Results for 'J. Marti I. Castell'

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  1. Ramon Llull, creador de la llengua literària.J. Marti I. Castell - 1995 - Studia Lulliana 35 (91):31-49.
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    Bayesian Hierarchical Compositional Models for Analysing Longitudinal Abundance Data from Microbiome Studies.I. Creus Martí, A. Moya & F. J. Santonja - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-16.
    Gut microbiome plays a significant role in defining the health status of subjects, and recent studies highlight the importance of using time series strategies to analyse microbiome dynamics. In this paper, we develop a Bayesian model for microbiota longitudinal data, based on Dirichlet distribution with time-varying parameters, that take into account the compositional paradigm and consider principal balances. The proposed model can be effective for predicting the future dynamics of a microbial community in the short term and for analysing the (...)
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  3. Correspondance G.W. Leibniz, Ch. I. Castel de Saint-Pierre.Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Charles Irâenâee Castel de Saint-Pierre & Andrâe Robinet - 1995
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    Gebel El-Zeit, 1: Les Mines de galèneGebel El-Zeit, 1: Les Mines de galene.J. D. Muhly, Georges Castel & Georges Soukiassian - 1997 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 117 (1):211.
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  5. A consistent restriction of the principle of indifference.Paul Castell - 1998 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 49 (3):387-395.
    I argue that a particular restricted version of the Principle of Indiference is a consistent, indispensible tool for guiding our probabilistic judgements.
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    Pensar la antropología en clave posthumanista.Josep Martí I. Pérez & Begoña Enguix Grau (eds.) - 2023 - Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas.
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    Place and the "Spatial Turn" in Geography and in History.Charles W. J. Withers - 2009 - Journal of the History of Ideas 70 (4):637-658.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Place and the "Spatial Turn" in Geography and in HistoryCharles W. J. WithersI. IntroductionA few years ago, British Telecom ran a newspaper advertisement in the British press about the benefits—and consequences—of advances in communications technology. Featuring a remote settlement in the north-west Highlands of Scotland, and with the clear implication that such "out-of-the-way places" were now connected to the wider world (as if they had not been before), the (...)
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    Mind architecture and brain architecture.Camilo J. Cela-Conde & Gisèle Marty - 1997 - Biology and Philosophy 12 (3):327-340.
    The use of the computer metaphor has led to the proposal of mind architecture (Pylyshyn 1984; Newell 1990) as a model of the organization of the mind. The dualist computational model, however, has, since the earliest days of psychological functionalism, required that the concepts mind architecture and brain architecture be remote from each other. The development of both connectionism and neurocomputational science, has sought to dispense with this dualism and provide general models of consciousness – a uniform cognitive architecture –, (...)
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    Molecular and Brain Volume Changes Following Aerobic Exercise, Cognitive and Combined Training in Physically Inactive Healthy Late-Middle-Aged Adults: The Projecte Moviment Randomized Controlled Trial.Alba Castells-Sánchez, Francesca Roig-Coll, Rosalía Dacosta-Aguayo, Noemí Lamonja-Vicente, Pere Torán-Monserrat, Guillem Pera, Alberto García-Molina, José Maria Tormos, Pilar Montero-Alía, Antonio Heras-Tébar, Juan José Soriano-Raya, Cynthia Cáceres, Sira Domènech, Marc Via, Kirk I. Erickson & Maria Mataró - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Behavioral interventions have shown promising neuroprotective effects, but the cascade of molecular, brain and behavioral changes involved in these benefits remains poorly understood. Projecte Moviment is a 12-week multi-domain, single-blind, proof-of-concept randomized controlled trial examining the cognitive effect and underlying mechanisms of an aerobic exercise, computerized cognitive training and a combined groups compared to a waitlist control group. Adherence was > 80% for 82/109 participants recruited. In this study we report intervention-related changes in plasma biomarkers and structural-MRI and how they (...)
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    Re-Mediating Research Ethics: End-User License Agreements in Online Games.Suzanne de Castell, Nicholas T. Taylor & Florence M. Chee - 2012 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 32 (6):497-506.
    This article is a theoretical and empirical exploration of the meaning that accompanies contractual agreements, such as the End-User License Agreements (EULAs) that participants of online communities are required to sign as a condition of participation. As our study indicates, clicking “I agree” on the often lengthy conditions presented during the installation and updating process typically permits third parties (including researchers) to monitor the digitally-mediated actions of users. Through our small-scale study in which we asked participants which terms of EULAs (...)
