Results for 'Ivan Ivanovich Benediktov'

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  1. Filosofii︠a︡ i medit︠s︡ina.Ivan Ivanovich Benediktov - 1967 - Edited by Plotnikov, Vladimir Ilʹich & [From Old Catalog].
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  2. Amerikanskai︠a︡ burzhuaznai︠a︡ aksiologii︠a︡ na sluzhbe imperializma.Ivan Ivanovich Antonovich - 1967 - Minsk,: Nauka i tekhnika.
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  3. Sovremennai︠a︡ "filosofskai︠a︡ antropologii︠a︡".Ivan Ivanovich Antonovich - 1970 - Minsk,: Nauka i tekhnika.
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  4. Sot︠s︡ialʹnoe kredo burzhuaznogo gumanizma.Ivan Ivanovich Antonovich - 1976
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  5. V.I. Lenin o sot︠s︡ialisticheskom gumanizme: material v pomoshchʹ lektoru.Ivan Ivanovich Antonovich - 1968 - Minsk: [S.N.].
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  6. Iz istorii marksistskoĭ filosofskoĭ mysli v SShA: (Ot I. Veĭdemeĭera do nashikh dneĭ).Ivan Ivanovich Cherkasov - 1977 - Moskva: Nauka ;.
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  7. Senʺ-Simonʺ i senʺ-simonizmʺ.Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov - 1901 - Moskva: Univ. tip..
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  8. O vozmozhnosti vi︠e︡chnago mira v filosofīi.Ivan Ivanovich Lapshin - 1898
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  9. Problema "chuzhogo i︠a︡" v novi︠e︡ĭsheĭ filosofīi.Ivan Ivanovich Lapshin - 1910
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  10. Spor o svobodi︠e︡ voli.Ivan Ivanovich Lapshin - 1941
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  11. Struktura predlozhenii︠a︡.Ivan Ivanovich Meshchaninov - 1963 - Leningrad,: Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR [Leningradskoe otd.].
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  12. Istoricheskoe i logicheskoe v marksistskoĭ filosofii.Ivan Ivanovich Grit︠s︡enko - 1969
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  13. Logicheskoe i istoricheskoe--kategorii materialisticheskoĭ dialektiki.Ivan Ivanovich Grit︠s︡enko - 1967
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  14. Istoricheskiĭ materializm i sovremennoe estestvoznanie.Ivan Ivanovich Skvort︠s︡ov-Stepanov - 1925
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  15. Neokantianstvo v Rossii: Aleksandr Ivanovich Vvedenskiĭ, Ivan Ivanovich Lapshin.V. N. Bri︠u︡shinkin & V. S. Popova (eds.) - 2013 - Moskva: ROSSPĖN.
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    Work in the system of vital senses of Ivan Ogienko.K. Nedzelsky - 2001 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 21:80-88.
    "In the sweat of your face you will eat bread" - this well-known biblical imperative from the Book of Genesis is best suited to the general characteristics of the life path of the famous Ukrainian scholar and theologian Ivan Ivanovich Ogienko, also known as Metropolitan Ilarion. All his long enough life, from early childhood to his death, he worked for the benefit of his native Ukrainian people, expressing his hard work one of the most significant of his existential (...)
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    Medical Nemesis: The Expropriation of Health.Ivan Illich - 1976 - Pantheon Books.
    "The medical establishment has become a major threat to health. The disabling impact of professional control over medicine has reached the proportions of an epidemic. Iatrogenesis, the name for this new epidemic, comes from iatros, the Greek word for physician, and genesis, meaning origin. Discussion of the disease of medical progress has moved up on the agendas of medical conferences, researchers concentrate on the sick-making powers of diagnosis and therapy, and reports on paradoxical damage caused by cures for sickness take (...)
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  18. Analiz leninskogo filosofskogo slovari︠a︡: mezhvuzovskiĭ sbornik.N. A. Benediktov & A. M. Dorozhkin (eds.) - 1988 - Gorʹkiĭ: Gorʹkovskiĭ universitet im. N.I. Lobachevskogo.
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  19. Filosofii︠a︡ istorii v Rossii: XIX vek.N. A. Benediktov (ed.) - 1994 - Nizhniĭ Novgorod: Nizhegorodskiĭ in-t razvitii︠a︡ obrazovanii︠a︡.
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    Russkai︠a︡ idei︠a︡: ocherk razvitii︠a︡ otechestvennoĭ filosofskoĭ mysli: uchebnoe posobie.N. A. Benediktov - 1993 - Nizhniĭ Novgorod: Izd-vo Nizhegorod. univ.. Edited by S. O. Makarychev & E. N. Shatalin.
