Results for 'Jean Overton Fuller'

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  1.  40
    Knowledge and development.Willis F. Overton & Jeanette McCarthy Gallagher (eds.) - 1977 - New York: Plenum Press.
    From an informal group of a dozen faculty and graduate students at Temple University, the Jean Piaget Society grew in seven years to 500 members who have interests in the application of genetic epistemology to their own disciplines and professions. At the outset Piaget endorsed the concept of a society which bore his name and presented a major address on equilibration at the society's first symposium in May, 1971. Had he not done so the society would no doubt have (...)
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    Unusual Atmospheric Phenomena Observed Near Channel Islands, UK, 23 April 2007.Jean-Francois Baure, David Clarke, Paul Fuller & Martin Shough - 2010 - Journal of Scientific Exploration 22 (3).
    Unusual atmospheric phenomena (UAPs) were observed in daylight by multiple observers on board two civil aircraft in widely separated locations. We summarise results of an investigation based on radio communications reporting events in real time to Air Traffic Control (ATC), ATC radar and weather radar recordings, Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) documents, witness interviews and statements, and other sources. We describe attempts to explain the phenomena with the help of expert specialist advisers and professional resources in the fields of meteorology, atmospheric (...)
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    Seeing God through the icon: A semiotic analysis of Jean-Luc Marion’s Dieu sans l’Être.John Overton - 1996 - Semiotica 110 (1-2):87-126.
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    Deviant interdisciplinarity as philosophical practice: prolegomena to deep intellectual history.Steve Fuller - 2013 - Synthese 190 (11):1899-1916.
    Philosophy may relate to interdisciplinarity in two distinct ways On the one hand, philosophy may play an auxiliary role in the process of interdisciplinarity, typically through conceptual analysis, in the understanding that the disciplines themselves are the main epistemic players. This version of the relationship I characterise as ‘normal’ because it captures the more common pattern of the relationship, which in turn reflects an acceptance of the division of organized inquiry into disciplines. On the other hand, philosophy may be itself (...)
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    (1 other version)Clarity, charity and criticism, wit, wisdom and worldliness: Avoiding intellectual impositions. [REVIEW]David Turnbull, Henry Krips, Val Dusek, Steve Fuller, Alan Sokal, Jean Bricmont, Alan Frost, Alan Chalmers, Anna Salleh, Alfred I. Tauber, Yvonne Luxford, Nicolaas Rupke, Steven French, Peter G. Brown, Hugh LaFollette & Peter Machamer - 2000 - Metascience 9 (3):347-498.
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    Collected Works of Jeremy Bentham Correspondence: Volume 12: July 1824 to June 1828.Luke O'Sullivan & the Late Catherine Fuller (eds.) - 1968 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This twelfth volume of Correspondence contains authoritative and fully annotated texts of all known letters sent both to and from Bentham between July 1824 and June 1828. The 301 letters, most of which have never before been published, have been collected from archives, public and private, in Britain, the United States of America, Switzerland, France, Japan, and elsewhere, as well as from the major collections of Bentham Papers at University College London Library and the British Library.In mid-1824 Bentham was still (...)
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  7. Authors' response [to David Turnbull, Henry Krips, Val Dusek and Steve Fuller].Jean Bricmont & Alan D. Sokal - 2000 - Metascience 9 (3):372-395.
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    Prolegomena to charity.Jean-Luc Marion - 2002 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    In seven essays that draw from metaphysics, phenomenology, literature, Christological theology, and Biblical exegesis,Marion sketches several prolegomena to a future fuller thinking and saying of love’s paradoxical reasons, exploring evil, freedom, bedazzlement, and the loving gaze; crisis, absence, and knowing.
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    But is It Science?: The Philosophical Question in the Creation/Evolution Controversy.Robert T. Pennock & Michael Ruse (eds.) - 2008 - Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
    Preface 9 PART I: RELIGIOUS, SCIENTIFIC, AND PHILOSOPHICAL BACKGROUND Introduction to Part I 19 1. The Bible 27 2. Natural Theology 33 William Paley 3. On the Origin of Species 38 Charles Darwin 4. Objections to Mr. Darwin’s Theory of the Origin of Species 65 Adam Sedgwick 5. The Origin of Species 73 Thomas H. Huxley 6. What Is Darwinism? 82 Charles Hodge 7. Darwinism as a Metaphysical Research Program 105 Karl Popper 8. Karl Popper’s Philosophy of Biology 116 Michael (...)
