Results for 'Jean I. Marsden'

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  1.  15
    Beyond Recovery: Feminism and the Future of Eighteenth-Century Literary Studies.Jean I. Marsden - 2002 - Feminist Studies 28 (3):657-662.
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    De Platon à Matrix: l'âme du monde: hommage à Jean-François Mattéi.Jean-François Mattéi (ed.) - 2015 - Paris: Éditions Manucius.
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    Book Review Section 2. [REVIEW]Lynn Ilon, Alan J. Deyoung, Thomas R. Bidell, Sally Lubeck, Jean I. Erdman, Christine M. Shea, Anne E. Campbell, Kathryn A. Woolard, Bruce Beezer, Mario D. Fantini, Robert M. Ryan, D. D. Darland, Charles A. Tesconi Jr, Louis A. Petrone, Georgia C. Collins & Manning M. Pattillo Jr - 1987 - Educational Studies 18 (2):279-356.
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  4. Schopenhauers Liberalismus.Jean-Claude Wolf & I. Liberalismen - 1997 - Schopenhauer Jahrbuch 78:63-86.
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    Kant et la recension garve-Feder de la « critique de la raison pure ».Jean Ferrari, I. Kant & Pierre Jalabert - 1964 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 19 (1):11-47.
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  6. Jean-Charles chebat.Jean Umiker-Sebeok & İ Walter de Gruyter - 1991 - Semiotica 85:131.
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  7. Henri Poincare: Science et Philosophie. Congres International Nancy 1994.Jean-Louis Greffe, Gerhard Heinzmann, Kuno Lorenz & I. Grattan-Guinness - 1997 - Annals of Science 54 (1):98-98.
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    Le Sens du Mot ΘEIOΣchez Platon.I. G. Kidd, Jean van Camp & Paul Canart - 1958 - Philosophical Quarterly 8 (33):377.
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    Null.Doohwan Ahn, Sanda Badescu, Giorgio Baruchello, Raj Nath Bhat, Laura Boileau, Rosalind Carey, Camelia-Mihaela Cmeciu, Alan Goldstone, James Grieve, John Grumley, Grant Havers, Stefan Höjelid, Peter Isackson, Marguerite Johnson, Adrienne Kertzer, J.-Guy Lalande, Clinton R. Long, Joseph Mali, Ben Marsden, Peter Monteath, Michael Edward Moore, Jeff Noonan, Lynda Payne, Joyce Senders Pedersen, Brayton Polka, Lily Polliack, John Preston, Anthony Pym, Marina Ritzarev, Joseph Rouse, Peter N. Saeta, Arthur B. Shostak, Stanley Shostak, Marcia Landy, Kenneth R. Stunkel, I. I. I. Wheeler & Phillip H. Wiebe - 2009 - The European Legacy 14 (6):731-771.
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    Aperçu sur les échanges mathématiques entre la Chine et la France.Jean-Claude Martzloff & Wenlin L. I. et - 1998 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 53 (3 - 4):181-200.
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    Questions de conscience: de la génétique au posthumanisme.Jean-François Mattéi - 2017 - Paris: Éditions Les Liens qui libèrent.
    Nous vivons une période étrange, probablement même périlleuse à bien des égards. Les avancées de la science, de la médecine et des technologies sont telles qu'elles posent désormais la question de l'avenir de notre commune humanité. Mon corps est-il ma personne ou est-il une chose? S'agit-il simplement d'un ensemble de pièces que l'on peut remplacer, ou d'une enveloppe que l'on pourrait changer? Notre destin est-il, tout entier, inscrit dans nos gènes? Avec le développement des techniques de procréation médicalement assistée, l'enfant (...)
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    The Wanderer’s Promise: Nietzsche’s Philosophy of the “Nearest Things”.Jill Marsden - 2019 - Nietzsche Studien 48 (1):117-133.
    In this essay I explore what might be meant by the “nearest things” in Nietzsche’s philosophy. In the first part of the essay I contextualise Nietzsche’s concerns with “the closest things of all” in the “free spirit” period (1878–1882) and raise the question of how knowledge of them is possible. This idea is developed in the second part of the paper in relation to the claim that dominant (Platonic/christian) habits of thought impede our understanding of the body. In the third (...)
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    I didn’t know you could read.Stevie Marsden - 2018 - Logos 29 (2-3):64-79.
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    Behavioral Experiments for Assessing the Abstract Argumentation Semantics of Reinstatement.Iyad Rahwan, Mohammed I. Madakkatel, Jean-François Bonnefon, Ruqiyabi N. Awan & Sherief Abdallah - 2010 - Cognitive Science 34 (8):1483-1502.
