Results for 'Katarzyna Górczyńska'

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    Samopoznanie na gruncie \"Bycia i czasu\" Martina Heideggera.Katarzyna Górczyńska - 2006 - Nowa Krytyka 19.
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  2. Collectivism on the horizon: A challenge to Pettit's critique of collectivism.Katarzyna Paprzycka - 1998 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 76 (2):165 – 181.
    (1998). Collectivism on the horizon: A challenge to Pettit's critique of collectivism. Australasian Journal of Philosophy: Vol. 76, No. 2, pp. 165-181.
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    (1 other version)Analysis and Applications of Complex Social Networks.Katarzyna Musial, Piotr Bródka & Pasquale De Meo - 2017 - Complexity:1-2.
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    Inner-out: transgresje, inspiracje, interpretacje: Katarzyna Łyszkowska, 2005-2021.Katarzyna Łyszkowska - 2022 - Toruń: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu.
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    "Dzieci nędzy" – od poematu do powieści. Przyczynek do rekonstrukcji procesu twórczego Stanisława Przybyszewskiego.Katarzyna Badowska - 2022 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica 64 (1):137-169.
    Na podstawie prześledzenia genezy Dzieci nędzy (1913) i historii komponowania tekstu dokonano ciekawych ustaleń z zakresu działań twórczych najgłośniejszego autora Młodej Polski – Stanisława Przybyszewskiego. Badania ujawniły niechęć pisarza do (czy może: nieumiejętność) radykalnej modyfikacji raz dokonanych zapisów tekstowych i wzrost literackiej efektywności z dala od wielkich miast. Kolacjonowanie przekazów powieści oraz lektura dokumentów osobistych pozwoliły stwierdzić, że znaczący wpływ na ostateczny kształt Dzieci nędzy miały powikłania osobiste i przykre okoliczności życiowe, które znacząco determinowały (czy raczej: destruowały) proces pisarski (...)
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  6. W sprawie zaangażowania intelektualistów - rzecz o Jean-Paulu Sartrze.Katarzyna Bartosiak - 2010 - Nowa Krytyka 24.
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  7. Argumentacja jako akt mowy.Katarzyna Budzyńska - 2010 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 75.
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  8. Komunikacja poza słowami.Katarzyna Budzyńska & Magdalena Kacprzak - 2010 - Studia Semiotyczne 27:185-216.
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  9. Problem filozofii narracyjnej W mysli schellinga.Katarzyna Filutowska - 2006 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 42 (1):118-130.
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  10. Mistycyzm natury w lirykach Kazimierza Przerwy-Tetmajera.Katarzyna Matwiejczuk - 2003 - Archeus. Studia Z Bioetyki I Antropologii Filozoficznej 4:43-59.
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  11. Gramatyka narracyjna Claude'a Bremonda a "Morfologia bajki" Władimira Proppa.Katarzyna Rosner - 1980 - Studia Semiotyczne 10:95-110.
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  12. False consciousness of intentional psychology.Katarzyna Paprzycka - 2002 - Philosophical Psychology 15 (3):271-295.
    According to explanatory individualism, every action must be explained in terms of an agent's desire. According to explanatory nonindividualism, we sometimes act on our desires, but it is also possible for us to act on others' desires without acting on desires of our own. While explanatory nonindividualism has guided the thinking of many social scientists, it is considered to be incoherent by most philosophers of mind who insist that actions must be explained ultimately in terms of some desire of the (...)
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    People’s Financial Choice Depends on their Previous Task Success or Failure.Katarzyna Sekścińska - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Algebraic semantics for the (↔,¬¬)‐fragment of IPC.Katarzyna Słomczyńska - 2012 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 58 (1-2):29-37.
    We show that the variety of equivalential algebras with regularization gives the algebraic semantics for the -fragment of intuitionistic propositional logic. We also prove that this fragment is hereditarily structurally complete.
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  15. Attitudes, Behaviour, Democracy, and Dialogue.Katarzyna Byrka, Tomasz Grzyb & Dariusz Dolinski - 2015 - In Katarzyna Jezierska & Leszek Koczanowicz (eds.), Democracy in Dialogue, Dialogue in Democracy: The Politics of Dialogue in Theory and Practice. Burlington, VT: Routledge.
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  16. Problem bytu w filozofii Schellinga w kontekście tzw. filozofii narracyjnej.Katarzyna Filutowska - 2004 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 50 (2):43-57.
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    O oburzeniu (Bogdan Misiuna, Oburzenie. Filozoficzna analiza zjawiska i jej konsekwencje aksjologiczne).Katarzyna Gałysz - 1994 - Etyka 27:235-240.
