Results for 'José Becerra Hiraldo'

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  1.  15
    Panegírico de san Agustín por fray Luis de León.José María Becerra Hiraldo - 1981 - Augustinus 26 (101-102):35-56.
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  2. Texto castellano en las obras latinas de fray Luis de León.Jm Becerra Hiraldo - 1991 - Ciudad de Dios 204 (2-3):579-585.
  3. Establishing Connections between Aristotle's Natural Deduction and First-Order Logic.Edgar José Andrade & Edward Samuel Becerra - 2008 - History and Philosophy of Logic 29 (4):309-325.
    This article studies the mathematical properties of two systems that model Aristotle's original syllogistic and the relationship obtaining between them. These systems are Corcoran's natural deduction syllogistic and ?ukasiewicz's axiomatization of the syllogistic. We show that by translating the former into a first-order theory, which we call T RD, we can establish a precise relationship between the two systems. We prove within the framework of first-order logic a number of logical properties about T RD that bear upon the same properties (...)
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    Genero maytenus, una fuente potencial de insecticidas naturales [beta-agarofurano].Alarcon E. Julio, Becerra A. Jose, Silva O. Mario & Munoz Orlando - 1993 - Theoria 2.
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    Prioridades OMS para 2020-2030: una mirada bioética II.Gilberto A. Gamboa-Bernal, María José Balseca-Ruiz, Claudia Becerra-Ríos, Nair Yaneth Díaz-Delgado, Laura Montoya-Sánchez, Gloria Amparo Portilla-Camacho, Nathalia Tafur-Gómez, Juliana Vallejo- Echavarría, Carlos Arturo Trujillo-Quesada & Juan José Rey-Serrano - 2024 - Revista Colombiana de Neumología 36 (1):78-86.
    Las prioridades estratégicas que definió la Organización Mundial de la Salud para su labor en la década 2020-2030 son el sustrato de este trabajo. El mismo grupo interdisciplinario de profesionales de la salud que reflexionó en la primera entrega sobre las prioridades relacionadas con lograr poblaciones más sanas, continúa con otras prioridades orientadas a lograr una cobertura sanitaria universal y un mejor manejo de las emergencias sanitarias. En las conclusiones de la segunda entrega se destaca la importancia de desarrollar cada (...)
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  6. Prioridades de la Organización Mundial de la Salud para 2020-2030: una mirada bioética I.Gilberto A. Gamboa-Bernal, María José Balseca-Ruiz, Claudia Becerra-Ríos, Nair Janethe Díaz-Delgado, Laura Montoya-Sánchez, Gloria Amparo Portilla-Camacho, Nathalia Tafur-Gómez, Juliana Vallejo-Echavarría, Carlos Arturo Trujillo-Quezada & Juan José Rey-Serrano - 2023 - Revista Colombiana de Neumología 35:65-76.
    Justo antes de la pandemia por COVID-19, la Organización Mundial de la Salud definió unas prioridades de trabajo para la década 2020-2030. Un grupo interdisciplinario de profesionales de la salud reflexiona sobre estas prioridades, determinando unas categorías de análisis y, desde una perspectiva bioética, analiza cada una de ellas, ve su pertinencia, algunos eventos causales, las implicaciones que pueden tener si no son enfrentadas adecuadamente y hace sugerencias sobre la forma de llevarlas a cabo. En esta primera entrega se analiza (...)
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    (1 other version)Nuevos espacios de participación de los afrodescendientes en América y el Caribe.María José Becerra & Diego Buffa - 2006 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 3.
    Nuevos espacios de participación de los afrodescendientes en América y el Caribe.
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    Intelligent Control Approaches for Modeling and Control of Complex Systems.José M. Andújar, Eloy Irigoyen & Victor M. Becerra - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-2.
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    Towards a Dialogue Among Constructivist Research Programs.Gastón Becerra & José Antonio Castorina - 2018 - Constructivist Foundations 13 (2):191-198.
    Context: Constructivist epistemology is not a doctrinal set of clear and consistent theses and assumptions but a movement full of tensions, with minimally integrated lines of discussions. Problem: This situation explains why it is so difficult to come up with a general definition of constructivist epistemology that could serve as a starting point to study its several research programs systematically and comparatively. Method: We compare the constructivist epistemologies of Jean Piaget, Ernst von Glasersfeld, Humberto Maturana, and Niklas Luhmann regarding tensions (...)
