Results for 'Jaqueline Goss'

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  1. Reading Subrin's Swallow.Jaqueline Goss - 1998 - Kairos (Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail. Faculté de philosophie) 3 (1).
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    Verbal mediating responses and concept formation.Albert E. Goss - 1961 - Psychological Review 68 (4):248-274.
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    Secular Dreams and Myths of Irreligion: On the Political Control of Religion in Public Bioethics.Boaz W. Goss & Jeffrey P. Bishop - 2021 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 46 (2):219-237.
    Full-Blooded religion is not acceptable in mainstream bioethics. This article excavates the cultural history that led to the suppression of religion in bioethics. Bioethicists typically fall into one of the following camps. 1) The irreligious, who advocate for suppressing religion, as do Timothy F. Murphy, Sam Harris, and Richard Dawkins. This irreligious camp assumes American Fundamentalist Protestantism is the real substance of all religions. 2) Religious bioethicists, who defend religion by emphasizing its functions and diminishing its metaphysical commitments. Religious defenders (...)
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    [Florilegia of Classical Texts Available At the Time of Anselm-of-canterbury].Jaqueline Hamesse - 1993 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 48 (3):477-495.
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    A stimulus-response analysis of the interaction of cue-producing and instrumental responses.Albert E. Goss - 1955 - Psychological Review 62 (1):20-31.
  6. Exode 6, 8 comme réponse à Ezéchiel 33, 24.Bernard Gosse - 1994 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 74 (3):241-247.
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    Feminist Epigenet(h)ics: Maternal Waters, Gestational Forms and Mitochondrial Eves in Lucile Hadžihalilović’s Evolution.Katie Goss - 2024 - Film-Philosophy 28 (3):504-533.
    This article takes Catherine Malabou’s provocative insistence on an alliance between plasticity and feminism to initiate an exploration of gestation and its representation in the context of the postgenomic age. I argue that Malabou’s attention to epigenetic schemas of life and becoming can inform and, in turn, be enriched by feminist film-philosophy which locates the maternal as an alternative schema of embodied subjectivity – simultaneously displacing essentialising over-reliance on gender/sex binaries without entirely metaphorising or abstracting the material processes which subtend (...)
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    Information‐giving sequences in general practice consultations.Claudia Goss, Maria A. Mazzi, Lidia Del Piccolo, Michela Rimondini & Christa Zimmermann - 2005 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 11 (4):339-349.
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    Transfer as a function of type and amount of preliminary experience with task stimuli.Albert E. Goss - 1953 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 46 (6):419.
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    The Routledge handbook of science and empire.Andrew Goss (ed.) - 2021 - New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    The Routledge Handbook of Science and Empire introduces readers to important new research in the field of science and empire. This compilation of inquiry into the inextricably intertwined history of science and empire reframes the field, showing that one could not have grown without the other. The volume expands the history of science through careful attention to connections, exchanges, and networks beyond the scientific institutions of Europe and the United States. These 27 original essays by established scholars and new talent (...)
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    A terceira forma de si espiritual hegeliana ilustrada com personagens de Goethe.Jaqueline Cristina Rossi - 2007 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 19 (24):177.
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  12. Práxis pedagógica, ensino de sociologia E desenvolvimento humano: Um estudo sobre os jovens rurais em abelardo Luz (sc).Jaqueline Russczyk - 2014 - Saberes Em Perspectiva 4 (8):210-219.
    A temática do estudo é o ensino de sociologia no ensino médio direcionado aos jovens do campo. Tem-se o seguinte problema de pesquisa: A práxis pedagógica do ensino de sociologia está embasada no modo de vida dos jovens rurais e dos jovens rurais assentados, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento humano (capacitações)? Para responder a esta questão foram pesquisadas três escolas no município de Abelardo Luz, Santa Catarina, uma escola em área urbana e duas escolas no assentamento do MST. O estudo teve (...)
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  13. Orientações internacionais nas políticas de educação e trabalho para juventude no contexto brasileiro // International orientations in educational policies and work for youth into brazilian context.Jaqueline Puquevis de Souza & Dalarosa - 2014 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 19 (2):84-107.
    Este artigo é um recorte de pesquisa realizada na Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste, tendo como objetivo articular as propostas de políticas públicas de educação e trabalho para juventude. Trata-se de uma pesquisa bibliográfica, fundamentada no método do materialismo histórico dialético. Para fundamentarmos nossa proposta, dividimos este texto em quatro momentos. Inicialmente analisamos a construção histórica do conceito de juventude e sua representação no contexto social; posteriormente, foram levantados dados estatísticos das condições sociais, emprego, renda e escolarização em que estes jovens (...)