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    Koncepcja „demokracji zakorzenionej” Wolfganga Merkela w kontekście współczesnego populizmu i kryzysu demokracji.Katarzyna Guczalska - 2020 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 10 (1):57-82.
    Wolfgang Merkel’s concept of rooted democracy in the context of contemporary populism and the crisis of democracy: The article presents the concept of “rooted democracy” by Wolf‐ gang Merkel, which was presented in the context of the democratic crisis. The German poli‐ tical scientist indicates what democracy is — specifying the proper functioning of the regula‐ tions of the democratic system. Speaking of the weakness or strength of democracy, we must have a well‐described set of system principles that determine the (...)
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  19. Czytanie Margalita.Katarzyna Liszka & Justyna Jezierska (eds.) - 2020 - Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego.
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    The Importance of Evaluative Thinking and the Excess of Scientific Effectiveness - Inspirations from Henryk Elzenberg’s Thought.Katarzyna Łukaszewska - 2022 - Ruch Filozoficzny 77 (4):95-112.
    The dynamics of changes in science inevitably, but also increasingly urgently begins to include ethical reflection. These issues include such problems as: the gap between the prestige of scientific and didactic activity, building scientific achievements solely through the prism of their carrying capacity, or the lack of influence of science on social and cultural life. The dominant role in shaping teaching standards is played by such phenomena as parameterization, indexing, coefficients or accreditation, while the normative space of scientific activity is (...)
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    Zielony kolor fasad cerkwi województwa podlaskiego w świetle teologii i architektury sakralnej.Katarzyna Woszczenko - 2023 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 29 (3):131-150.
    Celem artykułu jest interdyscyplinarne ukazanie związku architektury z teologią. Do badań wykorzystano źródła rękopiśmienne (karty inwentarzowe zabytków architektury i budownictwa ze zbiorów Wojewódzkiego Urzędu Ochrony Zabytków w Białymstoku), materiały drukowane, literaturę przedmiotu oraz źródła internetowe. Dokonano również inwentaryzacji fotograficznej obiektów sakralnych oraz przeprowadzono rozmowy z duchownymi. Celem badań była weryfikacja hipotezy mówiącej o istotnym wpływie teologii na kształtowanie architektury cerkwi. Symbolika w architekturze kościołów prawosławnych obejmuje wiele aspektów, w tym także kolorystykę fasad. W województwie podlaskim znajduje się największa liczba cerkwi (...)
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  22. Trynitarna wizja dziejów Joachima z Fiore.Katarzyna Wróblewska - 2001 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 46.
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    The Influence of Different Social Roles Activation on Women’s Financial and Consumer Choices.Katarzyna Sekścińska, Agata Trzcińska & Dominika A. Maison - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Microbiota-gut-brain research: A critical analysis.Katarzyna B. Hooks, Jan Pieter Konsman & Maureen A. O'Malley - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42:1-40.
    Microbiota-gut-brain research is a fast-growing field of inquiry with important implications for how human brain function and behaviour are understood. Researchers manipulate gut microbes to reveal connections between intestinal microbiota and normal brain functions or pathological states. Many claims are made about causal relationships between gut microbiota and human behaviour. By uncovering these relationships, MGB research aims to offer new explanations of mental health and potential avenues of treatment. So far, limited evaluation has been made of MGB's methods and its (...)
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    Temperamental Determinants of Social Competencies.Katarzyna Martowska - 2014 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 45 (2):128-133.
    The research concerned the determinants of social competencies, which are significant indicators of the quality of interpersonal relations. The aim of the study was to verify the connection between social competencies and temperamental traits. The respondent group included 220 university students of different faculties aged 19-24. Social competencies were measured with the use of a Social Competencies Questionnaire by Anna Matczak, while temperamental traits were measured with The Formal Characteristics of Behaviour-Temperament Inventory, by Bogdan Zawadzki and Jan Strelau. The research (...)
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  26. Retoryczne strategie poznawcze.Katarzyna Budzyńska - 2013 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 86 (2):253-274.
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    Discourse, beliefs, and intentions: semantic defaults and propositional attitude ascription.Katarzyna Jaszczolt - 1999 - New York: Elsevier.
    This book is about beliefs, language, communication and cognition. It deals with the fundamental issue of the interpretation of the speaker's utterance expressing a belief and reporting on beliefs of other people in the form of oratio obliqua. The main aim of the book is to present a new account of the problem of interpreting utterances expressing beliefs and belief reports in terms of an approach called Default Semantics.
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    Turyści halal w Zakopanem w opinii pracowników HoReCa.Katarzyna Ceklarz - 2024 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 30 (3):395-420.
