Results for 'José Cabrera'

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  1.  28
    Para una crítica de la violencia en psicoanálisis: de la violencia originaria de la ley a su tramitación trágica.José Cabrera Sánchez - 2019 - Trans/Form/Ação 42 (1):101-122.
    Resumen Para Freud la relación entre violencia y ley parece indisociable, en tanto la instauración de esta última depende de una violencia inaugural, la que en lugar de quedar limitada a este momento inicial continúa activa a través de los propios mecanismos psíquicos que encarnan la función de la ley, de manera tal que la ley se encuentra coludida permanentemente con la misma violencia que intenta regular. Pensamos que este dilema es equivalente al delimitado por Benjamin en Para una crítica (...)
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    Acercamientos a la situación epocal desde la diversidad filosófica contemporanea.Mateos Castro, José Antonio & Ernesto Cabrera García (eds.) - 2022 - Buenos Aires: Editorial Biblos.
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  3. La soledad desde la orilla.Pedro José Cabrera Cabrera - 2004 - Critica 54 (914):51-54.
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    Estudios históricos y sociales sobre el trauma colectivo Revisitando los efectos de la violencia política en contextos latinoamericanos.Nicol A. Barria-Asenjo, David Pavón-Cuéllar, Hernán Scholten, José Cabrera Sánchez, Jairo Gallo Acosta, Jesús Wiliam Huanca-Arohuanca, Antonio Letelier, Rose Gurski, Gonzalo Salas, Tomás Caycho-Rodríguez, Alberto León & Jesús Ayala-Colqui - 2023 - Aisthesis 74:172-195.
    Este artículo explora el concepto de trauma colectivo y su aplicación en el contexto histórico y social de las sociedades latinoamericanas. La transferencia del término «trauma colectivo» desde el campo del conocimiento psicológico a la esfera social e histórica plantea preguntas sobre su legitimidad y marco conceptual. El estudio examina la fidelidad de esta transferencia conceptual y su relación con la comprensión psicoanalítica temprana de los fenómenos traumáticos. El contexto cultural europeo de finales del siglo xix y principios del siglo (...)
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    El trasfondo psicologista en la teoría schopenhaueriana de la percepción.José Antonio Cabrera Rodríguez - 2015 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 52.
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    Emotional Reactivity to Incentive Downshift in Adult Rats Exposed to Binge-Like Ethanol Exposure During Adolescence.José Manuel Lerma-Cabrera, Camilo Andrés Arévalo-Romero, Gustavo Alfredo Cortés-Toledo, Alfredo Alfonso Adriasola-Carrasco & Francisca Carvajal - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    El sacerdocio de Jesucristo en el Comentario de santo Tomás a la Carta a los Hebreos.José María Cabrera - 2021 - Studium Filosofía y Teología 24 (47):21-45.
    Los estudios sobre el sacerdocio de Jesucristo en santo Tomás se suelen basar en la Suma Teológica; por lo que nosotros proponemos, en este trabajo, mostrar el desarrollo de este tema en el Comentario a la Carta a los Hebreos. Este abordaje nos permite ver no sólo cómo su conocimiento bíblico alimenta la teología, sino también que Tomás incluye ya temas que serán explicitados muchos siglos después.
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    El problema de la variación histórica de la subjetivación para el psicoanálisis Entre estructura e historia.José Cabrera - 2017 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 29 (48).
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    La función del derecho en la crisis.José Cabrera Bazán - 1983 - Cádiz: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Cádiz.
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  10.  32
    Naprotecnología: ciencia y persona en la infección por el virus del papiloma humano en mujeres y preadolescentes.José María Murcia Lora, María Luisa Esparza Encina, Juan Luis Alcázar Zambrano, María Ángeles Martínez Calvo & Rocío Cabrera Muro - 2017 - Persona y Bioética 21 (1).
    There currently is sufficient scientific evidence directly linking acquisition, exposure and prevalence of the human papillomavirus to cervical cancer. The article addresses HPV in women by taking NaProTechnology into account, which makes it posible to combine scientific evidence with ethical approaches. It looks at both the biological aspect of sexuality and the ability to become a person within one’s sexual nucleus. There is an analysis of sex education programs based on preventive health and on the anthropology of sexuality, and supported (...)
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  11. El arte como el Gran Rechazo: la humanización de la estética.Jose Alfonso Correa-Cabrera - 2019 - Valenciana 23:191-212.
