Results for 'Jeffrey Paul Michael J. Degnan'

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  1. And science.Christian de Duve Gregory R. Peterson, Fred D. Miller, Jeffrey Paul Michael J. Degnan & James M. Gustafson Thomas D. Parker - 1997 - Zygon 32 (2):143.
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    Short-term haptic memory for complex objects.Michael J. Kiphart, Jeffrey L. Hughes, J. Paul Simmons & Henry A. Cross - 1992 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 30 (3):212-214.
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    Book Notes. [REVIEW]Bettina G. Bergo, Bernard Boxill, Matthew B. Crawford, Patrick Croskery, Michael J. Degnan, Paul Graham, Kenneth Kipnis, Avery H. Kolers, Henry S. Richardson & David S. Weberman - 2002 - Ethics 112 (4):884-889.
  4. The Good Life and the Human Good edited by Ellen Frankel Paul, Fred D. Miller, and Jeffrey Paul.M. J. Degnan - 1997 - Zygon 32:262-266.
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  5. Integral Field Spectroscopy of the Low-mass Companion HD 984 B with the Gemini Planet Imager.Mara Johnson-Groh, Christian Marois, Robert J. De Rosa, Eric L. Nielsen, Julien Rameau, Sarah Blunt, Jeffrey Vargas, S. Mark Ammons, Vanessa P. Bailey, Travis S. Barman, Joanna Bulger, Jeffrey K. Chilcote, Tara Cotten, René Doyon, Gaspard Duchêne, Michael P. Fitzgerald, Kate B. Follette, Stephen Goodsell, James R. Graham, Alexandra Z. Greenbaum, Pascale Hibon, Li-Wei Hung, Patrick Ingraham, Paul Kalas, Quinn M. Konopacky, James E. Larkin, Bruce Macintosh, Jérôme Maire, Franck Marchis, Mark S. Marley, Stanimir Metchev, Maxwell A. Millar-Blanchaer, Rebecca Oppenheimer, David W. Palmer, Jenny Patience, Marshall Perrin, Lisa A. Poyneer, Laurent Pueyo, Abhijith Rajan, Fredrik T. Rantakyrö, Dmitry Savransky, Adam C. Schneider, Anand Sivaramakrishnan, Inseok Song, Remi Soummer, Sandrine Thomas, David Vega, J. Kent Wallace, Jason J. Wang, Kimberly Ward-Duong, Sloane J. Wiktorowicz & Schuyler G. Wolff - 2017 - Astronomical Journal 153 (4):190.
    © 2017. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.We present new observations of the low-mass companion to HD 984 taken with the Gemini Planet Imager as a part of the GPI Exoplanet Survey campaign. Images of HD 984 B were obtained in the J and H bands. Combined with archival epochs from 2012 and 2014, we fit the first orbit to the companion to find an 18 au orbit with a 68% confidence interval between 14 and 28 au, an eccentricity (...)
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    Intention and Wrongdoing: A Defense of the Principle of Double Effect by Joshua Stuchlik.Michael J. Degnan - 2022 - Review of Metaphysics 76 (2):367-369.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Intention and Wrongdoing: A Defense of the Principle of Double Effect by Joshua StuchlikMichael J. DegnanSTUCHLIK, Joshua. Intention and Wrongdoing: A Defense of the Principle of Double Effect. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021. xvi + 220 pp. Cloth, $99.99In this book Joshua Stuchlik vigorously defends the principle of double effect (PDE), which states, "There is a strict moral constraint against bringing about serious evil (harm) to an innocent (...)
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    Aristotle on Unqualified Knowledge.Michael J. Degnan - 1994 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 68:145-158.
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    Desiring the Good: Ancient Proposals and Contemporary Theory. By Katja Maria Vogt.Michael J. Degnan - 2019 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 93 (3):583-585.
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    Philosophy of Mind.Michael J. Degnan - 1996 - Philosophical Books 37 (4):286-288.
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    The Quality of Life: Aristotle Revised. By Richard Kraut.Michael J. Degnan - 2019 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 93 (4):759-763.
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    What is the Scope of Aristotle's Defense of the PNC?Michael J. Degnan - 1999 - Apeiron 32 (3):243 - 274.