    W sezonie wakacyjnym 2023 roku Zakopane odnotowało znaczący wzrost udziału turystów z krajów arabskich w sektorze HoReCa. Wzmożony ruch turystyczny halal wywołał konsternację branży turystycznej, zmuszając do refleksji nad kierunkiem dalszego rozwoju tego sektora. Artykuł ma na celu ukazanie, w jaki sposób pracownicy HoReCa w centrum Zakopanego (na Krupówkach) postrzegają kontakty i współpracę z muzułmańskimi turystami. Celem jest także odpowiedź na pytania o zmiany, jakim pod wpływem turystyki halal podlega oferta turystyczna tego miasta. Tekst został oparty na materiale pozyskanym w (...)
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    Contrastive semantics and pragmatics.Katarzyna Jaszczolt & Ken Turner (eds.) - 1996 - Tarrytown, N.Y., U.S.A.: Pergamon Press.
    v. 1. Meanings and representations -- v. 2. Discourse strategies.
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  30. Człowiek i jego wolność według Fiodora Dostojewskiego.Katarzyna Jedynak - 2004 - Colloquia Communia 76 (1):111-114.
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    International Summer School of Société Européenne de Culture “European Citizenship and Politics of Culture”, Venice 2008.Katarzyna Kasia - 2009 - Dialogue and Universalism 19 (3-5):305-306.
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    Interpretation of Administrative Legal Norms Demonstrating Strong Relations with Civil Law Which Aim Environmental Protection.Ewa Katarzyna & Marta Pietrzyk - 2013 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 32 (1):111-121.
    The penetration process of structures traditionally assigned to civil law into administrative law, especially administrative law aiming environmental protection, has been more noticeable through recent years. This process resulted in deepening the absence of a clear separation of private law norms from public law norms. It led to the existence of so-called quasi civil solutions, which can be found for example in the Act on prevention from damages in environment and its repair. Their specificity consists in the fact that they (...)
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  33. Iwan A. Iljin (1883-1954). Rys biograficzny.Katarzyna Krasucka - 2004 - Idea Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych 16 (16).
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    In Praise of Slacking: Richard Linklater’s Slacker and Kevin Smith’s Clerks as Hallmarks of 1990s American Independent Cinema Counterculture.Katarzyna Małecka - 2015 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 5 (1):190-205.
    Some people live to work, others work to live, while still others prefer to live lives of leisure. Since the Puritans, American culture and literature have been dominated by individuals who have valued hard work. However, shortly after its founding, America managed to produce the leisurely Rip Van Winkle, who, over time, has been followed by kindred spirits such as, for instance, Walt Whitman, Henry David Thoreau, Twain’s Huck Finn, Melville’s Bartleby, Jack Kerouac, Diane di Prima, the Hippies, and Christopher (...)
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    Architecture of movement.Katarzyna Nawrocka - 2017 - Espes 6 (2):50-61.
    This paper describes the general concepts of Arnold Berleant's urban metaphors in order to use them as a background for presenting a different perspective on the aesthetics of engagement through the prism of contemporary dance strategies and design practices in architecture and urban planning.
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    Defying Maintenance Mimesis: The Case of Somewhere over the Balcony by Charabanc Theatre Company.Katarzyna Ojrzyńska - 2018 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 8 (8):137-150.
    Making reference to Luce Irigaray’s definitions of mimesis and mimicry, and the ways in which these concepts respectively reinforce and challenge the phallogocentric order, this article investigates the representation of the Troubles in the play Somewhere over the Balcony by Charabanc—a pioneering all-female theatre company which operated in Belfast in the 1980s and early 1990s. The article discusses the achievement of the company in the local context and offers a reading of Somewhere over the Balcony, Charabanc’s 1987 play which depicts (...)
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  37. Practical responsibility.Katarzyna Paprzycka - unknown
    The recognition of the close relation between the concept of action and the concept of responsibility goes at least as far back as Aristotle. His account of voluntary action could be seen as being the source of two general strategies for understanding the concept of action.1 One such approach is to determine when something is not an action first by studying a variety of interfering conditions. (e) The agent’s ϕing was a mere happening (non-action) iff external forces caused him to (...)
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    Future and Present Hedonistic Time Perspectives and the Propensity to Take Investment Risks: The Interplay Between Induced and Chronic Time Perspectives.Katarzyna Sekścińska, Joanna Rudzinska-Wojciechowska & Dominika Agnieszka Maison - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:362092.
    Willingness to take risk is one of the most important aspects of personal financial decisions, especially those regarding investments. Recent studies show that one’s perception of time, specifically the individual level of Present Hedonistic and Future Time Perspectives (TPs), influence risky financial choices. This was demonstrated for both, Time Perspective treated as an individual trait and for experimentally induced Time Perspectives. However, on occasion, people might find themselves under the joint influence of both, chronic and situational Time Perspectives and little (...)
