Results for 'Keith Mcclelland'

962 found
  1.  30
    Defining Sport: Conceptions and Borderlines.Shawn E. Klein, Chad Carlson, Francisco Javier López Frías, Kevin Schieman, Heather L. Reid, John McClelland, Keith Strudler, Pam R. Sailors, Sarah Teetzel, Charlene Weaving, Chrysostomos Giannoulakis, Lindsay Pursglove, Brian Glenney, Teresa González Aja, Joan Grassbaugh Forry, Brody J. Ruihley, Andrew Billings, Coral Rae & Joey Gawrysiak (eds.) - 2016 - Lexington Books.
    This book examines influential conceptions of sport and then analyses the interplay of challenging borderline cases with the standard definitions of sport. It is meant to inspire more thought and debate on just what sport is, how it relates to other activities and human endeavors, and what we can learn about ourselves by studying sport.
  2. Defining the Victorian Nation: Class, Race, Gender, and the British Reform Act of 1867. By Catherine Hall, Keith McClelland and Jane Rendall.T. W. Heyck - 2004 - The European Legacy 9:550-551.
  3. Proper names and identifying descriptions.Keith S. Donnellan - 1970 - Synthese 21 (3-4):335 - 358.
  4. Supralapsarianism, or 'O Felix Culpa'.Alvin Plantinga - 2004 - In Peter Van Inwagen (ed.), Christian Faith and the Problem of Evil. Eerdmans. pp. 1-25.
    The problem of evil has challenged religious minds and hearts throughout the ages. Just how can the presence of suffering, tragedy, and wrongdoing be squared with the all-powerful, all-loving God of faith? This book gathers some of the best, most meaningful recent reflections on the problem of evil, with contributions by shrewd thinkers in the areas of philosophy, theology, literature, linguistics, and sociology. In addition to bringing new insights to the old problem of evil, Christian Faith and the Problem of (...)
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  5. The ordinary language basis for contextualism, and the new invariantism.Keith DeRose - 2005 - Philosophical Quarterly 55 (219):172–198.
    I present the features of the ordinary use of 'knows' that make a compelling case for the contextualist account of that verb, and I outline and defend the methodology that takes us from the data to a contextualist conclusion. Along the way, the superiority of contextualism over subject-sensitive invariantism is defended, and, in the final section, I answer some objections to contextualism.
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    The Morton-Massaro law of information integration: Implications for models of perception.Javier R. Movellan & James L. McClelland - 2001 - Psychological Review 108 (1):113-148.
  7. Introduction: Deleuze, Whitehead, Bergson: Rhizomatic Connections.Keith Robinson - 2009 - In Keith A. Robinson (ed.), Deleuze, Whitehead, Bergson: rhizomatic connections. New York: Palgrave MacMillan. pp. 1--44.
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    Minds and poems.Keith Gunderson - 2009 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 33 (1):11-36.
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    The dramaturgy of dreams in pleistocene minds and our own.Keith Gunderson - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (6):946-947.
    The notion of simulation in dreaming of threat recognition and avoidance faces difficulties deriving from (1) some typical characteristics of dream artifacts (some “surreal,” some not) and (2) metaphysical issues involving the need for some representation in the theory of a perspective subject making use of the artifact. [Hobson et al.; Revonsuo].
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    Debunking CORNEA.Keith Chrzan - 1987 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 21 (3):171 - 177.
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    Necessary Gratuitous Evil.Keith Chrzan - 1994 - Faith and Philosophy 11 (1):134-137.
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    The Moral Status of Smoking.Keith Butler - 1993 - Social Theory and Practice 19 (1):1-26.
  13.  5
    To Carl Schmitt: Letters and Reflections.Keith Tribe (ed.) - 2013 - Cambridge University Press.
    A philosopher, rabbi, religious historian, and Gnostic, Jacob Taubes was for many years a correspondent and interlocutor of Carl Schmitt, a German jurist, philosopher, political theorist, law professor -- and self-professed Nazi. Despite their unlikely association, Taubes and Schmitt shared an abiding interest in the fundamental problems of political theology, believing the great challenges of modern political theory were ancient in pedigree and, in many cases, anticipated the works of Judeo-Christian eschatologists. In this collection of Taubes's writings on Schmitt, the (...)
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  14.  62
    Rights, Exploitation, and Third-Party Harms: Why Background Injustice Matters to Consensual Exchange.Keith Hyams - 2012 - Journal of Social Philosophy 43 (2):113-124.
  15.  95
    Is religion dangerous?Keith Ward - 2006 - Grand Rapids, Mich.: William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co..
