Results for 'Jill Maxwell'

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  1.  57
    Employee Ownership Report: Creating a Company of Owners.Jill Maxwell - 1998 - Business Ethics: The Magazine of Corporate Responsibility 12 (4):15-15.
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    Mathias Frisch, Inconsistency, Asymmetry, and Non‐locality: A Philosophical Investigation of Classical Electrodynamics. Oxford: Oxford University Press , 222 pp., $49.95. [REVIEW]Jill North - 2007 - Philosophy of Science 74 (4):555-558.
    This book is a stimulating and engaging discussion of philosophical issues in the foundations of classical electromagnetism. In the rst half, Frisch argues against the standard conception of the theory as consistent and local. The second half is devoted to the puzzle of the arrow of radiation: the fact that waves behave asymmetrically in time, though the laws governing their evolution are temporally symmetric. The book is worthwhile for anyone interested in understanding the physical theory of electromagnetism, as well for (...)
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  3. (1 other version)Consciousness and the Brain: A Scientific and Philosophical Inquiry.G. G. Globus, G. Maxwell & I. Savodnik - 1976 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 29 (1):61-68.
  4. Current Issues in the Philosophy of Science.Herbert Feigl & Grover Maxwell (eds.) - 1961 - New York.
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    Voluntary Governance Mechanisms in Global Supply Chains: Beyond CSR to a Stakeholder Utility Perspective.Vivek Soundararajan & Jill A. Brown - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 134 (1):83-102.
    Poor working conditions remain a serious problem in supplier facilities in developing countries. While previous research has explored this from the developed buyers’ side, we examine this phenomenon from the perspective of developing countries’ suppliers and subcontractors. Utilizing qualitative data from a major knitwear exporting cluster in India and a stakeholder management lens, we develop a framework that shows how the assumptions of conventional, buyer-driven voluntary governance break down in the dilution of buyer power and in the web of factors (...)
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  6. Leading under Pressure.Nicholas Maxwell (ed.) - forthcoming - Ottawa, ON, Canada:
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    Public Perceptions of COVID-19 in Australia: Perceived Risk, Knowledge, Health-Protective Behaviors, and Vaccine Intentions.Kate Faasse & Jill Newby - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  8. (1 other version)Is Science Neurotic?Nicholas Maxwell - 2002 - Metaphilosophy 33 (3):259-299.
    Neurosis can be interpreted as a methodological condition which any aim-pursuing entity can suffer from. If such an entity pursues a problematic aim B, represents to itself that it is pursuing a different aim C, and as a result fails to solve the problems associated with B which, if solved, would lead to the pursuit of aim A, then the entity may be said to be "rationalistically neurotic". Natural science is neurotic in this sense in so far as a basic (...)
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    Hope and Patients’ Expectations in Deep Brain Stimulation: Healthcare Providers’ Perspectives and Approaches.Emily Bell, Bruce Maxwell, Mary Pat McAndrews, Abbas Sadikot & Eric Racine - 2010 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 21 (2):112-124.
    In this article we report relevant data that shed light on the topic of hope and patients’ expectations in the use of DBS, for standard, approved, and established indications, based on a broader qualitative study on the ethical and social challenges that healthcare providers face in the field of DBS.
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  10. Methodological problems of neuroscience.Nicholas Maxwell - 1985 - In David Rose & Vernon G. Dobson (eds.), Models of the Visual Cortex. New York: Wiley.
    In this paper I argue that neuroscience has been harmed by the widespread adoption of seriously inadequate methodologies or philosophies of science - most notably inductivism and falsificationism. I argue that neuroscience, in seeking to understand the human brain and mind, needs to follow in the footsteps of evolution.
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  11. Understanding sensations.Nicholas Maxwell - 1968 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 46 (2):127-146.
    My aim in this paper is to defend a version of the brain process theory, or identity thesis, which differs in one important respect from the theory put forward by J.J.C. Smart. I shall argue that although the sensations which a person experiences are, as a matter of contingent fact, brain processes, nonetheless there are facts about sensations which cannot be described or understood in terms of any physical theory. These 'mental' facts cannot be described by physics for the simple (...)
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  12. The Human World in the Physical Universe: Consciousness, Free Will, and Evolution.Nicholas Maxwell - 2001 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
    This book tackles the problem of how we can understand our human world embedded in the physical universe in such a way that justice is done both to the richness..
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    Translation As (Sub) Version: On Translating Infante's Inferno.Suzanne Jill Levine - 1984 - Substance 13 (1):85.
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    Was early man caught knapping during the cognitive (r)evolution?Rich Masters & Jon Maxwell - 2002 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (3):413-413.
