Results for 'Juan Cueva'

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  1. A. Muñoz Alonso: Andamios Para Las Ideas.Juan José Ruiz Cuevas & Staff - 1954 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 13 (48):184.
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  2. Collier, Arturo: Clavis Universalis.Juan J. Ruiz Cuevas & Staff - 1954 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 13 (51):706.
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    Democracia, hegemonía y nuevos proyectos en América Latina. Una entrevista con Ernesto Laclau.Hernán Cuevas Valenzuela & Juan Pablo Paredes - 2012 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 31.
    Ernesto Laclau es un reconocido teórico político precursor del postmarxismo. Si bien reside en Inglaterra hace varios lustros, su vinculación con Argentina y América Latina sigue siendo muy importante. Su libro Hegemony and Socialist Strategy de 1985 (aparecido en español en 1987 con el título Hegemonía y Estrategia Socialista) co-escrito con Chantal Mouffe tuvo un gran impacto en el pensamiento de la intelectualidad de izquierda identificada con un proyecto de radicalización de los ideales ..
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  4. François Meyer: "la Ontología De Miguel De Unamuno".Juan José Ruiz Cuevas & Staff - 1964 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 23 (89/91):365.
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  5. La filosofía como salvación en Rosmini.Ruiz Cuevas & Juan José - 1952 - [Madrid]: Aula.
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  6. Sebastián De La Nuez Caballero: "unamuno En Canarias".Juan José Ruiz Cuevas & Staff - 1965 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 24 (92/93):159.
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  7. Ética de la investigación social: ¿un vacío en la formación universitaria colombiana?Juan María Cuevas Silva & Nohora Joya Ramírez - 2019 - In Cuevas Silva, Juan María, Rincón Meléndez, Magda Liliana & Deyanira Duque Ortiz, Formación en ética de la investigación, bioética e integridad científica en Colombia. Bogotá, Colombia: Editorial Neogranadina.
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    Formación en ética de la investigación, bioética e integridad científica en Colombia.Cuevas Silva, Juan María, Rincón Meléndez, Magda Liliana & Deyanira Duque Ortiz (eds.) - 2019 - Bogotá, Colombia: Editorial Neogranadina.
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  9. Effect of Physical Activity on Self-Concept: Theoretical Model on the Mediation of Body Image and Physical Self-Concept in Adolescents.Juan Gregorio Fernández-Bustos, Álvaro Infantes-Paniagua, Ricardo Cuevas & Onofre Ricardo Contreras - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Objective: The aim of this research was to study the mediation of body dissatisfaction, physical self-concept, and body mass index (BMI) on the relationship between physical activity and self-concept in adolescents. Materials and Methods: A sample of 652 Spanish students between 12 and 17 years participated in a cross-sectional study. Physical self-concept and general self-concept were assessed with the Physical Self-Concept Questionnaire (CAF), body dissatisfaction with the Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ), and physical activity was estimated with the International Physical Activity (...)
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  10. Antropologie Soprannaturale.Antonio Rosmini, Giovanni Gentile, Umberto Tavianini & Juan José Ruiz Cuevas - 1956 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 12 (2):205-207.
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  11. (1 other version)« Juan Jacobo Rousseau », a los 250 años de su nacimiento y a los dos siglos de la aparición del « Emilio » y « El contrato social ».Mario de La Cueva, Abelardo Villegas, Adolfo Sánchez Vázquez, Francisco Larroyo, Justino Fernández & Ernesto Mejia Sánchez - 1963 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 18 (4):466-467.
  12.  10
    El devenir animal en el cine documental: La cueva de los sueños olvidados de Werner Herzog.Paulina Faba, Juan Carlos Skewes & Barbara Bustos - 2024 - Aisthesis 75:249-266.
    ¿Cómo problematiza el cine la relación humano-animal? Este artículo desarrolla esta pregunta a través del análisis de la película La cueva de los sueños olvidados (2010). En este filme, el cineasta alemán Werner Herzog (1942-) se interna en uno de los descubrimientos más fascinantes de todos los tiempos: el del arte rupestre de la cueva de Chauvet (30.000 a 32.000 AP). El texto propone que, por medio del involucramiento físico del público espectador, del foco en los afectos y (...)
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    Marcuse, H. (2019). Entre fenomenología y marxismo. Escritos filosóficos 1928-1933 (J. M. Romero Cuevas, Comp. & Trad.). Medellín: Editorial Universidad de Antioquia. [REVIEW]Juan David Gómez Osorio - 2020 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 62.
