Results for 'Johanna Göpfert'

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  1. Process Philosophy.Johanna Seibt - 2013 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  2. Do Objects Depend on Structures?Johanna Wolff - 2012 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 63 (3):607-625.
    Ontic structural realists hold that structure is all there is, or at least all there is fundamentally. This thesis has proved to be puzzling: What exactly does it say about the relationship between objects and structures? In this article, I look at different ways of articulating ontic structural realism in terms of the relation between structures and objects. I show that objects cannot be reduced to structure, and argue that ontological dependence cannot be used to establish strong forms of structural (...)
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  3. Functions between reasons and causes : on picturing.Johanna Seibt - 2009 - In Willem A. DeVries (ed.), Empiricism, Perceptual Knowledge, Normativity, and Realism: Essays on Wilfrid Sellars. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
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    Procreation machines: Ectogenesis as reproductive enhancement, proper medicine or a step towards posthumanism?Johanna Eichinger & Tobias Eichinger - 2020 - Bioethics 34 (4):385-391.
    Full ectogenesis as the complete externalization of human reproduction by bypassing the bodily processes of gestation and childbirth can be considered the culmination of genetic and reproductive technologies. Despite its still being a hypothetical scenario, it has been discussed for decades as the ultimate means to liberate women from their reproductive tasks in society and hence finally end fundamental gender injustices generally. In the debate about the application of artificial wombs to achieve gender equality, one aspect is barely mentioned but (...)
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  5. Characteristics of Labor Well-being in Colombian Micro and Small Enterprises.Johanna Lucía Gutiérrez Cristancho, Luis Alberto Molano Quintero, Martha Doris Corzo Rodríguez & Yijadd Ordoñez Yaber - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:682-702.
    This article presents the analysis of the characteristics of labor well-being in Colombian micro and small enterprises, this was developed through a documentary review from the model of Hoyos (2010), it is a qualitative research, where 42 investigations were collected, which were consulted in databases such as: Science Direct, Refseek, Redalyc, Scielo, Google Scholar and Dialnet, in addition to exploring the repositories of Colombian universities such as: UNAD, Uniminuto, ECCI, Usanbuenaventura, EAFIT, Unipiloto, UGranada, UTecnológica, UJavieriana, UAndes, UCatólica, UNIR, among others, (...)
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    Stéphane Mallarmé’s Un Coup de Dés and the Poem and/as Book as Diagram.Johanna Drucker - 2011 - Journal of Philosophy: A Cross-Disciplinary Inquiry 7 (16):1-13.
    Modern poetics takes one crucial turn through Ezra Pound’s notion of the “ideogram,” a concept that had a lasting impact through the Imagists andtheir influence. The ideogram borrows from Pound’s ideas about Chinese characters, their ability to condense complex representation into a figuredform in an economic but resonant image. By contrast, the compositional technique embodied in French poet Stéphane Mallarmé’s unique work, UnCoup de Dés, can be characterized as “diagrammatic,” driven by semantic relations expressed spatially in a distributed field. This (...)
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    Zwischen Subversion, Hä resie und Verstoß gegen die öffentliche Ordnung. Neue Religionsgemeinschaften in Ägypten.Johanna Pink - 2003 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 11 (1):73-86.
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  8. The Epistemic Division of Labor Revisited.Johanna Thoma - 2015 - Philosophy of Science 82 (3):454-472.
    Some scientists are happy to follow in the footsteps of others; some like to explore novel approaches. It is tempting to think that herein lies an epistemic division of labor conducive to overall scientific progress: the latter point the way to fruitful areas of research, and the former more fully explore those areas. Weisberg and Muldoon’s model, however, suggests that it would be best if all scientists explored novel approaches. I argue that this is due to implausible modeling choices, and (...)
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  9. Risk aversion and the long run.Johanna Thoma - 2018 - Ethics 129 (2):230-253.
    This article argues that Lara Buchak’s risk-weighted expected utility (REU) theory fails to offer a true alternative to expected utility theory. Under commonly held assumptions about dynamic choice and the framing of decision problems, rational agents are guided by their attitudes to temporally extended courses of action. If so, REU theory makes approximately the same recommendations as expected utility theory. Being more permissive about dynamic choice or framing, however, undermines the theory’s claim to capturing a steady choice disposition in the (...)
