Results for 'Jean Guerber'

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  1.  5
    Le ralliement du clergé français à la morale liguorienne.Jean Guerber - 1973 - Roma,: Università Gregoriana.
    Voici, pour l'essentiel, les resultats auxquels a abouti cette enquete. Du point de vue doctrinal, l'enjeu veritable de la lutte entre rigoristes et antirigoristes est la pratique sacramentaire. Deux conceptions. Deux conceptions s'affrontent tpuchant les dispositions requises pour l'absolution et, pour l'acces a la communion eucharistique. Si la question du probabilisme a egalement son importance, c'est surtout dans la mesure ou elle commande l'attitude du confesseur en presence des pecheurs d'habitude, puisque les rechutes de ceux-ci font naitre un doute quant (...)
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    Proofs and types.Jean-Yves Girard - 1989 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This text is an outgrowth of notes prepared by J. Y. Girard for a course at the University of Paris VII. It deals with the mathematical background of the application to computer science of aspects of logic (namely the correspondence between proposition & types). Combined with the conceptual perspectives of Girard's ideas, this sheds light on both the traditional logic material & its prospective applications to computer science. The book covers a very active & exciting research area, & it will (...)
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  3. The Problem of State-Dependent Utility: A Reappraisal.Jean Baccelli - 2021 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 72 (2):617-634.
    State-dependent utility is a problem for the behavioural branch of decision theory under uncertainty. It questions the very possibility that beliefs be revealed by choice data. According to the current literature, all models of beliefs are equally exposed to the problem. Moreover, the problem is solvable only when the decision-maker can influence the resolution of uncertainty. This article gives grounds to reject these two views. The various models of beliefs can be shown to be unequally exposed to the problem of (...)
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    The Blind Spot: Lectures on Logic.Jean-Yves Girard - 2011 - Zurich, Switzerland: European Mathematical Society.
    These lectures on logic, more specifically proof theory, are basically intended for postgraduate students and researchers in logic. The question at stake is the nature of mathematical knowledge and the difference between a question and an answer, i.e., the implicit and the explicit. The problem is delicate mathematically and philosophically as well: the relation between a question and its answer is a sort of equality where one side is ``more equal than the other'': one thus discovers essentialist blind spots. Starting (...)
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    The Exoteric Square of Opposition.Jean-Yves Beziau & Ioannis Vandoulakis (eds.) - 2022 - Birkhauser.
    The theory of the square of opposition has been studied for over 2,000 years and has seen a resurgence in new theories and research since the second half of the twentieth century. This volume collects papers presented at the Sixth World Congress on the Square of Opposition, held in Crete in 2018, developing an interdisciplinary exploration of the theory. Chapter authors explore subjects such as Aristotle’s ontological square, logical oppositions in Avicenna’s hypothetical logic, and the power of the square of (...)
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    Trivial Dialetheism and the Logic of Paradox.Jean-Yves Beziau - 2016 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 25 (1):51-56.
    In this paper we explain that the paraconsistent logic LP promoted by Graham Priest can only be supported by trivial dialetheists, i.e., those who believe that all sentences are dialetheias.
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    Logic Prizes et Cætera.Jean-Yves Beziau - 2018 - Logica Universalis 12 (3-4):271-296.
    I discuss the origin and development of logic prizes around the world. In a first section I describe how I started this project by creating the Newton da Costa Logic Prize in Brazil in 2014. In a second section I explain how this idea was extended into the world through the manifesto A Logic Prize in Every Country! and how was organized the Logic Prizes Contest at the 6th UNILOG in Vichy in June 2018 with the participation of 9 logic (...)
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    Possible Worlds: A Fashionable Nonsense?Jean-Yves Beziau - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 55:5-9.
    In this paper we discuss the notion of “possible worlds” contrasting a philosophical idea due to Malebranche with a mathematical concept of modern logic due to Kripke from which many pseudo-philosophical discussions have arisen.
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    Localizing the Global: Testing for Hereditary Risks of Breast Cancer.Jean Paul Gaudillière & Ilana Löwy - 2008 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 33 (3):299-325.
    Tests for hereditary predispositions to breast and ovarian cancer have figured among the first medical applications of the new knowledge gleaned from the Human Genome Project. These applications have set off heated debates on general issues such as intellectual property rights. The genetic diagnosis of breast cancer risks, and the management of women “at risk” has nevertheless developed following highly localized paths. There are major differences in the organization of testing, uses of genetic tests, and the follow up of patients. (...)
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    En quel sens la cité décrite au livre VII est-elle κατ᾽εὐχὴν, conforme au vœu de la science politique?Jean Terrel - 2019 - Polis 36 (1):117-138.
    In Politics VII, Aristotle not only gives us some general ideas on what makes a good city and the conditions of its implementation, but also provides a description of such a regime: 1. Citizenship is reserved for those whom, due to their natural attributes and sufficient wealth, may achieve political and ethical excellence; 2. In relation to their age, they are successively hoplites, citizens or priests. Therefore, all that remains to be examined is the relationship between such a regime and (...)
