Results for 'João Amazonas'

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  1. Força decisiva da revolução e da construção do socialismo.João Amazonas - 1996 - Princípios 40:4.
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    A gênese da ontologia fundamental de Martin heideger.João Augusto A. Amazonas MacDowell - 1970 - São Paulo: Editôra Herder.
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    Reactive multi-context systems: Heterogeneous reasoning in dynamic environments.Gerhard Brewka, Stefan Ellmauthaler, Ricardo Gonçalves, Matthias Knorr, João Leite & Jörg Pührer - 2018 - Artificial Intelligence 256 (C):68-104.
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  4. Two's Company: The humbug of many logical values.Carlos Caleiro, Walter Carnielli, Marcelo Coniglio & João Marcos - 2005 - In Jean-Yves Béziau (ed.), Logica Universalis: Towards a General Theory of Logic. Boston: Birkhäuser Verlog. pp. 169-189.
    The Polish logician Roman Suszko has extensively pleaded in the 1970s for a restatement of the notion of many-valuedness. According to him, as he would often repeat, “there are but two logical values, true and false.” As a matter of fact, a result by W´ojcicki-Lindenbaum shows that any tarskian logic has a many-valued semantics, and results by Suszko-da Costa-Scott show that any many-valued semantics can be reduced to a two-valued one. So, why should one even consider using logics with more (...)
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    On Peirce's diagrammatic models for ten classes of signs.Priscila Lena Farias & João Queiroz - 2014 - Semiotica 2014 (202).
    The classifications of signs are among the most important topics of Peirce's theory of signs. The 10 classes of signs were developed from 1903 and represent an important refinement of the fundamental division of signs into icons, indexes, and symbols. In this paper we present two diagrammatic models for 10 classes, proposed by Peirce, and an interpretation of the reasoning behind their development, based on the analysis of preparatory versions of these models.
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  6. A cidade nas práticas artísticas.Nuno Fonseca, Humberto Brito, João Oliveira Duarte, Susana Ventura & Susana Viegas (eds.) - 2023 - Lisbon: Ifilnova - Nova Fcsh.
    A cidade nas práticas artísticas [The city in artistic practices] is the result of the work developed, of the presentations and the debates held within the cycle of seminars “The experience of the city between art and philosophy”, held between 3 March 2020 and 16 June 2021 (calendar dramatically compromised by the challenges of the COVID 19 pandemic), one of the main activities of the OBRA project — Fragmentation and Reconfiguration: experiencing the city between art and philosophy, based at IFILNOVA (...)
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    The Cuban Republic and Josz Mart': Reception and Use of a National Symbol.Paul Estrade, Ottmar Ette, Mauricio A. Font, Joao Felipe Goncalves, Lillian Guerra, Laura Lomas, Antonio Lopez, Jose Matos, Oscar Montero, Consuelo Naranjo Orovio, Alfonso W. Quiroz, Rafael Rojas, Ivan A. Schulman, Rafael E. Tarrago & Carlos E. Bojorquez Urzaiz (eds.) - 2005 - Lexington Books.
    Jose Marti contributed greatly to Cuba's struggle for independence from Spain with words as well as revolutionary action. Although he died before the formation of an independent republic, he has since been hailed as a heroic martyr inspiring Cuban republican traditions.
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    Ciência e cidadania: homenagem a Bento de Jesus Caraça.Luísa Schmidt & João de Pina-Cabral (eds.) - 2008 - Lisboa: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais.
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    Fluctuation in the Assimilation of Problematic Experiences: A Case Study of Dynamic Systems Analysis.Isabel Basto, William B. Stiles, Tiago Bento, Patrícia Pinheiro, Inês Mendes, Daniel Rijo & João Salgado - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Positive Development Based on the Teaching of Personal and Social Responsibility: An Intervention Program With Institutionalized Youngsters.Paulo Martins, António-José Gonzalez, Margarida Pedroso de Lima, João Faleiro & Luís Preto - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    From the standpoint of the school settings, sport participation constitutes a key strategy concerning the manifestation of positive behaviors that result from the development of personal and social responsibility. Based on the TPSR model, the goal of this study was to evaluate the effects of an intervention geared toward teaching life skills through sport to youngsters who had been committed. The participants were evaluated before and after the intervention. After the initial evaluation, they were randomly assigned to the experimental and (...)