    El libro de Herbert Marcuse Entre fenomenología y marxismo. Escritos filosóficos 1928-1933 viene a satisfacer la demanda de los lectores del autor de América latina, y de habla hispana en general, de tener una edición definitiva de sus trabajos de juventud. Marcuse nos había llegado como uno de los principales representantes del llamado marxismo heterodoxo del siglo XX. A su nombre habíamos asociado principalmente el proyecto de la Escuela de Frankfurt y la constitución de una teoría crítica de la sociedad; (...)
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  14. Breves apuntes sobre un romance mitológico: Perseo liberta de la muerte a Andrómeda (Juan de la Cueva).Guadalupe Morcillo Expósito - forthcoming - Nova et Vetera.
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    Ignacio Ellacuría hoy: cinco aproximaciones a su pensamiento filosófico.Randall Carrera Umaña - 2023 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 55 (155):196-229.
    En esta investigación se presenta el estudio de cinco perspectivas de análisis de la obra filosófica de Ignacio Ellacuría, con la finalidad de ofrecer un panorama general, que permita profundizar en su pensamiento. Se parte de la perspectiva ofrecida por Antonio González, como uno de los primeros sistematizadores del corpus ellacuriano, para dar paso a la interpretación elaborada por Héctor Samour, caracterizada por su visión de continuidad en cada una de las etapas filosóficas de Ellacuría. Luego, se ahonda en la (...)
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  16. Where There Is Life There Is Mind… And Free Energy Minimisation?Juan Diego Bogotá - 2024 - In Ana Cuevas-Badallo, Mariano Martín-Villuendas & Juan Gefaell, Life and Mind: Theoretical and Applied Issues in Contemporary Philosophy of Biology and Cognitive Sciences. Springer. pp. 171-200.
    This chapter explores the possibility of integrating the enactive and the Free Energy Principle’s (FEP) approaches to life and mind. Both frameworks have been linked to the life-mind continuity thesis, but recent debates challenge their potential integration. Critics argue that the enactive approach, rooted in autopoiesis theory, has an internalist view of life and a contentful view of cognition, making it challenging to account for adaptive behavior and minimal cognition. Similarly, some find the FEP’s stationary view of life biologically implausible. (...)
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  17. What could come before time? Intertwining affectivity and temporality at the basis of intentionality.Juan Diego Bogotá - 2024 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 2024:1-21.
    The enactive approach to cognition and the phenomenological tradition have in common a wide conception of ‘intentionality’. Within these frameworks, intentionality is understood as a general openness to the world. For classical phenomenologists, the most basic subjective structure that allows for such openness is time-consciousness. Some enactivists, while inspired by the phenomenological tradition, have nevertheless argued that affectivity is more basic, being that which gives rise to the temporal flow of consciousness. In this paper, I assess the relationship between temporality (...)
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  18. Life, sense-making, and subjectivity. Why the enactive conception of life and mind requires phenomenology.Juan Diego Bogotá - 2024 - Synthese 204 (3):1-27.
    One of the ideas that characterises the enactive approach to cognition is that life and mind are deeply continuous, which means that both phenomena share the same basic set of organisational and phenomenological properties. The appeal to phenomenology to address life and basic cognition is controversial. It has been argued that, because of its reliance on phenomenological categories, enactivism may implicitly subscribe to a form of anthropomorphism incompatible with the modern scientific framework. These worries are a result of a lack (...)
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  19. Lógica cuántica, Nmatrices y adecuación, II.Juan Pablo Jorge & Federico Holik - 2023 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 42 (1):149-169.
    By elaborating on the results presented in Lógica cuántica, Nmatrices y adecuación I, here we discuss the notions of adequacy and truth functionality in quantum logic from the point of view of a non-deterministic semantics based on Nmatrices. We present a proof of the impossibility of providing a functional semantics for the quantum lattice. An advantage of our proof is that it is independent of the number of truth values involved, generalizing previous works. Due to the impossibility of defining adequate (...)
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  20. Non-Deterministic Semantics for Quantum States.Juan Pablo Jorge & Federico Holik - 2020 - Entropy 22 (2):156.
