Results for 'Jonas Fink'

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  1.  21
    Effort Gains in Occupational Teams – The Effects of Social Competition and Social Indispensability.Guido Hertel, Christoph Nohe, Katrin Wessolowski, Oliver Meltz, Justina C. Pape, Jonas Fink & Joachim Hüffmeier - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Emporgeirrt! Evolutionäre Erkenntnisse in Natur und Kultur.Helmut Fink & Rüdiger Vaas (eds.) - 2025 - Stuttgart: Hirzel.
    Alles entwickelt sich: der Kosmos mit seinen Strukturen, das Leben auf der Erde und die atemberaubend kreative Intelligenz (auch die künstliche) sowie unser Verständnis von alledem. Dieses Buch ist der menschlichen und nichtmenschlichen Natur auf der Spur. Es handelt von Grundsatzfragen der Erkenntnis- und Wissenschaftstheorie, von Präzisierungen der modernen Naturphilosophie und von vielen weiteren Facetten humanistischer Kultur. Leitidee ist die Einheit des Wissens im Lichte der Evolution. -/- Gerhard Vollmer zählt mit seinen Publikationen (die meisten im Hirzel-Verlag!) zur Erkenntnis- und (...)
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  3. The communication desideratum and theories of indexical reference.Jonas Åkerman - 2015 - Mind and Language 30 (4):474–499.
    According to the communication desideratum (CD), a notion of semantic content must be adequately related to communication. In the recent debate on indexical reference, (CD) has been invoked in arguments against the view that intentions determine the semantic content of indexicals and demonstratives (intentionalism). In this paper, I argue that the interpretations of (CD) that these arguments rely on are questionable, and suggest an alternative interpretation, which is compatible with (strong) intentionalism. Moreover, I suggest an approach that combines elements of (...)
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  4. A critique of cybernetics.Hans Jonas - 1953 - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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  5. Toward a Philosophy of Technology.Hans Jonas - 1979 - Hastings Center Report 9 (1):34-43.
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    Laughing and Learning: An Alternative to Shut Up and Listen.Peter M. Jonas - 2009 - R&L Education.
    This book explores the ways in which humor can enhance the learning environment. Drawing upon empirical research and brain-based concepts, Jonas presents a theoretical model of humor, along with practical examples for enhancing learning in schools and classrooms.
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    Non-local mind from the perspective of social cognition.Jonas Chatel-Goldman, Jean-Luc Schwartz, Christian Jutten & Marco Congedo - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  8. A Deeper Look at the "Neural Correlate of Consciousness".Sascha Benjamin Fink - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
    A main goal of the neuroscience of consciousness is: find the neural correlate to conscious experiences (NCC). When have we achieved this goal? The answer depends on our operationalization of “NCC.” Chalmers (2000) shaped the widely accepted operationalization according to which an NCC is a neural system with a state which is minimally sufficient (but not necessary) for an experience. A deeper look at this operationalization reveals why it might be unsatisfactory: (i) it is not an operationalization of a correlate (...)
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  9. Moral and Epistemic Error Theory : The Parity Premise Reconsidered.Jonas Olson - 2018 - In Conor McHugh, Jonathan Way & Daniel Whiting (eds.), Metaepistemology. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 107-121.
    Many moral error theorists hold that moral facts are irreducibly normative. They also hold that irreducible normativity is metaphysically queer and conclude that there are no irreducibly normative reasons and consequently no moral facts. A popular response to moral error theory utilizes the so-called ‘companions in guilt’ strategy and argues that if moral reasons are irreducibly normative, then epistemic reasons are too. This is the Parity Premise, on the basis of which critics of moral error theory draw the Parity Conclusion (...)
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  10. Contextualist Theories of Vagueness.Jonas Åkerman - 2012 - Philosophy Compass 7 (7):470-480.
    During the last couple of decades, several attempts have been made to come up with a theory that can handle the various semantic, logical and philosophical problems raised by the vagueness of natural languages. One of the most influential ideas that have come into fashion in recent years is the idea that vagueness should be analysed as a form of context sensitivity. Such contextualist theories of vagueness have gained some popularity, but many philosophers have remained sceptical of the prospects of (...)