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  11. Bunge’s Mathematical Structuralism Is Not a Fiction.Jean-Pierre Marquis - 2019 - In Michael Robert Matthews (ed.), Mario Bunge: A Centenary Festschrift. Springer. pp. 587-608.
    In this paper, I explore Bunge’s fictionism in philosophy of mathematics. After an overview of Bunge’s views, in particular his mathematical structuralism, I argue that the comparison between mathematical objects and fictions ultimately fails. I then sketch a different ontology for mathematics, based on Thomasson’s metaphysical work. I conclude that mathematics deserves its own ontology, and that, in the end, much work remains to be done to clarify the various forms of dependence that are involved in mathematical knowledge, in particular (...)
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  12. What is “Formal Logic”?Jean-Yves Béziau - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 13:9-22.
    “Formal logic”, an expression created by Kant to characterize Aristotelian logic, has also been used as a name for modern logic, originated by Boole and Frege, which in many aspects differs radically from traditional logic. We shed light on this paradox by distinguishing in this paper five different meanings of the expression “formal logic”: (1) Formal reasoning according to the Aristotelian dichotomy of form and content, (2) Formal logic as a formal science by opposition to an empirical science, (3) Formal (...)
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    Child’s Play.Jean Kazez - 2016 - The Philosophers' Magazine 75:107-108.
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    Preface: Scope of Logic Theorems In Memoriam Adolf Lindenbaum.Jean-Yves Beziau - 2014 - Logica Universalis 8 (3-4):283-284.
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    Going, Going, Wrong.Jean Kazez - 2010-01-08 - In Michael Boylan (ed.), Animalkind. Blackwell. pp. 119–135.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Hunter, Herder, Farmer Losing Our Balance Animal Farm Creating and Destroying How Now Meat is not Green.
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    Hearing Philosophy.Jean Kazez - 2021 - The Philosophers' Magazine 95:106-108.
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    Part Introduction.Jean Kazez - 2010-01-08 - In Michael Boylan (ed.), Animalkind. Blackwell. pp. 7–7.
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    We Should Prohibit the Use of Chimpanzees and Other Great Apes in Biomedical.Jean Kazez - 2013 - In Arthur L. Caplan & Robert Arp (eds.), Contemporary debates in bioethics. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 25--271.
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    Proof theoretic semantics and feasibility.Jean Fichot - unknown
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    Prolegomena to an Understanding of Heidegger’s Turn.Jean Grondin - 1991 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 14 (2/1):85-108.
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    Mimetic Insights in a Captive’s Story.Jean-Louis Alpeyrie - 2018 - The Bulletin of the Colloquium on Violence and Religion 55:37-38.
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    Georg Christian oeders botanische reise in europa um die mitte Des achtzehnten jahrhunderts.Jean Anker - 1951 - Centaurus 1 (3):242-265.
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  23. Mémoires secrets de la république des lettres.Jean-Baptiste de Boyer Argens - 1737 - Genève,: Slatkine Reprints.
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  24. (Ii) Formes Et Contenus De L'œuvre Vaninienne : J.C. Vanini : Une Rhétorique De La Subsversion.Jean-Robert Armogathe - 1998 - Kairos.
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    Qui est Dieu.Jean-Claude Barreau - 1971 - [Paris]: Éditions du Seuil.
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  26. Roundtable Discussion.Jean Baudrillard & Nicholas Zurbrugg - 2003 - In Victoria Grace, Heather Worth & Laurence Simmons (eds.), Baudrillard west of the dateline. Palmerston North, N.Z.: Dunmore Press. pp. 182--8.
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  27. Epistemologie et sociologie de la connaissance scientifique.Jean-Michel Berthelot - 2000 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 109:221-234.
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    (1 other version)État de guerre et pacte social selon J. J. Rousseau.Jean-Marie Beyssade - 1979 - Kant Studien 70 (1-4):162-178.
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    Où est passé le temps?Jean Birnbaum (ed.) - 2012 - [Paris]: Gallimard.
    Avec l’espace, disait Emmanuel Kant, le temps constitue la « forme a priori » de notre sensibilité. Autrement dit, le temps est l’horizon à travers lequel nous faisons l’expérience du monde, il structure notre façon d'aller à la rencontre de ce qui est. Or la modernité semble désormais compromettre les conditions de cette rencontre. Tout va de plus en plus vite : entre « fast-food », « speed dating » et haut débit, notre époque se distingue par la toute-puissance de (...)
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  30. Le vocabulaire de l'union et du rapport des natures chez saint Grégoire de Nysse'.Jean-René Bouchet - 1968 - Revue Thomiste 68:533-582.
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    La grammaire logique.Jean Pierre Brisset - 1970 - Paris,: Tehou.
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    La vraie démocratie et la question de la critique du libéralisme politique dans le Manuscrit de Kreuznach de Marx.Jean-Michel Buée - 2017 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 41:49-58.
