Results for 'Kerry Robinson'

949 found
  1.  18
    Childhood vaccine refusal and what to do about it: a systematic review of the ethical literature.Kerrie Wiley, Maria Christou-Ergos, Chris Degeling, Rosalind McDougall, Penelope Robinson, Katie Attwell, Catherine Helps, Shevaun Drislane & Stacy M. Carter - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-17.
    Background Parental refusal of routine childhood vaccination remains an ethically contested area. This systematic review sought to explore and characterise the normative arguments made about parental refusal of routine vaccination, with the aim of providing researchers, practitioners, and policymakers with a synthesis of current normative literature. Methods Nine databases covering health and ethics research were searched, and 121 publications identified for the period Jan 1998 to Mar 2022. For articles, source journals were categorised according to Australian Standard Field of Research (...)
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  2. Perception.Howard Robinson - 1994 - New York: Routledge.
    Questions about perception remain some of the most difficult and insoluble in both epistemology and in the philosophy of mind. This controversial but highly accessible introduction to the area explores the philosophical importance of those questions by re-examining what had until recent times been the most popular theory of perception - the sense-datum theory. Howard Robinson surveys the history of the arguments for and against the theory from Descartes to Husserl. He then shows that the objections to the theory, (...)
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    Religious Knowledge.N. H. G. Robinson - 1963 - Philosophical Quarterly 13 (52):285-285.
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    Reseña "Centroamérica: democracia, militarismo y conflictos sociales en el S. XXI" de Ignacio Medina Núñez.Robinson Salazar - 2010 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 15 (49):111-113.
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    Ethics Education in the Military.Paul Robinson, Nigel De Lee & Don Carrick (eds.) - 2008 - Ashgate.
    The book will primarily be of interest to military officers and others directly involved in ethics education in the military, as well as to philosophers and ...
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  6. From the Knowledge Argument to Mental Substance: Resurrecting the Mind.Howard Robinson - 2016 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book presents a strong case for substance dualism and offers a comprehensive defense of the knowledge argument, showing that materialism cannot accommodate or explain the 'hard problem' of consciousness. Bringing together the discussion of reductionism and semantic vagueness in an original and illuminating way, Howard Robinson argues that non-fundamental levels of ontology are best treated by a conceptualist account, rather than a realist one. In addition to discussing the standard versions of physicalism, he examines physicalist theories such as (...)
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    Modification of VY flap to preserve fingertip contour.Tun Lin Foo & Kerry Hiu-Mei Wan - 2012 - In Zdravko Radman (ed.), The Hand. MIT Press. pp. 388-390.
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  8. (1 other version)América Latina: securitización de la política y guerra contra la ciudadanía y los movimientos populares.Robinson Salazar Pérez - 2009 - Revista de Filosofía (Venezuela) 62 (2):139-162.
    La finalidad de este ensayo consiste en analizar la securitización de las políticas públicas en América Latina, en especial las de seguridad ciudadana, que esconden en su argumentación, logística, comportamiento y preparación y asuntos que tienen que ver con la guerra de baja intensidad para desestructurar y eliminar en otros casos, a lideres comunitarios y populares, además de ejercer el control de los movimientos populares con el ingrediente novedoso de incorporar al crimen organizado como soporte para efectuar asesinatos, facilitar el (...)
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  9. Moral disagreement and artificial intelligence.Pamela Robinson - 2024 - AI and Society 39 (5):2425-2438.
    Artificially intelligent systems will be used to make increasingly important decisions about us. Many of these decisions will have to be made without universal agreement about the relevant moral facts. For other kinds of disagreement, it is at least usually obvious what kind of solution is called for. What makes moral disagreement especially challenging is that there are three different ways of handling it. _Moral solutions_ apply a moral theory or related principles and largely ignore the details of the disagreement. (...)
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  10. Identities, Distinctnesses, Truthmakers, and Indiscernibility Principles.Denis Robinson - 2000 - Logique Et Analyse 43 (169-170):145-183.