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    The Theory of Evolution in the Writings of Joseph Ratzinger.Francisco J. Novo - 2020 - Scientia et Fides 8 (2):323-349.
    In this article I analyse the texts in which Joseph Ratzinger deals with the topic of evolution, particularly in the context of the compatibility between faith in creation and acceptance of the theory of evolution. I have grouped his writings into three periods that reflect the changes in his ideas on this topic. His early writings, until 1979, contain the most elaborate and deepest theological insights, with a defence of the compatibility between faith in creation and the theory of evolution (...)
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    Physico-mathematics and the life sciences: experiencing the mechanism of venous return, 1650s–1680s.Nuno Castel-Branco - 2022 - Annals of Science 79 (4):442-467.
    This article deals with physico-mathematical approaches to anatomy in post-Harveyan physiology. But rather than looking at questions of iatromechanics and animal locomotion, which often attracted this approach, I look at the problem of how blood returned to the heart – a part of the circulation today known as venous return but poorly researched in the early modern period. I follow the venous return mechanisms proposed by lesser-known authors in the mechanization of anatomy, such as Jean Pecquet (1622–1674) and Nicolaus Steno (...)
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    Middleware’s Message: the Financial Technics of Codata.Michael Castelle - 2019 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (1):33-55.
    In this paper, I will argue for the relevance of certain distinctive features of messaging systems, namely those in which data can be sent and received asynchronously, can be sent to multiple simultaneous recipients and is received as a “potentially infinite” flow of unpredictable events. I will describe the social technology of the stock ticker, a telegraphic device introduced at the New York Stock Exchange in the 1860s, with reference to early twentieth century philosophers of synchronous experience, simultaneous sign interpretations, (...)
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  14. Una visión sobre el consumo desde la perspectiva de género.Angels Martínez I. Castells - 2008 - Critica 58 (955):46-50.
    Por más evidente que sea su caducidad, cuesta muchísimo que cualquier disciplina científica admita nuevas metodologías, aunque con ello mejore su visión y alcance, y la economía es emblemática al respecto. Al final, le fue más fácil aceptar que se producían diferentes comportamientos en los niveles macroeconómicos en base al género, y dicha aceptación -con la tenacidad de las pioneras- se trasladó a las políticas de ajuste estructural, para acabar cubriendo el extenso campo de la macroeconomía. En este sentido, el (...)
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    A New History of Ourselves, in the Shadow of our Obsessions and Compulsions.Pierre-Henri Castel, Angela Verdier & Louis Sass - 2014 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 21 (4):299-309.
    Before broaching our main subject, and exploring why, among all disorders of the mind, obsessive-compulsive disorders have a place apart, I would like to start from a dilemma that is well-known to historians interested in mental disorders. According to one approach, a mental illness X is considered as a bona fide or ‘genuine’ illness if, and only if, it originates from a disturbance of the brain. Its neurobiological form is in this case considered as invariant, whatever cultural veneer might give (...)
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  16. Mujeres en la dirección de la economía: La gran desigualdad.Angels Martínez I. Castells - 2007 - Critica 57 (943):44-48.
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    L'estètica hermenèutica i els seus crítics. Sentit, comunicació i negativitat.Pol Capdevila Castells - 2007 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 38:181-201.
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  18. Comunicación, poder y contrapoder en la sociedad red (I). Los medios y la política.Manuel Castells - 2008 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 74:13-24.
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    Toward a More Constructive View of the Harmful Dysfunction Theory?Pierre-Henri Castel - 2014 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 21 (4):357-360.
    It is no easy task to answer Jerry Wakefield’s comments, for I feel at risk of merely pitting two major paradigms in the history and epistemology of psychiatry against each other: the one historical/anthropological, the other epistemological/naturalistic. Fortunately, Wakefield and I do share enough to find a middle ground. This commonality should allow me to reconcile his opinions and mine, by dissipating a few misunderstandings, and also to state more clearly why I am dubious about some of his proposals. First, (...)
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    Effects of Age-Related Stereotype Threat on Metacognition.Natasha Y. Fourquet, Tara K. Patterson, Changrui Li, Alan D. Castel & Barbara J. Knowlton - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Previous work has shown that memory performance in older adults is affected by activation of a stereotype of age-related memory decline. In the present experiment, we examined whether stereotype threat would affect metamemory in older adults; that is, whether under stereotype threat they make poorer judgments about what they could remember. We tested older adults (MAge= 66.18 years) on a task in which participants viewed words paired with point values and “bet” on whether they could later recall each word. If (...)