    Filósofos como Marcuse han subrayado las propiedades liberadoras del quehacer artístico. Pero si hemos de pensar el arte como el Gran Rechazo, es necesario mostrar qué rechaza el arte y con qué busca sustituirlo. Respecto a estas preguntas, existen dos respuestas antagónicas. Mientras una busca en la experiencia artística rechazar lo dado en nombre de una verdad intemporal, la otra también reniega de lo dado, pero admite el carácter provisorio de toda verdad. Aunque en apariencia sutil, esta distinción es sustancial. (...)
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  12.  10
    La asimilación del eidos platónico en la estética schopenhaueriana.José Antonio Cabrera - 2017 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 22 (3).
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    Reseña de "As Metamorfoses da Consciência de Classe: o PT entre a negação e o Consentimento" de Mauro Luis IASI.José Pedro Cabrera Cabral - 2009 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 14 (44):144-145.
  14.  73
    Performance Indicators in Young Elite Beach Volleyball Players.José Antonio Pérez-Turpin, Luis María Campos-Gutiérrez, Carlos Elvira-Aranda, María José Gomis-Gomis, Concepción Suárez-Llorca & Eliseo Andreu-Cabrera - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  15. La industria cultural y su relación con el valor de la producción musical.José Ramón Fabelo Corzo & Ernesto García Cabrera - 2013 - In Ramon Patino Espino & José Antonio Pérez Diestre (eds.), Universalidad y variedad en la estética y el arte. pp. 259-266.
    El trabajo cuestiona críticamente cierta visión extrema y unilateral apreciable en Adorno y Horkheimer al juzgar la relación de la industria cultural con la música. Es cierto que hoy prácticamente toda actividad humana se encuentra condiciona¬da por el mercado y que la música no es una excepción. Ella también es portadora de valor de cambio que tiende a ser dominante en los marcos de la industrial cultural. Pero es plausible que dentro de las industrias culturales mismas se empezara a hacer (...)
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  16.  30
    ‘Nicanor y la Violeta’: Un análisis crítico del uso del artículo definido ante nombres propios masculinos y femeninos.Leonardo Aliaga Rovira, Patricia Avilés Retamal, Domingo Román Montes de Oca, María José Serrano Insunza, Camila Colicheo Cabrera & Francisco Soto Cáceres - 2020 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 30 (2):224-235.
    En este artículo se estudia la estructura “artículo definido + nombre propio antropónimo” y su distribución de uso en casos de antropónimos femeninos y masculinos. Se parte del supuesto de que esta estructura es más frecuente cuando el antropónimo es femenino. Al ser expletiva la presencia del artículo ante los sustantivos propios y, por el contrario, ser requerido su uso o el de otro determinante, en posiciones sintácticas específicas, ante los sustantivos comunes, la aparición del artículo definido precediendo al antropónimo (...)
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  17. Semblanza de José Echeverría.Miguel A. Badía Cabrera - 1997 - Diálogos. Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Puerto Rico 32 (69):11-16.
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    Cómo medir el impacto socioeconómico de las actividades deportivas inclusivas en personas con exclusión social.Adrián Ferrandis Martínez, Cristina García-Cardona & José Vicente Sánchez Cabrera - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (7):1-13.
    Existe gran consenso dentro de la academia en relación a la necesidad de tener en cuenta un gran número de variables para poder conceptualizar y medir la inclusión o, por ende, la exclusión social que viven ciertos colectivos. A través de un estudio en profundidad de la bibliografía, casos piloto y proyectos similares, se ha creado un sistema de indicadores con la finalidad de medir el impacto socioeconómico de una actividad sociodeportiva vinculada a la inclusión de personas con diversidad funcional. (...)
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  19.  13
    Juegos de lenguaje sociales y palabras que dañan. Un estudio sobre la interpretación aplicada de la obra del segundo Wittgenstein.Isabel G. Gamero Cabrera - 2017 - Tópicos 33:45-76.
    En este artículo voy a profundizar en una interpretación aplicada de la obra del segundo Wittgenstein, propuesta por José Medina, Miranda Fricker y Peg O’Connor, entre otros. Estos autores equiparan juegos de lenguaje y formas de vida, entienden las reglas de los juegos como normas sociales y trasladan la argumentación del filósofo vienés a un ámbito sociopolítico. Concretamente, José Medina propone un argumento en oposición a los juegos de lenguaje sociales, que es la versión social al argumento de (...)
