Results for 'Jean O' Hara'

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  1.  12
    Phýsis krýptesthai phileî. Naturaleza y metafísca en la crisis de Ser y tiempo.Jean-Paul Grasset - 2020 - Síntesis Revista de Filosofía 3 (2):99-125.
    En este artículo, expondré el concepto heideggeriano de phýsis entre los años 1927-30. Este concepto aparece en la doctrina de la Welteingang des Seienden, en el marco de una ‘radicalización de la ontología’, proyecto metafísico que luego hará crisis y llevará a Heidegger a reinterpretar la pregunta por el sentido del ser como pregunta por la verdad del Ser. Mostraré que la cuestión de la phýsis aporta elementos en esa crisis y posterior cambio de enfoque, en el ámbito filosófico-histórico y (...)
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  2. Ōhara Yūgaku zenshū.Yūgaku Ōhara - 1943
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    Trees of history in systematics and philology.Robert J. O'Hara - 1996 - Memorie Della Società Italiana di Scienze Naturali E Del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano 27 (1): 81–88.
    "The Natural System" is the name given to the underlying arrangement present in the diversity of life. Unlike a classification, which is made up of classes and members, a system or arrangement is an integrated whole made up of connected parts. In the pre-evolutionary period a variety of forms were proposed for the Natural System, including maps, circles, stars, and abstract multidimensional objects. The trees sketched by Darwin in the 1830s should probably be considered the first genuine evolutionary diagrams of (...)
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    Trees of History in Systematics, Historical Linguistics, and Stemmatics: A Working Interdisciplinary Bibliography.Robert J. O'Hara - 2006 - SSRN Electronic Journal 2540351.
    138 titles across a wide range of scholarly publications illustrate the conceptual affinities that connect the palaetiological sciences of biological systematics, historical linguistics, and stemmatics. These three fields all have as their central objective the reconstruction of evolutionary "trees of history" that depict phylogenetic patterns of descent with modification among species, languages, and manuscripts. All three fields flourished in the nineteenth century, underwent parallel periods of quiescence in the early twentieth century, and in recent decades have seen widespread parallel revivals. (...)
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    Systematic generalization, historical fate, and the species problem.Robert J. O'Hara - 1993 - Systematic Biology 42 (3): 231–246.
    The species problem is one of the oldest controversies in natural history. Its persistence suggests that it is something more than a problem of fact or definition. Considerable light is shed on the species problem when it is viewed as a problem in the representation of the natural system (sensu Griffiths, 1974, Acta Biotheor. 23: 85–131; de Queiroz, 1998, Philos. Sci. 55: 238–259). Just as maps are representations of the earth, and are subject to what is called cartographic generalization, so (...)
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  6. True Names: Vergil and the Alexandrian Tradition of Etymological Wordplay (Pamela R. Bleisch).J. J. O'Hara - 1998 - American Journal of Philology 119:300-303.
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    Ockham’s Razor Today.Gerard O’Hara - 1963 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 12 (1):125-139.
  8. How neuroscience might advance the law.Erin O'Hara - 2006 - In Semir Zeki & Oliver Goodenough (eds.), Law and the Brain. Oxford University Press.
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    (1 other version)The Person and the Body: Roman Rhetors and Greek Naturalists.Mary L. O'Hara - 1975 - Apeiron 9 (1).
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    On Deconstruction: Theory and Criticism after StructuralismRoland Barthes.Dan O'Hara & Jonathan Culler - 1984 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 42 (3):323.
  11.  44
    G. K. Chesterton and the Environmental Ethic.Frank O'Hara - 1990 - The Chesterton Review 16 (3/4):239-243.
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    3.3 Web Science and Reflective Practice.Kieron O'Hara & Wendy Hall - forthcoming - Common Knowledge: The Challenge of Transdisciplinarity.
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  13. Ethical Response to Climate Change.Dennis Patrick O'Hara & Alan Abelsohn - 2011 - Ethics and the Environment 16 (1):25-50.
    The same attitudes that allowed a significant increase in the anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations that are causing climate change are the same attitudes that are retarding an adequate ethical response to the impact that climate change is having on both human populations and the rest of the planet. The industrialized nations of the West paid little attention during the past three centuries to the impacts that their economies and cultures were having on the environment, both locally and globally. There (...)
