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J. W. N. Watkins [76]John Watkins [44]Jeremy Watkins [7]John W. N. Watkins [6]
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  1. Historical explanation in the social sciences.J. W. N. Watkins - 1957 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 8 (30):104-117.
  2.  55
    (1 other version)Science and Scepticism.John Watkins - 1986 - Philosophy of Science 53 (2):302-305.
  3.  24
    Science and Scepticism.John W. N. Watkins - 1984 - Princeton University Press.
    This book contains important technical innovations, including comparative measures for the testable content, depth, and unity of scientific theories. Originally published in 1984. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich (...)
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  4. Ideal types and historical explanation.J. W. N. Watkins - 1952 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 3 (9):22-43.
  5. Confirmable and influential metaphysics.J. Watkins - 1958 - Mind 67 (267):344-365.
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  6.  88
    Against'normal science'.John Wn Watkins - 1970 - In Imre Lakatos & Alan Musgrave, Criticism and the growth of knowledge. Cambridge [Eng.]: Cambridge University Press.
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  7.  18
    Hobbes's system of ideas.John W. N. Watkins - 1965 - London: [Hutchinson.
  8. Hobbes's System of Ideas.J. W. N. Watkins & Keith C. Brown - 1967 - Philosophy 42 (160):177-181.
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  9. The principle of methodological individualism.J. W. N. Watkins - 1952 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 3 (10):186-189.
  10. Methodological individualism: A reply.J. W. N. Watkins - 1955 - Philosophy of Science 22 (1):58-62.
  11.  49
    Comprehensively Critical Rationalism.J. W. N. Watkins - 1969 - Philosophy 44 (167):57 - 62.
    In his book The Retreat to Commitment Professor Bartley raised an important problem: can rationalism can rationalism be held in a rational way, that is, in a way that complies with its own requirements? Or is there bound to be something irrational in the rationalist's position? Briefly, Hartley's answer was that an element of irrationalism is involved in extant versions of rationalism; however, Bartley proposed a new version of rationalism that can, he claimed, be held in a way that is (...)
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  12.  92
    Metaphysics and the advancement of science.J. W. N. Watkins - 1975 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 26 (2):91-121.
  13.  51
    CCR: A Refutation.J. W. N. Watkins - 1971 - Philosophy 46 (175):56-.
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    Imperfect rationality.J. W. N. Watkins - 1970 - In Robert Borger, Explanation In The Behavioural Sciences. Cambridge University Press. pp. 147--237.
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  15.  53
    Between Analytic and Empirical.J. W. N. Watkins - 1957 - Philosophy 32 (121):112 - 131.
    One of the most serious pre-occupations of post-medieval philosophy has been to distinguish those kinds of assertion which are either true or false from those which are neither true nor false. A solution to this problem would be of the highest importance. It would indicate in what areas rational inquiry has some hope of success and in what areas it is doomed to frustration. It would tell us, for example, whether it is worth trying to think about the possible mistakenness (...)
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  16. Feyerabend Among Popperians, 1948-1978.John Watkins - 2000 - In John Preston, Gonzalo Munévar & David Lamb, The Worst Enemy of Science?: Essays in Memory of Paul Feyerabend. New York: Oup Usa.
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  17.  83
    Unilateral Forgiveness and the Task of Reconciliation.Jeremy Watkins - 2015 - Res Publica 21 (1):19-42.
    Although forgiveness is often taken to bear a close connection to the value of reconciliation, there is a good deal of scepticism about its role in situations where there is no consensus on the moral complexion of the past and no admission of guilt on the part of the perpetrator. This scepticism is typically rooted in the claims that forgiveness without perpetrator acknowledgement aggravates the risk of recidivism; yields a substandard and morally compromised form of political accommodation; and comes across (...)
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  18. Hobbes's System of Ideas: A Study in the Political Significance of Philosophical Theories.J. W. N. Watkins - 1966 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 17 (3):259-261.
