Results for 'Karen Hollinger'

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  1.  26
    I'm No Angel: The Blonde in Fiction and Film (review).Karen Hollinger - 2006 - Symploke 14 (1):342-344.
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    Meeting the universe halfway: quantum physics and the entanglement of matter and meaning.Karen Barad - 2007 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    A theoretical physicist and feminist theorist, Karen Barad elaborates her theory of agential realism, a schema that is at once a new epistemology, ontology, and ethics.
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  3. Making Things Up.Karen Bennett - 2017 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    We frequently speak of certain things or phenomena being built out of or based in others. Making Things Up concerns these relations, which connect more fundamental things to less fundamental things: Karen Bennett calls these 'building relations'. She aims to illuminate what it means to say that one thing is more fundamental than another.
  4. Counterfactual Discourse in Context.Karen S. Lewis - 2018 - Noûs 52 (3):481-507.
    The classic Lewis-Stalnaker semantics for counterfactuals captures that Sobel sequences are consistent sequences, for example: a.If Sophie had gone to the parade, she would have seen Pedro dance. b.But if Sophie had gone to the parade and been stuck behind someone tall, she would not have seen Pedro dance. But reverse a sequence like this one and it no longer sounds so good, which is surprising on the classic semantics. This observation motivated Kai von Fintel and Thony Gillies to propose (...)
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    The feasibility of integrating insights from character education and sustainability education – a delphi study.Karen Jordan - 2022 - British Journal of Educational Studies 70 (1):39-63.
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    Ethics Committees in Hospitals.Pat Milmoe McCarrick - 1992 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 2 (3):285-306.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Ethics Committees in HospitalsPat Milmoe McCarrick (bio)(Literature about hospital ethics committees has grown enormously since Scope Note 3 first appeared. This update provides new information about resources and documents now available while continuing to include important earlier sources.)Hospital ethics committees increasingly have taken hold in the United States since 1983, when the President's Commission for the Study of Ethical Problems in Medicine and Biomedical and Behavioral Research encouraged their (...)
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  7. Mother Nature and the Mother of All Virtues.Karen Bardsley - 2013 - Environmental Ethics 35 (1):27-40.
    Feelings of gratitude toward the natural environment are problematic because gratitude seems to be an appropriate response to someone’s intentional decision to benefit us, and ecosystems that sustain human life do not choose to do so. In accordance with one defense of the rationality and appropriateness of gratitude toward nature, intentional action can be regarded as not being a necessary condition for feelings of gratitude. Instead, gratitude toward an entity can be considered both rational and appropriate when (1) that entity (...)
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    Non-consensual personified sexbots: an intrinsic wrong.Karen Lancaster - 2021 - Ethics and Information Technology 23 (4):589-600.
    Humanoid robots used for sexual purposes are beginning to look increasingly lifelike. It is possible for a user to have a bespoke sexbot created which matches their exact requirements in skin pigmentation, hair and eye colour, body shape, and genital design. This means that it is possible—and increasingly easy—for a sexbot to be created which bears a very high degree of resemblance to a particular person. There is a small but steadily increasing literature exploring some of the ethical issues surrounding (...)
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    The Offense of Reason and the Passion of Faith.Karen L. Carr - 1996 - Faith and Philosophy 13 (2):236-251.
    This essay considers and rejects both the irrationalist and the supra-rationalist interpretations of Kierkegaard, arguing that a new category---Kierkegaard as “anti-rationalist”---is needed. The irrationalist reading overemphasizes the subjectivism of Kierkegaard’s thought, while the suprarationalist reading underemphasizes the degree of tension between human reason (as corrupted by the will’s desire to be autonomous and self-sustaining) and Christian faith. An anti-rationalist reading, I argue, is both faithful to Kierkegaard’s metaphysical and alethiological realism, on the one hand, and his emphasis on the continuing (...)
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    Community-based health care providers as research participant recruitment gatekeepers: ethical and legal issues in a real-world case example.Karen L. Celedonia, Michael W. Valenti, Marcelo Corrales Compagnucci & Michael Lowery Wilson - 2020 - Research Ethics 17 (2):242-250.
    Community-based mental health care providers are increasingly contacted by external researchers for research study recruitment. Unfortunately, many do not possess the resources or personn...
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    Corriger sa vie.Karen Haddad - 2020 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 26 (2):127-135.
    Au fil des volumes inaugurés par Bardadrac, Gérard Genette, livrant des versions différentes de certains biographèmes, « corrige » sa vie d’une façon qu’on propose d’appeler annotation de soi. L’étude de la figure de « Jacqueline » révèle ainsi un usage très personnel de la note auctoriale, telle que Genette l’avait définie dans Seuils, et qui fait tendre l’ensemble des volumes non seulement vers l’autofiction, mais vers une sorte d’« anti-roman » valéryen.
