Results for 'Kenʼichirō Shirai'

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  1. Keishiki imiron nyūmon: gengo, ronri, ninchi no sekai.Kenʼichirō Shirai - 1985 - Tōkyō: Sangyō Tosho.
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    Nō to kuoria: naze nō ni kokoro ga umareru no ka.Ken'ichirō Mogi - 2019 - Tōkyō-to Bunkyō-ku: Kabushiki Kaisha Kōdansha.
    ニューロン発火がなぜ「心」になるのか? 私が私であることの不思議、意識の謎に正面から挑んだ、茂木健一郎の核心!
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    Shūkyō to fūki: "seinaru kihan" kara yomitoku gendai.Ken'ichirō Takao, Emi Gotō & Atsushi Koyanagi (eds.) - 2021 - Tōkyō-to Chiyoda-ku: Iwanami Shoten.
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    The Relationship Between Head Motion Synchronization and Empathy in Unidirectional Face-to-Face Communication.Takahiro Yokozuka, Eisuke Ono, Yuki Inoue, Ken-Ichiro Ogawa & Yoshihiro Miyake - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The simultaneous perception of auditory–tactile stimuli in voluntary movement.Qiao Hao, Taiki Ogata, Ken-Ichiro Ogawa, Jinhwan Kwon & Yoshihiro Miyake - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Natural justice.Ken Binmore - 2005 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Natural Justice is a bold attempt to lay the foundations for a genuine science of morals using the theory of games. Since human morality is no less a product of evolution than any other human characteristic, the book takes the view that we need to explore its origins in the food-sharing social contracts of our prehuman ancestors. It is argued that the deep structure of our current fairness norms continues to reflect the logic of these primeval social contracts, but the (...)
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  7. Modeling Rational Players: Part I.Ken Binmore - 1987 - Economics and Philosophy 3 (2):179-214.
    Game theory has proved a useful tool in the study of simple economic models. However, numerous foundational issues remain unresolved. The situation is particularly confusing in respect of the non-cooperative analysis of games with some dynamic structure in which the choice of one move or another during the play of the game may convey valuable information to the other players. Without pausing for breath, it is easy to name at least 10 rival equilibrium notions for which a serious case can (...)
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    Utilitarianism.Ken Binmore - 2005 - In Natural justice. New York: Oxford University Press.
    If some external enforcement agency compels us to honor deals reached in the original position, then Harsanyi has shown that the outcome will be utilitarian. Under the same hypotheses, Rawls claims that the outcome will be egalitarian. This chapter confirms that Harsanyi is correct. It goes on to use the concept of an empathy equilibrium to predict the standard of interpersonal comparison needed to operate a utilitarian norm that will evolve in the medium run.
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  9. The spectrum of consciousness.Ken Wilber - 1993 - Wheaton, IL USA: Theosophical Pub. House.
    Wilber's groundbreaking synthesis of religion, philosophy, physics, and psychology started a revolution in transpersonal psychology.
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  10. Hypothetico-deductivism, content, and the natural axiomatization of theories.Ken Gemes - 1993 - Philosophy of Science 60 (3):477-487.
    In Gemes (1990) I examined certain formal versions of hypothetico-deductivism (H-D) showing that they have the unacceptable consequence that "Abe is a white raven" confirms "All ravens are black"! In Gemes (1992) I developed a new notion of content that could save H-D from this bizarre consequence. In this paper, I argue that more traditional formulations of H-D also need recourse to this new notion of content. I present a new account of the vexing notion of the natural axiomatization of (...)
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  11. The marriage of sense and soul: Integrating science and religion.Ken Wilber - manuscript
    It's hard to say exactly when modern science began. Many scholars would date it at roughly 1600, when both Kepler and Galileo started using precision measurement to map the universe. But one thing is certain: starting from whatever date we choose, modern science was, in many important ways and right from the start, deeply antagonistic to established religion.
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  12. Social norms or social preferences?Ken Binmore - 2010 - Mind and Society 9 (2):139-157.
    Some behavioral economists argue that the honoring of social norms can be adequately modeled as the optimization of social utility functions in which the welfare of others appears as an explicit argument. This paper suggests that the large experimental claims made for social utility functions are premature at best, and that social norms are better studied as equilibrium selection devices that evolved for use in games that are seldom studied in economics laboratories.
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  13. Modeling Rational Players: Part II.Ken Binmore - 1988 - Economics and Philosophy 4 (1):9-55.
    This is the second part of a two-part paper. It can be read independently of the first part provided that the reader is prepared to go along with the unorthodox views on game theory which were advanced in Part I and are summarized below. The body of the paper is an attempt to study some of the positive implications of such a viewpoint. This requires an exploration of what is involved in modeling “rational players” as computing machines.