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    Factors contributing to the promotion of moral competence in nursing.Johanna Wiisak, Minna Stolt, Michael Igoumenidis, Stefania Chiappinotto, Chris Gastmans, Brian Keogh, Evelyne Mertens, Alvisa Palese, Evridiki Papastavrou, Catherine Mc Cabe, Riitta Suhonen & on Behalf of the Promocon Consortium - 2024 - Nursing Ethics 31 (8):1367-1388.
    Ethics is a foundational competency in healthcare inherent in everyday nursing practice. Therefore, the promotion of qualified nurses’ and nursing students’ moral competence is essential to ensure ethically high-quality and sustainable healthcare. The aim of this integrative literature review is to identify the factors contributing to the promotion of qualified nurses’ and nursing students’ moral competence. The review has been registered in PROSPERO (CRD42023386947) and reported according to the PRISMA guideline. Focusing on qualified nurses’ and nursing students’ moral competence, a (...)
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  11. Naturalistic quietism or scientific realism?Johanna Wolff - 2019 - Synthese 196 (2):485-498.
    Realists about science tend to hold that our scientific theories aim for the truth, that our successful theories are at least partly true, and that the entities referred to by the theoretical terms of these theories exist. Antirealists about science deny one or more of these claims. A sizable minority of philosophers of science prefers not to take sides: they believe the realism debate to be fundamentally mistaken and seek to abstain from it altogether. In analogy with other realism debates (...)
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    Logic in the Husserlian context.Johanna Maria Tito - 1990 - Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press.
    Acknowledgments I wish to express my gratitude to Dr. Jakob Amstutz for his continual feedback during my writing of this work. ...
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    The 'Umbau' - from Constitution Theory to Constructional Ontology.Johanna Seibt - 1997 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 14 (3):305 - 348.
    The paper traces, historically and systematically, the influence of Carnap’s philosophical program on the writings of Nelson Goodman, focusing on the relationship between Carnap’s Aufbau and Goodman’s Structure of Appearance. In particular, drawing on unpublished material from the Carnap Research Archives, I show that Carnap had already anticipated Goodman’s criticism of the method of quasi-analysis and that Goodman misconstrued the status of this procedure on several counts. I also argue that Carnap’s anti-metaphysical stance left his approach with an explanatory deficit (...)
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    André Nies. Lowness properties and randomness. Advances in Mathematics, vol. 197 , no. 1, pp. 274–305. - Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen, André Nies, and Frank Stephan. Lowness for the class of Schnorr random reals. SIAM Journal on Computing, vol. 35 , no. 3, pp. 647–657. - Noam Greenberg and Joseph S. Miller. Lowness for Kurtz randomness. The Journal of Symbolic Logic, vol. 74 , no. 2, pp. 665–678. - Laurent Bienvenu and Joseph S. Miller. Randomness and lowness notions via open covers. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, vol. 163 , no. 5, pp. 506–518. - Johanna N. Y. Franklin, Frank Stephan, and Liang. Yu Relativizations of randomness and genericity notions. The Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, vol. 43 , no. 4, pp. 721–733. - George Barmpalias, Joseph S. Miller, and André Nies. Randomness notions and partial relativization. Israel Journal of Mathematics, vol. 191 , no. 2, pp. 791–816. [REVIEW]Johanna N. Y. Franklin - 2013 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 19 (1):115-118.
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    Aggregate Relevant Claims in Rescue Cases?Johanna Privitera - 2018 - Utilitas 30 (2):228-236.
    In 'How Should We Aggregate Competing Claims', Alex Voorhoeve suggests accommodating intuitions about duties in rescue cases by combining aggregative and non-aggregative elements into one theory. In this paper, I discuss two problems Voorhoeve’s theory faces as a result of requiring a cyclic pattern of choice, and argue that his attempt to solve them does not succeed.
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  16. A phenomenology of gender.Johanna Oksala - 2006 - Continental Philosophy Review 39 (3):229-244.
    The article asks how phenomenology, understood as a philosophical method of investigation, can account for gender. Despite the fact that it has provided useful tools for feminist inquiry, the question remains how gender can be studied within the paradigm of a philosophy of a subject. The article explicates four different understandings of phenomenology and assesses their respective potential in terms of theorizing gender: a classical reading, a corporeal reading, an intersubjective reading and a post-phenomenological reading. It concludes by arguing that (...)
