Results for 'Jacques Estève'

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  1.  6
    La chose juridique, éléments d'introduction générale à l'étude du droit.Jacques Estève - 1936 - Paris,: Recueil Sirey; [etc., etc.].
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    New tools to measure discrepancy between prescribing practices and guideline recommendations.Catherine Mercier, Jean-Pierre Boissel, Jacques Estève, Jean Iwaz & Patrice Nony - 2007 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 13 (4):639-646.
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    The six books of Diophantus’ Arithmetic increased and reduced to specious: the lost manuscript of Jacques Ozanam (1640–1718). [REVIEW]Francisco Gómez-García, Pedro J. Herrero-Piñeyro, Antonio Linero-Bas, Ma Rosa Massa-Esteve & Antonio Mellado-Romero - 2021 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 75 (5):557-611.
    The introduction of a new analytical method, due fundamentally to François Viète and René Descartes and the later dissemination of their works, resulted in a profound change in the way of thinking and doing mathematics. This change, known as process of algebrization, occurred during the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries and led to a great transformation in mathematics. Among many other consequences, this process gave rise to the treatment of the results in the classic treatises with the new analytical method, (...)
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    Prosody in the Auditory and Visual Domains: A Developmental Perspective.Núria Esteve-Gibert & Bahia Guellaï - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    As críticas ao utilitarismo por rawls.Júlio Esteves - 2002 - Ethic@ - An International Journal for Moral Philosophy 1 (1):81-96.
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  6. A comparatio como técnica de composição do retrato tibério nos annales.Anderson de Araujo Martins Esteves - 2010 - Principia: Revista do Departamento de Letras Clássicas e Orientais do Instituto de Letras 1 (20):103-116.
    Nesse artigo, trato da comparatio entre dois personagens, como forma de pôr em evidência qualidades ou defeitos, em comum (simile) ou em pares de contrários (contrarium), partindo do exemplo de Tibério, nos seis primeiros livros dos Annales. Para ajudar a compor o retrato do imperador nessa obra, Tácito emprega o simile, associando Tibério ao cruel Sejano, chefe da guarda, e o contrarium, comparando sua personagem principal ao herói militar Germânico.
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    Automatically elicited fear: Conditioned skin conductance responses to masked facial expressions.Francisco Esteves, Ulf Dimberg & Arne öhman - 1994 - Cognition and Emotion 8 (5):393-413.
  8.  44
    Jacques Derrida: basic writings.Jacques Derrida - 2007 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Barry Stocker.
    One of the most influential and controversial thinkers of the twentieth-century, Jacques Derrida’s ideas on deconstruction have had a lasting impact on philosophy, literature and cultural studies. Jacques Derrida: Basic Writings is the first anthology to present his most important philosophical writings and is an indispensable resource for all students and readers of his work. Barry Stocker’s clear and helpful introductions set each reading in context, making the volume an ideal companion for those coming to Derrida’s writings for (...)
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    Jacques Derrida and Gianni Vattimo (eds.), Religion. Trans. by David Webb and others.Jacques Derrida, Gianni Vattimo & David Webb - 1999 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 46 (3):193-195.
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    Une amitié américaine: Jacques et Raïssa Maritain, Emily Holmes Coleman: 1942-1971.Jacques Maritain - 2013 - Paris: Desclée de Brouwer. Edited by Raïssa Maritain, Emily Holmes Coleman & Claire Coleman.
    New York, été 1942. Peu après la déclaration de la guerre, les Maritain ont quitté la France et se sont réfugiés aux Etats - Unis. Tout en poursuivant son oeuvre littéraire, Jacques donne des cours et des conférences à travers le pays. Raïssa publie Les grandes amitiés et achève la rédaction de ses souvenirs, souvent interrompue par la maladie et les souffrances qui l'accablent. L'arrachement à leur pays, le désastre en Europe et le sort des Juifs ne cessent de (...)
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    Emotion drives attention: detecting the snake in the grass.Arne Öhman, Anders Flykt & Francisco Esteves - 2001 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 130 (3):466.
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  12. Smart Activation of Citizens : Opportunities and Challenges for Scientific Research.Maria Gilda Pimentel Esteves, Jano Moreira de Souza, Alexandre Prestes Uchoa, Carla Viana Pereira & Marcio Antelio - 2017 - In Luigi Ceccaroni (ed.), Analyzing the role of citizen science in modern research. Hershey PA: Information Science Reference.
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    La fundamentación zubiriana de la pedagogía de López Quintás.Alfredo Esteve - 2017 - Quaderns de Filosofia 4 (1):47-55.