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    Aristotle on meaning and essence.Michael J. Degnan - 2004 - Philosophical Books 45 (1):34-41.
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    Aristotle on Truth - by Paolo Crivelli.Michael J. Degnan - 2007 - Philosophical Books 48 (2):162-164.
  14.  29
    In Search of Humanity: Essays in Honor of Clifford Orwin.Ryan Balot, Timothy W. Burns, Paul A. Cantor, Brent Edwin Cusher, Donald Forbes, Steven Forde, Bryan-Paul Frost, Kenneth Hart Green, Ran Halévi, L. Joseph Hebert, Henry Higuera, Robert Howse, S. N. Jaffe, Michael S. Kochin, Noah Lawrence, Mark J. Lutz, Arthur M. Melzer, Jeffrey Metzger, Miguel Morgado, Waller R. Newell, Michael Palmer, Lorraine Smith Pangle, Thomas L. Pangle, Marc F. Plattner, William B. Parsons, Linda R. Rabieh, Andrea Radasanu, Michael Rosano, Diana J. Schaub, Susan Meld Shell & Nathan Tarcov (eds.) - 2015 - Lexington Books.
    This collection of essays, offered in honor of the distinguished career of prominent political philosophy professor Clifford Orwin, brings together internationally renowned scholars to provide a wide context and discuss various aspects of the virtue of “humanity” through the history of political philosophy.
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  15. Museum Philosophy for the Twenty-First Century.Robert R. Archibald, Patrick J. Boylan, David Carr, Christy S. Coleman, Helen Coxall, Chuck Dailey, Jennifer Eichstedt, Hilde Hein, Eilean Hooper-Greenhill, Lesley Lewis, Timothy W. Luke, Didier Maleuvre, Suma Mallavarapu, Terry L. Maple, Michael A. Mares, Jennifer L. Martin, Jean-Paul Martinon, Scott G. Paris, Jeffrey H. Patchen, Marilyn E. Phelan, Donald Preziosi, Franklin W. Robinson, Douglas Sharon & Sherene Suchy - 2006 - Altamira Press.
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  16. The believing primate: scientific, philosophical, and theological reflections on the origin of religion.Jeffrey Schloss & Michael J. Murray (eds.) - 2009 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Over the last two decades, scientific accounts of religion have received a great deal of scholarly and popular attention both because of their intrinsic interest and because they are widely as constituting a threat to the religion they analyse. The Believing Primate aims to describe and discuss these scientific accounts as well as to assess their implications. The volume begins with essays by leading scientists in the field, describing these accounts and discussing evidence in their favour. Philosophical and theological reflections (...)
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    Abortion and Unborn Human Life. [REVIEW]Michael J. Degnan - 2001 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 75 (1):116-120.
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    Aristotle’s First Principles. [REVIEW]Michael J. Degnan - 1992 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 66 (3):384-387.
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    Aristotle’s Modal Logic. [REVIEW]Michael J. Degnan - 2000 - Ancient Philosophy 20 (1):215-222.
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    Nature’s Causes. [REVIEW]Michael J. Degnan - 2000 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 74 (2):309-313.
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    Principles and Proofs. [REVIEW]Michael J. Degnan - 1994 - Review of Metaphysics 48 (1):154-156.
    This book aims to recapture Aristotle's vision of the nature of science and scientific knowledge. According to McKirahan, Aristotle's demonstrative science consists primarily of principles and proofs. In five chapters he systematically treats the principles: axioms, definitions, and existence claims. To settle some issues left obscure by Aristotle, McKirahan turns to Euclid's geometrical practice in the Elements, for he argues that Euclid is strongly influenced by the Posterior Analytics' model of demonstration. McKirahan examines aspects of Aristotelian proofs with a chapter (...)
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    Person and Psyche. [REVIEW]Michael J. Degnan - 2011 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 85 (3):516-520.
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    Practices of Reason. [REVIEW]Michael J. Degnan - 1996 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 70 (2):307-311.
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    The Origins of Aristotelian Science. [REVIEW]Michael J. Degnan - 1994 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 68 (2):236-240.
