Results for 'Jan Blahoslav Kozák'

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  1.  4
    Antropismus: o nové lidství.Jan Blahoslav Čapek - 2014 - Praha: Ústav T.G. Masaryka, o.p.s.. Edited by Martin Kučera.
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  2. Spis o zraku.Jan Blahoslav - 1928 - [V Praze,: K. Reichel. Edited by Chudoba, František & [From Old Catalog].
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    The End of History and Comparison of Cultures.Jan Kozák - 2019 - E-Logos 26 (1):19-33.
    Autor článku se snaží dokázat, že při formulaci vhodných kritérií je možné (a užitečné) provést komparaci a hierarchizaci kultur. Práce se opírá o teoreticko-historickou metodu (Smith, Hume) i o metodologické přínosy Hayeka (kompozitivní metoda). V souladu s konceptem svobody, který je rozvíjen u Kanta, Hegela, Černého, Patočky, je v návaznosti na Fukuyamu koncipován "ideální typ" konce-vrcholu dějin. Je jím kombinace klasické liberální demokracie a kapitalismu volné tržní soutěže. Jak ukazuje historická evidence, směřování k tomuto vrcholu je inherentní tendencí samotného dějinného (...)
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    Stanisław Staszic: An Early Surveyor of the Geology of Central and Eastern Europe.Algimantas Grigelis, Zbigniew Wójcik, Wojciech Narębski, Leonora Živilė Gelumbauskaitė & Jan Kozák - 2011 - Annals of Science 68 (2):199-228.
    Summary In the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries the Polish geoscientist, philosopher, and statesman Stanisław Staszic (1755–1826) conducted an extensive geological survey of Poland and adjacent areas. In 1815, he completed a book (in Polish), On the geology of the Carpathians and other mountains and lowlands of Poland, complemented by a well-made geological map of Central and Eastern Europe. Early in the nineteenth century, Staszic refined the idea of ‘geological mapping’, though initially he was interested in the exploration of (...)
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    No Risk, No Differences. Neural Correlates of Temperamental Traits Revealed Using Naturalistic fMRI Method.Maria Bierzynska, Pamela Anna Sobczak, Anna Kozak, Maksymilian Bielecki, Jan Strelau & Malgorzata Maria Kossut - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Michael Freeman, Victorians and the prehistoric: Tracks to a lost world. New Haven and London: Yale university press, 2004. Pp. X+310. Isbn: 0-300-10334-4. £25.00 . Jan T. kozák, Victor S. Moreira and David R. Oldroyd, iconography of the 1755 lisbon earthquake. Prague: Geophysical institute of the academy of sciences of the czech republic and academia, the publisher of the academy of sciences of the czech republic, 2005. Pp. 84. isbn: 80-239-4390-1 , 80-200-1322-9 . No price given. [REVIEW]Jack Morrell - 2007 - British Journal for the History of Science 40 (2):295-295.
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  7. Sborník studií k čtyřstému výročí úmrtí Jana Blahoslava: [1571-1971]: studie byly předneseny na mezin. kolokviu Jan Blahoslav--předchůdce J. A. Komenského, které se konalo 1.-3. září 1971 v Muzeu J. A. Komenského v Uherském Brodě.Svatopluk Bimka & Pavel Floss (eds.) - 1974 - Uherský Brod: Muzeum J. A. Komenského.
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  8. Sborník studií k čtyřstému výročí úmrtí Jana Blahoslava: [1571-1971]: studie byly předneseny na mezin. kolokviu Jan Blahoslav--předchůdce J. A. Komenského, které se konalo 1.-3. září 1971 v Muzeu J. A. Komenského v Uherském Brodě.Svatopluk Bimka & Pavel Floss (eds.) - 1974 - Uherský Brod: Muzeum J. A. Komenského.
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    Time in Quantum Mechanics.Jan Hilgevoord & David Atkinson - 2011 - In Craig Callender (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Time. Oxford University Press.
    Time is often said to play in quantum mechanics an essentially different role from position: whereas position is represented by a Hermitian operator, time is represented by a c-number. This discrepancy has been found puzzling and has given rise to a vast literature and many efforts at a solution. In this paper it is argued that the discrepancy is only apparent and that there is nothing in the formalism of quantum mechanics that forces us to treat position and time differently. (...)