    Cet article vise à clarifier la position de Marx relativement au libéralisme politique au moment où, en 1843, il se consacre, dans le Manuscrit de Kreuznach, à la critique d’une grande partie de la section « État » des Principes de Hegel. Récusant comme archaïque la critique hégélienne du libéralisme politique, Marx reconnaît à ce dernier le mérite d’avoir séparé la société civile et l’État, mais, ce faisant, Marx entérine aussi la représentation de la société civile que propose le libéralisme. (...)
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    Les Effets des Communications Spatiales sur la Radio et la Télévision et sur leurs Programmes.Jean Cazeneuve - 1978 - Communications 4 (1):58-70.
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    L'univers obscur du corps: représentation et gouvernement des corps à la Renaissance.Jean Céard - 2021 - Paris: Les Belles Lettres.
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    A Brief Case Study of Germany and Japan: Emotions and Passions in the Making of World War II.Jean-Marc Coicaud - 2015 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 16 (3):227-247.
    Competing interests among big powers played a role in the making of World War II. But, and not separated from this, another element had a serious impact: the sense of psychological insecurity experienced, each in its own way, by Germany and Japan in the context of their quest for recognition by other major powers and the implications this had internationally. In connection with their material conditions compared to other great powers, this pushed Germany and Japan to embrace policies that were (...)
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    Conversations on justice from national, international, and global perspectives: dialogues with leading thinkers.Jean-Marc Coicaud - 2018 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Lynette E. Sieger.
    Authors from a variety of fields including law, political science, international relations and economics discuss matters of justice at the national, international and global levels.
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  37. Ministre de Jésus ou Le Sacerdoce de l'Évangile.Jean Colson - 1966
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  38. Après quoi tu cours (Enquête sur la nature humaine).Jean-François Dortier - 2016
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    Le musée n'est pas un dispositif.Jean-Louis Déotte - 2011 - Cahiers Philosophiques 124 (1):9-22.
    Foucault a décrit quelques dispositifs qui articulent pouvoir et savoir, mais cela ne permet pas de rendre compte d’un certain nombre d’institutions ou d’appareils ayant affaire au visible – comme la perspective, le musée, la photographie, etc. – ou au musical – comme l’opéra ou le son. Ces derniers interviennent à un niveau plus fondamental, celui de la sensibilité commune ou du pré-individuel en faisant époque et monde. Dans cette série, le musée a une place à part puisqu’il sépare dans (...)
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  40. Ritratto fotografico di Louis Lavelle; Due esempi della sua grafia.Jean Ecole - 2001 - Filosofia Oggi 24 (4):373-375.
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    A propos de l’adoubement des chevaliers au Xleme siecle: Le pretendu pontifical de Reims et l’ordo ad armandum de Cambrai.Jean Flori - 1985 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 19 (1):330-349.
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    Barbarie de la politique et barbarie de la police.Gautero Jean-Luc - 2011 - Noesis 18:305-319.
    À l’appel à communication sur le thème de la barbarie, ma première réaction fut d’indignation : l’étymologie la plus vraisemblable du mot « barbare », on le sait, le fait remonter à la façon dont les Hellènes désignaient les étrangers, ces étrangers qui ne parlaient même pas le grec, mais se contentaient de proférer des sons inarticulés, plus proches des bêlements des moutons ou du croassement des corbeaux que du langage humain. Les barbares ne sont donc pas véritablement huma...
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    Instruments of Knowledge.Jean-François Gauvin - 2011 - In Desmond M. Clarke & Catherine Wilson (eds.), The Oxford handbook of philosophy in early modern Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    This article examines the development of instruments of knowledge in natural philosophy in early modern Europe. It argues that organum and habitus are the fitting concepts available to us in discussing the role played by instruments and machines in relation to the theory and practice of early modern natural philosophy. It investigates the notion of instrumentality examining the notion of instrument and practice during this period.
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  44. De grondsmaak meeproeven om de put te vullen.Jean-Pierre Goetghebuer - 1981 - In Frans de Weer & Jean-Pierre Goetghebuer (eds.), Eenzaam en nabij: omgaan met sterven. Tielt: Lannoo.
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    Theoretical pieties, Johnstone's impiety, and ordinary views of argumentation.Jean Goodwin - 2007 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 40 (1):36-50.
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    Psychologie et métaphysique.Jean-François Goubet - 2003 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 3 (3):275-277.
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  47. Habermas und das Problem der Individualität.Jean Grondin - 1989 - Philosophische Rundschau 36 (3):187-205.
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  48. Manifeste de la vérité à l'occasion de la venue de Krishnamurti à Paris, en avril 1950.Jean Groffier - 1950 - Malines,: C. E. L. F..
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    Einleitung.Jean Hering - 1921 - Jahrbuch für Philosophie Und Phänomenologische Forschung 4:495.
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    Making moral decisions.Jean Holm & John Bowker (eds.) - 1994 - New York: Distributed exclusively in the U.S. and Canada by St. Martin's Press.
    Introduction: Raising the Issues John Bowker What ought I to do? Or not to do, as the case may be? What 'the case' is turns out to be all-important: the ...
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