malaysia: Power, Control, Stability and Defence.Suleyman Temiz & Arshad Islam - 2019 - Intellectual Discourse 27 (2):475-505.
    Prior to his renewed incumbency, as the fourth Prime Minister ofMalaysia, Mahathir Mohamad was able to remain in power for amore prolonged period compared to his predecessors. He was actively involvedin galvanizing political action immediately after the independence of Malaysiaand did not abandon active politics until his 2003 resignation. Under Mahathir’sleadership and guidance, Malaysia made remarkable economic and politicalprogress. He oversaw many innovations in the fledgling democracy and wasable to develop the country due to his exceptional leadership qualities. His styleand (...)
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    Theology and ethics in Adam Smith: A case for Islamic Economics.Mohammad Wasim Naser - 2018 - Intellectual Discourse 26:309-332.
    : This study is an analysis of the theological and ethical dimensions inthe writings of Adam Smith. It deals with aspects of philosophy and intellectualhistory. By revealing the theological and ethical roots of Smith’s writings in theformation of modern economics, arguments for an economics that is based onIslamic foundations become stronger. The study will therefore lay out the basicmoral project of Smith and then contextualize it in the Western Enlightenmenttradition. It shows how religious discourses were instrumental in shaping (...)
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    Toward accountable human-centered AI: rationale and promising directions.Junaid Qadir, Mohammad Qamar Islam & Ala Al-Fuqaha - 2022 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 20 (2):329-342.
    Purpose Along with the various beneficial uses of artificial intelligence, there are various unsavory concomitants including the inscrutability of AI tools, the fragility of AI models under adversarial settings, the vulnerability of AI models to bias throughout their pipeline, the high planetary cost of running large AI models and the emergence of exploitative surveillance capitalism-based economic logic built on AI technology. This study aims to document these harms of AI technology and study how these technologies and their developers and users (...)
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    15. Economics and Religion or Economics versus Religion: The Concept of an Islamic Economics.Oliver Leaman - 2015 - In Roger T. Ames Peter D. Hershock (ed.), Value and Values: Economics and Justice in an Age of Global Interdependence. University of Hawaii Press. pp. 272-282.
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    Towards a Long Term Development Vision for Bangladesh: Some Socioeconomic and Legal Aspects.Md Abdul Jalil & Md Saidul Islam - 2010 - Asian Culture and History 2 (2):P58.
    Following modernization paradigm and some local dynamics conducive to development, some Asian countries emerged as economic tigers in the world. Conversely, other Asian countries including Bangladesh failed to taste economic development despite having monetary and technological aids from some developed nations. Drawing on some social and historical trajectories of the divergent contours of Asian development/ underdevelopment, the paper examines the state of development in Bangladesh. The study has found that Japan is the first country in Asia to achieve modernization, and (...)
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  25. Islam and the Challenge of Economic Development in the Muslim World: Review and Evaluation of Secular Arguments.Abdelrahman Yousri Abdelrahman - 2018 - Intellectual Discourse 26:333-355.
    The majority of Muslim countries, classified as low or middleincome groups, suffer from poverty and face severe challenges in economicdevelopment. International development reports attribute the economicproblems of Muslim countries to similar factors as those existing in otherdeveloping countries. However, some secular studies have analyzed theimpact of Islamic culture on the economic variables in the Muslim World, andconsequently on its economic development. This paper reviews and evaluatessome of these studies. Secular works which are selected and examined inthis article can be (...)
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    The Economic Thought of Classical Islam.Louis Baeck - 1991 - Diogenes 39 (154):99-115.
    Most textbooks on the history of economic theory scarcely mention the Islamic contribution. The writings of Grice-Hutchinson, Lowry, and Essid are notable exceptions, in that they offer a broad summary of the Islamic literature that enriched the Mediterranean tradition. Yet, Islamic civilization simply deepened the flow of ideas inherited from Antiquity before, and passed them on. From the twelfth century, its brilliance started a slow transfer of Islamic knowledge to a West which was ready to receive (...)
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    Islam and mammon: The economic predicaments of Islamism. Timur Kuran, 2004\, princeton, NJ: Princeton university press, 194 pages, index, $28.00. [REVIEW]Barkley Rosser - manuscript
    Although Bernard Lewis is a deeper scholar of Islamic history, and the late Charles Issawi was a greater scholar of the economic history of Muslim societies, Timur Kuran has emerged in the last decade and a half as the leading scholar in the world of the rising field of Islamic economics. While most who study this field are advocates of Islamic economics as a superior system for Muslim societies, and possibly for all societies, Kuran has (...)
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  28. Islam: philosophy of life and economic principles.Abdul Karim - 2004 - Karachi: Sharid Printing Service.
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    The Creative Kingdom: Economic reform and art as a new space of Islamic critique in Saudi Arabia.Danijel Cubelic - 2019 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 27 (1):27-47.
