Results for 'Jarinah Jabbar'

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  1. The Number of Bricks in a Ziggurat.Ben Blumson & Jarinah Jabbar - 2020 - Mathematics Magazine 93 (3):226-227.
    The number of bricks in a ziggurat is a sum of consecutive squares.
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    Towards Intercultural Dialogue, Synthesis, and Pluralism: Revisiting Baghdad’s House of Wisdom.Wisam Kh Abdul-Jabbar - 2019 - Dialogue 58 (2):371-391.
    Cette étude remet en cause les dualismes et divisions actuels qui se reflètent dans le dialogue socio-politique et interculturel. Le projet vise à établir un lien entre le discours philosophique de la Maison de la Sagesse du IXesiècle et les conceptions modernes de l’islam en étendant la rhétorique dialogique dudit discours. Le projet en question a également pour but de réexaminer la Maison de la Sagesse. Ce processus consiste d’abord à invoquer une tradition islamique inclusive et interculturelle qui contrecarre la (...)
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    Making and transcending boundaries: the effect of ritual on nationalism.Ramin Jabbarli - 2024 - Theory and Society 53 (6):1415-1440.
    In explaining national identity as an indicator of subjective belonging to the nation-state, researchers have examined factors such as occupational structure, economic discrimination, competition, and political recognition. However, the influence of cultural factors has often been neglected. By investigating the moderating effect of Shia and Sunni rituals on national identification, I find that the nature of rituals significantly influences the strength of national identity among subordinate ethnic groups. In Shia culture, the solidarity generated through ritual practices extends into national identity, (...)
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    Diasporicity and intercultural dialectics in Muslim education: Conceptualizing a minorities curriculum.Wisam Kh Abdul-Jabbar - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (2):204-216.
    Drawing on fiqh al-aqalliyyat, this article introduces a Muslim minorities curriculum and negotiates the notion of diasporicity as a process that signifies a community’s readiness to respond to its own cultural, religious and literacy practices. More specifically, first, I propose a Muslim minorities curriculum that is informed by diasporicity and fiqh al-aqalliyyat. Second, the article makes a distinction between diaspora and diasporicity. In what ways can diasporicity itself be conceptualized to advance Muslim education and what are the pedagogical implications? Third, (...)
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    Foucauldian parrhesia and Avicennean contingency in Muslim education: The curriculum of metaphysics.Wisam Kh Abdul-Jabbar - 2021 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (12):1246-1256.
    This study examines the Foucauldian notion of “parrhesia” within the context of curricular practices through a renewal of scholarly interest in Islamic metaphysics as represented by the Avicennean modalities of reality: necessity, contingency, and possibility. It explores the role of contingency in advancing educational practices that generate inclusive dissemination of knowledge that captures the language of Tajdeed (legitimate renovation) in Islamic education. This article argues that contingency, as a causality-oriented modality, determines whether meaning is relative or absolute, while necessity, as (...)
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    Medieval Muslim Philosophers and Intercultural Communication: Towards a Dialogical Paradigm in Education.Wisam Abdul-Jabbar - 2022 - Routledge.
    The Intercultural, Educational, and Interdisciplinary Borderlines -- Intercultural Encounters, Discord, and Discovery: Medieval Times Amid Evil Times? -- The Dialogical Paradigm -- Al-Kindi on Education: Curriculum Theorizing and the Intercultural Minhaj -- Intercultural Farabism: Towards a Tripartite Model of Dialogical Education -- Rihla as the Sojourner's Deliverer from Error: Al-Ghazali's Interdisciplinary and Intercultural Journey of Epistemic Crisis -- The Averroesian Deliberative Pedagogy of Intercultural Education -- Concluding Thoughts and Implications.
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  7. Message to rich college programs: pay up.Kareem Abdul-Jabbar - 2019 - In Marty Gitlin, Athletes, ethics, and morality. New York: Greenhaven Publishing.
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    Sarcasm as Postcolonial Dialogue: Bloggers, Cultural Hegemony and Resistance.Wisam Kh Abdul-Jabbar & Sabah Wajid Ali - 2019 - Culture and Dialogue 7 (2):167-184.