    In this work, we discuss the failure of the principle of truth functionality in the quantum formalism. By exploiting this failure, we import the formalism of N-matrix theory and non-deterministic semantics to the foundations of quantum mechanics. This is done by describing quantum states as particular valuations associated with infinite non-deterministic truth tables. This allows us to introduce a natural interpretation of quantum states in terms of a non-deterministic semantics. We also provide a similar construction for arbitrary probabilistic theories based (...)
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  21. A Husserlian Approach to Affectivity and Temporality in Affordance Perception.Juan Diego Bogotá & Giuseppe Flavio Artese - 2022 - In Zakaria Djebbara, Affordances in Everyday Life. A Multidisciplinary Collection of Essays. Cham: Springer. pp. 181-190.
    Gibson defined affordances as action possibilities directly offered to an animal by the environment. Ambitiously, affordances are meant to show the inadequacy of the subjective-objective dichotomy in the study of cognition. Armed with similar concerns, some neo-Gibsonians recently thought of affordances as latent dispositions existing independently of individual organisms or whole species. It is no coincidence that critics had, on several occasions, objected that this theoretical stance dramatically neglects the role of the perceiver in the emergence of affordances. In this (...)
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  22. COMPLEXITY VALUATIONS: A GENERAL SEMANTIC FRAMEWORK FOR PROPOSITIONAL LANGUAGES.Juan Pablo Jorge, Hernán Luis Vázquez & Federico Holik - forthcoming - Actas Del Xvii Congreso Dr. Antonio Monteiro.
    A general mathematical framework, based on countable partitions of Natural Numbers [1], is presented, that allows to provide a Semantics to propositional languages. It has the particularity of allowing both the valuations and the interpretation Sets for the connectives to discriminate complexity of the formulas. This allows different adequacy criteria to be used to assess formulas associated with the same connective, but that differ in their complexity. The presented method can be adapted potentially infinite number of connectives and truth values, (...)
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  23. Time-consciousness in computational phenomenology: a temporal analysis of active inference.Juan Diego Bogotá & Zakaria Djebbara - 2023 - Neuroscience of Consciousness 2023 (1):niad004.
    Time plays a significant role in science and everyday life. Despite being experienced as a continuous flow, computational models of consciousness are typically restricted to a sequential temporal structure. This difference poses a serious challenge for computational phenomenology—a novel field combining phenomenology and computational modelling. By analysing the temporal structure of the active inference framework, we show that an integrated continuity of time can be achieved by merging Husserlian temporality with a sequential order of time. We also show that a (...)
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    Animalidad, otredad e inmortalidad en "El inmortal".Juan Pablo Jorge - forthcoming - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura.
    En el presente trabajo, analizamos el cuento El Inmortal de Borges prestándole principal atención a las situaciones donde se entrelazan, o se tratan sin diferenciar demasiado, cuestiones vinculadas con la animalidad y la divinidad. Sostenemos que esta especie de confusión o falta de precisión al tratar cuestiones que se alejan tanto de la identidad personal y del Yo, como la inmortalidad, no es un elemento casual ni sin fundamento, sino que puede ser analizado filosóficamente adentrándonos la otredad animal. El Inmortal (...)
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  25. Leibniz sur la contingence agentielle et l’explication de l’action rationnelle.Juan Garcia - 2019 - Studia Leibnitiana 51 (1):76.
    Leibniz endorses several tenets regarding explanation: (1) causes provide contrastive explanations of their effects, (2) the past and the future can be read from the present, and (3) primitive force and derivative forces drive and explain changes in monadic states. I argue that, contrary to initial appearances, these tenets do not preclude an intelligible conception of contingency in Leibniz’s system. In brief, an agent is free to the extent that she determines herself to do that which she deliberately judges to (...)
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    Influence of the Enochic tradition on Qumran: reception and adaptation of the Watchers and Giants as a case study.Juan Sebastián Hernández Valencia - 2024 - Perseitas 12:34-71.
    The confluence of different Jewish traditions in the Qumran library is evident. The Enochic traditions are not only counted as the oldest influences in Qumran, they also give it a certain theological unity. This is even more true in the case of demonology. Belial’s figure brings together a rich lexicographic heritage in which different traditions are integrated under the characteristics of the Watchers and Giants of the Enochic tradition (1 En 6—8). This study analyzes the theological characterization of the demonological (...)