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    Educational Outcomes of Adolescents Participating in Specialist Sport Programs in Low SES Areas of Western Australia: A Mixed Methods Study.Eibhlish O'Hara, Craig Harms, Fadi Ma'ayah & Craig Speelman - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Specialist Sport Programs are an underexamined activity that combines the best features of two different contexts for adolescent development: a sporting program and a secondary school. A mixed-methods study was conducted to determine the influence of participation in SSPs on the educational outcomes of lower secondary students in Western Australia. The results demonstrated a significant improvement in specialist students' mean grade for Mathematics over the course of a year, while their mean grade for all other subjects, and their level of (...)
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  15.  34
    Avoiding Omnidoxasticity in Logics of Belief: A Reply to MacPherson.Kieron O'Hara, Han Reichgelt & Nigel Shadbolt - 1995 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 36 (3):475-495.
    In recent work MacPherson argues that the standard method of modeling belief logically, as a necessity operator in a modal logic, is doomed to fail. The problem with normal modal logics as logics of belief is that they treat believers as "ideal" in unrealistic ways (i.e., as omnidoxastic); however, similar problems re-emerge for candidate non-normal logics. The authors argue that logics used to model belief in artificial intelligence (AI) are also flawed in this way. But for AI systems, omnidoxasticity is (...)
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    Experiments in Reading.Daniel T. O'Hara - 2009 - New Nietzsche Studies 8 (1-2):151-160.
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    (1 other version)Transcendent Teacher Learner Relationships: The Way of the Shamanic Teacher.Hunter O'Hara - 2020 - Brill | Sense.
    _Transcendent Teacher Learner Relationships: The Way of the Shamanic Teacher _ explores the nature of the transcendent teacher learner relationship and precisely how such relationships of warmth, safety, mutual care, mutual respect and mutual trust are developed and maintained.
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    Pregnancy in a severely mentally handicapped adult.J. O'Hara - 1989 - Journal of Medical Ethics 15 (4):197-199.
    What happens when we discover that a severely mentally handicapped girl, resident under our care, is heavily pregnant? What options are open to us in her management? What are the legal and ethical issues involved? How do we ensure that she receives the best possible care and protection and will the involvement of the police actually make the situation worse? Few of us have had the experience of working through such dilemmas, and little help can be found in consulting 'experts' (...)
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    The Vanishing Person.Mary L. O’Hara - 1995 - International Studies in Philosophy 27 (2):101-107.
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    Measuring man's needs.Jane O'Hara-May - 1971 - Journal of the History of Biology 4 (2):249-273.
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    Seá O'Donnell. William Rowan Hamilton: Portrait of a Prodigy. Dublin: Boole Press, 1984. Pp. xvi + 224. ISBN 0-906783-06-2. IR £19.95, $24.95. - Desmond MacHale. George Boole: His Life and Work. Dublin: Boole Press, 1985. Pp. xiii + 304. ISBN 0-906783-05-4. IR £19.95, $24.95. [REVIEW]Jim O'hara - 1986 - British Journal for the History of Science 19 (3):360-361.
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    A Commentary on Virgil, Eclogues (review).James J. O'Hara - 1996 - American Journal of Philology 117 (2):332-335.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:A Commentary on Virgil, EcloguesJames J. O’HaraWendell Clausen. A Commentary on Virgil, Eclogues. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994. xxx + 328 pp. Paper, $27.95, Cloth, $60.00.This “first full-scale scholarly commentary on the complete book of poems known as the Eclogues to appear in English,” as the dust jacket proclaims, is a deeply learned, elegant, helpful, affectionate, humane and judicious guide to the language, style, text, plain meaning, and literary (...)
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    Population thinking and tree thinking in systematics.Robert J. O'Hara - 1997 - Zoologica Scripta 26 (4): 323–329.
    Two new modes of thinking have spread through systematics in the twentieth century. Both have deep historical roots, but they have been widely accepted only during this century. Population thinking overtook the field in the early part of the century, culminating in the full development of population systematics in the 1930s and 1940s, and the subsequent growth of the entire field of population biology. Population thinking rejects the idea that each species has a natural type (as the earlier essentialist view (...)