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    Understanding psychology.Ken Richardson - 1988 - Philadelphia: Open University Press.
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    The spectrum of consciousness.Ken Wilber - 1977 - Wheaton, Ill.: Theosophical Pub. House.
    Wilber's groundbreaking synthesis of religion, philosophy, physics, and psychology started a revolution in transpersonal psychology. He was the first to suggest in a systematic way that the great psychological systems of the West could be integrated with the noble contemplative traditions of the East. Spectrum of Consciousness, first released by Quest in 1977, has been the prominent reference point for all subsequent attempts at integrating psychology and spirituality.
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  16. Reciprocity and the social contract.Ken Binmore - 2004 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 3 (1):5-35.
    This article is extracted from a forthcoming book, ‘Natural Justice’. It is a nontechnical introduction to the part of game theory immediately relevant to social contract theory. The latter part of the article reviews how concepts such as trust, responsibility, and authority can be seen as emergent phenomena in models that take formal account only of equilibria in indefinitely repeated games. Key Words: game theory • equilibrium • evolutionary stability • reciprocity • folk theorem • trust • altruism • responsibility (...)
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  17. Waves, streams, states and self: Further considerations for an integral theory of consciousness.Ken Wilber - 2000 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 7 (11-12):145-176.
    Although far from unanimous, there seems to be a general consensus that neither mind nor brain can be reduced without remainder to the other. This essay argues that indeed both mind and brain need to be included in a nonreductionistic way in any genuinely integral theory of consciousness. In order to facilitate such integration, this essay presents the results of an extensive cross-cultural literature search on the ‘mind’ side of the equation, suggesting that the mental phenomena that need to be (...)
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  18. The Religion of Tomorrow: A Vision For the Future of the Great Traditions.Ken Wilber - 2017
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  19. Making decisions in large worlds (pdf 141k).Ken Binmore - manuscript
    This paper argues that we need to look beyond Bayesian decision theory for an answer to the general problem of making rational decisions under uncertainty. The view that Bayesian decision theory is only genuinely valid in a small world was asserted very firmly by Leonard Savage [18] when laying down the principles of the theory in his path-breaking Foundations of Statistics. He makes the distinction between small and large worlds in a folksy way by quoting the proverbs ”Look before you (...)
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  20. The indeterminacy thesis reformulated.Ken Gemes - 1991 - Journal of Philosophy 88 (2):91-108.
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    In the Light of the Environment: Evolution Through Biogrammars Not Programmers.Ken Richardson - 2020 - Biological Theory 15 (4):212-222.
    Biological understanding of human cognitive functions is incomplete because of failure to understand the evolution of complex functions and organisms in general. Here, that failure is attributed to an aspect of the standard neo-Darwinian synthesis, namely commitment to evolution by natural selection of genetic programs in stable environments, a position that cannot easily explain the evolution of complexity. When we turn to consider more realistic, highly changeable environments, however, another possibility becomes clearer. An alternative to genetic programs—dubbed “biogrammars”—is proposed here (...)
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    Who are Nietzsche's slaves?Ken Gemes - 2024 - European Journal of Philosophy 32 (4):1116-1129.
    This paper argues that Nietzsche is deliberately imprecise in his characterization of what he calls the slave revolt in morality. In particular, none of the people or groups he nominates as instigators of the slave revolt, namely, Jewish priests, the Jewish people, the prophets, Jesus, and Paul, were literally slaves. Analysis of Nietzsche's texts, including his usage of the term “slaves,” and his sources concerning those he nominates as the instigators of the slave revolt, make clear that Nietzsche knew none (...)
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  23. The origins of fair play (pdf 209k).Ken Binmore - manuscript
    My answer to the question why? is relatively uncontroversial among anthropologists. Sharing food makes good evolutionary sense, because animals who share food thereby insure themselves against hunger. It is for this reason that sharing food is thought to be so common in the natural world. The vampire bat is a particularly exotic example of a food-sharing species. The bats roost in caves in large numbers during the day. At night, they forage for prey, from whom they suck blood if they (...)
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    Playing for Real Coursepack Edition: A Text on Game Theory.Ken Binmore - 2012 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Playing for Real is a problem-based textbook on game theory that has been widely used at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. This Coursepack Edition will be particularly useful for teachers new to the subject. It contains only the material necessary for a course of ten, two-hour lectures plus problem classes and comes with a disk of teaching aids including pdf files of the author's own lecture presentations together with two series of weekly exercise sets with answers and two sample (...)
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    How Might We Live? Global Ethics in the New Century.Ken Booth, Timothy Dunne & Michael Cox (eds.) - 2001 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    This volume looks outward to the twenty-first century and to the dynamics of this first truly global age. It asks the fundamental question: how might human societies live? In contrast to the orthodoxies of academic Philosophy and International Relations in much of the twentieth century, which marginalised or rejected the study of ethics, the contributors here believe that there is nothing more political than ethics, and therefore deserving of scholarly analysis. By exploring some of the oldest questions about duties and (...)
