Results for 'Italy Parma'

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  1. Personal Character: From Naturalism to Phenomenology.Università Degli Studi di Parma Andrea Sebastiano Staiti Dipartimento Dusic & Italy Parma - forthcoming - International Journal of Philosophical Studies:1-17.
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  2. The political Italy of the 18th century seen through Portuguese eyes.Alberto Antunes de Abreu - 2006 - Cultura:231-244.
    José de Sousa Pereira, membro do Conselho da Fazenda de D. Pedro II, foi enviado a Roma com a embaixada do Bispo de Lamego entre 1676 a 1682. Consignou as impressões da viagem A politica dos princepes de Itália em 1680, decerto com a finalidade de fornecer modelos críti­cos aos governantes portugueses. Da apreciação da política italiana ressaltam simpatias pela república veneziana, pelo Ducado de Saboia, mas também um conhecimento deficiente das políti­cas de Génova, Modena, Mântua, Parma e Lucca, (...)
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    The Family Politics of Berengar I, King of Italy (888–924).Barbara H. Rosenwein - 1996 - Speculum 71 (2):247-289.
    Berengar was one of the kinglets bewailed by Regino of Prüm as a ruler spewed forth from the very “bowels” of his region in 888. His material resources were limited, his base of operations confined. To his far south were the dukes of Spoleto, whence came his rival kings of Italy Wido and Lambertus. To the far north, in eastern Francia and the new Kingdom of Provence, other rivals awaited their chances: first Arnulf of Carinthia, then Louis of Provence, (...)
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    Chance and the patterns of drift: A natural experiment.Robert C. Richardson - 2006 - Philosophy of Science 73 (5):642-654.
    Evolutionary models can explain the dynamics of populations, how genetic, genotypic, or phenotypic frequencies change with time. Models incorporating chance, or drift, predict specific patterns of change. These are illustrated using classic work on blood types by Cavalli-Sforza and his collaborators in the Parma Valley of Italy, in which the theoretically predicted patterns are exhibited in human populations. These data and the models display properties of ensembles of populations. The explanatory problem needs to be understood in terms of (...)
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    Intentional and Skillful Neurons.Jens Erling Birch - 2017 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 11 (3):339-356.
    In the mid-1990s, there was a major neuroscientific discovery which might drastically alter sport science in general and philosophy of sport in particular. The discovery of mirror neurons by Giacomo Rizzolatti and colleagues in Parma, Italy, is a substantial contribution to understanding brains, movements, and humans. Famous neuroscientist V. S. Ramachandran believes the discovery of mirror neurons ‘will do for psychology what DNA did for biology’. Somehow mirror neurons have not received the deserved attention in the philosophy of (...)
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    Intentionality And The Categories In Medieval Latin Averroism.Aurélien Robert - 2010 - Quaestio 10:167-196.
    When contemporary philosophers look at the medieval debate on intentionality, they usually have in mind what we call “Brentano’s thesis”. Indeed, Brentano ascribes to some medieval philosophers the thesis according to which objects of thought have a special kind of being that explains how can our thoughts be about this or that kind of things. Here, we decided to focus on the debates among the so-called “Latin Averroists”, because they clearly show that the medieval question on intentionality cannot be reduced (...)
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    Le Quaestiones de anima di Taddeo da Parma.Taddeo da Parma & Dfrom Old Catalog] - 1951 - Milano,: Vita e pensiero. Edited by Vanni Rovighi, Sofia & [From Old Catalog].
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    Aristotle’s unlimited dunamis argument: an unrecognized proof of the immobility of the Prime Mover.Italy Roma - 2023 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 32 (3):388-400.
    Volume 32, Issue 3, May 2024, Page 388-400.
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    From a Less-Authentic Experience to an Authentic Experience: Gadamer’s Changed Concept of the Symbol.Italy Padua - 2024 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 55 (3):255-272.
    Volume 55, Issue 3, July 2024, Page 255-272.
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  10. Magic, science and equality of human wits.Rossi - Italy - 2003 - In Bill Fulford, Katherine Morris, John Z. Sadler & Giovanni Stanghellini (eds.), Nature and Narrative: An Introduction to the New Philosophy of Psychiatry. New York: Oxford University Press.