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    The technology of collective memory and the normativity of truth.Kieron O'Hara - unknown
    Neither our evolutionary past, nor our pre-literate culture, has prepared humanity for the use of technology to provide records of the past, records which in many context become normative for memory. The demand that memory be true, rather than useful or pleasurable, has changed our social and psychological under-standing of ourselves and our fellows. The current vogue for lifelogging, and the rapid proliferation of digital memory-supporting technologies, may accelerate this change, and create dilemmas for policymakers, designers and social thinkers.
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    Joseph Conrad Today.Kieron O'Hara - 2007 - Imprint Academic.
    This book argues that the novelist Joseph Conrad's work speaks directly to us in a way that none of his contemporaries can. Conrad’s scepticism, pessimism, emphasis on the importance and fragility of community, and the difficulties of escaping our history are important tools for understanding the political world in which we live. He is prepared to face a future where progress is not inevitable, where actions have unintended consequences, and where we cannot know the contexts in which we act. _Heart (...)
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  26. Some Marxist Theories of Personality.Mary L. O'hara - 1979 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 53:115.
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    The Psychology of Gestalt.Charles M. O'Hara - 1929 - Modern Schoolman 5 (4):6-9.
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    A Cluster Randomized-Controlled Trial of the Impact of the Tools of the Mind Curriculum on Self-Regulation in Canadian Preschoolers.Tracy Solomon, Andre Plamondon, Arland O’Hara, Heather Finch, Geraldine Goco, Peter Chaban, Lorrie Huggins, Bruce Ferguson & Rosemary Tannock - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Diagrammatic classifications of birds, 1819–1901: views of the natural system in 19th-century British ornithology.Robert J. O'Hara - 1988 - Acta XIX Congressus Internationalis Ornithologici: pp. 2746–2759.
    Classifications of animals and plants have long been represented by hierarchical lists of taxa, but occasional authors have drawn diagrammatic versions of their classifications in an attempt to better depict the "natural relationships" of their organisms. Ornithologists in 19th-century Britain produced and pioneered many types of classificatory diagrams, and these fall into three groups: (a) the quinarian systems of Vigors and Swainson (1820s and 1830s); (b) the "maps" of Strickland and Wallace (1840s and 1850s); and (c) the evolutionary diagrams of (...)
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  30.  13
    Thinking Through Art: Aesthetic Agency and Global Modernity.Daniel T. O'Hara & Alan Singer - 1998 - Duke University Press.
    In the eighteenth century the category of the aesthetic sought to bridge the gap between the prevalent dualities of Cartesian thought: art and science, history and science, prejudice and truth. This special issue of _boundary 2_ addresses current debates about the status of art in the context of global modernity. The range of arguments represented here cover a broad historical scope—from Cartesianism to present-day global modernity—of cultural discourse on the aesthetic to bring a focus to contemporary discussions of the corollary (...)
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  31. A therapeutics of the image.Michael O'Hara - 2021 - In Noel Fitzpatrick, Néill O’Dwyer & Michael O’Hara (eds.), Aesthetics, digital studies and Bernard Stiegler. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Hunting – Philosophy For Everyone: In Search of the Wild Life.David L. O'Hara - 2012 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 6 (1):81-84.
    Sport, Ethics and Philosophy, Volume 6, Issue 1, Page 81-84, February 2012.
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  33. St. Peter’s Creek, 23 July.T. O’Hara - 2009 - Arion 17 (2).
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    You are being watched: Kevin Macnish: The ethics of surveillance. Routledge, 2018, 215+vii pp, ISBN 978-1-138-64379-6.Kieron O’Hara - 2018 - Metascience 27 (2):271-274.
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    Mind as Machine: Can Computational Processes be Regarded as Explanatory of Mental Processes?Kieron O'Hara - 1994
  36.  9
    Why Nietzsche now?Daniel T. O'Hara (ed.) - 1985 - Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
  37.  37
    The contradictions of digital modernity.Kieron O’Hara - 2020 - AI and Society 35 (1):197-208.
    This paper explores the concept of digital modernity, the extension of narratives of modernity with the special affordances of digital networked technology. Digital modernity produces a new narrative which can be taken in many ways: to be descriptive of reality; a teleological account of an inexorable process; or a normative account of an ideal sociotechnical state. However, it is understood that narratives of digital modernity help shape reality via commercial and political decision-makers, and examples are given from the politics and (...)