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  10. Ecological optics and the creative eye.Jan J. Koenderink, Andrea J. Van Doorn, Larry Arend & Heiko Hecht - 2002 - In D. Heyer (ed.), Perception and the Physical World: Psychological and Philosophical Issues in Perception. John Wiley and Sons.
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    La Philosophie des mathématiques de Henri Poincaré.Jan Johann Albinn Mooij - 1966 - Louvain,: E. Nauwelaerts.
  12. Twardowski and the Distinction between Content and Object.Jan Wolenski - 1998 - Brentano Studien 8:15-35.
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    Opposition to Inbreeding Between Close Kin Reflects Inclusive Fitness Costs.Jan Antfolk, Debra Lieberman, Christopher Harju, Anna Albrecht, Andreas Mokros & Pekka Santtila - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    Due to the intense selection pressure against inbreeding, humans are expected to possess psychological adaptations that regulate mate choice and avoid inbreeding. From a gene’s-eye perspective, there is little difference in the evolutionary costs between situations where an individual him/herself is participating in inbreeding and inbreeding among other close relatives. The difference is merely quantitative, as fitness can be compromised via both routes. The question is whether humans are sensitive to the direct as well as indirect costs of inbreeding. Using (...)
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    Time in Quantum Mechanics.Jan Hilgevoord & David Atkinson - 2011 - In Craig Callender (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Time. Oxford University Press.
    Time is often said to play in quantum mechanics an essentially different role from position: whereas position is represented by a Hermitian operator, time is represented by a c-number. This discrepancy has been found puzzling and has given rise to a vast literature and many efforts at a solution. In this paper it is argued that the discrepancy is only apparent and that there is nothing in the formalism of quantum mechanics that forces us to treat position and time differently. (...)
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    Time and mind: the history of a philosophical problem.Jan Johann Albinn Mooij - 2005 - Boston: Brill.
    This book deals with the history of the problem whether or not time can fully exist without the mind. This has been a vital issue in the philosophy of time, with intriguing arguments and solutions, from Aristotle to the present.
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    Die Entwicklung der Sprachtheorie im Mittelalter.Jan Pinborg - 1985 - Aschendorff.
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    Kacířské eseje o filosofii dějin.Jan Patočka - 1990
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    Die gesetzliche Regelung der Patientenverfügung 2009: Neue Möglichkeiten – bleibende Probleme? Vorbemerkung.Jan P. Beckmann - 2010 - Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft Und Ethik 15 (1):139-142.
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  19. Samozwrotność i odrzucanie.Jan Woleński - 1993 - Filozofia Nauki 1.
    The paper consists of two parts. The first contains the paradox of Truth-teller, i.e. a sentence which asserts own truth. The paradox appears when we apply logic of rejection to the Truth-teller sentence. The Truth-teller paradox is symmetric with respect to the Liar paradox. The second part considers a sentence which asserts own provability. This sentence is unprovable on the base of rejection logic. This leads to counterparts of the Gödel incompleteness theorems and other metamathematical results.
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    Combinatory reduction systems.Jan Willem Klop - 1980 - Amsterdam: Mathematisch centrum.
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    Stereotyping in Self Image Brand Image Research.Jan Bosman - 2000 - Communications 25 (3):269-290.
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    Sabine Ammon/Eva Maria Froschauer (Hgg.), Wissenschaft Entwerfen. Vom forschenden Entwerfen zur Entwurfsforschung der Architektur.Jan Bovelet - 2015 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 122 (1):186-187.
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  23. The Antinomy of Thought Maimonian Skepticism and the Relation Between Thoughts and Objects = de Antinomie van Het Denken : Salomon Maimons Skepticisme En de Relatie Tussen Gedachten En Objekten.Jan Bransen - 1990 - Onderwijs Media Instituut.
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  24. Obrona protofizyki i fundamentalizmu / A Defense of Protophysics and Foundationalism.Jan Czerniawski - 2013 - Annales Umcs. Sectio I (Filozofia, Socjologia) 38 (1):147-157.
