Results for 'J. Chiang'

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  1.  49
    Manufacturing Motivation in the Mundane: Servant Leadership’s Influence on Employees’ Intrinsic Motivation and Performance.Chad A. Hartnell, Amanda Christensen-Salem, Fred O. Walumbwa, Derek J. Stotler, Flora F. T. Chiang & Thomas A. Birtch - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 188 (3):533-552.
    The manufacturing industry faces a trend in which employees’ work processes are being redesigned into simple, repetitive tasks that maximize performance and efficiency. This neo-Tayloristic business model reduces social interactions and stifles relationship building, leading to disgruntled employees and raising questions about leaders’ moral obligation as to the mechanisms they use to enhance employees’ performance at work. As an alternative to redesigning work processes, we contend that servant leaders can enhance employees’ overall performance by cultivating positive interpersonal dynamics at work (...)
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    Corporate Social Responsibility and Growth Opportunity: The Case of Real Estate Investment Trusts.Kevin C. H. Chiang, Gregory J. Wachtel & Xiyu Zhou - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 155 (2):463-478.
    Corporate social responsibility involvement and disclosure has been becoming increasingly popular among US public firms, including those that qualify as real estate investment trusts. This paper aims to discover the relationship between CSR involvement and potential determinants such as growth opportunities, profitability, visibility, and agency costs. Types of CSR involvement are assessed in terms of environmental, community, and governance disclosures and are quantified using word count from the company’s voluntary disclosure. Our results support the hypothesis that CSR has a strategic (...)
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    Prosthesis Refusal and the Ethics of Care in J. M. Coetzee’s Slow Man.Michelle Chiang - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Humanities:1-13.
    In The Ethics of Care: Personal, Political, and Global, Virginia Held asserts that those in the position to care should exercise power in ways that avoid violence and damage, and that trust and mutuality should be fostered in place of benevolent domination. With reference to Held’s idea of relational care, this essay close reads J. M. Coetzee’s depiction of prosthesis refusal in Slow Man as a nuanced critique of caring actions that are devoid of relationality. At the center of the (...)
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  4. Loman, MM, B15.E. Blair, W. C. Chiang, L. Cosmides, C. Drake, J. Evans, L. Fiddick, A. Frankenfield, S. J. Handley, M. R. Jones & D. G. Kemler Nelson - 2000 - Cognition 77:289.
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  5.  29
    Team process in community‐based participatory research on maternity care in the Dominican Republic.Jennifer Foster, Fidela Chiang, Rebecca C. Hillard, Priscilla Hall & Annemarie Heath - 2010 - Nursing Inquiry 17 (4):309-316.
    FOSTER J, CHIANG F, HILLARD RC, HALL P and HEATH A. Nursing Inquiry 2010; 17: 309–316 Team process in community‐based participatory research on maternity care in the Dominican RepublicA cross‐cultural team consisting of US trained academic midwife researchers, Dominican nurses, and Dominican community leaders have partnered in this international nursing and midwifery community‐based participatory research (CBPR) project in the Dominican Republic to understand the community experience with publicly funded maternity services. The purpose of the study was to understand community (...)
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  6. Controlling for performance capacity confounds in neuroimaging studies of conscious awareness.Jorge Morales, Jeffrey Chiang & Hakwan Lau - 2015 - Neuroscience of Consciousness 1:1-11.
    Studying the neural correlates of conscious awareness depends on a reliable comparison between activations associated with awareness and unawareness. One particularly difficult confound to remove is task performance capacity, i.e. the difference in performance between the conditions of interest. While ideally task performance capacity should be matched across different conditions, this is difficult to achieve experimentally. However, differences in performance could theoretically be corrected for mathematically. One such proposal is found in a recent paper by Lamy, Salti and Bar-Haim [Lamy (...)