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    Energía, espacio, territorio y desarrollo local: el uso del gas natural en las cerámicas de Mato Grosso del Sur.Cristiane de Castilho Merighi, Sinclair Mallet Guy Guerra, João Onofre Pereira Pinto, Cleonice Alexandre Le Bourlegat, Maria Augusta de Castilho & Marcio Luiz Magri Kimpara - 2009 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 22.
    El presente artículo busca enfocar la correlación entre el uso de la energía, el espacio, el territorio y el desarrollo local, teniendo en cuenta la utilización del gas natural en las cerámicas de Mato Grosso del Sur/Brasil. La importancia de los hechos geográficos es pautada por muchos parámetros, como el paso del tiempo, los nuevos descubrimientos tecnológicos, las necesidades de materias primas, los objetivos nacionales e internacionales y la ética de las relaciones internacionales. El gas natural no es utilizado aún (...)
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    Children’s Learning of Non-adjacent Dependencies Using a Web-Based Computer Game Setting.Mireia Marimon, Andrea Hofmann, João Veríssimo, Claudia Männel, Angela D. Friederici, Barbara Höhle & Isabell Wartenburger - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:734877.
    Infants show impressive speech decoding abilities and detect acoustic regularities that highlight the syntactic relations of a language, often codedvianon-adjacent dependencies (NADs, e.g.,issinging). It has been claimed that infants learn NADs implicitly and associatively through passive listening and that there is a shift from effortless associative learning to a more controlled learning of NADs after the age of 2 years, potentially driven by the maturation of the prefrontal cortex. To investigate if older children are able to learn NADs,Lammertink et al. (...)
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    Predicting Student Performance Using Machine Learning in fNIRS Data.Amanda Yumi Ambriola Oku & João Ricardo Sato - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Increasing student involvement in classes has always been a challenge for teachers and school managers. In online learning, some interactivity mechanisms like quizzes are increasingly used to engage students during classes and tasks. However, there is a high demand for tools that evaluate the efficiency of these mechanisms. In order to distinguish between high and low levels of engagement in tasks, it is possible to monitor brain activity through functional near-infrared spectroscopy. The main advantages of this technique are portability, low (...)
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    The multiple facets of psychopathy in attack and defense conflicts.Tiago O. Paiva, Rui C. Coelho, Rita Pasion, Beatriz Ribeiro, Pedro R. Almeida, Fernando Ferreira-Santos, João Marques-Teixeira & Fernando Barbosa - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
    With respect to De Dreu and Gross's article, we comment on the psychological functions for attack and defense, focusing on associations between individual differences in psychopathic personality traits and the behavioral patterns observed in attack-defense conflicts. We highlight the dimensional nature of psychopathy and formulate hypothetical associations between distinct traits, their different behavioral outcomes, and associated brain mechanisms.
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  15. Seminário integrado: Ambiente de interdisciplinaridade E de pesquisa no ensino médio politécnico.Ana Paula Rebello, Lisiane Araujo Pinheiro & João Bernardes da Rocha Filho - 2017 - Saberes Em Perspectiva 7 (17):65-77.
    Neste trabalho são apresentados dados e reflexões sobre a proposta pedagógica de Ensino Médio Politécnico, implantada desde 2012 nas escolas públicas estaduais do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Tendo como pano de fundo as concepções do Educar pela Pesquisa e da Interdisciplinaridade - eixos norteadores da parte diversificada denominada Seminário Integrado -, a investigação teve cunho qualitativo, apresentando inferências sobre as compreensões acerca do conceito de pesquisa alcançadas pelos estudantes. As intervenções pedagógicas da investigação foram desenvolvidas em quatro turmas de (...)
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    Kafka na problematização da docência: o devir-animal como linha de fuga.Josimara Wikboldt Schwantz, Carla Gonçalves Rodrigues & João Pereira Matos - 2019 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 24:019026.