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    Memory Recall for High Reward Value Items Correlates With Individual Differences in White Matter Pathways Associated With Reward Processing and Fronto-Temporal Communication.Nicco Reggente, Michael S. Cohen, Zhong S. Zheng, Alan D. Castel, Barbara J. Knowlton & Jesse Rissman - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    A Game Semantics for System P.J. Marti & R. Pinosio - 2016 - Studia Logica 104 (6):1119-1144.
    In this paper we introduce a game semantics for System P, one of the most studied axiomatic systems for non-monotonic reasoning, conditional logic and belief revision. We prove soundness and completeness of the game semantics with respect to the rules of System P, and show that an inference is valid with respect to the game semantics if and only if it is valid with respect to the standard order semantics of System P. Combining these two results leads to a new (...)
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    There’s something in your eye: ethical implications of augmented visual field devices.Marty J. Wolf, Frances S. Grodzinsky & Keith W. Miller - 2016 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 14 (3):214-230.
    Purpose This paper aims to explore the ethical and social impact of augmented visual field devices, identifying issues that AVFDs share with existing devices and suggesting new ethical and social issues that arise with the adoption of AVFDs. Design/methodology/approach This essay incorporates both a philosophical and an ethical analysis approach. It is based on Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, philosophical notions of transparency and presence and human values including psychological well-being, physical well-being, privacy, deception, informed consent, ownership and property and (...)
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  24. Arte y pensamiento en el siglo XX.García Martínez & A. J. - 1973 - [Buenos Aires]: Editorial Universitaria de Buenos Aires.
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    Exploring User-Centred Design in Practice: Some Caveats.Patrizia Marti & Liam J. Bannon - 2009 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 22 (1):7-15.
  26. New Directions in Biblical Thought.Martin E. Marty, Stephen C. Neill, L. Harold de Wolf, J. Carter Swaim, Hugh T. Kerr, Jack Finegan, Wayne H. Cowan, Carl Michalson, Clyde Leonard Manschreck, John W. Meister, Stanton A. Coblentz & Hazel Davis Clark - 1960
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  27. David: Biblical Portraits of Power.Marti J. Steussy & Richard D. Phillips - 1999
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    (1 other version)Analysis, Clarification and Extension of the Theory of Strongly Semantic Information.Marty J. Wolf - 2011 - Etica and Politica / Ethics and Politics (2):246-254.
    This paper analyzes certain technical details of Floridi’s Theory of Strongly Semantic Information. It provides a clarification regarding desirable properties of degrees of informativeness functions by rejecting three of Floridi’s original constraints and proposing a replacement constraint. Finally, the paper briefly explores the notion of quantities of inaccuracy and shows an analysis that mimics Floridi’s analysis of quantities of vacuity.
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    A Case for Information as a Basis for Ethics.Marty J. Wolf - 2014 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 18 (3):251-254.
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    Free, source-code-available, or proprietary: an ethically charged, context-sensitive choice.Marty J. Wolf, Keith W. Miller & Frances S. Grodzinsky - 2009 - Acm Sigcas Computers and Society 39 (1):15-26.
    We demonstrate that different categories of software raise different ethical concerns with respect to whether software ought to be Free Software or Proprietary Software. We outline the ethical tension between Free Software and Proprietary Software that stems from the two kinds of licenses. For some categories of software we develop support for normative statements regarding the software development landscape. We claim that as society's use of software changes, the ethical analysis for that category of software must necessarily be repeated. Finally, (...)
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    Guest editorial.Marty J. Wolf, Alexis M. Elder & Gosia Plotka - 2019 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 17 (2):114-118.
    “Congealing” is a word that evokes senses of unpleasantness where perhaps something inviting had once been. It also implies that things are becoming less fluid and more rigid. As we began organizing ETHICOMP 2018, we wanted a theme that reflected the impact of technologies on human cultures, practices and lives. Our initial draft of the theme was “Creating, Changing, and Congealing Ways of Life with Technologies.” And while we were eventually persuaded to use a more congenial way of putting the (...)
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    The Importance of Actualizing Control in the Processing of Instructional Information.Marty J. Wolf - 2013 - Philosophy and Technology 26 (1):67-70.
    This commentary on Fresco's article "Information processing as an account of concrete digital computation" illuminates the two intertwined roles that the definition of the term "information" plays in Fresco's analysis. It provides analysis of the notion of actualizing control in information processing. The key point made is that not all control information in common computational devices cannot be processed.