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  11. The Metaphysics of Reasons.Jonas Olson - 2018 - In Daniel Star (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Reasons and Normativity. New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press. pp. 255-274.
    This chapter focuses exclusively on normative reasons. Normative reasons count in favor of actions and attitudes like beliefs, desires, feelings, and emotions. Section 11.2 explores the common ground concerning the metaphysics of reasons. We shall see that the really controversial metaphysical issues in metanormative theorizing about reasons arise with respect to the metaphysics of the reason relation. The two subsequent sections therefore go beyond the common ground and consider competing accounts of the reason relation. Robust and quietist versions of non-naturalism (...)
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  12. Homo pictor and the differentia of man.Hans Jonas - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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    The Stopping Power of Sources: Implied Causal Mechanisms and Historical Interpretations in (Mearsheimer’s) Arguments on the Russo-Ukrainian War.Jonas J. Driedger - 2023 - Analyse & Kritik 45 (1):137-155.
    The article analyzes arguments, made by John J. Mearsheimer and others, that the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022 was largely caused by Western policy. It finds that these arguments rely on a partially false and incomplete reading of history. To do so, the article identifies a range of premises that are both foundational to Mearsheimer’s claims and based on implied or explicit historical interpretations. This includes the varying policies of Ukraine toward NATO and the EU as well as the (...)
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  14. The Essence of Structural Irrationality.Julian Fink - 2023 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 26 (2).
    The phenomenon of ‘structural irrationality’ covers a diverse range of combinations of attitudes, including (inter alia) contradictory beliefs, contradictory intentions, means–end incoherence, akratic incoherence, and cyclical preferences. This paper offers a novel, unified account of when a pattern of attitudes qualifies as structurally irrational. It begins by setting up the core of the view I will be defending: a set of attitudes is irrational if and only if it is impossible for those attitudes to be jointly successful. I show that (...)
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  15. (1 other version)Getting Real about Moral Fictionalism1.Jonas Olson - 2011 - Oxford Studies in Metaethics 6:181.
  16. Forced‐March Sorites Arguments and Linguistic Competence.Jonas Åkerman - 2013 - Dialectica 67 (4):403-426.
    Agent relativists about vagueness (henceforth ‘agent relativists’) hold that whether or not an object x falls in the extension of a vague predicate ‘P’ at a time t depends on the judgemental dispositions of a particular competent agent at t. My aim in this paper is to critically examine arguments that purport to support agent relativism by appealing to data from forced-march Sorites experiments. The most simple and direct versions of such forced-march Sorites arguments rest on the following (implicit) premise: (...)
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    A Neural Dynamic Model of the Perceptual Grounding of Spatial and Movement Relations.Mathis Richter, Jonas Lins & Gregor Schöner - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (10):e13045.
    How does the human brain link relational concepts to perceptual experience? For example, a speaker may say “the cup to the left of the computer” to direct the listener's attention to one of two cups on a desk. We provide a neural dynamic account for both perceptual grounding, in which relational concepts enable the attentional selection of objects in the visual array, and for the generation of descriptions of the visual array using relational concepts. In the model, activation in neural (...)
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    Toward a formalized account of attitudes: The Causal Attitude Network (CAN) model.Jonas Dalege, Denny Borsboom, Frenk van Harreveld, Helma van den Berg, Mark Conner & Han van der Maas - 2016 - Psychological Review 123 (1):2-22.
  19. Robots make things funnier.Jonas Sjöbergh & Kenji Araki - 2009 - In Hiromitsu Hattori, Takahiro Kawamura, Tsuyoshi Ide, Makoto Yokoo & Yohei Murakami (eds.), New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence: JSAI 2008 Conference and Workshops, Asahikawa, Japan, June 11-13, 2008, Revised Selected Papers. Springer. pp. 306--313.
  20. Hannah Arendt: 1906–1975.Hans Jonas - 1976 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 43 (1):3-5.
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  21. The Function of Normative Process-Requirements.Julian Fink - 2012 - Dialectica 66 (1):115-136.
    This paper discusses whether rationality, morality or prudence impose process-requirements upon us. It has been argued that process-requirements fulfil two essential functions within a system of rational, moral or prudential requirements. These functions are considered to prove the existence of process-requirements. First, process-requirements are deemed necessary to ensure that rationality, morality or prudence can guide our deliberations and actions. Second, their existence is regarded as essential for the correctness of our ordinary explanations of why a person possesses a certain degree (...)