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  17. Changing state feminism.Johanna Kantola & Joyce Outshoorn - 2007 - In Joyce Outshoorn & Johanna Kantola (eds.), Changing state feminism. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Most Western democracies established women's policy agencies to improve the status of women by the 1990s. However, the political context has changed drastically: developments such as welfare state reform, multilevel governance, regionalization and decentralization have impinged on opportunities for agencies and women's movements to mobilize. One of the book's key questions is how have women's policy agencies been able to develop, maintain or enhance their roles in the transformed political context and how have women's movements adapted to change in twelve (...)
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    Review: A. Ebrecht, I. von der Lühe, U. Pott, C. Rapisarda, A. Runge (Hg.): Querelles. Jahrbuch für Frauenforschung 1996. Bd. 1: Gelehrsamkeit und kulturelle Emanzipation.Johanna Gisela Bechen - 1997 - Die Philosophin 8 (15):117-119.
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    (1 other version)Legitimation durch Kompromiss. Richten als Vermitteln in der Güteverhandlung.Johanna Bergann - 2011 - Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 2 (2):195-210.
    Im Mittelpunkt des Beitrags steht das alternative Konfliktlösungsverfahren der Mediation oder Vermittlung. Rechtliche Normen und Institute der Vermittlung, wie der juridische Vergleich oder das Güteverfahren, sollen mit der literarischen Figur der Richter-Mediatorin, namentlich Athene aus der Orestie des Aischylos, in einer doppelbezüglichen Perspektive auf Recht und Literatur verknüpft werden. Die Techniken der Vermittlung werden untersucht, um den Zusammenhang zwischen Recht und Vermittlung zu erhellen, der in einem nicht risikolosen Alternativverhältnis besteht. The contribution focuses upon mediation as an alternative means to (...)
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    L’hybridité du vaudeville lors de son passage de l’Ancien Régime au xix siècle.Johanna Danciu - 2014 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 33:27.
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    The crown of virginity, paradise regained: A study of Jerome’s ascetic exegesis in a selection of his works.Johanna C. Lamprecht - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (1):16.
    This article explores, in the first place, Jerome’s creation of pro-virginal propaganda in a selection of his treatises and letters, through the employment of scriptural justification by means of ascetic exegesis and rhetorical strategies. The study focuses, in particular, on his Epistulae 22 and 130, both addressed to virgins, and his treatise Adversus Iovinianum. Jerome interpreted and deployed carefully selected biblical texts and employed classical rhetorical conventions to construct his ascetic ideal mainly based on sexual renunciation. The article argues that (...)
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    El “inevitable” futuro urbano.Johanna Lozoya - 2023 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 55 (154):110-137.
    “El futuro es un futuro urbano”. A partir de esta idea dominante se piensan y se materializan narrativas sobre asentamientos humanos en la era global; se pro- mueve la acción política y económica de la industria arquitectónica internacio- nal, y la “verdad económica” y la “verdad financiera” se situán en la prospectiva y el planeamiento urbano. ¿Es esta idea un relato de la realidad o, más bien, un problema de comprensión? A continuación, se realiza una breve exploración sobre los argumentos (...)
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  23. Review essay: Feminism, critical theory, and power.Johanna Meehan - 2004 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 30 (3):375-382.
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    The Sinophilism of J. H. G. Justi.Johanna M. Menzel - 1956 - Journal of the History of Ideas 17 (1/4):300.
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    Process Theories: Crossdisciplinary Studies in Dynamic Categories.Johanna Seibt - 2003 - Springer Verlag.
    Processes constitute the world of human experience - from nature to cognition to social reality. Yet our philosophical and scientific theories of nature and experience have traditionally prioritized concepts for static objects and structures. The essays collected here call for a review of the role of dynamic categories in the language of theories. They present old and new descriptive tools for the modelling of dynamic domains, and argue for the merits of process-based explanations in ontology, cognitive science, semiotics, linguistics, philosophy (...)
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  26. Risk writ large.Johanna Thoma & Jonathan Weisberg - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 174 (9):2369-2384.