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  7.  18
    Maturational trajectory of fusiform gyrus neural activity when viewing faces: From 4 months to 4 years old.Yuhan Chen, Olivia Allison, Heather L. Green, Emily S. Kuschner, Song Liu, Mina Kim, Michelle Slinger, Kylie Mol, Taylor Chiang, Luke Bloy, Timothy P. L. Roberts & J. Christopher Edgar - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Infant and young child electrophysiology studies have provided information regarding the maturation of face-encoding neural processes. A limitation of previous research is that very few studies have examined face-encoding processes in children 12–48 months of age, a developmental period characterized by rapid changes in the ability to encode facial information. The present study sought to fill this gap in the literature via a longitudinal study examining the maturation of a primary node in the face-encoding network—the left and right fusiform gyrus. (...)
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  8.  67
    Motor Preparation Disrupts Proactive Control in the Stop Signal Task.Wuyi Wang, Sien Hu, Jaime S. Ide, Simon Zhornitsky, Sheng Zhang, Angela J. Yu & Chiang-Shan R. Li - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  9.  31
    How Therav?da is Therav?da? Exploring Buddhist Identities, edited by Peter Skilling, Jason A. Carbine, Claudio Cicuzza, Santi Pakdeekham. Chiang Mai: Silkworm Books, 2012. 50 black and white and 100 color illustrations. Pb., £40 ISBN-13:9786162150449. [REVIEW]Elizabeth J. Harris - 2014 - Buddhist Studies Review 30 (2):283-286.
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  10. Are there adverse consequences of quizzing during informed consent for HIV research?J. Sugarman, A. Corneli, D. Donnell, T. Y. Liu, S. Rose, D. Celentano, B. Jackson, A. Aramrattana, L. Wei, Y. Shao, F. Liping, R. Baoling, B. Dye & D. Metzger - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (11):693-697.
    Introduction While quizzing during informed consent for research to ensure understanding has become commonplace, it is unclear whether the quizzing itself is problematic for potential participants. In this study, we address this issue in a multinational HIV prevention research trial enrolling injection drug users in China and Thailand. Methods Enrolment procedures included an informed consent comprehension quiz. An informed consent survey followed. Results 525 participants completed the informed consent survey (Heng County, China=255, Xinjiang, China=229, Chiang Mai, Thailand=41). Mean age (...)
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  11.  50
    Chiang Ch'ing's "Farewell Letter" to T'Ang Na.Lan P'ing Chiang Ch'ing - 1980 - Chinese Studies in History 14 (2):77-82.
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  12. Jen sheng chen i, Chiang Wen-chieh chu.Wen-Chieh Chiang - 1973 - Tʾai-pei,:
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  13.  29
    Chiang Kai-shek's Fundamental Guideline for China's War Efforts During the Sino-Japanese War: Resist to the Last and Fight to the Bitter End.Chiang Yung-Ching - 1988 - Chinese Studies in History 21 (3):23-50.
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    Infants' tracking of objects and collections.Wen-Chi Chiang & Karen Wynn - 2000 - Cognition 77 (3):169-195.
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  15.  66
    The Laboratory Technology of Discrete Molecular Separation: The Historical Development of Gel Electrophoresis and the Material Epistemology of Biomolecular Science, 1945–1970.Howard Hsueh-Hao Chiang - 2009 - Journal of the History of Biology 42 (3):495-527.
    Preparative and analytical methods developed by separation scientists have played an important role in the history of molecular biology. One such early method is gel electrophoresis, a technique that uses various types of gel as its supporting medium to separate charged molecules based on size and other properties. Historians of science, however, have only recently begun to pay closer attention to this material epistemological dimension of biomolecular science. This paper substantiates the historiographical thread that explores the relationship between modern laboratory (...)
