Results for 'Italian language Comparison'

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  1.  12
    Linguistically-Based Comparison of Different Approaches to Building Corpora for Text Simplification: A Case Study on Italian.Dominique Brunato, Felice Dell'Orletta & Giulia Venturi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:707630.
    In this paper, we present an overview of existing parallel corpora for Automatic Text Simplification (ATS) in different languages focusing on the approach adopted for their construction. We make the main distinction between manual and (semi)–automatic approaches in order to investigate in which respect complex and simple texts vary and whether and how the observed modifications may depend on the underlying approach. To this end, we perform a two-level comparison on Italian corpora, since this is the only (...), with the exception of English, for which there are large parallel resources derived through the two approaches considered. The first level of comparison accounts for the main types of sentence transformations occurring in the simplification process, the second one examines the results of a linguistic profiling analysis based on Natural Language Processing techniques and carried out on the original and the simple version of the same texts. For both levels of analysis, we chose to focus our discussion mostly on sentence transformations and linguistic characteristics that pertain to the morpho-syntactic and syntactic structure of the sentence. (shrink)
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  2. On truth persistence. A comparison between European Portuguese and Italian in relation to sempre.Patricia Amaral & Fabio Del Prete - 2014 - In Patricia Amaral & Fabio Del Prete (eds.), Variation within and across Romance Languages. Selected papers from the 41st Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages.
    This paper analyzes a non-temporal interpretation of the adverb sempre “always” in European Portuguese and Italian, in which the adverb expresses persistence of the truth of a proposition over time and displays specific contextual constraints (TP-sempre). Despite an overlap in the contexts in which TP-sempre may occur in both languages, we provide data showing that its distribution is not exactly the same in European Portuguese and Italian. In view of these data, we propose that TP-sempre is a modal (...)
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    Multilingual Competence Influences Answering Strategies in Italian–German Speakers.Irene Caloi, Adriana Belletti & Cecilia Poletto - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:390690.
    The present study aims at analyzing the role of nativeness, the amount of input in L1 acquisition and the multilingual competence in the performance of Italian-German bilingual speakers. We compare novel data from the performance of adult L2 learners (L1: Italian; late L2: German) and that of heritage speakers (heritage language: Italian; majority language: German) to previous data from monolingual speakers of Italian. The comparison deals with the produced word order at the syntax-discourse (...)
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    Emotion Understanding in Polish Children: A Cross-Cultural Comparison between Polish, British, and Italian Children.Małgorzata Stępień-Nycz, Marta Białecka-Pikul, Yulong Tang & Francisco Pons - 2023 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 23 (3-4):437-450.
    Emotion understanding (EU) is the capacity to understand the nature, causes, and consequences of the emotional experience of the self and others. The cultural differences and similarities in the development of EU are still not well recognized, especially within Slavic culture and language. We tested 180 Polish children aged 5–11 years using the Test of Emotion Comprehension and compared their results with data from British and Italian children. We revealed a similar pattern of EU development between the three (...)
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    When Speech Stops, Gesture Stops: Evidence From Developmental and Crosslinguistic Comparisons.Maria Graziano & Marianne Gullberg - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:346724.
    There is plenty of evidence that speech and gesture form a tightly integrated system, as reflected in parallelisms in language production, comprehension, and development ( McNeill, 1992 ; Kendon, 2004 ). Yet, it is a common assumption that speakers use gestures to compensate for their expressive difficulties, a notion found in developmental studies of both first and second language acquisition, and in theoretical proposals concerning the gesture-speech relationship. If gestures are compensatory, they should mainly occur in disfluent stretches (...)
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  6. Eros, Beauty, and Phon-Aesthetic Judgements of Language Sound. We Like It Flat and Fast, but Not Melodious. Comparing Phonetic and Acoustic Features of 16 European Languages.Vita V. Kogan & Susanne M. Reiterer - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15:578594.
