Results for 'Jérôme Chateau'

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  1.  32
    Post‐Cold War Europe, postmodernity, identities.Jérôme Chateau - 1996 - The European Legacy 1 (1):257-261.
  2.  21
    The culture of education.Jerome Bruner - 1996 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    Argues that educators should help students piece together authentic narratives about themselves and about society, and not to focus so much on teaching students to process information.
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  3. Toward a theory of instruction.Jerome Seymour Bruner - 1966 - Cambridge, Mass.,: Belknap Press of Harvard University.
    Closely related to this is Mr. Bruner's "evolutionary instrumentalism," his conception of instruction as the means of transmitting the tools and skills of a ...
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    Modeling Conceptualization and Investigating Teaching Effectiveness.Jérôme Santini, Tracy Bloor & Gérard Sensevy - 2018 - Science & Education 27 (9-10):921-961.
    Our research addresses the issue of teaching and learning concepts in science education as an empirical question. We study the process of conceptualization by closely examining the unfolding of classroom lesson sequences. We situate our work within the practice turn line of research on epistemic practices in science education. We also adopt a practice turn approach when it comes to the learning of concepts, as we consider conceptualization as being inherent within epistemic practices. In our work, pedagogical practices are modeled (...)
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    Aesthetics and philosophy of art criticism.Jerome Stolnitz - 1960 - Boston,: Houghton Mifflin.
  6. Fundamentals of experimental design.Jerome L. Myers - 1972 - Boston,: Allyn & Bacon.
    This, the third edition of Fundamentals of Experimental Design, has five added chapters - those on regression (Chapters 12, 14, and 15), multivariate analysis (Chapter 18), and the matrix algebra appropriate to the level of presentation of this material (Chapter 13). I have noted in the preface other additions in this third edition. The added material should enhance the value of the book as a textbook and a reference. Given these additions, however, alternative approaches in using the current edition as (...)
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  7. Peirce's clarifications of continuity.Jérôme Havenel - 2008 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 44 (1):pp. 86-133.
    This article aims to demonstrate that a careful examination of Peirce's original manuscripts shows that there are five main periods in Peirce's evolution in his mathematical and philosophical conceptualizations of continuity. The aim of this article is also to establish the relevance of Peirce's reflections on continuity for philosophers and mathematicians.
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    Training needs assessment in research ethics evaluation among research ethics committee members in three african countries: Cameroon, Mali and tanzania.Jérôme Ateudjieu, John Williams, Marie Hirtle, Cédric Baume, Joyce Ikingura, Alassane Niaré & Dominique Sprumont - 2009 - Developing World Bioethics 10 (2):88-98.
    Background: As actors with the key responsibility for the protection of human research participants, Research Ethics Committees (RECs) need to be competent and well-resourced in order to fulfil their roles. Despite recent programs designed to strengthen RECs in Africa, much more needs to be accomplished before these committees can function optimally.Objective: To assess training needs for biomedical research ethics evaluation among targeted countries.Methods: Members of RECs operating in three targeted African countries were surveyed between August and November 2007. Before implementing (...)
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  9.  52
    Argumentation and Language — Linguistic, Cognitive and Discursive Explorations.Jérôme Jacquin, Thierry Herman & Steve Oswald (eds.) - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This volume focuses on the role language plays at all levels of the argumentation process. It explores the effects that specific linguistic choices may have in the production and the reception of arguments and in doing so, it moves beyond the first, necessary, descriptive stance provided by current literature on the topic. Each chapter provides an original take illuminating one or more of the following three issues: the range of linguistic resources language users draw on as they argue; how cognitive (...)
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  10. Controlling one's stream of thought through perceptual and reflective processing.Giacomo A. Bonanno & Jerome L. Singer - 1993 - In Daniel M. Wegner & James W. Pennebaker (eds.), Handbook of Mental Control. Prentice-Hall.
  11.  15
    Dynamic representation of decision-making.James T. Townsend & Jerome Busemeyer - 1995 - In T. van Gelder & Robert Port (eds.), Mind As Motion. MIT Press. pp. 101--120.