  11. L'epistola degli Ih̲wān al-Ṣafāʾ "Sulle opinioni e le religioni".Carmela Baffioni & Italy) Ikhwåan al-òsafåa® - 1989 - Napoli: Istituto universitario orientale, Dipartimento di studi e ricerche su Africa e paesi arabi.
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    Il carteggio di Benedetto Croce con la Biblioteca del Senato, 1910-1952.Benedetto Croce, Giovanni Spadolini & Italy - 1991 - Roma: Senato della Repubblica. Edited by Giovanni Spadolini.
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    „Es war einmal eine Metaphysik der Sitten...“.Vinicio Parma - 2000 - Kant Studien 91 (s1):42-65.
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    (1 other version)Protágoras y el significado de aisthesis.Lorena Rojas Parma - 2015 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 71:127-149.
    Este artículo se propone mostrar que el significado de aisthesis para Protágoras responde al uso y significación de la filosofía jónica, esto es, aún significa indistintamente juicio, sensación, emoción, creencia, en fin, doxa. Esto tiene una consecuencia muy relevante para la comprensión del homo mensura y la tesis que afirma: aisthesis es episteme.
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    "Callas in Concert: sobre el holograma, el recuerdo y la presencia.Lorena Rojas Parma - 2020 - Revista de Filosofía 45 (2):317-339.
    El artículo se propone una reflexión crítica sobre el fenómeno del holograma en concierto, a través del “Callas in Concert”, del _Rose Theater at Lincoln Center_. Para ello, se diserta sobre la imagen, la reproducción y la condición de imitación del holograma con relación al original, y la calidad de esa experiencia estética. Asimismo, se analiza su función de _pharmakon_ para la memoria humana, las profundas diferencias que guarda con el recuerdo, y lo que puede afectar nuestras relaciones con el (...)
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    De amore: Sócrates y Alcibíades en el Banquete de Platón.Lorena Rojas Parma - 2011 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 23 (1):159-186.
    “De amore: Socrates and Alcibiades in Plato’s Symposium”. This articleproposes to study the relationship between Socrates and Alcibiades according toPlato’s Symposium. By these means, we seek to relect upon the other kind of lovewhich Socrates also exempliies in the dialogue, with the aim of understandingSocrates’ behavior towards Alcibiades beyond the moral contraposition betweenthe spiritual love of contemplation and the earthly love of Alcibiades. Moreover,we aim to present an approach to this relationship without identifying it with aSocratic conirmation of Diotima’s version. (...)
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    Derecho penal: pasado, presente y futuro.Carlos Parma - 2018 - Cdad. Aut. Bs. As.: Acercándonos Ediciones.
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  18. Entre" ensalmos" y" conjuros": sobre el temor y el conocimiento en el" Fedón" y el mito de la caverna.Lorena Rojas Parma - 2009 - Apuntes Filosóficos 19 (34):165-180.
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    El pensamiento de Günther Jakobs: el derecho penal del siglo XXI.Carlos Parma - 2001 - Mendoza: Ediciones Jurídicas Cuyo.
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    El ‹‹volver›› de la Aurora: sobre el dolor del amor y el conocimiento.Lorena Rojas Parma - 2016 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 41 (2):227-245.
    This article proposes a study on love as an ambivalent experience that incorporates, along with the pleasant, essentially pain, and whose experience requires preparation and self-knowledge. To do this, I have taken as a starting point fragment 130 of sappho and the Platonic notion of soul of Phaedrus, to culminating in a reconsideration of pain as a necessary experience that allows the understanding of what sappho’s calls “bittersweet” love. The erotic suffering is considered in two ways: from the deep pain (...)
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    La prohibición de regreso: Günther Jakobs y la participación criminal.Carlos Parma - 2004 - Mendoza: Ediciones Jurídicas Cuyo.
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  22. Sobre el dolor y la contemplación en el camino de Diotima de Mantinea.Lorena Rojas Parma - 2007 - la Lámpara de Diógenes 8 (14):26-43.
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  23. Teoría del delito.Carlos Parma - 2018 - [Costa Rica]: Editorial Jurídica Continental.
    Bases de la teoría del delito. Causalismo, finalismo y funcionalismo. Pasado, presente y futuro. Neurciencias. Conceptos penales -- Teoría de la imputación objetiva -- Consideraciones generales. Dogmática jurídica en torno al autor y participe. La tesis del dominio del hecho -- El dominio del hecho. La gran respuesta a los problemas de la autoría. Derecho comparado -- Autor que domina y otras hipótesis. Formas de autoria. Directa. Coautoria: funcional y concomitante. Mediata -- Las formas de autoria en la legislación latinoamericana (...)