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    Presupposed free choice and the theory of scalar implicatures.Paul Marty & Jacopo Romoli - 2021 - Linguistics and Philosophy 45 (1):91-152.
    A disjunctive sentence like Olivia took Logic or Algebra conveys that Olivia didn’t take both classes and that the speaker doesn’t know which of the two classes she took. The corresponding sentence with a possibility modal, Olivia can take Logic or Algebra, conveys instead that she can take Logic and that she can take Algebra. These exclusivity, ignorance and free choice inferences are argued by many to be scalar implicatures. Recent work has looked at cases in which exclusivity and ignorance (...)
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  34. Against semantic multi-culturalism.Genoveva Marti - 2009 - Analysis 69 (1):42-48.
    E. Machery, R. Mallon, S. Nichols and S. Stich, have argued that there is empirical evidence against Kripke’s claim that names are not descriptive. Their argument is based on an experiment that compares the intuitions about proper name use of a group of English speakers in Hong Kong with those of a group of non-Chinese American students. The results of the experiment suggest that in some cultures speakers use names descriptively. I argue that such a conclusion is incorrect, for the (...)
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    Empirical Data and the Theory of Reference.Genoveva Marti - 2012 - In Bill Kabasenche, Michael O'Rourke & Matthew Slater, Reference and Referring: Topics in Contemporary Philosophy, Volume 10. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. pp. 63-82.
    This paper is an extended response to Machery, Olivola and De Blanc (2009). I argue that the concerns I raised about Machery, Mallon, Nichols and Stich (2004) in Marti (2009) still stand.
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    This “Ethical Trap” Is for Roboticists, Not Robots: On the Issue of Artificial Agent Ethical Decision-Making.Keith W. Miller, Marty J. Wolf & Frances Grodzinsky - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (2):389-401.
    In this paper we address the question of when a researcher is justified in describing his or her artificial agent as demonstrating ethical decision-making. The paper is motivated by the amount of research being done that attempts to imbue artificial agents with expertise in ethical decision-making. It seems clear that computing systems make decisions, in that they make choices between different options; and there is scholarship in philosophy that addresses the distinction between ethical decision-making and general decision-making. Essentially, the qualitative (...)
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  37. Unarticulated constituents revisited.Luisa Martí - 2006 - Linguistics and Philosophy 29 (2):135 - 166.
    An important debate in the current literature is whether “all truth-conditional effects of extra-linguistic context can be traced to [a variable at; LM] logical form” (Stanley, ‘Context and Logical Form’, Linguistics and Philosophy, 23 (2000) 391). That is, according to Stanley, the only truth-conditional effects that extra-linguistic context has are localizable in (potentially silent) variable-denoting pronouns or pronoun-like items, which are represented in the syntax/at logical form (pure indexicals like I or today are put aside in this discussion). According to (...)
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  38. The liberation of nature: A circular affair.Marti Kheel - 1985 - Environmental Ethics 7 (2):135-149.
    I show the relevance of feminist thought to some of the major debates within the field of environmental ethics. The feminist vision of a holistic universe is contrasted with the dualistic notions inherent in both the “individual rights” and traditionally defined “holist” camps. I criticize the attempt in environmental ethics to establish universal, hierarchical rules of conduct for our dealing with nature (an up-down dualism) as weIl as the attempt to derive an ethic from reason alone (the dualism of reason (...)
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  39. Rigidity and general terms.Genoveva Marti - 2004 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 104 (1):131-148.
    In this paper I examine two ways of defining the rigidity of general terms. First I discuss the view that rigid general terms express essential properties. I argue that the view is ultimately unsatisfactory, although not on the basis of the standard objections raised against it. I then discuss the characterisation in terms of sameness of designation in every possible world. I defend that view from two objections but I argue that the approach, although basically right, should be interpreted cautiously.
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    Zero N: Number features and ⊥.Luisa Martí - 2022 - Natural Language Semantics 30 (2):215-237.
    In this paper I demonstrate that there is an explanation of the number marking we see on nouns when they combine with the numeral _zero_ which combines Martí’s (Semant. Pragmat., 2020a, ) account of the morphosyntax and semantics of the numeral-noun construction with Bylinina and Nouwen’s (Glossa 3(1):98, 2018 ) semantics for _zero_ and which does not need to appeal to any further principles (e.g., agreement).
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  41. The instructional information processing account of digital computation.Nir Fresco & Marty J. Wolf - 2014 - Synthese 191 (7):1469-1492.
