Results for 'Jason Careiro'

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  1.  15
    Michel Foucault on René Magritte: Embracing the Treason of What We Teach.Charles Bingham, Jason Careiro, Antew Dejene, Alma Krilic & Emily Sadowski - 2013 - Philosophy of Education 69:439-448.
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  2. Comparative Probabilities.Jason Konek - 2019 - In Richard Pettigrew & Jonathan Weisberg (eds.), The Open Handbook of Formal Epistemology. PhilPapers Foundation. pp. 267-348.
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  3. On Quantifier Domain Restriction.Jason Stanley & Zoltán Gendler Szabó - 2000 - Mind and Language 15 (2-3):219--61.
    In this paper, we provide a comprehensive survey of the space of possible analyses of the phenomenon of quantifier domain restriction, together with a set of considerations which militate against all but our own proposal. Among the many accounts we consider and reject are the ‘explicit’ approach to quantifier domain restric‐tion discussed, for example, by Stephen Neale, and the pragmatic approach to quantifier domain restriction proposed by Kent Bach. Our hope is that the exhaustive discussion of this special case of (...)
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  4. Ontological Pluralism.Jason Turner - 2010 - Journal of Philosophy 107 (1):5-34.
    Ontological Pluralism is the view that there are different modes, ways, or kinds of being. In this paper, I characterize the view more fully (drawing on some recent work by Kris McDaniel) and then defend the view against a number of arguments. (All of the arguments I can think of against it, anyway.).
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  5. Hermeneutic fictionalism.Jason Stanley - 2001 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 25 (1):36–71.
    Fictionalist approaches to ontology have been an accepted part of philosophical methodology for some time now. On a fictionalist view, engaging in discourse that involves apparent reference to a realm of problematic entities is best viewed as engaging in a pretense. Although in reality, the problematic entities do not exist, according to the pretense we engage in when using the discourse, they do exist. In the vocabulary of Burgess and Rosen (1997, p. 6), a nominalist construal of a given discourse (...)
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  6. Other–regarding epistemic virtues.Jason Kawall - 2002 - Ratio 15 (3):257–275.
    Epistemologists often assume that an agent’s epistemic goal is simply to acquire as much knowledge as possible for herself. Drawing on an analogy with ethics and other practices, I argue that being situated in an epistemic community introduces a range of epistemic virtues (and goals) which fall outside of those typically recognized by both individualistic and social epistemologists. Candidate virtues include such traits as honesty, integrity (including an unwillingness to misuse one’s status as an expert), patience, and creativity. We can (...)
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  7. Virtue theory, ideal observers, and the supererogatory.Jason Kawall - 2008 - Philosophical Studies 146 (2):179-96.
    I argue that recent virtue theories (including those of Hursthouse, Slote, and Swanton) face important initial difficulties in accommodating the supererogatory. In particular, I consider several potential characterizations of the supererogatory modeled upon these familiar virtue theories (and their accounts of rightness) and argue that they fail to provide an adequate account of supererogation. In the second half of the paper I sketch an alternative virtue-based characterization of supererogation, one that is grounded in the attitudes of virtuous ideal observers, and (...)
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  8. Rule-Following Skepticism, Properly So Called.Jason Bridges - 2014 - In James Conant & Andrea Kern (eds.), Varieties of Skepticism: Essays After Kant, Wittgenstein, and Cavell. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 249-288.
  9. Virtue theory and ideal observers.Jason Kawall - 2002 - Philosophical Studies 109 (3):197 - 222.
    Virtue theorists in ethics often embrace the following characterizationof right action: An action is right iff a virtuous agent would performthat action in like circumstances. Zagzebski offers a parallel virtue-basedaccount of epistemically justified belief. Such proposals are severely flawedbecause virtuous agents in adverse circumstances, or through lack ofknowledge can perform poorly. I propose an alternative virtue-based accountaccording to which an action is right (a belief is justified) for an agentin a given situation iff an unimpaired, fully-informed virtuous observerwould deem the (...)
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  10. Reverence for Life as a Viable Environmental Virtue.Jason Kawall - 2003 - Environmental Ethics 25 (4):339-358.
    There have been several recent defenses of biocentric individualism, the position that all living beings have at least some moral standing, simply insofar as they are alive. I develop a virtue-based version of biocentric individualism, focusing on a virtue of reverence for life. In so doing, I attempt to show that such a virtuebased approach allows us to avoid common objections to biocentric individualism, based on its supposed impracticability (or, on the other hand, its emptiness).