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  22. The Property of Rationality: A Guide to What Rationality Requires?Julian Fink - 2018 - Philosophical Studies 175 (1):117-140.
    Can we employ the property of rationality in establishing what rationality requires? According to a central and formal thesis of John Broome’s work on rational requirements, the answer is ‘no’ – at least if we expect a precise answer. In particular, Broome argues that (i) the property of full rationality (i.e. whether or not you are fully rational) is independent of whether we formulate conditional requirements of rationality as having a wide or a narrow logical scope. That is, (ii) by (...)
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  23. (1 other version)Three sorts of naturalism.Hans Fink - 2006 - European Journal of Philosophy 14 (2):202–221.
    In "Two sorts of Naturalism" John McDowell is sketching his own sort of naturalism in ethics as an alternative to "bald naturalism". In this paper I distinguish materialist, idealist and absolute conceptions of nature and of naturalism in order to provide a framework for a clearer understanding of what McDowell’s own naturalism amounts to. I argue that nothing short of an absolute naturalism will do for a number of McDowell's own purposes, but that it is far from obvious that this (...)
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  24. Subtitling or dubbing? an investigation of the effects from reading subtitles on understanding audiovisual material.Jonas Borell - 2000 - Cognitive Science 1:61-80.
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  25. Etre matérialiste à l'âge des Lumières: hommage offert à Roland Desné.Roland Desné, Beatrice Fink & Gerhardt Stenger (eds.) - 1999 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
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    Welt und Endlichkeit.Eugen Fink - 1990
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  27. Counterfactuals and downward causation: a reply to Zhong.Jonas Christensen & Jesper Kallestrup - 2012 - Analysis 72 (3):513-517.
    Lei Zhong (2012. Counterfactuals, regularity and the autonomy approach. Analysis 72: 75–85) argues that non-reductive physicalists cannot establish the autonomy of mental causation by adopting a counterfactual theory of causation since such a theory supports a so-called downward causation argument which rules out mental-to-mental causation. We respond that non-reductive physicalists can consistently resist Zhong's downward causation argument as it equivocates between two familiar notions of a physical realizer.
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    (1 other version)Nietzsches Philosophie.Eugen Fink - 1968 - Mainz,: Kohlhammer.
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  29. Classification of Strategies for Dealing with Student Relativism and the Epistemic Conceptual Change Strategy.Jonas Pfister - 2019 - Teaching Philosophy 42 (3):221-246.
    Student relativism is a widespread phenomenon in introductory philosophy courses. It is a pressing issue for teachers because it seems to undermine the very purpose of philosophy. Since the 1980s there is a debate about how to understand and how to deal with student relativism. However, there is as yet no comprehensive presentation of the debate. The first aim of the article is to offer a classification of the strategies for dealing with student relativism and a presentation and short assessment (...)
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    Biased perception of distributions: Anchoring, interpolation and smoothing as potential causes.Roland Deutsch, Jonas Ebert, Markus Barth & Jenny Roth - 2023 - Cognition 237 (C):105448.
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  31. Editorial.Julian Fink - 2013 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 20 (4):422-424.
    Within the debate concerning reason and rationality, instrumental incoherence was for a long time conceived of as the paradigm of irrationality. However, with the emergence of the so-called ‘bootstrapping objection’ and the debate concerning the ‘scope’ of rational requirements, the innocuous status of the normative significance of (instrumental) coherence became subject to. This led to a paradigmatic shift in how to understand the relationship between rational requirements and normativity. While there now exists considerable doubt that rational requirements are normative, it (...)
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  32. O fardo e a benção da mortalidade.Hans Jonas & Wendell Evangelista Soares Lopes - 2009 - Princípios 16 (25):265-281.
    O texto apresentado a seguir é uma traduçáo da conferência intitulada “The Burden and Blessing of Mortality” ( The Hastings Center Report , 22, n. 1, jan-fev. 1992, p. 34-40), que foi apresentada à Fundaçáo do Palácio Real [The Royal Palace Foundation], em Amsterdam, no dia 19 de março de 1991. Esta conferência foi traduzida para o alemáo por Reinhard Löw e revisada pelo próprio Jonas, aparecendo com o título “Last und Segen der Sterblichkeit” em Scheidewege 21, 1991/92, p. (...)