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    Presentación de una experiencia exitosa de apropiación de la investigación en el programa de Ingeniería Física de la UTP.Hugo Armando Gallego Becerra, R. Llamosa, Luis Enrique & José del Carmén Gómez Espíndola - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  11. The concept of epistemic frame : variety of applications and challenges.Gastón Becerra & José Antonio Castorina - 2023 - In José Antonio Castorina & Alicia Barreiro (eds.), The development of social knowledge: towards a cultural-individual dialectic. Charlotte, NC: IAP, Information Age Publishing.
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    Hacia un análisis de los marcos epistémicos del big data.Gastón Becerra & José Antonio Castorina - 2023 - Cinta de Moebio 76:50-63.
    ResumenEn este trabajo queremos indagar sobre algunas cuestiones epistemológicas que se discuten en torno al fenómeno del big data. Como principal herramienta de análisis epistemológico utilizamos a la noción de Marco Epistémico formulada por Piaget y García, y revisada por nosotros en trabajos más recientes, para problematizar los condicionamientos de los valores éticos y políticos, así como de otras regulaciones, en el desarrollo del conocimiento científico. Para ello, proponemos ordenar los debates que se registran en la literatura reciente sobre big (...)
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    Prestación del servicio de agua potable a través de comunidades rurales, Municipio de Ocamonte. Implicaciones sociojurídicas.Roberto Silva Fernández, Gonzalo Romero Becerra & José Valentín Pereira Rueda - 2013 - Ratio Juris 8 (17):135-158.
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    Automatización y control del experimento de la gota de Millikan.José Edgar Carmona Franco, Hugo Armando Gallego Becerra & Hoover Orozco Gallego - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Abuso sexual: prevalencia y caracterìsticas en jovenes de 3º medio de liceos municipalizados de Chillàn, chile.Jose Luis Ysern De Arce & Patricia Alejandra Becerra Aguayo - 2006 - Theoria 15 (1):79-85.
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    Jenaro Abasolo: Liberalismo y Estado social de derecho.Pablo Martínez Becerra & Francisco Cordero Morales - 2017 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 8 (2):105-133.
    El presente artículo muestra cómo la preocupación del filósofo chileno Jenaro Abasolo por la justicia social, le lleva a proponer una teoría de la justicia que anticipa la forma del Estado social de derecho. Pues su propuesta política, manteniendo los rasgos esenciales del liberalismo, conecta de manera particular los fines sociales con los políticos, hasta llegar a defender la necesidad de establecer leyes que regulen la esfera económica y la libertad de industria. En consecuencia, la crítica de Abasolo a la (...)
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    Decision Theory and Rationality.José Luis Bermúdez - 2009 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Decision Theory and Rationality offers a challenging new interpretation of a key theoretical tool in the human and social sciences. This accessible book argues, contrary to orthodoxy in politics, economics, and management science, that decision theory cannot provide a theory of rationality.
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    Scepticism and Reliable Belief.José L. Zalabardo - 2012 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Reliabilist accounts of knowledge are widely seen as having the resources for blocking sceptical arguments, since these arguments appear to rely on assumptions about the nature of knowledge that are rendered illegitimate by reliabilist accounts. The goal of this book is to assess the main arguments against the possibility of knowledge, and its conclusions challenge this consensus. The book articulates and defends a theory of knowledge that belongs firmly in the truth-tracking tradition, and argues that although the theory has the (...)
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  19.  9
    Coordenadas de una cartografía epistolar. Cartas a María Luisa Mendoza.Luis Felipe Pérez Sánchez & Elba Margarita Sánchez Rolón - 2024 - Valenciana 34:137-173.
    Este trabajo da noticia de la existencia de la correspondencia encontrada en los materiales del archivo personal de la escritora María Luisa Mendoza. Se esboza, a su vez, el papel que ocupa la escritura privada en torno a la obra tanto de la destinataria como de cada uno de los remitentes entre los que se encuentra Carlos Fuentes, Carlos Monsiváis, José Carlos Becerra, Elena Poniatowska y Sergio Pitol; para señalar algunas coordenadas de lectura de esta cartografía epistolar.
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    Dedekind and Wolffian Deductive Method.José Ferreirós & Abel Lassalle-Casanave - 2022 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 53 (4):345-365.
    Dedekind’s methodology, in his classic booklet on the foundations of arithmetic, has been the topic of some debate. While some authors make it closely analogue to Hilbert’s early axiomatics, others emphasize its idiosyncratic features, most importantly the fact that no axioms are stated and its careful deductive structure apparently rests on definitions alone. In particular, the so-called Dedekind “axioms” of arithmetic are presented by him as “characteristic conditions” in the _definition_ of the complex concept of a _simply infinite_ system. Making (...)