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  16. Influence of Subjective/Objective Status and Possible Pathways of Young Migrants’ Life Satisfaction and Psychological Distress in China.Yi-Chen Chiang, Meijie Chu, Yuchen Zhao, Xian Li, An Li, Chun-Yang Lee, Shao-Chieh Hsueh & Shuoxun Zhang - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Young migrants have been the major migrant labor force in urban China. But they may be more vulnerable in quality of life and mental health than other groups, due to their personal characteristic and some social/community policies or management measures. It highlights the need to focus on psychological wellbeing and probe driving and reinforcing factors that influence their mental health. This study aimed to investigate the influence of subjective/objective status and possible pathways of young migrants’ life satisfaction and psychological distress. (...)
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  17.  83
    Liberating sex, knowing desire: scientia sexualis and epistemic turning points in the history of sexuality.Howard H. Chiang - 2010 - History of the Human Sciences 23 (5):42-69.
    This study considers the role of epistemic turning points in the historiography of sexuality. Disentangling the historical complexity of scientia sexualis, I argue that the late 19th century and the mid-20th century constitute two critical epistemic junctures in the genealogy of sexual liberation, as the notion of free love slowly gave way to the idea of sexual freedom in modern western society. I also explore the value of the Foucauldian approach for the study of the history of sexuality in non-western (...)
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  18.  69
    Rethinking ‘style’ for historians and philosophers of science: converging lessons from sexuality, translation, and East Asian studies.Howard H. Chiang - 2009 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 40 (2):109-118.
    Historians and philosophers of science have furnished a wide array of theoretical-historiographical terms to emphasize the discontinuities among different systems of knowledge. Some of the most famous include Thomas Kuhn’s “paradigm”, Michel Foucault’s “episteme”, and the notion of “styles of reasoning” more recently developed by Ian Hacking and Arnold Davidson. This paper takes up this theoretical-historiographical thread by assessing the values and limitations of the notion of “style” for the historical and philosophical study of science. Specifically, reflecting on various methodological (...)
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  19.  32
    “It’ll never end, I’ll never go”: Representation of Caregiving in Samuel Beckett’s Endgame and Footfalls.Hui Ling Michelle Chiang - 2024 - Journal of Medical Humanities 45 (1):79-93.
    Research on the unrepresentability of death in Samuel Beckett’s oeuvre abound in Beckett scholarship, but little attention has been given to the artist’s representation of caregiving to the dying in his plays. With reference to Martin Heidegger’s concept of _care_ and Albert Camus’s idea of the _absurd_, this article analyzes _Endgame_ (1957) and _Footfalls_ (1976) by attending to Beckett’s dramatic representation of caregiving as undergirded by a sense of its absurdity. The almost 20-year gap between the writing of both plays (...)
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  20.  16
    Ordering the social: History of the human sciences in modern China.Howard Chiang - 2015 - History of Science 53 (1):4-8.
  21.  12
    (1 other version)To have or to be: ways of caregiving discovered during recovery from the earthquake disaster in Taiwan.H. H. Chiang, Z. Y. Lu & S. E. Wear - 2004 - Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (3):154-158.
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  22.  47
    Expert vs. influencer: Philosophy presented under conditions of second-order observation.Chiang Hio Fai, Rory O’Neill & Hans-Georg Moeller - 2021 - Human Affairs 31 (4):470-478.
    Philosophy is presented in a wide range of forms, none of which can be convincingly claimed to be the “genuine” one. Historically speaking, there is not one “proper” way of doing philosophy, evidencing what may be called the social contingency of philosophy. This paper aims to provide a “critical” philosophy of today, in the Kantian sense of a philosophy that reflects on the conditions of its possibility, and thereby acknowledges the limitations they impose. Conceptually, our approach is grounded in Niklas (...)
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  23.  30
    How Followership Boosts Creative Performance as Mediated by Work Autonomy and Creative Self-Efficacy in Higher Education Administrative Jobs.Hua-Ling Chiang, Yung-Chih Lien, An-Pan Lin & Ya-Ting Chuang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Followership is an important but understudied domain. This study adopted a follower-centric perspective to examine the internal process by which followership affects creative performance via work autonomy and creative self-efficacy. The study employed a 3-wave survey of 341 employees of a Taiwanese university to achieve the research purpose. This study showed that effective followership is positively associated with employees’ work autonomy and creative self-efficacy. Work autonomy and creative self-efficacy mediate the relationship between effective followership and creative performance. This study’s empirical (...)