    This article concerns sound aesthetic preferences for European foreign languages. We investigated the phonetic-acoustic dimension of the linguistic aesthetic pleasure to describe the “music” found in European languages. The Romance languages, French, Italian, and Spanish, take a lead when people talk about melodious language – the music-like effects in the language (a.k.a., phonetic chill). On the other end of the melodiousness spectrum are German and Arabic that are often considered sounding harsh and un-attractive. Despite the public interest, (...)
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    Polysemie als Verfahren lexikalischer Motivation: Theorie und Empirie am Beispiel von Metonymie und Metapher im Französischen und Italienischen.Daniela Marzo - 2013 - Tübingen: Narr.
    Motivation und Ikonizität : Die Frage nach dem richtigen Wort -- Der Zusammenhang von Polysemie, Ikonizität und lexikalischer Motivation -- Empirische Ermittlung lexikalischer Motivation : Die Frage nach der richtigen Methode -- Der Einfluss konzeptueller Relationen auf intrinsische und extrinsische Motivierbarkeit -- Polysemie und Skalen diagrammatischer Transparenz : Ein formales und semantisches Transparenzmodell -- Zusammenfassung und Schlussbemerkungen.
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  8. Regulation and policy-making for urban cultural heritage preservation: A comparison between Iran and Italy.Omid Boodaghi, Zohreh Fanni & Asma Mehan - 2022 - Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development (ahead of print).
    Purpose: Despite various comparative studies in the field of cultural heritage protection in the world, there is still a significant lack of comparative research on policies related to the legal system of countries' governance. The purpose of this study is to address the comparative policies in Iran and Italy, with a particular focus on the results of the executive experiences of two different types of policies in the cities of Oroumieh (North-West of Iran) and Turin (in North-West of Italy). Design/methodology/approach: (...)
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  9. The italian language and national unity.Maurizio Vitale - 2012 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 67 (4):827-834.
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    A note on Vico and Lotman.Marcel Danesi - 2000 - Sign Systems Studies 28:99-114.
    The Italian philosopher Giambattista Vico foreshadowed many of the ideas currently being entertained by the modem cognitive and human sciences. By emphasizing the role of the imagination in the production of meaning, Vico showed how truly ingenious the fIrst forms of representation were. His view that these forms were "poetic" is only now being given serious attention, as more and more linguists and psychologists come to realize the role of metaphor in the generation of abstract systems of representation. The (...)
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    Mlchela menghini.Italian-English Correspondences - 2008 - In V. K. Bhatia, Christopher Candlin & Paola Evangelisti Allori (eds.), Language, culture and the law: the formulation of legal concepts across systems and cultures. New York: Peter Lang. pp. 64--99.
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    Rehabilitation of aphasia: application of melodic-rhythmic therapy to Italian language.Maria Daniela Cortese, Francesco Riganello, Francesco Arcuri, Luigina Maria Pignataro & Iolanda Buglione - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9:146415.
    Aphasia is a complex disorder, frequent after stroke (with an incidence of 38%), with a detailed pathophysiological characterization. Effective approaches are crucial for devising an efficient rehabilitative strategy, in order to address the everyday life and professional disability. Several rehabilitative procedures are based on psycholinguistic, cognitive, psychosocial or pragmatic approaches, including amongst those with a neurobehavioral approach the Melodic Intonation Therapy (MIT). Van Eeckhout’s adaptation of MIT to French language (Melodic-Rhythmic Therapy: MRT) has implemented the training strategy by adding (...)
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    First Language Attrition Induces Changes in Online Morphosyntactic Processing and Re‐Analysis: An ERP Study of Number Agreement in Complex Italian Sentences.Kristina Kasparian, Francesco Vespignani & Karsten Steinhauer - 2017 - Cognitive Science 41 (7):1760-1803.
