Results for 'Jérôme Lamy'

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  1. JACOB Ch., Lieux de savoir, t. 2: Les mains de l'intellect (CR du n° 2/2011).Lamy Jérôme - 2011 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 64 (2):395-400.
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  2. (1 other version)Pratiques et collectifs de la science en régimes. Note critique.Lamy Jérôme & Saint-Martin Arnaud - 2011 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 64 (2):377-389.
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    Dire-vrai, aveu et discipline : Michel Foucault et les techniques de vérité.Jérôme Lamy - 2018 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 2:201-218.
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    La Frontière Comme Enjeu les Annales et la SociologieBoundaries at stake. The Annales school and sociology.Jérôme Lamy & Arnaud Saint-Martin - 2010 - Revue de Synthèse 131 (1):99-127.
    Les Annales ont tracé, depuis leurs débuts dans les années 1930, des frontières avec la sociologie. L’étude de trois moments majeurs (l’ère des fondateurs, le moment Braudel et la décennie 1980) permet de saisir le travail d ‘horographie comme un enjeu sans cesse actualisé dans les rapports de force institutionnels et épistémologiques. L’identité collective des Annales, émergeant dans ces débats de délimitation avec la sociologie, s’appuie sur un réseau de valeurs et de références continuellement ajusté.
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  5. Use and legacy of scientific tools: The observatory of Toulouse and its instruments (18th and 19th centuries).Jerome Lamy - 2006 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 59 (1):85-98.
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    Bruno Latour (1947-2022).Jérôme Lamy - 2023 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 148 (2):279-281.
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    La transparence des institutions : une ethnographie de la verrerie dans un laboratoire de biologie (The Transparency of Institutions. An Ethnography of Glassware in a Laboratory of Biology).Jérôme Lamy & Sébastien Plutniak - 2016 - Ethnologie Française 164 (4):733-746.
    This paper addresses two disciplinary expansion trends in social sciences: in sociology, by denying the distinction between human and non-human; in archaeology, relying on the objet-mémoire concept, which associates the ideas of social interaction and memory processes. We discuss them from an ethnographic study of the ordinary containers in a biology laboratory. The signs, drawn or engraved on their surface, are a proxy for a joint analysis of artifacts, textuality, institutionalization processes, and social stratification. Rather than such disciplinary expansions, we (...)
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    Into the Cosmo. Space Exploration and Soviet Culture - edited by James T. Andrew and Asif A. Siddiqi.Jérôme Lamy - 2013 - Centaurus 55 (1):49-50.
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    (1 other version)Transmissions et usages des outils scientifiques : L'observatoire de Toulouse et ses instruments (xviiie-xixe siècles).Jérôme Lamy - 2006 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 1 (1):83-95.
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    What Management Does to Space Projects: The Franco-Soviet Project ARCAD 3 in the Late 1970s.Jérôme Lamy - 2011 - Science in Context 24 (4):545-586.
    ArgumentSpace projects represent, after World War II, the archetype of large-scale organization of scientific practices that are flexible, temporary, and oriented towards specific goals. A new form of activity, the project, emerged through the management of technical means, allocation of skills, and coordination of various players. Project management emerged as the synthesis of a set of social practices designed to subordinate as well as synchronize the initiatives of researchers, engineers, and technicians who had temporarily joined forces. This article presents the (...)
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    Une ethnologie spéculaire?Jérôme Lamy - 2016 - le Portique 36.
    L’œuvre de Michel Leiris est autobiographique de part en part. Pour interroger les spécificités de se dire-soi continu, l’article entreprend de saisir les deux formes qui sous-tendent l’écriture leirisienne dans les ouvrages et les journaux de l’ethnologue. C’est d’abord la strate qui émerge, comme principe de l’accumulation faisant des écrits successifs des sédiments dans lesquels Leiris vient saisir les lignes de force d’un sens qui ne se donne qu’après coup pour comprendre sa propre existence. Ensuite, c’est le cercle, ce retour (...)
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    Le temps des frictions.Jérôme Schäfer Lamy - 2021 - Temporalités 34.
    This article explores the plurivocality of temporalities that is at work in contemporary management. The aim is to understand the relationship that a century-old industrial company has with temporality. Based on a longitudinal case study and a series of interviews conducted within the family business Fleury Michon, the article identifies the discursive mobilizations of different temporalities specific to contemporary capitalism. The logics of the long term are required as constitutive elements of the company. In a presentist regime, these temporalities interact, (...)
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    Michel Foucault: un héritage critique.Jean-François Bert & Jérôme Lamy (eds.) - 2014 - Paris: CNRS, éditions.
