Results for 'J. Prod'hom'

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  1. Product Liability Reform: What Happened to.J. Prod Innov Manag - forthcoming - Substance.
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    Legal and Ethical Considerations in Allowing Parental Exemptions From Newborn Critical Congenital Heart Disease (CCHD) Screening.Lisa A. Hom, Tomas J. Silber, Kathleen Ennis-Durstine, Mary Anne Hilliard & Gerard R. Martin - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (1):11-17.
    Critical congenital heart disease screening is rapidly becoming the standard of care in the United States after being added to the Recommended Uniform Screening Panel in 2011. Newborn screens typically do not require affirmative parental consent. In fact, most states allow parents to exempt their baby from receiving the required screen on the basis of religious or personally held beliefs. There are many ethical considerations implicated with allowing parents to exempt their child from newborn screening for CCHD. Considerations include the (...)
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    The Sassanian Inscription of Paikuli.Mark J. Dresden, Helmut Humbach, Prods O. Skjaervø & Prods O. Skjaervo - 1982 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 102 (4):671.
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    The Sassanian Inscription of PaikuliThe Sassanian Inscription of Paikuli Part 1, Supplement to Herzfeld's Paikuli.Mark J. Dresden, Helmut Humbach, Prods O. Skjaervo̵, Herzfeld & Prods O. Skjaervo - 1981 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 101 (4):465.
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    A Green Leaf برگٔ سبز Papers in Honour of Professor Jes P. AsmussenA Green Leaf [Barg Sabz] Papers in Honour of Professor Jes P. Asmussen.Prods Oktor Skjærvo̵, W. Sundermann, J. Duchesne-Guillemin, F. Vahman & Prods Oktor Skjaervo - 1994 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 114 (2):270.
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    Thinking with Irigaray.Mary C. Rawlinson, Sabrina L. Hom & Serene J. Khader (eds.) - 2011 - State University of New York Press.
    An interdisciplinary and contemporary response to Irigaray’s work.
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    Sodat ek Hom mag ken.J. A. Lombard - 1970 - HTS Theological Studies 26 (3/4).
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    27. Caes. b. Gall. III, 12, 1 et Hom. Odyss. XII, 103.H.- J. Heller - 1860 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 15 (1-3):354-357.
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    Peace is worth paying for.Terence J. Martin - 2023 - Moreana 60 (1):22-37.
    This essay examines the unsettling claim of Erasmus that “an unjust peace is preferable by far than a just war”—a dictum he retrieves from Cicero but applies to debates about warfare between nations, feuds of religion, and interpersonal conflicts. Embedded in this aphorism is an entire Erasmian ethic of conflict, one wherein he prods leaders and individuals to pay the price for peace by settling on less than desirable and possibly unfair terms, in order to avoid the devastating fallout of (...)
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    Circumcision: Ordinary and Universal in My Community.Allan J. Jacobs - 2023 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 13 (2):71-73.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Circumcision:Ordinary and Universal in My CommunityAllan J. JacobsMy1 circumcision experiences are remarkable mostly for their ordinariness. My wife Danaë gave birth to our son Perseus2 while I was a resident in obstetrics and gynecology in a city where we had no family. Perseus was circumcised in a Jewish brit milah3 ceremony on the eighth day of his life, as were my wife's and my male ancestors back into ancient (...)
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    Thomas Aquinas’s “Summa Theologiae”: A Guide and Commentary by Brian Davies.Brian J. Shanley - 2016 - The Thomist 80 (2):306-309.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Thomas Aquinas’s “Summa Theologiae”: A Guide and Commentary by Brian DaviesBrian J. Shanley, O.P.Thomas Aquinas’s “Summa Theologiae”: A Guide and Commentary. By Brian Davies, O.P. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014. Pp. xv + 454. $105.00 (cloth), $31.95 (paper). ISBN: 978-0-19-938062-6 (cloth), 978-0-19-938063-3 (paper).The purpose of this book is to provide guidance to a nonspecialist reader of Aquinas’s Summa theologiae. It is not meant as a substitute for the (...)
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    Structure and function of the homeotic gene complex (HOM‐C) in the beetle, Tribolium castaneum.Richard W. Beeman, Jeffrey J. Stuart, Susan J. Brown & Robin E. Denell - 1993 - Bioessays 15 (7):439-444.