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    Veertig jaar universitaire filosofie in Nederland: van pluralisme naar 'normal philosophy'.Karen Vintges - 2020 - Krisis 40 (1):9-25.
    Although for a long time, Dutch academic philosophy was characterized by a pluralism of – imported – philosophical frameworks and paradigms, in more recent decades, a type of ‘normal philosophy’, in the Kuhnian sense, has become dominant which aims to solve ethical and political problems and dilemmas through rational-normative argumentation. Contrary to what is often claimed, the new 'normal philosophy' amounts not to thinking ‘beyond the analytic-continental divide’ in a fruitful synthesis, but to the subsumption of continental philosophical themes and (...)
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  13. Forgiveness without Apology.Karen D. Hoffman - 2008 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 82:135-151.
    In the following paper, I argue that, although there are conditions that the injured person must satisfy in order to be properly said to have forgiven a wrongdoer, it is a mistake to believe that there are conditions that the wrongdoer must satisfy in order for it to be morally permissible to forgive her. Against arguments that a wrongdoer should only be forgiven if she has met specific conditions, I maintain that unconditional forgiveness may be a morally appropriate response to (...)
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    Curing Iranian Occidentosis.Karen G. Ruffle - 2001 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 8 (1):59-66.
    In this paper, I shall argue that during the period from the end of World War II until just before the Islamic revolution of 1979, a body of literature emerged critiquing the petro-colonialism of the United States and select European countries, which infected Iran with a severe case of “occidentosis.” This set the stage for the revolution, and a presentation of the principle author of occidentosis, Jalal Al-e Ahmad, will facilitate understanding of the Iranian intellectual tradition.
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    Thyme to touch: Infants possess strategies that protect them from dangers posed by plants.Annie E. Wertz & Karen Wynn - 2014 - Cognition 130 (1):44-49.
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    Response to Comments.Karen Frost-Arnold - 2024 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 93:189-196.
    Karen Frost-Arnold's response to comments Respuesta de Karen Frost-Arnold a los comentarios Karen Frost-Arnold's response to comments.
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    The degree spectra of homogeneous models.Karen Lange - 2008 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 73 (3):1009-1028.
    Much previous study has been done on the degree spectra of prime models of a complete atomic decidable theory. Here we study the analogous questions for homogeneous models. We say a countable model A has a d-basis if the types realized in A are all computable and the Turing degree d can list $\Delta _{0}^{0}$ -indices for all types realized in A. We say A has a d-decidable copy if there exists a model B ≅ A such that the elementary (...)
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    Community and Identity in Contemporary Technosciences.Karen Kastenhofer & Susan Molyneux-Hodgson (eds.) - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This open access edited book provides new thinking on scientific identity formation. It thoroughly interrogates the concepts of community and identity, including both historical and contemporaneous analyses of several scientific fields. Chapters examine whether, and how, today’s scientific identities and communities are subject to fundamental changes, reacting to tangible shifts in research funding as well as more intangible transformations in our society’s understanding and expectations of technoscience. In so doing, this book reinvigorates the concept of scientific community. Readers will discover (...)
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    Instructed Hand Movements Affect Students’ Learning of an Abstract Concept From Video.Icy Zhang, Karen B. Givvin, Jeffrey M. Sipple, Ji Y. Son & James W. Stigler - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (2):e12940.
    Producing content-related gestures has been found to impact students’ learning, whether such gestures are spontaneously generated by the learner in the course of problem-solving, or participants are instructed to pose based on experimenter instructions during problem-solving and word learning. Few studies, however, have investigated the effect of (a) performing instructed gestures while learning concepts or (b) producing gestures without there being an implied connection between the gestures and the concepts being learned. The two studies reported here investigate the impact of (...)
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    A different order of difficulty: literature after Wittgenstein.Karen Zumhagen-Yekplé - 2020 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    This innovative critical study reinterprets Ludwig Wittgenstein's philosophy for the study of modernist and contemporary literature and brings Wittgenstein into literary conversations around problems of difficulty, ethical instruction, and the yearning for transformation. Central to Karen Zumhagen-Yekple͹'s book are her critical readings of key modernist texts by Franz Kafka, Virginia Woolf, and James Joyce. Throughout, Zumhagen-Yekplé brings to bear an interpretive framework that she derives from Wittgenstein's gnomic "Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus" (first published in English in 1922, the "annus mirabilis" of (...)