  19. Farewell to the Paradigm-Case Argument.J. W. N. Watkins - 1957 - Analysis 18 (2):25 - 33.
  20. Hobbes's system of ideas: a study in the political significance of philosophical theories.John W. N. Watkins - 1973 - London: Hutchinson.
  21.  79
    Philosophy and politics in Hobbes.J. W. N. Watkins - 1955 - Philosophical Quarterly 5 (19):125-146.
  22.  60
    The alleged inadequacy of methodological individualism.J. W. N. Watkins - 1958 - Journal of Philosophy 55 (9):390-395.
  23. Confirmation without background knowledge.J. W. N. Watkins - 1959 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 10 (40):318-320.
  24.  40
    (1 other version)V.—Epistemology and Politics.J. W. N. Watkins - 1958 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 58 (1):79-102.
  25. The two theses of methodological individualism.J. W. N. Watkins - 1958 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 9 (33):319.
  26. International Responsibility.James Crawford & Jeremy Watkins - 2010 - In Samantha Besson & John Tasioulas, The philosophy of international law. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  27. Symposium: Negative Utilitarianism.H. B. Acton & J. W. N. Watkins - 1963 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 37 (1):83 - 114.
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  28. Karl Popper: A Memoir.John Watkins - 2004 - In Anthony O'Hear, Karl Popper: critical assessments of leading philosophers. New York: Routledge.
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  29. Karl Raimund Popper 1902–1994.John Watkins - 1997 - In Watkins John, Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 94: 1996 Lectures and Memoirs. pp. 645-684.
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  30.  89
    Discussion. A note on Baldwin effect.John Watkins - 1999 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 50 (3):417-423.
    Baldwin Effect, in which there has been a revival of interest in recent years, is disentangled from certain other ideas which, while resembling it in some ways, also differ importantly from it. Baldwin's original idea was that a 'voluntarily' adopted practice which is adaptive can foster, in some non-Lamarckian way, 'coincident variations' that render the practice instinctive and heritable. It is argued that this idea involves a surreptitious slide back to Lamarckism.
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  31.  83
    Forgiveness and its Place in Ethics.Jeremy Watkins - 2005 - Theoria 71 (1):59-77.
    A number of philosophers have suggested that acts of forgiveness are pointless if the wrongdoer has atoned for his offence (since there is nothing to be forgiven) and unjustified if no atonement has been forthcoming (since there are no grounds for forgiveness). My aim in this paper is twofold. First, I try to remove this dilemma and show that forgiveness has a proper place in ethics by providing an account of its nature and justification. Second, I argue that the dilemma (...)
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  32.  65
    (1 other version)Popper and Darwinism.John Watkins - 1995 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 39:191-206.
    The first Darwin Lecture was given in 1977 by Karl Popper. He there said that he had known Darwin's face and name ‘for as long as I can remember’ ; for his father's library contained a portrait of Darwin and translations of most of Darwin's works . But it was not until Popper was in his late fifties that Darwin begin to figure importantly in his writings, and he was nearly seventy when he adopted from Donald Campbell the term ‘evolutionary (...)
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  33. The Pragmatic Problem of Induction.John Watkins - 1988 - Analysis 48 (1):18 - 20.
  34.  63
    Third reply to mr Goldstein.J. W. N. Watkins - 1959 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 10 (39):242-244.
  35.  73
    Matching Well-Being to Merit: The Example of Punishment.Jeremy Watkins, Basil Smith, Renate Pilapil & Hanno Sauer - 2011 - Ethical Perspectives 18 (1):5-27.
    In this paper, I explore our common-sense thinking about the relation between moral value, moral merit, and well-being. Starting from Ross’s observation that welfarist axiologies ignore our intuitions about desert, I focus on axiologies that take moral merit and well-being to be independent determinants of value. I distinguish three ways in which these axiologies can be formulated, and I then consider their application to the issue of punishment. The objection that they recommend penalties in circumstances in which intuitively we would (...)