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  20.  41
    Cabrera Rodríguez, José Antonio. “El trasfondo psicologista en la teoría schopenhaueriana de la percepción.”.Harol Villamil - 2017 - Ideas Y Valores 66 (163):406.
    Cabrera Rodríguez, José Antonio. “El trasfondo psicologista en la teoría schopenhaueriana de la percepción.” Estudios de Filosofía 52 (2015): 95-110.
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  21. Diário de um filósofo no Brasil. [REVIEW]José de Carvalho - 2012 - Educação E Filosofia 26 (51).
    O Diário de Júlio Cabrera foi desenvolvido em três partes. Na primeira ele examina a filosofia brasileira: em que ela consiste, quais são seus autores, contribuições, perfil e valor. Na segunda parte expõe as linhas gerais de uma reflexão própria sobre: Lógica e Linguagem, Ética e relação entre Filosofia e Cinema e, finalmente, na última volta à reflexão sobre o sentido de uma filosofia brasileira. Ele conclui o livro com uma entrevista concedida a um interlocutor imaginário na qual se (...)
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  22. Hermeneutical Injustice and Polyphonic Contextualism: Social Silences and Shared Hermeneutical Responsibilities.José Medina - 2012 - Social Epistemology 26 (2):201-220.
    While in agreement with Miranda Fricker’s context-sensitive approach to hermeneutical injustice, this paper argues that this contextualist approach has to be pluralized and rendered relational in more complex ways. In the first place, I argue that the normative assessment of social silences and the epistemic harms they generate cannot be properly carried out without a pluralistic analysis of the different interpretative communities and expressive practices that coexist in the social context in question. Social silences and hermeneutical gaps are misrepresented if (...)
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    Decision Theory and Rationality.José Luis Bermúdez - 2009 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Decision Theory and Rationality offers a challenging new interpretation of a key theoretical tool in the human and social sciences. This accessible book argues, contrary to orthodoxy in politics, economics, and management science, that decision theory cannot provide a theory of rationality.
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  24.  81
    Scepticism and Reliable Belief.José L. Zalabardo - 2012 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Reliabilist accounts of knowledge are widely seen as having the resources for blocking sceptical arguments, since these arguments appear to rely on assumptions about the nature of knowledge that are rendered illegitimate by reliabilist accounts. The goal of this book is to assess the main arguments against the possibility of knowledge, and its conclusions challenge this consensus. The book articulates and defends a theory of knowledge that belongs firmly in the truth-tracking tradition, and argues that although the theory has the (...)
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  25. The Moral Significance of Birth.José Luis Bermúdez - 1996 - Ethics 106 (2):378 - 403.
    The author challenges the view that birth cannot be a morally relevant fact in the process of development from zygote to child. He reviews specific arguments against giving any moral significance to the fact of birth. Drawing on recent work in developmental psychology, he contends that the lives of neonates can have a level of self-consciousness that confers moral significance but can only be possessed after birth. He shows that the position he has argued for provides a framework within which (...)
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  26. Externalism, skepticism, and the problem of easy knowledge.José L. Zalabardo - 2005 - Philosophical Review 114 (1):33-61.
    The paper deals with a version of the principle that a belief source can be a knowledge source only if the subject knows that it is reliable. I argue that the principle can be saved from the main objections that motivate its widespread rejection: the claim that it leads to skepticism, the claim that it forces us to accept counterintuitive knowledge ascriptions and the claim that it is incompatible with reliabilist accounts of knowledge. I argue that naturalist epistemologists should reject (...)
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  27. Who Got What Wrong? Fodor and Piattelli on Darwin: Guiding Principles and Explanatory Models in Natural Selection.José Díez & Pablo Lorenzano - 2013 - Erkenntnis 78 (5):1143-1175.
    The purpose of this paper is to defend, contra Fodor and Piattelli-Palmarini (F&PP), that the theory of natural selection (NS) is a perfectly bona fide empirical unified explanatory theory. F&PP claim there is nothing non-truistic, counterfactual-supporting, of an “adaptive” character and common to different explanations of trait evolution. In his debate with Fodor, and in other works, Sober defends NS but claims that, compared with classical mechanics (CM) and other standard theories, NS is peculiar in that its explanatory models are (...)