    After sketching some aspects of truthmaker doctrines and "truthmaker projects", and canvassing some prima facie objections to the latter, I turn to an issue which might seem to involve confusion about the nature of character of truthmakers if such there be, viz for statements of identity and (specially) distinctness. The real issue here is versions of the Identity of Indiscernibles. I discuss ways of discriminating versions, which are almost certainly true but trivial, which almost certainly substantive but false, and explore (...)
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  11. Events of Difference.Keith Robinson - 2003 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 8 (1):141-164.
    Throughout all of Deleuze’s work one finds an extended encounter with the Event of Difference. Deleuze’s extraordinary work on Leibniz is no exception. In the ‘later’ work, and regarding Leibniz, Deleuze remarks, “no philosophy has ever pushed to such an extreme the affirmations of one and the same world, and of an infinite difference and variety in this world”. This positive identification with Leibniz is not found in the ‘earlier’ wave of Deleuzian texts from the sixties where Leibniz is captured (...)
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  12. Moral Principles As Moral Dispositions.Luke Robinson - 2011 - Philosophical Studies 156 (2):289-309.
    What are moral principles? In particular, what are moral principles of the sort that (if they exist) ground moral obligations or—at the very least—particular moral truths? I argue that we can fruitfully conceive of such principles as real, irreducibly dispositional properties of individual persons (agents and patients) that are responsible for and thereby explain the moral properties of (e.g.) agents and actions. Such moral dispositions (or moral powers) are apt to be the metaphysical grounds of moral obligations and of particular (...)
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  13. Moral uncertainty, noncognitivism, and the multi‐objective story.Pamela Robinson & Katie Steele - 2022 - Noûs 57 (4):922-941.
    We sometimes seem to face fundamental moral uncertainty, i.e., uncertainty about what is morally good or morally right that cannot be reduced to ordinary descriptive uncertainty. This phenomenon raises a puzzle for noncognitivism, according to which moral judgments are desire-like attitudes as opposed to belief-like attitudes. Can a state of moral uncertainty really be a noncognitive state? So far, noncognitivists have not been able to offer a completely satisfactory account. Here, we argue that noncognitivists should exploit the formal analogy between (...)
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  14. The Metaphysics of the Calculus.Abraham Robinson - 1967 - Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics 47:28--46.
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    Clinical judgment and the rationality of the human sciences.Eugenie Gatens-Robinson - 1986 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 11 (2):167-178.
    Rationality in medicine is frequently construed as hypotheticodeductive. This article argues that such a model gives a distorted view of the rational character of an enterprise that makes judgments about individual human well-being. Medicine as a science is a practical human science. Seen as such, its rational orientation is one that applies general knowledge to particular situations. It is argued that such an orientation is not deductive but interpretative. The Aristotelian concept of practical wisdom (‘phron sis’) is used as a (...)
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    Pictures, Images and Conceptual Change, An Analysis of Wilfrid Sellars' Philosophy of Science.William S. Robinson - 1983 - Philosophy of Science 50 (4):671-672.
  17. Head of a Greek Athlete.Edward Robinson - 1911 - Classical Weekly 5:164-165.
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    (1 other version)Viii.—New books.Richard Robinson - 1951 - Mind 60 (238):270-272.
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    XII.—Memory and Consciousness.Arthur Robinson - 1913 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 13 (1):313-327.
  20. A Critical Text of the Sayings Gospel Q.James M. Robinson - 1992 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 72 (1):15-22.
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    Bieber, M., The Sculpture of the Hellenistic Age.D. M. Robinson - 1955 - Classical Weekly 49:11.
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  22. Cross-modal interference: Overshadowing or response competition.C. W. Robinson & V. M. Sloutsky - 2007 - In McNamara D. S. & Trafton J. G. (eds.), Proceedings of the 29th Annual Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society. pp. 605--610.
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  23. Evaluation of coverage of the Puerto Rican census based on application of demographic analysis.J. G. Robinson, E. W. Fernandez, E. L. Kobilarcik, S. H. Preston, I. Elo, L. Gale, I. T. Elo, I. Rosenwaike, M. Hill & S. Becker - 1994 - Journal of Biosocial Science 26 (3):291-9.
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  24. Goethe and the Greeks.D. M. Robinson - 1942 - Classical Weekly 36:76-82.