    The powerful combination of genetic, developmental and molecular approaches possible with the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, has led to a profound understanding of the genetic control of early developmental events. However, Drosophila is a highly specialized long germ insect, and the mechanisms controlling its early development may not be typical of insects or Arthropods in general. The beetle, Tribolium castaneum, offers a similar opportunity to integrate high resolution genetic analysis with the developmental/molecular approaches currently used in other organisms. Early results (...)
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    On some small cardinals for Boolean algebras.Ralph Mckenzie & J. Donald Monk - 2004 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 69 (3):674-682.
    Assume that all algebras are atomless. (1) $Spind(A x B) = Spind(A) \cup Spind(B)$ . (2) $(\prod_{i\inI}^{w} = {\omega} \cup \bigcup_{i\inI}$ $Spind(A_{i})$ . Now suppose that $\kappa$ and $\lambda$ are infinite cardinals, with $kappa$ uncountable and regular and with $\kappa \textless \lambda$ . (3) There is an atomless Boolean algebra A such that $\mathfrak{u}(A) = \kappa$ and $i(A) = \lambda$ . (4) If $\lambda$ is also regular, then there is an atomless Boolean algebra A such that $t(A) = \mathfrak{s}(A) = (...)
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    Mistifikasie en geloof: Dekonstruksie van geloofsverstaan in kategesemateriaal van die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika.Gabriël M. J. Van Wyk - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (5):153-172.
    Die voortgesette proses van implementering van nuwe materiaal wat gebruik word vir katkisasie in die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika vertoon 'n besondere trajek. Die proses het, in terme van geloof, begin met die formalisering van sowel die geloofsbegrip as die beskrywing van die inhoud van geloof. Dit is voortgesit deur 'n proses van die objektivering van die inhoud van geloof tot feite wat geleer kan word en is uiteindelik voltrek deur die implementering van 'n pragmatiese opvoedkundige doelwit waarin geloof (...)
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    A New Fragment of Sophocles and Its Schedographic Context.John J. Keaney - 2001 - American Journal of Philology 122 (2):173-177.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A New Fragment of Sophocles and its Schedographic ContextJohn J. KeaneyThe General ContextA popular medium of elementary Byzantine education in grammar and orthography was the genre known as.1 The genre is represented by a (larger or smaller) collection of (brief passages of prose [most frequently] or verse). The individual words of the text are accompanied by a fourfold analysis: (1) interlinear glosses;2 (2 and 3) grammatical and etymological/derivational analysis (...)
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    Finite Additivity, Complete Additivity, and the Comparative Principle.Teddy Seidenfeld, Joseph B. Kadane, Mark J. Schervish & Rafael B. Stern - forthcoming - Erkenntnis:1-24.
    In the longstanding foundational debate whether to require that probability is countably additive, in addition to being finitely additive, those who resist the added condition raise two concerns that we take up in this paper. (1) _Existence_: Settings where no countably additive probability exists though finitely additive probabilities do. (2) _Complete Additivity_: Where reasons for countable additivity don’t stop there. Those reasons entail complete additivity—the (measurable) union of probability 0 sets has probability 0, regardless the cardinality of that union. Then (...)
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    Antigone's Exemplarity: Irigaray, Hegel, and Excluded Grounds as Constitutive of Feminist Theory In: Rawlinson, Mary C. , Hom, Sabrina L. and Khader, Serene J., (eds.) Thinking with Irigaray. Albany, U.S. : State University of New York Press, 2011, pp. 265-292. ISBN 9781438439174.Tina Chanter - unknown
    Irigaray raises the question of sexual difference. Yet there are moments at which Irigaray’s own pursuit of this question recapitulates the kind of universalism it is meant to combat. She remains ensconced in judgments that close down the attempt to think beyond sexual difference. The article pursues this line of thought particularly in relation to her figuring of Antigone, suggesting that there is a need to open up sexual difference so that it does not function as a universal discourse, but (...)
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    Review of Gert J.J. Biesta, The Beautiful Risk of Education. [REVIEW]Doris A. Santoro & Samuel D. Rocha - 2015 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 34 (4):413-418.
    In The Beautiful Risk of Education, Gert Biesta displays his gift for engaging generously with the thought of others to illuminate what makes education educational, that is, the value in maintaining the complexity and risk involved in a dialogic approach to education. As Biesta puts it, “[education] is therefore, again, a dialogical process. This makes the educational way the slow way, the difficult way, the frustrating way, and so we might say, the weak way” . Such a view of education (...)