  12. Hannah Arendt: Twenty Years Later.Larry May & Jerome Kohn (eds.) - 1996 - MIT Press.
    Now, twenty years later, this collection of fifteenessays brings her work into dialogue with those philosophical views that are at center stage today-- in critical theory, communitarianism, virtue theory, and feminism.
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  13.  16
    (1 other version)Identifying an Educational Response to the Prevent Policy: Student Perspectives on Learning about Terrorism, Extremism and Radicalisation.Lee Jerome & Alex Elwick - 2017 - British Journal of Educational Studies:1-18.
  14.  98
    Moral philosophy from Montaigne to Kant: an anthology.Jerome B. Schneewind (ed.) - 1990 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The seventeenth and eighteenth centuries provide the tools to teach the history of modern moral philosophy. What makes this selection distinctive is that it covers not only the familiar figures - Hobbes, Hume, Butler, Bentham and Kant - but also the important but generally ignored writers: new translations of Nicole, Wolff, Crusius and d'Holbach; as well as substantial excerpts from natural law theorists such as Suarez, Grotius and Pufendorf; from rationalists such as Malebranche, Cudworth, Spinoza and Leibniz; from Epicurean writers (...)
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    Commercialism and Medicine: An Overview.Jerome P. Kassirer - 2007 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 16 (4):377.
    There is something embarrassing about money. Everybody is seeking it but at the same time they are reluctant to talk about their bank balances and stock holdings. As a society we have so much of it that we can install 7000 saffron curtains all over Central Park, send tourists into outer space, and analyze the gas on the surface of Titan, yet we fail to spend it on millions of poverty-stricken people who die of disease or starvation each year. We (...)
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  16.  65
    Deception by police.Jerome H. Skolnick - 1982 - Criminal Justice Ethics 1 (2):40-54.
  17.  37
    Definability with a predicate for a semi-linear set.Michael Benedikt & H. Jerome Keisler - 2003 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 68 (1):319-351.
    We settle a number of questions concerning definability in first order logic with an extra predicate symbol ranging over semi-linear sets. We give new results both on the positive and negative side: we show that in first-order logic one cannot query a semi-linear set as to whether or not it contains a line, or whether or not it contains the line segment between two given points. However, we show that some of these queries become definable if one makes small restrictions (...)
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  18. Mental Disorder and Moral Responsibility: Disorders of Personhood as Harmful Dysfunctions, With Special Reference to Alcoholism.Jerome C. Wakefield - 2009 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 16 (1):91-99.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Mental Disorder and Moral Responsibility:Disorders of Personhood as Harmful Dysfunctions, With Special Reference to AlcoholismJerome C. Wakefield (bio)Keywordsalcohol dependence, philosophy of psychiatry, mental disorder, harmful dysfunction, psychiatric diagnosis, person, moral responsibilityIn his paper, Ethical Decisions in the Classification of Mental Conditions as Mental Illness, Craig Edwards grapples with a profound problem: why is it that when we classify a mental condition as a mental disorder, that tends to take (...)
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  19.  58
    Homo sapiens, a localized species.Jerome Bruner - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (5):694-695.
    Tomasello et al. point up the mutual interdependency of the unique human capacity for intersubjectivity and the evolution and institutionalization of culture. Since both intersubjectivity and cultural cooperation require localized knowledge, Homo sapiens is highly reliant on such knowledge and in that sense is a highly localized species, requiring special means to surmount cultural misreadings and to achieve translocal, or global, interconnection.
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  20.  11
    The Platonic method.Jerome Eckstein - 1968 - New York,: Greenwood.
  21.  14
    Are souls real?Jerome W. Elbert - 2000 - Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
    He shows how these new scientific insights inevitably affect our traditional ideas about the soul." "For anyone who is at all uncertain, Are Souls Real? offers an alternative to the views of a spiritual advisor. Various experts, from biblical scholars to neuroscientists, have gathered information that allows soul beliefs to be judged more skeptically. This book brings these conclusions together, offering a new perspective on whether supernatural souls really exist."--BOOK JACKET.
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    Mill's Essays on Literature and Society. Edited, with an Introduction, by J. B. Schneewind.John Stuart Mill & Jerome B. Schneewind - 1965 - Collier Books.
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  23.  26
    Craig interpolation for networks of sentences.H. Jerome Keisler & Jeffrey M. Keisler - 2012 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 163 (9):1322-1344.