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    Introduction to "Quantum mechanics and reality".Raoni Arroyo, Jonas R. B. Arenhart, Christian de Ronde & Raimundo Fernández Mouján - 2024 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 39 (2):137-142.
    This paper introduces the Special Issue of Theoria entitled "Quantum Mechanics and Reality". We first comment on its origins related to the VIII International Workshop on Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Information, promoted by the International Network on Foundations of Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Information. We then briefly introduce each contribution individually, bringing the papers together under the Special Issue's topic.
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  34. How many stripes are on the tiger in my dreams?Sascha Benjamin Fink - manuscript
    There is tension between commonly held views concerning phenomenal imagery on the one hand and our first-person epistemic access to it on the other. This tension is evident in many individual issues and experiments in philosophy and psychology (e.g. inattentional and change blindness, the speckled hen, dream coloration, visual periphery). To dissolve it, we can give up either (i) that we lack full introspective access to the phenomenal properties of our imagistic experiences, or (ii) that phenomenal imagery is fully determined, (...)
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    Neues Handbuch des Philosophie-Unterrichts.Jonas Pfister & Peter Zimmermann (eds.) - 2016 - Utb.
    Das «Neue Handbuch des Philosophie-Unterrichts» nimmt Entwicklungen der Fachdidaktik Philosophie und Ethik der letzten dreißig Jahre auf. Es bietet Einblicke in die Frage der Auswahl und Strukturierung von Inhalten, in verschiedene Unterrichtsthemen, in die didaktisch-methodische Planung und Durchführung des Unterrichts, in Fragen der Leistungsbewertung sowie in traditionelle und neuere philosophiedidaktische Modelle. Die Beiträge enthalten zahlreiche Anregungen zur Vorbereitung, Gestaltung und Reflexion des eigenen Unterrichts. Das Handbuch eignet sich somit als Nachschlagewerk sowohl für angehende als auch für erfahrene Lehrpersonen.
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  36. Structures, languages and models: A unifying approach.Jonas R. Becker Arenhart & Fernando Tf Moraes - 2013 - Logique Et Analyse 56 (221):67-84.
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  37. What Does the Phenomenology of Edmund Husserl Want to Accomplish? (The Phenomenological Idea of Laying-a-Ground)1.Eugen Fink - 1972 - Research in Phenomenology 2 (1):5-27.
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    Report on the symposium "speculative realism in environmental education and the philosophy of education".Stefan Bengtsson, Jonas Andreasen Lysgaard, Daniel Kardyb, Jan Varpanen, Antti Saari, Hanna Hofverberg & Graham Harman - unknown
    "Speculative Realism in Environmental Education and the Philosophy of Education" was a joint research symposium for the networks on Environmental and Sustainability Education (NW 30) and Philosophy of Education (NW 13), held at the European Conference of Education Research (ECER), 25 August, 2023, in Glasgow, Scotland. The symposium aimed to open up discussion on renewed interest in realisms in the field of philosophy, and what that might mean for education research and the field of environmental education research in particular. As (...)
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    Social conditioning and extinction paradigm: a translational study in virtual reality.Youssef Shiban, Jonas Reichenberger, Inga D. Neumann & Andreas Mã¼Hlberger - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  40. The ‘Scent’ of a Self: Buddhism and the First-Person Perspective.Charles K. Fink - 2012 - Asian Philosophy 22 (3):289-306.
    Buddhism famously denies the existence of the self. This is usually understood to mean that Buddhism denies the existence of a substantial self existing over and above the flow of conscious experience. But what of the purely experiential self accepted by the phenomenological tradition? Does Buddhism deny the reflexive or first-personal character of conscious experience? In this paper, I argue that even the notion of an experiential self is ultimately incompatible with Buddhist teaching—in fact, deeply incompatible. According to Buddhism, I (...)
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  41. The Morality of Price/Quality and Ethical Consumerism.Julian Fink & Daniel Schubert - 2019 - Res Publica 25 (3):425-438.