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    At the Roots of Global Threats: Development Dilemmas.Jan Danecki, Maria Danecka & Maciej Bańkowski - 2004 - Dialogue and Universalism 14 (10):149-152.
    Political relations in today’s world are in a deep, perhaps even radically threatening disequilibrium; similarly, humanity’s home—the Earth—is treated with disdain and contempt despite its increasingly angry protests. Moreover, the rules and principles by which most of the world runs its economic affairs and strives to “modernize” its life are founded on a set of market laws devoid of all social context and only serve to deepen the dangerous contrasts between small islands of wealth and a sea of humanity doomed (...)
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    Zeszyty naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego.Jan Drabina (ed.) - 1990 - Kraków: Nakł. Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego.
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    Workspace and sensorimotor theories: Complementary approaches to experience.Jan Degenaar & Fred Keijzer - 2009 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 16 (9):77-102.
    A serious difficulty for theories of consciousness is to go beyond mere correlation between physical processes and experience. Currently, neural workspace and sensorimotor contingency theories are two of the most promising approaches to make any headway here. This paper explores the relation between these two sets of theories. Workspace theories build on large-scale activity within the brain. Sensorimotor theories include external processes in their explanations, stressing the sensorimotor contingencies that arise from our interaction with the environment. Despite the basic differences, (...)
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    Reism.Jan Woleński - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  29. Essais hérétiques sur la philosophie de l'histoire.Jan Patočka - 1983 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 173 (4):502-502.
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  30. Time and Temporality in European Modernism (1900‑1950).Jan Baetens, Sascha Bru, Dirk de Geest, David Martens & Robin Vogelzang (eds.) - 2016
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    Antropodramatyka: krakowska szkoła antropologiczna.Jan Galarowicz - 2021 - Kraków: Wydawnictwo Petrus.
    Wprowadzenie -- Roman ingarden -- Antoni kępiński -- Karol wojtyła -- Władysław stróżewski -- Józef tischner.
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    Concept of immunomics: A new frontier in the battle for Gene function?Jan Klysik - 2001 - Acta Biotheoretica 49 (3):191-202.
    At the beginning of the 21st century, biology will try to address the function of a large number of new genes. From the perspective of technologies applied today to functional genomics, this task appears to be more complex than the effort invested in the sequencing of the human genome. Conceptually, a high-throughput approach permitting correlation between newly discovered genes and functional properties of their protein products has yet to be developed. To address relationships between tens of thousands of genes and (...)
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    The logical structure of rhythmics.Jan Koster & Eert Schoten - 1982 - Erkenntnis 18 (3):269 - 281.
    In a nutshell, this dissertation builds a bridge between an informal psychological model of emotions on the one hand, and implementation of emotions in robots and virtual characters on the other hand. This is done by formalizing a psychological model of emotions. With that we1 mean translating the concepts used in the psy- chological model to a logical language with unambiguous semantics. The resulting formalization of emotions will give rise to theorems that can be proved to be true. These theorems (...)
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    On sticking labels.Jan Pieter M. A. Maes - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (4):503-504.
    Steels & Belpaeme (S&B) are clearly interested in the possible test their models may provide for human language theories. However, they only superficially address the assumptions underlying their own agent architecture, while these are of crucial relevance to the topic of human language. These assumptions fit an Augustinian picture of language, which Wittgenstein challenges in his Philosophical Investigations. It is too early to draw conclusions regarding human language evolution from such models.
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  35. ? Relativismo o transcendentalidad historica? En torno a la polémica entre H. Albert y KO Apel sobre el fundamento in Sobre el racionalismo critico de Hans Albert.Jan Marin - 1987 - Estudios Filosóficos 36 (102):209-227.
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    The congregation and church of England? William Tyndale’s approach to lexical and ecclesiological reform between 1525 and 1535.Jan J. Martin - 2022 - Moreana 59 (1):66-95.