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    Interfaces da hermenêutica de Luiz Rohden.Jaqueline Stefani - 2009 - Filosofia Unisinos 10 (2):226-227.
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  15. O logos em Heidegger: lógica, verdade e metafísica.Jaqueline Stefani - 2009 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 14 (1):47-61.
    Resumo: A proposta desse trabalho é repensar a linguagem, tema central da filosofia contemporânea, não mais como um instrumento do qual o sujeito se apropria e desapropria de acordo com a própria vontade, mas, juntamente com Heidegger, como a própria casa do ser. A função de comunicação é apenas uma das múltiplas possibilidades da linguagem. Com Heidegger é desenvolvida a questão de como a fenomenologia transforma-se em hermenêutica e de como a autocompreensão surge paralela a toda compreensão. A filosofia autêntica (...)
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    Marcella Althaus-Reid's 'Obscenity no. 1: Bi/christ': Expanding Christ's Wardrobe of Dresses.Robert E. Goss - 2003 - Feminist Theology 11 (2):157-166.
    Marcella Althaus-Reid proposes the Bi/christ in her sexual reconstruction of theology. Goss examines three representational strategies of the obscene Christ to test the inclusiveness of her model. He applies Judith Butler's notion of gender performativity to the pop star Madonna to suggest an accessorizing of Althaus-Reid's model of the Bi/christ to the Bi/transvestite Christ.
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  17. A aquisição dos primeiros princípios.Jaqueline Stefani - 2014 - Dissertatio 40:11-37.
    Examina-se a função da dialética, da indução e da inteligência intuitiva na aquisição dos primeiros princípios em Aristóteles, enfatizando a análise de Segundos Analíticos I 18, II 19 e Tópicos I 2. Afirma-se que o processo de aquisição requer a indução, que leva a perceber o universal nos particulares, a dialética, com seus critérios e testes baseados em endoxa para que, então, os primeiros princípios possam ser apreendidos de forma inequívoca pela inteligência, disposição responsável por conhecer os princípios. Vê-se a (...)
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    Natural Law among Moral Strangers.B. Goss & R. Vitz - 2014 - Christian Bioethics 20 (2):283-300.
    Our goal in this paper is two-fold. First, we aim to clarify two ways in which contemporary Christian bioethicists have erred, on Engelhardt’s account, in their attempts to do bioethics within a distinctively non-Christian idiom, namely, either (1) by rejecting a principal metaethical thesis or (2) by misrepresenting a principal moral-epistemological thesis of natural-law ethics, properly construed. Second, we intend to show not only that Engelhardt can and should endorse the Christian bioethicists’ use of non-Christian moral idioms in the public (...)
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  19. Omphalos: an attempt to untie the geological knot.Philip Henry Gosse - 1857 - Woodbridge, Conn.: Ox Bow Press.
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    Camus, God, and Process Thought.James Goss - 1974 - Process Studies 4 (2):114-128.
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    Death and Christianity.Goss Boaz & Ridenour Autumn Alcott - 2017 - Christian Bioethics 23 (1):1-6.
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    Poetry.Adrienne Goss - 2003 - Educational Studies 34 (1):9-10.
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    Referring to God: Jewish and Christian Philosophical and Theological Perspectives.Maxwell Goss - 2002 - Philosophia Christi 4 (2):563-566.
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    Books on Utopia Published in Italy in 2016 and During the First Semester of 2017.Jaqueline Pierazzo - 2017 - Utopian Studies 28 (3):637-651.
    On December 29, 1886, in Florence, Pope Leo XIII beatified Thomas More together with other English martyrs from the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. The canonization happened on May 19, 1935, conducted by Pope Pius XI at Vatican City. On October 31, 2000, also at Vatican City, Pope John Paul II proclaimed Thomas More "the heavenly Patron of Statesmen and Politicians," praising him for being capable of conciliating the natural and the supernatural. Perhaps it is exactly this capacity of amalgamating the (...)
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    Vivência e escuta sensível: o Terreiro como possibilidade de escuta da inf'ncia afrodescendente.Jaqueline de Fatima Ribeiro & Eduardo Quintana - 2020 - Odeere 5 (10):01-20.
    Este ensaio acadêmico sobre a infância de terreiro está redigido segundo uma leitura de mundo do candomblé. Há muitas leituras de mundo. Nossas experiências de vida colocaram-nos diante de, pelo menos duas delas: a leitura religiosa como a do candomblé e a leitura laica da pedagogia. No desenrolar dessas experiências observamos no cotidiano de nossas salas de aula - nos cursos de formação de professores e no cotidiano da Educação Infantil - um grande desconhecimento sobre a população de terreiro, em (...)
