Results for 'Jelica Nejasmic'

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  1. Construction and Revision of Spatial Mental Models under High Task Demand.Jelica Nejasmic, Leandra Bucher, Paul D. Thorn & Markus Knauff - 2014 - In Paul Bello, Marcello Guarini, Marjorie McShane & Brian Scassellati (eds.), Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society. pp. 1066-72.
    Individuals often revise their beliefs when confronted with contradicting evidence. Belief revision in the spatial domain can be regarded as variation of initially constructed spatial mental models. Construction and revision usually follow distinct cognitive principles. The present study examines whether principles of revisions which follow constructions under high task demands differ from principles applied after less demanding constructions. We manipulated the task demands for model constructions by means of the continuity with which a spatial model was constructed. We administered tasks (...)
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  2. Spatial reasoning as verbal reasoning.Antje Krumnack, Leandra Bucher, Jelica Nejasmic & Markus Knauff - 2010 - In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone (eds.), Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society.
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    Disorientation in a Time of the Absence of Limits.Jelica Šumič Riha - 2023 - Filozofski Vestnik 43 (3).
    Seen from the perspective of the inconsistency of the Other, the post-truth era can be considered to be an era emerging from a crisis in belief in the existence of the Other, which is to be taken in a twofold sense: as a belief in the Other of the Other, that is, the Other of Law, and a belief in the Other considered as the subject supposed to know. Insofar as the contemporary subject does not want to know anything about (...)
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  4. Philosophy as an Education by Truths.Jelica Sumic Riha - 2010 - Filozofski Vestnik 31 (3):149 - +.
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    (1 other version)Politics and Psychoanalysis in the Times of the Generalized Metonymization.Jelica Šumič Riha - 2011 - Filozofski Vestnik 32 (2).
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    The reinvention of democracy in eastern europe.Jelica Sumic & Rado Riha - 1996 - Angelaki 1 (3):143 – 156.
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    Anachronism of emancipation or fidelity to politics.Jelica Šumi - 2004 - In Simon Critchley & Oliver Marchart (eds.), Laclau: A Critical Reader. New York: Routledge. pp. 182.
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    Giorgio agamben’s godless saints: Saving what was not.Jelica šumič - 2011 - Angelaki 16 (3):137-147.
    While praising Agamben for his attempt to formulate a radically immanentist conception of redemption, Negri nevertheless points out that Agamben’s novel vision of redemption, according to which the world in which we live is also a source of possibility, remains singularly unproductive. This is because in Agamben’s universe, according to Negri, productive power is attributed to sovereign power alone, thus leaving no room for a radically inventive and transformative activity – except in the guise of passive marginal resistance. In this (...)
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  9. Infinitization of the Subject.Jelica Šumič-Riha - 2009 - Filozofski Vestnik 30 (2):247 - +.
    Traditionally, emancipatory politics is a question of knowing which parts of society are capable of counting for something, and which ones are not. Formulating the question of emancipatory politics in terms of existence, more specifically, in terms of “political subjects who are not social groups but rather forms of inscriptions of the count of the uncounted” , means acknowledging that the proper place for emancipatory politics is the very terrain in which the system of domination operates, a system that radical (...)
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  10. Causasui blodi.Jelica Sumič-Riha - forthcoming - Filozofski Vestnik.
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  11. Communism between Death and Resurrection.Jelica Sumic-Riha - 2009 - Filozofski Vestnik 30 (3):75 - +.
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  12. ""Psychoanalysis between the" Passion of the Real" and the semblant.Jelica Sumic-Riha - 2007 - Filozofski Vestnik 28 (3):7 - +.
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    Universel, singulier, sujet: actes du colloque organisé par l'Institut de philosophie, Centre de recherches scientifiques (Ljublijana), et la Maison Suger, Maison des sciences de l'homme, novembre 1998.Jelica Šumič-Riha (ed.) - 2000 - Paris: Editions Kimé.
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  14. L'éthique stoïcienne entre pulsion et perversion.Jelica Šumič-Riha - 2004 - Filozofski Vestnik 25 (2).
    Suivant les quelques indications de Lacan sur le changement radical du statut du sujet tel que l’implique le nouveau rapport, à la fin de l’analyse, entre volonté et désir, l’auteur interroge deux modalités de la confrontation du sujet avec la volonté de l’Autre : celle du sage stoïcien, d’une part, et, d’autre part, celle de Sade. Jouant sur les convergences et les divergences de ceux deux positions subjectives au regard de la volonté de l’Autre, il s’agit d’aborder, à partir de (...)
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  15. Transfinitisation in politics (The One and the Same).Jelica Sumic-Riha - 2006 - Filozofski Vestnik 27 (1):7 - +.
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  16. Universel, singulier, sujet: actes du colloque organisé par l'Institut de philosophie, Centre de recherches scientifiques (Ljublijana), et la Maison Suger, Maison des sciences de l'homme, novembre 1998.Jelica Ésumiéc-Riha, Centre de Recherches Scientifiques & Maison des Sciences de L'homme (eds.) - 2000 - Paris: Editions Kimé.
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    La place de la mathématique : Badiou avec Lacan.Jelica Šumič Riha - 2021 - Filozofski Vestnik 41 (2).
    The paper attempts to give an account of two different ways of relating to mathematics: Lacan’s and Badiou’s. Its starting point is Badiou’s and Lacan’s interpretations of Russell’s infamous definition of mathematics, according to which mathematics is a discourse in which no one knows what one is talking about, nor whether what one is saying is true. While for Badiou, the ignorance that is supposed to characterise mathematics according to Russell only concerns the role philosophy assigns to it, namely, it (...)
