Results for 'Joanna Mańkowska'

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  1. The Lived Realities of Chemical Restraint: Prioritizing Patient Experience.Ryan Dougherty, Joanna Smolenski & Jared N. Smith - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 15 (1):29-31.
    In The Conditions for Ethical Chemical Restraint, Crutchfield and Redinger (2024) propose ethical standards for the use of chemical restraints, which they consider normatively distinct from physica...
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  2. Do framing effects make moral intuitions unreliable?Joanna Demaree-Cotton - 2016 - Philosophical Psychology 29 (1):1-22.
    I address Sinnott-Armstrong's argument that evidence of framing effects in moral psychology shows that moral intuitions are unreliable and therefore not noninferentially justified. I begin by discussing what it is to be epistemically unreliable and clarify how framing effects render moral intuitions unreliable. This analysis calls for a modification of Sinnott-Armstrong's argument if it is to remain valid. In particular, he must claim that framing is sufficiently likely to determine the content of moral intuitions. I then re-examine the evidence which (...)
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  3. Introduction to the Special Issue on Machine Morality: The Machine as Moral Agent and Patient.David J. Gunkel & Joanna Bryson - 2014 - Philosophy and Technology 27 (1):5-8.
    One of the enduring concerns of moral philosophy is deciding who or what is deserving of ethical consideration. This special issue of Philosophy and Technology investigates whether and to what extent machines, of various designs and configurations, can or should be considered moral subjects, defined here as either a moral agent, a moral patient, or both. The articles that comprise the issue were competitively selected from papers initially prepared for and presented at a symposium on this subject matter convened during (...)
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  4. Future Teleworking Inclinations Post-COVID-19: Examining the Role of Teleworking Conditions and Perceived Productivity.Clara Weber, Sarah E. Golding, Joanna Yarker, Rachel Lewis, Eleanor Ratcliffe, Fehmidah Munir, Theresa P. Wheele, Eunji Häne & Lukas Windlinger - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Organisations have implemented intensive home-based teleworking in response to global COVID-19 lockdowns and other pandemic-related restrictions. Financial pressures are driving organisations to continue intensive teleworking after the pandemic. Understanding employees’ teleworking inclinations post COVID-19, and how these inclinations are influenced by different factors, is important to ensure any future, more permanent changes to teleworking policies are sustainable for both employees and organisations. This study, therefore, investigated the relationships between the context of home-based teleworking during the pandemic, productivity perceptions during home-based (...)
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  5. The Moralizing Effect: self-directed emotions and their impact on culpability attributions.Elisabetta Sirgiovanni, Joanna Smolenski, Ben Abelson & Taylor Webb - 2023 - Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience 17 (Emotions in Neuroscience: Fundam):1-12.
    Introduction: A general trend in the psychological literature suggests that guilt contributes to morality more than shame does. Unlike shame-prone individuals, guilt-prone individuals internalize the causality of negative events, attribute responsibility in the first person, and engage in responsible behavior. However, it is not known how guilt- and shame-proneness interact with the attribution of responsibility to others. -/- Methods: In two Web-based experiments, participants reported their attributions of moral culpability (i.e., responsibility, causality, punishment and decision-making) about morally ambiguous acts of (...)
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  6. Marking boundaries, making connections : fragmenting the body in Bronze Age Britain.Joanna Brück - 2024 - In Anna Sörman, Astrid A. Noterman & Markus Fjellström (eds.), Broken bodies, places and objects: new perspectives on fragmentation in archaeology. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    A consistent course of events or a series of coincidences: nursing in Poland from the 19 th to the 21 st century.Anna Majda, Ewa Ziarko & Joanna Zalewska-Puchała - 2015 - Nursing Inquiry 22 (4):359-370.
    The development of nursing began in Poland much later than it did elsewhere, for instance in the United Kingdom, the United States, or Germany, and it came up against difficult conditions. After a brief twenty‐year period of development between 1918 and 1939, it almost stalled during the war (1939–45), only to be followed by nearly twenty years of chaos. Nursing started to come out of this difficult period at the beginning of the 1960s. The turn of the 21st century saw (...)
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    Maksymalna moc.Thomas P. Flint, Alfred J. Freddoso, Marcin Iwanicki & Joanna Klara Teske - 2023 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 71 (1):519-550.
    Autorzy argumentują, że Bóg może być zarówno wszechmocny, jak i wszechmocny, oraz że Bóg może być zarówno wszechmocny, jak i nieskazitelny. Proponują pięć warunków filozoficznej adekwatności dla koncepcji maksymalnej mocy i przedstawiają analizę, która spełnia wszystkie pięć warunków. Jak argumentują, analiza ta jest zarówno filozoficznie adekwatna, jak i teologicznie akceptowalna.