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    Order-sorted logic programming with predicate hierarchy.Ken Kaneiwa - 2004 - Artificial Intelligence 158 (2):155-188.
  27. Why the Late Justice Scalia Was Wrong: The Fallacies of Constitutional Textualism.Ken Levy - 2017 - Lewis and Clark Law Review 21 (1):45-96.
    My article concerns constitutional interpretation and substantive due process, issues that played a central role in Obergefell v. Hodges (2015), one of the two same-sex marriage cases. (The other same-sex marriage case was United States v. Windsor (2013).) -/- The late Justice Scalia consistently maintained that the Court “invented” substantive due process and continues to apply this legal “fiction” not because the Constitution supports it but simply because the justices like it. Two theories underlay his cynical conclusion. First is the (...)
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    The Faculty of Language Integrates the Two Core Systems of Number.Ken Hiraiwa - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Contractualism and the Moral Point of View.Ken Oshitani - 2022 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 25 (4):667-684.
    In this paper, I argue that accounts of the normative basis of morality face the following puzzle, drawing on a case found in Susan Wolf’s influential discussion of conflicts between the moral and personal points of view. On the one hand, morality appears to constitute an independent point of view that can intelligibly conflict with, and can conceivably be overruled by, the verdicts of other points of view. On the other hand, moral demands appear to carry a distinctive sort of (...)
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  30. Specifying Contractualism: How to Reason About What We Owe to Each Other.Ken Oshitani - 2022 - Journal of Value Inquiry 58 (1):151-168.
    Moral contractualism holds that addressing our minds to the morality of right and wrong involves identifying principles for the mutual regulation of behavior that could be the object of reasonable agreement among persons if they were appropriately motivated and fully informed. A common criticism of the theory is that the test of reasonable agreement it endorses is indeterminate. To be more specific, it is claimed that the notion of reasonableness is too vague or ill-defined to be of use in guiding (...)
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  31. Variable Classes.Ken Siegel - 1977 - Philosophy Research Archives 3:787-792.
    In his paper "Why a Class Can't Change Its Members," Richard Sharvy appears to establish the impossibility of the existence of a variable class—that is, a class that at one time has a member that is not a member of it at another time. I first indicate the importance of Sharvy's argument for our understanding of the concept of identity in the contexts of time and modality, and I summarize his argument. Sharvy says that a class C that has one (...)
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    A minimal extension of Bayesian decision theory.Ken Binmore - 2016 - Theory and Decision 80 (3):341-362.
    Savage denied that Bayesian decision theory applies in large worlds. This paper proposes a minimal extension of Bayesian decision theory to a large-world context that evaluates an event E\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}EE\end{document} by assigning it a number π\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}π\pi \end{document} that reduces to an orthodox probability for a class of measurable events. The Hurwicz criterion evaluates π\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}π\pi \end{document} (...)
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    29 Short-Term Memory for the Rapid Deployment of Visual Attention.Ken Nakayama, Vera Maljkovic & Arni Kristjansson - 2004 - In Michael S. Gazzaniga, The Cognitive Neurosciences III. MIT Press. pp. 397.
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    The "is-ought" gap: Deduction or justification?Ken Witkowski - 1975 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 36 (2):233-245.
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    Hans Kohn's Liberal Nationalism: The Historian as Prophet.Ken Wolf - 1976 - Journal of the History of Ideas 37 (4):651.
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    Misguided model of human behavior: Comment on C. H. Burt: “Challenging the utility of polygenic scores for social science…”.Ken Richardson - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e225.
    This commentary emphasizes two problem areas mentioned by Burt. First, that within-family designs do not eradicate stratification confounds. Second, that the linear/additive model of genetic causes of form and variation is not supported by recent progress in molecular biology. It concludes with an appeal for a (biologically and psychologically) more realistic model of such causes.
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    Professional Anxiety, Deliberative Democracy and Ethics Education.Ken McPhail - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 4:127-134.
  38. Art: Dvd.Ken Knisely, Verna Gehring & John Loughney - 2001 - Milk Bottle Productions.
    How can we judge the value of art? What are we to make of the idea of "found art" posited by Duchamp? Should artists pay any attention to making a living from their work? With John Brough, John Lynch, and Jon Eig.
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  39. Art: No Dogs or Philosophers Allowed.Ken Knisely, Robert Solomon, Verna Gehring & John Loughney - forthcoming - DVD.
    How can we judge the value of art? What are we to make of the idea of "found art" posited by Duchamp? Should artists pay any attention to making a living from their work? With John Brough, John Lynch, and Jon Eig.
