Results for 'Patrice Nony'

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  1.  23
    New tools to measure discrepancy between prescribing practices and guideline recommendations.Catherine Mercier, Jean-Pierre Boissel, Jacques Estève, Jean Iwaz & Patrice Nony - 2007 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 13 (4):639-646.
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    Bernard Stiegler on Automatic Society. As told to Anaïs Nony.Anaïs Nony - 2015 - The Third Rail Quaterly 5:16-17.
    In his new book, La société automatique, Bernard Stiegler departs from a philosophical tradition that opposes autonomy and automatization so as to position automatization at the core of biological, social, and technical forms of life. Responding to the rise of the digital—as the increasing automatization of processes of selection through computational means—Stiegler’s project challenges us to recognize contemporary life as automatic. This shift in approach inevitably recalibrates the ontogenetic grounds of contemporary culture, and necessitates a reconsideration of sociocultural practices from (...)
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    Palabras de Patrice Vermeren en representación del director-general de la UNESCO, Federico Mayor.Patrice Vermeren - 2016 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 1:617.
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    Les sciences et les techniques, laboratoire de l'Histoire: mélanges en l'honneur de Patrice Bret.Patrice Bret, Liliane Hilaire-Pérez & Catherine Lanoë (eds.) - 2022 - [Paris]: PSL.
    Les travaux de Patrice Bret occupent une place centrale en histoire des sciences et en histoire des techniques. Ce livre entend les mettre à l'honneur, qu'il s'agisse de l'histoire des savoirs académiques, du régime techno-politique du XVIIIe siècle, des interactions entre savants et praticiens à l'heure de la chimie lavoisienne, des circulations culturelles et des traductions ou encore de la place des femmes de sciences. Les contributions réunies dans ce volume illustrent, par leur diversité, l'influence de Patrice Bret (...)
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    Presentación del Doctor Honoris Causa Dr. Patrice Vermeren: La filosofía interrumpida.Patrice Vermeren - 2019 - Revista de Filosofía 75:17-29.
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    Chercheurs, éthiques et sociétés: l'avenir de l'avenir.Thierry Patrice - 2012 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Thierry Patrice, 57 ans, médecin, nommé professeur à 32 ans, Lauréat de la Faculté, est internationalement connu pour ses travaux concernant l'action de la lumière sur les tissus vivant en cancérologie. Il a reçu plusieurs Prix pour l'étude du rôle de l'oxygène dans différentes maladies, dont le diabète, mais aussi lors du vieillissement.
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    L'autre dans la pensée d'Emmanuel Levinas.Patrice Minani - 1989 - Romae: Pontificia Universitas Urbaniana, Facultas Philosophiae.
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    Wholly different: why I chose biblical values over Islamic values.Nonie Darwish - 2017 - Washington DC: Regnery Faith.
    Western countries are ignorant of true Islamic values, says Nonie Darwish. Darwish is an Egyptian-American, former-Muslim human rights activist who is frustrated with mainstream America's talk of tolerance and assimilation. In Wholly Different, Darwish sets non-Muslims straight about tenets of Islam that are incompatible with free society. For the first time, Darwish tells the whole story of her personal break with Islam, starting with the brutal physical violence and rigid class system she witnessed and culminating with the spine-tingling visit she (...)
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    Adam Linder interviewed by Anaïs Nony.Anaïs Nony - 2016 - la Deleuziana 3:141-148.
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    Intuition et lois logiques.Patrice Philie - 2017 - Philosophiques 44 (1):73-83.
    PATRICE PHILIE | : Cet article a pour objectif d’examiner le rôle des intuitions dans le cadre du problème de la justification des lois logiques de base. Une revue des différentes conceptions de l’intuition permet de mettre les choses en place et d’identifier la conception qui convient le mieux au problème — c’est une conception modale qui sera retenue. Je soumettrai ensuite cette conception à un examen critique, lequel se fera en deux temps. D’une part, il s’agira de montrer (...)
