Results for 'Kae Nakajima'

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  1.  31
    Effects of Face and Background Color on Facial Expression Perception.Tetsuto Minami, Kae Nakajima & Shigeki Nakauchi - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Differences in Brain Activity After Learning With the Use of a Digital Pen vs. an Ink Pen—An Electroencephalography Study.Kiyoyuki Osugi, Aya S. Ihara, Kae Nakajima, Akiyuki Kake, Kizuku Ishimaru, Yusuke Yokota & Yasushi Naruse - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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    Der Geschwisterkomplex.René Kaës - 2017 - Psyche 71 (9):780-811.
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    Morarisuto to shite no Kanto / chosha Nakajima Yoshimichi.Yoshimichi Nakajima - 1992 - Tōkyō: Hatsubaimoto Gakubunsha. Edited by Immanuel Kant.
  5.  10
    Kino-Debatte: Texte zum Verhältnis von Literatur u. Film 1909-1929.Anton Kaes (ed.) - 1978 - Tübingen: Niemeyer.
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    Le malêtre.René Kaës - 2012 - Paris: Dunod.
    « Le monde a changé la psychanalyse qui organisait la vision de Freud a elle aussi changé, et avec elle la compréhension du Malaise dans la culture.Dans cet essai, je voudrais mettre à contribution les ressources de la psychanalyse contemporaine pour comprendre comment les nouvelles formes de la souffrance psychique et du malètre de notre temps ont partie liée avec les mutations qui ont ébranlé le monde dans lequel nous vivons et dans lequel vivront nos descendants. Ces ressources sont fondées (...)
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    The Effect of Pairing Individuals With Different Social Skills on Interpersonal Motor Coordination.Kae Mukai, Akito Miura, Kazutoshi Kudo & Seijiro Tsutsui - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Two kinds of modification theory of light: Some new observations on the Newton-Hooke controversy of 1672 concerning the nature of light.Hideto Nakajima - 1984 - Annals of Science 41 (3):261-278.
    It has not been sufficiently emphasized that there existed two kinds of modification theory of colours, Aristotle's modification theory and Descartes-Hook's modification theory. This seems to have caused some confusion in the interpretation of the optical controversy between Newton and Hooke in 1672. The aim of the present paper is to prove that these two kinds of modification theory really coexisted, and on that basis to present a new interpretation of the optical controversy of 1672. The characteristics and the historical (...)
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    Sein, Wort, Liebe: Wort und Liebe als Grundoffenbarungen des göttlichen Seins - die theologischen Konsequenzen des Denkens Ferdinand Ebners.Michael Daishiro Nakajima - 2019 - Freiburg: Herder.
    Die Arbeit widmet sich den zentralen Gedanken Ferdinand Ebners als einem Vertreter der Ich-Du-Philosophie. Ebner sieht im "Wort, das im Anfang war" (Joh 1,1) den Ursprung des menschlichen Wortes. Da er die Bedeutung des Pneumas in der Ich-Du-Beziehung betont und dieses mit der Liebe in Beziehung setzt, ist es naheliegend, im Ursprung der Liebe den Heiligen Geist zu sehen. Wahrend Ebner in einem engen menschlichen Rahmen bleibt, erweitert Daishiro Nakajima die Sicht auf die gesamte Schopfung. Er sieht in ihr (...)
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  10.  25
    Motor Functional Reorganization Is Triggered by Tumor Infiltration Into the Primary Motor Area and Repeated Surgery.Riho Nakajima, Masashi Kinoshita & Mitsutoshi Nakada - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  11.  22
    El concepto de cultura en los fundadores de la filosofía latinoamericana.Bernardo Nakajima - 2017 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 38 (116):73-95.
    El objetivo de este trabajo es tratar sobre el concepto la cultura en la generación conocida como los patriarcas o fundadores del pensamiento filosófico latinoamericano. Luego de establecer la relación entre la cultura la filosofía, y de justificar el recurso a los fundadores para tratar sobre el concepto de cultura, intentaré describir las características más importantes de la filosofía de algunos filósofos de esta generación, como Alejandro Korn, Carlos Vaz Ferreira, Alejandro Deústua, Enrique Molina y Antonio Caso, y señalar las (...)