    The causes of violence -- The corruptibility of all things human -- Religion and war -- Faith and reason -- Life after death -- Morality and the Bible -- Morality and faith -- The enlightenment, liberal thought and religion -- Does religion do more harm than good in personal life? -- What good has religion done?
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    Out of this World: Deleuze and the Philosophy of Creation.Keith Ansell Pearson - 2007 - Contemporary Political Theory 6 (4):487-491.
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    The Verb and Existence.Keith Buersmeyer - 1986 - New Scholasticism 60 (2):145-162.
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  18.  25
    Three Anglo-Norman Redactions of L'ordene de chevalerie.Keith Busby - 1984 - Mediaeval Studies 46 (1):31-77.
  19. The Business Of Reason.Keith Campbell - 1969 - Routledge & K Paul.
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  20.  36
    Postautistic theorizing?Keith Cash - 2004 - Nursing Philosophy 5 (2):93–94.
  21. Natural language semantics.Keith Allan - 2001 - Malden, Mass.: Blackwell.
    This volume offers a general introduction to the field of semantics and provides coverage of the main perspectives.
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  22.  44
    (1 other version)RepliesSelf-Trust: A Study of Reason, Knowledge and Autonomy.Keith Lehrer - 1999 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 59 (4):1065.
  23. Agonism, antagonism and the necessity of care.Keith Breen - 2008 - In Andrew Schaap (ed.), Law and Agonistic Politics. Ashgate Pub. Company.
  24.  29
    Engineering Students’ Views of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Case Study from Petroleum Engineering.Jessica M. Smith, Carrie J. McClelland & Nicole M. Smith - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (6):1775-1790.
    The mining and energy industries present unique challenges to engineers, who must navigate sometimes competing responsibilities and codes of conduct, such as personal senses of right and wrong, professional ethics codes, and their employers’ corporate social responsibility policies. Corporate social responsibility is the current dominant framework used by industry to conceptualize firms’ responsibilities to their stakeholders, yet has it plays a relatively minor role in engineering ethics education. In this article, we report on an interdisciplinary pedagogical intervention in a petroleum (...)
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  25.  26
    God and Propositions.Keith Yandell - 2011 - Philosophia Christi 13 (2):275-287.
    If there are abstract objects, they necessarily exist. The majority view among contemporary philosophers of religion who are theists is that God also necessarily exists. Nonetheless, that God has necessary existence has not been shown to be true, or even (informally) consistent. It seems consistent—at least is does not seem (informally) inconsistent—but neither does its denial. Arguments that necessary existence is a perfection, and God has all perfections, assume that Necessitarian Theism is true, and hence consistent. Thus they do not (...)
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  26. Love and Autonomy.Keith Lehrer - 1997 - In Roger Lamb (ed.), Love analyzed. Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press. pp. 107--27.
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  27.  22
    Addendum.Keith Lehrer - 1991 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 40 (3):218-220.
  28. Evidentialism and the paradox of parity.Keith Lehrer - 2011 - In Trent Dougherty (ed.), Evidentialism and its Discontents. Oxford, GB: Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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  29.  10
    Integrationalism: essays exploiting spiritual disincentives for humanity.James Felton Keith - 2012 - Champaign, Ill.: Common Ground.
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    Leah Ceccarelli (2001) Shaping Science with Rhetoric: The cases of Dobzhansky, Schrödinger, and Wilson.William Keith - 2003 - Argumentation 17 (1):123-126.
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  31. Meretricious mensuration (vol 6, pg 1, 2000).W. Keith & C. Morgan - 2000 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 6 (3):335-335.
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  32.  63
    Sato, Masayuki, The Confucian Quest for Order: The Origin and Formation of the Political Thought of XunZi: Leiden: Brill, 2003, xvii + 500.Keith N. Knapp - 2010 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 9 (1):125-128.
  33.  61
    Knowledge, coherence and skepticism.Keith Lehrer - 1992 - Philosophical Issues 2:171-192.
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  34. Sensibilidad, indiscernibilidad y conocimiento.Keith Lehrer - 2000 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 19 (3):41-45.
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  35. The Open Curtain: A U.S.-Soviet Philosophy Summit.Keith Lehrer & Ernest Sosa - 1994 - Studies in East European Thought 46 (4):321-323.
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  36. The field.Keith Richards - 2011 - In John A. Agnew & David N. Livingstone (eds.), The SAGE handbook of geographical knowledge. Los Angeles: SAGE.
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  37.  30
    The digital divide in Flanders: Disappearance or persistence?Keith Roe & Sofie Vandoninck - 2008 - Communications 33 (2):247-255.