    First language attrition in adulthood offers new insight on neuroplasticity and the role of language experience in shaping neurocognitive responses to language. Attriters are multilinguals for whom advancing L2 proficiency comes at the cost of the L1, as they experience a shift in exposure and dominance. To date, the neurocognitive mechanisms underlying L1 attrition are largely unexplored. Using event-related potentials, we examined L1-Italian grammatical processing in 24 attriters and 30 Italian native-controls. We assessed whether attriters (...)
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    Constructional associations trump lexical associations in processing valency coercion.Alessandro Lenci, Florent Perek & Lucia Busso - 2021 - Cognitive Linguistics 32 (2):287-318.
    The paper investigates the interaction of lexical and constructional meaning in valency coercion processing, and the effect of (in)compatibility between verb and construction for its successful resolution (Perek, Florent & Martin Hilpert. 2014. Constructional tolerance: Cross-linguistic differences in the acceptability of non-conventional uses of constructions. Constructions and Frames 6(2). 266–304; Yoon, Soyeon. 2019. Coercion and language change: A usage-based approach. Linguistic Research 36(1). 111–139). We present an online experiment on valency coercion (the first one on Italian), by means (...)
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  15. Histories of Philosophy and Thought in the Italian Language.Greco Francesca - 2024 - Hildesheim: Universitätsverlag Hildesheim.
    The endeavor of this bibliographical guide is inscribed in the broader effort to reframe the discipline of Philosophy in a global perspective through the account of its history. With the present work readers will gain a broad overview of the materials available in Italian on the histories of philosophy in different regions of the world from the first editions, in the 15th century, to the present. Some of these materials are presented in the extensive introduction to the bibliography, which (...)
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    The Munus of Transmitting Human Life: A New Approach to Humanae Vitae.Janet E. Smith - 1990 - The Thomist 54 (3):385-427.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE MUNUS OF TRANSMITTING HUMAN LIFE: A NEW APPROACH TO I-IUMANAE VITAE JANET E. SMITH University of Dallas Irving, Texas 'TIRE ONLY ACQUAINTANCE 1bhat most rea;ders have with the Latin of Humanae Vitae is the tit1le. It is likey that fow laymen and perhaps eV'en fow schofars make ire:ferenoe to the Latin text; indeed, it is ireported that I-Iumanae Vitae was originally composed in ltalian, and it seems that (...)
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    ORCA.IT: A New Web-Based Tool for Assessing Online Reading, Search and Comprehension Abilities in Students Reveals Effects of Gender, School Type and Reading Ability.Martina Caccia, Marisa Giorgetti, Alessio Toraldo, Massimo Molteni, Daniela Sarti, Mirta Vernice & Maria Luisa Lorusso - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    ORCA.IT, a new online test of online research and comprehension was developed for the Italian population. A group of 183 students attending various types of upper secondary schools in Northern Italy were tested with the new tool and underwent further cognitive and neuropsychological assessment. The different school types involved in the study are representative of the school population in the Italian system, but can also be easily compared with the educational systems of other countries. The new test turned (...)
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    Chinese Legal Terminology in European and Asian Contexts Analysed on the Example of Freedom of Contract Limits Related to State, Law and Publicity.Paulina Kozanecka - 2018 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 53 (1):141-162.
    The aim of this research was to analyse Chinese legal terminology related to limits of freedom of contract in juxtaposition with other European and Asian legal systems. The study was limited to state, law and publicity. The purpose of the comparison was to add a broader perspective to the research on Chinese legal terminology. The research material included civil codes and contract laws of selected European and Asian countries. Among the European codes the great ones were obviously included – (...)
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    Republics in Comparison. Cross-cultural perspectives on Genoa, Venice and the United Provinces in Italian literature.Enrico Zucchi - 2022 - History of European Ideas 48 (4):367-381.
    ABSTRACT Italian historiographers of the second half of the seventeenth century often establish parallels between early modern republics, comparing Genoa and Venice with the United Provinces, considered as similar political entities despite their evident political differences. The article, taking into account four different sources, investigates the meaning of those comparisons, published when the absolutist model was taking root all around Europe. In the twilight of the republican state, when the power and reputation of the Italian republics was maybe (...)