    This essay looks at two young English-speaking Iraqi bloggers whose internationally recognized writings describe the chaos in post-Saddam Iraq. It examines sarcasm as a mode of resistance as employed by Salam Pax, characterized by BBC Radio in 2003 as “the most famous diarist in the world,” and Riverbend, whose blog was published as a book and translated into several languages. By subjecting the colonial discourse to ridicule, they not only successfully convey the angst their people suffer, but also mock a (...)
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  9. Gender roles and child nutrition in livestock production systems in developing countries.F. K. Tangka, M. A. Jabbar & B. I. Shapiro - forthcoming - A Critical Review.
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    Real-time model checking on secondary storage.Stefan Edelkamp & Shahid Jabbar - 2007 - In A. Lomuscio & S. Edelkamp, Model Checking and Artificial Intelligence. Springer. pp. 67--83.
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    Bayesian Regularized Neural Network Model Development for Predicting Daily Rainfall from Sea Level Pressure Data: Investigation on Solving Complex Hydrology Problem.Lu Ye, Saadya Fahad Jabbar, Musaddak M. Abdul Zahra & Mou Leong Tan - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-14.
    Prediction of daily rainfall is important for flood forecasting, reservoir operation, and many other hydrological applications. The artificial intelligence algorithm is generally used for stochastic forecasting rainfall which is not capable to simulate unseen extreme rainfall events which become common due to climate change. A new model is developed in this study for prediction of daily rainfall for different lead times based on sea level pressure which is physically related to rainfall on land and thus able to predict unseen rainfall (...)
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    Cyber security threats: A never-ending challenge for e-commerce.Xiang Liu, Sayed Fayaz Ahmad, Muhammad Khalid Anser, Jingying Ke, Muhammad Irshad, Jabbar Ul-Haq & Shujaat Abbas - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study explores the challenge of cyber security threats that e-commerce technology and business are facing. Technology applications for e-commerce are attracting attention from both academia and industry. It has made what was not possible before for the business community and consumers. But it did not come all alone but has brought some challenges, and cyber security challenge is one of them. Cyber security concerns have many forms, but this study focuses on social engineering, denial of services, malware, and attacks (...)
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  13. Qadi `Abdul-Jabbar al-Mu`tazili's Moral Theory.Hossein Atrak - 2007 - Journal of Philosophical-Theological Reseach 9 (33):53-96.
    Abstract Qadi `Abdul-Jabbar, although has come to be Known as a Mu`tazili theologian, can be certainly mentioned as a moral philosopher by attention to his ethical views in the theological books. The paper is going to present his ethical opinions concerning normative ethics and Meta-ethics. It shows that `Abdul-Jabbar is a rationalist moral philosopher, who considers reason as the origin of moral obligations, and as the means of evaluating the rightness and wrongfulness of actions. Moreover, he is an (...)
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    Qāḍī Abd Al-Jābbār's Theory on Knowing Allah (Ma‘Rifatullah).Mehmet ŞAŞA - 2019 - Kader 17 (1):153-184.
    In this study, Qāḍī Abd al-Jābbār’s views on knowing Allah (ma‘rifatullah) and following issues have been analysed. In this context, either the divine message has reached to a person or not, it is examined whether ma‘rifatullah is obligatory (wajib) upon him. Subsequently, it is discussed whether this obligation is ensured by reasoning (‘aql) or revelation (naql). Furthermore, while keeping in mind the role of intellect (nazar) and argumentation (istidlāl), we have established and evaluated religious state and source of nazar and (...)
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    The Missing Link of Muʿtazilī Literature on Definitions: al-Qāḍī ʿAbd al-Jabbār’s Ḥudūd al-alfāẓ –Analysis and Edition of the Text–.Serkan ÇETİN & Ulvi Murat Kilavuz - 2023 - Kader 21 (1):59-78.
    Following the formation of disciplines/sciences in different fields of Islamic thought, the specific concepts and terminologies of these disciplines/sciences began to emerge. Then the special meaning and the area of utilization for every concept in each discipline/science were further clarified by compiling specific epistles of definition (ḥudūd), which would contribute to this process of conceptualization. For the terminological meaning of the used concept to be determined primarily and thus for the followed theological/sectarian affiliation to be supported, works belonging to this (...)