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  26. Da Viagem ao Turismo-A Viagem Técnica como Prática Formativa.Jaqueline Gomes da Silva - 2006 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 8 (2).
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    Compreensão e linguagem em Heidegger: ex-sistência, abertura ontológica e hermenêutica.Jaqueline Stefani & Natalie Oliveira da Cruz - 2019 - Bakhtiniana 14 (2):112-127.
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    Pragmática em Marcelo Dascal: a relev'ncia da controvérsia.Jaqueline Stefani & Carina Niederauer - 2021 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 1:021008.
    This study aims to discuss the crisis in which philosophy of science finds itself from the weakening of positivist logic, based on Marcelo Dascal’s proposal that defends the idea that a closer study to the controversy could collaborate in the process of evolution of scientific questions. For this purpose, the philosopher suggests a pragmatic perspective, that is, the perspective of the language in use. Therefore, the relationship between language and science, the controversies generated by science and the relationship between pragmatics (...)
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    O Conceito de Felicidade Em Freud.Jaqueline Feltrin Inada - 2009 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 1 (1):58-67.
    Em O mal-estar na cultura, Freud dedica um espaço privilegiado de reflexão para o tema da felicidade. Para o autor, a felicidade, tal como é comumente concebida pelos homens, significa obtenção de prazer. Por ser determinada pelo programa do princípio de prazer, passa a denotar, além de obtenção de prazer, evitação de desprazer. Mas esse princípio visa, sobretudo, evacuar toda a excitação presente no aparelho psíquico, o que conduz a afirmativa de que o aparelho psíquico não está voltado para produzir (...)
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    O Simbolismo Inconsciente.Jaqueline Feltrin Inada - 2011 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 3 (5):356-365.
    Este artigo apresenta os conceitos de inconsciente e simbolismo inconsciente em Jean Piaget, confrontando os com os de Freud. Na teoria psicanalítica, simbolismo refere-se a um comportamento ou pensamento com significado oculto ao sujeito. Piaget critica essa concepção e mostra que o pensamento simbólico forma uma unidade. Não existe um divisor de águas entre o que é consciente e inconsciente. Todo símbolo comporta concomitantemente esses dois atributos. Ao relacioná-los com os conceitos de assimilação e acomodação, Piaget afirma que enquanto o (...)
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    Decolonizing Botany: Indonesia, UNESCO, and the Making of a Global Science.Andrew Goss - 2023 - Journal of the History of Biology 56 (3):495-523.
    Decolonization created new opportunities for international scientific research collaboration. In Indonesia this began in the late 1940s, as Indonesian scientists and officials sought to remake the formerly colonial botanical gardens in the city of Bogor into an international research center. Indonesia sponsored the Flora Malesiana project, a flora of all of island Southeast Asia. This project was formally centered in Bogor, Indonesia, with participation from tropical botanists from around the world. The international orientation of Indonesian science led to the establishment (...)
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  32. Du role de la volonte dans la croyance.E. Gosse - 1892 - Philosophical Review 1:226.
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    Formation, maintenance, generalization, and retention of response hierarchies.Albert E. Goss & Nancy J. Cobb - 1966 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 71 (2):218.
  34. Genèse 13, 15 et le don de la terre à Abraham.B. Gosse - 1994 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 74 (4):395-397.
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  35. Isaïe 4, 2-6 dans la rédaction du livre d'Isaïe.B. Gosse - 1993 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 73 (2):131-135.
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  36. Mind and behavior in diagram-intelligence.Ae Goss - 1986 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 24 (5):339-339.
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    Poetics in Schizophrenic Language: Speech, Gesture and Biosemiotics.James Goss - 2011 - Biosemiotics 4 (3):291-307.
    This paper offers a biosemiotic account of the poetic aspects of gesture and speech in schizophrenia. The argument is that speech and gesture are not the mere expression of pre-verbal thoughts. Instead, meaning is enacted by the temporal and semantic coordination of speech and gesture. The bodily basis of language is highlighted by the fact that, failing to create language that is organized around topics, individuals with schizophrenia often rely on poetic associations in directing their utterances. Accordingly, the analysis of (...)
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    Paired-associates learning as a function of percentage of occurrence of response members (reinforcement).Albert E. Goss, Churchill H. Morgan & Sanford J. Golin - 1959 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 57 (2):96.
