Results for 'Julia Tao Lai Po-Wah'

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  1.  87
    Dignity in long-term care for older persons: A confucian perspective.Julia Tao Lai Po Wah - 2007 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 32 (5):465 – 481.
    This article presents Mencius' concept of human dignity in the Chinese Confucian moral tradition, focused on the context of long-term care. The double nature of Mencius' notion of human dignity as an intrinsic quality of human beings qua being human is analyzed and contrasted with the dominant Western account of human dignity as grounded in personhood. Drawing on the heuristic force of an interview with an elder person in Hong Kong, the insights of the Mencian theory of human dignity are (...)
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  2.  99
    Exploring the bioethics of long-term care.Julia Tao Lai Po Wah, Ho Mun Chan & Ruiping Fan - 2007 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 32 (5):395 – 399.
  3.  84
    Cross-cultural perspectives on the (im) possibility of global bioethics.Julia Lai Po-Wah Tao (ed.) - 2002 - Boston: Kluwer Academic.
    This collection of papers explores one of the central debates in the field of bioethics in the new century. It evaluates the controversy between the claim that there is a common morality accepted by all and the opposing view that there are different moral visions and moral rationalities, within which complex bioethical issues demand a solution. Contributions within this volume offer different approaches and perspectives on the pursuit of global ethics in the new century. They are organized under five major (...)
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  4.  17
    H. Tristram Engelhardt Junior: A Moral Friend and Moral Stranger.Julia Tao Lai Po-Wah - 2018 - Conatus 3 (2):111.
    This paper is a tribute to H.T. Engelhardt Jr. for the intellectual resources he provided to challenge cosmopolitan liberalism as the foundation for an overarching global bioethics in the post-modern world. It is a also a tribute to the moral pluralism and cultural diversity which he argued so forcefully in all his works and which have inspired the flourishing of fierce bioethical debates across the world, including in the non-Western and Asian societies.
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    Does it really care? The Harvard report on health care reform for Hong Kong.Julia Tao Lai Po-wah - 1999 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 24 (6):571 – 590.
    This paper aims to provide a rendition of the care ethic in Confucian philosophy and to argue that social policy developments in Hong Kong society, including health care policy, have been significantly shaped and justified in terms of the ideal of care in the Confucian moral tradition. On the basis of this analysis, the paper raises a number of questions about a recent proposal for health care reform for Hong Kong put forth by the Harvard School of Public Health which (...)
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  6. Beyond proceduralism: A chinese perspective on Cheng (sincerity) as a political virtue.Julia Lai Po-Wah Tao - 2005 - Philosophy East and West 55 (1):64-79.
    This essay aims to provide a philosophical analysis of the Chinese concept of cheng (sincerity) as a political virtue that could be incorporated to ground a duty of civility in liberal deliberative democracy. It is argued here that the virtue of sincerity is an essential feature of the liberal political culture taken for granted by Rawls in his theory of public reason. Ideal procedures and public discourse are not sufficient to generate civic virtues. The goal of this essay is to (...)
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  7. Linking Visions: Feminist Bioethics, Human Rights, and the Developing World.Karen L. Baird, María Julia Bertomeu, Martha Chinouya, Donna Dickenson, Michele Harvey-Blankenship, Barbara Ann Hocking, Laura Duhan Kaplan, Jing-Bao Nie, Eileen O'Keefe, Julia Tao Lai Po-wah, Carol Quinn, Arleen L. F. Salles, K. Shanthi, Susana E. Sommer, Rosemarie Tong & Julie Zilberberg - 2004 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This collection brings together fourteen contributions by authors from around the globe. Each of the contributions engages with questions about how local and global bioethical issues are made to be comparable, in the hope of redressing basic needs and demands for justice. These works demonstrate the significant conceptual contributions that can be made through feminists' attention to debates in a range of interrelated fields, especially as they formulate appropriate responses to developments in medical technology, global economics, population shifts, and poverty.
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  8. Two perspectives of care: Confucian Ren and feminist care.Julia Po-Wah Lai Tao - 2000 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 27 (2):215–240.
  9. Julia Tao Lai po-wah.Global Bioethics & Global Dialogue: - 2002 - In Julia Lai Po-Wah Tao (ed.), Cross-cultural perspectives on the (im) possibility of global bioethics. Boston: Kluwer Academic.
