Jiaxin Lin [5]Jianchu Lin [3]Jian Lin [3]Jiabao Lin [3]
Jiafan Lin [2]Jiali Lin [2]Jiann-Guang Lin [1]Jianfu Lin [1]

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  1.  79
    (1 other version)Relative Power Correlates With the Decoding Performance of Motor Imagery Both Across Time and Subjects.Qing Zhou, Jiafan Lin, Lin Yao, Yueming Wang, Yan Han & Kedi Xu - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    One of the most significant challenges in the application of brain-computer interfaces is the large performance variation, which often occurs over time or across users. Recent evidence suggests that the physiological states may explain this performance variation in BCI, however, the underlying neurophysiological mechanism is unclear. In this study, we conducted a seven-session motor-imagery experiment on 20 healthy subjects to investigate the neurophysiological mechanism on the performance variation. The classification accuracy was calculated offline by common spatial pattern and support vector (...)
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  2.  18
    Translating Chuang Tzu into world literature: text and context.Jiaxin Lin, Xinbing Yu, Song Liu, Mingqiao Luo & Yukun Chen - 2023 - Trans/Form/Ação 46 (1):121-142.
    Resumo: Chuang Tzu (《庄子》), como um cânone tradicional chinês, foi traduzido para o inglês por mais de 100 anos, desde 1881, conquistando com sucesso um nicho no reino da literatura mundial, que se tornou um evento cultural devastador na academia de sinologia ultramarina e literatura mundial. Segundo as estatísticas, o livro foi traduzido em 12 traduções completas, 50 traduções selecionadas e duas adaptações. No processo de metamorfose da “tradução completa - tradução profunda - retradução diversificada”, passou por quatro fases, nomeadamente (...)
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  3.  13
    Paul Auster and August Brill’s solitary rooms: the spatiality of solitude.Ru Chen, Song Liu, Jiaxin Lin & Muhammad Khail Kan - 2022 - Trans/Form/Ação 45 (4):183-204.
    Resumo: Para Paul Auster, um quarto é, em essência, “a própria substância da solidão”, uma solidão espacialmente definida. Nesse sentido, o fenômeno transcendeu suas limitações físicas e assumiu significado existencial e filosófico. Em seus escritos, uma sala é, antes de tudo, um espaço arquitetônico que um escritor solitário ocupa; além disso, é metaforizado como a mente que é a sala - um espaço construído intelectualmente; e, por fim, é um lugar narrado em suas histórias, onde seus personagens meditam e compõem, (...)
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  4.  48
    Preference Attitude-Based Method for Ranking Intuitionistic Fuzzy Numbers and Its Application in Renewable Energy Selection.Jian Lin, Fanyong Meng, Riqing Chen & Qiang Zhang - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-14.
    Many applications of intuitionistic fuzzy sets depend on ranking or comparing intuitionistic fuzzy numbers. This paper presents a novel ranking method for intuitionistic fuzzy numbers based on the preference attitudinal accuracy and score functions. The proposed ranking method considers not only the preference attitude of decision maker, but also all the possible values in feasible domain. Some desirable properties of preference attitudinal accuracy and score functions are verified in detail. A total order on the set of intuitionistic fuzzy numbers is (...)
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  5.  17
    Confucian heresy and religious imagination: a study of the renderings of Mozi by Protestantism missionaries in 19th century.Jiaxin Lin, Zihan Yu & Honghui Hu - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (4):e0240044.
    Resumo: Como uma heresia confucionista, Mozi inicialmente chamou a atenção do missionário inglês Joseph Edkins, em 1858. Posteriormente, o missionário holandês Johann Jakob Maria de Groot traduziu a Doutrina Funerária de Mozi, que tem fortes tonalidades religiosas. Joseph e Groot, que representavam os missionários do protestantismo, interpretaram Mozi em uma variedade de narrativas teológicas. Os dois missionários, que procuravam conexões entre Mozi e o cristianismo, consideravam Mozi um cânone teológico, contendo doutrina cristã. Eles também atacaram o confucionismo, a antítese do (...)
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  6.  17
    Reconceptualizing an idealistic ancient China: refraction and transcreation in the English renderings of Chuang Tzu.Jiaxin Lin & Xinbing Yu - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (4):e0240081.
    Resumo: O clássico cultural chinês Chuang Tzu foi amplamente traduzido para versões em inglês, durante o século passado. Como resultado, essas traduções em inglês refletem, parcialmente, a conceituação da China antiga que mudou, ao longo do tempo, entre os falantes de inglês de outras nações. Desse modo, o presente artigo investiga as imagens reconstruídas da China antiga, tal como se manifestam nas refrações e transcriações das traduções inglesas de Chuang Tzu, as quais foram interpretadas por tradutores estrangeiros, a partir da (...)
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  7.  34
    Deep Hierarchical Representation from Classifying Logo-405.Sujuan Hou, Jianwei Lin, Shangbo Zhou, Maoling Qin, Weikuan Jia & Yuanjie Zheng - 2017 - Complexity:1-12.
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  8.  15
    A Multiscale Chaotic Feature Extraction Method for Speaker Recognition.Jiang Lin, Yi Yumei, Zhang Maosheng, Chen Defeng, Wang Chao & Wang Tonghan - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-9.
    In speaker recognition systems, feature extraction is a challenging task under environment noise conditions. To improve the robustness of the feature, we proposed a multiscale chaotic feature for speaker recognition. We use a multiresolution analysis technique to capture more finer information on different speakers in the frequency domain. Then, we extracted the speech chaotic characteristics based on the nonlinear dynamic model, which helps to improve the discrimination of features. Finally, we use a GMM-UBM model to develop a speaker recognition system. (...)