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  11. Technology of Neo-Colonial Epistemes (Special Issue on Gilbert Simondon).Anaïs Nony - 2019 - Philosophy Today 63 (3):731-744.
    This article reevaluates the historical conditions of the concomitant rise of computational systems and DNA-coding in the 1950s and addresses the implementation of behavioral psychology and cybernetic technologies of control after the Second World War. From this historical perspective, this article interrogates the intersectional relation that automatic systems of control share with models of segregation and structures of knowledge oppression. It engages with the work of French philosopher Gilbert Simondon and poses Simondon’s cybernetic theory as an opportunity to question systems (...)
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  12. Mechanisms, determination and the metaphysics of neuroscience.Patrice Soom - 2012 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 43 (3):655-664.
    In this paper, I evaluate recently defended mechanistic accounts of the unity of neuroscience from a metaphysical point of view. Considering the mechanistic framework in general , I argue that explanations of this kind are essentially reductive . The reductive character of mechanistic explanations provides a sufficiency criterion, according to which the mechanism underlying a certain phenomenon is sufficient for the latter. Thus, the concept of supervenience can be used in order to describe the relation between mechanisms and phenomena . (...)
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    (1 other version)Psycho-neural reduction through functional sub-types.Patrice Soom, Christian Sachse & Michael Esfeld - 2010 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 17 (1-2):7-26.
    The paper argues that a functional reduction of ordinary psychology to neuropsychology is possible by means of constructing fine-grained functional, mental sub-types that are coextensive with neuropsychological types. We establish this claim by means of considering as examples the cases of the disconnection syndrome and schizophrenia. We point out that the result is a conservative reduction, vindicating the scientific quality of the mental types of ordinary psychology by systematically linking them with neuroscience. That procedure of conservative reduction by means of (...)
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    Helmholtz, du son à la musique.Patrice Bailhache, Antonia Soulez & Céline Vautrin - 2011 - Vrin.
    Dans cet ouvrage, science et musique dialoguent selon trois grandes lignes. La premiere est representee par la recherche des causes physiologiques de l'harmonie musicale, conformement au titre de la conference que donne Helmholtz en 1857 (expose synthetique des idees qu'il reprendra dans sa tres fameuse Theorie physiologique de la musique), et par la presentation populaire pour les musiciens qu'en propose Enst Mach, des 1866. Avec Helmholtz, le son acquiert une place centrale pour la musique - le son tel qu'entendu par (...)
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    Les enjeux d’une réforme de la responsabilité civile.Patrice Jourdain - 2022 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 1:277-282.
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  16. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin: [sa vie, son œuvre, sa réflexion].Patrice Boudignon - 2008 - Paris: Cerf.
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    La philosophie qui se fait: conversation avec Philippe Petit.Patrice Maniglier - 2019 - Paris: Les éditions du Cerf. Edited by Philippe Petit.
    Où en est la philosophie aujourd'hui? Qu'est-ce qu'un " intellectuel français "? Que veut dire hériter du xxe siècle? Quelle philosophie pour le nouveau millénaire? Pourquoi cet enthousiasme des jeunes générations pour la métaphysique? En quoi le réchauffement climatique concerne-t-il directement les sciences humaines? Peut-on encore sauver l'Europe? Comment être un relativiste militant? Telles sont quelques-unes des questions que traverse ce livre unique en son genre, entre dialogue socratique, entretien journalistique et discussion au coin du feu. Revenant sur le parcours (...)
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  18. Szondis Erbe für die Semiologie des Theaters.Patrice Pavis - 1981 - In Jürgen Siess (ed.), Vermittler: H. Mann, Benjamin, Groethuysen, Kojéve, Szondi Heidegger in Frankreich, Goldmann, Sieburg. Frankfurt am Main: Syndikat Autoren- und Verlagsgesellschaft.
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    Problem and Structure: Bachelard, Deleuze and Transdisciplinarity.Patrice Maniglier - 2021 - Theory, Culture and Society 38 (2):25-45.