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    Fifth International Conference on Philosophy in Practice.Gerd Achenbach, Eulalia Bosch, Eite Veening, Emmy Van Deurzen, Richard Smith, Ida Jongsma, Joanna Haynes, Dorine Baudin & Karin Murris - 1999 - History and Philosophy of Logic 20:77.
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    Listening to the Street – Urban Sounds in Hamburg-Altona between the “Right to the City” and the “Creativity Dispositif”.Lisa Gaupp, Nikolas Bielefeldt, Joanna Dill, Rufus Giesel, Kathleen Göttsche, Zoe Hasse, Simon Laumayer, Leona Lenßen, Julia Mai, Anna Rüpcke & Louis Rummler - 2020 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 11 (3).
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    Samotność dziecka żydowskiego w Zagładzie na materiale słuchowisk i reportaży radiowych z lat 1950–2021.Joanna Bachura-Wojtasik - 2022 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica 65 (2):247-267.
    Celem artykułu jest deskrypcja sytuacji dziecka żydowskiego w Holokauście. Materiał badawczy stanowiły dla mnie słuchowiska i reportaże radiowe z lat 1950–2021 odnalezione w archiwach trzech rozgłośni radiowych: Polskie Radio w Warszawie (tu: Studio Reportażu i Dokumentu PR oraz Teatr Polskiego Radia), Polskie Radio Lublin i Polskie Radio Łódź. Do jego opracowania została wykorzystana metoda jakościowej analizy zawartości.
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    Evaluation of Peace through Health Initiatives.Joanna Santa Barbara - 2008 - In Neil Arya & Joanna Santa Barbara (eds.), Peace through health: how health professionals can work for a less violent world. Sterling, VA: Kumarian Press.
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    Grand-parentalité et troubles du spectre autistique du petit-enfant : étude exploratoire de l’expérience… des grands-mères et des grands-pères.Véronique Rouyer, Alexia Alonso-Diez & Joanna Lucenet - 2021 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 230 (4):123-140.
    Dans une approche psycho-développementale et systémique, cet article examine l’expérience grand-parentale en contexte de troubles du spectre autistique ( tsa ) de l’enfant en considérant la pluralité des relations familiales (conjugale, co-grand-parentale, parents/enfant(s), grand(s)-parent(s)/petit(s)-enfant(s), etc.) dans lesquelles les grands-parents sont inscrits. L’analyse des entretiens menés auprès de six grands-parents (quatre familles) montre notamment l’important engagement et le soutien instrumental et émotionnel des grands-parents auprès des parents et de leur petit-enfant porteur de tsa. Ces résultats sont discutés en lien avec l’accompagnement (...)
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  14. Alain Badiou. The Theory of the Subject. Translated by Bruno Bosteels (London: Continuum, 2009), xliv+ 367 pp.£ 22.99 cloth. Colette Balmain and Lois Drawmer, eds. Something Wicked This Way Comes: Essays on Evil and Human Wickedness (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2009), 209 pp. E44. 00 paper. Aurel Braun. Nato–Russia Relations in the Twenty-First Century (London: Routledge. [REVIEW]Katherine C. Jansen, Joanna Drell & Frances Andrews - 2010 - The European Legacy 15 (3):405-407.
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    This chapter will discuss the issues likely to provoke future wars and the fomenting and “permissive factors” that increase their probabil-ity. It will examine possible changes in the means of waging wars, the impact of future wars on health, and some factors that constrain wars and offer alternatives. This rather dark prognosis is sketched in the hope that, looking ahead, we will develop more enlightened policies to change this trajectory. [REVIEW]Joanna Santa Barbara - 2008 - In Neil Arya & Joanna Santa Barbara (eds.), Peace through health: how health professionals can work for a less violent world. Sterling, VA: Kumarian Press.
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    Wspomnienie - Joanna Jabłkowska.Joanna Jabłkowska - 2011 - Etyka 44:106-109.
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    Ethics and time: Levinas between Kant and Husserl.Joanna Hodge - 2002 - Diacritics 32 (3/4):107-134.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Ethics and Time:Lévinas Between Kant and HusserlJoanna Hodge (bio)This article stems from the conviction that the source of the bloody barbarism of National Socialism lies not in some contingent anomaly within human reasoning, nor in some accidental ideological misunderstanding. This article expresses the conviction that this source stems from the essential possibility of elemental evil into which we can be led by logic and against which Western philosophy had (...)