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    Teaching and Learning in Times of COVID-19: Uses of Digital Technologies During School Lockdowns.Juan-Ignacio Pozo, María-Puy Pérez Echeverría, Beatriz Cabellos & Daniel L. Sánchez - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The closure of schools as a result of COVID-19 has been a critical global incident from which to rethink how education works in all our countries. Among the many changes generated by this crisis, all teaching became mediated by digital technologies. This paper intends to analyze the activities carried out during this time through digital technologies and the conceptions of teaching and learning that they reflect. We designed a Likert-type online questionnaire to measure the frequency of teaching activities. It was (...)
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    Rhyme and Reason: An Introduction to Minimalist Syntax.Juan Uriagereka - 2000 - MIT Press.
    This unusual book takes the form of a dialogue between a linguist and another scientist. This unusual book takes the form of a dialogue between a linguist and another scientist. The dialogue takes place over six days, with each day devoted to a particular topic--and the ensuing digressions. The role of the linguist is to present the fundamentals of the minimalist program of contemporary generative grammar. Although the linguist serves essentially as a voice for Noam Chomsky's ideas, he is not (...)
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    Historical thinking competencies in Swedish’ Gymnasieskolan and Spanish’ Bachillerato curricula.Juan Ramón Moreno Vera & Fredrik Alvén - 2023 - Clío: History and History Teaching 49:72-87.
    The main target of this study is to make a comparative analysis between the presence or absence of historical thinking competencies in the official curricula of Gymnasieskola (Sweden) and Bachillerato (Spain). To reach this goal, a mixed instrument was designed, both qualitative and quantitative, to analyze the offical documents. The results show a great presence of “historical consciousness” in the case of Sweden and the use of historical sources and evidences in the case of Spain.
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  30. Retornando al Hotel de Hilbert.Juan Pablo Jorge & Hernán Luis Vázquez - 2021 - Revista de Educación Matemática 36 (2):67-87.
    Some partitions of Natural Number set are built through recursive processesgenerating in this manner countable examples of countable and disjoint sets whose unionis a set also countable. This process is constructive, so the Axiom of choice is not used.We provide a PC program that generates one of these special partitions and shows howto generate infinite of them. This line of reasoning can have multiple applications in Settheory and Model theory. We proved that the number of ways to make these partitionsof (...)
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    Identification with characters and narrative persuasion through fictional feature films.Juan-José Igartua - 2010 - Communications 35 (4):347-373.
    This article presents three studies examining the importance of identification with characters in research on media entertainment. In Study 1 it was found that identification with characters was associated with spectators' degree of enjoyment of feature films of different genres. Study 2 showed that identification with characters predicts the affective impact of a dramatic film and, also, it was associated with greater cognitive elaboration and a more complex reflexive process during the viewing of the dramatic film. In Study 3 it (...)
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    Writing System Modulates the Association between Sensitivity to Acoustic Cues in Music and Reading Ability: Evidence from Chinese–English Bilingual Children.Juan Zhang, Yaxuan Meng, Chenggang Wu & Danny Q. Zhou - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Why not Both (but also, Neither)? Markov Blankets and the Idea of Enactive-Extended Cognition.Juan Diego Bogotá - 2022 - Constructivist Foundations 17 (3):233-235.
    I sympathize with Prosen’s conviction in integrating enactivism, the free-energy principle, and the extended-mind hypothesis. However, I show that he uses the concept of “boundary” ambiguously. By disambiguating it, I suggest that we can keep both Markov blankets and operational closure as ways of drawing the boundaries of a cognitive system. Nevertheless, from an enactive perspective, neither of those boundaries is a “cognitive” boundary.
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    Caminos y esbozos para una apertura fenomenológica del horizonte mismidad desde la constitución del mundo en ser y tiempo de Heidegger.Juan José Garrido Periñán - 2020 - Trans/Form/Ação 43 (spe):269-294.
    Resumen El objetivo principal del artículo es terminar quién es el Dasein desde el aparecer del mundo en la obra de Martin Heidegger Ser y tiempo. Para ello, se plantea la posibilidad de aprehensión del horizonte del sí mismo del Dasein, en contra de los propios análisis heideggerianos sobre el uno, y, también, se muestra de qué manera la mismidad del Dasein se presupone ya en el modo de aparición del mundo-entorno a través del existenciario significatividad. La conclusión del artículo (...)
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  35. Alienation or regress: on the non-inferential character of agential knowledge.Juan S. Piñeros Glasscock - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 178 (6):1757-1768.