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  12.  27
    Reassessment of Non-Monosynaptic Excitation from the Motor Cortex to Motoneurons in Single Motor Units of the Human Biceps Brachii.Tsuyoshi Nakajima, Toshiki Tazoe, Masanori Sakamoto, Takashi Endoh, Satoshi Shibuya, Leonardo A. Elias, Rinaldo A. Mezzarane, Tomoyoshi Komiyama & Yukari Ohki - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  13.  37
    Effect of solute atoms on stacking faults Cu-Ni and Cu-Mn systems.K. Nakajima & K. Numakura - 1965 - Philosophical Magazine 12 (116):361-368.
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  14.  25
    Green Advertising and Green Public Relations as Integration Propaganda.Nina Nakajima - 2001 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 21 (5):334-348.
    When faced with an environmental problem, corporations can either deal with it or merely give the appearance of managing it. The latter is often the case cause the corporation can maintain a positive public image while not actually doing anything to solve the problem. Advertising and public relations are the tools that are commonly utilized to create this illusion. The first part of this article illustrates the variety of ways in which green advertising and green public relations are exploited to (...)
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  15.  20
    Guest Editor’s Introduction.Nakajima Takahiro - 2023 - Journal of Japanese Philosophy 9 (1):2-3.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Guest Editor’s IntroductionNakajima Takahiro 「東京学派」とは聞きなれない名称であろう。日本研究において「京都学派」は大変よく知られている。たとえ「京都学派」が、「無の論理は論理ではない」と述べた上で、戸坂潤が発明した批判的な概念であったとしても 、現在ではそれは西田幾多郎や田辺元を中心とした一大哲学運動として世界的に認知されている。ところが、西田にしても田辺にしてももともとは東京帝国大学で学んだ学生であった。また、戦前においては、井上哲次郎か ら桑木厳翼へと続く東京帝国大学哲学科の流れは、当時の社会状況と相互に影響しあって、一定の意義を示していたのである。また、大森荘蔵、廣松渉、坂部恵といった戦後の東京大学の哲学者たちは、「京都学派」の問題 系を乗り越えることを重視していた。 この特別号では、発見的概念として「東京学派」を用いて、戦前・戦後におけるその意義と広がりを探究することにした。それは東京大学もしくは東京帝国大学に限定されたものではなく、それ以外の東京圏の大学との相互 交流も含まれるものである。「京都学派」に対しては、政治との距離をどう測るかがしばしば議論されてきたが、「東京学派」は政治により密着したものである。日本の近代の哲学の有している政治性そして倫理性を考える のであれば、やはり「東京学派」の議論は避けて通る ことのできないものである。 無論、「学派」というほどのまとまりを「東京学派」が有しているわけではないことも確かである。西田幾多郎が「京都学派」で果たした中心性は、「東京学派」にはない。そこで、トマス・カスリスが示唆するように、「 学派」の代わりに「サークル」や「スタイル」という言葉を使った方がより正確かもしれない。それでも、あえて「東京学派」と呼ぶのは、「京都学派」に比べて関心を持たれることの少ない、しかし当時は圧倒的な影響力 を有し、戦後決定的に忘却されていった東京の哲学者たちに光をあて、近代日本の哲学の総体を明らかにしたいからである。「東京学派」の研究は緒についたばかりである。今後、国際的な研究の高まりを期待しながら擱筆 する。The “Tokyo School” may be an unfamiliar term to readers. The Kyoto School is very well known in Japanese studies. Even if the Kyoto School is a critical concept invented by Tosaka Jun, who stated [End Page 2] that “the logic of nothingness is not logic,” it is now recognized worldwide as a major philosophical movement led by Nishida Kitarō and Tanabe (...)