    Argumentation is a very fertile area of research in Artificial Intelligence, and various semantics have been developed to predict when an argument can be accepted, depending on the abstract structure of its defeaters and defenders. When these semantics make conflicting predictions, theoretical arbitration typically relies on ad hoc examples and normative intuition about what prediction ought to be the correct one. We advocate a complementary, descriptive-experimental method, based on the collection of behavioral data about the way human reasoners handle these (...)
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  15. The Last Man.Jean-Baptiste François Xavier Cousin de Grainville, I. Clarke & M. Clarke - 2003 - Utopian Studies 14 (1):178-180.
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    La pensée antique.Jean-François Mattéi - 2015 - Paris: Puf.
    Des présocratiques à Plotin en passant par Socrate, Platon, Aristote, Epicure et les stoïciens, Jean-François Mattéi nous convie à un voyage initiatique dans la philosophie antique. C'est à cette source que la raison occidentale se nourrit depuis des siècles. On y assiste à la naissance de la philosophie, de la physique, des mathématiques, de la politique : éblouissant feu d'artifice de la pensée comme l'histoire en a peu connu depuis lors, et qui continue de résonner dans les débats d'aujourd'hui. (...)
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    Conceptual issues in computer-aided diagnosis and the hierarchical nature of medical knowledge.Marsden S. Blois - 1983 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 8 (1):29-50.
    Attempts to formalize the diagnostic process are by no means a recent undertaking; what is new is the availability of an engine to process these formalizations. The digital computer has therefore been increasingly turned to in the expectation of developing systems which will assist or replace the physician in diagnosis. Such efforts involve a number of assumptions regarding the nature of the diagnostic process: e.g. where it begins, and where it ends. ‘Diagnosis’ appears to include a number of quite different (...)
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  18. Interacting Conceptual Spaces I: Grammatical Composition of Concepts.Robin Piedeleu, Dan Marsden, Martha Lewis, Fabrizio Genovese, Bob Coecke & Joe Bolt - 2019 - In Peter Gärdenfors, Antti Hautamäki, Frank Zenker & Mauri Kaipainen (eds.), Conceptual Spaces: Elaborations and Applications. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
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  19. The Dark Side of Morality – Neural Mechanisms Underpinning Moral Convictions and Support for Violence.Clifford I. Workman, Keith J. Yoder & Jean Decety - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 11 (4):269-284.
    People are motivated by shared social values that, when held with moral conviction, can serve as compelling mandates capable of facilitating support for ideological violence. The current study examined this dark side of morality by identifying specific cognitive and neural mechanisms associated with beliefs about the appropriateness of sociopolitical violence, and determining the extent to which the engagement of these mechanisms was predicted by moral convictions. Participants reported their moral convictions about a variety of sociopolitical issues prior to undergoing functional (...)
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    Jean Buridan’s Logic: The Treatise on Supposition the Treatise on Consequences.Jean Buridan - 1985 - .
    Buridan was a brilliant logician in an age of brilliant logicians, sensitive to formal and philosophical considerations. There is a need for critical editions and accurate translations of his works, for his philosophical voice speaks directly across the ages to problems of concern to analytic philosophers today. But his idiom is unfamiliar, so editions and trans lations alone will not bridge the gap of centuries. I have tried to make Buridan accessible to philosophers and logicians today by the introduc tory (...)
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  21. La crise de l'humanisme contemporain.Jean-François Mattéi - 2014 - In Jean-Marc Aveline & François-Xavier Amherdt (eds.), Humanismes et religions: Albert Camus et Paul Ricoeur. Berlin: Lit.
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    Nietzsche, Nihilism, and the "New Materialist" Thought.Jill Marsden - 2022 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 53 (1):59-79.
    In this article, I draw connections between Nietzsche's diagnosis of nihilism, his emphasis on the importance of the things “nearest” to us and often overlooked, and methodological issues in contemporary thought. In particular, the connection between “the devaluation of the highest values” and the task of transvaluation gives us a context for addressing nihilism as a crisis of orientation. I argue that Nietzsche's turn toward the “nearest” things as a new direction for philosophical thought seems to resonate with the priorities (...)
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    Recursive Model Identification for the Evaluation of Baroreflex Sensitivity.Alfredo I. Hernández, Patrick Pladys, Nathalie Samson, Jean-Paul Praud, Alain Beuchée & Virginie Le Rolle - 2016 - Acta Biotheoretica 64 (4):469-478.