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    Virtue epistemology.Jason S. Baehr - 2004 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Virtue Epistemology Virtue epistemology is a collection of recent approaches to epistemology that give epistemic or intellectual virtue concepts an important and fundamental role. Virtue epistemologists can be divided into two groups, each accepting a different conception of what an intellectual virtue is. Virtue reliabilists conceive of intellectual virtues as stable, reliable and truth-conducive cognitive … Continue reading Virtue Epistemology →.
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    Propranolol and its potential inhibition of positive post-traumatic growth.Jason E. Warnick - 2007 - American Journal of Bioethics 7 (9):37 – 38.
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  13. The German Translation of Royce’s Epistemology by Husserl’s Student Winthrop Bell: A Neglected Bridge of Pragmatic-Phenomenological Interpretation?Jason M. Bell - 2011 - The Pluralist 6 (1):46-62.
    Herr Royce ist doch ein bedeutender Denker und darf nur als solcher behandelt werden.("Royce is an important thinker, and may only be treated as such.")Scholars of pragmatism and of phenomenology have observed striking similarities between Josiah Royce and Edmund Husserl, foundational thinkers at the origins of two major philosophical movements whose effects are still strongly felt in the present day—Royce being considered a central founder of American pragmatic idealism, and Husserl of modern German phenomenology. Other scholars have noted striking similarities (...)
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    Disability, Enhancement, and Flourishing.Jason T. Eberl - 2022 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 47 (5):597-611.
    Recent debate among bioethicists concerns the potential to enhance human beings’ physical or cognitive capacities by means of genetic, pharmacological, cybernetic, or surgical interventions. Between “transhumanists,” who argue for unreserved enhancement of human capabilities, and “bioconservatives,” who warn against any non-therapeutic manipulation of humanity’s natural condition, lie those who support limited forms of enhancement for the sake of individual and collective human flourishing. Many scholars representing these views also share a concern over the status and interests of human beings with (...)
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  15. Four Varieties of Character-Based Virtue Epistemology.Jason Baehr - 2008 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 46 (4):469-502.
    The terrain of character-based or “responsibilist” virtue epistemology has evolved dramatically over the last decade -- so much so that it is far from clear what, if anything, unifies the various views put forth in this area. In an attempt to bring some clarity to the overall thrust and structure of this movement, I develop a fourfold classification of character-based virtue epistemologies. I also offer a qualified assessmentof each approach, defending a certain account of the probable future of this burgeoning (...)
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    The Holocene Simulacrum.Jason James Wallin - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (3):238-250.
    Education for Sustainable Development is a broad and varied field of study replete with compelling advocacies for a more humane world. Across a majority of its instances however, ESD might yet be seen to labour in stealth fidelity to a mode of political economy and model of human-nature relations complicit with planetary ecocide. This essay draws largely from the thinking of Jean Baudrillard in an effort to identify the implications of ESD’s mainstay commitments, particularly as expressed in the field’s lingering (...)
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  17. A priori and a posteriori.Jason S. Baehr - 2003 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    The terms "a priori" and "a posteriori" refer primarily to how or on what basis a proposition might be known. A proposition is knowable a priori if it is knowable independently of experience. A proposition is knowable a posteriori if it is knowable on the basis of experience. The a priori/a posteriori distinction is epistemological and should not be confused with the metaphysical distinction between the necessary and the contingent or the semantical or logical distinction between the analytic and the (...)
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  18. Persons and their properties.Jason Stanley - 1998 - Philosophical Quarterly 48 (191):159-175.
    According to what I call ‘the asymmetry thesis’, persons, though they are the direct bearers of the properties expressed by mental predicates, are not the direct bearers of properties such as those expressed by ‘weighs 135 pounds’ or ‘has crossed legs’. A number of different views about persons entail the asymmetry thesis. I first argue that the asymmetry thesis entails an error theory about our discourse involving person‐referring terms. I then argue that it is further threatened by consideration of the (...)
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    Introduction.Jason M. Wirth & Andrew Whitehead - 2019 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 11 (3):215-216.
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    Clinical and Translational Research Ethics: Training Consultants and Biomedical Research Personnel.Jason F. Arnold, Andrea D. Boan, Daniel T. Lackland & Robert M. Sade - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (1):57-61.