    Neste texto pretendemos explorar a ideia de devir a partir da novela “A metamorfose” de Franz Kafka. Pela leitura, evidenciamos a presença da animalidade na sua escrita, de maneira que nos chama a atenção a insistência em dar voz às questões emergentes da sociedade e do modo de vida, não somente animal, mas humano: A metamorfose de Gregor Samsa, que acorda numa manhã transformado em um inseto. Partimos, também, da concepção de devir para os filósofos Deleuze e Guattari enquanto estado (...)
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    (1 other version)Força de trabalho em Portugal, 2008-2012 - doi: 10.4025/dialogos.v17i3.799.Raquel Varela, Ana Rajado, António Simões do Paço, Maria João Berhan & Renato B. Guedes - 2013 - Diálogos (Maringa) 17 (3).
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    A posição de João Paisana a propósito de Explicitação e de Interpretação em Paul Ricoeur.João Amaral Ribeiro - 2003 - Phainomenon 5-6 (1):47-58.
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    A Construção do Concílio Vaticano II: intuições germinais do Papa João XXIII em vista de um evento renovador.João Décio Passos - 2016 - Horizonte 14 (43):1012-1038.
    The Second Vatican Council was built within a solidly constituted tradition in the Catholic Church. All councils were held within the traditional and legal parameters of the Church. The question about the condition of possibility of a renewal Council under this tradition shows relevant. The Vatican II is the result of a negotiation between renewal and preservation. Pope John XXIII personally coordinated the construction of the legitimacy of the new event, following steps which may be rescued during the preparatory stages (...)
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    A model for belief revision.João P. Martins & Stuart C. Shapiro - 1988 - Artificial Intelligence 35 (1):25-79.
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    Aristotle’s Concept of Chance de João Hobuss.João Hobuss - 2013 - Filosofia Unisinos 14 (1).
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    (4 other versions)Crónica. [REVIEW]Lúcio Craveiro Da Sïlva, L. C., João J. Vila-Chã & Silveira De Brito - 1993 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 49 (4):635 - 678.
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    Virtue Theory for Moral Enhancement.Joao Fabiano - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 12 (2-3):89-102.
    Our present moral traits are unable to provide the level of large-scale co-operation necessary to deal with risks such as nuclear proliferation, drastic climate change and pandemics. In order to survive in an environment with powerful and easily available technologies, some authors claim that we need to improve our moral traits with moral enhancement. But this is prone to produce paradoxical effects, be self-reinforcing and harm personal identity. The risks of moral enhancement require the use of a safety framework; such (...)
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    Logic, Norms and Ontology. Recent Essays in Luso-Brazilian Analytic Philosophy.João Branquinho & Guido Imaguire - 2012 - Lisboa, Portugal: Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa.
    The present special issue of Disputatio brings together some of the best work recently done in Brazil and Portugal in the tradition of analytic philosophy (broadly conceived). Over the past ten years or so we have witnessed an impressive growth of analytic philosophy in both countries, either in terms of quantity or in terms of quality of the produced philosophy. We hope that this volume capture, at least partly, the dynamics and strength of such development. The range of philosophical problems (...)
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    ROSAS, João Cardoso (org.), Manual de Filosofia Política.Maria João Cabrita - 2009 - Cultura:303-306.
    Ao longo da história, a relação entre a filosofia e a política tem-se revelado espinhosa, denunciando a dificuldade em se conceptualizar sobre o que é por natureza antagónico à cristalização, porque particular e pluralista. Na esfera da opinião, o filósofo deve restringir-se a analisar, criticar, rever e aperfeiçoar os valores políticos coevos, a explicar aos seus conterrâneos o universo de acepções sociais partilhadas, consciente de que a sua concepção fundamenta uma via entre as muitas poss...
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  26. What is a Non-truth-functional Logic?João Marcos - 2009 - Studia Logica 92 (2):215-240.
    What is the fundamental insight behind truth-functionality ? When is a logic interpretable by way of a truth-functional semantics? To address such questions in a satisfactory way, a formal definition of truth-functionality from the point of view of abstract logics is clearly called for. As a matter of fact, such a definition has been available at least since the 70s, though to this day it still remains not very widely well-known. A clear distinction can be drawn between logics characterizable through: (...)