  10. Julia Tao Lai Just Caring Possible - 2002 - In Julia Lai Po-Wah Tao (ed.), Cross-cultural perspectives on the (im) possibility of global bioethics. Boston: Kluwer Academic. pp. 41.
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  11. Julia Tao Lai po-wah.Is Just Caring Possible? Challenge to - 2002 - In Julia Lai Po-Wah Tao (ed.), Cross-cultural perspectives on the (im) possibility of global bioethics. Boston: Kluwer Academic.
  12.  15
    評〈生命倫理學:跨文化研究〉.L. A. I. Po Wah Julia Tao - 2022 - International Journal of Chinese and Comparative Philosophy of Medicine 20 (2):39-46.
    LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in English; abstract also in Chinese. Embedded in the narration of “Bioethics: Cross Cultural Explorations” is a trilogy of three nuanced and tightly interwoven accounts: (1) a descriptive account, (2) a reflective account, and (3) a futuristic account. Together, they offer invaluable insights into the complexity and challenges in conducting cross-cultural bioethics dialogues. These complexities are illustrated through Father Joseph Tham’s 12-year-long engagement with the project “Bioethics, Multiculturalism and Religion” in his capacity as Chair of (...)
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  13. Kam-por Yu, Julia Tao, and Philip J. Ivanhoe (eds.), Taking Confucian Ethics Seriously: Contemporary Theories and Applications. [REVIEW]Karyn Lai - 2012 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 11 (1):119-124.
    Kam-por Yu, Julia Tao, and Philip J. Ivanhoe (eds.), Taking Confucian Ethics Seriously: Contemporary Theories and Applications Content Type Journal Article Pages 1-6 DOI 10.1007/s11712-011-9253-y Authors Karyn Lai, School of History of Philosophy, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia Journal Dao Online ISSN 1569-7274 Print ISSN 1540-3009.
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  14.  47
    Philosophical Meditations on Zen Buddhism (review). [REVIEW]Whalen Lai - 2000 - Philosophy East and West 50 (4):631-632.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Philosophical Meditations on Zen BuddhismWhalen LaiPhilosophical Meditations on Zen Buddhism. By Dale S. Wright. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998. Pp. xv + 227.As "philosophical meditations" on the Zen of Huang Po, Philosophical Meditations on Zen Buddhism by Dale S. Wright is an impressive work. Philosophers will appreciate it, for it well shows how far Zen studies in America have moved ahead since the days of D. T. Suzuki (...)
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  15.  41
    Exploring the Bioethics of Long-Term Care.J. T. L. Po Wah, H. M. Chan & R. Fan - 2007 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 32 (5):395-399.
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    Dignity in Long-Term Care for Older Persons: A Confucian Perspective.J. T. L. Po Wah - 2007 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 32 (5):465-481.
    This article presents Mencius' concept of human dignity in the Chinese Confucian moral tradition, focused on the context of long-term care. The double nature of Mencius' notion of human dignity as an intrinsic quality of human beings qua being human is analyzed and contrasted with the dominant Western account of human dignity as grounded in personhood. Drawing on the heuristic force of an interview with an elder person in Hong Kong, the insights of the Mencian theory of human dignity are (...)
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  17.  96
    Biomarking Trait Resilience With Salivary Cortisol in Chinese Undergraduates.Julian C. L. Lai, Monique O. Y. Leung, Daryl Y. H. Lee, Yun Wah Lam & Karsten Berning - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    (1 other version)Taking Confucian Ethics Seriously: Contemporary Theories and Applications.Julia Tao, Philip J. Ivanhoe & Kam-por Yu (eds.) - 2011 - SUNY Press.
    A consideration of Confucian ethics as a living ethical tradition with contemporary relevance.
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  19.  48
    Understanding Reality: A Taoist Alchemical Classic by Chang Po-tuan, with a Concise Commentary by Liu I-ming.Tao-Chung Yao, Thomas Cleary, Liu I.-Ming & Chang Po-Tuan - 1990 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 110 (1):113.
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  20.  57
    The Chinese Moral Ethos and the Concept of Individual Rights.Julia Tao - 1990 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 7 (2):119-127.