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    The Fiction of the Beautiful: Digital Eros.Lorena Rojas Parma - 2019 - Dialogue and Universalism 29 (2):81-88.
    Love has always liked, as we can observe since the same lyrical beginnings, to show itself, proclaim itself, as if something vital was played in that revelation that, in a certain sense, does not stop being strange because we are talking about deep experiences of each one’s soul. Now, that showing, which has found a place of privilege, must be thought under the digital cloak that dresses Eros, and think about it, then, as digital Eros. From Plato, Eros is a (...)
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  25. Veinte años de gobernabilidad y reforma política en Argentina, las causas de la crisis de Diciembre de 2001.Ezequiel Eduardo Parma - 2013 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 35.
    ¿Las sociedades latinoamericanas están mal gobernadas o son simplemente ingobernables? Tal es la incógnita que orienta este trabajo. En el primer caso, los déficits de gobernabilidad que se manifiestan en casi todo el continente serían adjudicables a una insuficiente provisión de gobierno; en el segundo, a una demanda sobredimensionada que superaría toda posibilidad de satisfacción. Este artículo analiza la provisión y demanda de gobierno en un país del Cono Sur, la República Argentina, a lo largo de los últimos 70 años.
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  26. Part 1. The Personal Dimension: The Thread of History: Augustine of Hippo on the Concept of Person: A Philosophical Analysis.Matteo Scozia & Italy - 2020 - In James Beauregard, Giusy Gallo & Claudia Stancati (eds.), The person at the crossroads: a philosophical approach. Wilmington, Delaware: Vernon Press.
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  27. Fondamenti E Filosofia Della Fisica Atti Del Convegno Cesena-Urbino, 26-29 Settembre 1994.Vincenzo Fano, Lettere E. Arti Italy) Accademia di Scienze & Cesena - 1996 - Il Ponte Vecchio.
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  28. Personal Identity as Political System in David Hume.Spartaco Pupo & Italy - 2020 - In James Beauregard, Giusy Gallo & Claudia Stancati (eds.), The person at the crossroads: a philosophical approach. Wilmington, Delaware: Vernon Press.
  29. Memorie Epicuree: (PHerc. 1418 e 310).Cesira Philodemus & Italy Militello - 1997 - Napoli: Bibliopolis. Edited by Cesira Militello.
  30. Sustainability and competitive advantage : a case of patagonia's sustainability-driven innovation and shared value.Francesco Rattalino, Escp Europe & Italy - 2015 - In Daniel E. Palmer (ed.), Handbook of research on business ethics and corporate responsibilities. Hershey: Business Science Reference, An Imprint of IGI Global.
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  31. The systemic mind and a conceptual framework for the psychosocial environment of business enterprises: Practical implications for systemic leadership training.Radek Trnka & Petr Parma - 2015 - In Kuška Martin & Jandl M. J. (eds.), Current Research in Psychosocial Arena: Thinking about Health, Society and Culture. Sigmund Freud PrivatUniversitäts Verlag. pp. 68-79.
    This chapter introduces a research-based conceptual framework for the study of the inner psychosocial reality of business enterprises. It is called the Inner Organizational Ecosystem Approach (IOEA). This model is systemic in nature, and it defines the basic features of small and medium-size enterprises, such as elements, structures, borders, social actors, organizational climate, processes and resources. Further, it also covers the dynamics of psychosocial reality, processes, emergent qualities and the higher-order subsystems of the overall organizational ecosystem, including the global business (...)
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  32. La Scienza tra filosofia e storia in Italia nel Novecento: atti del congresso internazionale, Varese, 24-25-26, ottobre 1985.Fabio Minazzi, Luigi Zanzi & Italy (eds.) - 1987 - Roma: Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, Direzione generale delle informazioni dell'editoria e della proprietà letteraria artistica e scientifica.
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    Commentary: Olfactory aversive conditioning during sleep reduces cigarette-smoking behavior.Nicola Cellini & Valentina Parma - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Olfactory influences on reach-to-press movements in a stop-signal task.Javier Albayay, Umberto Castiello & Valentina Parma - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion:1-8.