    Whilst the field of contemporary art has been impeded until recently by Saudi Arabia’s blasphemy laws and heavy censorship, the last decade has seen a rapid growth of art networks and institutions. Incidents such as the conviction of internationally lauded artist and curator Ashraf Fayadh in 2015 on charges of apostasy show that Islamic authorities still claim to define what is acceptable and not acceptable in the field of cultural production, but several renowned Saudi artists have started to question (...)
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    Handbook of Islamic Philosophy of Science: Economics, Society and Science.Masudul Alam Choudhury - 2024 - Springer Nature Singapore.
    This handbook provides a comprehensive overview of Islamic ethical issues within a wide spectrum of philosophy of science topics, examining the development of the model of moral inclusiveness in economics, science and society from ontological, epistemological and analytical perspectives. This paradigm takes the view that ethics is systemically endogenous, and can be studied by the most rigorous scientific analysis pertaining to diverse issues and problems of ethicality in socio-scientific inquiry. This handbook takes a sweeping transdisciplinary approach that is (...)
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    The Ethical, Societal, and Global Implications of Crowdsourcing Research.Shuili Du, Mayowa T. Babalola, Premilla D’Cruz, Edina Dóci, Lucia Garcia-Lorenzo, Louise Hassan, Gazi Islam, Alexander Newman, Ernesto Noronha & Suzanne van Gils - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 193 (1):1-16.
    Online crowdsourcing platforms have rapidly become a popular source of data collection. Despite the various advantages these platforms offer, there are substantial concerns regarding not only data validity issues, but also the ethical, societal, and global ramifications arising from the prevalent use of online crowdsourcing platforms. This paper seeks to expand the dialogue by examining both the “internal” aspects of crowdsourcing research practices, such as data quality issues, reporting transparency, and fair compensation, and the “external” aspects, in terms of how (...)
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    Context, design and conveyance of information: ICT-enabled agricultural information services for rural women in Bangladesh.Tahmina Khan Tithi, Tapas Ranjan Chakraborty, Pinash Akter, Humayra Islam & Amina Khan Sabah - 2021 - AI and Society 36 (1):277-287.
    ICT for development projects often focus on integrating social factors in information systems design. A well-designed ICT4D solution must be tailored to the needs of the people who will use them and subsequently, requires an extensive understanding of the context and constraints in people’s lives. With an objective to explore how context-specific issues influence the conveyance of appropriate agricultural information to women, this paper uses PROTIC, a 5-year collaborative project between Monash University and Oxfam, as a case. PROTIC was implemented (...)
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    Economics, ethics, and religion: Jewish, Christian, and Muslim economic thought.Rodney Wilson - 1997 - New York: New York University Press.
    "Written in a racy, persuasive style, the book impresses the reader as a work of significant scholarship...I encourage students of comparative religions- and especially those of Islamic economics- to read it with great care."&$151; Islamic Studies The worlds of economics and theology rarely intersect. The former appears occupied exclusively with the concrete equations of supply and demand, while the latter revolves largely around the less tangible concerns of the soul and spirit. Intended as an interfaith clarification (...)
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    Economics of an Islamic Economy (review).Oliver Leaman - 2012 - Philosophy East and West 62 (3):416-417.
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    Tourism Competitiveness Evaluation: Evidence From Mountain Tourism in China.Qian Cao, Md Nazirul Islam Sarker, Dian Zhang, Jiangyan Sun, Teng Xiong & Jieying Ding - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The evaluation of tourism competitiveness is an important tool for analyzing the potential of tourism in a specific context. Enshi Autonomous Prefecture in China is selected as a case through which to explore the potential of mountain tourism and its competitiveness in the tourism industry. This study develops EAP’s mountain tourism competitiveness model focusing on three criteria: core competitiveness of mountain tourism, the economic environment’s competitiveness, and infrastructure competitiveness. Context-specific customized evaluation index has been applied to data collected from EAP (...)
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    The Islamic Middle East, 700-1900. Studies in Economic and Social History.Halil Inalcik & A. L. Udovitch - 1985 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 105 (1):162.
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    Nutritional status of under-five children in bangladesh: A multilevel analysis.Jahangir Alom, Md Abdul Quddus & Mohammad Amirul Islam - 2012 - Journal of Biosocial Science 44 (5):525-535.
    SummaryThe nutritional status of under-five children is a sensitive sign of a country's health status as well as economic condition. This study investigated the differential impact of some demographic, socioeconomic, environmental and health-related factors on the nutritional status among under-five children in Bangladesh using Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey 2007 data. Two-level random intercept binary logistic regression models were used to identify the determinants of under-five malnutrition. The analyses revealed that 16% of the children were severely stunted and 25% were (...)
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  38. The political consequences of Islam’s economic legacy.Timur Kuran - 2013 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 39 (4-5):395-405.