    Risk-weighted expected utility theory is motivated by small-world problems like the Allais paradox, but it is a grand-world theory by nature. And, at the grand-world level, its ability to handle the Allais paradox is dubious. The REU model described in Risk and Rationality turns out to be risk-seeking rather than risk-averse on one natural way of formulating the Allais gambles in the grand-world context. This result illustrates a general problem with the case for REU theory, we argue. There is a (...)
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    Intra- and interbrain synchronization and network properties when playing guitar in duets.Johanna Sänger, Viktor Müller & Ulman Lindenberger - 2012 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6.
  28. Weighing the Costs and Benefits of Public Policy: On the Dangers of Single Metric Accounting.Johanna Thoma - 2021 - LSE Public Policy Review 2 (2).
    This article presents two related challenges to the idea that, to ensure policy evaluation is comprehensive, all costs and benefits should be aggregated into a single, equity-weighted wellbeing metric. The first is to point out how, even allowing for equity-weighting, the use of a single metric limits the extent to which we can take distributional concerns into account. The second challenge starts from the observation that in this and many other ways, aggregating diverse effects into a single metric of evaluation (...)
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    Properties as Processes: A Synoptic Study of Wilfrid Sellars' Nominalism.Johanna Seibt - 1990 - Ridgeview Publishing Co..
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    Preferences: What We Can and Can’t Do with Them.Johanna Thoma - forthcoming - Philosophia.
    In her Choosing Well, Chrisoula Andreou puts forth an account of instrumental rationality that is revisionary in two respects. First, it changes the goalpost or standard of instrumental rationality to include “categorial” appraisal responses, alongside preferences, which are relational. Second, her account is explicitly diachronic, applying to series of choices as well as isolated ones. Andreou takes both revisions to be necessary for dealing with problematic choice scenarios agents with disorderly preferences might find themselves in. Focusing on problem cases involving (...)
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  31. On the possibility of an anti-paternalist behavioural welfare economics.Johanna Thoma - 2021 - Journal of Economic Methodology 28 (4):350-363.
    Behavioural economics has taught us that human agents don't always display consistent, context-independent and stable preferences in their choice behaviour. Can we nevertheless do welfare economics...
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  32. Free process theory: Towards a typology of occurrings.Johanna Seibt - 2004 - Axiomathes 14 (1):23-55.
    The paper presents some essential heuristic and constructional elements of Free Process Theory (FPT), a non-Whiteheadian, monocategoreal framework. I begin with an analysis of our common sense concept of activities, which plays a crucial heuristic role in the development of the notion of a free process. I argue that an activity is not a type but a mode of occurrence, defined in terms of a network of inferences. The inferential space characterizing our concept of an activity entails that anything which (...)
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    Managing affect: integration of empathy and problem-solving in health care encounters.Johanna Ruusuvuori - 2007 - Discourse Studies 9 (5):597-622.
    This study describes the ways in which professionals in two contexts of health care: general practice and homeopathic consultations, respond to patients' affective expressions of a trouble or a problem. The focus is on the turns of professionals that display understanding, compassion or agreement with the patient's account. Different types of affiliative turns are described and their consequences for the following interaction are scrutinized in relation to the institutional task of solving the patients' health-related problems. It is shown that in (...)
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    What is feminist phenomenology? Thinking birth philosophically.Johanna Oksala - 2004 - Radical Philosophy 126:16-22.
  35. Taking Risks on Behalf of Another.Johanna Thoma - 2023 - Philosophy Compass 18 (3):e12898.
    A growing number of decision theorists have, in recent years, defended the view that rationality is permissive under risk: Different rational agents may be more or less risk-averse or risk-inclined. This can result in them making different choices under risk even if they value outcomes in exactly the same way. One pressing question that arises once we grant such permissiveness is what attitude to risk we should implement when choosing on behalf of other people. Are we permitted to implement any (...)
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  36. Managers’ Moral Decision-Making Patterns Over Time: A Multidimensional Approach.Johanna Kujala, Anna-Maija Lämsä & Katriina Penttilä - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 100 (2):191-207.
    Taking multidimensional ethics scale approach, this article describes an empirical survey of top managers’ moral decision-making patterns and their change from 1994 to 2004 during morally problematic situations in the Finnish context. The survey questionnaire consisted of four moral dilemmas and a multidimensional scale with six ethical dimensions: justice, deontology, relativism, utilitarianism, egoism and female ethics. The managers evaluated their decision-making in the problems using the multidimensional ethics scale. Altogether 880 questionnaires were analysed statistically. It is concluded that relying on (...)