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    Assessing Credibility in Online Arbitration Hearings: Determining Facts and Justice by Zoom.João Ilhão Moreira & Liwen Zhang - 2024 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 37 (3):887-901.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has led to the widespread use of online hearings in arbitral proceedings, raising questions about the impact of such proceedings on the determination of facts underlying a dispute. This article explores the extent to which online hearings may hinder arbitrators’ ability to assess witness credibility by drawing upon the cognitive psychology literature on truthfulness determination and lie detection. A survey of the literature suggests that the ability to differentiate truthful from dishonest statements through verbal and nonverbal cues (...)
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    Kant and Recent Philosophies of Art.João Lemos - 2021 - Kantian Review 26 (4):567-582.
    This article is to be a bridge between Kant’s aesthetics and contemporary art – not by being a paper on Kant and contemporary art, but rather by being on Kant and contemporaryphilosophy of art. I claim that Kant’s views on the appreciation of art can accommodate contextualism as well as ethicism. I argue that not only does contextualism fit Kant’s views on the appreciation of art; in §§51–3 of the thirdCritique, Kant’s appreciation of art is in accordance with contextualism. I (...)
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    Necessidade e liberdade na Ciência da Lógica.João Alberto Wohlfart - 2015 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 60 (2):55-80.
    O artigo tenta reconstruir alguns elementos acerca da passagem da Lógica da essência para a Lógica do conceito, da necessidade para a liberdade, na Ciência da Lógica hegeliana. No contexto da publicação dos duzentos anos dessa obra filosófica, a explicitação dessa passagem é referencial para a compreensão da Ciência da Lógica e de todo o pensamento hegeliano. O artigo procura sustentar que o binômio necessidade/contingência, um dos pares categoriais da Lógica da essência, não é adequado para a articulação da filosofia (...)
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    Semiotic relation in literary photobooks: the case of Leminski’s Quarenta Clics em Curitiba.Joao Queiroz & Ana Fernandes - 2022 - Semiotica 2022 (249):19-42.
    How should one describe the irreducible relationships in photopoetry observed in intermedial literary photobooks? According to most authors, in literary photobooks, the verbal sign system is linked to the photographic image as a bidirectional interaction, creating a coupled system that can be seen as a new sign system. Mutually modulatory influences link verbal text and photography. But the nature of such influences needs to be explained in detail and with accuracy. What kind of relation are we dealing with? Many authors (...)
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    Importing Logics.João Rasga, Amílcar Sernadas & Cristina Sernadas - 2012 - Studia Logica 100 (3):545-581.
    The novel notion of importing logics is introduced, subsuming as special cases several kinds of asymmetric combination mechanisms, like temporalization [8, 9], modalization [7] and exogenous enrichment [13, 5, 12, 4, 1]. The graph-theoretic approach proposed in [15] is used, but formulas are identified with irreducible paths in the signature multi-graph instead of equivalence classes of such paths, facilitating proofs involving inductions on formulas. Importing is proved to be strongly conservative. Conservative results follow as corollaries for temporalization, modalization and exogenous (...)
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    A visão psicanalítica da Identificação do Negro no Brasil: e sua relação com a paranoia social.João Ezequiel Grecco & Christian Ingo Lenz Dunker - 2021 - Odeere 6 (2):412-437.
    Este artigo tem por objetivo a investigação dos impasses no processo da identificação do Negro no Brasil e seu transcurso sócio-histórico, moldado por fatores de uma paranoia social isso, implicada no processo de violência e crime. A psicanálise freudiana reconhece que a identificação é a primeva e primordial forma de ligação afetiva a um objeto, isto é, um processo profundamente enraizado na singularidade do sujeito e em nossas atividades sociais; por outro lado, na clínica psicanalítica haveria o testemunho dessa manifestação (...)
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    We'd better never need a shrink.João Teixeira - 2001 - Brain and Mind 2 (2):229-230.
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    A Doutrina do Conceito de Hegel.João Alberto Wohlfart - 2019 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 64 (3):e33316.