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    A Report from the Front Lines: Conversations on Public Theology. A Festschrift in Honor of Robert Benne, and: Explorations in Christian Theology and Ethics: Essays in Conversation with Paul L. Lehmann.Jeffrey P. Greenman - 2012 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 32 (1):206-209.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:A Report from the Front Lines: Conversations on Public Theology. A Festschrift in Honor of Robert Benne, and: Explorations in Christian Theology and Ethics: Essays in Conversation with Paul L. LehmannJeffrey P. GreenmanA Report from the Front Lines: Conversations on Public Theology. A Festschrift in Honor of Robert Benne Edited by Michael Shahan Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 2009. 184 pp. $30.00.Explorations in Christian Theology and Ethics: (...)
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    Moral reasoning "on hold" during a competitive game.Michael J. Reall, Jeffrey J. Bailey & Sharon K. Stoll - 1998 - Journal of Business Ethics 17 (11):1205-1210.
    When a person engages in a "game," that person may reason and behave in a manner that is inconsistent with non-game-situation moral reasoning. In this study we measured moral reasoning with the Defining Issues Test (DIT). We then engaged the students in a competitive game and collected accounts of their "reasoning" by having them explain their decisions with a forced choice inventory. The results indicate that there were significant inconsistencies in moral reasoning between non-game and game situations. The implications of (...)
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  27. The Virtue of Courage in Entrepreneurship.Michael J. Naughton & Jeffrey R. Cornwall - 2006 - Business Ethics Quarterly 16 (1):69-93.
    The paper examines the problematic understanding of “risk” in entrepreneurial literature that locates courage in either the loss orgain of having or in the difficulty and hardship of the doing. We argue in this paper that what is lost in this vernacular view of courage is a deeper notion of the subjective dimension of work and the social need of society. Grounded within the Catholic social and moral tradition, we find a richer notion of courage, which in part corrects and (...)
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  28.  8
    Christianity Secular Reason: Classical Themes & Modern Developments.Jeffrey Bloechl (ed.) - 2012 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    What is secularity? Might it yield or define a distinctive form of reasoning? If so, would that form of reasoning belong essentially to our modern age, or would it instead have a considerably older lineage? And what might be the relation of that form of reasoning, whatever its lineage, to the Christian thinking that is often said to oppose it? In the present volume, these and related questions are addressed by a distinguished group of scholars working primarily within the Roman (...)
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    Missed It By That Much: Austin on Norms of Truth.Jeffrey Hershfield - 2012 - Philosophia 40 (2):357-363.
    A principal challenge for a deflationary theory is to explain the value of truth: why we aim for true beliefs, abhor dishonesty, and so on. The problem arises because deflationism sees truth as a mere logical property and the truth predicate as serving primarily as a device of generalization. Paul Horwich, attempts to show how deflationism can account for the value of truth. Drawing on the work of J. L. Austin, I argue that his account, which focuses on belief, (...)
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  30.  30
    Jeffrey Weaver and Madeline H. Caviness, The Ancestors of Christ Windows at Canterbury Cathedral. Los Angeles: J. Paul Getty Museum, 2013. Paper. Pp. 104; 63 color and 5 black-and-white figures. $25. ISBN: 978-1-60606-146-6. [REVIEW]M. A. Michael - 2014 - Speculum 89 (4):1209-1211.
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    Who Is the Good Entrepreneur? An Exploration within the Catholic Social Tradition.Jeffrey R. Cornwall & Michael J. Naughton - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 44 (1):61 - 75.
    Entrepreneurship is a critical need in society, and an entrepreneur's life can be a life wonderfully lived. However, most of the literature examining entrepreneurship takes an overly narrow financial viewpoint when examining entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial success. Our paper surveys the current entrepreneurial literature on what constitutes successful entrepreneurship. We then engage key conceptual ideas within the Catholic social tradition to analyze what we see as an undeveloped notion of success. We then move to construct a richer notion of success through (...)
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    You can't always get what you want: Evolution and true beliefs.Jeffrey P. Schloss & Michael J. Murray - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (6):533-534.
    McKay & Dennett (M&D) convincingly argue against many proposals for adaptively functioning misbelief, but the conclusion that true beliefs are generally adaptive does not follow. Adaptive misbeliefs may be few in kind but many in number; maladaptive misbeliefs may routinely elude selective pruning; reproductively neutral misbeliefs may abound; and adaptively grounded beliefs may reliably covary with but not truthfully represent reality.