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  9.  11
    Decoding the Mechanisms of Antikythera Astronomical Device.Jian-Liang Lin - 2015 - Berlin, Heidelberg: Imprint: Springer. Edited by Hong-Sen Yan.
    This book presents a systematic design methodology for decoding the interior structure of the Antikythera mechanism, an astronomical device from ancient Greece. The historical background, surviving evidence and reconstructions of the mechanism are introduced, and the historical development of astronomical achievements and various astronomical instruments are investigated. Pursuing an approach based on the conceptual design of modern mechanisms and bearing in mind the standards of science and technology at the time, all feasible designs of the six lost/incomplete/unclear subsystems are synthesized (...)
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  10. Gong chan zhu yi dao de qian shuo.Jianchu Lin - 1983 - Beijing: Xin hua shu dian Beijing fa xing suo fa xing. Edited by Chunfu Zhao.
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  11. Jian ming gong chan zhu yi dao de yuan li.Jianchu Lin - 1982 - Guiyang Shi: Guizhou sheng xin hua shu dian fa xing. Edited by Wei Wang & Yangyi Dai.
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  12. Lun li xue chang shi wen da.Jianchu Lin - 1986 - Nanning Shi: Guangxi xin hua shu dian fa xing. Edited by Chunfu Zhao.
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  13.  28
    Numerical study of miniature penetrometer in granular material by discrete element method.Jia Lin & Wei Wu - 2012 - Philosophical Magazine 92 (28-30):3474-3482.
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  14. Quan qiu hua shi dai de wang dao wen hua, she hui chuang xin yu yong xu fa zhan.Jianfu Lin (ed.) - 2013 - Taibei Shi: Taiwan da xue chu ban zhong xin.
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  15. Ren di zi you di zhe xue si suo.Jian Lin - 1996 - Beijing: Jing xiao xin hua shu dian.
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  16.  27
    Regional Homogeneity Predicts Creative Insight: A Resting-State fMRI Study.Jiabao Lin, Xuan Cui, Xiaoying Dai & Lei Mo - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  17.  6
    Saiboge yu hou ren lei zhu yi.Jiann-Guang Lin & Yulin Li (eds.) - 2014 - Taibei Shi: Hua yi xue shu.
    近年來關於賽伯格與後人類主義的論述在西方世界方興未艾,論者紛紛從科學、醫學、宗教、哲學、倫理學、社會學、文學與文化研究等各個不同面向思考人們正在經歷的後人類世界。但對一般中文讀者而言,這兩個新詞彙所指 涉的意義仍相當模糊。本書收錄了國內外關於賽伯格與後人類主義的重要論文,嘗試探討人與科技、身體與環境、精神與物質兩者界線逐漸消弭的後人類社會裡的危機與轉機。本書討論之內容相當廣泛,除了探討大眾文化所透露 出的哲學內涵,也從生態文學談到科幻小說,本身即為一部賽伯格文本,不但充斥著許多有意思的矛盾或裂縫,也跨越了各個不同的學門界線,多元豐富的內容相信能夠給予中文讀者提供一個從文學、文化研究角度思索賽伯格與 後人類的獨特視野。.
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  18.  8
    Xu Gan ji jiao zhu.Jiali Lin - 2013 - Shijiazhuang Shi: Hebei jiao yu chu ban she. Edited by Chuancai Xia.
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  19.  7
    Xin yi Shen jian du ben.Jiali Lin - 1996 - Saratoga, Ca, U.S.A.: San min shu ju. Edited by Mingchu Zhou & Yue Xun.
  20.  10
    Ge ming ling xiu de yu shi ju jin =.Bensi Xing & Jian'gong Lin (eds.) - 1993 - Chengdou: Sichuan ren min chu ban she.
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  21.  11
    Editorial: Social commerce in the new era.Shuiqing Yang, Yuan Sun, Atika Qazi, Jiabao Lin & Khalid Haruna - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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  22.  17
    Short-Term Classification Learning Promotes Rapid Global Improvements of Information Processing in Human Brain Functional Connectome.Antonio G. Zippo, Isabella Castiglioni, Jianyi Lin, Virginia M. Borsa, Maurizio Valente & Gabriele E. M. Biella - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13:482492.
    Classification learning is a preeminent human ability within the animal kingdom but the key mechanisms of brain networks regulating learning remain mostly elusive. Recent neuroimaging advancements have depicted human brain as a complex graph machinery where brain regions are nodes and coherent activities among them represent the functional connections. While long-term motor memories have been found to alter functional connectivity in the resting human brain, a graph topological investigation of the short-time effects of learning are still not widely investigated. For (...)
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  23.  19
    The Effect of the Quantity and Distribution of Teammates’ Tendency Toward Self-Interest and Altruism on Individual Decision-Making.Mi Zou, Jinqiu Feng, Nan Qin, Jiangdong Diao, Yang Yang, Jiejie Liao, Jiabao Lin & Lei Mo - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Previous studies have explored the impact of the cost ratio of individual solutions versus collective solutions on people’s cooperation tendency in the presence of individual solutions. This study further explored the impact of team credibility on people’s propensity to cooperate in the presence of individual solutions. Study 1 investigated the influence of different level of altruistic tendencies or the self-interest tendencies of teammates on participants’ decision-making. Study 2 explored the influence of the distribution of altruistic tendencies or self-interest tendencies on (...)
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