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  21.  55
    Effective Elements to Establish an Ethical Infrastructure: An Exploratory Study of SMEs in the Madrid Region.José Luis Fernández & Javier Camacho - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 138 (1):113-131.
    The purpose of this study is to identify the elements that can be implemented to achieve an ethical infrastructure, in small and medium enterprises. The ethical infrastructure is considered as a set of formal and informal systems, leadership, climate and culture, related to ethical issues. The research was carried out through interviews and focus groups with managers from 28 companies in Madrid, all signatories to the Global Compact. The identified key elements in SMEs are leadership, informal managerial and formal communication. (...)
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  22. General theories of explanation: buyer beware.José Díez, Kareem Khalifa & Bert Leuridan - 2013 - Synthese 190 (3):379-396.
    We argue that there is no general theory of explanation that spans the sciences, mathematics, and ethics, etc. More specifically, there is no good reason to believe that substantive and domain-invariant constraints on explanatory information exist. Using Nickel (Noûs 44(2):305–328, 2010 ) as an exemplar of the contrary, generalist position, we first show that Nickel’s arguments rest on several ambiguities, and then show that even when these ambiguities are charitably corrected, Nickel’s defense of general theories of explanation is inadequate along (...)
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  23.  44
    Noncompliance With Safety Guidelines as a Free-Riding Strategy: An Evolutionary Game-Theoretic Approach to Cooperation During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Jose C. Yong & Bryan K. C. Choy - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:646892.
    Evolutionary game theory and public goods games offer an important framework to understand cooperation during pandemics. From this perspective, the COVID-19 situation can be conceptualized as a dilemma where people who neglect safety precautions act as free riders, because they get to enjoy the benefits of decreased health risk from others’ compliance with policies despite not contributing to or even undermining public safety themselves. At the same time, humans appear to carry a suite of evolved psychological mechanisms aimed at curbing (...)
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  24.  74
    Wittgenstein's Early Philosophy.José L. Zalabardo (ed.) - 2012 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    This volume comprises nine lively and insightful essays by leading scholars on the philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein, focusing mainly on his early work.
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  25.  23
    How do networks explain? A neo-hempelian approach to network explanations of the ecology of the microbiome.José Díez & Javier Suárez - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 13 (3):1-26.
    Despite the importance of network analysis in biological practice, dominant models of scientific explanation do not account satisfactorily for how this family of explanations gain their explanatory power in every specific application. This insufficiency is particularly salient in the study of the ecology of the microbiome. Drawing on Coyte et al. (2015) study of the ecology of the microbiome, Deulofeu et al. (2021) argue that these explanations are neither mechanistic, nor purely mathematical, yet they are substantially empirical. Building on their (...)
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  26.  14
    Erasmus on the Just War.Jose A. Fernandez - 1973 - Journal of the History of Ideas 34 (2):209.
  27. Boghossian on inferential knowledge.José L. Zalabardo - 2011 - Analytic Philosophy 52 (2):124-139.
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  28.  53
    Algorithmic biases: caring about teens’ neurorights.José M. Muñoz & José Ángel Marinaro - 2024 - AI and Society 39 (2):809-810.
  29. A patterned process approach to brain, consciousness, and behavior.José-Luis Díaz - 1997 - Philosophical Psychology 10 (2):179-195.
    The architecture of brain, consciousness, and behavioral processes is shown to be formally similar in that all three may be conceived and depicted as Petri net patterned processes structured by a series of elements occurring or becoming active in stochastic succession, in parallel, with different rhythms of temporal iteration, and with a distinct qualitative manifestation in the spatiotemporal domain. A patterned process theory is derived from the isomorphic features of the models and contrasted with connectionist, dynamic system notions. This empirically (...)
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    Counterfactuals, the Discrimination Problem and the Limit Assumption.José Díez - 2015 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 23 (1):85-110.
    The aim of this paper is to identify what I take to be the main conceptual problem in Lewis’ semantics for counterfactuals when the Limit Assumption is not satisfied, what I call the Discrimination Problem , and to present and discuss a modification of Lewis’ semantics that aims at solving DP. First, I outline Lewis’ semantics, highlighting the aspects that will be relevant for our discussion. Second, I present DP and discuss it with a heuristic example. Third, I present the (...)
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  31. Traveling through narrative time: How tense and temporal deixis guide the representation of time and viewpoint in news narratives.José Sanders & Kobie van Krieken - 2019 - Cognitive Linguistics 30 (2):281-304.