    Hussain claims that ethical consumers are subject to democratic requirements of morality, whereas ordinary price/quality consumers are exempt from these requirements. In this paper, we demonstrate that Hussain’s position is incoherent, does not follow from the arguments he offers for it, and entails a number of counterintuitive consequences.
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    De Gladiatura Romana Quaestiones Selectae.M. W. & Paul Jonas Meier - 1882 - American Journal of Philology 3 (10):231.
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  43. Free will and determinism.On Free Will, Bio-Cultural Evolution Hans Fink, Niels Henrik Gregersen & Problem Torben Bo Jansen - 1991 - Zygon 26 (3):447.
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    On Human Rights in Healthcare: Some Remarks on Limits of the Right to Healthcare.Jonas Juškevičius & Janina Balsienė - 2010 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 122 (4):95-110.
    Notwithstanding the expectations related to the ‘invasion’ of human rights into the field of healthcare, the complexity of this field raises some problematic questions about the applicability of such a legal instrument. The present paper analyses the possible limits to the content of the core right to healthcare. These limits are discussed through the examination of two normative pillars of health law: the right to individual self-determination (or the principle of individual autonomy) and the right to healthcare itself. The authors (...)
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  45. Acting with Good Intentions: Virtue Ethics and the Principle that Ought Implies Can.Charles K. Fink - 2020 - Journal of Philosophical Research 45:79-95.
    In Morals from Motives, Michael Slote proposed an agent-based approach to virtue ethics in which the morality of an action derives solely from the agent’s motives. Among the many objections that have been raised against Slote’s account, this article addresses two problems associated with the Kantian principle that ought implies can. These are the problems of “deficient” and “inferior” motivation. These problems arise because people cannot freely choose their motives. We cannot always choose to act from good motives; nor can (...)
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  46. Re-educating the Body.Jonas Holst - 2013 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 45 (9):963-972.
    The purpose of the paper is to investigate into the philosophical concept of human embodiment in relation to physical education. As human beings we do not only have a body that we can control, but we ”are” our body and live embodied in the world, as the German thinker, Helmuth Plessner, puts it in one of his many contributions to the philosophical anthropology of the 20th century. Elaborating on this concept of human embodiment the paper explores a form of physical (...)
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    John Searle e o Realismo Ingênuo.Paulo Uzai Junior & Jonas Gonçalvez Coelho - 2015 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 7 (13):101-116.
    O principal objetivo deste artigo é refletir sobre a posição do filósofo da mente John Searle face ao realismo ingênuo, em especial no que diz respeito à natureza e propriedades da mente. Consideramos que Searle adota uma posição realista ingênua ao admitir a existência de estados mentais subjetivos tais como apreendidos pelo senso comum, como uma das bases para solucionar o problema mente-corpo, ainda que utilize argumentos filosóficos e científicos para justificá-la. Este fato oferece indícios para afirmar que o filósofo (...)
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  48. Editorial (Volume 3 Number 2).Philipp Richter & Jonas Pfister - 2019 - Journal of Didactics of Philosophy 3 (2):55.
    The Journal of Didactics of Philosophy is a peer-reviewed academic journal devoted to research on the teaching and learning of philosophy. It is published online twice a year. The access to all articles is free. Articles may be about any level of education, however the main focus is on high school philosophy. We welcome work with a philosophical or normative approach as well as reports of results from empirical qualitative and quantitative research. The journal also publishes reviews of books, textbooks (...)
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    Error monitoring in the hemispheres: the effect of lateralized feedback on lexical decision.Jonas T. Kaplan & Eran Zaidel - 2001 - Cognition 82 (2):157-178.
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  50. A Symposium on Nazi Law.Julian Fink, Carolyn Benson, Kristen Rundle, David Fraser, Herlinde Pauer-Studer & Raymond Critch - 2012 - Jurisprudence 3 (2):341-463.
    It is beyond doubt that the legal system established by the Nazi government in Germany between 1933-1945 represented a gross departure from the rule of law: the Nazis eradicated legal security and certainty; allowed for judicial and state arbitrariness; blocked epistemic access to what the law requires; issued unpredictable legal requirements; and so on. This introduction outlines the distorted nature of the Nazi legal system and looks at the main factors that contributed to this grave divergence.
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