    The concept of ‘problem’ has been recently promoted by the official academic institutions and put at the centre of a new field of research, self-styled ‘transdisciplinary studies’, in order to provide a foundation to a resolutely transdisciplinary approach to research and thought in general. The paper notes that the same move (i.e. connecting a problem-centred approach to thought with transdisciplinary method) can be found in Deleuze’s philosophy, which provides us with what the technocratic image of thought advocated by transdisciplinary studies (...)
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    Anxiety in the Society of Preemption. On Gilbert Simondon and the Noopolitics of the Milieu.Anaïs Nony - 2017 - la Deleuziana 6:102-110.
    Responding to the power of algorithms to operate within our daily lives, this article proposes to think of our contemporary moment as that of a society of preemption. Preemption defines the action of taking away something before an opportunity emerges or is actualized. By coupling anticipatory algorithms and preemptive technologies—like the premeditation of future events prior to their occurrence, as exemplified in popular culture by Minority Report (Massumi, Hansen)—state apparatuses force upon their subjects a modality of control that forestalls behaviors (...)
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    The Impossibility of Motherhood: Feminism, Individualism, and the Problem of Mothering.Patrice DiQuinzio - 1999 - Routledge.
    An adequate analysis of experiences and situations specific to women, especially mothering, requires consideration of women's difference. A focus on women's difference, however, jeopardizes feminism's claims of women's equal individualist subjectivity, and risks recuperating the inequality and oppression of women, especially the view that all women should be mothers, want to be mothers, and are most happy being mothers. This book considers how thinkers including Simone de Beauvoir, Julia Kristeva, Nancy Choderow and Adrienne Rich struggle to negotiate this dilemma of (...)
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  22. Pourquoi les Grecs avaient-ils horreur des révolutions?Patrice Brun - 2009 - In Gianpaolo Urso (ed.), Ordine e sovversione nel mondo greco e romano: atti del convegno internazionale, Cividale del Friuli, 25-27 settembre 2008. Pisa: ETS.
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    Approaches to Legal Rationality.Patrice Canivez, Shahid Rahman, Alexandre Thiercelin & Dov Gabbay (eds.) - 2010 - Springer.
    Legal theory, political sciences, sociology, philosophy, logic, artificial intelligence: there are many approaches to legal argumentation. Each of them provides specific insights into highly complex phenomena. Different disciplines, but also different traditions in disciplines (e.g. analytical and continental traditions in philosophy) find here a rare occasion to meet. The present book contains contributions, both historical and thematic, from leading researchers in several of the most important approaches to legal rationality. One of the main issues is the relation between logic and (...)
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  24. La politique sans l'Etat. Sur la définition néorépublicaine de la citoyenneté de Herman van Gunsteren.Patrice Maniglier - 1998 - Actuel Marx 23:218-219.
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    Geology of the Other: The Encounter as Vibration of the Flesh.Anaïs Nony & Dani Robison - 2017 - la Deleuziana 5:187-194.
    Prior to being a body present in time, the Other is a mountainous relief in the landscape of a common world, a perspective shape that the “I” chooses to welcome or not. This relief—if it has often been considered from the point of view of an authority deciding where It should stand—will become, we hope, the possible zone of an encounter. When this relief comes out of the ground and enters the world, when the Other becomes simultaneously something that feels (...)
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    Le cinéma et la renonciation: essai d'ousiologie esthético-cinématographique.Patrice Guillamaud - 2015 - Paris: Les éditions du Cerf.
    La vie et l'art? Quel lien d'authenticité peut-on dresser de l'un à l'autre? Où cesse la représentation et où commence l'incarnation? Quand le vécu prend-il chair? C'est à ces questions que répond le philosophe Patrice Guillamaud dans un traité d'esthétique fondamentale où le cinéma apparaît non pas comme la synthèse des arts, mais l'art en son essence. Ce postulat repose sur un double paradoxe. A la fois affect et relativisation, la vie intérieure est aspiration à l'absolu et renoncement à (...)