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    Heideggerian temporalities: Genesis and structure of a thinking of many dimensional time.Joanna Hodge - 1999 - Research in Phenomenology 29 (1):119-140.
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  19. In Memeory of Maria Kuncewiczowa.Anna Mańkowska - 1990 - Dialectics and Humanism 17 (2):90-92.
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  20. Wrongdoing and Forgiveness.Joanna North - 1987 - Philosophy 62 (242):499 - 508.
    To forgive a person for a wrong he has done has often been valued as morally good and as indicative of a benevolent and merciful character. But while forgiveness has been recognized as valuable its nature as a moral response has largely been ignored by modern moral philosophers who work outside the confines of a religious context. 1 Where it has been discussed, forgiveness has been thought particularly difficult to define, and some have thought the forgiving response paradoxical or even (...)
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  21. Necessity, Moral Liability, and Defensive Harm.Joanna Mary Firth & Jonathan Quong - 2012 - Law and Philosophy 31 (6):673-701.
    A person who is liable to defensive harm has forfeited his rights against the imposition of the harm, and so is not wronged if that harm is imposed. A number of philosophers, most notably Jeff McMahan, argue for an instrumental account of liability, whereby a person is liable to defensive harm when he is either morally or culpably responsible for an unjust threat of harm to others, and when the imposition of defensive harm is necessary to avert the threatened unjust (...)
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  22. TeodyceaChryzypa. Recenzje i sprawozdania: Pierre Hadot -Filozofia jako ćwiczenie duchowe (Joanna Jarzębiak).Joanna Jarzębiak - 2004 - Ruch Filozoficzny 3 (3).
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  23. Mining social media data: How are research sponsors and researchers addressing the ethical challenges?Joanna Taylor & Claudia Pagliari - 2017 - Research Ethics 14 (2):1-39.
    Background:Data representing people’s behaviour, attitudes, feelings and relationships are increasingly being harvested from social media platforms and re-used for research purposes. This can be ethically problematic, even where such data exist in the public domain. We set out to explore how the academic community is addressing these challenges by analysing a national corpus of research ethics guidelines and published studies in one interdisciplinary research area.Methods:Ethics guidelines published by Research Councils UK, its seven-member councils and guidelines cited within these were reviewed. (...)
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    How Interactive Visualizations Compare to Ethical Frameworks as Stand-Alone Ethics Learning Tools for Health Researchers and Professionals.Joanna Sleigh, Kelly Ormond, Manuel Schneider, Elsbeth Stern & Effy Vayena - 2023 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 14 (4):197-207.
    Background Despite the bourgeoning of digital tools for bioethics research, education, and engagement, little research has empirically investigated the impact of interactive visualizations as a way to translate ethical frameworks and guidelines. To date, most frameworks take the format of text-only documents that outline and offer ethical guidance on specific contexts. This study’s goal was to determine whether an interactive-visual format supports frameworks in transferring ethical knowledge by improving learning, deliberation, and user experience.Methods An experimental comparative study was conducted with (...)
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    When Not Knowing is a Virtue: A Business Ethics Perspective.Joanna Crossman & Vijayta Doshi - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 131 (1):1-8.
    How leaders and managers respond to not knowing is highly relevant given the complex, ambiguous, and chaotic business environment of the twenty-first century. Drawing on the literature from a variety of disciplines, the paper explores the dominant, unfavorable conceptualization of not knowing. The authors present some potential ethical implications of a negative view of not knowing and suggest how organizations would benefit from identifying any unhelpful aspects of the culture that may encourage unethical, undesirable, and/or hasty actions in situations of (...)
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    An Assessment of Computer-Generated Stimuli for Use in Studies of Body Size Estimation and Bias.Joanna Alexi, Kendra Dommisse, Dominique Cleary, Romina Palermo, Nadine Kloth & Jason Bell - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Inaccurate body size judgements are associated with body image disturbances, a clinical feature of many eating disorders. Accordingly, body related stimuli have become increasingly important in the study of estimation inaccuracies and body image disturbances. Technological advancements in the last decade have led to an increased use of computer generated (CG) body stimuli in body image research. However, recent face perception research has suggested that CG face stimuli are not recognised as readily and may not fully tap facial processing mechanisms. (...)
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  27. Topography of the Border: Derrida Rewriting Transcendental Aesthetics.Joanna Hodge - 2009 - In Dominiek Hoens, Sigi Jottkandt & Gert Buelens (eds.), The catastrophic imperative: subjectivity, time and memory in contemporary thought. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
  28. Samowiedza czy samokreacja? O konsekwencjach niefaktualności pytań o siebie dla problemu samowiedzy.Joanna Luc - 2013 - Studia Z Kognitywistyki I Filozofii Umysłu 7 (1).