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    Muhammad Ben 'Abd al-Jabbar an-Niffary. [Standing #] 11. Mystical knowledge of mystical knowledge (ma'arifa ma'arif) of “Kitab al-mawaqif”.R. V. Pskhu - 2019 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 23 (3):273-277.
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    'Abd Al-Jabbar and the Concept of Uselessness.Oliver Leaman - 1980 - Journal of the History of Ideas 41 (1):129.
  18.  96
    Immediate Knowledge According to Al-Qāḍī ʿabd Al-Jabbār.Mohd Radhi Ibrahim - 2013 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 23 (1):101-115.
    RésuméDepuis Ibn Mattawayh et Mānkdīm jusqu'à George Hourani et Marie Bernand, les spécialistes ont montré un intérêt constant pour la théorie de la connaissance d' ʿAbd al-Jabbār, intérêt plus grand encore depuis la parution des textes de Muʿtazilites tardifs comme leKitāb al-Muʿtamad fī Uṣūl al-Dīnd'Ibn al-Malāḥimī, et leKitāb Taṣaffuḥ al-Adillade son maître Abū al-Ḥusayn al-Baṣrī. Cet article examine la théorie de la connaissance immédiate d' ʿAbd al-Jabbār à partir de sonMughnī, ainsi que de textes écrits par ses élèves ou par (...)
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    God and Humans in Islamic Thought: Abd Al-Jabbar, Ibn Sina and Al-Ghazali.Maha Elkaisy-Friemuth - 2006 - Routledge.
    The explanation of the relationship between God and humans, as portrayed in Islam, is often influenced by the images of God and of human beings which theologians, philosophers and mystics have in mind. The early period of Islam disclose a diversity of interpretations of this relationship. Thinkers from the tenth and eleventh century had the privilege of disclosing different facets of the relationship between humans and the divine. God and Humans in Islamic Thought discusses the view of three different scholars (...)
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    The Narrative Philosophy of Rational Approach in Islam Abstract (The Case of Qāḍī Abd Al-Jābbār).Abdulvasıf Eraslan - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (3):1017-1037.
    Sunnah is considered the second of the main sources of Islam. The reports, which are considered the carrier of the sunnah, have been conveyed by narrators at different levels. The reasons for the difference between the conveying narration levels were handled mainly as a subject of research and discussion by theologians and Muʿtazila scholars as well. One of these subjects is the factors affecting the conveying of the narration and what is preventing it from being conveyed. Qāḍī Abd Al-Jābbār (d. (...)
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    Islamic Rationalism: The Ethics of 'Abd al-Jabbar.Fadlou Shehadi - 1973 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 33 (3):434-435.
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    Suffering in Mu‘Tazilite Theology: ‘Abd Al-Jabbār's Teaching on Pain and Divine Justice.Margaretha T. Heemskerk - 2000 - Brill.
    A study of the opinions of a prominent tenth-century scholar pertaining to different aspects of pain, including his theological explanation of the existence of human suffering as well as a historical survey of his Bahšamiyya Mu‘tazila school.
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  23. K'dî Abdülcebb'r’a Göre Sünnet / The Sunnah According to Qadi Abd Al-Jabbar.Tevhit Bakan - 2016 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 45:187-213.
    Bu makalede; Mutezile’nin son temsilcilerinden Şafiî fakîhi, kelâmcı, tefsirci Kâdî Abdülcebbâr’ın (ö. 415/1025) Hz. Peygamber’in Sünnetine bakışı ele alınacaktır. Pek çok konuda eser telif etmiş olan Kâdî Abdülcebbâr’ın, eserelerinde Sünnetten yararlanması, bu konuda günümüze ulaşan müstakil bir eserinin bulunması onu diğer Mutezilî âlimlerden ayıran en büyük özelliğidir. Konu, ilgili literatür ve özellikle Kâdî Abdülcebbâr’ın günümüze ulaşan eserleri ışığında incelenecektir. Mutezile’nin genel olarak Sünnete bakışı ele alındıktan sonra Kâdî Abdülcebbâr’ın bu konuda seleflerinden hangi noktalarda ayrıldığı ve hangi noktalarda onlarla aynı görüşte (...)