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    Russkie svi︠a︡tyni.N. A. Benediktov - 2003 - Moskva: Algoritm.
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    Against theory of mind.Ivan Leudar & Alan Costall (eds.) - 2009 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    The "theory of mind" framework has been the fastest growing body of empirical research in contemporary psychology. It has given rise to a range of positions on what it takes to relate to others as intentional beings. This book brings together disparate strands of ToM research, lays out historical roots of the idea, and indicates better alternatives.
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  23. Property-awareness and representation.Ivan V. Ivanov - 2017 - Topoi 36 (2):331-342.
    Is property-awareness constituted by representation or not? If it were, merely being aware of the qualities of physical objects would involve being in a representational state. This would have considerable implications for a prominent view of the nature of successful perceptual experiences. According to naïve realism, any such experience—or more specifically its character—is fundamentally a relation of awareness to concrete items in the environment. Naïve realists take their view to be a genuine alternative to representationalism, the view on which the (...)
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    Mining legal arguments in court decisions.Ivan Habernal, Daniel Faber, Nicola Recchia, Sebastian Bretthauer, Iryna Gurevych, Indra Spiecker Genannt Döhmann & Christoph Burchard - 2024 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 32 (3):1-38.
    Identifying, classifying, and analyzing arguments in legal discourse has been a prominent area of research since the inception of the argument mining field. However, there has been a major discrepancy between the way natural language processing (NLP) researchers model and annotate arguments in court decisions and the way legal experts understand and analyze legal argumentation. While computational approaches typically simplify arguments into generic premises and claims, arguments in legal research usually exhibit a rich typology that is important for gaining insights (...)
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    Identity, ethics and behavioural welfare economics.Ivan Mitrouchev & Valerio Buonomo - 2024 - Economics and Philosophy 40 (2):310-336.
    Multiple selves is a conventional assumption in behavioural welfare economics for modelling intrapersonal well-being. Yet an important question is which self has normative authority over others. In this paper, we advance an argument for what we call the ‘ontological approach’ to personal identity in behavioural welfare economics. According to this approach, ethical questions – such as which preference should be granted normative authority over another – can be informed by the ontological criterion of personal persistence, which aims at determining what (...)
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    Diagnostic formulations in psychotherapy.Ivan Leudar, Rebecca Barnes & Charles Antaki - 2005 - Discourse Studies 7 (6):627-647.
    Conversation analysts have noted that, in psychotherapy, formulations of the client's talk can be a vehicle for offering a psychological interpretation of the client's circumstances. But we notice that not all formulations in psychotherapy offer interpretations. We offer an analysis of formulations that are diagnostic: that is, used by the professional to sharpen, clarify or refine the client's account and make it better able to provide what the professional needs to know about the client's history and symptoms. In doing so, (...)
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    The Epistemology of Immunity to Error through Misidentification.Ivan Hu - 2017 - Journal of Philosophy 114 (3):113-133.
    This paper offers several new insights into the epistemology of immunity to error through misidentification, by refining James Pryor’s distinction between de re misidentification and wh-misidentification. This is crucial for identifying exactly what is at issue in debates over the Immunity thesis that, roughly, all introspection-based beliefs about one’s own occurrent psychological states are immune to error through misidentification. I contend that the debate between John Campbell and Annalisa Coliva over whether the phenomenon of thought insertion provides empirical evidence against (...)
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    The human being shaping and transcending itself: Written language, brain, and culture.Ivan Colagè - 2015 - Zygon 50 (4):1002-1021.
    Recent theological anthropology emphasizes a dynamic and integral understanding of the human being, which is also related to Karl Rahner's idea of active self-transcendence and to the imago Dei doctrine. The recent neuroscientific discovery of the “visual word form area” for reading, regarded in light of the concept of cultural neural reuse, will produce fresh implications for the interrelation of brain biology and human culture. The theological and neuroscientific parts are shown in their mutual connections thus articulating the notion that (...)
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    A neuropsychological theory of hippocampal function: Procrustean treatment of inconvenient data.Ivan Divac - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (3):326-327.
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    Auditory Contagious Yawning Is Highest Between Friends and Family Members: Support to the Emotional Bias Hypothesis.Ivan Norscia, Anna Zanoli, Marco Gamba & Elisabetta Palagi - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Responsible Management, Incentive Systems, and Productivity.Ivan Hilliard - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 118 (2):365-377.
    A disconnect remains between theories about responsible management and application in real-life organizations. Part of the reason is due to the complexity and holistic nature of the field, and the fact that many of the benefits of aligning business objectives with changing societal conditions are of an intangible nature. Human resource management is an increasingly important part of the field with benefits including talent retention, higher levels of motivation, and improvements in organizational cohesion. This paper sets out an experiment run (...)