    A central debate in philosophy of action concerns whether agential knowledge, the knowledge agents characteristically have of their own actions, is inferential. While inferentialists like Sarah Paul hold that it is inferential, others like Lucy O’Brien and Kieran Setiya argue that it is not. In this paper, I offer a novel argument for the view that agential knowledge is non-inferential, by posing a dilemma for inferentialists: on the first horn, inferentialism is committed to holding that agents have only alienated knowledge (...)
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    A Naturalistic View of the Technical Artifacts.Ana Cuevas-Badallo - 2023 - Techné Research in Philosophy and Technology 27 (3):322-339.
    This paper suggests revising the notion of in consideration of the naturalist position. I analyze whether the characterizations of technical artifacts proposed by the philosophy of technology can be extended to include the technical creations of other organisms. This will be done using the theories of “niche construction” and “organisms as ecosystem engineers.” Those theories would allow us to understand human technical creations within what human beings do naturally and in gradual continuity with what other species do.
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  37. Signo y Realidad: el análisis heideggeriano del signo en Ser y Tiempo.Juan Vila - forthcoming - Alpha: Revista de Artes, Letras y Filosofia.
    In this paper I will critically assess a very popular interpretation of Heidegger’s early thought, according to which meaning (Bedeutung) is conceived as ontologically dependent on human existence (Dasein). In order to criticize this subjectivist understanding of meaning, I will offer an interpretation of Heidegger’s analysis of signs in Being and Time (§17). This will reveal two main things: first, that the ubiquity of sign-phenomena is founded on the universality of the structure known as reference (Verweisung); second, that Heidegger’s idea (...)
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    El Concilio III de Toledo: Aspectos litúrgicos.Juan Manuel Sierra López - 2022 - Isidorianum 31 (2):159-182.
    El Concilio III de Toledo, celebrado en mayo del año 589 a instancias del rey Recaredo, constituye un acontecimiento excepcional para la historia de España y para la historia de la Iglesia. La liturgia ocupa un lugar de gran importancia en este Concilio, pues en ella se recoge y se expresa la fe. Al mismo tiempo, la liturgia sirve para alimentar la fe, como se ve en la introducción del rezo del Credo en la celebración de la Misa, prescrito por (...)
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    Gnoseología del perspectivismo corporal en Leibniz.Juan Antonio Nicolás - 2013 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 40:135-150.
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    Habermas en España: contextos e hitos de una fructífera recepción.Juan Carlos Velasco - 2022 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 69:169-188.
    Los escritos de Jürgen Habermas han despertado en España un interés notable y sostenido en el tiempo. Han ejercido una fuerte influencia intelectual no solo en los círculos académicos, sino también en amplios sectores de la esfera pública, algo sorprendente teniendo en cuenta su complejidad y su carácter más bien técnico. En sus textos los lectores españoles han encontrado elementos que sintonizan constructivamente con los cambios acaecidos en su propia sociedad y en el mundo. Como argumento de autoridad o como (...)
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  41. Habermas. El uso público de la razón.Juan Carlos Velasco - 2013 - Madrid, Spain: Alianza Editorial.
    El propósito principal de este libro es mostrar hasta qué punto el pensamiento teórico de Habermas está animado por un fuerte aliento práctico, más concretamente práctico-político, con el que concretaría el muy ilustrado propósito de hacer uso público de la razón. De hecho, la intencionalidad práctica de su pensamiento es tan destacada que el conjunto de su obra se entiende mucho mejor si se la concibe, tal como él mismo insiste, como un intento de guiar con una finalidad emancipatoria el (...)
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  42. La justicia en un mundo globalizado.Juan Carlos Velasco - 2010 - Isegoría 43:349-362.
    [EN] In this article the question of cultural diversity as it appears in the perspective of a republican conception of citizenship is discussed within three steps: in a first step, the ambiguous sense of the notion «citizenship» and its recently accelerated evolution will be presented; in a second step, the general features of the neo-republican approach will be outlined; and finally, the chances offered by a relecture of the republican topics with regard to an integration of the plurality of cultures (...)
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    Cognitive and Affective Correlates of Chinese Children’s Mathematical Word Problem Solving.Juan Zhang, Sum Kwing Cheung, Chenggang Wu & Yaxuan Meng - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Pesadillas posthumanistas: Frankenstein como caso de estudio.Juan Sebastián Hernández Valencia - 2020 - Perseitas 9:494.