    A method for the recursive identification of physiological models of the cardiovascular baroreflex is proposed and applied to the time-varying analysis of vagal and sympathetic activities. The proposed method was evaluated with data from five newborn lambs, which were acquired during injection of vasodilator and vasoconstrictors and the results show a close match between experimental and simulated signals. The model-based estimation of vagal and sympathetic contributions were consistent with physiological knowledge and the obtained estimators of vagal and sympathetic activities were (...)
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    Camus entre Plotin et Nietzsche: hommage à Jean-François Mattéi, philosophe.Jean Sarocchi - 2014 - Nice: Les Éditions Ovadia. Edited by Jean-François Mattéi.
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  25. Jean d’Ormesson and the International Council for Philosophy and Humanistic Studies.Jean Bingen - 2006 - Diogenes 53 (3):5-7.
    Over many long years, whenever a modest and not quite disinterested emissary of a member Association of the International Council of Philosophy and the Humanistic Studies came to visit Jean d'Ormesson at his headquarters in the rue Miollis, patiently clearing his path through mountains of dossiers and brochures, he did not, unlike the title of this paper, associate Jean d'Ormesson with the CIPSH - he simply identified the man before him with the CIPSH itself. An equation born of (...)
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    L’heure d’un changement de paradigme : la montée du capital transnational et le débat sur la classe dominante mondialisée.William I. Robinson & Jean-Michel Buée - 2016 - Actuel Marx 60 (2):43.
    It is time for a paradigm shift in our study of world capitalism and the global ruling class. The statecentrism informing much theorization and analysis of world politics, political economy, and class structure is less and less congruent with 21st century world developments. Global capitalism represents a new stage in the ongoing and open-ended evolution of world capitalism, characterized by the rise of transnational capital and a globally integrated production and financial system commanded by a transnational capitalist class, or TCC, (...)
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    Jean-Miguel Garrigues, L’Impossible substitution. Juifs et Chrétiens (I er -III e siècle * ), Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2023 ; 21,5 × 15, 234 p., 25 €. ISBN : 978-2-251-45499-3. [REVIEW]Jean-Dominique Bruneel - 2024 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 108 (1):201-203.
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    Efficacy and Brain Imaging Correlates of an Immersive Motor Imagery BCI-Driven VR System for Upper Limb Motor Rehabilitation: A Clinical Case Report.Athanasios Vourvopoulos, Carolina Jorge, Rodolfo Abreu, Patrícia Figueiredo, Jean-Claude Fernandes & Sergi Bermúdez I. Badia - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13:460149.
    To maximize brain plasticity after stroke, several rehabilitation strategies have been explored, including the use of intensive motor training, motor imagery, and action observation. Growing evidence of the positive impact of virtual reality (VR) techniques on recovery following stroke has been shown. However, most VR tools are designed to exploit active movement, and hence patients with low level of motor control cannot fully benefit from them. Consequently, the idea of directly training the central nervous system has been promoted by utilizing (...)
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    Universalism Vs. Relativism: Making Moral Judgments in a Changing, Pluralistic, and Threatening World.Richard J. Bernstein, Jean Bethke Elshtain, Amitai Etzioni, William Galston, Franklin I. Gamwell, Timothy Jackson, James Turner Johnson, John Kelsay & Jean Porter (eds.) - 2006 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Has moral relativism run its course? The threat of 9/11, terrorism, reproductive technology, and globalization has forced us to ask anew whether there are universal moral truths upon which to base ethical and political judgments. In this timely edited collection, distinguished scholars present and test the best answers to this question. These insightful responses temper the strong antithesis between universalism and relativism and retain sensitivity to how language and history shape the context of our moral decisions. This important and relevant (...)
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    Ptolemaic Revolutions: Mathematical Objectivity in Jean Cavaillès and Gilles-Gaston Granger.Jean-Paul Cauvin - 2024 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 14 (2):397-434.
    I argue that Gilles-Gaston Granger (1920–2016) broadly incorporates the central affirmations of Jean Cavaillès’s (1903–44) philosophy of the concept into his own epistemological program. Cavaillès and Granger share three interrelated epistemological commitments: they claim (1) that mathematics has its own content and is therefore autonomous from and irreducible to logic, (2) that conceptual transformations in the history of mathematics can only be explained by an internal dialectic of concepts, and (3) that the objectivity of mathematics is an effect of (...)
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    Jean-Luc Nancy, Le discours de la synrope I. Logodaedalus. Paris, Aubier-Flammarion, 1977. 22 × 13,5, 148 p. (« La Philosophie en effet »). [REVIEW]Jean-Claude Margolin - 1979 - Revue de Synthèse 100 (93-94):103-105.