    Recent empirical evidence suggests that the so-called ‘digital divide’ persists in both Europe and North America. The purpose of this study is to establish whether the digital divide persists in Flanders and, if so, to examine its extent and main contours. The results suggest that, although showing signs of diminishing, the digital divide is still very much in place and is still structured along classic socio-demographic lines such as gender, age, level of education, and occupational status.
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  38.  80
    Coins from the Agora.Keith Rutter - 1995 - The Classical Review 45 (02):400-.
  39.  22
    What's left of Enlightenment?: a postmodern question.Keith Michael Baker & Peter Hanns Reill (eds.) - 2001 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
    For all their differences, the many varieties of thinking commonly known as postmodernism share at least one salient characteristic: they all depend upon a stereotyped account of the Enlightenment. Postmodernity requires a 'modernity' to be repudiated, and the tenets of this modernity have invariably been identified with the Enlightenment Project. This volume aims to explore critically the opposition between Enlightenment and Postmodernity and question some of the conclusions drawn from it. The authors focus on three general areas. Part I, Enlightenment (...)
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  40. The Karma-Mīmāṁsā.Arthur Berriedale Keith - 1921 - New Delhi: Oriental Books Reprint Corp. : exclusively distributed by Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers.
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    The Sense of the Transcendental.Keith Whitmoyer - 2016 - Chiasmi International 18:199-213.
    This paper explores the significance of Heraclitus’s fragment B45 for Husserl and Merleau-Ponty as it appears in the Crisis of the European Sciences and Merleau-Ponty’s lectures on this text in the late 1950s. I claim that at stake is a revision or mutation of the sense of transcendentality: by naming it psyche, the transcendental is no longer understood as a static set of a priori conditions but what I call, following Jean-Luc Nancy, “outsidedness.” I elaborate this idea in dialogue with (...)
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  42.  62
    Perspectives on natural theology from analytic philosophy.Keith M. Parsons - 2013 - In J. H. Brooke, F. Watts & R. R. Manning (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Natural Theology. Oxford Up. pp. 247.
    This chapter begins by defining natural theology in analytical philosophy, and next considers analytical philosophers's rejection of natural theology and the rise of analytical theism. The focus then turns to one of the most prominent arguments debated in recent discussions of natural theology, the so-called fine-tuning argument. The FTA is a sophisticated version of the traditional argument to design, one that appeals to the apparent ‘fine tuning’ of the fundamental constants of nature, such as the gravitational constant, such that even (...)
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  43. Sir Charles Peers and After.Keith Emerick - 1998 - In John Arnold, Kate Davies & Simon Ditchfield (eds.), History and heritage: consuming the past in contemporary culture. Donhead St. Mary, Shaftesbury: Donhead. pp. 183.
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    A geometric consequence of residual smallness.Keith A. Kearnes, Emil W. Kiss & Matthew A. Valeriote - 1999 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 99 (1-3):137-169.
  45.  15
    Sellars on Proper Names and Belief Contexts.Keith Lehrer - 1978 - In Joseph C. Pitt (ed.), The Philosophy of Wilfrid Sellars: Queries and Extensions: Papers Deriving from and Related to a Workshop on the Philosophy of Wilfrid Sellars held at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University 1976. D. Reidel. pp. 217--227.
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  46.  21
    The ordination of women and inclusivity within the Church in Wales: theological and psychological considerations.Keith Little - 2007 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 29 (1):319-324.
    This study explored the hypothesis that clergywomen tend to hold a more inclusive attitude toward ministry than is the case among clergymen. The hypothesis was tested against data provided by 311 clergymen and 66 clergywomen, generated from a 66% response rate to a survey of all stipendiary parochial clergy in the Church in Wales concerning views on Christian initiation. The data confirmed the hypothesis across all five aspects of Christian initiation included in the questionnaire. This finding was employed to challenge (...)
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    Emotions and Transformation Varieties of Experience of Identity.Keith Oatley & Maja Djikic - 2002 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 9 (9-10):9-10.
    The Varieties of Religious Experience is an exploration of personal narratives about religious experience, but as one might gather from the epigraph to this article, James treats religion in an eccentric way. He takes religious experience to mean something close to the emotional experience of identity. His central question is how one might discover happiness within oneself and in one's relations with others, or if such happiness seems far distant, how one might achieve a change that will accomplish a new (...)
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  48. Some Contemporary Theistic Arguments.Keith Parsons - 2006 - In Michael Martin (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Atheism. Cambridge University Press.
  49.  13
    Divided Britain.Keith Robbins - 1991 - History of European Ideas 13 (4):470-471.
  50.  18
    4 Conversation as mechanism: emergence in creative groups.Keith Sawyer - 2011 - In Pierre Demeulenaere (ed.), Analytical Sociology and Social Mechanisms. Cambridge University Press. pp. 78.
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