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Jacques Demongeot [13]J. Demongeot [11]
  1.  31
    The Uroboros Theory of Life’s Origin: 22-Nucleotide Theoretical Minimal RNA Rings Reflect Evolution of Genetic Code and tRNA-rRNA Translation Machineries.Jacques Demongeot & Hervé Seligmann - 2019 - Acta Biotheoretica 67 (4):273-297.
    Theoretical minimal RNA rings attempt to mimick life’s primitive RNAs. At most 25 22-nucleotide-long RNA rings code once for each biotic amino acid, a start and a stop codon and form a stem-loop hairpin, resembling consensus tRNAs. We calculated, for each RNA ring’s 22 potential splicing positions, similarities of predicted secondary structures with tRNA vs. rRNA secondary structures. Assuming rRNAs partly derived from tRNA accretions, we predict positive associations between relative secondary structure similarities with rRNAs over tRNAs and genetic code (...)
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  2.  23
    Why Is AUG the Start Codon?Jacques Demongeot & Hervé Seligmann - 2020 - Bioessays 42 (6):1900201.
    The rational design of theoretical minimal RNA rings predetermines AUG as the universal start codon. This design maximizes coded amino acid diversity over minimal sequence length, defining in silico theoretical minimal RNA rings, candidate ancestral genes. RNA rings code for 21 amino acids and a stop codon after three consecutive translation rounds, and form a degradation‐delaying stem‐loop hairpin. Twenty‐five RNA rings match these constraints, ten start with the universal initiation codon AUG. No first codon bias exists among remaining RNA rings. (...)
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  3.  84
    Robustness in Regulatory Networks: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach.Jacques Demongeot, Adrien Elena & Sylvain Sené - 2008 - Acta Biotheoretica 56 (1-2):27-49.
    We give in this paper indications about the dynamical impact coming from the main sources of perturbation in biological regulatory networks. First, we define the boundary of the interaction graph expressing the regulations between the main elements of the network . Then, we search what changes in the state values on the boundary could cause some changes of states in the core of the system . After, we analyse the role of the mode of updating on the asymptotics of the (...)
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  4.  35
    Morphogenetic processes: Application to cambial growth dynamics.Loïc Forest, Jaime San Martín, Fernando Padilla, Fabrice Chassat, Françoise Giroud & Jacques Demongeot - 2004 - Acta Biotheoretica 52 (4):415-438.
    Both the physiological and the pathological morphogenetic processes that we can meet in embryogenesis, neogenesis and degenerative dysgenesis present common features: they are ruled by three different kinds of mechanisms, one related to cell migration, the second to cell differentiation and the third to cell proliferation. We deal here with an application to the cambial growth which essentially involves the third type of mechanism.Woody plants produce secondary tissue (secondary xylem and phloem) from a meristematic tissue called vascular cambium, responsible for (...)
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  5.  49
    Biological boundaries and biological age.Jacques Demongeot - 2009 - Acta Biotheoretica 57 (4):397-418.
    The chronologic age classically used in demography is often unable to give useful information about which exact stage in development or aging processes has reached an organism. Hence, we propose here to explain in some applications for what reason the chronologic age fails in explaining totally the observed state of an organism, which leads to propose a new notion, the biological age. This biological age is essentially determined by the number of divisions before the Hayflick’s limit the tissue or mitochondrion (...)
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  6.  13
    MitomiRs, ChloromiRs and Modelling of the microRNA Inhibition.J. Demongeot, H. Hazgui, S. Bandiera, O. Cohen & A. Henrion-Caude - 2013 - Acta Biotheoretica 61 (3):367-383.
    MicroRNAs are non-coding parts of nuclear and mitochondrial genomes, preventing the weakest part of the genetic regulatory networks from being expressed and preventing the appearance of a too many attractors in these networks. They have also a great influence on the chromatin clock, which ensures the updating of the genetic regulatory networks. The post-transcriptional inhibitory activity by the microRNAs, which is partly unspecific, is due firstly to their possibly direct negative action during translation by hybridizing tRNAs, especially those inside the (...)
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  7.  50
    Mathematical methods for inferring regulatory networks interactions: Application to genetic regulation.J. Aracena & J. Demongeot - 2004 - Acta Biotheoretica 52 (4):391-400.
    This paper deals with the problem of reconstruction of the intergenic interaction graph from the raw data of genetic co-expression coming with new technologies of bio-arrays (DMA-arrays, protein-arrays, etc.). These new imaging devices in general only give information about the asymptotical part (fixed configurations of co-expression or limit cycles of such configurations) of the dynamical evolution of the regulatory networks (genetic and/or proteic) underlying the functioning of living systems. Extracting the casual structure and interaction coefficients of a gene interaction network (...)
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  8.  39
    Evolution and RNA Relics. A Systems Biology View.Jacques Demongeot, Nicolas Glade & Andrés Moreira - 2008 - Acta Biotheoretica 56 (1-2):5-25.