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  32. Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, and the Redemption of Life through Art.Ivan Soll - 1998 - In Christopher Janaway, Willing and Nothingness: Schopenhauer as Nietzsche’s Educator. New York: Clarendon Press. pp. 79--105.
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    You cannot find what you are not looking for: Population differences in relational reasoning are sometimes differences in inductive biases alone.Ivan G. Kroupin & Susan E. Carey - 2022 - Cognition 222 (C):105007.
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    Do Subaltern Artifacts Belong in Art Museums?Ivan Gaskell, A. W. Eaton, James O. Young & Conrad Brunk - 2009 - In James O. Young & Conrad G. Brunk, The Ethics of Cultural Appropriation. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 235–267.
    This chapter contains sections titled: 1 2 3 4 5 6.
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  35. The Oxford Handbook of History and Material Culture.Ivan Gaskell & Sarah Anne Carter (eds.) - 2020 - Oxford University Press.
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    Epistemicism and response-dependence.Ivan Hu - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):9109-9131.
    Epistemicists claim that if it is vague whether p, it is unknowable whether p. Some contest this on epistemic grounds: vague intuitions about vague matters need not fully preclude knowledge, if those intuitions are response-dependent in some special sense of enabling vague knowledge. This paper defends the epistemicist principle that vagueness entails ignorance against such objections. I argue that not only is response-dependence an implausible characterization of actual vague matters, its mere possibility poses no threat to epistemicism and is properly (...)
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  37. Theory of mind : The madness behind the method.Ivan Leudar & Alan Costall - 2009 - In Ivan Leudar & Alan Costall, Against theory of mind. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    New Ways of Teaching: Using Technology and Mobile Apps to Educate on Societal Grand Challenges.Ivan Montiel, Javier Delgado-Ceballos, Natalia Ortiz-de-Mandojana & Raquel Antolin-Lopez - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 161 (2):243-251.
    We use this editorial essay as a call for a more effective use of new technologies, such as mobile apps and Web 2.0 tools, to educate students and other relevant stakeholders on business ethics, corporate social responsibility, and sustainability topics. We identify three overarching reasons that justify the need for new ways of teaching that further incorporate technology to foster the innovative thinking needed to tackle imminent societal grand challenges such as climate change and increasing inequality. First, we are facing (...)
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    Recommending beauty: semantics and pragmatics of aesthetic predicates.Ivan Milić & Javier González de Prado Salas - 2018 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 61 (2):198-221.
    The paper offers a semantic and pragmatic analysis of statements of the form ‘x is beautiful’ as involving a double speech act: first, a report that x is beautiful relative to the speaker’s aesthetic standard, along the lines of naive contextualism; second, the speaker’s recommendation that her audience comes to share her appraisal of x as beautiful. We suggest that attributions of beauty tend to convey such a recommendation due to the role that aesthetic practices play in fostering and enhancing (...)
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    Abitudini estetiche barocche: la Cappella della Sacra Sindone di Guarino Guarini.Ivan Quartesan & Gregorio Tenti - 2024 - In Alessandro Bertinetto, Paolo Furia & Davico Luca, AbiTo. Abitudini estetiche, spazio pubblico e arte, tra storia e contemporaneità: il caso Torino. Milano: Franco Angeli. pp. 139-148.
    This chapter examinates the concept of Baroque habits in its various declensions, dwelling in particular on aesthetic habits through the case study of Guarino Guarini’s Chapel of the Holy Shroud in Turin. In the first part three declensions of Baroque habits, linked together by profound implications, are identified: habits of knowledge, referred to the ideal of Baroque encyclopedism; moral habits, framed in the Baroque practices of government of affects; and aesthetic habits, consisting in regimes of or- dering of sensible experience (...)
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    What Counts as an Insult?Ivan Milić - 2018 - Acta Analytica 33 (4):539-552.
    In virtue of what does a linguistic act count as an insult? I discuss five main approaches to this question, according to which an insult is determined by (i) the semantic properties of the expression used; (ii) the insulter, her intention, or attitudes; (iii) the addressee and her personal standard; (iv) the features of the speech act performed; and (v) the standard of the relevant social group. I endorse the last, objectivist account, according to which an act x counts as (...)
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  42. Pains and sounds.Ivan V. Ivanov - 2011 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 18 (9-10):143-163.
    I argue that an analogy between pains and sounds suggests a way to give an objective account of pain which fits well with a naïve perceptualist account of feeling pain. According to the proposed metaphysical account, pains are relational physical events with shared qualitative nature, each of which is constituted by tissue damage and the activation of nociceptors. I proceed to show that the metaphysical proposal is compatible with platitudes about pains being animate, private, and self-intimating states.