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    Introduction.Wade L. Robinson - 1994 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 13 (1-2):3-8.
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    Kant’s (Seamless) Refutation of Idealism.Daniel Robinson - 2010 - Review of Metaphysics 64 (2):291-301.
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    Langton and Traditionalism on Things in Themselves.Hoke Robinson - 2002 - Southwest Philosophy Review 18 (1):193-200.
  28.  11
    3. moral luck, morality, and the fates.Daniel N. Robinson - 2002 - In Praise and Blame: Moral Realism and Its Applications: Moral Realism and Its Applications. Princeton Univ. Press. pp. 108-145.
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    Notes.Daniel N. Robinson - 2002 - In Praise and Blame: Moral Realism and Its Applications: Moral Realism and Its Applications. Princeton Univ. Press. pp. 205-220.
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    The influence of the scattering law on the radiation damage displacement cascade. II.Mark T. Robinson - 1968 - Philosophical Magazine 17 (147):639-642.
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    Is Hare a naturalist?H. M. Robinson - 1982 - Philosophical Review 91 (1):73-86.
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    II Edición del seminario de investigaciones epistémica: matriz epistémica para comprender los problemas políticos y sociales de América Latina en el siglo XXI.Robinson Salazar - 2007 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 12 (36):137-138.
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  33.  24
    Responsabilidade e consequencialismo na ética de Hans Jonas.Robinson dos Santos - 2012 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 24 (35):417.
    O objetivo deste artigo é investigar quais são as bases ontológicas da ética do futuro, tendo como leitmotiv o conceito de reciprocidade ou, sendo mais preciso, justamente a sua prescindibilidade no âmbito ético, a qual repercute como necessidade ontológica de fundamentação. Partiremos de uma análise do próprio conceito de “ética do futuro” para, explicitar, na sequência, por que, com Jonas, o futuro se torna objeto ético e como ele exige a prescindibilidade da reciprocidade. A partir daí, pretendemos mostrar que a (...)
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    Troca Transcendental, justiça e direitos humanos em Otfried Höffe.Robinson dos Santos - 2011 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 56 (1).
    Um dos grandes problemas postos pelo tema dos direitos humanos à filosofia é, entre outros, o de sua fundamentação filosófica. No pano de fundo deste debate, surgem questões específicas: como se pode fundamentar/justificar filosoficamente a exigência de reconhecimento aos direitos humanos? Neste estudo, procuro abordar, de modo direto, o núcleo argumentativo sobre o qual está estruturada da proposta de Höffe. Para ele, os direitos humanos têm uma profunda relação com a noção de justiça. O conceito de justiça, na sua concepção, (...)
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  35.  48
    Personal Identity, the Self and Time.Howard Robinson - 2006 - In Alexander Batthyany & Avshalom C. Elitzur (eds.), Mind and its place in the world: non-reductionist approaches to the ontology of consciousness. Lancaster, LA: Ontos. pp. 245-268.
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  36. A Dispositional Account of Conflicts of Obligation.Luke Robinson - 2012 - Noûs 47 (2):203-228.
    I address a question in moral metaphysics: How are conflicts between moral obligations possible? I begin by explaining why we cannot give a satisfactory answer to this question simply by positing that such conflicts are conflicts between rules, principles, or reasons. I then develop and defend the “Dispositional Account,” which posits that conflicts between moral obligations are conflicts between the manifestations of obligating dispositions (obligating powers, capacities, etc.), just as conflicts between physical forces are conflicts between the manifestations of (certain) (...)
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  37. A Defense of the Maximin Principle in Rawls' Theory of Justice.Robert C. Robinson - 2009 - Humanity and Social Science Journal 4 (2):175-179.
    In his celebrated work, A Theory of Justice (1971), John Rawls argues that, from behind the veil of ignorance, parties in the original position will employ the maximin decision rule to reason to his two principles of justice. In this journal, Olatunji Oyeshile offers a brief and concise outline of some of the historical criticisms of that argument. Oyeshile offers two important criticisms of Rawls' argument. Both, however, are somewhat misplaced, as I shall show. First, he claims that decision theory (...)