    The genetic code has evolved from its initial non-degenerate wobble version until reaching its present state of degeneracy. By using the stereochemical hypothesis, we revisit the problem of codon assignations to the synonymy classes of amino-acids. We obtain these classes with a simple classifier based on physico-chemical properties of nucleic bases, like hydrophobicity and molecular weight. Then we propose simple RNA ring structures that present, overlap included, one and only one codon by synonymy class as solutions of a combinatory variational (...)
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  9.  56
    A General Formalism for Tissue Morphogenesis Based on Cellular Dynamics and Control System Interactions.Loïc Forest & Jacques Demongeot - 2008 - Acta Biotheoretica 56 (1):51-74.
    Morphogenesis is a key process in developmental biology. An important issue is the understanding of the generation of shape and cellular organisation in tissues. Despite of their great diversity, morphogenetic processes share common features. This work is an attempt to describe this diversity using the same formalism based on a cellular description. Tissue is seen as a multi-cellular system whose behaviour is the result of all constitutive cells dynamics. Morphogenesis is then considered as a spatiotemporal organization of cells activities. We (...)
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  10.  39
    Stability, Complexity and Robustness in Population Dynamics.J. Demongeot, H. Hazgui, H. Ben Amor & J. Waku - 2014 - Acta Biotheoretica 62 (3):243-284.
    The problem of stability in population dynamics concerns many domains of application in demography, biology, mechanics and mathematics. The problem is highly generic and independent of the population considered (human, animals, molecules,…). We give in this paper some examples of population dynamics concerning nucleic acids interacting through direct nucleic binding with small or cyclic RNAs acting on mRNAs or tRNAs as translation factors or through protein complexes expressed by genes and linked to DNA as transcription factors. The networks made of (...)
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  11.  59
    Formal Methods for Hopfield-Like Networks.Hedi Ben Amor, Fabien Corblin, Eric Fanchon, Adrien Elena, Laurent Trilling, Jacques Demongeot & Nicolas Glade - 2013 - Acta Biotheoretica 61 (1):21-39.
    Building a meaningful model of biological regulatory network is usually done by specifying the components and their interactions, by guessing the values of parameters, by comparing the predicted behaviors to the observed ones, and by modifying in a trial-error process both architecture and parameters in order to reach an optimal fitness. We propose here a different approach to construct and analyze biological models avoiding the trial-error part, where structure and dynamics are represented as formal constraints. We apply the method to (...)
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  12.  58
    Predictive Power of “A Minima” Models in Biology.L. Almeida & J. Demongeot - 2012 - Acta Biotheoretica 60 (1-2):3-19.
    Many apparently complex mechanisms in biology, especially in embryology and molecular biology, can be explained easily by reasoning at the level of the “efficient cause” of the observed phenomenology: the mechanism can then be explained by a simple geometrical argument or a variational principle, leading to the solution of an optimization problem, for example, via the co-existence of a minimization and a maximization problem . Passing from a microscopic level to the macroscopic level often involves an averaging effect that gives (...)
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  13.  21
    Announcement.J. Demongeot - 1988 - Acta Biotheoretica 37 (3-4):103-103.
  14.  27
    Compact set valued flows: Applications in biological modelling.Jacques Demongeot, Paul Kulesal & James Muffay - 1996 - Acta Biotheoretica 44 (3-4):349-358.
    Compact set valued iterations generalize classical point iterations quite naturally by replacing the function f with a tube f in the discrete iterations equation. In Section 3, some bifurcation results about logistic tube iterations are given. In Section 4, an analogous dynamical behaviour for the phase response tube involved in the entrainment of the respiratory rhythm is studied.
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  15.  18
    Negative CG dinucleotide bias: An explanation based on feedback loops between Arginine codon assignments and theoretical minimal RNA rings.Jacques Demongeot, Andrés Moreira & Hervé Seligmann - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (3):2000071.
    Theoretical minimal RNA rings are candidate primordial genes evolved for non‐redundant coding of the genetic code's 22 coding signals (one codon per biogenic amino acid, a start and a stop codon) over the shortest possible length: 29520 22‐nucleotide‐long RNA rings solve this min‐max constraint. Numerous RNA ring properties are reminiscent of natural genes. Here we present analyses showing that all RNA rings lack dinucleotide CG (a mutable, chemically instable dinucleotide coding for Arginine), bearing a resemblance to known CG‐depleted genomes. CG (...)
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  16.  23
    Random Modelling of Contagious Diseases.J. Demongeot, O. Hansen, H. Hessami, A. S. Jannot & J. Mintsa - 2013 - Acta Biotheoretica 61 (1):141-172.
    Modelling contagious diseases needs to include a mechanistic knowledge about contacts between hosts and pathogens as specific as possible, e.g., by incorporating in the model information about social networks through which the disease spreads. The unknown part concerning the contact mechanism can be modelled using a stochastic approach. For that purpose, we revisit SIR models by introducing first a microscopic stochastic version of the contacts between individuals of different populations (namely Susceptible, Infective and Recovering), then by adding a random perturbation (...)