    This study examines the linguistic construal and cognitive representation of time and viewpoint in the genre of news narratives. We present a model of mental spaces that involves a News Space in which the deictic center is construed of the news actors at the time the newsworthy events took place, and a Reality Space in which the deictic here-and-now center of journalist and reader is construed. This model explains how the dynamic representation of narrative news discourse, characterized by shifts in (...)
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  32. Falsificationism and the structure of theories: the Popper–Kuhn controversy about the rationality of normal science.Jose Díez - 2007 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 38 (3):543-554.
    Many controversies within philosophy of science have been attempted to be explained in terms of the metaphilosophical prescription/description distinction over the goal of philosophy of science. The aim of this paper is to show that the controversy between Popper and Kuhn about the ir/rationality of Normal Science cannot be fully explained in these terms, not even if we also take the truth/problem-solving distinction over the goal of science into account. It is argued that, to gain full understanding of this controversy, (...)
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  33.  12
    Of gods and men: The gift of bicameral mentality in Lake Atitlán's Mayan oral literature.José M. Franco Rodríguez & Daniel Montoya - forthcoming - Anthropology of Consciousness:e12236.
    This study investigates contemporary Mayan oral stories through the lens of Julian Jaynes's theory on the origin of consciousness, aiming to identify a potential connection between the literary elements of these narratives and traits of pre‐consciousness outlined by Jaynes. Jaynes's neuropsychological thesis argues that human consciousness emerged around 3000 years ago after a period of “bicameral mind,” characterized by auditory “hallucinations” that guided non‐habitual behavior. He claims that remnants of bicameral mentality linger to this day in all cultures. While his (...)
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    Arguing as a Virtuous Arguer Would Argue.José Ángel Gascón - 2015 - Informal Logic 35 (4):467-487.
    A virtue approach to argumentation would focus on the arguers’ character rather than the arguments. Therefore, it must be explained how good arguments relate to virtuous arguers. This article focus on this issue and attempts to provide an answer to the question: Could a bad arguer produce a good argument? It is argued that, besides the usual logical, dialectical, and rhetorical standards, a virtuously produced good argument must meet two additional requirements: the arguer must be in a specific state of (...)
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  35.  47
    A (Fatal) Trilemma for best theory realism.José Díez - 2018 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 8 (2):271-291.
    The no-miracles argument is the main inference-to-the-best-explanation kind of argument for scientific realism, and the pessimistic induction is considered a main, if not the main, challenge for a NMA-based scientific realism. Doppelt advocates a new kind of inference-to-the-best-explanation supported scientific realism that he labels Best Theory Realism. If successful in replacing standard selective realism as the best version of scientific realism, BTR would be particularly good since it is not committed to the partial truth of past theories and thereby it (...)
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  36. Internalist Foundationalism and the Problem of the Epistemic Regress.José L. Zalabardo - 2008 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 77 (1):34 - 58.
    I provide a construal of the epistemic regress problem and I take issue with the contention that a foundationalist solution is incompatible with an internalist account of warrant. I sketch a foundationalist solution to the regress problem that respects a plausible version of internalism. I end with the suggestion that the strategy that I have presented is not available only to the traditional versions of foundationalism that ascribe foundational status to experiential beliefs. It can also be used to generate a (...)
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  37.  27
    Two concepts of enunciation.José Luiz Fiorin - 2017 - Semiotica 2017 (219):257-271.
    Journal Name: Semiotica Issue: Ahead of print.
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  38. How I Know I'm Not a Brain in a Vat.José L. Zalabardo - 2009 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 64:65-88.
    I use some ideas of Keith DeRose's to develop an (invariantist!) account of why sceptical reasoning doesn't show that I don't know that I'm not a brain in a vat. I argue that knowledge is subject to the risk-of-error constraint: a true belief won’t have the status of knowledge if there is a substantial risk of the belief being in error that hasn’t been brought under control. When a substantial risk of error is present (i.e. beliefs in propositions that are (...)
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  39.  9
    A non-causalist account of the explanatory autonomy in the psychological sciences.José Díez & David Pineda - 2024 - Synthese 204 (3):1-27.
    It has been often claimed that physicalism challenges the explanatory autonomy of psychological sciences. Most who advocate for such explanatory autonomy and do not want to renounce to physicalism, presuppose a causalist account of explanatoriness and try to demonstrate that, adequately construed, (causal) psychological explanations are compatible with (some sufficient version of) physicalism. In Sect. 1 we summarize the different theses and assumptions involved in the seeming conflict between explanatory autonomy and physicalism. In Sect. 2 we review the main attempts (...)