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  10.  27
    God and the Caducity of Being.Antonio Calcagno - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 36:36-41.
    Jean-Luc Marion claims that God must no longer be thought of in terms of the traditional metaphysical category of Being, for that reduces God to an all too human concept which he calls "Dieu." God must be conceived outside of the ontological difference and outside of the question of Being itself. Marion urges us to think of God as love. We wish to challenge Marion’s claim of the necessity to move au-delà de l’être by arguing that Marion presents a (...)
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  11.  85
    Paul Ricœur and the Relationship Between Philosophy and Religion in Contemporary French Phenomenology.Christina M. Gschwandtner - 2012 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 3 (2):7-25.
    In this paper I consider Ricœur’s negotiation of the boundary or relationship between philosophy and religion in light of the larger debate in contemporary French philosophy. I suggest that contrasting his way of dealing with the intersection of the two discourses to that of two other French thinkers (Jean-Luc Marion and Michel Henry) illuminates his stance more fully. I begin with a brief outline of Ricœur’s claims about the distinction or relation between the discourses, then reflect on those of (...)
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    Sartre and Sexism.Hazel E. Barnes - 1990 - Philosophy and Literature 14 (2):340-347.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Notes and Fragments SARTRE AND SEXISM by Hazel E. Barnes Insofar as is possible, I want to consider here not Sartre the man but Sartre the philosopher—or, more precisely, the philosophy of Sartre. To askwhether Sartre's long association with Simone de Beauvoir was a model of human relations at their best or an example ofbad faith on both sides is not to my present purpose. Nor are his numerous, (...)
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  13.  85
    The Place of Phronesis in Postmodern Hermeneutics.Shaun Gallagher - 1993 - Philosophy Today 37 (3):298-305.
    The conception of paralogy, which Jean-Francois Lyotard develops in The Postmodern Condition, motivates a number of questions concerning justice and the moral life. In this paper I suggest that Lyotard's account fails to provide an adequate answer to these questions, and that a more satisfactory account of justice in paralogy can be developed by exploring the concept of phronesis. John Caputo's "ethics of dissemination," in some respects, leads us in this direction. Although both theorists attempt to develop their accounts (...)
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  14.  35
    The Knowing Subject.Lorraine B. Code - 1984 - Idealistic Studies 14 (2):109-126.
    In characterizing cognitive activity as a creative synthesis of the imagination, Kant places the epistemological subject at the center of the cognitive process. This is wholly revolutionary in the history of epistemology. Yet, for all its revolutionary character, the concept of the creative synthesis falls short of providing an adequate context for an explication of the ways in which individual human knowers, as organic creatures, create the products we call knowledge. Jean Piaget’s genetic epistemology, on the other hand, with (...)
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    States of Affection: Gilles Deleuze and the In-Between-Ness of Becoming Cinema.Jessica Morgan-Davies - 2024 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 18 (3):430-458.
    This article explores the rich and generative spaces poised between Gilles Deleuze’s movement-image and time-image semiotic regimes as laid out in Cinema I: The Movement-Image and Cinema II: The Time-Image. Using a transhistorical approach, this investigation provides insight into the myriad strands that cross between the proposed ‘breaks’ in cinema’s evolution of style and structure. Using the works of Loïe Fuller and Agnes Varda, as well as the theoretical support of theorists such as Walter Benjamin, Henri Bergson, Jean (...)
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  16. Emotions, Metaphors and Reality.Gabriel Furmuzachi - 2001 - Lakehead University.
    In their work The Faces of Reason: An Essay on Philosophy and Culture in English Canada 1850-1 950, Leslie Armour and Elizabeth Trott consider that the Canadian way of doing philosophy uses reason in an accommodationist manner. I propose in this thesis that William Lyall's Intellect, the Emotions and the Moral Nature represents a splendid example of the accomodationist use of reason. The Maritimes philosopher advances the idea that emotions have a cognitive value, a claim which I support by trying (...)