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    Penseurs musulmans et religions iraniennes: ʿAbd al-Jabbār et ses devanciersPenseurs musulmans et religions iraniennes: Abd al-Jabbar et ses devanciers.George F. Hourani & Guy Monnot - 1977 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 97 (4):611.
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    Islamic Rationalism: The Ethics of ʿAbd al-JabbārIslamic Rationalism: The Ethics of Abd al-Jabbar.Parviz Morewedge - 1974 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 94 (4):541.
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    God's Created Speech: A Study in the Speculative Theology of the Mu ʿtazilī Qāḍī l-Quḍāt Abū l-Ḥasan ʿAbd al-Jabbār ibn Aḥmad al-HamadānīGod's Created Speech: A Study in the Speculative Theology of the Mu tazili Qadi l-Qudat Abu l-Hasan Abd al-Jabbar ibn Ahmad al-Hamadani.J. Meric Pessagno & J. R. T. M. Peters - 1980 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 100 (3):332.
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    Review of God and Humans in Islamic Thought: 'Abd al-Jabbar, Ibn Sina and al-Ghazali, by Maha Elkaisy-Friemuth. [REVIEW]Patrick Quinn - 2008 - Philosophy East and West 58 (2):293-296.
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    Terms in Zaydī-Muʿtazilī Thought: Critical Edition and Translation of Ibn Sharwīn’s Ḥaqāʾiq al-ashyāʾ Treatise.A. İskender Sarica & Serkan Çeti̇n - 2021 - Kader 19 (2):813-854.
    The Zaydī-Muʿtazilī interaction, which dates back to the early periods, increased when The Būyid vizier al-Ṣāḥib b. ʿAbbād invited Qāḍī ʿAbd al-Jabbār to Rayy and many Caspian Zaydī scholars studied with Qāḍī. Ibn Sharwīn, who is mentioned among the students of Qāḍī ʿAbd al-Jabbār and accepted as one of the Zaydī- Muʿtazilī scholars, is one of these names. The works of Ibn Sharwīn, who had writings in the field of kalām and fiqh, did not remain within the borders of the (...)
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    The Methodology of Sociological Criticism in Iraq.Huda Amer Ali & Thanaa Mohamed Saleh - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1454-1461.
    In the period preceding the establishment of the first sociology department at the University of Baghdad, the works of Abdul Fattah Ibrahim and Abdul Jabbar Arim played a significant role. These scholars are regarded as pioneers of this pre-foundational phase. Although they did not conduct any field research, the methodologies they advocated for analysing and critiquing Iraqi social reality were well-defined. In Abdul Fattah Ibrahim's first specialised book on sociology, he presents Darwin's theory of evolution as "the foundational principle (...)
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    The Formation of the Sounds According to Basrian Mu‘tazila.Zeynep Şeker - 2023 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 27 (2):383-403.
    One of the prevalent inference methods the mutakallimūn uses is qiyās al-ghaib ‘ala al-shahid (analogy from the visible world to the invisible world). Mu‘tazila, who accepts this method as an absolute criterion in the divine attributes, rejects the possibility of difference between shahid and ghaib about the reality of attributes. By rejecting the concept of kalām nafsī adopted by Ahl al-Sunnah, they mention the divine speech in the category of actual attributes and claim that kalāmullāh (God’s speech), like human speech, (...)
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    Al-Zamakhsharī’s Approach to the Verses Reported to be About ʿAlī b. Abī Ṭālib in the Context of Mu‘tazila- Shīʿa Interaction.Ersin ÇELİK - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (3):1123-1142.
    Mu'tazila and Shīʿa (Zaydiyya-Imāmiyya) have common views on many theological issues except the imamate. This issue has been generally accepted by other Islamic scholars rather than Shīʿa and by Western researchers. That in this interaction between the Mu‘tazila and the Shīʿa, the Shīʿa is the side mostly affected. However, it is an issue that should not be overlooked that the Shīʿa partially influenced the Mu'tazila in ʿAlī b. Abī Ṭālib, over the other Companions. In this context, some persons from the (...)
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    The Role of Language in Q'dî ‘Abd al- Jabb'r’s Thought.Mesut Erzi̇ - 2022 - Kader 20 (1):369-397.