  24.  50
    Einstein, Race, and the Myth of the Cultural Icon.Fred Jerome - 2004 - Isis 95 (4):627-639.
    The most remarkable aspect of Einstein’s 1946 address at Lincoln University is that it has vanished from Einstein’s recorded history. Its disappearance into a historical black hole symbolizes what seems to happen in the creation of a cultural icon. It is but one of many political statements by Einstein to have met such a fate, though his civil rights activism is most glaringly missing. One explanation for this historical amnesia is that those who shape our official memories felt that Einstein’s (...)
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  25. In Defense of Petitionary Prayer.Jerome I. Gellman - 1997 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 21 (1):83-97.
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  26.  52
    Some Plain Words on Emotion.Jerome Kagan - 2010 - Emotion Review 2 (3):221-224.
    This article discusses several problems affecting progress in research on emotion: (1) disagreements over the appropriate referents for an emotion; (2) the modest relations between the brain states provoked by an emotional incentive and the accompanying semantic appraisals or behaviors; and (3) the abstract nature and indifference to origin of the English words used to name emotions. The final section contains some suggestions for future research.
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  27.  49
    Classical Dualism and the Uncertainty Principle.Michael Jerome Carella - 1972 - Modern Schoolman 49 (2):125-134.
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    Vertical/compatible integration versus analogizing with biology.H. Barkow Jerome - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (4):348-349.
    Vertical/compatible theoretical integration provides an alternative way of unifying sociocultural anthropology and related disciplines. It involves analyzing theoretical statements for their implicit and explicit assumptions at multiple levels of analysis and then determining whether these assumptions are compatible with consensus in the relevant disciplines (e.g., does the sociological theory include an assumption at odds with consensus psychology?). Incompatibilities indicate a need for further research. This approach is much more likely to salvage the bulk of humanities-oriented anthropology than is that of (...)
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  29.  56
    A local normal form theorem for infinitary logic with unary quantifiers.H. Jerome Keisler & Wafik Boulos Lotfallah - 2005 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 51 (2):137-144.
    We prove a local normal form theorem of the Gaifman type for the infinitary logic L∞ωω whose formulas involve arbitrary unary quantifiers but finite quantifier rank. We use a local Ehrenfeucht-Fraïssé type game similar to the one in [9]. A consequence is that every sentence of L∞ωω of quantifier rank n is equivalent to an infinite Boolean combination of sentences of the form ψ, where ψ has counting quantifiers restricted to the -neighborhood of y.
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    The Ethical and Social Implications of Age-Cheating in Africa.Mbih Jerome Tosam - 2015 - International Journal of Philosophy 3 (1):1.
  31.  16
    Margins – Of Phenomenology.Jérôme de Gramont - 2020 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 76 (2-3):567-590.
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    La nation pluraliste : Repenser la diversité religieuse au Québec.Jérôme Gosselin-Tapp & Michel Seymour - 2018 - Montréal, QC, Canada: Presses de l'Université de Montréal.
    Depuis 2006, le Québec débat âprement des règles gouvernant la laïcité de ses institutions et se trouve confronté à deux modèles apparemment irréconciliables : le républicanisme « jacobin » et le libéralisme individualiste, issus respectivement de la France et du Canada. En s’inspirant de la pensée du philosophe politique John Rawls, les auteurs proposent ici d’explorer une voie médiane mieux adap­tée à l’expérience québécoise. Dans ses travaux tardifs, Rawls met en avant une forme de libéralisme républicain affranchi de l’indi­vidualisme normatif (...)
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    L’esprit et le monde . Quelques réflexions sur L’esprit et le monde de John McDowell.Jérôme Dokic - 2009 - Philosophiques 36 (1):205-214.
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    A new symbolic representation for the algebra of sets.Jerome Frazee - 1990 - History and Philosophy of Logic 11 (1):67-75.
    The algebra of sets has, basically, two different types of symbols. One type of symbol (∩, ?, +, ?) defines another set from two other sets. A second type of symbol (?, ?, =, ?) makes a proposition about two sets. When the construction of these two types of symbols is based on the same four-dot matrix as the logic symbols described in a previous paper, the three symbol types then dovetail together into a harmonious whole that greatly simplifies derivation (...)