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    Screening for HIV Infection: Risks, Benefits, and the Burden of Proof.Michael J. Barry, Paul D. Cleary & Harvey V. Fineberg - 1986 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 14 (5-6):259-267.
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    Radical and Marxist Theories of Crime.Michael J. Lynch & Paul Stretesky (eds.) - 2011 - Ashgate.
    Radical or Marxist criminology is an influential critique which emerged in the late 1960s and emphasizes how power inequality and structures, especially those related to class, affect the nature of crime, law and justice. The essays selected for this volume draw attention to the influence of structural forces, neglected crime and the ways in which law and criminal justice processes reinforce power structures and contribute to class control.
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    TB Matters More.Michael J. Selgelid, Paul M. Kelly & Adrian Sleigh - 2023 - In Michael Boylan, International Public Health Policy and Ethics. Springer Verlag. pp. 251-265.
    Tuberculosis (TB) is theTuberculosis (TB) second leading infectious cause of mortality worldwide and arguably the most important neglected topic in bioethics. This chapter: (1) explains the ethical importance of TB, (2) documents its neglect in bioethics discourse, (3) maps the terrain of ethical issues associated with TBTuberculosis (TB), and (4) advocates a moderate pluralistic approach to ethical issues associated with TB.
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    From Data to Causes III: Bayesian Priors for General Cross-Lagged Panel Models (GCLM).Michael J. Zyphur, Ellen L. Hamaker, Louis Tay, Manuel Voelkle, Kristopher J. Preacher, Zhen Zhang, Paul D. Allison, Dean C. Pierides, Peter Koval & Edward F. Diener - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:612251.
    This article describes some potential uses of Bayesian estimation for time-series and panel data models by incorporating information from prior probabilities (i.e., priors) in addition to observed data. Drawing on econometrics and other literatures we illustrate the use of informative “shrinkage” or “small variance” priors (including so-called “Minnesota priors”) while extending prior work on the general cross-lagged panel model (GCLM). Using a panel dataset of national income and subjective well-being (SWB) we describe three key benefits of these priors. First, they (...)
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    Arc consistency: parallelism and domain dependence.Paul R. Cooper & Michael J. Swain - 1992 - Artificial Intelligence 58 (1-3):207-235.
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    Simultaneously vanishing higher derived limits without large cardinals.Jeffrey Bergfalk, Michael Hrušák & Chris Lambie-Hanson - 2022 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 23 (1).
    A question dating to Mardešić and Prasolov’s 1988 work [S. Mardešić and A. V. Prasolov, Strong homology is not additive, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 307(2) (1988) 725–744], and motivating a considerable amount of set theoretic work in the years since, is that of whether it is consistent with the ZFC axioms for the higher derived limits [Formula: see text] [Formula: see text] of a certain inverse system [Formula: see text] indexed by [Formula: see text] to simultaneously vanish. An equivalent formulation (...)
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  39.  62
    Cross-Cultural Perceptions of Business Ethics: Evidence from the United States and China. [REVIEW]Michael J. Gift, Paul Gift & QinQin Zheng - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 114 (4):633-642.
    A number of empirical studies have examined business ethics across cultures, focusing primarily on differences in ethical profiles between cultures and groups. When managers consider whether or not to develop a business relationship with those from a different culture, their decision may be affected by actual differences in ethical profiles, but potentially even more so by their perceptions of ethicality in the counterpart culture. The latter issue has been largely ignored in extant empirical research regarding cross-cultural ethical profiles. In this (...)
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  40. Liberalism and Democracy.Norberto Bobbio, Michael J. Perry, Susan Mendus, Nichola Lacey, Brian Barry & E. F. Paul - 1990 - Philosophical Quarterly 40 (161):515-522.
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    Mills made of grist, and other interesting ideas in need of clarification.Paul E. Smaldino & Michael J. Spivey - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42:e182.
    Heyes’ book is an important contribution that rightly integrates cognitive development and cultural evolution. However, understanding the cultural evolution of cognitive gadgets requires a deeper appreciation of complexity, feedback, and self-organization than her book exhibits.