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    L'art et la renonciation: essai d'ousiologie esthétique.Patrice Guillamaud - 2016 - Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf.
    L'art est la chair de la vie. Il incarne la vie intérieure comme renonciation. L'art est en effet la réalité même de l'affect en tant que ce dernier s'annonce comme étant, dans son essence universelle, à la fois aspiration et renoncement à l'absolu. C'est cette thèse que le philosophe Patrice Guillamaud avait déjà défendue à propos du cinéma et qu'il développe ici à propos de l'ensemble des différents arts. Il s'agit ainsi d'un nouveau système des Beaux-Arts. Celui-ci met en (...)
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    Essai de logique déontique.Patrice Bailhache - 1991 - Paris: J. Vrin.
    La logique déontique est la science formelle du devoir-être, comme la simple logique est celle du raisonnement en général.
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  29. DOSSIER-Bachelard and the Concept of Problematic-What is a Problematic?Patrice Maniglier - 2012 - Radical Philosophy 173:21.
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  30. Carroll’s Regress and the Epistemology of Logic.Patrice Philie - 2007 - Philosophical Studies 134 (2):183-210.
    On an internalist account of logical inference, we are warranted in drawing conclusions from accepted premises on the basis of our knowledge of logical laws. Lewis Carroll's regress challenges internalism by purporting to show that this kind of warrant cannot ground the move from premises to conclusion. Carroll's regress vindicates a repudiation of internalism and leads to the espousal of a standpoint that regards our inferential practice as not being grounded on our knowledge of logical laws. Such a standpoint can (...)
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    Moderation and Ethico-Political Judgment.Patrice Canivez - 2023 - Eco-Ethica 11:13-22.
    This paper is the first outline of a reflection on the notion of moderation, which is at the center of contemporary debates: moderation in consumption, moderation in the exploitation of natural resources, ideological and political moderation, and so on. I first consider moderation as opposed to excess, then moderation as opposed to political radicalization. I then develop the idea that moderation has different meanings depending on the domains or “spheres” in which we use the word. In the socio-economic sphere, moderation (...)
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    Façades: Walter Benjamin's Paris.Patrice Higonnet, Anne Higonnet & Margaret Higonnet - 1984 - Critical Inquiry 10 (3):391-419.
    “Paris, Capital of the Nineteenth Century” juxtaposes elliptical descriptions that reveal the interiorization of commodities in the economy of high capitalism. “Allegory in the nineteenth century vacated the outer world, to colonize the inner world.”32 Each of the exposé’s six sections consists of two parts: “Fourier, or the Arcades,” “Daguerre, or the Panoramas,” “Grandville, or the World Exhibitions,” “Louis-Philippe, or the Interior,” “Baudelaire, or the Streets of Paris,” “Haussmann, or the Baricades.”33The commercial arcade and not the factory is the logical (...)
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  33. Simone Weil et le syndicalisme révolutionnaire.Patrice Rolland - 1998 - In Simone Weil (ed.), Simone Weil, l'expérience de la vie et le travail de la pensée. Arles: Editions Sulliver.
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    Machine Anthropology: A View of from International Relations.Patrice Wangen, Kristin Anabel Eggeling & Rebecca Adler-Nissen - 2021 - Big Data and Society 8 (2).
    International relations are made up of thick layers of meaning and big streams of data. How can we capture the nuances and scales of increasingly digitalised world politics, taking advantage of the possibilities that come with ‘big data’ and ‘digital methods’ in our discipline of International Relations? What is needed, we argue, is a methodological twin-move of making big data thick and thick data big. Taking diplomacy, one of IR's core practices as our case, we illustrate how anthropological and computational (...)