    Los textos publicados sobre el poshumanismo han ido creciendo en los últimos años, asimismo, la recepción del fenómeno se ha hecho cada vez más matizada y los análisis diversos. Tampoco han faltado las metáforas usadas para acercar el fenómeno, un tanto nuevo y desconocido, a otros más familiares. Entre estas metáforas, una de las primeras y, a nuestro juicio, más interesantes es la de Frankenstein. No obstante, su amplio uso, consideramos que falta un análisis más detallado de los motivos antropológicos (...)
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  45. Can the predictive mind represent time? A critical evaluation of predictive processing attempts to address Husserlian time-consciousness.Juan Diego Bogotá - 2023 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 2023:1-21.
    Predictive processing is an increasingly popular explanatory framework developed within cognitive neuroscience. It conceives of the brain as a prediction machine that tries to minimise prediction error. Predictive processing has also been employed to explain aspects of conscious experience. In this paper, I critically evaluate current predictive processing approaches to the phenomenology of time-consciousness from a Husserlian perspective. To do so, I introduce the notion of orthodox predictive processing to refer to interpretations of the predictive processing framework that subscribe to (...)
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    Que la música no me sea indiferente. La Guerra de Malvinas en el rock nacional (1982-2020).Juan Manuel Cisilino & Fernando Raúl Barrena - 2021 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 12 (23):e109.
    En este artículo, analizamos el modo en que se articulan distintas representaciones sobre la Causa Malvinas, la guerra de 1982 y la posguerra en las letras de las canciones de rock nacional, en tanto expresiones de la cultura popular que fijan sentidos y que pueden manifestar ideas coincidentes con las dominantes o, por el contrario, visiones que las cuestionen y pongan en juego su hegemonía. Para ello, tomando al conflicto bélico de 1982 como punto de inflexión, hemos relevado un corpus (...)
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    Parallel Stories in the Āvaśyakacūrṇi and the Mūlasarvāstivāda Vinaya: A Preliminary Investigation.Juan Wu - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 137 (2):315.
    While it has been known for several decades that the Āvaśyakacūrṇi of the Śvetāmbara Jaina tradition and the Mūlasarvāstivāda Vinaya of the Buddhist tradition share some common narrative plots or motifs, so far no detailed study has been made to understand the different ways in which parallel narrative material is utilized in the two texts. Through a comparative study of stories of three characters in the Mūlasarvāstivāda Vinaya and their counterparts in the Āvaśyakacūrṇi, this paper demonstrates that the Buddhists and (...)
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    Construction of truth predicates: Approximation versus revision.Juan Barba - 1998 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 4 (4):399-417.
    §1. Introduction. The problem raised by the liar paradox has long been an intriguing challenge for all those interested in the concept of truth. Many “solutions” have been proposed to solve or avoid the paradox, either prescribing some linguistical restriction, or giving up the classical true-false bivalence or assuming some kind of contextual dependence of truth, among other possibilities. We shall not discuss these different approaches to the subject in this paper, but we shall concentrate on a kind of formal (...)
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    A note on chain‐based semi‐Heyting algebras.Juan Manuel Cornejo, Luiz F. Monteiro, Hanamantagouda P. Sankappanavar & Ignacio D. Viglizzo - 2020 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 66 (4):409-417.
    We determine the number of non‐isomorphic semi‐Heyting algebras on an n‐element chain, where n is a positive integer, using a recursive method. We then prove that the numbers obtained agree with those determined in [1]. We apply the formula to calculate the number of non‐isomorphic semi‐Heyting chains of a given size in some important subvarieties of the variety of semi‐Heyting algebras that were introduced in [5]. We further exploit this recursive method to calculate the numbers of non‐isomorphic semi‐Heyting chains with (...)
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    Dually hemimorphic semi-Nelson algebras.Juan Manuel Cornejo & HernÁn Javier San MartÍn - 2020 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 28 (3):316-340.
    Extending the relation between semi-Heyting algebras and semi-Nelson algebras to dually hemimorphic semi-Heyting algebras, we introduce and study the variety of dually hemimorphic semi-Nelson algebras and some of its subvarieties. In particular, we prove that the category of dually hemimorphic semi-Heyting algebras is equivalent to the category of dually hemimorphic centered semi-Nelson algebras. We also study the lattice of congruences of a dually hemimorphic semi-Nelson algebra through some of its deductive systems.
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