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  17.  44
    Random simulation and confiners: Their application to neural networks.J. Demongeot, D. Benaouda, O. Nérot & C. Jézéquel - 1994 - Acta Biotheoretica 42 (2-3):203-213.
    Random simulation of complex dynamical systems is generally used in order to obtain information about their asymptotic behaviour (i.e., when time or size of the system tends towards infinity). A fortunate and welcome circumstance in most of the systems studied by physicists, biologists, and economists is the existence of an invariant measure in the state space allowing determination of the frequency with which observation of asymptotic states is possible. Regions found between contour lines of the surface density of this invariant (...)
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  18.  39
    The Isochronal Fibration: Characterization and Implication in Biology.Jacques Demongeot - 2010 - Acta Biotheoretica 58 (2-3):121-142.
    Limit cycles, because they are constituted of a periodic succession of states (discrete or continuous) constitute a good manner to store information. From any points of the state space reached after a perturbation or stimulation of the cognitive system storing this information, one can aim to join through a more or less long return trajectory a precise neighbourhood of the asymptotic trajectory at a specific moment (or a specific place) on the limit cycle, i.e. where the information of interest stands. (...)
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  19.  13
    The Poitiers School of Mathematical and Theoretical Biology: Besson–Gavaudan–Schützenberger’s Conjectures on Genetic Code and RNA Structures.J. Demongeot & H. Hazgui - 2016 - Acta Biotheoretica 64 (4):403-426.
    The French school of theoretical biology has been mainly initiated in Poitiers during the sixties by scientists like J. Besson, G. Bouligand, P. Gavaudan, M. P. Schützenberger and R. Thom, launching many new research domains on the fractal dimension, the combinatorial properties of the genetic code and related amino-acids as well as on the genetic regulation of the biological processes. Presently, the biological science knows that RNA molecules are often involved in the regulation of complex genetic networks as effectors, e.g., (...)
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  20.  36
    Demography and Diffusion in Epidemics: Malaria and Black Death Spread.J. Gaudart, M. Ghassani, J. Mintsa, M. Rachdi, J. Waku & J. Demongeot - 2010 - Acta Biotheoretica 58 (2-3):277-305.
    The classical models of epidemics dynamics by Ross and McKendrick have to be revisited in order to incorporate elements coming from the demography (fecundity, mortality and migration) both of host and vector populations and from the diffusion and mutation of infectious agents. The classical approach is indeed dealing with populations supposed to be constant during the epidemic wave, but the presently observed pandemics show duration of their spread during years imposing to take into account the host and vector population changes (...)
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  21.  36
    Numerical simulations of microtubule self-organisation by reaction and diffusion.Nicolas Glade, Jacques Demongeot & James Tabony - 2002 - Acta Biotheoretica 50 (4):239-268.
    This article addresses the physical chemical processes underlying biological self-organisation by which a homogenous solution of reacting chemicals spontaneously self-organises. Theoreticians have predicted that self-organisation can arise from a coupling of reactive processes with molecular diffusion. In addition, the presence of an external field, such as gravity, at a critical moment early in the process may determine the morphology that subsequently develops. The formation, in-vitro, of microtubules, a constituent of the cellular skeleton, shows this type of behaviour. The preparations spontaneously (...)
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  22.  40
    Dynamic functional and structural analysis of living cells: New tools for vital staining of nuclear DNA and for characterisation of cell motion.François Leitner, Sylvain Paillasson, Xavier Ronot & Jacques Demongeot - 1995 - Acta Biotheoretica 43 (4):299-317.
    Increasing interest has been paid to applications of fluorescence measurements to analyze physiological mechanisms in living cells. However, few studies have taken advantage of DNA quantification by fluorometry for dynamic assessment of chromatin organization as well as cell motion during the cell cycle. This approach involves both optimal conditions for DNA staining and cell tracking methods. In this context, this report describes a stoichiometric method for nuclear DNA specific staining, using the bisbenzimidazole dye Hoechst 33342 associated with verapamil, a calcium (...)
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  23.  27
    Discrete Mesh Approach in Morphogenesis Modelling: the Example of Gastrulation.E. Promayon, A. Lontos & J. Demongeot - 2016 - Acta Biotheoretica 64 (4):427-446.
    Morphogenesis is a general concept in biology including all the processes which generate tissue shapes and cellular organizations in a living organism. Many hybrid formalizations have been proposed for modelling morphogenesis in embryonic or adult animals, like gastrulation. We propose first to study the ventral furrow invagination as the initial step of gastrulation, early stage of embryogenesis. We focus on the study of the connection between the apical constriction of the ventral cells and the initiation of the invagination. For that, (...)
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  24.  21
    Wound Healing and Scale Modelling in Zebrafish.V. Volpert, D. Dhouailly, J. Demongeot, N. Bessonov & F. Caraguel - 2016 - Acta Biotheoretica 64 (4):343-358.
    We propose to study the wound healing in Zebrafish by using firstly a differential approach for modelling morphogens diffusion and cell chemotactic motion, and secondly a hybrid model of tissue regeneration, where cells are considered as individual objects and molecular concentrations are described by partial differential equations.
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