    What is nontrivial digital computation? It is the processing of discrete data through discrete state transitions in accordance with finite instructional information. The motivation for our account is that many previous attempts to answer this question are inadequate, and also that this account accords with the common intuition that digital computation is a type of information processing. We use the notion of reachability in a graph to defend this characterization in memory-based systems and underscore the importance of instructional information for (...)
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  42. The essence of genuine reference.Genoveva Marti - 1995 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 24 (3):275-289.
    We have witnessed a fundamental change of perspective in the conception of reference. What the proponents of the new approach criticized and what they proposed to abandon is relatively clear; it is much less clear though what is at the heart of the philosophy that inspired the change. The proponents of the new approach all agreed in disagreeing with Frege: natural languages may, and in fact do, contain expressions that refer without the mediation of a Fregean sense. The core motto (...)
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  43. The Question of Rigidity in New Theories of Reference.Genoveva Martí - 2003 - Noûs 37 (1):161 - 179.
    In the semantic revolution that has led many philosophers of language away from Fregeanism and towards the acceptance of direct reference, the notion of rigidity introduced by Saul Kripke in Naming and Necessity has played a crucial role. The notions of rigidity and direct reference are indeed different, but proponents of new theories of reference agree that there is a one way connection between them: although not all rigid terms are directly referential (witness rigid definite descriptions), all directly referential terms (...)
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    Do Modal Distinctions Collapse in Carnap’s System?Genoveva Marti - 1994 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 23 (6):575 - 593.
    Føllesdal (1966 and 1969) claims that modal distinctions collapse, that is that p and Necessarily p are equivalent, in any system of modal logic that incorporates a standard theory of definite descriptions, like the one proposed by Carnap in M&N. I argue that his argument fails.
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  45. Direct Reference and Definite Descriptions.Genoveva Marti - 2008 - Dialectica 62 (1):43-57.
    According to Donnellan the characteristic mark of a referential use of a definite description is the fact that it can be used to pick out an individual that does not satisfy the attributes in the description. Friends and foes of the referential/attributive distinction have equally dismissed that point as obviously wrong or as a sign that Donnellan's distinction lacks semantic import. I will argue that, on a strict semantic conception of what it is for an expression to be a genuine (...)
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  46. Names, Descriptions and Causal Descriptions. Is the Magic Gone?Genoveva Martí - 2020 - Topoi 39 (2):1-9.
    Some of the fundamental lessons of the so-called revolution against descriptivism that occurred in the 70s are negative and it is not immediately apparent what kind of semantic theory should emerge as regards proper names, the alleged paradigms of genuinely referential terms. Some of the claims about names, most notably Ruth Barcan Marcus’ characterization of names as tags, appear to be too picturesque to provide the basis for a positive theory and, without a theory, it would seem that the referential (...)
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    (1 other version)A dictionary of philosophy of religion.Charles Taliaferro & Elsa J. Marty (eds.) - 2010 - New York: Continuum.
    An indispensable and comprehensive resource for students and scholars of philosophy of religion.
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  48. Reference and Experimental Semantics.Genoveva Marti - 2014 - In Edouard Machery & Elizabeth O'Neill, Current Controversies in Experimental Philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 17-26.
    Experimental semanticists have concluded that there is wide variation in referential intuitions among speakers, for it appears that some speakers display referential intuitions that are in line with descriptivism, whereas other speakers’ intuitions are in line with the predictions of the causal-historical picture. In this chapter, I first situate the debate by comparing descriptivist and non-descriptivist approaches to reference. After examining some of the experimental results, I argue that the tests conducted do not elicit data that are relevant for semantic (...)
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    Character Strengths Predict an Increase in Mental Health and Subjective Well-Being Over a One-Month Period During the COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown.María Luisa Martínez-Martí, Cecilia Inés Theirs, David Pascual & Guido Corradi - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    This study examines whether character strengths predict resilience (operationalized as stable or higher mental health and subjective well-being despite an adverse event) over a period of approximately one month during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown in Spain. Using a longitudinal design, participants (N = 348 adults) completed online measures of sociodemographic data, information regarding their situation in relation to the COVID-19, character strengths, general mental health, life satisfaction, positive affect and negative affect. All variables were measured at Time 1 and Time (...)
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    Book Review: Prophets, Performance, and Power: Performance Criticism of the Hebrew Bible. [REVIEW]Marti J. Steussy - 2007 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 61 (2):226-227.
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