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    Acoustic Properties Predict Perception of Unfamiliar Dutch Vowels by Adult Australian English and Peruvian Spanish Listeners.Samra Alispahic, Karen E. Mulak & Paola Escudero - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  22. Foundations of the Formal Sciences VII, Studies in Logic.Karen François, Benedikt Löwe, Thomas Müller & Bart van Kerkhove (eds.) - 2011 - College Publications.
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    Fractional anticipatory goal responses as cues in discrimination learning.Karen Galbraith - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 97 (2):177.
  24.  12
    Symbolic Understanding of Pictures and Written Words Share a Common Source.Melissa L. Allen, Karen Mattock & Macarena Silva - 2014 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 14 (3-4):187-198.
    Here we examine the hypothesis that symbolic understanding across domains is mediated by a fundamental ‘symbolizing’ ability in young children. We tested 30 children aged 2–4 years on symbolic tasks assessing iconic and non-iconic word-referent and picture-referent understanding and administered standardised tests of symbolic play and receptive language. Children showed understanding of the symbol-referent relation earlier for pictures than written words, and performance within domains was correlated and, importantly, predicted by a marker of general symbolic ability. Performance on picture and (...)
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  25. The collective experience of moral distress: a qualitative analysis of perspectives of frontline health workers during COVID-19.Sophie Lewis, Karen Willis & Natasha Smallwood - 2025 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 20 (1):1-11.
    Background Moral distress is reported to be a critical force contributing to intensifying rates of anxiety, depression and burnout experienced by healthcare workers. In this paper, we examine the moral dilemmas and ensuing distress personally and collectively experienced by healthcare workers while caring for patients during the pandemic. Methods Data are drawn from free-text responses from a cross-sectional national online survey of Australian healthcare workers about the patient care challenges they faced. Results Three themes were derived from qualitative content analysis (...)
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    Independence of face identity and expression processing: exploring the role of motion.Karen Lander & Natalie Butcher - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Rahner, Karl.Karen Kilby - 2000 - In Adrian Hastings, Alistair Mason & Hugh S. Pyper (eds.), The Oxford Companion to Christian Thought. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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    Willing to Die for God: Individualization and Instrumental Agency in Ancient.Karen L. King - 2013 - In Jörg Rüpke (ed.), The Individual in the Religions of the Ancient Mediterranean. Oxford University Press. pp. 342.
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    The Miracle.Karen Klaus - 2020 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 10 (2):E6-E8.
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    Agriculture increases individual fitness.Karen Kovaka, Carlos Santana, Raj Patel, Erol Akçay & Michael Weisberg - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39.
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    Distinguishing dilemmas in the ethics of placebo-controlled trials.Karen Kovach - 2002 - American Journal of Bioethics 2 (2):32 – 33.
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  32. Who We Are and What We Do: Ethnicity and Moral Agency.Karen A. Kovach - 2001 - Dissertation, City University of New York
    An array of pressing but conceptually perplexing questions in ethics---questions concerning group rights, collective responsibility, and the ethics of nationalism---would seem to require for their resolution answers to the no less perplexing questions of what social groups are and what membership in them amounts to. In this dissertation, I offer an analysis of the concept of what I call an 'ethnic identity group' and argue that questions about ethics and ethnicity or nationality are best understood as questions about such groups (...)
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    Materials for the Study of Āryadeva, Dharmapāla and Candrakīrti: The Catuḥśataka of Āryadeva, Chapters XII and XIII, with the Commentaries of Dharmapāla and Candrakīrti; Introduction, Translation, Sanskrit, Tibetan and Chinese Texts, NotesMaterials for the Study of Aryadeva, Dharmapala and Candrakirti: The Catuhsataka of Aryadeva, Chapters XII and XIII, with the Commentaries of Dharmapala and Candrakirti; Introduction, Translation, Sanskrit, Tibetan and Chinese Texts, Notes.Karen Lang & Tom J. F. Tillemans - 1992 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 112 (2):346.
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    Beyond Respect for Persons & Beneficence: Justice in Research.Karen Lebacqz - 1980 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 2 (7):1.
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    Ramsey on Research: Conceptual Confusion.Karen A. Lebacqz - 1980 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 2 (10):10.
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  36. Sex in the Parish.Karen Lebacqz & Ronald G. Barton - 1991
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    ‘Weighing’ Losses and Gains: Evaluation of the Healthy Lifestyle Modification After Breast Cancer Pilot Program.Dana Male, Karen Fergus & Shira Yufe - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectivesThis pilot study sought to develop and evaluate a novel online group-based intervention to help breast cancer survivors make healthy lifestyle changes intended to yield not only beneficial physical outcomes but also greater behavioral, and psychosocial well-being.MethodsAn exploratory single-arm, mixed-method triangulation design was employed to evaluate the feasibility and preliminary effectiveness of the HLM-ABC intervention for overweight BCSs. Fourteen women participated in the 10-week intervention and completed quantitative measures of the above-mentioned outcomes at baseline, post-treatment, 6-month, and 12-month follow-up time (...)