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  35.  60
    Graceful Simplicity: The Philosophy and Politics of the Alternative American Dream.Jerome M. Segal - 2002 - University of California Press.
    Despite the United States' economic abundance, "the good life" has proved elusive. Millions long for more time for friends and family, for reading or walking or relaxing. Instead our lives are frantic, hectic, and harried. In Graceful Simplicity, Jerome M. Segal, philosopher, political activist, and former staff member of the House Budget Committee, expands and deepens the contemporary discourse on simple living. He articulates his conception of a politics of simplicity--one rooted in beauty, peace of mind, appreciativeness, and generosity of (...)
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  36.  15
    Problems for Thomists.Mortimer Jerome Adler - 1940 - New York,: Sheed & Ward.
  37.  28
    Desires, right and wrong: the ethics of enough.Mortimer Jerome Adler - 1991 - Mount Jackson, VA: Axios Press.
    Prologue: retrospective and prospective -- The ethics of enough -- Real and apparent goods -- Wrong desires: pleasure, money, fame, and power -- Right desires: the totum bonum and its constituents -- Fundamental errors in moral philosophy -- Necessary but not sufficient -- Epilogue: transcultural ethics.
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  38.  10
    Discourse, power, and resistance: challenging the rhetoric of contemporary education.Elizabeth Atkinson, Jerome Satterthwaite & Ken Gale (eds.) - 2003 - Stoke-on-Trent ; Sterling, VA: Trentham Books.
    This work exposes the practices that are controlling education and reducing it to little more than skills development in preparation for work. It questions the strategy of mentoring to show how its dynamic requires docility from the learner and thus perpetuates inequality.
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    Archive, architecture, art.Ginette Michaud & Jérôme Lèbre - 2017 - Rue Descartes N° 89-90 (2):118-138.
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    Personality Variations in Autobiographical Memories, Self-Representations, and Daydreaming.Jefferson A. Singer, Jerome L. Singer & Carolyn Zittel - 2000 - In Robert G. Kunzendorf & Benjamin Wallace (eds.), Individual Differences in Conscious Experience. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pp. 20--351.
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    The Ontological Proof in Thomistic and Kantian Interpretation.Jerome Toner - 1953 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 3:157-159.
  42.  31
    Report on the University of Delaware Symposium concerning the Philosophy and History of Art.Jerome Tovo - 1970 - Studi Internazionali Di Filosofia 2:163-165.
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    Raymond A. Belliotti.Wonder as Hinge & Jerome A. Miller - 1988 - Journal of Philosophy 85 (11).
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  44.  47
    Gandhi in Retrospect.Jerome D’Souza - 1950 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 25 (3):497-508.
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    Some Applications of the Theory of Models to Set Theory.H. Jerome Keisler - 1967 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 32 (3):410-410.
  46.  28
    The Divan of Manūchihrī Dāmghānī: A Critical StudyThe Divan of Manuchihri Damghani: A Critical Study.Robert M. Rehder & Jerome W. Clinton - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (2):294.
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  47.  27
    L'éducation et l'enfance dans Les "Lois".Jérôme Laurent - 2000 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 190 (1):41-56.
    Qu'en est-il du statut de l' enfance dans le programme éducatif des Lois? Pour montrer la tension entre la fragilité de l'enfant et la démesure de son comportement, on examine particulièrement VII, 808. L' éducation est une domestication qui doit apprendre à l'enfant non seulement la rationalité, mais aussi la philanthropie et l'espérance. Education and childhood in the Laws What is the status of childhood in the educational program in the Laws? In order to show the tension between the child's (...)
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  48.  6
    'La notion d' « esquisse » selon sextus empiricus.Jérôme Laurent - 1993 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 183 (4):649 - 659.
  49.  8
    Inhabiting the house of history.Jerome P. Soneson - 1997 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 18 (2):121 - 133.
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    Obituaries of Female and Male Leaders From 1974 to 2016 Suggest Change in Descriptive but Stability of Prescriptive Gender Stereotypes. [REVIEW]Miriam Katharina Zehnter, Jerome Olsen & Erich Kirchler - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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