    Wynn describes a revolution in cognitive abilities some 500,000 years ago, which added new sophistication to the curiosity of early man – the ability to form hypotheses. This derivative of archaic curiosity is a fundamental feature of learning, and it is our contention that the naive hypothesis testing behavior of early man will have left a distinctive trail in the archaeological record.
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    The importance of emotional support in the face of stressful status transitions:: A response to Brod.J. Jill Suitor - 1990 - Gender and Society 4 (2):254-257.
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  16. The mind-body problem and explanatory dualism.Nicholas Maxwell - 2000 - Philosophy 75 (291):49-71.
    An important part of the mind-brain problem arises because sentience and consciousness seem inherently resistant to scientific explanation and understanding. The solution to this dilemma is to recognize, first, that scientific explanation can only render comprehensible a selected aspect of what there is, and second, that there is a mode of explanation and understanding, the personalistic, quite different from, but just as viable as, scientific explanation. In order to understand the mental aspect of brain processes - that aspect we know (...)
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    Relationships, Not Boundaries.Combs Gene & Freedman Jill - 2002 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 23 (3):203-217.
    The authors find it more useful to payattention to relationships than to boundaries.By focusing attention on bounded, individualpsychological issues, the metaphor ofboundaries can distract helping professionalsfrom thinking about inequities of power. Itoversimplifies a complex issue, inviting us toignore discourses around gender, race, class,culture, and the like that support injustice,abuse, and exploitation. Making boundaries acentral metaphor for ethical practice can keepus from critically examining the effects ofdistance, withdrawal, and non-participation.The authors describe how it is possible toexamine the practical, moral, and ethicaleffects (...)
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  18.  21
    Scientific Explanation, Space and Time.H. Feigl & G. Maxwell - 1964 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 15 (58):161-164.
  19.  36
    An Economic Analysis of the Joint Purchasing Safety Zone.Roger D. Blair & Jill Boylston Herndon - 1995 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 23 (2):177-185.
    It is undeniable that health care costs have been increasing at an alarming rate. During the ten-year period between 1983 and 1993, the medical care component of the Consumer Price Index rose at an average annual rate of 10 percent while the overall CPI increased by only 4.5 percent per year. These dramatic increases have obvious societal implications. For those without health insurance, a serious illness may mean personal bankruptcy. For those with health insurance coverage, premiums are rising while coverage (...)
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    Henze on logic, creativity and art.Donald Brook & Maxwell Wright - 1963 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 41 (3):378 – 385.
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    Brain computer interface to enhance episodic memory in human participants.John F. Burke, Maxwell B. Merkow, Joshua Jacobs, Michael J. Kahana & Kareem A. Zaghloul - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  22.  30
    Current issues in the philosophy of science; symposia of scientists and philosophers.Herbert Feigl & Grover Maxwell (eds.) - 1961 - New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
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  23. Theology of the Reformers.Timothy George & Jill Raiti - 1988
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    3.4 mercury monitoring in the vicinity of coal-fired power plants in AlbertA, canada.Rachel Mintz, Maxwell Mazur, Monique Lapalme, Magdalena Scarlat, Sushmitha Gollapudi & Brian Wiens - forthcoming - Substance.
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  25. Objective indices in diagnosis of mental illness.G. Palmai, B. Blackwell, Ae Maxwell & F. Morgenstern - 1968 - In Peter Koestenbaum (ed.), Proceedings. [San Jose? Calif.,: [San Jose? Calif..
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  26. Karl Raimund Popper.Nicholas Maxwell - 2002 - In Philip Breed Dematteis, Peter S. Fosl & Leemon B. McHenry (eds.), British Philosophers, 1800-2000. Bruccoli Clark Layman. pp. 176-194.
    Karl Popper is the greatest philosopher of the 20th century. No other philosopher of the period has produced a body of work that is as significant. What is best in Popper's output is contained in his first four published books. These tackle fundamental problems with ferocious, exemplary integrity, clarity, simplicity and originality. They have widespread, fruitful implications, for science, for philosophy, for the social sciences, for education, for art, for politics and political philosophy. This article provides a critical survey of (...)
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    Feeling Good by Doing Good: A Selfish Motivation for Ethical Choice.Remi Trudel, Jill Klein, Sankar Sen & Niraj Dawar - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 166 (1):39-49.