    O texto é uma resenha da Doutrina do Conceito hegeliana recém editada e publicada em português. O terceiro livro da Ciência da Lógica é estruturado em subjetividade, objetividade e ideia, com cada uma destas partes também desenvolvida numa estrutura tripartite. Nesta exposição, merece destaque o movimento contraditório de autodeterminação do conceito, no qual a universalidade se autodiferencia imanentemente em particularidade e o conceito retorna a si mesmo na forma da universalidade concreta. O conceito passa pelas diferentes formas de mediação na (...)
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    A Text Mining-Based Review of Cause-Related Marketing Literature.João Guerreiro, Paulo Rita & Duarte Trigueiros - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 139 (1):111-128.
    Cause-related marketing has risen to become a popular strategy to increase business value through profit-motivated giving. Despite the growing number of articles published in the last decade, no comprehensive analysis of the most discussed constructs of cause-related marketing is available. This paper uses an advanced Text Mining methodology to conduct a comprehensive analysis of 246 articles published in 40 different journals between 1988 and 2013 on the subject of cause-related marketing. Text Mining also allows quantitative analyses to be performed on (...)
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    How to change your mind.Joao P. Martins & Maria R. Cravo - 1991 - Noûs 25 (4):537-551.
    In this paper, we investigate the rules that should underlie a computer program that is capable of revising its beliefs or opinions. Such a program maintains a model of its environment, which is updated to reflect perceived changes in the environment. This model is stored in a knowledge base, and the program draws logical inferences from the information in the knowledge base. All the inferences drawn are added to the knowledge base. Among the propositions in the knowledge base, there are (...)
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    Which choices merit deference? A comparison of three behavioural proxies of subjective welfare.João V. Ferreira - 2023 - Economics and Philosophy 39 (1):124-151.
    Recently several authors have proposed proxies of welfare that equate some (as opposed to all) choices with welfare. In this paper, I first distinguish between two prominent proxies: one based oncontext-independent choicesand the other based onreason-based choices. I then propose an original proxy based on choices that individuals state they would want themselves to repeat at the time of the welfare/policy evaluation (confirmed choices). I articulate three complementary arguments that, I claim, support confirmed choices as a more reliable proxy of (...)
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    Activity Profile and Physical Performance of Match Play in Elite Futsal Players.João Nuno Ribeiro, Bruno Gonçalves, Diogo Coutinho, João Brito, Jaime Sampaio & Bruno Travassos - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    On negation: Pure local rules.João Marcos - 2005 - Journal of Applied Logic 3 (1):185-219.
  40. The Foundations of Cognitive Science.João Branquinho (ed.) - 2001 - Oxford University Press UK.
    The Foundations of Cognitive Science is a set of thirteen new essays on key topics in this lively interdisciplinary field, by a stellar international line-up of authors. Philosophers, psychologists, and neurologists here come together to investigate such fascinating subjects as consciousness; vision; rationality; artificial life; the neural basis of language, cognition, and emotion; and the relations between mind and world, for instance our representation of numbers and space. The contributors are Ned Block, Margaret Boden, Susan Carey, Patricia Churchland, Paul Churchland, (...)
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    Kant on the Deceitful Art of Rhetoric.João Lemos - forthcoming - British Journal of Aesthetics.
    Kant accuses bad rhetoric of being a deceitful art. In this article, I give an account of both what it means for Kant that bad rhetoric deceives and how this art deceives in the first place. Additionally, I explore significant moral and aesthetic repercussions of bad rhetoric’s being deceitful. The article is structured into Part A and Part B. I start by reconstructing Kant’s technical definition of deception as disagreement between the semblance and the cognition of truth. I go on (...)
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    Evolução versus criação: falso dilema.João A. MacDowell - 2011 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 56 (2):84-120.
    A evolução cósmica e biológica é hoje um fato universalmente admitido pela comunidade científica. Muitos julgam que essa posição científica é incompatível com a aceitação de um Deus criador do mundo, seja que neguem a criação em nome da evolução, seja que rejeitem a evolução em nome da fé. O artigo pretende apontar a inconsistência do dilema “evolução ou criação”, mostrando, mediante uma reflexão filosófica, que ele deriva de uma falsa compreensão do método e do alcance tanto das ciências positivas (...)