    Several of the Middle East’s traditional economic institutions hampered its political development by limiting checks on executive power, preventing the formation of organized and durable opposition movements, and keeping civil society weak. They include Islam’s original tax system, which failed to protect property rights; the waqf, whose rigidity hampered the development of civil society; and private commercial enterprises, whose small scales and short lives blocked the development of private coalitions able to bargain with the state. These institutions contributed to features (...)
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    Studies in the Economic History of the Middle East from the Rise of Islam to the Present Day.George T. Scanlon & M. A. Cook - 1972 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 92 (2):388.
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    Economics of an Islamic Economy. By Rauf A. Azhar. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2010. Pp. xv+ 470. Hardcover $249.00. The End of Comparative Philosophy and the Task of Comparative Thinking: Hei-degger, Derrida, and Daoism. By Steven Burik. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2009. Pp. vii+ 230. Price not given. [REVIEW]Douglas T. McGetchin Madison & Brian Wicker Burlington - 2011 - Philosophy East and West 61 (3):581-582.
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    The individual in the islamic iktisâd: An analysis on the behavioral economics perspective.Dr İbrahim Cevi̇zli̇ - forthcoming - Dini Araştırmalar.
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    An Intellectual Analysis on The Nature of Family Economics in Islamic Law.Şevket Topal - 2025 - Kocaeli İLahiyat Dergisi 8 (2):129-144.
    The concept of family economy in Islam has been addressed under various issues in classical sources though not extensively discussed in the classical literature. Islamic jurisprudence generally embraces pragmatical approach and pays attention to the needs of society. It is evident that economic relationship within the family is not addressed under a single heading in classical sources, but rather evaluated under numerous headings. From this perspective, it can be observed that each individual within the family concept enjoys distinct economic (...)
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    Jews in the Economic and Political Life of Medieval Islam.Jacob Lassner & Walter J. Fischel - 1971 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 91 (4):539.
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  44. Islamic ethics and the implications for business.Gillian Rice - 1999 - Journal of Business Ethics 18 (4):345 - 358.
    As global business operations expand, managers need more knowledge of foreign cultures, in particular, information on the ethics of doing business across borders. The purpose of this paper is twofold: to share the Islamic perspective on business ethics, little known in the west, which may stimulate further thinking and debate on the relationships between ethics and business, and to provide some knowledge of Islamic philosophy in order to help managers do business in Muslim cultures. The case of Egypt (...)
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    Zakat: Drawing insights for legal theory and economic policy from islamic jurisprudence.Russell Powell - unknown
    The rapid development of complex income taxation and welfare systems in the 20th century may give the impression that progressive wealth redistribution systems are uniquely modern. However, religious systems provided similar mechanisms for addressing economic injustice and poverty alleviation centuries earlier. Zakat is the obligation of almsgiving and is the third pillar of Islam--a requirement for all believers. In the early development of the Islamic community, zakat was collected as a tax by the state and the funds were distributed (...)
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    Run the country like a business? The economics of Jordan’s Islamic action front.Colin Powers - 2019 - Critical Research on Religion 7 (1):38-57.
    The moral economics of the Islamic Action Front, the partisan wing of the original Jordanian Muslim Brotherhood, is both defined and compromised by internal inconsistency. Similar to others that might be classified as a socially conservative, religiously-oriented political party, the Islamic Action Front pledges a paternalist commitment to the poor only to undermine the already limited prospects of such paternalism through the adoption of charity-based approaches to social welfare and through their more general advocacy for economic liberalization, (...)
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    Islamization of Knowledge: A Critical Overview.Seyyed Vali Reza Nasr - 1992 - International Institute of Islamic Thought.
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    (1 other version)Conventional vs. Islamic banks in dual-banking systems: business model, outlay stratagems and economic performance.Nawaz Tasawar - 2017 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 12 (1):1.
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    Asas konkorDansi Islam Dan pancasila bagi perkembangan perbankan syariah di indonesia.Wahyudin Darmalaksana - 2018 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 13 (1):195-229.
    This study analyzed the principles of concordance of Islamic law and Pancasila for the development of sharia banking in Indonesia. The growth of Islamic banking was overshadowed by the lack of Islamic economics sciences, so its development was experiencing infectivity in Indonesia. This study used the juridical-normative method of research subjects. In addition, the analysis was also conducted deductive and inductive to the legal materials. Basically, the essence of Islamic economics embodied in the principles (...)
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  50. Islam and the Moral Economy: The Challenge of Capitalism.Charles Tripp - 2006 - Cambridge University Press.
    How do modern Muslims adapt their traditions to engage with today's world? Charles Tripp's erudite and incisive book considers one of the most significant challenges faced by Muslims over the last sixty years: the challenge of capitalism. By reference to the works of noted Muslim scholars, the author shows how, faced by this challenge, these intellectuals devised a range of strategies which have enabled Muslims to remain true to their faith, whilst engaging effectively with a world not of their own (...)
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