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  40. Towards a nominalist empiricism.José L. Zalabardo - 2001 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 101 (1):29–52.
    The paper deals with our ability to classify objects as being of a certain kind on the basis of information provided by the senses (empirical classification) and to ascribe empirical predicates to objects on the basis of these classificatory verdicts (empirical predication). I consider, first, the project of construing the episodes in which this ability is exercised as involving universals. I argue that this construal faces epistemological problems concerning our access to the universals that it invokes. I present the empiricist (...)
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    The city: Rationalization and freedom in Max Weber.José Maurício Domingues - 2000 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 26 (4):107-126.
    Weber's piece on the development of the north-European Western city has not commanded attention in the recent theoretical literature. This article argues that it can however provide fresh insights into some key problems of Weber's diagnosis of modernity and into his general sociological theory, especially as to his theory of action and creativity. A more open-ended conception of modernity can be gained from its analysis, which is more compatible with Weber's own methodological assumptions. A different relationship between freedom and rationality (...)
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  42. Peirce's conception of architectonic and related views.Jose Ferrater Mora - 1955 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 15 (3):351-359.
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    La neutralidad y su neutralización: el eco mítico de la Modernidad en el tiempo presente.José Manuel Sánchez Fernández - 2023 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 26 (2):195-207.
    El presente trabajo parte del paralelo antitético establecido en torno al par amigo-enemigo que aparece en el “Concepto de lo político” de C. Schmitt para, a continuación, analizar las interesantes propuestas que llevan a cabo distintos autores, entre otros, H. Blumenberg, a las que añadiremos como contrapunto los representantes de la Escuela de J. Ritter, W. Böckenförde y H. Lübbe. En especial señalamos el tránsito que se produce de la neutralidad a la neutralización, a partir de la nueva consideración de (...)
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  44. Nonconceptual content and the nature of perceptual experience.Jose Luis Bermudez & Fiona Macpherson - 1998 - Electronic Journal of Analytic Philosophy 6.
    [1] Recent philosophy of mind and epistemology has seen an important and influential trend towards accounting for at least some features of experiences in content-involving terms. It is a contested point whether ascribing content to experiences can account for all the intrinsic properties of experiences, but on many theories of experiences there are close links between the ascription of content and the ways in which experiences are ascribed and typed. The issues here have both epistemological and psychological dimensions. On the (...)
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    Sobre la administración de bienes familiares: propuesta de mejora en el discurso de Aonio Paleario.José García Fernández - 2023 - Ingenium. Revista Electrónica de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología En Historia de Las Ideas 17:67-72.
    Aonio Paleario destacó por la defensa de posiciones filóginas que procurarían desmitificar las estructuras del patriarcado. Basado en el examen filológico de _Dell’economia o vero del governo della casa_ (1555), este artículo pone de manifiesto cómo Paleario consideraba a las mujeres del todo idóneas para la administración de bienes y recursos. Para el autor, ser hombre no se asocia necesariamente con dar una imagen de pulcritud y profesionalidad en la gestión del patrimonio familiar. Por ello, promoviendo acciones específicas en favor (...)
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    The phoneme: A conceptual heritage from alphabetic literacy.José Morais - 2021 - Cognition 213 (C):104740.
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    Posthumanismo, inmortalidad y naturaleza humana.José Ignacio Galparsoro - 2020 - Isegoría 63:451-470.
    The radical posthumanism of Kurzweil aims to achieve immortality. Fukuyama and Habermas criticize posthumanism defending the idea of an inalterable human nature. Pinker, for his part, considers that there is a human nature, but susceptible to modifications. There is a limit to human nature: it is found in the mortal nature of each member of the human species. Sloterdijk will introduce a nuance and insist on the natality of the creative acts of man, standing in continuity with the Nietzschean concept (...)
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    La metáfora en Aristóteles.José Miguel Gambra - 1990 - Anuario Filosófico 23 (2):51-68.
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    Pensamiento de lengua española.José Gaos - 1945 - México,: Editorial Stylo.
    Essays on Spanish-American philosophy, particularly Mexican. Part 2 includes selections from the works of José Vasconcelos, Antonio Caso, Samuel Ramos, Adolfo Menéndez Samara, Oswaldo Robes, Alfonso Reyes, Justino Fernández, Edmundo O'Gorman, J.D. García Bacca, Eduardo Nicol, José Medina Echevarría and Juan Larrea.
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    RESEÑA de : Ortega y Gasset, José. Notas de trabajo : epílogo,.... Madrid : Alianza, 1994.José Lasaga Medina - 1995 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 1:257.
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