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    Educating for Good Thinking: Virtues, Skills, or Both?Jason Baehr - 2023 - Informal Logic 43 (2):173-203.
    This paper explores the relationship between intellectual virtues and critical thinking, both as such and as educational ends worth pursuing. The first half of the paper examines the intersection of intellectual virtue and critical thinking. The second half addresses a recent argument to the effect that educating for intellectual virtues (in contrast to educating for critical thinking) is insufficiently action-guiding and therefore lacks a suitable pedagogy.
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  22. Précis of knowledge and practical interests. [REVIEW]Jason Stanley - 2005 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 75 (1):168–172.
    Our intuitions about whether someone knows that p vary even fixing the intuitively epistemic features of that person’s situation. Sometimes they vary with features of our own situation, and sometimes they vary with features of the putative knower’s situation. If the putative knower is in a risky situation and her belief that p is pivotal in achieving a positive outcome of one of the actions available to her, or avoiding a negative one, we often feel she must be in a (...)
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    Race, education and social mobility: We all need to dream the same dream and want the same thing.Jason Arday - 2021 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (3):227-232.
    This special issue has emerged out of the continuing concern for discriminatory tensions situated within the context of race, education, and social mobility. The institutionally racist structures w...
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    Phenomenology’s Inauguration in English and in the North American Curriculum: Winthrop Bell’s 1927 Harvard Course.Jason Bell - 2019 - In Michela Beatrice Ferri & Carlo Ierna (eds.), The Reception of Husserlian Phenomenology in North America. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 25-45.
    In 1927, Winthrop Bell inaugurated the teaching of phenomenology in the English-speaking world, with his course “Husserl and the Phenomenological Movement” at Harvard University. The seminar shows ways to introduce phenomenology to students who have a philosophical background, but who do not yet know phenomenology. Additionally, it reveals phenomenology’s relations to pragmatism, analytic philosophy, and the broader continental tradition. Bell, as the first Anglophone student who wrote his dissertation with Husserl, enjoyed a privileged access to his phenomenological teachers, with whom (...)
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  25. What is?Curriculum Theorizing: for a People Yet to Come.Jason J. Wallin - 2010 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 30 (3):285-301.
    What is?Curriculum Theory articulates the problematic of difference, diversity, and multiplicity in contemporary curriculum thought. More specifically, this essay argues that the conceptualization of difference that dominates the contemporary curriculum landscape is inadequate to either the task of ontological experimentation or the creation of non-representational ways for thinking a life. Despite the ostensible radicality ascribed to the curricular ideas of difference and multiplicity, What is?Curriculum Theory argues that these ideas remain wed to an structural or identitarian logic that derives difference (...)
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    Stories as Artworks: Giving Form to Felt Dignity in Connections at Work.Jason Kanov & John Paul Stephens - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 144 (2):235-249.
    This paper is a conceptual essay rooted in two basic observations. First, felt dignity—the subjective sense people have of their own autonomy and self-worth—ultimately emerges from, and is thus most evident in the connective space between people. Second, stories are everyday works of art that afford unique insight into the subtle complexities of the socio-emotional realities of work. Building on these observations, we describe how personal stories about episodes of interpersonal connections and disconnections at work—moments in which we feel mutual (...)
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  27. Inertia and determinism.Jason Zimba - 2008 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 59 (3):417-428.
    Suppose all of the particles in the universe should happen to come to rest at the same time, in positions so arranged that all of the forces on every particle balance to zero at that time. What would happen next? Or rather, what does Newtonian mechanics say will happen next? Preface Inertia and Stasis 2.1 Stating the Law of Inertia more precisely 2.2 The stasis scenario Indeterministic Examples 3.1 Abstract example 3.2 Second example Non-Lipschitz Forces and Determinism Beyond the Stasis (...)
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    Less than Zero?Jason Raibley - 2022 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 46:193-232.
    Adequate theories of well-being must also explain ill-being. While it is formally possible to explain ill-being without postulating robust bads, certain experiential states do qualify as robust bads and thus require theoretical recognition. Experiential bads are recognized by some hedonists, experientialists, and pluralists, but these theories face well-known difficulties. This paper considers whether perfectionist and value-fulfillment accounts of well-being can accommodate such bads. Perfectionists might propose that we all have the avoidance of negative experiential states as a standing end, so (...)