    Resumen La enseñanza de la filosofía no es únicamente una transmisión de contenidos; incluso probablemente no sea éste el objetivo más importante. Para plantearnos qué es lo más importante en la docencia filosófica deberíamos preguntarnos qué queremos exactamente que aprendan nuestros alumnos. Cuando intentamos responder a esta cuestión se pone de manifiesto la especificidad de la filosofía. La filosofía no es cuestión de contenidos sino de vida; no es cuestión de respuestas, sino de preguntas. En esta comunicación se pretende mostrar (...)
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  14.  54
    The Face of Wrath: Critical Features for Conveying Facial Threat.Daniel Lundqvist, Francisco Esteves & Arne Ohman - 1999 - Cognition and Emotion 13 (6):691-711.
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    M. Jacques Havet, au nom de l' U.N.E.S.C.O.Jacques Havet - 1960 - Atti Del XII Congresso Internazionale di Filosofia 2:8-10.
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    Cours de philosophie de Jacques Muglioni, 1956-1957.Jacques Muglioni & François Ribes - 1999 - Paris: CNDP. Edited by François Ribes.
  17.  12
    A ampliação do tema do conhecimento em Raimundo lúlio.Esteve Jaulent - 1998 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 43 (3):623-642.
    Após afirmar que os dois sentidos aristotélicos do ato são insuficientes para dizer o ente tal como este se encontra na realidade, o trabalho mostra como o novo sentido que Lúlio atribuiu à noção de ato permitiu-lhe superar a limitação própria dos conhecimentos obtidos mediante as operações da faculdade cognoscitiva e alcançar, com ajuda de sua Ars, o ato de ser dos entes.
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    Fundamentos epistemológicos del diálogo luliano.Esteve Jaulent - 2003 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 20:33-50.
    This study is divided in three parts. First, it shows which are the specific truths of Christianism, that distinguish it from other monotheistic religions. In the second part, establish the lullian metaphysics´suppositions that consent to embrace this truths. Finally, the third part is an attempt to expose the arguments and demonstrations characteristic of Lullian theory of knowledge.
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    A filosofia do ato de ser E Raimundo lúlio.Esteve Jaulent - 1997 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 42 (3):631-646.
    Apresentam-se, em forma de sintética perspectiva histórica, alguns dos temas principais da metafisica do ser, de modo a mostrar a articulação do pensamento filosófico desde Parmênides a Tomás de Aquino, salientando-se no fim de cada período as conquistas que ficaram em aberto. A seguir, expõe-se a metafisica Juliana, afirmando-se que esta seguramente consistiria numa tentativa de continuar a especulação e o aprofundamento sobre o ato de Ser, a partir do ponto alcançado pela especulação anterior. O trabalho pode ser visto portanto (...)
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    O conceito de natureza em lúlio E sua aplicação ao ser humano.Esteve Jaulent - 1999 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 44 (3):767-780.
    Esta comunicación muestra que elpensamiento del filósofo mallorquín avanza conrelación ai estado de la doctrina tradicional sobrelas nociones clásicas de naturaleza y personaporque arranca de su teoria de las Dignidades,según la cual el ser se presenta como actividadformalizada. Si "pensar", "escuchar" y "ver" sonactos, lo son por el acto de ser, y tendrá que seréste, el acto en primer lugar diferenciado.Además, la importante teoria Juliana de las obraspropias y apropiadas permite una explicación dela naturaleza humana muy consistente con larealidad. Se (...)
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  21.  14
    O "esse" na ética de Raimundo lúlio {ramon llull).Esteve Jaulent - 1995 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 40 (159):599-621.
    Estudam-se realidades básicas da moral - o ente, o ato de ser e a causalidade eficiente intrínseca - e se conclui que se harmonizam apenas com aquelas metafísicas denominadas do ser. que concebem o ser como a primeira perfeição à qual se reduzem todas as outras. Critica-se a posição essencialista. Examina-se a noção de ser implícita nos escritos de Tomás de Aquino que, por superar a concepção formalista do ser, permite uma compreensão adequada da vida moral.,Da mesma maneira, a noção (...)
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  22.  5
    The social and political philosophy of Jacques Maritain.Jacques Maritain - 1955 - New York,: Scribner.