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    Intelligent agents as innovations.Alexander Serenko & Brian Detlor - 2004 - AI and Society 18 (4):364-381.
    This paper explores the treatment of intelligent agents as innovations. Past writings in the area of intelligent agents focus on the technical merits and internal workings of agent-based solutions. By adopting a perspective on agents from an innovations point of view, a new and novel description of agents is put forth in terms of their degrees of innovativeness, competitive implications, and perceived characteristics. To facilitate this description, a series of innovation-based theoretical models are utilized as a lens of analysis, namely (...)
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    Beatrice Motta, La mediazione estrema. L’antropologia di Nemesio d’Emesa fra plato­nismo e aristotelismo.Michael Chase - 2005 - Philosophie Antique 5 (5):235-240.
    Némésius, évêque d’Émèse en Syrie (aujourd’hui Homs) vers la fin du ive et le début du ve siècle après J.-C., ne nous a laissé qu’un seul ouvrage, le De natura hominis. Parfois salué comme le « premier traité d’anthropologie chrétienne », ce livre occupe une place à part dans la tradition patristique. En effet, au lieu de tenter de réfuter les théories « païennes », c’est-à-dire relevant de la philosophie grecque, concernant la nature de l’homme, l’auteur y récupère très largement (...)
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  21. (1 other version)Practical reflection.J. David Velleman - 1985 - Philosophical Review 94 (1):33-61.
    “What do you see when you look at your face in the mirror?” asks J. David Velleman in introducing his philosophical theory of action. He takes this simple act of self-scrutiny as a model for the reflective reasoning of rational agents: our efforts to understand our existence and conduct are aided by our efforts to make it intelligible. Reflective reasoning, Velleman argues, constitutes practical reasoning. By applying this conception, _Practical Reflection_ develops philosophical accounts of intention, free will, and the foundation (...)
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  22.  15
    A Report from the Front Lines: Conversations on Public Theology. A Festschrift in Honor of Robert Benne, and: Explorations in Christian Theology and Ethics: Essays in Conversation with Paul L. Lehmann.Jeffrey P. Greenman - 2012 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 32 (1):206-209.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:A Report from the Front Lines: Conversations on Public Theology. A Festschrift in Honor of Robert Benne, and: Explorations in Christian Theology and Ethics: Essays in Conversation with Paul L. LehmannJeffrey P. GreenmanA Report from the Front Lines: Conversations on Public Theology. A Festschrift in Honor of Robert Benne Edited by Michael Shahan Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 2009. 184 pp. $30.00.Explorations in Christian Theology and Ethics: Essays in (...)
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    Rigour and Reason: Essays in Honour of Hans Vilhelm Hansen.J. Anthony Blair & Christopher W. Tindale (eds.) - 2020 - University of Windsor.
    Built in the centre of Copenhagen, and noted for its equestrian stairway, the Rundetaarn, was intended as an astronomical observatory. Part of a complex of buildings that once included a university library, it affords expansive views of the city in every direction, towering above what surrounds it. The metaphor of the towering figure, who sees what others might not, whose vantage point allows him to visualize how things fit together, and who has an earned-stature of respect and authority, fits another (...)
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  24. Early Christian Doctrines.J. N. D. Kelly - 1958
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  25. The chemistry of substances and the philosophy of mass terms.J. Brakel - 1986 - Synthese 69 (3):291 - 324.
  26.  23
    Do you hear what I hear? Perceived narrative constitutes a semantic dimension for music.J. Devin McAuley, Patrick C. M. Wong, Anusha Mamidipaka, Natalie Phillips & Elizabeth Hellmuth Margulis - 2021 - Cognition 212 (C):104712.
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    The capability approach and the politics of a social conception of wellbeing.J. Allister McGregor & Séverine Deneulin - 2010 - European Journal of Social Theory 13 (4):501-519.
    The capability approach constitutes a significant contribution to social theory but its potential is diminished by its insufficient treatment of the social construction of meaning. Social meanings enable people to make value judgements about what they will do and be, and also to evaluate how satisfied they are about what they are able to achieve. From this viewpoint, a person’s state of wellbeing must be understood as being socially and psychologically co-constituted in specific social and cultural contexts. In this light, (...)
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    Autonomous Knowledge: Radical Enhancement, Autonomy, and the Future of Knowing.J. Adam Carter - 2021 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Autonomous Knowledge: Radical Enhancement, Autonomy, and the Future of Knowing motivates and develops a new research programme in epistemology that is centred around the concept of epistemic autonomy.