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    Valores, Verdade e Investigação: uma alternativa pragmatista ao não cognitivismo de Russell.Ivan Ferreira da Cunha - 2020 - Trans/Form/Ação 43 (3):245-268.
    Resumo Este artigo apresenta um referencial pragmatista para compreender o estatuto epistêmico da valoração que é produzida na reflexão acerca das consequências sociais de propostas científicas e tecnológicas. O problema é posto, seguindo-se as considerações de Bertrand Russell sobre o impacto da ciência na sociedade. Russell argumenta que a valoração de arranjos sociais fica fora dos limites do conhecimento, porque valorações não podem ser verdadeiras ou falsas, em sentido correspondencial. Isso leva o pensamento social a um impasse, pois não se (...)
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  44. Epistemicism, paradox, and conditional obligation.Ivan Hu - 2015 - Philosophical Studies 172 (8):2123-2139.
    Stewart Shapiro has objected to the epistemicist theory of vagueness on grounds that it gives counterintuitive predictions about cases involving conditional obligation. This paper details a response on the epistemicist’s behalf. I first argue that Shapiro’s own presentation of the objection is unsuccessful as an argument against epistemicism. I then reconstruct and offer two alternative arguments inspired by Shapiro’s considerations, and argue that these fail too, given the information-sensitive nature of conditional obligations.
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    A Note on Existentially Known Assertions.Ivan Milić - 2015 - Philosophical Quarterly 65 (261):813-821.
    An assertion is existentially known if and only if: (i) the speaker knows that the sentence she uses to make the assertion expresses a true proposition; (ii) she makes the assertion based on that knowledge; and (iii) she does not believe, have justification for, or know the proposition asserted. Accordingly, if existentially known assertions could be made correctly—as argued by Charlie Pelling in his ‘Assertion and the Provision of Knowledge’—this would show that the norm of assertion cannot be the speaker's (...)
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    Brouwer’s Notion of ‘Egoicity’.Ivan Restović - 2022 - Axiomathes 32 (1):83-100.
    According to Brouwer’s ‘theory of the exodus of consciousness’, our experience includes ‘egoicity’, a distinct kind of feeling. In this paper, we describe his phenomenology in order to explore and elaborate on the notion of egoic sensations. In the world of perception formed from sensations, some of them are, Brouwer claims, not completely separated or ‘estranged’ from the subject, which is to say they have a certain degree of egoicity. We claim this phenomenon can be explained in terms of the (...)
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  47. Dictionary of Philosophy.Ivan Frolov - 1987 - Studies in Soviet Thought 34 (4):269-271.
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    A Note on a Description Logic of Concept and Role Typicality for Defeasible Reasoning Over Ontologies.Ivan Varzinczak - 2018 - Logica Universalis 12 (3-4):297-325.
    In this work, we propose a meaningful extension of description logics for non-monotonic reasoning. We introduce \, a logic allowing for the representation of and reasoning about both typical class-membership and typical instances of a relation. We propose a preferential semantics for \ in terms of partially-ordered DL interpretations which intuitively captures the notions of typicality we are interested in. We define a tableau-based algorithm for checking \ knowledge-base consistency that always terminates and we show that it is sound and (...)
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    Linguistic markers of schizophrenia: a case study of Robert Walser.Ivan Nenchev, Tatjana Scheffler, Heiner Stuke, Benjamin Wilck, Sandra Anna Just & Christiane Montag - 2024 - Proceedings of the 9Th Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology (Clpsych 2024).
    We present a study of the linguistic output of the German-speaking writer Robert Walser using Natural Language Processing (NLP). We curated a corpus comprising texts written by Walser during periods of sound health, and writings from the year before his hospitalization, and writings from the first year of his stay in a psychiatric clinic, all likely attributed to schizophrenia. Within this corpus, we identified and analyzed a total of 20 linguistic markers encompassing established metrics for lexical diversity, semantic similarity, and (...)
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    Yawning Is More Contagious in Pregnant Than Nulliparous Women.Ivan Norscia, Lucia Agostini, Alessia Moroni, Marta Caselli, Margherita Micheletti-Cremasco, Concetta Vardé & Elisabetta Palagi - 2021 - Human Nature 32 (2):301-325.
    Contrary to spontaneous yawning, which is widespread in vertebrates and probably evolutionary ancient, contagious yawning—yawning triggered by others’ yawns—is considered an evolutionarily recent phenomenon, found in species characterized by complex sociality. Whether the social asymmetry observed in the occurrence of contagious yawning is related to social and emotional attachment and may therefore reflect emotional contagion is a subject of debate. In this study we assessed whether yawn contagion was enhanced in pregnant women, a cohort of subjects who develop prenatal emotional (...)
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