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    Paraconsistent Logic: Essays on the Inconsistent.Graham Priest, Richard Sylvan, Jean Norman & A. I. Arruda (eds.) - 1989 - Munich and Hamden, CT: Philosophia.
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    Activisme Radical et Attention Continuelle: Une Tentative de Défense de Pierre de Jean Olivi.Jean-luc Solère - 2024 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 91 (1):35-62.
    Arguing for a cognition theory that radically rejects the passivity Aristotle attributes to the soul with regard to material things, Olivi has to assume that the soul is always on the alert, that is, that its attention to the body never disappears, even in deep sleep. This is for him the only way to explain why an intense sensation wakes us up without acting on the soul. He thus exposes himself to possible criticism from Aristotelians: his hypothesis is counter-intuitive and (...)
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    From Phenomenology to the Philosophy of the Concept: Jean Cavaillès as a Reader of Edmund Husserl.Jean-Paul Cauvin - 2020 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 10 (1):24-47.
    The article reconstructs Jean Cavaillès’s polemical engagement with Edmund Husserl’s phenomenological philosophy of mathematics. I argue that Cavaillès’s encounter with Husserl clarifies the scope and ambition of Cavaillès’s philosophy of the concept by identifying three interrelated epistemological problems in Husserl’s phenomenological method: (1) Cavaillès claims that Husserl denies a proper content to mathematics by reducing mathematics to logic. (2) This reduction obliges Husserl, in turn, to mischaracterize the significance of the history of mathematics for the philosophy of mathematics. (3) (...)
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  35. How (Not) to Think of Emotions as Evaluative Attitudes.Jean Moritz Müller - 2017 - Dialectica 71 (2):281-308.
    It is popular to hold that emotions are evaluative. On the standard account, the evaluative character of emotion is understood in epistemic terms: emotions apprehend or make us aware of value properties. As this account is commonly elaborated, emotions are experiences with evaluative intentional content. In this paper, I am concerned with a recent alternative proposal on how emotions afford awareness of value. This proposal does not ascribe evaluative content to emotions, but instead conceives of them as evaluative at the (...)
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    Yes, no, maybe, I don’t know: Complexity and application of abstract argumentation with incomplete knowledge.Jean-Guy Mailly - 2022 - Argument and Computation 13 (3):291-324.
    argumentation, as originally defined by Dung, is a model that allows the description of certain information about arguments and relationships between them: in an abstract argumentation framework, the agent knows for sure whether a given argument or attack exists. It means that the absence of an attack between two arguments can be interpreted as “we know that the first argument does not attack the second one”. But the question of uncertainty in abstract argumentation has received much attention in the last (...)
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    I. Définition de la dialectique.Jean Pépin - 1972 - The Saint Augustine Lecture Series:161-166.
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  38. International Consensus Based Review and Recommendations for Minimum Reporting Standards in Research on Transcutaneous Vagus Nerve Stimulation.Adam D. Farmer, Adam Strzelczyk, Alessandra Finisguerra, Alexander V. Gourine, Alireza Gharabaghi, Alkomiet Hasan, Andreas M. Burger, Andrés M. Jaramillo, Ann Mertens, Arshad Majid, Bart Verkuil, Bashar W. Badran, Carlos Ventura-Bort, Charly Gaul, Christian Beste, Christopher M. Warren, Daniel S. Quintana, Dorothea Hämmerer, Elena Freri, Eleni Frangos, Eleonora Tobaldini, Eugenijus Kaniusas, Felix Rosenow, Fioravante Capone, Fivos Panetsos, Gareth L. Ackland, Gaurav Kaithwas, Georgia H. O'Leary, Hannah Genheimer, Heidi I. L. Jacobs, Ilse Van Diest, Jean Schoenen, Jessica Redgrave, Jiliang Fang, Jim Deuchars, Jozsef C. Széles, Julian F. Thayer, Kaushik More, Kristl Vonck, Laura Steenbergen, Lauro C. Vianna, Lisa M. McTeague, Mareike Ludwig, Maria G. Veldhuizen, Marijke De Couck, Marina Casazza, Marius Keute, Marom Bikson, Marta Andreatta, Martina D'Agostini, Mathias Weymar, Matthew Betts, Matthias Prigge, Michael Kaess, Michael Roden, Michelle Thai, Nathaniel M. Schuster & Nico Montano - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Given its non-invasive nature, there is increasing interest in the use of transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation across basic, translational and clinical research. Contemporaneously, tVNS can be achieved by stimulating either the auricular branch or the cervical bundle of the vagus nerve, referred to as transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation and transcutaneous cervical VNS, respectively. In order to advance the field in a systematic manner, studies using these technologies need to adequately report sufficient methodological detail to enable comparison of results between (...)