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    “False Friends” and Some Other Phenomena Reflecting the Historical Determination of the Terminology of Hungarian Private Law.András Földi - 2020 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 33 (3):729-747.
    This article deals with some phenomena of the Hungarian legal language from a historical point of view, with special regard to the terminology of private law going back to Roman law tradition. The author aims, on the one hand, to present the historical background of the current terminology of Hungarian private law by means of some representative examples. On the other hand, it is attempted at demonstrating that “false friends” and some further misunderstandings in the current terminology of Hungarian (...)
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    Dante Alighieri.Winthrop Wetherbee & Jason Aleksander - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Dante’s engagement with philosophy cannot be studied apart from his vocation as a writer, in which he sought to raise the level of public discourse by educating his countrymen and inspiring them to pursue happiness in the contemplative life. He was one of the most learned Italian laymen of his day, intimately familiar with Aristotelian logic and natural philosophy, theology, and classical literature. He is, of course,most famous for having written the Divine Comedy, but in his poetry as well (...)
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  22.  17
    Italian catholicism and the differentiation of rituals: A comparison of the neocatechumenal way and renewal in the spirit.Emanuela Contiero - 2012 - In Giuseppe Giordan & Enzo Pace (eds.), Mapping religion and spirituality in a postsecular world. Boston: Brill. pp. 22--9.
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    The language of constitutional comparison.Francois Venter - 2022 - Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing.
    In this incisive and thought-provoking book, Francois Venter illuminates the issues arising from the fact that the current language of constitutional law is strongly premised on a particular worldview rooted in the history of the states around the North Atlantic Ocean. Highlighting how this terminological hegemony is being challenged from various directions, Venter explores the problem that all constitutional comparatists face: that they all must use the same words to express different meanings. Offering a compact but comprehensive constitutional history, (...)
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  24. James Warren, Facing Death: Epicurus and His Critics. [REVIEW]Rachana Kamtekar - 2007 - Philosophical Review 116 (4):650-653.
    James Warren, Facing Death, Epicurus and his Critics. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2004. Pp. viii, 240. ISBN 0-19-925289-0. $45.00. Reviewed by Thornton Lockwood, Sacred Heart University Word count: 2152 words ------------------------------- To modern ears, the word Epicurean indicates an interest in fine dining. But at least throughout the early modern period up until the 19th century, Epicureanism was known less for its relation to food preparation and more so, if not scandalously so, for its doctrine about the annihilation of the human (...)
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    A comparison of sign language and spoken language.Ursula Bellugi & Susan Fischer - 1972 - Cognition 1 (2-3):173-200.
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  26. Natural language tutoring: A comparison of human tutors, computer tutors and text.K. VanLehn, A. C. Graesser, G. T. Jackson, P. Jordan, A. Olney & C. P. Rosé - unknown
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  27. Politics, language, and mind in early Chinese legalist ideas : focusing on the comparison of Shen Buhai with Han Fei.Soon-ja Yang - 2022 - In Eirik Lang Harris & Henrique Schneider (eds.), Adventures in Chinese Realism: Classic Philosophy Applied to Contemporary Issues. Albany: SUNY Press.
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    Chrysoloras, Manuel.Athanasia Theodoropoulou - 2019 - Encyclopedia of Renaissance Philosophy.
    Manuel Chrysoloras was a Byzantine scholar and diplomat. He is best known as the first notable professor of Greek language in Italy. He occupied the chair of Greek at the Florentine Studium, and he also taught Greek occasionally in Pavia, Milan, and Rome. Among his students were some of the prominent early Italian humanists including Leonardo Bruni, Uberto Decembrio, Guarino of Verona, Pier Paolo Vergerio, Palla Strozzi, Roberto Rossi, Jacopo Angeli da Scarperia, Cencio de’ Rustici, and others. His (...)