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  17.  39
    Drawn and Quartered: Reflections on Violence in Youth's Art Making.Victoria J. Grube - 2012 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 46 (2):25-35.
    Two eleven-year-old boys face a bulletin board, arranging silver thumbtacks into shapes of fighter planes. They have arrived early for an after-school puppet workshop. Both boys are under five feet tall: the thin one sports a green terrycloth wristband and a big fro. “The girls like the poof,” he says. The other boy has a fuller body, a haircut similar to the Fab Four in the late sixties, and wears wide-leg jeans and a red t-shirt that brushes his kneecaps. (...)
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  18.  22
    Phenomenology and Ritual Practice.Christina M. Gschwandtner - 2019 - Journal for Continental Philosophy of Religion 1 (1):43-70.
    This paper highlights several problems in the contemporary phenomenological analysis of religious experience in Continental philosophy of religion, especially in its French iteration, as manifested in such thinkers as Jean-Luc Marion, Michel Henry, Jean-Yves Lacoste, Jean-Louis Chrétien, Emmanuel Falque, and others. After laying out the main issues, the paper proposes a fuller investigation of religious practices, such as liturgy or ritual, as a fruitful way to address some of the identified limitations. The final section of the (...)
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  19.  46
    Race and exisTenTiaL commiTmenT in James BaLdwin.Bruce Lapenson - 2013 - Philosophy and Literature 37 (1):199-209.
    James Baldwin's stark, apocalyptic, and rage-filled portrayals of the white and black American racial psyche can overwhelm his readers who, as a result, may not appreciate that he goes beyond describing. Baldwin's scathing critiques of American race relations may eclipse a fuller understanding of his work. What did Baldwin prescribe? He ended with each individual's inescapable commitment to all others, regardless of race. Similarly, existentialism's focus on unavoidable individual choice and freedom dims its message that when we act, we (...)
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  20.  11
    “the Arrival Of Edward Iv” — The Development Of The Text1article author querythomson jaf [google Scholar].J. Thomson - 1971 - Speculum 46 (1):84-93.
    The struggles in the first half of 1471 in which Edward IV recovered the throne produced various pieces of historical writing. It is generally assumed that the basic work is the chronicle written in the official interest, called the Historie of the Arrivall of Edward IV, which was edited by John Bruce for the Camden Society in 1838 from the British Museum manuscript Harleian 543, a copy by John Stow from the book of Master Fleetwood, the Recorder of London. This (...)
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  21. “Explain” in scientific discourse.James A. Overton - 2013 - Synthese 190 (8):1383-1405.
    The philosophical literature on scientific explanation contains a striking diversity of accounts. I use novel empirical methods to address this fragmentation and assess the importance and generality of explanation in science. My evidence base is a set of 781 articles from one year of the journal Science, and I begin by applying text mining techniques to discover patterns in the usage of “explain” and other words of philosophical interest. I then use random sampling from the data set to develop and (...)
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  22. AI and the future of humanity: ChatGPT-4, philosophy and education – Critical responses.Michael A. Peters, Liz Jackson, Marianna Papastephanou, Petar Jandrić, George Lazaroiu, Colin W. Evers, Bill Cope, Mary Kalantzis, Daniel Araya, Marek Tesar, Carl Mika, Lei Chen, Chengbing Wang, Sean Sturm, Sharon Rider & Steve Fuller - 2024 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 56 (9):828-862.
    1. Michael A PetersBeijing Normal UniversityChatGPT is an AI chatbot released by OpenAI on November 30, 2022 and a ‘stable release’ on February 13, 2023. It belongs to OpenAI’s GPT-3 family (genera...
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  23.  15
    Glassary.John P. Leavey, Gregory L. Ulmer & Jacques Derrida - 1986
    Glassary is a companion volume to Glas. It offers English readers fuller access to the masterwork of Jacques Derrida, the leading philosopher in France. Derrida is important for his investigations of language, philosophy, and writing. He has perforated the boundaries between academic disciplines, has demonstrated the theological underpinnings of apparently atheological philosophies, and has thrown into question traditional notions about the "ownership" of ideas. Glas exemplifies Derrida's methodology of reading and his central philosophical and literary concerns. The reader fascinated (...)