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  39. Marksizm i egzystencjalizm /fragmenty.Jean- Paul Sartre - 1983 - Colloquia Communia 7 (2):5-20.
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    Why I Am Not a Buddhist Feminist: A Critical Examination of ‘Buddhist Feminism’.Jean Byrne - 2013 - Feminist Theology 21 (2):180-194.
    Feminist Buddhology is a burgeoning area of study, with many scholar-practitioners examining the interaction between Buddhism and feminist theory. Here I examine the contributions made by Buddhist Feminists and argue that, in general, Feminist Buddhology runs the serious risk of being ‘apologist’. I contrast the discrimination against women evident in Buddhist traditions with the claims of Buddhist Feminists that ‘Buddhism is feminism’ and ‘feminism is Buddhism’. In order to do so I provide a brief history or the position of women (...)
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    Logika i matematyka.Jean Dieudonné - 1986 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 8.
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    I. Témoignages épars.Jean Pépin - 1972 - The Saint Augustine Lecture Series:135-140.
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  43. Mit i myśl.Jean-Jacques Wunenburger - 2012 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia:167-172.
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    Man, Law and Modern Forms of Life.Eugenio Bulygin, Jean-Louis Gardies & I. Niiniluoto - 1985 - Springer Verlag.
    "Proceedings of the 11th IVR World Congress on Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy... held on August 14-20, 1983 in Helsinki"--Introd.
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  45. Being singular plural.Jean-Luc Nancy - 2000 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
    One of the strongest strands in Nancy's philosophy is an attempt to rethink community and the very idea of the social in a way that does not ground these ideas in some individual subject or subjectivity. The fundamental argument of this book is that being is always 'being with', that 'I' is not prior to 'we', that existence is essentially co-existence. He thinks this being together, not as a comfortable enclosure in a pre-existing group, but as a mutual abandonment and (...)
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  46. I\ I the medium as technology: A phenomenological critique of Marshall mcluhan.Jean-Jacques Rousseau - 1981 - In Stephen Skousgaard (ed.), Phenomenology and the understanding of human destiny. Washington, D.C.: University Press of America. pp. 1--45.
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    I-2 Ordinis Primi Tomus Secundus: De Pueris Statim Ac Liberaliter Instituendis.Jean-Claude Margolin & Pierre Mesnard (eds.) - 1969 - Brill.
    This volume of the Amsterdam edition of the Latin texts of Erasmus deals with education and learning, and the mastery of Latin. It presents a critical edition of the Latin texts of De pueris instituendis, De ratione studii , De conscribendis epistolis and Ciceronianus.
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    Le rôle des textes bibliques dans la genèse et le développement des légendes apocryphes: Le cas du sort final de I’apôtre Jean.Jean Daniel Kaestli - 1983 - Augustinianum 23 (1/2):319-336.
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    Marks i filozofia.Jean-Marie Pousseur - 1983 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 2:27-49.
    W artykule autor ustosunkowuje się do dwóch sposobów interpretacji filozofii Marksa prezentowanych przez M. Henry w pracach "Une philosophie de la réalité" i "Une philosophie de l'eсопоmie" oraz książkach L. Althussera "Lire le Capital" i "Pour Marx". Na wstępie autor zastanawia się czy filozofia Marksa stanowi zdecydowane zerwanie z niemiecką tradycją filozoficzną, czy też stanowi jej kontynuację. Przypominając stanowisko L.Althussera autor zauważa, że odczytanie spuścizny Marksa w duchu scjentystycznym, w świetle którego materializm jest tylko odrzuceniem heglowskiego idealizmu, sprawia, że unieważnia (...)
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    Związki między logiką modalną i deontyczną.Jean-Louis Gardies - 1985 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 3:3-14.
    Celem pracy jest podanie reguł semantycznych dla logik, w których funkcjonują obok siebie funktory modalne i funktory deontyczne. Idea wspólnego traktowania tych funktorów. a w szczególności badania związków między nimi, została zapoczątkowana jeszcze w 1671 r. przez Leibnitza w "Elementa juris naturalis". Autor rozróżnia trzy następujące koncepcje dotyczące wzajemnych relacji między rozważanymi dwoma rodzajami funktorów logicznych: 1) koncepcję Leibnitza, wg. której konieczność implikuje obowiązek; 2) koncepcję, w której konieczność jest nieporównywalna z obowiązkiem; 3) zmodyfikowaną koncepcję [2] drogą pomysłowej modyfikacji znanej (...)
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