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  29.  12
    Mandarin–Italian Dual-Language Children’s Comprehension of Head-Final and Head-Initial Relative Clauses.Shenai Hu, Francesca Costa & Maria Teresa Guasti - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  30. Spatial language and spatial representation: a cross-linguistic comparison.Edward Munnich, Barbara Landau & Barbara Anne Dosher - 2001 - Cognition 81 (3):171-208.
  31.  56
    Language-specific and universal influences in children’s syntactic packaging of Manner and Path: A comparison of English, Japanese, and Turkish.Shanley Allen, Aslı Özyürek, Sotaro Kita, Amanda Brown, Reyhan Furman, Tomoko Ishizuka & Mihoko Fujii - 2007 - Cognition 102 (1):16-48.
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    Unsupervised law article mining based on deep pre-trained language representation models with application to the Italian civil code.Andrea Tagarelli & Andrea Simeri - 2022 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 30 (3):417-473.
    Modeling law search and retrieval as prediction problems has recently emerged as a predominant approach in law intelligence. Focusing on the law article retrieval task, we present a deep learning framework named LamBERTa, which is designed for civil-law codes, and specifically trained on the Italian civil code. To our knowledge, this is the first study proposing an advanced approach to law article prediction for the Italian legal system based on a BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) learning framework, (...)
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    Comparison of Syntactic Structures of Turkish Language in Resources of Philological-Grammar and Linguistics.Mustafa Altun - 2010 - Journal of Turkish Studies 5:74-86.
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    A formal comparison of conceptual data modeling languages.C. Maria Keet - unknown
    An essential aspect of conceptual data modeling methodologies is the language’s expressiveness so as to represent the subject domain as precise as possible to obtain good quality models and, consequently, software. To gain better insight in the characteristics of the main conceptual modeling languages, we conducted a comparison between ORM, ORM2, UML, ER, and EER with the aid of Description Logic languages of the DLR family and the new formally defined generic conceptual data modeling language CMcom that (...)
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  35.  19
    Pragmatic Language Skills: A Comparison of Children With Cochlear Implants and Children Without Hearing Loss.Michaela Socher, Björn Lyxell, Rachel Ellis, Malin Gärskog, Ingrid Hedström & Malin Wass - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Comparison of Expressive Spoken Language Skills in Children With Cochlear Implants and Children With Typical Hearing.Michaela Socher, Rachel Jane Ellis, Malin Wass & Björn Lyxell - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  37.  6
    Politics, Language and Mind in Early Chinese Legalist Ideas - Focusing on the Comparison of Shen Buhai with Han Feizi. 양순자 - 2017 - Journal of the Daedong Philosophical Association 81:213-237.
    본 논문은 신불해와 한비자의 관계를 기존의 ‘술(術)’이나 ‘형명(形名)’이라는 전통적 이론틀 에서 벗어나 정치, 언어, 마음이라는 포괄적이고 현대적인 관점에서 분석해보고자 하였다. 신불 해는 전기 법가로 평가되는 신도, 신불해, 상앙 중에서 ‘명(名)’의 중요성을 가장 강조한 철학자 이며, 정치는 언어에 의해 운용되는 행위임을 지적하였다. 한비자는 신불해의 관점을 적극적으 로 수용하며, 동시에 신불해가 언어의 기능을 과신했다고 비판한다. 한비자가 언어의 기능을 어 느 정도 불신하는 데에는 의사소통의 어려움 때문이다. 의사소통은 기본적으로 언어라는 기호로 이루어지며, 상대방을 설득할 때 주요한 수단으로 사용된다. 그런데 상대방을 설득할 때 중요한 것은 (...)
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  38. The language of science: Meaning variance and theory comparison.Howard Sankey - 2000 - Language Sciences 22 (2):117-136.