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    Heidegger and Ethics.Joanna Hodge - 1995 - New York: Routledge.
    Heidegger and ethics is a contentious conjunction of terms. Martin Heidegger himself rejected the notion of ethics, while his endorsement of Nazism is widely seen as unethical. This major new study examines the complex and controversial issues involved in bringing them together. By working backwards through his work, from his 1964 claim that philosophy has been completed to _Being and Time_, his first major work, Joanna Hodge questions Heidegger's denial that his enquires were concerned with ethics. She discovers a (...)
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    Learning: An evolutionary analysis.Joanna Swann - 2009 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 41 (3):256-269.
    This paper draws on the philosophy of Karl Popper to present a descriptive evolutionary epistemology that offers philosophical solutions to the following related problems: ‘What happens when learning takes place?’ and ‘What happens in human learning?’ It provides a detailed analysis of how learning takes place without any direct transfer of information from the environment to the learner, and it significantly extends the author's earlier published work on this topic. She proposes that learning should be construed as a special case (...)
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    Neoliberalism and biopsychiatry: A marriage of convenience.Joanna Moncrieff - 2008 - In Carl I. Cohen & Sami Timimi (eds.), Liberatory psychiatry: philosophy, politics, and mental health. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 235--55.
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    Intra-generational education: Imagining a post-age pedagogy.Joanna Haynes & Karin Murris - 2017 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 49 (10).
    This article discusses the idea of intra-generational education. Drawing on Braidotti’s nomadic subject and Barad’s conception of agency, we consider what intra-generational education might look like ontologically, in the light of critical posthumanism, in terms of natureculture world, nomadism and a vibrant indeterminacy of knowing subjects. In order to explore the idea of intra-generationalism and its pedagogical implications, we introduce four concepts: homelessness, agelessness, playfulness and wakefulness. These may appear improbable in the context of education policy-making today, but they are (...)
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    States vs. Changes of States: A Reformulation of the Ontic vs. Epistemic Distinction in Quantum Mechanics.Joanna Luc - 2022 - Foundations of Physics 53 (1):1-35.
    In this paper, I challenge the distinction between “epistemic” and “ontic” states propounded by Harrigan and Spekkens (Found Phys 40:125–157, 2010) by pointing out that because knowledge is factive, any state that represents someone’s knowledge about a physical system thereby also represents something about the physical system itself, so there is no such thing as “mere knowledge”. This criticism leads to the reformulation of the main question of the debate: instead of asking whether a given state is ontic or epistemic, (...)
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  34. Artificial Intelligence and Pro-Social Behaviour.Joanna Bryson - 1st ed. 2015 - In Catrin Misselhorn (ed.), Collective Agency and Cooperation in Natural and Artificial Systems. Springer Verlag.
  35. Of, for, and by the people: the legal lacuna of synthetic persons.Joanna J. Bryson, Mihailis E. Diamantis & Thomas D. Grant - 2017 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 25 (3):273-291.
    Conferring legal personhood on purely synthetic entities is a very real legal possibility, one under consideration presently by the European Union. We show here that such legislative action would be morally unnecessary and legally troublesome. While AI legal personhood may have some emotional or economic appeal, so do many superficially desirable hazards against which the law protects us. We review the utility and history of legal fictions of personhood, discussing salient precedents where such fictions resulted in abuse or incoherence. We (...)
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  36. Non-Epistemological Values in Collaborative Research in Neuroscience: The Case of Alleged Differences Between Human Populations.Joanna K. Malinowska & Tomasz Żuradzki - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 11 (3):203-206.
    The goals and tasks of neuroethics formulated by Farahany and Ramos (2020) link epistemological and methodological issues with ethical and social values. The authors refer simultaneously to the social significance and scientific reliability of the BRAIN Initiative. They openly argue that neuroethics should not only examine neuroscientific research in terms of “a rigorous, reproducible, and representative neuroscience research process” as well as “explore the unique nature of the study of the human brain through accurate and representative models of its function (...)
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    Unity Between God and Mind? A Study on the Relationship Between Panpsychism and Pantheism.Joanna Leidenhag - 2019 - Sophia 58 (4):543-561.
    A number of contemporary philosophers have suggested that the recent revival of interest in panpsychism within philosophy of mind could reinvigorate a pantheistic philosophy of religion. This project explores whether the combination and individuation problems, which have dominated recent scholarship within panpsychism, can aid the pantheist’s articulation of a God/universe unity. Constitutive holistic panpsychism is seen to be the only type of panpsychism suited to aid pantheism in articulating this type of unity. There are currently no well-developed solutions to the (...)