    4e de couv.: Les écrits de Michel Foucault sont stratifiés, hiérarchisés, entre les livres, les entretiens et les cours au Collège de France, mais ils sont surtout disséminés dans leurs usages. Désormais, et en plus de l'histoire des sciences et de la philosophie, les "effets" Foucault sont palpables sur la théorie de la littérature et du cinéma, l'histoire culturelle et sociale, les théories du genre, la pensée politique, les sciences de gestion, etc. C'est dans ce chantier ouvert que se situe (...)
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    L’émergence contrariée du chronographe imprimant dans les observatoires français.Jérôme Lamy & Frédéric Soulu - 2015 - Annals of Science 72 (1):75-98.
    RésuméLes observatoires occidentaux se transforment en véritable usine scientifique à partir du milieu du 19e siècle. L'astrométrie symbolise ce passage à une économie industrieuse des pratiques scientifiques. Le chronographe imprimant, qui permet de réduire les équations personnelles des observateurs, s'impose, d'abord aux Etats-Unis, puis en Angleterre, en instrument-emblème de cette transformation profonde. En France, les initiatives de l'astronome Liais restent prototypiques. Ce n'est qu'au début du 20e siècle, par les voies détournées de l'observatoire d'Hendaye et de l'abbé Verschaffel, que le (...)
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    Apollonia d'Illyrie (Albanie).Pierre Cabanes, Jean-Luc Lamboley, Vasil Bereti, Guillaume Bonnet, Vangjel Dimo, Annick Fenet, Marie-Claire Ferries, Lami Koço, Philippe Lenhardt, Alexandre Pontet, François Quantin, Altin Skenderaj, Olgita Ceka, Jonalt Kodhelaj, Florian Mino, Belisa Muka, Olivier Monnier, Johany Reboton, Jérôme Rambert, Jean-Noël Rias, Bashkim Vrekaj & Claire Baundier - 2001 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 125 (2):701-715.
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    Sovjan (Albanie).Pierre Cabanes, Jean-Luc Lamboley, Vasil Bereti, Guillaume Bonnet, Vangjel Dimo, Annick Fenet, Marie-Claire Ferries, Lami Koço, Philippe Lenhardt, Alexandre Pontet, François Quantin, Altin Skenderaj, Olgita Ceka, Jonalt Kodhelaj, Florian Mino, Belisa Muka, Olivier Monnier, Johany Reboton, Jérôme Rambert, Jean-Noël Rias, Bashkim Vrekaj & Claire Baundier - 2001 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 125 (2):716-730.
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  17. Guillaume Carnino, Liliane Hilaire-Perez and Jérôme Lamy (eds.), Global History of Techniques: 19th–21st Centuries Turnhout: Brepols, 2024. Pp. 781. ISBN 978-2-503-59151-3. €120.00 (hardback). [REVIEW]Shankar Nair - forthcoming - British Journal for the History of Science:1-2.
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    Bernard Stiegler : lost in disruption?Alexandre Moatti - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Cet article a déjà été publié dans le Carnet Zilsel, en date du 16 septembre 2017. L'auteur remercie Catherine Dupuy, Pascal Engel, Éric Guichard, Gaïa Lassaube, Pierre Lévy, Pierre Mœglin, David Monniaux, Mathieu Triclot et Stéphane Vial, ainsi qu'Arnaud Saint-Martin et Jérôme Lamy, éditeurs du Carnet Zilsel, de leur relecture du projet d'article et de leurs remarques. Il va de soi que l'article lui-même n'engage que son auteur. Rhuthmos remercie Alexandre Moatti et les Carnets Zilsel d'avoir permis - Philosophie (...)
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    Modeling Conceptualization and Investigating Teaching Effectiveness.Jérôme Santini, Tracy Bloor & Gérard Sensevy - 2018 - Science & Education 27 (9-10):921-961.
    Our research addresses the issue of teaching and learning concepts in science education as an empirical question. We study the process of conceptualization by closely examining the unfolding of classroom lesson sequences. We situate our work within the practice turn line of research on epistemic practices in science education. We also adopt a practice turn approach when it comes to the learning of concepts, as we consider conceptualization as being inherent within epistemic practices. In our work, pedagogical practices are modeled (...)
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  20. On perceptual readiness.Jerome S. Bruner - 1957 - Psychological Review 64 (2):123-52.
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    Do Managerial Practices Need Philosophy?Marian Eabrasu & Erwan Lamy - 2023 - Philosophy of Management 22 (3):309-320.
    This article serves as an introduction to the special issue discussing the usefulness of philosophy in managerial practice. We present the papers included in this special issue and identify keynote directions for further research. The initial intention of the call for papers was to promote this topic on research agendas by offering a platform for discussing if, why, and how philosophy can complement and enhance management practice. Now that this special issue has been published, we see a broader significance: the (...)