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  24. Chieh shao Én-ko-ssŭ chu "Fei-êrh-pa-ha yü Tê-kuo ku tien chê hsüeh ti chung chieh.".Chiang-Ming Chang - 1959 - [n.p.]:
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  25. Tsên yang jên shih shih wu ti kuei lü.Chiang-Ming Chang - 1957
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  26.  58
    A comparative study on the information ethics of junior high school students cognition and behavior between taiwan and china: Kaohsiung and nanjing regions used as examples.Wen-Jiuh Chiang, Chihchia Chen, ChiaChien Teng & Jiangjun Gu - 2008 - Science and Engineering Ethics 14 (1):121-138.
    A great deal of progress has been made on information ethics. Which portion is not sufficient? That might be the comparison from countries to countries. The purpose of this study was closely examined using the cross-cultural method for comparison. To determine the ethics cognitions and behaviors of the students, a comprehensive survey was distributed. The questionnaire for the study used Mason’s four essential factors in information ethics that included Privacy, Accuracy, Property and Accessibility (PAPA). The samples were comprised of Kaohsiung (...)
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  27.  16
    Appropriating Dewey.Yung-Chen Chiang - 2015 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 7 (2).
    The significance of the discovery of half of Dewey’s most important China lecture series notes, “Social and Political Philosophy,” cannot be overestimated. These newly-discovered lecture notes provide us with a unique opportunity to conduct a translation case study in both directions: first, to check Hu Shi’s translation against Dewey’s lecture notes; and second, to check John Dewey: Lectures in China, 1919-1920, “back translations” in the terminology of translation studies, both against Hu’s translation and against Dewey’s original notes that the back (...)
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  28.  11
    Building biophysics in China: Christine Yi Lai Luk: A history of biophysics in contemporary China. Dordrecht: Springer, 2015, xvii+90pp, $54.99 PB.Howard Chiang - 2016 - Metascience 25 (2):225-227.
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  29.  51
    Behold, I am Coming Soon! A Study on the Conceptualization of Sexual Orgasm in 27 Languages.Anita Yen Chiang & Wen-yu Chiang - 2016 - Metaphor and Symbol 31 (3):131-147.
    ABSTRACTThis study explores how sexual orgasm is conceptualized in 27 languages and proposes an ideal cognitive model for sexual desire. Specifically, the study has identified that the conceptual metaphors, conceptual metonymies, and related concepts manifested in the terms and announcements for orgasm can be categorized into orgasm as a physiological response, orgasm as a psychological state, and orgasm as an ideal goal. We also observed that languages tend to conceptualize orgasm as a physiological response in the terms for orgasm; whereas (...)
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  30.  19
    British-Chinese publishing collaboration: ELT as a case study.Shen Chiang - 1999 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 10 (1):31-34.
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  31.  35
    Can cultural localization protect national identity in the era of globalization?Tien-Hui Chiang & Qian Zhou - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 51 (6):541-545.
    Globalization has expanded its influence since the early 1980s hugely since Reagan and Thatcher were in power and devoted themselves to advocating its key ideas, such as deregulation and privatizat...
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  32. Chung-kuo hsien chê jên hsing lun.Hêng-yüan Chiang - 1926 - 15 i.: E..
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  33. Che hsüeh yü chiao yü.Kai-Shek Chiang - 1956
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  34. Chên li chü tʻi hsing yüan li.Pin Chiang - 1959
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  35. Chên li chü tʻi hsing yüan li ho tʻa tui shih chien ti i i.Pin Chiang - 1959
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  36.  30
    Ethical Attitude and Behaviors Regarding Computer Use.Lichun Chiang & Boywe Lee - 2011 - Ethics and Behavior 21 (6):481 - 497.