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    The Poetry of Relativity: Leopoldo Lugones' The Size of Space.Diego Hurtado de Mendoza & Miguel de Asúa - 2005 - Science in Context 18 (2):309-315.
    As in other countries, the public in Argentina became aware of the existence of something called “the theory of relativity” only after November 1919. Although the news of Arthur Eddington's eclipse expedition, which provided the first confirmation of Einstein's theory, was poorly reported in the newspapers, by the end of 1920 Einstein had become a household name for the educated middle class of Buenos Aires, the capital city of the country. This was in great measure the result of the activity (...)
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  29. General theories of explanation: buyer beware.José Díez, Kareem Khalifa & Bert Leuridan - 2013 - Synthese 190 (3):379-396.
    We argue that there is no general theory of explanation that spans the sciences, mathematics, and ethics, etc. More specifically, there is no good reason to believe that substantive and domain-invariant constraints on explanatory information exist. Using Nickel (Noûs 44(2):305–328, 2010 ) as an exemplar of the contrary, generalist position, we first show that Nickel’s arguments rest on several ambiguities, and then show that even when these ambiguities are charitably corrected, Nickel’s defense of general theories of explanation is inadequate along (...)
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  30. The Tractatus on Logical Consequence.José L. Zalabardo - 2009 - European Journal of Philosophy 18 (3):425-442.
    I discuss the account of logical consequence advanced in Wittgenstein's Tractatus. I argue that the role that elementary propositions are meant to play in this account can be used to explain two remarkable features that Wittgenstein ascribes to them: that they are logically independent from one another and that their components refer to simple objects. I end with a proposal as to how to understand Wittgenstein's claim that all propositions can be analysed as truth functions of elementary propositions.
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    Wright on Moore.José L. Zalabardo - 2012 - In Annalisa Coliva (ed.), Mind, meaning, and knowledge: themes from the philosophy of Crispin Wright. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 304–322.
    To the sceptic's contention that I don't know that I have hands because I don't know that there is an external world, the Moorean replies that I know that there is an external world because I know that I have hands. Crispin Wright has argued that the Moorean move is illegitimate, and has tried to block it by limiting the applicability of the principle of the transmission of knowledge by inference—the principle that recognising the validity of an inference from known (...)
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  32.  53
    Algorithmic biases: caring about teens’ neurorights.José M. Muñoz & José Ángel Marinaro - 2024 - AI and Society 39 (2):809-810.
  33.  23
    How do networks explain? A neo-hempelian approach to network explanations of the ecology of the microbiome.José Díez & Javier Suárez - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 13 (3):1-26.
    Despite the importance of network analysis in biological practice, dominant models of scientific explanation do not account satisfactorily for how this family of explanations gain their explanatory power in every specific application. This insufficiency is particularly salient in the study of the ecology of the microbiome. Drawing on Coyte et al. (2015) study of the ecology of the microbiome, Deulofeu et al. (2021) argue that these explanations are neither mechanistic, nor purely mathematical, yet they are substantially empirical. Building on their (...)
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  34. On Knaves and Rules. (An Approach to the 'Sensible Knave' Problem from a Tempered Rule Utilitarianism).José Luis Tasset - 2011 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 52:117-140.
    In the attempt of defending an interpretation of David Hume's moral and political philosophy connected to classical utilitarianism, intervenes in a key way the so called problem of the " Sensitive Knave " raised by this author at the end of his more utilitarian work, the Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals. According to the classic interpretation of this fragment, the utilitarian rationality in politics would clash with morality turning useless the latter. Therefore, in the political area the defense of (...)
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  35. Real definitions: Quine and Aristotle.José A. Benardete - 1993 - Philosophical Studies 72 (2-3):265 - 282.
    Re-activating the philosophical quest for real definitions, I dare propose that its fulfillment is most convincingly represented, close to home, where one probably least expects it, notably in the first half of Section 36 of Word and Object, in the pages of Quine. Aristotle must inevitably remain our guide even as we insist on respecting Quine's anti-essentialism, and I must then explain how Aristotle, truncated, can be put here to use. Well, we may begin, appropriately, with a definition or with (...)
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    Sobre as origens da crítica da tecnologia na teoria social: Georg Simmel e a autonomia da tecnologia.José Luís Garcia - 2007 - Scientiae Studia 5 (3):287-336.