    The thought system of Qâdî ‘Abd al-Jabbâr, who is a productive intellectual worker in the Mu‘tazilî school, is established on the contingency (imkân) of obligation (taklîf) of the God upon people. In other words he has a universe and order of thought which is built around the term obligation. Therefore, the content of Qâdî’s aforementioned thought which has a very significant place in Mu‘tazilî thought is constituted of responsbilities of human beings. These responsibilities of the human beings are gathered under (...)
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    Revelation, Moral Skepticism, and the Mu'tazilites.Amir Saemi - 2021 - Res Philosophica 98 (2):283-305.
    Facing morally controversial passages in Scripture, many Muslims find themselves forced to choose between accepting the dictates of Scripture and trusting their modern moral sensibilities. Let’s call the view that our independent moral judgment is not reliable when it is in conflict with the apparent meaning of Scripture, moderate moral skepticism. Assuming the falsity of the divine command theory, I will explore the argument for moderate moral skepticism by discussing the ideas of the Mu‘tazilite theologian, Qadi ‘Abd al-Jabbar al-Hamadani (...)
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    The Purpose of Creation and Value Analysis of Divine Actions in Mu’tazila.Hüseyin Maraz - 2020 - Kader 18 (1):87-114.
    This article descriptively discusses the divine purpose in the creation of the world and especially the human being, and the value analysis of the concepts, expressing this purpose in the light of the views of Qāḍī ʿAbd al-Jabbār (d. 415/1024), who was from the Basra School, and systemized the five doctrinal principles of the Mu'tazila. Accordingly, it answers the question why God created the human on the basis of the purpose/aim in divine actions and examines the qualitative value of the (...)
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  35. The Emir: An Interview with Abu Bakar Ba'asyir, Alleged Leader of the Southeast Asian Jemaah Islamiyah Organization.Scott Atran - unknown
    Press Release: Terrorism in Southeast Asia: An Interview with Abu Bakar Ba'asyir 10/03/2005 - In August, Dr. Scott Atran travelled to Southeast Asia and conducted extensive research on terrorist groups operating in the region. This interview with Abu Bakar Ba'asyir, alleged leader of the Jemaah Islamiyah organization, was conducted on August 13 and 15, 2005 from Cipinang Prison in Jakarta. Questions were formulated by Dr. Atran and posed for him in Behasa Indonesian by Taufiq Andrie. The interview took place in (...)
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  36. Ash'ari's Theological Determinisma and the Senses of 'Can'.Raja Bahlul - 1992 - Hamdard Islamicus 15 (1):39-57.
    In this paper I argue that al Ash'ari was a Theological Determinist whose position on free will and human responsibility was marred by his failure to distinguish between two senses of the word 'can' (yastati'u ). I also compare al Ash'ari's position with that of the Mu'tazilite thinker al Qadi 'Abd al Jabbar. I conclude that their positions may not have been so much opposed to each other as merely different. This, I suggest, should invite us to re evaluate (...)
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    K'dî Abdülcebb'r’da Mütev'tir Teorisi.Abdulvasıf Eraslan - 2019 - Kader 17 (2):437-473.
    İnsanlar sahip oldukları bilginin bir kısmını akıl ve duyu organları vasıtasıyla elde ederken diğer bir kısmını da haber vasıtasıyla elde etmektedir. Geçmişte meydana gelen olaylar, yaşamış şahsiyetler, görmediğimiz uzak memleketler hakkında bilgi elde etmemizi sağlayan yegâne kaynak haberdir. Dolayısıyla müşahedeye dayanmayan ve düşünce yoluyla elde edilmeyen bütün bilgilerin kaynağı “haber”dir. Haberler içerisinde kesin bilgi ifade eden kısım ise mütevâtirdir.Hicri 4. asırda haberle ilgili tartışmaları ayrıntısıyla ele alıp eserlerinde bunu derli toplu bir nazariyye şekline işleyen alimlerden biri de akli istidlâle önem (...)
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    Some Hadiths Subjected to Discussion by Supporters of Bishr al-Marīsī Due to Having an Anthropormorphist and Corporealist Content.Ali Kaya - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (1):163-188.