    This study explores the ethical attitudes, behaviors, and perceptions of a sampling of political science students in Taiwan. It investigates their intentions toward observing ethics in the area of digital rights, on topics such as the freedom of expression, freedom of association, equal access to information, confidentiality, security, and protection of intellectual property while using computers. Based on preliminary studies, a questionnaire was designed and distributed to 660 political science and public administration students throughout colleges in Taiwan. Data collected from (...)
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  37.  22
    Getting the CPR You Want: DNR and Alice’s Restaurant.P. P. Chiang & D. Schiedermayer - 1993 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 4 (2):186-188.
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  38.  43
    Gene therapy for neurodegenerative disorders and malignant brain tumors.Lan Chiang, Eric P. Flores, Dennis Y. Wen, Walter A. Hall & Walter C. Low - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):52-53.
    Gene therapy approaches have great promise in the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders and malignant brain tumors. Neuwelt et al. review available viral-mediated gene therapy methods and their blood-brain-barrier (BBB) disruption delivery technique, briefly mentioning nonviral mediated gene therapy methods. This commentary discussed the BBB disruption delivery technique, viral and nonviral mediated gene therapy approaches to Parkinson's disease, and the potential use of antisense oligo to suppress malignant brain tumors.
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  39.  38
    Informed choice of pregnant women in prenatal screening tests for Down's syndrome.Hsien-Hsien Chiang, Y. M. Yu Chao & Y. S. Yuh - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (5):273-277.
  40.  41
    Is the Hegemonic Position of American Culture able to Subjugate Local Cultures of Importing Countries? A Constructive Analysis on the Phenomenon of Cultural Localization.Tien-Hui Chiang - 2014 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 46 (13):1412-1426.
    It has been argued that globalization assists the USA to gain a hegemonic position, allowing it to export its culture. Because this exportation leads to the domination by American culture of the local cultures of importing countries, which are the key element in sustaining their citizens’ national identity, citizens of these countries are unable to protect state sovereignty from this cultural invasion. In order to prevent a political crisis arising from such an invasion, these countries will adopt the strategy of (...)
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  41. Jen hsing yü fan fan jen hsing.Wei-kuo Chiang - 1977
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  42. Jen sheng chen i.Wen-Chieh Chiang - 1975 - Tʾai-pei : Shang-hai yin shua chʾang yin,:
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  43. Lo chi ching yen chu i ti jên shih lun.Tʻien-chi Chiang - 1958
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  44. Lo chi wên tʻi lun tsʻung.Tʻien-chi Chiang - 1957
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  45. Man hua jen sheng.Tung-liu Chiang - 1972
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  46.  19
    Neural Responses to Musical Rhythm in Chinese Children With Reading Difficulties.Chun-Han Chiang, Jarmo Hämäläinen, Weiyong Xu & Hsiao-Lan Wang - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  47.  46
    Paradigms of education research.Tien-Hui Chiang - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (14):1520-1521.
  48.  16
    Personal power and positional power in a power-full `I': a discourse analysis of doctoral dissertation supervision.Shiao-Yun Chiang - 2009 - Discourse and Communication 3 (3):255-271.
    This article explicates the specific manners in which professorial power is indexed and implemented in the first personal pronoun `I' in academic discourse. The matter of analytic interest is to find out how the semiotic sign `I' acquires its semantic property of power in the pragmatic context of doctoral supervision. The data under consideration consist of two dyadic interactions conducted respectively by a PhD candidate with her two supervisors in an American university. The data analyses reveal that professorial power may (...)
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  49. Pen tʻi ssu hsiang shih kang =.I. -an Chiang - 1966
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  50.  23
    Ruth Rogaski. Hygienic Modernity: Meanings of Health and Disease in Treaty-Port China.Howard Hsueh-Hao Chiang - 2007 - Spontaneous Generations 1 (1):146.
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