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  24.  30
    McLean v. Arkansas United States District Court, Eastern District of Arkansas, Western Division Opinion of William R. Overton U.S. District Judge (Dated 5 January 1982. [REVIEW]William R. Overton - 1982 - Science, Technology and Human Values 7 (3):28-42.
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  25.  52
    Mechanisms, Types, and Abstractions.James A. Overton - 2011 - Philosophy of Science 78 (5):941-954.
    Machamer, Darden, and Craver's account of the nature and role of mechanisms in the special sciences has been very influential. Unfortunately, a confusing array of ontic, epistemic, and pragmatic distinctions is required to individuate their mechanisms, mechanism schemata, and mechanism sketches. I diagnose this as a conflation of token-level causal relations with type-level relations. I propose instead that a mechanism is an abstraction that relates entity types and activity types on the model of a directed graph. Mechanisms have an ontic (...)
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  26.  88
    Ecological perception affords an explanation of object permanence.Garry Young - 2005 - Philosophical Explorations 8 (2):189-208.
    In this paper I aim to present an explanation of object permanence that is derived from an ecological account of perceptually based action. In understanding why children below a certain age do not search for occluded objects, one must first understand the process by which these children perform certain intentional actions on non-occluded items; and to do this one must understand the role affordances play in eliciting retrieval behaviour. My affordance-based explanation is contrasted with Shinskey and Munakata's graded representation account; (...)
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  27.  38
    Open Biomedical Ontologies applied to prostate cancer.James A. Overton, Cesare Romagnoli & Rethy Chhem - 2011 - Applied ontology 6 (1):35-51.
    This paper surveys preliminary results from the Interdisciplinary Prostate Ontology Project (IPOP), in which ontologies from the OBO Foundry have been used to annotate clinical reports about prosta...
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    An Evaluation of the Pipeline Framework for Ethical Considerations in Machine Learning Healthcare Applications: The Case of Prediction from Functional Neuroimaging Data.Dawson J. Overton - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (11):56-58.
    The pipeline framework for identifying ethical issues in machine learning healthcare applications outlined by Char et al. is a very useful starting point for the systematic consideration...
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  29.  35
    The Case of Fuller vs Kuhn.Steve Fuller - 2004 - Social Epistemology 18 (1):3-49.
    I do not deny that Fuller is often right on the mark, but there comes a point when such relentless all‐round deprecation gets on one’s nerves. Roberto Torretti When as an undergraduate I first re...
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  30. Liberal education and liberalism.Overton H. Taylor - 1944 - Ethics 55 (2):88-109.
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    Arguing Anselm's Argument.John Overton - 2001 - Modern Theology 17 (1):3-19.
  32.  17
    Differential conditioning can reverse the fear-reducing effects of phenobarbital.Donald A. Overton - 1984 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 22 (1):73-76.
  33.  28
    Explanation in Science.James A. Overton - unknown
    Scientific explanation is an important goal of scientific practise. Philosophers have proposed a striking diversity of seemingly incompatible accounts of explanation, from deductive-nomological to statistical relevance, unification, pragmatic, causal-mechanical, mechanistic, causal intervention, asymptotic, and model-based accounts. In this dissertation I apply two novel methods to reexamine our evidence about scientific explanation in practise and thereby address the fragmentation of philosophical accounts. I start by collecting a data set of 781 articles from one year of the journal Science. Using automated text (...)
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    Philosophy of science in the Division of Psychopharmacology.Donald A. Overton & Travis Thompson - 1987 - Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 7 (2):122-123.
    Members of Division 28 generally appear to agree that empirical demonstrations provide the most valid basis for building the sciences of psychopharmacology, neuropharmacology, and neurochemistry. This article discusses some of the beliefs, interests and concerns among members of Division 28. 2012 APA, all rights reserved).
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    Relational developmental systems: A paradigm for developmental science in the postgenomic era.Willis F. Overton & Richard M. Lerner - 2012 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 35 (5):375-376.