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    Paired-associates learning with varying relative percentages of occurrence of alternative response members.Albert E. Goss & Marilyn E. Sugerman - 1961 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 62 (1):24.
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    Response strength in a modified Thorndikian multiple-choice situation as a function of varying proportions of reinforcement.Albert E. Goss & Edward J. Rabaioli - 1952 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 43 (2):106.
  41. Temporal belief the experiential view.Maxwell Goss - 2008 - In L. Nathan Oaklander (ed.), The philosophy of time. New York: Routledge. pp. 3--51.
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    The poetics of bipolar disorder.James Goss - 2006 - Pragmatics and Cognition 14 (1):85-110.
    This article explores the role of affect in the disorganized language and thought that can manifest itself in bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder, or as it was previously known, manic-depressive illness, can produce psychotic language and thought in its more extreme forms. During the production of discourse in bipolar disorder, there is a strong correlation between the underlying affective state, i.e., depression, euthymia, hypomania, and mania, and linguistic and cognitive performance. A psycholinguistic model of the dynamics between language, thought, and affect (...)
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    Distopia: Fragmentos de um Céu Límpido ed. by Ildney Cavalcanti and Felipe Benicio.Jaqueline Pierazzo - 2017 - Utopian Studies 28 (3):695-699.
    Tom Moylan's Scraps of the Untainted Sky: Science Fiction, Utopia, Dystopia was first published in the year 2000. Seventeen years later, this work still enlightens discussions and catches the attention of both science fiction and Utopian studies. Still, we have to acknowledge the fact that we are facing a belated translation. This could easily be a problem if the present edition had not provided a new perspective on Moylan's Scraps. This edition, brought together by the Brazilian research group "Literature and (...)
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    FOCUS: The ethics of HIV/AIDS and the workplace.David Goss - 1993 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 2 (3):143–148.
    How should companies handle the issue of HIV/AIDS and cope with the ethical dilemmas which result? Should they adopt a defensive policy or aim for a more humanistic policy? Dr Goss is Senior Lecturer in Organizational Behaviour in the University of Portsmouth Business School.
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    Intuição e causalidade na crítica de Schopenhauer à epistemologia kantiana.Jaqueline Engelmann - 2021 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 11 (3):149-163.
    Pode-se afirmar que a filosofia crítica kantiana é uma espécie de suporte para a fundamentação epistemológica de Schopenhauer, mas que a teoria schopenhaueriana de modo algum a ela se reduz até porque Schopenhauer reprova desde a compreensão de Kant a respeito do papel que desempenham intuição e razão até a arquitetônica kantiana que exige doze categorias como alicerce do processo de conhecer. Nosso texto versará sobre a importância que Schopenhauer concede à intuição e, principalmente, sobre a justificação de Schopenhauer acerca (...)
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  46. Eating animals is not wrong.Maxwell Goss - 2006 - In William Dudley (ed.), Animal rights. Detroit, [Mich.]: Thomson Gale.
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    Paired-associates learning with varying relative percentages of occurrence of alternative response members: Influence of instructions.Albert E. Goss - 1965 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 70 (1):51.
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    Transfer to a motor task as influenced by conditions and degree of prior discrimination training.Albert E. Goss & Norman Greenfeld - 1958 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 55 (3):258.
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    Boa deliberação (euboulía) E o problema da moralidade dos meios em aristóteles.Jaqueline Stefani - 2019 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 60 (144):609-628.
    RESUMO O escopo da pesquisa é a análise de 1142b 17-28 da “Ética Nicomaqueia”, trecho em que Aristóteles disserta sobre a correção, tendo em vista que a boa deliberação é uma espécie de correção. A passagem não é clara e sugere que: i) na boa deliberação, a moralidade restringe-se aos fins, cabendo aos meios apenas a característica de serem eficazes na obtenção dos fins; ou que ii) na boa deliberação, a moralidade recai sobre meios e sobre fins pois, com a (...)
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    Original Dwelling Place: Zen Essays (review).Robert Goss - 1999 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 19 (1):212-215.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Original Dwelling Place: Zen EssaysRobert E. GossOriginal Dwelling Place: Zen Essays. By Robert Aitken. Upland, California: Counterpoint, 1996. 241 pp.Robert Aitken narrates his over forty-year journey into Zen, elucidating not only his spiritual journey but also reflecting the Americanization of Zen Buddhism. He was introduced to Zen Buddhism during World War II as an internee in a camp for enemy civilians in Kobe, Japan. Original Dwelling Place is Aitken’s (...)
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