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    Limitations-Owning and the Interpersonal Dimensions of Intellectual Humility.Jason Baehr - 2022 - Scientia et Fides 10 (2):69-82.
    According to one prominent account of intellectual humility, it consists primarily of a disposition to “own” one’s intellectual limitations. This account has been criticized for neglecting the _interpersonal _dimensions of intellectual humility. We expect intellectually humble persons to be respectful and generous with their interlocutors and to avoid being haughty or domineering. I defend the limitations-owning account against this objection. I do so in two ways: first, by arguing that some of the interpersonal qualities associated with intellectual humility are qualities (...)
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    Wearable Technologies in Collegiate Sports: The Ethics of Collecting Biometric Data From Student-Athletes.Jason F. Arnold & Robert M. Sade - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (1):67-70.
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    H. G. Callaway (ed.) William James, Essays in Radical Empiricism: A Critical Edition.Jason Bell - 2024 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 31 (7):213-247.
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    Immigration, Reciprocity, and the Modern Economic Tradition.Andrew Beauchamp & Jason A. Heron - 2021 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 18 (1):15-34.
    Contemporary economists are silent regarding economic rights because modern economic theory does not adequately account for reciprocity and risk in human relationships. The immigration question in the US serves as our test case for both the reality of reciprocity and risk in the realm of economic rights, and the need for economic analysis that more honestly contends with this reality. We examine reciprocity and risk in immigration through an economic lens and then complement that examination with resources from the Catholic (...)
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  33. Moving Beyond Post-Holocaust Theology: Critical Theory as a New Paradigm.Rabbi Jason Rodich - 2023 - In Stanley M. Davids & Leah Hochman (eds.), Re-forming Judaism: moments of disruption in Jewish thought. New York: Central Conference of American Rabbis.
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  34. Modernity and postmodernity.Nico Stehr & Jason L. Mast - 2014 - In Samir Dasgupta (ed.), Postmodernism in a global perspective. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications India Pvt.
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    Democracy as Uninformed Non‐Consent.Jason Brennan - 2019 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 36 (2):205-211.
    Carol Gould argues that democratic institutions can serve as mechanisms of informed consent or could at least facilitate creating regulations and other structures which facilitate informed consent in bioethics, medicine, and elsewhere. I am sceptical. I argue that democracies cannot serve as vehicles of consent, let alone informed consent. Further, the problems of democratic ignorance and irrationality created significant barriers to democratic deliberation helping to produce better regulations or conditions for informed consent. Democracy is not a good surrogate for consent.
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  36. Obscuring length changes during animated motion.Jason Harrison, Ronald A. Rensink & Michiel van de Panne - 2004 - ACM Transactions on Graphics 23:569-573.
    In this paper we examine to what extent the lengths of the links in an animated articulated figure can be changed without the viewer being aware of the change. This is investigated in terms of a framework that emphasizes the role of attention in visual perception. We conducted a set of five experiments to establish bounds for the sen-sitivity to changes in length as a function of several parameters and the amount of attention available. We found that while length changes (...)
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    Leibniz on the trinity and the incarnation: Reason and revelation in the seventeenth century (review).Jason Waller - 2008 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 47 (1):pp. 145-146.
    In this exhaustively researched and thoughtful study of Leibniz’s neglected theological writings, Maria Rosa Antognazza presents a strong case that Leibniz held original and highly developed views on the relation between faith and reason, the theology of the Trinity, and the nature of Christ. Furthermore, she argues convincingly that Leibniz’s views were consistently maintained throughout his life and “coexist comfortably” with his distinctive metaphysics; “perhaps,” she suggests in the introduction, Leibniz’s metaphysics and theology are even “reinforcing one another” . In (...)
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    Control Groups in Psychosocial Intervention Research: Ethical and Methodological Issues.Jason B. Luoma & Linda L. Street - 2002 - Ethics and Behavior 12 (1):1-30.
    This article summarizes a National Institute of Mental Health workshop that was convened to address the ethical and methodological issues that arise when conducting controlled psychosocial interventions research and introduces 6 thoughtful and inspiring papers prepared by workshop participants. These papers, on topics ranging from informed consent to ethnic minority issues, reflect the depth and breadth of expertise represented by the multidisciplinary group of scientists and ethicists present at the meeting. More extensive follow-up, particularly from federal research applications and publications, (...)