    ABSTRACT This paper is concerned with the contrast in views between traditional mainstream Chinese philosophy and Western liberal individualism on the importance of the concept of individual rights in social and political thought. The contrast is striking because, whereas individual and political rights have long featured in public discourse in the West, in China, mainstream social and political thought has developed without a notion of individual rights. In search of the significance of this major difference, the paper traces ideas of (...)
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  21.  20
    Governance for Harmony in Asia and Beyond.Julia Tao, Anthony B. L. Cheung, Martin Painter & Chenyang Li (eds.) - 2009 - Routledge.
    Harmony has become a major challenge for modern governance in the twenty-first century because of the multi-religious, multi-racial and multi-ethnic character of our increasingly globalized societies. Governments all over the world are facing growing pressure to integrate the many diverse elements and subcultures which make up modern pluralistic societies. This book examines the idea of harmony, and its place in politics and governance, both in theory and practice, in Asia, the West and elsewhere. It explores and analyses the meanings, mechanisms, (...)
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  22. Consent to medical treatment: The complex interplay of patients, families, and physicians.Ruiping Fan & Julia Tao - 2004 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 29 (2):139 – 148.
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  23.  20
    How Do Auditors Value Hypocrisy? Evidence from China.Xingqiang Du, Yiqi Zhang, Shaojuan Lai & Hexin Tao - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-33.
    Drawing on the cognitive dissonance theory and the behavioral consistency theory, this study examines whether hypocrisy, proxied by the ethical dissonance between corporate philanthropy and environmental misconducts, triggers auditors to issue modified audit opinions (MAOs), and further investigates the moderating effect of hypocrisy on the relation between financial reporting quality (proxied by discretionary accruals) and MAOs. Using a sample of 20,852 firm-year observations from the Chinese stock market over 2005–2019, our findings reveal that the likelihood of receiving MAOs is significantly (...)
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  24.  69
    Strategic ambiguities in the process of consent: Role of the family in decisions to forgo life-sustaining treatment for incompetent elderly patients.Tse Chun-yan & Julia Tao - 2004 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 29 (2):207 – 223.
    This paper evaluates the Hong Kong approach to consent regarding the forgoing of life-sustaining treatment for incompetent elderly patients. It analyzes the contextualized approach in the Hong Kong process-based, consensus-building model, in contrast to other role-based models which emphasize the establishment of a system of formal laws and a clear locus of decisional authority.Without embracing relativism, the paper argues that the Hong Kong model offers an instructive example of how strategic ambiguities can both make good sense within particular cultural context (...)
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  25.  21
    To Cultivate Creativity and a Maker Mindset Through an Internet-of-Things Programming Course.Yu-Lin Jeng, Chin-Feng Lai, Sheng-Bo Huang, Po-Sheng Chiu & Hua-Xu Zhong - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  26. Why Governance for Harmony?Chenyang Li, Julia Tao, A. Cheung & M. Painter (eds.) - 2009
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  27.  46
    Confucian and Liberal Ethics for Public Policy: Holistic or Atomistic?Andrew Brennan & Julia Tao - 2003 - Journal of Social Philosophy 34 (4):572-589.
  28.  68
    Adverse events following immunization and psychological distress among cancer patients/survivors following vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 infection.Li Ping Wong, Lee Lee Lai, Mee Hoong See, Haridah Alias, Sharifah Faridah Syed Omar, Chong Guan Ng, Gwo Fuang Ho, Teng Aik Ong, Yee Chi Wong, Po Lin Ooi, Jasmin Munchar Elias, Zhijian Hu & Yulan Lin - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    PurposeThis study aims to describe the adverse events following immunization of SARS-CoV-2 vaccination in cancer patients/survivors associated with their psychological distress.MethodsA cross-sectional study was conducted to assess AEFIs after the receipt of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines in cancer patients/survivors attending a university hospital in Malaysia. Psychological distress was measured using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale before and after the first and second doses of COVID-19 vaccine.ResultsA total of 217 complete responses were received. Compared with before vaccination, both HADS Anxiety and HADS (...)
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  29. Japanese journal of religious studies.James Heisig, Hajime Nakamura, John Maraldo, Whalen Lai, Eshin Nishimura, Minoru Kiyota, Ruben Lf Habito & Julia Ching - forthcoming - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies.