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    (1 other version)"Shinto Deities that Crossed the Sea: Japan's" Overseas Shrines," 1868 to 1945".Nakajima Michio - 2010 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 37 (1):21-46.
  17.  10
    A Brief Annotated Bibliography of Healthy Work.Nina Nakajima - 2004 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 24 (4):366-371.
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    Aku no tetsugaku: Chūgoku tetsugaku no sōzōryoku.Takahiro Nakajima - 2012 - Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō.
    この世の悪は、一人ひとりがその行いを改めれば払拭できるものだろうか?自然災害に見舞われ、多くの人が苦しめられているとき、そこに悪の問題はないのだろうか?孔子や孟子、荘子、荀子などの中国古代の思想家たち も、悪という問題に直面し、格闘してきた。清代にいたるまでの、そうした悪をめぐる哲学的思考を辿りなおし、その可能性と限界を描き出す。悪にあらがい、その残酷さを引き受け、乗り越えるための方途を探る哲学の書 である。.
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    A Vision of Industrial Ecology: State-of-the-Art Practices for a Circular and Service-Based Economy.Nina Nakajima - 2000 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 20 (1):54-69.
    This article provides a comprehensive synthesis of state-of-the-art approaches used by industry to improve human, social, and environmental sustainability. Currently available methods such as product stewardship, industrial eco-park design, industrial ecology, Design for Environment (DfE), and others areexplained and their contribution summarized. Particular attention is paid to practices that make the material flows of a society more circular, as in natural ecosystems, and to the idea of companies selling services rather than products. It is concluded that the widespread implementation of (...)
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  20. Bijinesu ni okeru giri to ninjō.Masato Nakajima - 1980
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  21. Beruguson to gendai.Morio Nakajima - 1968
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    Dogen on.Keita Nakajima - 1997 - Bigaku 47:25-35.
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  23.  41
    Depoliticization or Americanization of Japanese Science Studies.Hideto Nakajima - 2013 - Social Epistemology 27 (2):163 - 176.
    In this paper, I will describe the history of Japanese science studies (In the Japanese language, the term ?science studies? [Kagaku-ron] is used to indicate a broad area, which covers the history, philosophy, and social studies of science and technology.) from the beginning of the twentieth century to around the mid-1980s, and will argue how depoliticization took place in its history. Japanese science studies was formed under the conspicuous influence of German philosophy before World War II (hereafter WW II), especially (...)
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  24.  21
    Difference of international system between Europe and Asia-China.Mineo Nakajima - 1995 - History of European Ideas 20 (1-3):283-288.
  25. Dōtoku shūkyō to shakai seikatsu.Shigeru Nakajima - 1943 - Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō.
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    Does the Word Exhaust Meaning?Takahiro Nakajima - 2010 - Diogenes 57 (3):66-76.
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  27. Genkon shisōkai no dōkō.Yoshimitsu Nakajima - 1948
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    Hashikawa Bunsō: shakai no mujun o utsu shisō: ima Nihon o kangaeru.Takeshi Nakajima & Shunsuke Sugita (eds.) - 2022 - Tōkyō-to Shibuya-ku: Kawade Shobō Shinsha.
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  29. Hōrigaku.Shigeru Nakajima - 1941 - Tōkyō: Risōsha.
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  30. Imiron.Fumio Nakajima - 1947
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    Internal Probability Theory and the Evolution of Life.Toshiyuki Nakajima - 2008 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 16 (1-2):75-94.
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    Kakehashi Akihide no busshitsu tetsugaku: zenshizenshi no shisō to senjika teikō no kenkyū.Yoshihiro Nakajima - 2017 - Tōkyō-to Bunkyō-ku: Miraisha.
    京都学派の経済哲学者として知られた梯明秀の本格的研究書。梯の戦時下における哲学の再評価と創造的復権をめざして、形而上学批判と根源的自然の復権というまったく新たな視点からその意義と射程を明らかにしようと する力作。.