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    The functional and developmental role of imitation in the typical brain.Luca Casartelli & Valentina Parma - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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    Questiones super tractatus logice magistri Petri Hispani.Biagio Pelacani da Parma - 2001 - Paris: J. Vrin. Edited by J. Biard & Graziella Federici-Vescovini.
    "Ces "questiones" sont particulièrement reprèsentatives de la logique italienne au XIVe siècle.
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  37. Wittgenstein, Probability and Supraclassical Logics.Matteo Bizzarri Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa & Italy - forthcoming - History and Philosophy of Logic:1-15.
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    Marx „gegen“ Hegel on Greek Atomism.Umberto Emanuela ConversanoCorso & E. Monopoli Italy: - 2015 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2015 (1).
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    Crypto-preorders, topological relations, information and logic.Piero Pagliani International Rough Set Society, Rome & Italy - 2024 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 34 (2):330-367.
    As is well known, any preorder R on a set U induces an Alexandrov topology on U. In some interesting cases related to data mining an Alexandrov topology can be transformed into different types of logico-algebraic models. In some cases, (pre)topological operators provided by Pointless Topology may define a topological space on U even if R is not a preorder. If this is the case, then we call R a crypto-preorder. The paper studies the conditions under which a relation R (...)
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    Hypercontact semilattices.Paolo Lipparini Dipartimento di Matematica, Viale Della Ricerca Scientifica, Univergità di Roma “Tor Versata”, Rome & Italy - forthcoming - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics:1-26.
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  41. Italy meets Freire : the rationale for a promising encounter in the critical 1970s.Letterio Todaro - 2022 - In Jones Irwin & Letterio Todaro (eds.), Paulo Freire's philosophy of education in contemporary context: from Italy to the world. New York: Peter Lang.
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  42. Italy as the Kremlin’s ‘Trojan Horse’ in Europe: Some Overlooked Factors.Artem Patalakh - 2020 - E-International Relations:1-6.
    As Russian influence in Italy grows, Putin’s ‘Trojan horse’ in the EU reflects several societal trends, molding perceptions of a foreign policy appropriate for Italy.
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    Italy after the Pyrrhic War: the Beginnings of Roman Colonization in Etruria.Edoardo Bianchi - 2018 - Klio 100 (3):765-784.
    Summary My paper aims to clarify the subsequent steps of Rome’s encroachment on Etruria in the aftermath of the Pyrrhic War. As is well known, the Latin colony of Cosa was founded in 273 BC on the Tyrrhenian coast to the north of Vulci; moreover, in the years 264–245 BC, four citizen colonies were founded on the Caeretan coast, namely Castrum Novum, Pyrgi, Alsium and Fregenae. Unfortunately, it is not easy to reconstruct precisely what the Roman movements in Etruria were, (...)
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  44. Italy: Resilient and Vulnerable, vol. II: Politics and Society. By Edmondo Berselli et al.G. Baruchello - 2004 - The European Legacy 9 (1):108-108.
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    Italy: Between Bureaucratic Power and Democratic Legitimacy.Teodoro Klitsche de la Grange - 2002 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2002 (123):167-174.
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    Italy and Europe: The Case of Antonio Vallisneri (1661–1730).Rhoda Rappaport - 1991 - History of Science 29 (1):73-98.
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  47. Quante Italie? Persistenza e trasformazione delle culture politiche subnazionali.Mario Caciagli - 1988 - Polis 2 (3):429-457.
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  48. Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany: The" Fascist" Style of Rule. By Alexander J. De Grand.S. Falasca-Zamponi - 2000 - The European Legacy 5 (3):452-452.
  49. Italy: Resilient and Vulnerable, Volume I: The European Challenge. Daedalus.B. Ferraro - 2004 - The European Legacy 9 (1):114-115.
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    Rebuilding post-Revolutionary Italy: Leopardi and Vico's 'new science'.Martina Piperno - 2018 - Oxford: Voltaire Foundation.
    The rediscovery of the thought of Giambattista Vico (1668-1774) - especially his New science - is a post-Revolutionary phenomenon. Stressing the elements that keep society together by promoting a sense of belonging, Vico's philosophy helped shape a new Italian identity and intellectual class. Poet and philosopher Giacomo Leopardi (1798-1837) responded perceptively to the spreading and manipulation of Vico's ideas, but to what extent can he be considered Vico's heir? Through examining the reasons behind the success of the New science in (...)
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