    As one of the earliest English religious reformers of the 1520s, William Tyndale sought to influence ecclesiological reform in England through a vernacular printing campaign. Beginning with an English translation of the New Testament, Tyndale extended European ecclesiological controversy into England by offering the English people a distinct and radical ecclesiology that was built upon “a congregation.” This study examines the body of Tyndale’s printed works to illuminate the variety of methodologies he developed and utilized to gain public consensus for (...)
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    For education.Jan Masschelein - 1997 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 31 (3):505–514.
    Book reviewed: Carr, Wilfred, For Education: Towards Critical Educational Inquiry.
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    Toleration in Contexts.Jan-Werner Müller - 2005 - European Journal of Political Theory 4 (4):467-470.
  39. Teaching and Learning History in the Twenty-first Century: Museums and the National Curriculum.Jan Molloy - 2010 - Agora (History Teachers' Association of Victoria) 45 (2):62.
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    Wczoraj i jutro.Jan Mosdorf - 2005 - Biała Podlaska: Agencja Wydawniczo-Reklamowa "Arte". Edited by Rafał Łętocha.
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    (2 other versions)Critical Notice.Jan Narveson - 1972 - Mind 81 (322):288 - 299.
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  42. Comments on Colin Williams's Arguments Against Spooner.Jan Narveson - 2019 - Journal of Libertarian Studies 3:95-97.
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    Introduction.Jan Narveson & James P. Sterba - 2011 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 25 (2):233-235.
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  44. Puzzle, ILN i.2: A Solution.Jan Narveson - 1979 - Informal Logic 2 (3).
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    Selected Essays on Economic Planning.Jan Toporowski (ed.) - 2011 - Cambridge University Press.
    This 1987 book brings together the series of papers Kalecki wrote, between 1940 and his death in 1970, on economic planning, that contain the germ of his theory of growth in a socialist economy. They also contain an intriguing analysis of economic planning in a socialist society. This analysis anticipates many of the tenets of the disequilibrium school of economists of the 1970s. In his introduction, Jan Toporowski argues that Kalecki's work on the theory of growth in a socialist economy (...)
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    Bibliografia Henryka Józefa Marii Elzenberga.Jan Zubelewicz - 2012 - Warszawa: Heliodor. Edited by Ewa Jasińska-Zubelewicz.
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  47. The promises and perils of non-invasive brain stimulation.Jan-Hendrik Heinrichs - 2012 - International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 35:121-129.
    Non-invasive brain stimulation promises innovative experimental possibilities for psychology and neurosci- ence as well as new therapeutic and palliative measures in medicine. Because of its good risk–benefit ratio, non-invasiveness and reversibility as well as its low effort and cost it has good chances of becoming a wide- spread tool in science, medicine and even in lay use. While most issues in medical and research ethics such as informed consent, safety, and potential for misuse can be handled with manageable effort, the (...)
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    Responsible Innovation in light of Levinas: rethinking the relation between responsibility and innovation.Jan Peter Bergen - 2017 - Journal of Responsible Innovation 4 (3):354-370.
    To date, much of the work on Responsible Innovation (RI) has focused on the ‘responsible’ part of RI. This has left the ‘innovation’ part in need of conceptual innovation of its own. If such conceptual innovation is to contribute to a coherent conception of RI, however, it is crucial to better understand the relation between responsibility and innovation first. This paper elucidates this relation by locating responsibility and innovation within Emmanuel Levinas’ phenomenology. It structures his work into three ‘stages’, each (...)
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  49. Was ist Philosophie im Mittelalter?Jan A. Aertsen & Andreas Speer - 1999 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 61 (2):367-368.
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    Terrorists’ Violence Threats and Coping Strategies: A Phenomenological Approach of Former FATA, Pakistan.Jan Alam, Nazir Ullah & Hidayat Rasool - 2023 - Human Affairs 33 (1):82-100.
    Terrorism is a global phenomenon that constantly challenges human survival. Based on the social structure, human beings adopt different strategies to overcome its negative consequences on their mind and behavior. Coping strategies and those processes essential for adjustment and survival illustrate how individuals perceive, consider, deal with, and realize a stressful situation in the era of terrorism. The study focuses on exploring coping strategies and avoidance of terrorism impacts. This research study was qualitatively designed to explore the coping strategies adaptation (...)
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