  23.  30
    Osteopathic Care as (En)active Inference: A Theoretical Framework for Developing an Integrative Hypothesis in Osteopathy.Jorge E. Esteves, Francesco Cerritelli, Joohan Kim & Karl J. Friston - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Osteopathy is a person-centred healthcare discipline that emphasizes the body’s structure-function interrelationship—and its self-regulatory mechanisms—to inform a whole-person approach to health and wellbeing. This paper aims to provide a theoretical framework for developing an integrative hypothesis in osteopathy, which is based on the enactivist and active inference accounts. We propose that osteopathic care can be reconceptualised under active inference as a unifying framework. Active inference suggests that action-perception cycles operate to minimize uncertainty and optimize an individual’s internal model of the (...)
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  24.  57
    Deconstruction in a nutshell: a conversation with Jacques Derrida.Jacques Derrida - 1997 - New York: Fordham University Press. Edited by John D. Caputo.
    Responding to questions put to him at a Roundtable held at Villanova University in 1994, Jacques Derrida leads the reader through an illuminating discussion of the central themes of deconstruction. Speaking in English and extemporaneously, Derrida takes up with unusual clarity and great eloquence such topics as the task of philosophy, the Greeks, justice, responsibility, the gift, the community, the distinction between the messianic and the concrete messianisms, and his interpretation of James Joyce. Derrida convincingly refutes the charges of (...)
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  25.  33
    Logical consistency in simultaneous statistical test procedures.Rafael Izbicki & Luís Gustavo Esteves - 2015 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 23 (5):732-758.
  26.  5
    The Maritain volume of the Thomist: dedicated to Jacques Maritain on the occasion of his sixtieth anniversary.Jacques Maritain (ed.) - 1978 - Great Neck, N.Y.: Core Collection Books.
  27.  4
    Variations sur l'éthique: hommage à Jacques Dabin.Jacques Dabin (ed.) - 1994 - Bruxelles: Facultés universitaires Saint-Louis.
    Fruit de l'initiative des Facultés universitaires Saint-Louis, le présent ouvrage rend hommage, à l'occasion de son admission à l'éméritat, à Jacques Dabin qui fut titulaire des cours de philosophie morale et de droit naturel depuis 1968 et assura la fonction de Recteur des Facultés de 1973 à 1993. Reflétant à la fois ses préoccupations majeures, ainsi que la diversité des approches correspondant aux différentes composantes des Facultés, cet ouvrage réunit les actes du colloque que les Facultés ont consacré à (...)
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    Le philosophe et le réel: entretiens avec Jean-Jacques Rosat.Jacques Bouveresse & Jean-Jacques Rosat - 1998 - Hachette.
    Ces Entretiens sont à la fois l'autobiographie intellectuelle d'un des philosophes les plus au fait de quelques-uns des grands débats contemporains et un plaidoyer pour un style de pensée modeste, rigoureux et ironique. Jacques Bouveresse appartient à cette génération des jeunes assistants qui, dans les années 1960 montèrent à l'assaut d'une Sorbonne un peu poussiéreuse et à dominante spiritualiste. La véritable nouveauté pour lui ne fut cependant ni la linguistique, ni le marxisme, ni la psychanalyse, mais la logique " (...)
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  29. Hospitality, Justice and Responsibility: A Dialogue with Jacques Derrida.Derrida Jacques - 1999 - In Richard Kearney & Mark Dooley (eds.), Questioning ethics: contemporary debates in philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 65--83.
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    Chora L Works: Jacques Derrida and Peter Eisenman.Jacques Derrida & Peter Eisenman - 1997
    Chora L Works documents the unprecedented collaboration, initiated in 1985, between philosopher Jacques Derrida and architect Peter Eisenman on a project for the Parc de la Villette in Paris. Woven into the volume are discussion transcripts, candid correspondence, and essays, as well as sketches, presentation drawings, and models. Derrida and Eisenman's design process was guided by Plato's chora text from the Timeaus; their unique reciprocal relationship was an interchange - and transformation - of voices.
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    Jacques Rancière: Literature, politics, aesthetics (interviewed by S Guénoun and JH Kavanagh).Jacques Rancière - 2000 - Substance 29 (2):3-24.
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    L’exercice de questionnement des textes philosophiques au risque de la simplicité.Brigitte Esteve-Bellebeau - 2011 - L’Enseignement Philosophique 61 (3):61-68.
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    The Alleged Incompatibility between the Concepts of Practical Freedom in the Dialectic and in the Canon of the Critique of Pure Reason.Julio Esteves - 2014 - Kant Studien 105 (3).
    Name der Zeitschrift: Kant-Studien Jahrgang: 105 Heft: 3 Seiten: 336-371.
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    A Conversation between Jacques Bouveresse and Hilary Putnam.Jacques Bouveresse & Hilary Putnam - 2020 - The Monist 103 (4):481-492.