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  39. Deontologism and dialectic.Gary Jason - 1983 - Journal of Value Inquiry 17 (2):119-131.
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    The true judge of beauty and the paradox of taste.Jason Gaiger - 2000 - European Journal of Philosophy 8 (1):1–19.
    This paper addresses two key works in the eighteenth‐century debate on the problem of taste: the Abbé Du Bos's Réflexions critiques sur la poésie et sur la peinture and David Hume's ‘Of the Standard of Taste’ . A successful solution to the ‘paradox of taste’ should sustain the democratising impulse behind Du Bos's appeal to the judgment of the ‘public’ whilst, at the same time, acknowledging the role of learning and discovery which underpins Hume's recourse to the opinion of the (...)
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    Fast and Famous: Looking for the Fastest Speed at Which a Face Can be Recognized.Gladys Barragan-Jason, Gabriel Besson, Mathieu Ceccaldi & Emmanuel J. Barbeau - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
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    A Gift That Some Cannot Give: The Ethical Significance of the Ban on Gay/bisexual Men as Blood Donors.Jason Behrmann & Vardit Ravitsky - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics 13 (6):46-47.
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  43. Ambivalence, well-being, and prudential rationality.Jason R. Raibley - 2020 - In Berit Brogaard & Dimitria Electra Gatzia (eds.), The Philosophy and Psychology of Ambivalence: Being of Two Minds. New York: Routledge.
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    The impossible machine: A genealogy of South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission.Barbara Arneil & Jason Tockman - 2015 - Contemporary Political Theory 14 (4):e1-e4.
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    Preface.Cristina Bicchieri & Jason McKenzie Alexander - 2007 - Philosophy of Science 74 (5):559-560.
  46.  53
    Pluralidade E unidade da igreja.Jason do Nascimento Costa - 2011 - Revista de Teologia 5 (8):p - 117.
    Eclesiologia mais do que tratar dos aspectos gerais da Igreja, tal como tradi-ção, doutrinas, compreensões teológicas, é falar do seu aspecto fundante, passageiro e eterno. Sobretudo partiremos de um olhar universal e plural dessa Igreja que é vista por Cristo, como um só rebanho, apesar de sua institucio-nalização e da multiplicidade de Igrejas Locais, e por razões de insistirmos em dividi-la, essa que é descrita e concebida nos textos neotestamentários e conciliares como a Igreja una, santa, católica e apostólica. Assim (...)
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    What underlies the Great Gatsby Curve? Psychological micro-foundations of the “vicious circle” of poverty.Arthur Sakamoto, Jason Rarick, Hyeyoung Woo & Sharron X. Wang - 2014 - Mind and Society 13 (2):195-211.
    Societies with a higher level of income inequality tend to have lower levels of intergenerational income mobility. Known as the Great Gatsby Curve, this negative relationship in part derives from greater intergenerational economic heritance among the poor. Societies with higher rates of relative poverty will have a higher level of income inequality, but they will also tend to have lower intergenerational mobility due to the reduced capacity of low-income persons to become upwardly mobile. Reviewing relevant research in psychology, we describe (...)
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    Philosophical Biology in Aristotle's Parts of Animals.Jason A. Tipton - 2013 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book provides a detailed analysis of Aristotle's Parts of Animals. It takes its bearings from the detailed natural history observations that inform, and in many ways penetrate, the philosophical argument. This analysis raises the question of how easy it is to clearly disentangle what some might describe as the "merely" biological from the philosophical. This book explores the notion and consequences of describing the activity in which Aristotle is engaged as philosophical biology. Do readers of Aristotle have in mind (...)
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  49.  13
    Nietzsche and other Buddhas: philosophy after comparative philosophy.Jason M. Wirth - 2019 - Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press.
    Philosophy after comparative philosophy -- Thinking about Nietzsche and Zen -- Strange saints (Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Hakuin) -- Convalescence (Nietzsche, James, Hakuin) -- Nietzsche in the pure land (Nietzsche, Shinran, Tanabe) -- Planomenal nourishment (Nietzsche, Deleuze, Dogen) -- Pure experience and philosophy after comparative philosophy.
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    In Our Best Interest: A Defense of Paternalism.Jason Brennan - 2019 - Philosophical Quarterly 69 (276):636-638.
    In Our Best Interest: A Defense of Paternalism. Edited by Hanna Jason.
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