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  37. On Ushenko's Version of the Liar-Paradox.Jose Encarnacion - 1955 - Mind 64 (253):99-100.
  38. Putting Reference Beyond Belief.José L. Zalabardo - 1998 - Philosophical Studies 91 (3):221-257.
    The paper deals with Hilary Putnam's model-theoretic argument against metaphysical realism. It considers the objections to the argument raised by David Lewis, Mark Heller, James van Cleve, Anthony Brueckner and others, to the effect that Putnam's reasoning fails to undermine versions of metaphysical realism which construe reference along externalist lines. I argue that the version of Putnam's argument that his critics have attacked is indeed powerless against externalist accounts of reference, but that, on a different construal, the argument puts genuine (...)
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  39.  74
    Wittgenstein's Early Philosophy.José L. Zalabardo (ed.) - 2012 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    This volume comprises nine lively and insightful essays by leading scholars on the philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein, focusing mainly on his early work.
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  40.  29
    Principles of political science.José Maminta Aruego - 1947 - Manila,: University Pub. Co..
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    The politics of nativism: Islam in Europe, Catholicism in the United States.José Casanova - 2012 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 38 (4-5):485-495.
    The politics of nativism directed at Catholic immigrants in 19th-century America offer a fruitful comparative perspective through which to analyze the discourse and the politics of Islam in contemporary Europe. Anti-Catholic nativism constituted a peculiar North American version of the larger and more generalized phenomenon of anti-immigrant populist xenophobic politics which one finds in many countries and in different historical contexts. What is usually designated as Islamo-phobia in contemporary Europe, however, manifests striking resemblances with the original phenomenon of American nativism (...)
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  42. (1 other version)O anjo da história e a memória das vítimas: o caso da ditadura militar no Brasil.José Carlos Moreira da Silva Filho - 2008 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 53 (2):150-178.
    O artigo se apóia na filosofia da história da Walter Benjamin para denunciar a barbárie que se aloja na base da sociedade ocidental e promove a exclusão e o esquecimento das vítimas. Indica o papel político da memória na construção da democracia e no resgate da dignidade humana, reconhecida a partir da alteridade evidenciada no sofrimento, seguindo mais de perto a experiência das ditaduras latinoamericanas, em especial, a da ditadura militar brasileira. PALAVRAS-CHAVE – Justiça das vítimas. Memória política. História e (...)
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    Maria da Conceição Tavares e a hegemonia Americana.José Luís Fiori - forthcoming - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy (50).
  44. Moral religiosa: la vida ante Dios.José Román Flecha - 2012 - Salamanca: Ediciones Sígueme.
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    As habitações do humano como expressões do tempo: diálogo entre Heidegger e Dōgen.José Carlos Michelazzo - 2011 - Natureza Humana 13 (2):63-84.
  46.  12
    Ontologie de la réalité organique.José Ferrater Mora & Renée Ferrater - 1965 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 70 (1):74 - 95.
  47. La concepción intelectual de lo divino como coincidentia oppositorum a la luz de lo maximum et minimum absolutum en el pensamiento de Nicolás de Cusa.José González Rios - 2011 - Princípios 18 (30):27-52.
    Normal 0 21 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 On February 12, 1440 Nicholas of Cusa (1401-1464) concludes in his birthplace of Kues drafting the first major systematic formulation of his thinking: De docta ignorantia . The main category of his metaphysics in this context, i.e. the maximum , is analyzed and interpreted by him on three considerations: the maximum in an absolute sense, as contracted and finally as absolute and contracted, at the same time. In the context of the First Book, (...)
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  48. Falsificationism and the structure of theories: the Popper–Kuhn controversy about the rationality of normal science.Jose Díez - 2007 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 38 (3):543-554.
    Many controversies within philosophy of science have been attempted to be explained in terms of the metaphilosophical prescription/description distinction over the goal of philosophy of science. The aim of this paper is to show that the controversy between Popper and Kuhn about the ir/rationality of Normal Science cannot be fully explained in these terms, not even if we also take the truth/problem-solving distinction over the goal of science into account. It is argued that, to gain full understanding of this controversy, (...)
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  49.  89
    Race and epistemologies of ignorance (review).José Medina - 2008 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 22 (4):pp. 313-316.
  50.  11
    A contas com a ética empresarial.José Manuel Moreira - 1999 - Cascais: Principia.
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