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  38. Telling the tree: narrative representation and the study of evolutionary history.Robert J. O'Hara - 1992 - Biology and Philosophy 7 (2): 135–160.
    Accounts of the evolutionary past have as much in common with works of narrative history as they do with works of science. Awareness of the narrative character of evolutionary writing leads to the discovery of a host of fascinating and hitherto unrecognized problems in the representation of evolutionary history, problems associated with the writing of narrative. These problems include selective attention, narrative perspective, foregrounding and backgrounding, differential resolution, and the establishment of a canon of important events. The narrative aspects of (...)
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    Person in the Philosophy of Gabriel Marcel.Sister M. Kevin O'Hara - 1964 - Philosophy Today 8 (3):147-154.
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    Homage to Clio, or, toward an historical philosophy for evolutionary biology.Robert J. O'Hara - 1988 - Systematic Zoology 37 (2): 142–155.
    Discussions of the theory and practice of systematics and evolutionary biology have heretofore revolved around the views of philosophers of science. I reexamine these issues from the different perspective of the philosophy of history. Just as philosophers of history distinguish between chronicle (non-interpretive or non-explanatory writing) and narrative history (interpretive or explanatory writing), I distinguish between evolutionary chronicle (cladograms, broadly construed) and narrative evolutionary history. Systematics is the discipline which estimates the evolutionary chronicle. ¶ Explanations of the events described in (...)
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    Vergil's Aeneid and the Roman Self: Subject and Nation in Literary Discourse (review).James J. O'Hara - 2006 - American Journal of Philology 127 (2):317-320.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Vergil's Aeneid and the Roman Self: Subject and Nation in Literary DiscourseJames J. O'HaraYasmin Syed. Vergil's Aeneid and the Roman Self: Subject and Nation in Literary Discourse. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 2005. x + 277 pp. Cloth, $65.This book, which "began as a PhD dissertation at the University of California, Berkeley" (1997), tackles a timely, large, and difficult topic, possibly a topic too difficult to (...)
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  42. Rotational Invariance and the Spin-Statistics Theorem.Paul O'Hara - 2003 - Foundations of Physics 33 (9):1349-1368.
    In this article, the rotational invariance of entangled quantum states is investigated as a possible cause of the Pauli exclusion principle. First, it is shown that a certain class of rotationally invariant states can only occur in pairs. This is referred to as the coupling principle. This in turn suggests a natural classification of quantum systems into those containing coupled states and those that do not. Surprisingly, it would seem that Fermi–Dirac statistics follows as a consequence of this coupling while (...)
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  43.  29
    A History of Mathematics Education in EnglandGeoffrey Howson.James O'hara - 1984 - Isis 75 (3):575-575.
  44.  40
    Conservatism: Burke, Nozick, Bush, Blair?Kieron O'Hara - 2006 - Contemporary Political Theory 5 (3):354-358.
  45.  10
    Developing a Feminist School Policy on Child Sexual Abuse.Maureen O'Hara - 1988 - Feminist Review 28 (1):158-162.
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  46. Orpheus turning : the reader to come in Camera Lucida.Daniel T. O'Hara - 2023 - In Jeffrey R. Di Leo & Zahi Anbra Zalloua (eds.), Understanding Žižek, understanding modernism. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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  47. Orpheus turning : the reader to come in Camera Lucida.Daniel T. O'Hara - 2023 - In Jeffrey R. Di Leo & Zahi Anbra Zalloua (eds.), Understanding Žižek, understanding modernism. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Somnia Ficta In Lucretius And Lucilius.James J. O.′Hara - 1987 - Classical Quarterly 37 (02):517-.
    In CQ n.s 32 , 237, Howard Jacobson comments on Lucretius' expression fingere somnia, for which he can find only two parallels, both later than Lucretius. He suggests that the phrase can best be understood as a reference to the actual practice of dream control, or oneiropompeia, for which he provides several useful references. A fragment of Luciiius, however, provides not only a parallel, but perhaps even a model, for Lucretius' phrase, and for his criticism in 1.102–35 of the lies (...)
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  49.  19
    Democracy and the Internet.Kieron O'Hara - 2000 - Ends and Means 4 (3).
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    Education and the Class Struggle.Charles M. O.‘Hara - 1938 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 13 (2):316-321.
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