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  22. Disjunctivism, Hallucination and Metacognition.Jérôme Dokic & Jean-Rémy Martin - 2012 - WIREs Cognitive Science 3:533-543.
    Perceptual experiences have been construed either as representational mental states—Representationalism—or as direct mental relations to the external world—Disjunctivism. Both conceptions are critical reactions to the so-called ‘Argument from Hallucination’, according to which perceptions cannot be about the external world, since they are subjectively indiscriminable from other, hallucinatory experiences, which are about sense-data ormind-dependent entities. Representationalism agrees that perceptions and hallucinations share their most specific mental kind, but accounts for hallucinations as misrepresentations of the external world. According to Disjunctivism, the phenomenal (...)
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    (1 other version)Law and the modern mind.Jerome Frank - 1931 - New York,: Coward-McCann.
    " In the generations since, its influence has grown-today it is accepted as a classic of general jurisprudence.The work is a bold and persuasive attack on the ...
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    Aesthetics and philosophy of art criticism.Jerome Stolnitz - 1960 - Boston,: Houghton Mifflin.
  25. Existence, predication, and the ontological argument.Jerome Shaffer - 1962 - Mind 71 (283):307-325.
  26. You Can't Separate the Work of Art from the Artist.Jerome Stolnitz - 1984 - Philosophy and Literature 8 (2):209-221.
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    Aesthetics and modernity from Schiller to the Frankfurt School.Jerome Carroll, Steve Giles & Maike Oergel (eds.) - 2008 - New York: Peter Lang.
    Proceedings of a conference held in Sept. 2009 in London, England.
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  28. The act of discovery.Jerome S. Bruner - 1960 - Philosophy of Education:137.
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    The merger of knowledge with power: essays in critical science.Jerome R. Ravetz - 1990 - New York: Mansell.
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    Do conscious perception and unconscious processing rely on independent mechanisms? A meta-contrast study.Ziv Peremen & Dominique Lamy - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 24:22-32.
    There is currently no consensus regarding what measures are most valid to demonstrate perceptual processing without awareness. Likewise, whether conscious perception and unconscious processing rely on independent mechanisms or lie on a continuum remains a matter of debate. Here, we addressed these issues by comparing the time courses of subjective reports, objective discrimination performance and response priming during meta-contrast masking, under similar attentional demands. We found these to be strikingly similar, suggesting that conscious perception and unconscious processing cannot be dissociated (...)
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    The Pleasure of Pictures: Pictorial Experience and Aesthetic Appreciation.Jérôme Pelletier & Alberto Voltolini (eds.) - 2018 - London: Routledge.
    The general aim of this volume is to investigate the nature of the relation between pictorial experience and aesthetic appreciation. In particular, it is concerned with the character and intimacy of this relationship: is there a mere causal connection between pictorial experience and aesthetic appreciation, or are the two relata constitutively associated with one another? The essays in the book's first section investigate important conceptual issues related to the pictorial experience of paintings. In Section II, the essays discuss the notion (...)
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  32. Daydreaming and the stream of thought.Jerome L. Singer - 1974 - American Scientist 62:417-425.
  33. Mental events and the brain.Jerome Shaffer - 1963 - Journal of Philosophy 60 (March):160-6.
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    Sticks and Stones: The Philosophy of Insults.Jerome Neu - 2007 - New York, US: Oxford University Press USA.
    The schoolyard wisdom about “sticks and stones” does not take one very far: insults do not take the form only of words, in truth even words have effects, and in the end the popular as well as the standard legal distinctions between speech and conduct are at least as problematic as they are helpful. To think clearly about how much we should put up with those who would put us down, it is necessary to explore the nature and place of (...)
  35. Sense and insensibility: Or where minimalism meets contextualism.Jérôme Dokic & Eros Corazza - 2007 - In G. Preyer (ed.), Context-Sensitivity and Semantic Minimalism: New Essays on Semantics and Pragmatics. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 169--193.
    In this paper we present some benefits of semantic minimalism. In particular, we stress how minimalism allows us to avoid cognitive overloading, in that it does not posit hidden indexicals or variables at the LF or representational level and it does not posit the operation of free enrichment processes when we produce or hear a sentence. We nonetheless argue that a fully adequate semantic minimalism should embrace a form of relativism—that is, the view that semantic content must be evaluated, pace (...)
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    Deception by police.Jerome H. Skolnick - 1982 - Criminal Justice Ethics 1 (2):40-54.
  37. Too much ado about belief.Jérôme Dokic & Elisabeth Pacherie - 2007 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 6 (1):185-200.