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  36. Lawson on the Raven paradox and background knowledge.John Watkins - 1987 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 38 (4):567-571.
  37. A Reply to Professor Flew's Comment.J. W. N. Watkins - 1957 - Analysis 18 (2):41 - 42.
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  38. Freedom and predictability: An amendment to MacKay.J. W. N. Watkins - 1971 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 22 (3):263-275.
  39.  38
    Minimal presuppositions and maximal metaphysics.J. W. N. Watkins - 1978 - Mind 87 (346):195-209.
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  40.  23
    Mr. Stove's blunders.J. W. N. Watkins - 1959 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 37 (3):240 – 241.
  41.  42
    Political tradition and political theory.J. W. N. Watkins - 1952 - Philosophical Quarterly 2 (9):323-337.
  42.  88
    Scientific rationality and the problem of induction: Responses to criticisms.John Watkins - 1991 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 42 (3):343-368.
    This paper considers criticisms of the author's Science and Scepticism advanced by Fred D' Agostino, Graham Oddie, Elie Zahar, Alan Musgrave, and John Worrall. The criticisms concern the following topics: the aim of science, unified theoryhood, the empirical basis, corroboration by already known evidence, the idea that scientific theories need be no more than possibly true, and the pragmatic problem of induction. Various clarifications and improvements result, and on the last topic the author significantly modifies his position.
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  43.  13
    The Methodology of Scientific Research Programmes: A Retrospect.John Watkins - 1989 - In Kostas Gavroglu, Yorgos Goudaroulis & P. Nicolacopoulos, Imre Lakatos and Theories of Scientific Change. Springer. pp. 3-13.
    By 'scientific theory' I shall mean a core of fundamental assumptions fleshed out by a suitable array of auxiliary assumptions. Let there be two or more competing scientific theories in a certain field, thrown up by rival research programmes in Lakatos's sense. Now consider these two questions: (1) Which of these theories should I accept? (2) Which of these theories should I work on? They are surely very different questions. The personal pronoun 'I' could be dropped from question (1), which (...)
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  44. The propositional content of the Popper-Lakatos rift.John Watkins - 2002 - In G. Kampis, L: Kvasz & M. Stöltzner, Appraising Lakatos: Mathematics, Methodology and the Man. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 3--12.
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  45. The truth will out.John Watkins - 1999 - The Philosophers' Magazine 6 (6):11-11.
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    The pragmatic problem of induction: reply to gower and bamford.John Watkins - 1990 - Analysis 50 (3):210-212.
  47.  39
    Schizophrenic thought disorder: Linguistic incompetence or information-processing impairment?Robert F. Asarnow & John M. Watkins - 1982 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 5 (4):589-590.
  48.  49
    How I Almost Solved the Problem of Induction.John Watkins - 1995 - Philosophy 70 (273):429 - 435.
    At the seventh international congress of Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science, held at Salzburg in 1983, I was talking with John Searle when I glanced at my watch and exclaimed, I must run. I'm due to solve the problem of induction at 2.15. ‘Yes,’ he replied, I must go too; I'm due to solve the mind-body problem. I don't know how seriously he meant his remark, but I did actually believe that I had cracked this old problem in the (...)
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  49.  55
    A Rejoinder to Professor Hempel's Reply.J. W. N. Watkins - 1958 - Philosophy 33 (127):349 - 355.
    Object of this reply. A chap like myself, who struggles along with an amateur's box of logical tools, is bound to feel uneasy when his arguments are probed by the kind of logical precision-instruments which Professor Hempel manipulates so effortlessly. Yet after painstakingly working over his technical arguments, and after appealing for expert assistance on matters outside my competence,1 I have reached the surprising and agreeable conclusion that my argument stands intact and that Professor Hempel's criticisms reveal once more the (...)
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  50.  39
    Metaphysics. By W. H. Walsh. (Hutchinson University Library, London, 1963. Pp. 206. Price 15s.).J. W. N. Watkins - 1965 - Philosophy 40 (153):260-.
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