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    Tożsamość kulturowa w perspektywie integracji europejskiej.Katarzyna Stawarz - 2008 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 11 (1):143-148.
    The beginning of the 21st century is the time of a new challenge for the Polish nation. Standing on the threshold of a new century, it has also stood on the ‘threshold’ of the united Europe. Culture is a binder thanks to which it is possible to discover and to maintain peoples’ identity and the bonds connecting individual members of the nation. The multitude of nations is a variety which makes Europe not a monolith in relation to culture; instead, it (...)
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    Le sens absent: approche microstructurale et interprétative du virtuel sémantique.Katarzyna Wolowska - 2014 - New York: Peter Lang Edition.
    Dans toutes les dimensions de la communication verbale, le virtuel s'efface devant l'actuel, mais le sens "absent" ne cesse d'escorter le sens « present ». Il le sous-tend, l'informe et, quelquefois, pointe le bout de son nez. En s'inscrivant dans la perspective de la sémantique microstructurale, ce livre se propose de revisiter le virtuel linguistique pour saisir ses rapports avec le domaine de l'actuel, en envisageant la virtualité dans l'optique interprétative qui mobilise tout un éventail de mécanismes sémantico-discursifs de la (...)
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  41. Paradygmaty joachimizmu.Katarzyna Wróblewska - 2002 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 43 (3):167-182.
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    George Santayana's Political Hermeneutics.Katarzyna Kremplewska - 2022 - Boston: BRILL.
    The first comprehensive study of Santayana’s political thought as connected to his cultural criticism. It ranges over topics such as Santayana’s political ontology, his criticism of democracy, liberalism, and communism, his views on freedom and forms of human servitude.
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    Algebraic semantics for the ‐fragment of and its properties.Katarzyna Słomczyńska - 2017 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 63 (3-4):202-210.
    We study the variety of equivalential algebras with zero and its subquasivariety that gives the equivalent algebraic semantics for the ‐fragment of intuitionistic propositional logic. We prove that this fragment is hereditarily structurally complete. Moreover, we effectively construct the finitely generated free equivalential algebras with zero.
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  44. The default-based context-dependence of belief reports.Katarzyna M. Jaszczolt - 2000 - In Katarzyna Jaszczolt (ed.), The Pragmatics of Propositional Attitude Reports. Elsevier. pp. 169--185.
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    Age-Related Changes in Resting-State EEG Activity in Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Cross-Sectional Study.Katarzyna Giertuga, Marta Z. Zakrzewska, Maksymilian Bielecki, Ewa Racicka-Pawlukiewicz, Malgorzata Kossut & Anita Cybulska-Klosowicz - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  46. recenzja książki Andrzej Szahaj, Marek N. Jakubowski pt. "Filozofia polityki".Katarzyna Dąbrowska - 2006 - Hybris. Internetowy Magazyn Filozoficzny 4.
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    Ontologia Romana Ingardena wobec sporu o uniwersalia. W związku z książką Pawła Rojka „Tropy i uniwersalia”.Katarzyna Barska - 2021 - Filozofia Nauki 29 (1):81-107.
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    Aiding Reflective Navigation in a Dynamic Information Landscape: A Challenge for Educational Psychology.Katarzyna Bobrowicz, Areum Han, Jennifer Hausen & Samuel Greiff - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Open access to information is now a universal phenomenon thanks to rapid technological developments across the globe. This open and universal access to information is a key value of democratic societies because, in principle, it supports well-informed decision-making on individual, local, and global matters. In practice, however, without appropriate readiness for navigation in a dynamic information landscape, such access to information can become a threat to public health, safety, and economy, as the COVID-19 pandemic has shown. In the past, this (...)
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    Looking back to see the future: reflections on sins and virtues.Katarzyna Bronk (ed.) - 2014 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Inter-Disciplinary Press.
    All the authors who have contributed to Looking Back to See the Future have taken up the challenge to inter-disciplinarily investigate the ambiguous concepts of sins, vices and virtues. Their illuminating chapters test the definitions and applications of these religio-cultural categories in the contexts of the distant past as well as our contemporary, globalised, consumerist present; but they all do it for the sake of catching a glimpse of their and our future. By looking into religious and philosophical treatises, paraliterary (...)
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    Temperamental traits and life and job satisfaction.Katarzyna Brzuszkiewicz & Elżbieta Kasprzak - 2012 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 43 (1):27-39.
    Temperamental traits and life and job satisfaction The aim of this research project was to evaluate the impact of the temperamental traits and structure on the level of life satisfaction and job satisfaction. The participants of the study were employees having different jobs and from different workplaces. The results indicate that there exists a positive relationship between both types of satisfaction and activity and endurance as well as a negative relationship between the measures of satisfaction and emotional reactivity. Multiple linear (...)
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