    Three commitments guide Dennett’s approach to the study of consciousness. First, an ontological commitment to materialist monism. Second, a methodological commitment to what he calls ‘heterophenomenology.’ Third, a ‘doxological’ commitment that can be expressed as the view that there is no room for a distinction between a subject’s beliefs about how things seem to her and what things actually seem to her, or, to put it otherwise, as the view that there is no room for a reality/appearance distinction for consciousness. (...)
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    How reaction time measures elucidate the matching bias and the way negations are processed.Jérôme Prado & Ira A. Noveck - 2006 - Thinking and Reasoning 12 (3):309 – 328.
    Matching bias refers to the non-normative performance that occurs when elements mentioned in a rule do not correspond with those in a test item. One aim of the present work is to capture matching bias via reaction times as participants carry out truth-table evaluation tasks. Experiment 1 requires participants to verify conditional rules, and Experiment 2 to falsify them as the paradigm employs four types of conditional sentences that systematically rotate negatives in the antecedent and consequent; and presents predominantly cases (...)
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  39. Food safety, quality, and ethics – a post-normal perspective.Jerome R. Ravetz - 2002 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 15 (3):255-265.
    I argue that the issues of foodquality, in the most general sense includingpurity, safety, and ethics, can no longer beresolved through ``normal'' science andregulation. The reliance on reductionistscience as the basis for policy andimplementation has shown itself to beinadequate. I use several borderline examplesbetween drugs and foods, particularly coffeeand sucrose, to show that ``quality'' is now acomplex attribute. For in those cases thesubstance is either a pure drug, or a bad foodwith drug-like properties; both are marketed asif they were foods. (...)
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  40. On objective relativism in aesthetics.Jerome Stolnitz - 1960 - Journal of Philosophy 57 (8):261-276.
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    The Opening Mind: A Philosophical Study of Humanistic Concepts.Jerome Stolnitz - 1977 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 37 (2):219-221.
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  42. Some differences between abstract and non-objective painting.Jerome Ashmore - 1954 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 13 (4):486-495.
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  43. On an Alleged Proof of Atheism: Reply to John Park.Jerome Gellman - 2015 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 7 (3):267--274.
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    L'histoire du concept d'imagination en France: de 1918 à nos jours.Riccardo Barontini & Julien Lamy (eds.) - 2019 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
    Les vingt-quatre contributions qui composent ce volume collectif se donnent pour objectif de fournir au lecteur un ensemble de repères historiques et conceptuels permettant de s'orienter dans le vaste territoire des théories contemporaines de l'imagination, de 1918 à aujourd'hui. Cet ouvrage présente ainsi, grâce à une enquête pluraliste et interdisciplinaire, un point de vue privilégié pour apprécier les différentes stratégies qui, au cours des cent dernières années, en réhabilitant l'importance et la puissance féconde de la "folle du logis", repensent la (...)
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    Fait et valeur dans le concept de trouble mental : le trouble en tant que dysfonction préjudiciable.Jerome Wakefield - 2006 - Philosophiques 33 (1):37-63.
    Les critiques actuelles des diagnostics psychiatriques, qu’elles viennent des antipsychiatres, des béhavioristes, des constructionnistes sociaux, des szasziens et des foucaldiens, rejettent généralement l’idée que le concept de trouble mental est légitime du point de vue médical, ne laissant donc aucun argument solide à partir duquel il soit possible de mener une critique constructive et d’établir un dialogue avec la psychiatrie. Ces positions ne réussissent également pas à expliquer les fortes intuitions populaires qui permettent aux gens de distinguer les troubles psychologiques (...)
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    Some Difficulties in Santayana’s Ontology.Jerome Ashmore - 1964 - The Monist 48 (3):356-365.
    Almost everyone who encounters the philosophy of Santayana sees that a crucial aspect of it concerns the relation of essence and existence. About twenty-five years before the publication of the first volume of Realms of Being, Royce pointed out that the gist of Santayana’s thought was the separation of these two states. Perhaps Santayana had that remark in mind in composing much of his subsequent work. At least, for forty years he did not forget it, since he quoted it in (...)
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  47. Readings in Jurisprudence.Jerome Hall - 1939 - Philosophy 14 (56):504-505.
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    The Syntax of the Numeral "One" as a Noun Modifier in Jewish Palestinian Aramaic of the Amoraic Period Part II.Jerome A. Lund - 1988 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 108 (2):211.
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    Ps.-Plutarch's Account of the Heavenly Bodies in Anaximenes.Jerome Moran - 1973 - Mnemosyne 26 (1):9-14.
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    Humanistic Ethics.Jerome Stolnitz - 1952 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 13 (2):256-257.
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