    This paper examines the question of why consumers engage in ethical consumption. The authors draw on self-affirmation theory to propose that the choice of an ethical product serves a self-restorative function. Four experiments provide support for this assertion: a self-threat increases consumers’ choice of an ethical option, even when the alternative choice is objectively superior in quantity (Study 1) and product quality (Study 2). Further, restoring self-esteem through positive feedback eliminates this increase in ethical choice (Studies 2 and 3). As (...)
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  28. Practical certainty and cosmological conjectures.Nicholas Maxwell - 2006 - In Michael Rahnfeld (ed.), Is there Certain Knowledge? Leipziger Universitätsverlag.
    We ordinarily assume that we have reliable knowledge of our immediate surroundings, so much so that almost all the time we entrust our lives to the truth of what we take ourselves to know, without a moment’s thought. But if, as Karl Popper and others have maintained, all our knowledge is conjectural, then this habitual assumption that our common sense knowledge of our environment is secure and trustworthy would seem to be an illusion. Popper’s philosophy of science, in particular, fails (...)
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    Corporate Philanthropy Research.Ann K. Buchholtz & Jill A. Brown - 2006 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 17:70-71.
    Individual studies have contributed to our knowledge of corporate philanthropy, but to date they remain fragmented. We proposed to extricate the conceptual and empirical work in corporate social responsibility from the conceptual and empirical work on corporate philanthropy, limiting our review to works that specifically refer to corporate philanthropy, as well as works that are labeled as corporate social responsibility but actually operationalize it as philanthropy. We will present an integrative model of corporate philanthropy research that draws on research from (...)
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    Infant attention to same- and other-race faces.Anantha Singarajah, Jill Chanley, Yoselin Gutierrez, Yoselin Cordon, Bryan Nguyen, Lauren Burakowski & Scott P. Johnson - 2017 - Cognition 159 (C):76-84.
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    The role of language in building abstract, generalized conceptual representations of one- and two-place predicates: A comparison between adults and infants.Mohinish Shukla & Jill de Villiers - 2021 - Cognition 213 (C):104705.
    Theories of relations between language and conceptual development benefit from empirical evidence for concepts available in infancy, but such evidence is comparatively scarce. Here, we examine early representations of specific concepts, namely, sets of dynamic events corresponding either to predicates involving two variables with a reversible, asymmetric relation between them (such as the set of all events that correspond to a linguistic phrase like “a dog is pushing a car,”) or to comparatively simpler, one-variable predicates (such as the set of (...)
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    Values of the University in a Time of Uncertainty.Paul Gibbs, Jill Jameson & Alex Elwick (eds.) - 2019 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
    This deliberately wide-ranging book addresses issues related to trust, compassion, well-being, grace, dignity and integrity. It explores these within the context of higher education, giving existential and empirical accounts of how these moral duties can be expressed within the academy and why they ought to be. The chapters range from values used in the marketing and management of institutions to their realisation in therapeutic and teacher training spaces. The book opens with a specific introduction which positions the work and outlines (...)
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    Public Perspectives on Investigative Genetic Genealogy: Findings from a National Focus Group Study.Jacklyn Dahlquist, Jill O. Robinson, Amira Daoud, Whitney Bash-Brooks, Amy L. McGuire, Christi J. Guerrini & Stephanie M. Fullerton - 2024 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 15 (4):280-290.
    Background Investigative genetic genealogy (IGG) is a technique that involves uploading genotypes developed from perpetrator DNA left at a crime scene, or DNA from unidentified remains, to public genetic genealogy databases to identify genetic relatives and, through the creation of a family tree, the individual who was the source of the DNA. As policymakers demonstrate interest in regulating IGG, it is important to understand public perspectives on IGG to determine whether proposed policies are aligned with public attitudes.Methods We conducted eight (...)
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    A new fundamentalism.James Maxwell Henry - 1934 - London: Macmillan.
  35.  16
    The Problem of God in the Presence of Grief: Exchanging “Stages” of Healing for “Trajectories” of Recovery.John Perrine & Paul Maxwell - 2016 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 9 (2):176-193.
    The bereaved Christian faces not only the difficult task of grief, but also the morally charged evaluations of the grief process: whether it should be fast or slow, whether God is necessary or unhelpful, and whether grief is “proper” for Christians in light of their call to “not grieve as others do who have no hope”.1 This article showcases these tensions involved in defining a “proper” Christian approach to grief, retrieves resources born in the engagement of similarly problematic tensions in (...)
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    Tongan Dictionary.Isidore Dyen & C. Maxwell Churchward - 1960 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 80 (3):261.
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  37. Non-empirical requirements scientific theories must satisfy: Simplicity, unification, explanation, beauty.Nicholas Maxwell - 2004 - Philsci Archive.