    This commentary argues that the anomalies suffered by the population behavior genetics paradigm are more widespread than suggested by Charney, including many made in the field of developmental science. Further, it is argued that, according to the criteria established by Kuhn, there is and has been available an alternative scientific paradigm that provides the formative context for Charney's postgenomic view. This is the relational developmental systems paradigm.
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  36. Saint Bonaventure's Illumination Theory of Knowledge. The Reconciliation of Aristotle, Pseudo-Dionysius and Augustine.Tony Overton - 1988 - Miscellanea Francescana 88 (1-2):108-121.
  37.  4
    Unprincipled Decisions.Lee Overton - 1994 - In Murray Michael & John O'Leary-Hawthorne (eds.), Philosophy in Mind: The Place of Philosophy in the Study of Mind. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 119--139.
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    Visual field position and word-recognition threshold.Willis Overton & Morton Wiener - 1966 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 71 (2):249.
  39.  35
    Perpetuation as perpetration: Wrongful benefit and responsibility for historical injustice.Kristofer J. Petersen-Overton - 2022 - Contemporary Political Theory 21 (4):545-566.
    Do those of us living in the present have an obligation to rectify injustices committed by others in the distant past? This article is an attempt to revisit the problem of historical injustice by bringing together recent work on structural injustice in relation to the problem of wrongful benefit. The problem of benefitting from injustice, I argue, provides firmer grounds of obligation in forward-looking accounts of responsibility for historical injustice specifically. I argue (1) that if the negative effects of historical (...)
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  40. Retooling Peace Philosophy: A Critical Look at Israel's Separation Strategy.Kristofer J. Petersen-Overton, Johannes D. Schmidt & Jacques Hersh - 2010 - In Candice C. Carter & Ravindra Kumar (eds.), Peace Philosophy in Action. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 43.
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  41. The Classical Liberalism, Marxism, and the Twentieth Century.Overton H. Taylor - 1962 - Science and Society 26 (3):371-373.
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  42. Body in Mind, Mind in Body: Developmental Perspectives on Embodiment and Consciousness.W. F. Overton, U. Mueller & J. Newman (eds.) - 2008 - Erlbaum.
  43. A Fuller Vision of Thomas Kuhn: Response to Roth and Mirowski.Steve Fuller - 2001 - History of the Human Sciences 14 (2):111-117.
  44.  3
    R. Buckminster Fuller.R. Buckminster Fuller - 1973 - St. Paul, MN: Minnesota Public Radio.
    Architect-scientist R. Buckminster Fuller talks about the discovery of the eternal pattern that is operative in the universe.
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    Thomas Fuller's The holy state and the profane state.Thomas Fuller - 1938 - New York: Columbia University Press. Edited by Maximilian Graff Walten.
    I. Introduction, notes, and appendix -- II. A facsimile of the first edition, 1642, reduced in size.
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    Listening Comprehension and Listening Effort in the Primary School Classroom.Mary Rudner, Viveka Lyberg-Åhlander, Jonas Brännström, Jens Nirme, M. K. Pichora-Fuller & Birgitta Sahlén - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  47. Rules in programming languages and networks.Frederick R. Adams, Kenneth Aizawa & Gary Fuller - 1992 - In John Dinsmore (ed.), The Symbolic and Connectionist Paradigms: Closing the Gap. Lawrence Erlbaum.
    1. Do models formulated in programming languages use explicit rules where connectionist models do not? 2. Are rules as found in programming languages hard, precise, and exceptionless, where connectionist rules are not? 3. Do connectionist models use rules operating on distributed representations where models formulated in programming languages do not? 4. Do connectionist models fail to use structure sensitive rules of the sort found in "classical" computer architectures? In this chapter we argue that the answer to each of these questions (...)
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  48.  16
    R. Buckminster Fuller on education.Richard Buckminster Fuller - 1979 - Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press. Edited by Peter H. Wagschal & Robert D. Kahn.
  49. Contours of Agency: Essays on Themes From Harry Frankfurt.Sarah Buss & Lee Overton (eds.) - 2002 - MIT Press, Bradford Books.
    The original essays in this book address Harry Frankfurt's influential writing on personal identity, love, value, moral responsibility, and the freedom and ...
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  50. R. Buckminster Fuller Thinks Aloud, Part.R. Buckminster Fuller - 1967 - Credo.
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