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  30. Ju tao hsüeh shu kai shuo.Jung-Hsiang Lai - 1971
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  31.  71
    Whose Reason? Which Rationality? Understanding the ‘Real Worlds’ of Hong Kong’s Public Managers.Brian Brewer, Anthony B. L. Cheung & Julia Tao - 2005 - Philosophy of Management 5 (1):3-14.
    Based on empirical data from a qualitative study, this paper explores the complexity of ‘real world’ management in Hong Kong’s public sector, as contrasted with various paradigmatic claims under ‘new public management’ (NPM). A plurality of sub-worlds within the broad public sector is identified, which makes the management roles and responsibilities much less ‘homogenised’ than depicted in NPM exhortations. The instrumental rationality underpinning NPM is identified as too restrictive in understanding the way in which public managers reach decisions. When the (...)
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  32.  18
    Ren wen yu jia zhi: Zhuzi xue guo ji xue shu yan tao hui ji Zhuzi dan chen 880 zhou nian ji nian hui lun wen ji.Lai Chen & Jieren Zhu (eds.) - 2011 - Shanghai Shi: Hua dong shi fan da xue chu ban she.
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    Ma-tsu Tao-i and the Unfolding of Southern Zen.Whalen Lai - 1985 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 12 (2/3):173-192.
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  34.  12
    Lai zi yi guo de sheng ren: Kongzi zai zao qi Meiguo = A saint from afar: Confucius in early America.Tao Zhang - 2019 - Beijing: Shang wu yin shu guan.
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  35. Analysis of students' positive emotions around the green space in the university campus during the COVID-19 pandemic in China.Shaobo Liu, Yifeng Ji, Jiang Li, You Peng, Zhitao Li, Wenbo Lai & Tao Feng - 2022 - Frontiers in Public Health 10:888295.
    Green space around the university campus is of paramount importance for emotional and psychological restorations in students. Positive emotions in students can be aroused when immersed in green space and naturalness. However, to what extent can perceived naturalness influence students' positive emotion remains unclear, especially in the context of COVID-19 countermeasures. This study, therefore, attempts to investigate in-depth the nature and strength of the relationships between students' positive emotion and their perceived naturalness, place attachment, and landscape preference, which are potentially (...)
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  36.  12
    Kongzi zai Meiguo: 1849 nian yi lai Kongzi zai Meiguo bao zhi shang de xing xiang bian qian = Confucius in the United States of America.Tao Zhang - 2011 - Beijing Shi: Beijing da xue chu ban she = Peking university press.
    Detailed summary in vernacular field only.
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  37.  62
    The Mahāparinirvāṇa-Sūtra and Its Earliest Interpreters in China: Two Prefaces by Tao-lang and Tao-shengThe Mahaparinirvana-Sutra and Its Earliest Interpreters in China: Two Prefaces by Tao-lang and Tao-sheng.Whalen W. Lai - 1982 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 102 (1):99.
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  38.  17
    Xian dai Zhongguo zhe xue yu xin ru xue: ji nian Feng Youlan xian sheng dan chen 120 zhou nian ji Feng Youlan xue shu si xiang yan tao hui lun wen ji.Lai Chen (ed.) - 2017 - Beijing: Qing hua da xue chu ban she.
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    Adventures in Cross-Cultural Sensibilities: Some Recent Studies of Chinese and Comparative PhilosophyThe Art of RulershipThe Unity of Knowledge and Action: A Study in Wang Yang-Ming's Moral Psychology (1982).The Uncertain Phoenix: Adventures in Post-Cultural SensibilityThe Tao and the Daimon: Segments of a Religious InquiryChuang Tzu: World Philosopher at Play.Julia Ching, Roger T. Ames, Anthony S. Cua, David L. Hall, Robert C. Neville & Kuang-Ming Wu - 1984 - Journal of the History of Ideas 45 (3):476.
  40.  17
    Zhongguo zhe xue de chuan tong ji qi xian dai kai zhan: ji nian Zhang Dainian xian sheng dan chen 110 zhou nian xue shu yan tao hui lun wen xuan ji.Lai Chen & Sixin Ding (eds.) - 2021 - Beijing: Qing hua da xue chu ban she.
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  41. HALL, Stuart. A identidade cultural na pós-modernidade.Julia Poletto & Kreutz - 2014 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 19 (2):199-203.