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  18. Philosophie, psychanalyse: alliance ou mésalliance.Jelica Šumič-Riha - 2004 - Filozofski Vestnik 25 (2).
    Sous ce titre, «Philosophie, psychanalyse: alliance ou mésalliance?», qui ne définie aucun privilège, aucun ordre de priorité, nous nous proposons d’interroger le rapport discret mais constant que la psychanalyse, depuis Freud, entre-tient avec la philosophie, rapport dont il convient pour le moins de souligner l’extraordinaire ambivalence.
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  19. The Function of Judge or the Postmodernist Challenge in Contemporary Legal Philosophy: Kelsen-Hart-Dworkin.Jelica Šumič-Riha - 1991 - Filozofski Vestnik 12 (1):139-148.
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  20. Prisoners of the inexistent Other.Jelica Sumic-Riha - 2007 - Filozofski Vestnik 28 (1):81 - +.
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  21. Stoic ethics between impulse and perversion.Jelica Sumic Riha - 2006 - Filozofski Vestnik 27 (2):145-166.
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    Mystical Writing, or the "Jouissance of Being".Jelica Šumič Riha - 2010 - Filozofski Vestnik 31 (2).
    Psychoanalysis’ primary aim is to reveal the emergence of the subject, beyond its identifications, as a response of the real. More specifically, psychoanalysis considers the realization of the subject as a response to the impossibility of the sexual relation. Claiming that “everyone is a poem”, Lacan signals that psychoanalysis aims not at that which is universal in the subject, but rather at what in the speaking being is most singular: the emergence of a way of enjoyment that would make up (...)
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    Perelmanov filozofski Iapsus.Jelica Šumić-Riha - 1995 - Filozofski Vestnik 16 (1).
    Članek obravnava Perelmanovo teorijo racionalne argumentacije z gledišča političnega diskurza in njegove vloge pri konstituciji skupnosti in njene identitete. V prvem delu analizirmo dve »formuli« komunikacije, kot ju ponujata politični diskurz in racionalna argumentacija, v luči pojmov homonimije in homologije, ki ju razumemo kot predpostavki za konsenz. V drugem delu pa obravnavamo etične in juridične implikacije Perelmanove konceptualizacije konsenza, pri čemer razkrijemo skrito platonovsko in aristotelovsko dediščino, ki postavi pod vprašaj Perelmanov poskus utemeljiti svojo »novo retoriko« v retorični in sofistični (...)
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    Mutacije etike: od utopije sreče do neozdravljive resnice.Jelica Šumič-Riha - 2002 - Ljubljana: Zal. ZRC.
    Knjiga je poglobljena analiza mutacije etike, do katere je prišlo z zamenjavo aristotelovske etike prave mere z moderno, kantovsko etiko zakona. Avtorica izpostavi kot osrednji problem obeh etik soočanje s čezmernostjo, da je namreč za etiko prave mere, ki se ravna po načelu ugodja, čezmernost obsojena kot zlo in izločena iz etike, narobe pa etika zakona ne priznava nobene mere, ker sam zakon prelomi z načelom ugodja. Vendar avtorica zamenjave etik ne obravnava zgolj v zgodovinski perspektivi, pač pa raziskuje tudi (...)
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    Argumentacija in demokracija.Jelica Šumić-Riha - 1993 - Filozofski Vestnik 14 (1).
    Avtorica obravnava alternativo med skeptično in racionalno argumentacijo kot izsiljeno izbiro, s katero se konstituira tako subjekt v navadni govorici kakor subjekt v demokraciji. Članek analizira skeptično in racionalno argumentacijo kot dva načina, kako se subjekt lahko izogne izsiljeni izbiri in nemožnosti govorice na eni strani in neutemeljenosti demokracije na drugi. Subjekt skeptične argumentacije se izogne temu, da bi vzel nase brezopornost govorice in demokracije, tako, da ubeži v neskončno ponavljanjerefutacije, subjekt racionalne argumentacije pa v neskončno približevanje pogojem idealne argumentacije.
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    Hartov koncept prava ali etika v pravu.Jelica Šumić-Riha - 1990 - Filozofski Vestnik 11 (1).
    Članek obravnava Hartovo pojmovanje obveznosti spoštovati zakon kot temeljne razlikovalne poteze glede na tradicionalni pravni pozitivizem in jusnaturalizem. Zahteva spoštovati zakon je po Hartu utemeljena v strukturi prava samega, v sekundarnih pravilih, predvsem v pravilu za prepoznavo kot temelju vseh drugih zakonskih norm.
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    Truth between Semblance and the Real.Jelica Šumič Riha - 2021 - Filozofski Vestnik 41 (1).
    What is the peculiar evocative force of the notion of the real? Rather than succumbing to the temptation of forcing appearance in order to accede to the real supposed to be lurking behind it, for Lacanian psychoanalysis the access to the real is that of the semblance. While one of our aims in this paper is to briefly outline the development of Lacan’s rather peculiar “realism”, we would also wish to emphasize the relation between the real and the semblance as (...)
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    Koncept prava.H. L. A. Hart & Jelica Ésumiéc-Riha - 1994 - Ljubljana: Študentska organizacija Univerze v Ljubljani. Edited by Jelica Šumič-Riha.
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