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  38. Attentional effects on motion processing.Amy A. Rezec & Karen R. Dobkins - 2005 - In Laurent Itti, Geraint Rees & John K. Tsotsos (eds.), Neurobiology of Attention. Academic Press. pp. 490--495.
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    Visualizing new dimensions in Drosophila myoblast fusion.Brian Richardson, Karen Beckett & Mary Baylies - 2008 - Bioessays 30 (5):423-431.
    Over several years, genetic studies in the model system, Drosophila melanogastor, have uncovered genes that when mutated, lead to a block in myoblast fusion. Analyses of these gene products have suggested that Arp2/3‐mediated regulation of the actin cytoskeleton is crucial to myoblast fusion in the fly. Recent advances in imaging in Drosophila embryos, both in fixed and live preparations, have led to a new appreciation of both the three‐dimensional organization of the somatic mesoderm and the cell biology underlying myoblast fusion. (...)
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    The Public Good.Ellienne T. Tate & Karen Moody - 2005 - Jona's Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation 7 (2):47-53.
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    Re‐Imagining the Philosophical Conversation.Karen Green - 2017 - In Russell Blackford & Damien Broderick (eds.), Philosophy's Future. Hoboken: Wiley. pp. 201–211.
    From its inception, philosophy has represented itself as a dialogue, or conversation, among those who are lovers of wisdom. It has also been largely a conversation among men. Diotima, the absent female presence, who teaches Socrates about love and philosophy, consigns the lovers of women to bodily reproduction, and associates men with the polis and invention of law. But the polis is composed of both women and men, and a truly progressive philosophy would be a conversation between them. Since at (...)
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    Affektivnye obshchestva: vzgli︠a︡d na logiku i zakonomernosti vsemirno-istoricheskogo prot︠s︡essa.Karen Korganov - 2006 - Moskva: Trovant.
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    The Confessions of Lady NijōThe Confessions of Lady Nijo.Alvin P. Cohen & Karen Brazell - 1978 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 98 (3):308.
  44. Human Rights in Yugoslavia.Oskar Gruenwald & Karen Rosenblum-Čale (eds.) - 1986 - Irvington.
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    A psychological perspective on god-belief as a source of well-being and meaning.E. Karen Van der Merwe, Chrizanne Van Eeden & Hans J. M. Van Deventer - 2010 - HTS Theological Studies 66 (1).
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  46. Affirming the California Experience with Affirmative Action.Gwendolyn Yip & Karen Narasaki - 1996 - Nexus 1:22.
    -/- CONCLUSION “The experience in California is clear. Affirmative action has helped to dismantle barriers such as "old boys' networks" that have excluded not only women and individuals of racial or ethnic minorities, but also white American men who did not belong to networks of privilege. Affirmative action has also worked to ensure that our schools, workplaces, and other social institutions fully use our diverse talents, thereby helping our government and social institutions to better serve their communities. -/- In short, (...)
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    I love myself when I am laughing: A new paradigm for sex.Karen Elizabeth Davis - 1990 - Journal of Social Philosophy 21 (2-3):5-24.
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    Jeans.Karen Ruoff Kramer - 2006 - Historical Materialism 14 (4):289-294.
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    “Are You a TA Practitioner, Then?” – Identity Constructions in Post-Normal Science.Karen Kastenhofer & Anja Bauer - 2023 - Minerva 61 (1):93-115.
    Technology assessment (TA) is a paradigmatic case for the manifold and, at times, ambiguous processes of identity formation of researchers in inter- and transdisciplinary settings. TA combines the natural, technical, and social sciences and follows the multiple missions of scientific analysis, public outreach, and policy advice. However, despite this diversity, it also constitutes a genuine community with its own discourses, conferences, and publications. To which extent “being a TA practitioner” also provides for a genuine scholarly identity is still unclear. Building (...)
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    The Book of Peace.Karen Green, Constant Mews & Janice Pinder (eds.) - 2008 - University Park: Pennsylvania University Press.
    Christine de Pizan, one of the earliest known women authors, wrote the Livre de paix (Book of Peace) between 1412 and 1414, a period of severe corruption and civil unrest in her native France. The book offered Pizan a platform from which to expound her views on contemporary politics and to put forth a strict moral code to which she believed all governments should aspire. The text's intended recipient was the dauphin, Louis of Guyenne; Christine felt that Louis had the (...)
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