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  38. The Psychology of Christian Character Formation.Joanna Collicutt - 2015
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    Drone and apocalypse: an exhibit catalog for the end of the world.Joanna Teresa Demers - 2015 - Alresford, Hants, UK: Zero Books.
    An imagined retrospective of apocalyptic art.
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  40. Poverty and Asceticism: Introduction.Joanna Demers - 2014 - Evental Aesthetics 2 (4):4-6.
    This issue profiles various attempts, both successful and fraught, to engage the divide between asceticism and opulence, between materialism and poverty.
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  41. On Partial Truths in Science. Some Remarks on Susan Haack's The Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth.Joanna Gęgotek - 2011 - Filozofia Nauki 19 (4).
    The article is a commentary to Susan Haack’s The Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth. It consists of two parts. In the first one some doubts about Haack’s conception of partiality of truth are formulated. However, Haack’s concept of truth is treated as one of the assumptions and not brought up for discussion. In the second part of the article a simple typology of possible sources of truth’s partiality in science is presented. The list includes deliberate and unintentional omissions, (...)
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    Compositional Semantics and Normative ‘Ought’.Joanna Klimczyk - 2021 - Axiomathes 31 (3):381-399.
    According to the paradigm view in linguistics and philosophical semantics, it is lexical semantics plus the principle of compositionality that allows us to compute the meaning of an arbitrary sentence. The job of LS is to assign meaning to individual expressions, whereas PC says how to combine these individual meanings into larger ones. In this paper I argue that the pair LS + PC fails to account for the discourse-relevant meaning of normative ‘ought’. If my hypothesis is tenable, then the (...)
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    Trzy spotkania z Panią Profesor.Joanna Kurczewska - 2005 - Etyka 38:91-93.
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    The Conflicting Traditions of Portraying the Jewish People in the Chester Mystery Cycle.Joanna Matyjaszczyk - 2018 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 8 (8):171-188.
    The article seeks to analyze the portrayal of the Jews in two plays from the Chester mystery cycle: “Trial and Flagellation” and “The Passion.” The analysis acknowledges that the cycle is a mixture of, and a dialogue between, the universal standpoint emerging from the presentation of the biblical story of humankind and a contemporary perspective, pertaining to the reality of the viewers. Therefore, while pointing to the unique formal and structural uniformity of the cycle, which strengthens the idea of continuity (...)
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    Cinema and Classical Texts: Apollo's New Light, and: Hellas on Screen: Cinematic Receptions of Ancient History, Literature, and Myth (review).Joanna Paul - 2010 - American Journal of Philology 131 (2):339-343.
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  46. Widzieć jasno - bez zachwytu.Joanna Pisarzowska - 1996 - Prakseologia 136 (136).
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    Research Participants Should Be Rewarded Rather than “Compensated for Time and Burdens”.Joanna Różyńska - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (3):53-55.
    Paying research subjects for their participation in biomedical studies is an increasingly common and acceptable practice. Nevertheless, it continues to raise numerous conceptual, ethical, and pract...
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    (1 other version)Representations underlying social learning and cultural evolution.Joanna J. Bryson - 2009 - Interaction Studies 10 (1):77-100.
    Social learning is a source of behaviour for many species, but few use it as extensively as they seemingly could. In this article, I attempt to clarify our understanding of why this might be. I discuss the potential computational properties of social learning, then examine the phenomenon in nature through creating a taxonomy of the representations that might underly it. This is achieved by first producing a simplified taxonomy of the established forms of social learning, then describing the primitive capacities (...)
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    Methodological and Ethical Risks Associated with the Epistemic Unification of Tribe Members.Joanna K. Malinowska - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (10):32-34.
    Saunkeah et al. analyze the aptness of extending the Belmont Principles of Respect for Persons, Beneficence and Justice to AI/AN tribal communities as a whole. They argue that to protect AI/...
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    “Prioritization”: Rationing Health Care in New Zealand.Joanna Manning & Ron Paterson - 2005 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 33 (4):681-697.
    The amount allocated to publicly funded health care for 2005/06 in New Zealand, a small country of some four million people, is $NZ 9.68 billion, or 6.2% of GDP, an increase from the 5.7% of GDP in 2000/01. The Minister of Finance has recently signalled that spending in health and education has outpaced economic growth, and that the present rate of growth in health spending, which has grown at about 7% a year over the last decade, is unsustainable. Despite these (...)
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