    Hadiths that have been discussed in this paper consist of narrations regarding divine attributes and having some problematic meanings between supporters of Bişr al-Marīsī and ʿUthmān al-Dārimī. These narrations were mostly accepted denounced (munkar) by Bişr al-Marīsī and his sopporters due to having an anthropormophist and corporealist content about God. They rejected divine attributes according to their understanding of God based on incomparability (tanzīh) which provided by Mutazilite approach towards divine attributes even though they conveyed some features of Ahl al-Ra’y. (...)
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    Mu’tezile ve Şîa Arasında Fikri Bağlantı Meselesi İlahi Adalet İlkesi Bağlamında K'dî Abdülcebb'r ve Ebû Ca’fer et-Tûsî Arasında Bir Karşılaştırma.Rıza Korkmazgöz - 2018 - Kader 16 (2):264-293.
    Özet Şii-İmamiyye’nin usûlde Mu’tezilenin etkisinde kaldığı iddiaları, hicri dördüncü asırdan itibaren dile getirilmektedir. Buna karşılık usûlî düşüncenin ilk mümessili sayılan Şeyh Müfîd’den itibaren mezhep içinden yükselen sesler bu iddiaları şiddetle reddetmişlerdir. Biz bu çalışmada Mu’tezile kelamına sistematik hüviyet kazandıran ve yazdığı eserlerle Mu’tezile kelamının bugüne ulaşmasında büyük pay sahibi olan Kâdî Abdülcebbâr ile İmamiyye’nin kelam düşüncesinin istikrar bulmasında ve Şeyh Müfîd’le başlatılan usûlî yaklaşımın benimsenip yaygınlaşmasında büyük bir yeri olan Ebû Ca’fer et-Tûsî arasında adalet ilkesi üzerinden bir karşılaştırma yaparak, söz (...)
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    Those Numbered Days: An Autoethnography on Living and Dying with a Cancer Patient.Suman Nath - 2018 - Journal of Human Values 24 (3):174-184.
    Doing research on cancer patients often involves painful journeys through the processes of involvement and detachment with research settings and participants. It is a self-transforming event to see close cared for people die. Yet frequently these experiences remain unreported in academic writing. The present article attempts to depict the narratives of attachment in the context of terminal illness and detachment as a consequence of death of the research participant, Jabbar, to reflect on such a journey. It focuses on the (...)
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    Sobre coacción y libertad en el pensamiento islámico clásico.Emilio Tornero Poveda - 2022 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 28 (2):79-96.
    En este trabajo, después de contrastar la opinión de Kant y Aristóteles sobre la responsabilidad y la libertad ante la coacción, y tras unas sucintas consideraciones sobre el tema de la libertad en el pensamiento islámico, se pasa revista a lo que sobre la coacción han dicho los pensadores más representativos del área islámica clásica. Estos pensadores son, ante todo, los mutakallimíes, los “teólogos” del islam, distinguiéndose entre ellos un grupo, los muʿtazilíes, que son los que han dado mayor entrada (...)
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    Baṣran Muʿtazilite Theology: Abū ʿAlī Muḥammad b. Khallād’s Kitāb al-uṣūl and its reception. A Critical Edition of the Ziyādāt Sharḥ al-uṣūl by the Zaydī Imām al-Nāṭiq bi-l- ḥaqq Abū Ṭālib Yaḥyā b. al-Ḥusayn b. Hārūn al-Buṭḥānī (d. 424/1033), Leiden: Brill, 2010. [REVIEW]Halil İbrahim Delen - 2024 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 12 (20):123-127.
    The book under study is "Kitāb al-Uṣūl" and its commentary "Sharḥ al-Uṣūl" written by Ibn Ḥallād al-Basrī, one of Abū Ḥāshim al-Jubbāʾī's leading students. This work is the result of the Mu'tazilite Manuscripts Project conducted by Sabine Schmidtke and D. E. Sklare, and has been published in an edited edition by Camilla Adang, Wilferd Madelung, and Sabine Schmidtke. The study, entitled "-A Critical Edition of the Ziyādāt Sharḥ al-uṣūl by the Zaydī Imām al-Nāṭiq bi-l-ḥaqq Abū Ṭālib Yaḥyā b. al-Ḥusayn b. (...)
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