    The following interview took place between Jacques Bouveresse and Hilary Putnam on May 11, 2001 in Paris at the Collège de France. Sandra Laugier was present, preserved the transcription, and proposed that we publish the text here. It was translated into English by Marie Kerguelen Feldblyum LeBlevennec and lightly edited by Jacques Bouveresse, Juliet Floyd, and Sandra Laugier. Themes covered in the interview include the question of Wittgenstein’s importance in contemporary philosophy, Putnam’s development with respect to realism, especially (...)
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    El proceso de Prisciliano en Tréveris.Sergio Esteve Gutiérrez - 2009 - In Jesús de Garay Jacinto Choza (ed.), Estado, Derecho y Religión en Oriente y Occidente. Plaza y Valdés Editores.
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  36. Kant and Schiller on duty and inclination.Maria Luisa Esteve Montenegro & Jurgen Sprute - 2008 - Pensamiento 64 (239):129-142.
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    O pensamento político em Portugal no século XVIII: António Ribeiro dos Santos.José Esteves Pereira - 1983 - [Lisbon]: Impr. Nacional-Casa da Moeda.
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    A teoria kantiana do respeito pela lei moral e da determinação da vontade.Julio Esteves - 2009 - Trans/Form/Ação 32 (2):75-89.
    Este artigo tem por objetivo examinar uma tensão existente no interior da teoria kantiana do respeito pela lei moral. Originalmente, na Fundamentação, o respeito é concebido por Kant como um mero efeito ou subproduto da imediata determinação da vontade pela lei moral. Na segunda Crítica, contudo, Kant parece conceder um papel mais positivo ao respeito, dando a ele a tarefa de enfraquecer a influência exercida pelas inclinações, o que contaria como uma promoção da influência da lei moral sobre a vontade. (...)
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  39. Kant, Chomsky e Rawls: sobre o método de A Theory of Justice: Série 2 / Kant, Chomsky and Rawls: on the Method of A Theory of Justice.Julio Esteves - 2010 - Kant E-Prints 5:66-92.
    The aim of this paper is to critically examine Rawls’ discussions of the method of a moral theory spread through his book A Theory of Justice. First, Kant’s reasons for rejecting the attempt to employ in philosophy a method inspired in mathematics, respectively, in geometry are considered. This provides a basis for rejecting the interpretation given by Maria Carolina and Zeljko Loparic, according to which Rawls would have allegedly followed Kant’s indications, and applied methodological developments of the Greek geometry to (...)
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  40. Kant's Theories of Geometry.Julio Esteves - 2008 - In Valerio Hrsg v. Rohden, Ricardo Terra & Guido Almeida (eds.), Recht und Frieden in der Philosophie Kants. de Gruyter. pp. 1--173.
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    The Antagonism between Nature and Freedom in Kant’s Philosophy.Julio Esteves - 2018 - In Violetta L. Waibel, Margit Ruffing & David Wagner (eds.), Natur und Freiheit: Akten des XII. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. De Gruyter. pp. 1023-1030.
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  42.  1
    The social and political philosophy of Jacques Maritain.Jacques Maritain - 1955 - New York,: Scribner.
  43.  11
    On Jacques Rancière, The time of the landscape. On the origins of the aesthetic revolution.Jacques Rancière, Oliver Davis, Ilaria Bussoni & Bernard Aspe - 2024 - Studi di Estetica 28.
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    El Ars Generalis ultima de Ramon Llull: presupuestos metafísicos y éticos.Esteve Jaulent - 2010 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 27:87-113.
  45. The ear of the other: otobiography, transference, translation: texts and discussions with Jacques Derrida.Jacques Derrida - 1985 - Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. Edited by Christie McDonald.
    'No writer has probed the riddle of the Other with more patience and insight than Jacques Derrida.
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  46. Écrits.Jacques Lacan - 1967 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 22 (1):96-97.
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  47. . Estèves - unknown
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  48. Jacques Et Raïssa Maritain Œvres Complètes.Jacques Maritain, Jean-Marie Allion, Raïssa Maritain & Cercle D'études Jacques et Raïssa Maritain - 1982
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    (1 other version)Thematic Files-the reception of euclid's elements during the middle ages and the renaissance-the euclidian theory of proportions in Pietro mengoli's geometriae speciosae elementa of 1659.Maria Rosa Massa Esteve - 2003 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 56 (2):457-474.
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    Interview: Jacques Derrida.Jacques Derrida & J. -L. Houdebine - 1973 - Diacritics 3 (1):33.
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