    The paper gives an overview of key themes of twentieth century philosophical treatment of the language of science, with special emphasis on the meaning variance of scientific terms and the comparison of alternative theories. These themes are dealt with via discussion of the topics of: (a) the logical positivist principle of verifiability and the problem of the meaning of theoretical terms, (b) the postpositivist thesis of semantic incommensurability, and (c) the scientific realist response to incommensurability based on the (...)
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    Does language about similarity play a role in fostering similarity comparison in children?Şeyda Özçalışkan, Susan Goldin-Meadow, Dedre Gentner & Carolyn Mylander - 2009 - Cognition 112 (2):217-228.
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    The representation of action in Italian Sign Language (LIS).Virginia Volterra, Pasquale Rinaldi, Chiara Bonsignori & Elena Tomasuolo - 2020 - Cognitive Linguistics 31 (1):1-36.
    The present study investigates the types of verb and symbolic representational strategies used by 10 deaf signing adults and 13 deaf signing children who described in Italian Sign Language 45 video clips representing nine action types generally communicated by five general verbs in spoken Italian. General verbs, in which the same sign was produced to refer to several different physical action types, were rarely used by either group of participants. Both signing children and adults usually produced specific (...)
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    Mental Language and Italian Scholasticism in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries.Alfonso Maierù - 2004 - In Russell L. Friedman & Sten Ebbesen (eds.), John Buridan and beyond: topics in the language sciences, 1300-1700. Copenhagen: Commission agent, C.A. Reitzel. pp. 89--33.
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    Cross-Language Modulation of Visual Attention Span: An Arabic-French-Spanish Comparison in Skilled Adult Readers.Faris H. R. Awadh, Thierry Phénix, Alexia Antzaka, Marie Lallier, Manuel Carreiras & Sylviane Valdois - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    A Mead‐Chomsky Comparison Reveals a Set of Key Questions on the Nature of Language and Mind.Timothy J. Gallagher - 2014 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 44 (2):148-167.
    The social psychologist George Herbert Mead and the cognitive linguist Noam Chomsky both investigated the nature of language and mind during the 20th century. They approached the issues broadly, pursuing both philosophical and scientific lines of reasoning and evidence. This comparative analysis of Mead and Chomsky identifies fourteen questions that summarize their collective effort, and which animated much of the debate concerning language and mind in the 20th century. These questions continue to be relevant to 21st century inquiries. (...)
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    Definite clause grammars for language analysis—A survey of the formalism and a comparison with augmented transition networks.Fernando C. N. Pereira & David H. D. Warren - 1980 - Artificial Intelligence 13 (3):231-278.
  45. A comparison of Derrida and Davidson on incommensurable scientific languages.Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    Donald Davidson denies that there are incommensurable scientific languages: languages which cannot be translated into our contemporary language. What about Derrida? What is his perspective on this matter? This paper presents a broadly Derridean objection to Susan Carey’s argument for incommensurability.
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  46. Preface to the Italian edition of Frege:" Philosophy of language".Michael Dummett - 2013 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 32 (1):33-60.
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  47. A comparison among four language research methods: Ethnography, Grounded Theory, Case Study, and Life History.José Javier Timal Mota - 2007 - Episteme 3 (11).
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    Spatial Position in Language and Visual Memory: A Cross-Linguistic Comparison.Anna Papafragou - unknown
    German and English speakers employ different strategies to encode static spatial scenes involving the axial position (standing vs. lying) of an inanimate figure object with respect to a ground object. In a series of three experiments, we show that this linguistic difference is not reflected in native speakers’ ability to detect changes in axial position in nonlinguistic memory tasks. Furthermore, even when participants are required to use language to encode a spatial scene, they do not rely on language (...)
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    Syntax in language and music: what is the right level of comparison?Rie Asano & Cedric Boeckx - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Franz Bopp. Analytical Comparison of the Sanskrit, Greek, Latin and Teutonic Languages, Shewing the Original Identity of Their Grammatical Structure.Rosane Rocher & E. F. K. Koerner - 1976 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 96 (3):458.
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