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  35. Performative Images. A Philosophy of Video Art Technology in France.Anaïs Nony - 2023 - Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
    In this book, the author explores how video-image technology shapes our psychic and social environments from an art historiographical perspective. We know media technology is dramatically shaping our political and epistemological landscape: this book foregrounds the emergence of performative video images as a key factor in the revaluation of culture and politics. -/- Performative Images draws upon the work of video artists and activists in France between the 1970s and the early 2020s and focuses on significant practices with technology. Video (...)
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  36. Proletarianization of the Mind:A Media Theory of Artificial Intelligence after Simondon and Stiegler.Anaïs Nony - 2024 - Tropos. Rivista di Ermeneutica e Critica Filosofica 16 (1):116-136.
    This article draws on Bernard Stiegler and Gilbert Simondon’s work to further interrogate the psychic, social, and political problems raised by the development of Artificial Intelligence. Stiegler’s political philosophy of time-consciousness reveals three concomitants urgencies: human memory is conditioned by industrial supplements that are increasingly disruptive, capitalism has produced an entropic condition where life on earth is threaten by toxic systems, the deployment of technologies of spirits has striped individuals of their psychic and collective individuation. I read media theory along (...)
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  37. Care as Invention. A Tribute to Bernard Stiegler.Anaïs Nony - 2024 - In Buseyne Bart (ed.), Memory for the Future. Thinking with Bernard Stiegler. Bloomsbury Press. pp. 53-62.
    To Stiegler’s notion of pansable (curable), one might also need to add that penser (to think) relates to the Latin penso, the frequentative of pendo, to hang, suspend. The pansable (that which can be healed) is as much the pensable (that which can be thought) and the suspensible (that which can be hung). Stiegler’s final act revealed that which was always already there: an unhealed pharmacological shadow that preceded him. While he entered philosophy with the argument of technics as the (...)
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    Votre cerveau n'a pas fini de vous étonner: entretiens avec Patrice Van Eersel.Patrice van Eersel, Boris Cyrulnik, Pierre Bustany, Jean-Michel Oughourlian, Christophe André & Thierry Janssen (eds.) - 2012 - Paris: Albin Michel.
    On savait que c’était l’entité la plus complexe de l’univers connu. Mais le feu d’artifice de découvertes récentes dépasse l’entendement et fait exploser tous les schémas. Votre cerveau est (beaucoup) plus fabuleux que vous le croyez. Il est : totalement élastique, même âgé, handicapé, voire amputé de plusieurs lobes, le système nerveux central peut se reconstituer et repartir à l’assaut des connaissances et de l’action sur le monde ; totalement social, un cerveau n’existe jamais seul, mais toujours en résonance avec (...)
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  39. The deontic branching time: two related conceptions.Patrice Bailhache - 1993 - Logique Et Analyse 36:159-175.
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    Le moment philosophique des années 1960 en France.Patrice Maniglier (ed.) - 2011 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
    Les années 1960 furent le théâtre de l'un des épisodes les plus brillants de l'histoire de la pensée philosophique en France. Elles s'ouvrirent sur le triomphe public du structuralisme, avec La Pensée sauvage de Lévi-Strauss, se continuèrent par le renouvellement du marxisme proposé par Althusser et de la psychanalyse par Lacan, et s'achevèrent avec une série d'oeuvres comme celles de Foucault, Deleuze, Derrida et Lyotard, qui ont décidé du visage de la philosophie contemporaine. L'héritage de cette période a néanmoins été (...)
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  41. Pathologies of recognition.Patrice Canivez - 2011 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 37 (8):851-887.
    Recognition is not only a response to social pathologies. It is also an unstable and often ambivalent relationship that has its own pathologies. Owing to the intertwining between recognition and power, certain forms of recognition turn out to be forms of alienation in or from the world. Such pathologies affect inter-individual recognition as well as the recognition between individuals and the socio-political institutions. The article proposes a joint reading of Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit and Philosophy of Right, which provide norms (...)
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    Note sur l’argumentation des Soliloques de saint Augustin sur l’immortalité de l’'me.Patrice Bailhache - 1994 - Augustinus 39 (152-155):61-74.