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    Mimetic Theory and Latin America: Reception and Anticipations.João Cezar de Castro Rocha - 2014 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 21:75-120.
    The task of mapping the reception of mimetic theory in Latin America presents two challenges. On the one hand, rather than looking at just one country, this study has to take into account a mosaic of nations making up a continent, each with their own local diversities and particular complexities. Such circumstances impose specific rhythms onto the assimilation of Girardian thought, and being aware of these rhythms is vital to understanding the precise impact of mimetic theory. On the other hand, (...)
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    D´COSTA, Gavin. Theology in the public square. Church, Academy and Nation.João Batista Libanio - 2006 - Horizonte 5 (9):160-162.
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    MOSER, Antônio; MOSER, Ana Maria. Colhendo Flores entre Espinhos. Ciência e atitudes pessoais garantindo um envelhecimento com qualidade.João Batista Libanio - 2011 - Horizonte 9 (23):938-941.
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    Teologia em revisão crítica (Theology in critical review) - DOI: 0.5752/P.2175-5841.2013v11n32p1328.João Batista Libanio - 2013 - Horizonte 11 (32):1328-1356.
    Dois aspectos básicos orientam a reflexão sobre a Teologia da Libertação: o primeiro aborda o passado e discute seu surgimento e desenvolvimento; o segundo é direcionado ao futuro e aponta desafios. No processo de formação da Teologia da Libertação três questões são analisadas ​​: a libertação, a práxis e os pobres. Em cada uma, destaca-se o aspecto da própria Teologia da Libertação. A libertação surge dentro do contexto econômico e político e é compreendida nos campos da antropologia e da teologia, (...)
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    The Competitive Perception.João Tiago Lima - 2012 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 6 (1):61-66.
    This paper aims to define what competitive perception is. Using Dufrenne's phenomenological analysis of the art spectator's experience, namely the concept of aesthetic perception, I will claim that it is useful to apply this phenomenological approach to the experience of watching sport events. I will argue that the concepts of uncertainty and auto teleology, being two main features in sport competition, are helpful to define competitive perception.
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    NIK1, a host factor specialized in antiviral defense or a novel general regulator of plant immunity?Joao P. B. Machado, Otavio J. B. Brustolini, Giselle C. Mendes, Anésia A. Santos & Elizabeth P. B. Fontes - 2015 - Bioessays 37 (11):1236-1242.
    NIK1 is a receptor‐like kinase involved in plant antiviral immunity. Although NIK1 is structurally similar to the plant immune factor BAK1, which is a key regulator in plant immunity to bacterial pathogens, the NIK1‐mediated defenses do not resemble BAK1 signaling cascades. The underlying mechanism for NIK1 antiviral immunity has recently been uncovered. NIK1 activation mediates the translocation of RPL10 to the nucleus, where it interacts with LIMYB to fully down‐regulate translational machinery genes, resulting in translation inhibition of host and viral (...)
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    Publications on Utopia and Dystopia in the United Kingdom and Ireland.João Santos - 2017 - Utopian Studies 28 (3):652-655.
    In the year 2016, fourteen books regarding utopia were published in the United Kingdom, while none was published in Ireland. Taking the year 2017 into consideration, four titles have been published in the United Kingdom, while none has been published in Ireland so far as well. With this review I aim to see how influential utopia has been as a subject in the United Kingdom and Ireland and how significant the number of publications has been. From what I could see (...)
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    (Bio)police.João Jânio da Silva Lira & Sandro Cozza Sayão - 2022 - Revista de Filosofia Moderna E Contemporânea 10 (1):271-279.
    Foucault coined the term biopolitics when thinking about political philosophy, this concept designates a double path: a) anatomo-politics (regulation of bodies) and b) biopolitics of the population (massification of behaviors). Among these notions, the police emerges: a device that is an apparatus of discipline and a state apparatus and characterizes modern political rationality as a “political technology of doctors” between the 17th and 18th centuries (Classical Era). This work, therefore, focuses on investigating the notion of police in Foucault’s writings from (...)
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