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  40. Disabled Rights: Dvd.Ken Knisely, Patrick Sullivan & John Loughney - 2001 - Milk Bottle Productions.
    Can the rights of the disabled be justified by John Locke's theory of natural rights? Does an "ethics of caring" offer a better framework for considering these rights? When can we end a human life? With Anita Silvers, Patrick Sullivan, and John Loughney.
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  41. Disabled Rights: No Dogs or Philosophers Allowed.Ken Knisely, Anita Silvers, Patrick Sullivan & John Loughney - forthcoming - DVD.
    Can the rights of the disabled be justified by John Locke's theory of natural rights? Does an "ethics of caring" offer a better framework for considering these rights? When can we end a human life? With Anita Silvers, Patrick Sullivan, and John Loughney.
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  42. Euthanasia: No Dogs or Philosophers Allowed.Ken Knisely, Michele Carter, John Loughney & Patrick Sullivan - forthcoming - DVD.
    Does each of us have the right to terminate our own existence if we so decide? Can we delegate this task to others? With what methods can we decide these questions? With Michele Carter, John Loughney, and Patrick Sullivan.
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  43. Cognitive architecture: The structure of cognitive representations.Ken Aizawa - 2003 - In Ted Warfield, The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Mind. Blackwell. pp. 172--189.
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    Ontology Summit 2021 Communiqué: Ontology generation and harmonization.Ken Baclawski, Michael Bennett, Gary Berg-Cross, Leia Dickerson, Todd Schneider, Selja Seppälä, Ravi Sharma, Ram D. Sriram & Andrea Westerinen - 2022 - Applied ontology 17 (2):233-248.
    Advances in machine learning and the development of very large knowledge graphs have accompanied a proliferation of ontologies of many types and for many purposes. These ontologies are commonly developed independently, and as a result, it can be difficult to communicate about and between them. To address this difficulty of communication, ontologies and the communities they serve must agree on how their respective terminologies and formalizations relate to each other. The process of coming into accord and agreement is called “harmonization.” (...)
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    Planned Decentralization.Ken Binmore - 2005 - In Natural justice. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This chapter looks to the broad consequences of the theory of fairness advanced in this book to questions of social reform. The traditional spectrum of political attitudes that ranges from the utilitarian left to the libertarian right is rejected in favor of a more realistic opposition between the neofeudal societies in which we currently live, and the prospect of fairer and freer societies that could be created by a planned program of decentralization which is identified with the whiggery that inspired (...)
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    Reciprocity.Ken Binmore - 2005 - In Natural justice. New York: Oxford University Press.
    The folk theorem shows that cooperative behavior can be sustained as a Nash equilibrium in indefinitely repeated games — a phenomenon known as reciprocal altruism. The same theorem offers a solution to various other social mysteries. Who guards the guardians? How are authority, blame, courtesy, dignity, envy, friendship, guilt, honor, integrity, justice, loyalty, modesty, ownership, pride, reputation, status, trust, virtue, and the like to be explained as emergent phenomena? How do beliefs that many people privately know to be false survive?
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    Christian Metaphysics and Human Death.Ken A. Bryson - 2015 - Philosophy and Theology 27 (2):259-288.
    The realist belief in the primacy of the world and its underlying structure answers the question ‘why is there something rather than nothing.’ The world, and all things contained in it exists because of God’s creative act. Personal death in Christian philosophy continues the gift of human existence by shifting that temporal existence into eternal life. The death and resurrection of Christ lays the foundation for the possibility of eternal life, while the will of God provides an answer to the (...)
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  48. Negotiating environmental rights.Ken A. Bryson - 2008 - Ethics, Place and Environment 11 (3):351 – 366.
    Environmental ethics arises as the output of a trade-off between our rights and nature's right to life. This negotiation secures the possibility of achieving sustainable developments, if it is conducted fairly. The rights of persons are delimited by their origin, as are the rights of the other. A person is the output of relationships taking place at three levels: (1) a material self; (2) a social self; and (3) a private or internal self. Pollution and war serve as an epitaph (...)
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    Relationship of the Acoustic Startle Response and Its Modulation to Adaptive and Maladaptive Behaviors in Typically Developing Children and Those With Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Pilot Study.Ken Ebishima, Hidetoshi Takahashi, Andrew Stickley, Takayuki Nakahachi, Tomiki Sumiyoshi & Yoko Kamio - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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    SBSOM: Self-Organizing Map For Visualizing Structure In The Time Series Of Hot Topics.Ken-Ichi Fukui, Kazumi Saito, Masahiro Kimura & Masayuki Numao - forthcoming - Joint Workshop of Vietnamese Society of Ai, Sigkbs-Jsai, Ics-Ipsj, and Ieice-Sigai on Active Mining.
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