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    Stakeholders’ Perspectives on Preclinical Testing for Alzheimer’s Disease.Paul J. Ford, Alexander Rae Grant, Jeffrey Cummings & Jalayne J. Arias - 2015 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 26 (4):297-306.
    Background and Aims Progress towards validating amyloid beta as an early indicator of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) heightens the need for evaluation of stakeholders’ perspectives of the benefits and harms of preclinical testing in asymptomatic individuals. Methods Investigators conducted and analyzed 14 semi-structured interviews with family members of patients diagnosed with AD. Results Participants reported benefits, including the potential to seek treatment, make lifestyle changes, and prepare for cognitive impairment. Participants identified harms, including social harms, adverse life decisions, and psychological harms. (...)
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    The Architecture of Happiness.Tim Lomas, Meike Bartels, Margot Van De Weijer, Michael Pluess, Jeffrey Hanson & Tyler J. VanderWeele - 2022 - Emotion Review 14 (4):288-309.
    Happiness is an increasingly prominent topic of interest across academia. However, relatively little attention has been paid to how it is created, especially not in a multidimensional sense. By ‘created’ we do not mean its influencing factors, for which there is extensive research, but how it actually forms in the person. The work that has been done in this arena tends to focus on physiological dynamics, which are certainly part of the puzzle. But they are not the whole picture, with (...)
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    Cross-Cultural Biotechnology: A Reader.Stella Gonzalez Arnal, Donald Chalmers, David Kum-Wah Chan, Margaret Coffey, Jo Ann T. Croom, Mylène Deschênes, Henrich Ganthaler, Yuri Gariev, Ryuichi Ida, Jeffrey P. Kahn, Martin O. Makinde, Anna C. Mastroianni, Katharine R. Meacham, Bushra Mirza, Michael J. Morgan, Dianne Nicol, Edward Reichman, Susan E. Wallace & Larissa P. Zhiganova (eds.) - 2004 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This book is a rich blend of analyses by leading experts from various cultures and disciplines. A compact introduction to a complex field, it illustrates biotechnology's profound impact upon the environment and society. Moreover, it underscores the vital relevance of cultural values. This book empowers readers to more critically assess biotechnology's value and effectiveness within both specific cultural and global contexts.
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    Effects of simultaneous auditory stimulation on the detection of tactile stimuli.George A. Gescheider, William G. Barton, Michael R. Bruce, Jeffrey H. Goldberg & Michael J. Greenspan - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 81 (1):120.
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    Influence of noun imagery on speed of naming nouns.David A. Grant, Jeffrey A. Kadlac, Michael J. Zajano, Joseph B. Hellige, Louise C. Perry & Kenneth B. Solberg - 1977 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 9 (6):433-434.
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    Parsing Neurobiological Dysfunctions in Obesity: Nosologic and Ethical Consequences.Paul S. Appelbaum, Michael J. Devlin & Carl E. Fisher - 2010 - American Journal of Bioethics 10 (12):14-16.
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    (1 other version)Introduction.Paul Patton & Michael J. Shapiro - 2004 - Theory and Event 8 (1).
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    A Paradox of Information.A Comment on Miller's New Paradox of Information.A Paradox of Zero Information.Miller's So-called Paradox: A Reply to Professor J. L. Mackie.Miller's paradox of Information.The Straight and Narrow Rule of Induction: A Reply to Dr Bub and Mr Radner.New Mysteries for Old: The Transfiguration of Miller's Paradox.David Miller, Karl R. Popper, Jeffrey Bub & Michael Radner - 1970 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 35 (1):124-127.
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    The Impact of Financial Incentives and Perceptions of Seriousness on Whistleblowing Intention.Paul Andon, Clinton Free, Radzi Jidin, Gary S. Monroe & Michael J. Turner - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 151 (1):165-178.
    Many jurisdictions have put regulatory strategies in place to provide incentives and safeguards to whistleblowers to encourage whistleblowing on corporate wrongdoings. One such strategy is the provision of a financial incentive to the whistleblower if the complaint leads to a successful regulatory enforcement action against the offending organization. We conducted an experiment using professional accountants as participants to examine whether such an incentive encourages potential whistleblowers to report an observed financial reporting fraud to a relevant external authority. We also examine (...)
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