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  42.  16
    Chegaste ao Império, meu amigo: o legado da narrativa imperial russa na poesia de Joseph Brodsky.Júlia Zorattini - 2024 - Bakhtiniana 19 (2):e63260p.
    ABSTRACT This article aims to investigate the imperial element in the poetry of Joseph Brodsky through the lenses of post-colonial studies. Its ambiguity, informed by Brodsky’s experience as a poet in exile, as well as his personal cultural frame, echoes that of his poetic precursors. Thus, we briefly trace the history of the connection between Russian poetry and the imperial narrative, which began with the inception of the Russian Empire itself in the 18th century. Then, we explore the nuance of (...)
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  43.  12
    Dang dai Zhongguo wen yi xue yan jiu (1949-2009) =.Dongfeng Tao - 2011 - Beijing: Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she. Edited by Lei He.
    Zi xin Zhongguo cheng li yi lai, sui zhe Zhongguo she hui wen hua de xi ju xing bian qian, Zhongguo wen yi xue ye jing li le duo ci zhuan xing, ben shu zai yi"shi" wei zhu yao xian suo de ji chu shang, yi wen yi xue si chao wei zhu ti an pai zhang jie jie gou.
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  44.  15
    Truth and Ideology: The Confucian Way (Tao) and its Transmission.Julia Ching - 1974 - Journal of the History of Ideas 35 (3):371.
  45.  25
    Imigrantes chineses nas terras baixas da península de Guanacaste, na Costa Rica: crônicas de integração social e parentesco de alguns clãs familiares de Puntarenas, Abangares e Nicoya.Lai Sai Acón Chan - 2020 - Dialogos 24 (1):83-136.
    O objetivo deste artigo é descrever o grau de parentesco existente entre várias famílias de origem chinesa que se estabeleceram em Nicoya e analisar como isso influenciou suas contribuições para o desenvolvimento socioeconômico da cidade e seus padrões de mobilidade em todo o Pacífico da Costa Rica desde final do século XIX até meados do século XX. Os participantes do estudo são descendentes de imigrantes que se enraizaram em Nicoya entre 1880 e 1950, que possuíam duas peculiaridades: pertenciam aos mesmos (...)
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  46.  24
    Consciência espiritual no ato docente.Maria Júlia Batista de Holanda - 2014 - Horizonte 12 (35):1012-1015.
    HOLANDA, Maria Júlia Batista de. Consciência espiritual no ato docente . 2014. Dissertação , Programa de Pós-graduação Stricto Sensu em Educação, Universidade Católica de Brasília, Brasília, DF.
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  47.  38
    Mística y ética: desafíos para nuestro tiempo. De la experiencia mística a la acción moral.Julia Yúfera - 2015 - Isegoría 53:679-695.
    Después del proceso de secularización propio de la modernidad, podemos sospechar que, quizás, estemos asistiendo a una época de post-secularización debido al creciente interés por la espiritualidad y por la mística. En este contexto, el presente estudio sobre lo místico y su vinculación con la ética tiene por objetivo fundamental conocer qué aportaciones al ámbito de la acción moral pueden surgir del estudio de la experiencia mística. Para ello, profundizaremos en el conocimiento del propio ser humano desde una perspectiva que (...)
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  48. Jin Yuelin juan.Yuelin Jin & Lai Chen - 1996 - Shijiazhuang Shi: Hebei jiao yu chu ban she. Edited by Lai Chen.
  49.  24
    Legislating Patient Representation: A Comparison Between Austrian and German Regulations on Self-Help Organizations as Patient Representatives.Hester Bovenkamp, Julia Fischer & Daniela Rojatz - 2018 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 15 (3):351-358.
    Governments are increasingly inviting patient organizations to participate in healthcare policymaking. By inviting POs that claim to represent patients, representation comes into being. However, little is known about the circumstances under which governments accept POs as patient representatives. Based on the analysis of relevant legislation, this article investigates the criteria that self-help organizations, a special type of PO, must fulfil in order to be accepted as patient representatives by governments in Austria and Germany. Thereby, it aims to contribute to the (...)
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  50.  70
    Taking Confucian Ethics Seriously. Edited by Kam-por Yu, Julia Tao, and Philip J. Ivanhoe.Yanming An - 2013 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 40 (2):359-364.
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