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    Aesch. Choeph. 623—630.Robinson Ellis - 1893 - The Classical Review 7 (03):103-.
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    The Corsini MS. of the Culex.Robinson Ellis - 1892 - The Classical Review 6 (05):203-205.
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    Innovation in a crisis: rethinking conferences and scholarship in a pandemic and climate emergency.Sam Robinson, Megan Baumhammer, Lea Beiermann, Daniel Belteki, Amy C. Chambers, Kelcey Gibbons, Edward Guimont, Kathryn Heffner, Emma-Louise Hill, Jemma Houghton, Daniella Mccahey, Sarah Qidwai, Charlotte Sleigh, Nicola Sugden & James Sumner - 2020 - British Journal for the History of Science 53 (4):575-590.
    It is a cliché of self-help advice that there are no problems, only opportunities. The rationale and actions of the BSHS in creating its Global Digital History of Science Festival may be a rare genuine confirmation of this mantra. The global COVID-19 pandemic of 2020 meant that the society's usual annual conference – like everyone else's – had to be cancelled. Once the society decided to go digital, we had a hundred days to organize and deliver our first online festival. (...)
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    Martin Davis and Hilary Putnam. Reductions of Hilbert's tenth problem. The Journal of symbolic logic, vol. 23 no. 2 , pp. 183–187.Julia Robinson - 1972 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 37 (3):601.
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    Empowered Students: Educating Flexible Minds for a Flexible Future.Kerry Decker Rutishauser - 2020 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Educators struggle with how to develop agency, ownership, curiosity, and persistence in learners. This book offers practical ideas and examples of how to do this.
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  43. Audio and Video Coding-Low-Complexity Binaural Decoding Using Time/Frequency Domain HRTF Equalization.Rongshan Yu, Charles Q. Robinson & Corey Cheng - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf (eds.), Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 4351--545.
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    Discussions: Experience and Externalism: A Reply to Peter Smith.Howard Robinson - 1992 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 92 (1):221-224.
    Howard Robinson; Discussions: Experience and Externalism: A Reply to Peter Smith, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 92, Issue 1, 1 June 1992, Page.
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    Between Totalitarianism and Postmodernity: A Thesis Eleven Reader.Peter Beilharz, Gillian Robinson & John F. Rundell (eds.) - 1992 - MIT Press.
    These thirteen articles provide theoretical and historically informed analyses of thepowerful currents that are shaping the late twentieth-century political and culturallandscape.
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    Professional values and nursing care quality: A descriptive study.Shanon Brickner, Kerry Fick, Jessica Panice, Katherine Bulthuis, Rita Mitchell & Rachelle Lancaster - 2024 - Nursing Ethics 31 (5):699-713.
    Background Professional values are important in promoting healthy work environments, patient satisfaction, and quality of care. Magnet® hospitals are recognized for excellence in nursing care and as such, understanding the relationship between nurses' values and Magnet status is essential as healthcare organizations seek to improve patient outcomes. Research question/aim/objectives The research question is: are there differences in individual values, professional values, and nursing care quality for nurses and nurse managers practicing in Magnet, Magnet journey, and non-Magnet direct patient care settings? (...)
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    Language and the Society of Others.Guy Robinson - 1992 - Philosophy 67 (261):329 - 341.
    The solitary language user is again stalking the critical fields of Europe . This pre-social individual, abstracted from all social and historical context, has been seemingly revived after what many of us saw as a death-blow dealt by Wittgenstein in his analysis of the notion of following a rule , and his related discussions bringing out the impossibilities of a ‘private’ language—what has come to be known as Wittgenstein's ‘private language argument’. Just what a ‘private language’ is has become the (...)
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    Protagoras and the Definition of ‘Sophist’ in the Sophist.Thomas M. Robinson - 2013 - In Beatriz Bossi & Thomas M. Robinson (eds.), Plato's "Sophist" Revisited. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. pp. 3-14.
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    Scepticism about Scepticism.Christopher Cherry & Guy Robinson - 1977 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 51 (1):221 - 253.
  50. Good News in Exile: Three Pastors Offer a Hopeful Vision for the Church.Martin B. Copenhaver, Anthony B. Robinson & William H. Willimon - 1999
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