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    Diagrammes médiévaux et exégèse visuelle: le Libellus de formatione arche de Hugues de Saint-Victor.Patrice Sicard - 1993 - Paris: Brepols Publishers.
    Cet ouvrage se présente comme une introduction d'histoire littéraire et doctrinale au premier volume de l'édition critique des oeuvres de Hugues de Saint-Victor. Il exploite les données fournies par l'étude de la tradition manuscrite du De archa Noe et du Libellus de formatione arche, qui aboutissent à une perception et à une reception renouvellées de ces traîtés. Du premier ouvrage on a tenté, non seulement une histoire, mais une préhistoire: car il a connu un stade oral, celui de collationes dont (...)
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  44. Exclusion and Essentialism in Feminist Theory: The Problem of Mothering.Patrice DiQuinzio - 1993 - Hypatia 8 (3):1 - 20.
    Accounts of mothering have both contributed to feminist theory's development and depended on certain of its central concepts. Some of its critics, however, argue that feminist theory is undermined by the problems of exclusion and essentialism. Here I distinguish between these two problems and consider their implications for questions about mothering. I conclude that exclusion and essentialism do not present insurmountable obstacles to theorizing motherhood, but do suggest new directions for such theorizing.
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    Dynamic Brains and the Changing Rules of Neuroplasticity: Implications for Learning and Recovery.Patrice Voss, Maryse E. Thomas, J. Miguel Cisneros-Franco & Étienne de Villers-Sidani - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Creative becoming and the patiency of matter: Feminism, new materialism and theology.Patrice Haynes - 2014 - Angelaki 19 (1):129-150.
    So-called ‘new materialism’ enables feminist theorists to emphasize the agential quality of matter, thereby challenging the notion that matter, particularly the biological body, is passive and inert – a notion that is gendered given the traditional association of passive matter with the feminine. While appreciating the materialist turn increasingly evident in feminist theory, Claire Colebrook warns feminist thinkers against an uncritical appeal to the vitalist tradition, which continues to privilege action, creativity and productivity over that materiality which remains unactualized potential. (...)
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    The Instrumentarian Power of Artificial Intelligence in Data-Driven Fascist Regimes.Anaïs Nony - 2024 - la Furia Umana 1 (1):1-16.
    AI-powered technology can both promote accuracy and hide the standards of measurement and circulation of information. It can also produce models that are opaque and hard to access. As such, the new paradigm of AI asks to pounder about societal values and sets of priorities we want to promote, especially as these technologies are further deployed in times of warfare. The systemic tracking of people’s life and the opaqueness of the models designate a new paradigm in the formation of truth, (...)
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    Wittgenstein et Ortega sur les lois logiques de base.Patrice Philie - 2015 - Philosophiques 42 (2):391-399.
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    L’écrit biographique, objet de transmission. Témoignage d’un biographe hospitalier.Patrice Cuynet & Christelle Cuinet - 2021 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 230 (4):179-199.
    Cet article livre le témoignage d’une « biographe hospitalière » qui rencontre des patients malades, souvent en fin de vie, afin d’accompagner leur souhait de transmettre un écrit, lettres ou livre autobiographique. Les auteurs mettent en valeur la vertu cathartique de l’objet livre et engagent ensuite une réflexion sur les enjeux de cet accompagnement créateur pour le narrateur et sa famille et sur le statut particulier de l’écrit comme objet médiateur dans la transmission de la mémoire familiale. Ainsi, l’objet livre (...)
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  50. GRESHS, ENS Libreville Résumé: Faut-il, en classe de grammaire, encore insister sur les notions relatives à la hiérarchie entre la proposition principale et la proposition subordonnée? Il semble que non. Cette opposition n'a rien de pertinent. Pire, elle induit souvent en erreur dans la mesure où comme le déplore Marc.Patrice Gahungu - 2002 - Humanitas 1:171.
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