    A scientific theory, in order to be accepted as a part of theoretical scientific knowledge, must satisfy both empirical and non-empirical requirements, the latter having to do with simplicity, unity, explanatory character, symmetry, beauty. No satisfactory, generally accepted account of such non-empirical requirements has so far been given. Here, a proposal is put forward which, it is claimed, makes a contribution towards solving the problem. This proposal concerns unity of physical theory. In order to satisfy the non-empirical requirement of unity, (...)
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    (1 other version)Scientific Explanation, Space, and Time. Volume III of Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science.Herbert Feigl & Grover Maxwell - 1963 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 24 (2):287-289.
  39. A History of Ancient Israeland Judah.J. Maxwell Miller & John M. Hayes - 1986
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    Variation in lateralization: Selected samples do not a population make.Terry E. Robinson & Jill B. Becker - 1981 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 4 (1):34-35.
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  41. In Defense of Seeking Wisdom.Nicholas Maxwell - 2004 - Metaphilosophy 35 (5):733-743.
    Steven Yates has criticized my claim that we need to bring about a revolution in the aims and methods of academic inquiry, so that the aim becomes to promote wisdom rather than just acquire knowledge. Yates's main criticism is that the proposed revolution does not have a clear strategy for its implementation, and is, in any case, Utopian, unrealizable and undesirable. It is argued, here, that Yates has misconstrued what the proposed revolution amounts to; in fact it is realizable, urgently (...)
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  42. The problem of induction and metaphysical assumptions concerning the comprehensibility and knowability of the universe.Nicholas Maxwell - 2007 - Philsci Archive.
    Even though evidence underdetermines theory, often in science one theory only is regarded as acceptable in the light of the evidence. This suggests there are additional unacknowledged assumptions which constrain what theories are to be accepted. In the case of physics, these additional assumptions are metaphysical theses concerning the comprehensibility and knowability of the universe. Rigour demands that these implicit assumptions be made explicit within science, so that they can be critically assessed and, we may hope improved. This leads to (...)
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    Problems in the Appendix Tibulliana.Maxwell Hardy - 2024 - Hermes 152 (4):485-502.
    Conjectures are offered on the text of eight passages in the third book of the Corpus Tibullianum : 2.2 uere for iuuenem, 4.13 nobis for noctis, 4.87 colla for terga, 6.21 at saeuit grauibus for non uenit iratus, 6.38 dicta for uerba, 7.24 possunt for poterunt, 7.142 feruet harenosis for ardet arectais, and 7.156 cadens riget for riget densam.
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  44. Health and happiness.Robert Maxwell Harbin - 1908 - New York [etc.]: The Griffith & Rowland press.
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  45. Three philosophical problems about consciousness.Nicholas Maxwell - 2002 - Ethical Record 107 (4):3-11.
    I am inclined to think that there are three basic philosophical problems that arise in connection with consciousness. (1) Existence. Why does sentience or consciousness exist at all? Why are we not zombies? (2) Intelligibility. Granted that consciousness exists, what is it? How is it to be explained and understood? On the face of it, there could be no greater mystery than that brains should somehow produce, or be, our states of awareness, our thoughts, feelings, perceptions and desires. What is (...)
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    The Human Being.Kevin Aho, Jill Drouillard, Jesus Adrian Escudero, Tricia Glazebrook, Roisin Lally & Iain Thomson - 2022 - Gatherings: The Heidegger Circle Annual 12:157-212.
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    Inferences about event outcomes influence text-based memory of event outcomes.Xinyan Kou & Jill Hohenstein - forthcoming - Cognitive Linguistics.
    Memory of event outcomes is a topic increasingly discussed in the field of event language and cognition. This study approaches how language influences memory of event outcomes from the under-explored perspective of the verb’s “fulfilment type”, a property formulated in Talmy’s event integration theory. This property indicates the extent to which verbs depict fulfilment of intentions. Through two experiments, we explored how verbs’ fulfilment type properties shape the text-based memory of event outcomes according to their perceived likelihood of intention fulfilment. (...)
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    Diversity in the ministry of chaplaincy in the South African Department of Correctional Services.Maake J. Masango & Maxwell Mkhathini - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (4).
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    Coptic Egypt: History and Guide.Donald B. Spanel & Jill Kamil - 1991 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 111 (2):377.
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  50. Practice variation as a mechanism for influencing institutional complexity : local experiments in funding social impact businesses.Tracy A. Thompson & Jill M. Purdy - 2016 - In Joel Gehman, Michael Lounsbury & Royston Greenwood (eds.), How institutions matter! United Kingdom: Emerald Group Publishing.
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