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    Kinsei bushidōron: Yamaga Sokō to Daidōji Yūzan no "bushi" ikusei = A study on bushido in the early modern times: "bushi" training for Yamaga Soko and Daidoji Yuzan.Eisuke Nakajima - 2019 - Sendai-shi: Tōhoku Daigaku Shuppankai.
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  34. Kokka genron.Shigeru Nakajima - 1947 - Tōkyō: Seki Shoin.
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  35. Kyōsei Hirose Tansō no kenkyū.Ichisaburō Nakajima - 1937 - Tōkyō: Daiichi Shuppan Kyōkai. Edited by Tansō Hirose.
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  36. Kanōteki jitsuzon tetsugaku.Hiromichi Nakajima - 1948
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  37.  11
    Kamon no hirogari.Mayumi Nakajima - 1989 - Tōkyō: Hatsubai Kawade Shobō Shinsha.
  38. Kanto no jikan kōsei no riron.Yoshimichi Nakajima - 1987 - Tōkyō: Risōsha.
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    Kiki no jidai no tetsugaku: sōzōryoku no disukūru.Takahiro Nakajima - 2021 - Tōkyō-to Meguro-ku: Tōkyō Daigaku Shuppankai.
    世界はいま危機に直面している.その危機に直面したときに試されているのが,我々の想像力であり,イメージの力なのである.その想像力を鍛えるのに最も重要なのは,批判(クリティーク)なのだ.いま最もアクチュア ルに活動している哲学者・中島隆博が紡ぐ,危機の時代の哲学の実践へ.
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  40. Kokusai saiban no shōkohōron =.Kei Nakajima - 2016 - Tōkyō-to Bunkyō-ku: Shinzansha.
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    Kants Theorie der Zeit-Konstruktion.Yoshimichi Nakajima - 1986 - Wien: VWGÖ.
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  42. Keiken to genshō: sono isōteki kōzō.Morio Nakajima - 1988 - Tōkyō: Sekai Shoin.
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  43.  12
    La parole épuise-t-elle le sens?Takahiro Nakajima - 2010 - Diogène 3:92-105.
    Pour dominer le langage, la philosophie chinoise a découvert des moyens autres que la « rectification des noms ». Il s’agit d’une part de l’annihilation totale de la langue, et d’autre part d’une clarification de la langue plus grande que celle opérée par la « rectification de la langue ». Pour mieux comprendre cette situation, il est nécessaire à remonter la généalogie à partir de la controverse sur la théorie de « la parole épuise le sens » et celle de (...)
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  44. La soif de Yumeji Takehisa.Hiroji Nakajima - 2007 - Iris 30:113-133.
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  45.  20
    Living Systems Escape Solipsism by Inverse Causality to Manage the Probability Distribution of Events.Toshiyuki Nakajima - 2021 - Philosophies 6 (1):11.
    The external worlds do not objectively exist for living systems because these worlds are unknown from within systems. How can they escape solipsism to survive and reproduce as open systems? Living systems must construct their hypothetical models of external entities in the form of their internal structures to determine how to change states (i.e., sense and act) appropriately to achieve a favorable probability distribution of the events they experience. The model construction involves the generation of symbols referring to external entities. (...)
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  46.  10
    Maruyama Masao: kadai to shite no "kindai".Michio Nakajima - 2018 - Tōkyō: Tōshindō.
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  47. Maruyama Masao to Nihon no shūkyō.Makoto Nakajima - 1999 - Tōkyō: Daisan Bunmeisha.
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  48. Minikui nihon no watashi.Yoshimichi Nakajima - 2016 - Tōkyō-to Chiyoda-ku: Kabushiki Kaisha Kadokawa.
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  49. 日本思想という病:なぜこの国は行きづまるのか?.Takeshi Nakajima, Kazuya Serizawa & Chiki Ogiue (eds.) - 2010 - Tokyo: Kōbunsha.
  50.  18
    Posuto Reisen jidai no kagaku/gijutsu.Hideto Nakajima, Masachi Ōsawa, Takumi Satō, Atsushi Sugita & Tōru Morotomi (eds.) - 2017 - Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten.
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