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  37. The method of critical phenomenology: Simone de Beauvoir as a phenomenologist.Johanna Oksala - 2022 - European Journal of Philosophy 31 (1):137-150.
    The paper aims to contribute to the ongoing conversation on critical phenomenology with reflections on its method. The key argument is that critical phenomenology should be understood as a form of historico-transcendental inquiry and therefore it cannot forgo the phenomenological reduction. Rather, this methodological step should be centered in critical phenomenology, and appropriated in problematized and rethought forms. The methodological assessment of critical phenomenology has implications also for how we read its canon. The paper shows that while Simone de Beauvoir (...)
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    Schnorr trivial sets and truth-table reducibility.Johanna N. Y. Franklin & Frank Stephan - 2010 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 75 (2):501-521.
    We give several characterizations of Schnorr trivial sets, including a new lowness notion for Schnorr triviality based on truth-table reducibility. These characterizations allow us to see not only that some natural classes of sets, including maximal sets, are composed entirely of Schnorr trivials, but also that the Schnorr trivial sets form an ideal in the truth-table degrees but not the weak truth-table degrees. This answers a question of Downey, Griffiths and LaForte.
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    (1 other version)Wahrnehmung. Ästhetik. Geschlecht. Berlin: 7.-8. Mai 1998 - Ein Tagungsbericht.Johanna Gisela Bechen - 1998 - Die Philosophin 9 (18):118-121.
  40. Modernism. An Overview.Johanna Drucker - 1998 - In Michael Kelly (ed.), Encyclopedia of aesthetics. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 3--248.
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    Modernist surface, semiotic signs, and the hermeneutic trace: Jackson Pollock.Johanna Drucker - 1994 - Semiotica 102 (1-2):5-26.
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    The power of the unexpected: Prediction errors enhance stereotype-based learning.Johanna K. Falbén, Marius Golubickis, Dimitra Tsamadi, Linn M. Persson & C. Neil Macrae - 2023 - Cognition 235 (C):105386.
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  43. Journalisten als Akteure der Aufklärung.Johanna Haberer - 2018 - In Walter Sparn, Joar Haga, Sascha Salatowsky, Wilhelm Schmidt-Biggemann & Wolfgang Schoberth (eds.), Das Projekt der Aufklärung: philosophisch-theologische Debatten von der Frühen Neuzeit bis zur Gegenwart: Walter Sparn zum 75. Geburtstag. Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt.
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    From Communication To Dialogue: How to Enhance Stakeholder Involvement Through Information Sharing?Johanna Kujala, Hanna Lehtimäki & Tiina Toikka - 2008 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 19:453-463.
    In this paper, we are interested in how a company can enhance stakeholder involvement in its information-sharing practices. We start by looking at the current information-sharing practices in a case where Europe’s second largest pulp producer Metsä-Botnia was caught in the middle of a heated debate between two countries when building a pulp mill in South America. We examine the content of the company’s press releases in terms of the degree of stakeholder involvement. On the basis of our analysis, we (...)
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    Memories of Prague.Johanna Meehan - 2017 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 43 (3):304-305.
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  46. Evidential and Argumentative Functions of Dynamic Appearance Verbs in Italian: The Example of Rivelare and Emergere.Johanna Miecznikowski - 2018 - In Sarah Bigi & Fabrizio Macagno (eds.), Argumentation and Language — Linguistic, Cognitive and Discursive Explorations. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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  47. Foucault, fenomenologin och filosofins uppgift.Johanna Oksala - 2001 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 2.
  48. From the Death of the Author to the Freedom of Language: Foucault on Literature.Johanna Oksala - 2006 - Acta Philosophica Fennica 79:191.
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    Lines of Fragility: A Foucaultian Critique of Violence.Johanna Oksala - 2011 - In Nathan Eckstrand & Christopher Yates (eds.), Philosophy and the return of violence: studies from this widening gyre. London: Continuum International Publishing Group.
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    III. Process and particulars.Johanna Seibt - 2004 - In Michel Weber (ed.), After Whitehead: Rescher on process metaphysics. Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag. pp. 1--111.
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