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  29. Methodological individualism: A reply.J. W. N. Watkins - 1955 - Philosophy of Science 22 (1):58-62.
  30. Should deflationists be dialetheists?J. C. Beall & Bradley Armour-Garb - 2003 - Noûs 37 (2):303–324.
  31. Permutations and Foster problems: Two puzzles or one?J. Robert G. Williams - 2008 - Ratio 21 (1):91–105.
    How are permutation arguments for the inscrutability of reference to be formulated in the context of a Davidsonian truth-theoretic semantics? Davidson takes these arguments to establish that there are no grounds for favouring a reference scheme that assigns London to “Londres”, rather than one that assigns Sydney to that name. We shall see, however, that it is far from clear whether permutation arguments work when set out in the context of the kind of truth-theoretic semantics which Davidson favours. The principle (...)
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    The Victorian Translation of Confucianism: James Legge’s Oriental Pilgrimage. By Norman J. Girardot. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2002. Pp. xxx + 780).Norman J. Girardot & John Berthrong - 2004 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 31 (3):412-417.
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  33. Metaphyschology.J. P. Corbett - 1955 - Mind 64 (256):534-538.
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  34. (1 other version)Science without properties.J. H. Woodger - 1951 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 2 (7):193-216.
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    The Proof for the Existence of God.J. Horgan - 1951 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 1:41-53.
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    Quantum Spontaneity and the Development of Consciousness.J. Arnold - 2019 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 26 (1-2):216-234.
    The concept of quantum spontaneity is introduced to provide a non-deterministic, non-indeterministic, and non-random model of consciousness that can accommodate our intuitive sense of self, intentionality, and creativity.
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    The moral and legal aspects of labour.J. B. Baillie - 1911 - Philosophical Review 20 (3):249-264.
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    (1 other version)Forcing isomorphism.J. T. Baldwin, M. C. Laskowski & S. Shelah - 1993 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 58 (4):1291-1301.
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    Cardinal Newman’s Philosophy of Belief.J. D. Bastable - 1955 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 5:44-70.
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    Philosophico-Scientific Problems.J. D. Bastable - 1955 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 5:160-160.
  41.  26
    The World of Rome.J. D. Bastable - 1965 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 14:278-279.
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    The ‘Opera Omnia’ of Henry of Ghent.J. B. Brown - 1980 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 27:286-290.
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    The Logic of Pragmatism.J. Burnheim - 1953 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 3:182-183.
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    Critical notices.J. A. Chadwick - 1925 - Mind 34 (134):224-230.
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  45.  11
    Spacious Joy: An Essay in Phenomenology and Literature.J. L. Chretien - 2019 - Rowman & Littlefield International.
    J.L. Chretien is a French public intellectual, philosopher and poet, widely published and revered in his home country and in academic circles worldwide. This translation makes his work available to an English-language audience for the first time and a crucial contribution to our understanding of the phenomenology of religious experience.
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    A Hermeneutic Understanding of Dialogue as a Tool for Global Peace.J. Chidozie Chukwuokolo & Victor O. Jeko - 2019 - Dialogue and Universalism 29 (3):23-39.
    The problem of threat to international politics and global peace has undermined the effectiveness of the power of dialogue. The world seems to be in the condition of will to power derivable from the mutually assured destructive tendencies. Is it possible to extend global peace? How can this be achieved? In this paper, we posit that dialogue is a fundamental medium for conflict resolution and peaceful coexistence in a diverse world. We contend that monologue in international politics understood in terms (...)
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    Rules and consequences.J. Brooks Colburn - 1969 - Mind 78 (309):136.
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    Utilitarians and the use of examples.J. W. Roxbee Cox - 1985 - Ethics 95 (2):268-273.
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    The Dignity of the Human Person.J. A. Creaven - 1955 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 5:142-143.
  50.  41
    Shifting the Focus: Food Choice, Paternalism, and State Regulation.J. M. Dieterle - 2019 - Food Ethics 5 (1-2):1-16.
    In this paper, I examine the question of whether there is justification for regulations that place limits on food choices. I begin by discussing Sarah Conly’s recent defense of paternalist limits on food choice. I argue that Conly’s argument is flawed because it assumes a particular conception of health that is not universally shared. I examine this conception of health in some detail, and I argue that we need to shift our focus from individual behaviors and lifestyle to the broader (...)
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