Results for 'Kevin Saunders'

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  1.  20
    Association of Race and Ethnicity With High Longevity Deceased Donor Kidney Transplantation Under the US Kidney Allocation System.Nour Asfour, Kevin C. Zhang, Jessica Lu, Peter P. Reese, Milda Saunders, Monica Peek, Molly White, Govind Persad & William F. Parker - forthcoming - American Journal of Kidney Diseases.
  2. Voting, Representation, and Institution.Ben Saunders - 2025 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 29 (2).
    Kevin J. Elliott has recently defended an institutional duty to vote. This duty is based on (i) the role obligation of citizens to do what is necessary for well-functioning representative institutions and (ii) the claim that universal voting is ordinarily necessary for fair representation. This critical response takes issue with the second of these claims. I argue that neither the informational nor motivational problems that Elliott identifies require universal voting. Representatives have other ways of identifying citizens’ wants and interests (...)
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    Contradiction and Legislation Regarding the Right to Life.Kevin L. Flannery - 2022 - Nova et Vetera 20 (4):1323-1333.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Contradiction and Legislation Regarding the Right to LifeKevin L. Flannery, S.J.Unborn Human Life and Fundamental Rights: Leading Constitutional Cases under Scrutiny. Edited by Pilar Zambrano and William Saunders, with concluding reflections by John Finnis. Berlin: Peter Lang, 2019.The most fundamental principle of law is the principle of non-contradiction. This is Thomas Aquinas's position in the seminal article on the natural law, Summa theologiae I-II, question 94, article 2, (...)
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  4. In Defence of Intelligible Reasons in Public Justification.Kevin Vallier - 2016 - Philosophical Quarterly 66 (264):596-616.
    Mainstream political liberalism holds that legal coercion is permissible only if it is based on reasons that all can share, access or accept. But these requirements are subject to well-known problems. I articulate and defend an intelligible reasons requirement as an alternative. An intelligible reason is a reason that all suitably idealized members of the public can see as a reason for the person who offers it according to that person’s own evaluative standards. It thereby permits reasons into public justification (...)
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    In Defense of the Asymmetric Convergence Model of Public Justification: A Reply to Boettcher.Kevin Vallier - 2016 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 19 (1):255-266.
    This piece defends the asymmetric convergence approach to public justification against James Boettcher's recent critique.
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    The value-ladenness of transparency in science: Lessons from Lyme disease.Kevin C. Elliott - 2021 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 88 (C):1-9.
  7. Perception.Kevin Mulligan - 1995 - In Barry Smith & David Woodruff Smith (eds.), The Cambridge companion to Husserl. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 168-238.
    Husserl seems to have devoted roughly equal amounts of energy and pages to the description of perception, judgement, and imagination. By “description,” he meant the analysis of the traits and components of mental states or acts and their objects. As his views changed over the years about the nature of intentionality and philosophy, the descriptive psychology of the Logical Investigations (1900/01) gave way to descriptive programmes in which the objects of perception and of judgement were conceived of in terms of (...)
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  8. 9 Free Will.Kevin Timpe - 2012 - In Robert Barnard & Neil Manson (eds.), Continuum Companion to Metaphysics. Continuum Publishing. pp. 223.
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    The Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy.Kevin A. Stoehr (ed.) - 1999 - Philosophy Documentation Center.
  10.  49
    Epistemic Dilemmas: New Arguments, New Angles.Kevin McCain, Scott Stapleford & Matthias Steup (eds.) - 2021 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    It seems plausible that there can be “no win” moral situations in which no matter what one does one fails some moral obligation. Is there an epistemic analog to moral dilemmas? Are there epistemically dilemmatic situations—situations in which we are doomed to violate an epistemic requirement? If there are, when exactly do they arise and what can we learn from them? A team of top epistemologists address these and closely related questions from a variety of new, sometimes unexpected, angles. Anyone (...)
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  11. Promisings and Other Social Acts: Their Constituents and Structure.Kevin Mulligan - 1987 - In Speech Act and Sachverhalt: Reinach and the Foundations of Realist Phenomenology. Reidel.
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    Ethics review and freedom of information requests in qualitative research.Kevin Walby & Alex Luscombe - 2018 - Research Ethics 14 (4):1-15.
    Freedom of information requests are increasingly used in sociology, criminology and other social science disciplines to examine government practices and processes. University ethical review boards in Canada have not typically subjected researchers’ FOI requests to independent review, although this may be changing in the United Kingdom and Australia, reflective of what Haggerty calls ‘ethics creep’. Here we present four arguments for why FOI requests in the social sciences should not be subject to formal ethical review by ERBs. These four arguments (...)
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    Language, music, and the sign: a study in aesthetics, poetics, and poetic practice from Collins to Coleridge.Kevin Barry - 1987 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Originally published in 1987, this book forms a conceptual account of the relationship between music and poetry in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth ...
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    Waluchow’s constitutional morality and the artificial reason of the Common Law.Kevin Bouchard - forthcoming - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho:e18773.
    This article proposes to elucidate Wilfrid Waluchow’s notion of constitutional morality by explaining how it relates to the classical common law idea of artificial reason. It examines how Waluchow’s effort to reconcile insights from the thought of H.L.A. Hart and Ronald Dworkin through the idea of constitutional morality is both reminiscent of the artificial reason of the common law and distinct from it. It shows that constitutional morality evokes the subtle union of custom and reason found in artificial reason, but (...)
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    A Theology for the Twenty-First Century, by Douglas F. Ottati.Kevin Carnahan - 2023 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 43 (2):461-462.
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  16. Argument.Kevin C. Klement - 2003 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Collecting as an art.Kevin Melchionne - 1999 - Philosophy and Literature 23 (1):148-156.
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    The Image of the Middle Ages in Romantic and Victorian Literature.Kevin L. Morris - 1984 - Routledge.
    Originally published in 1984, The Image of the Middle Ages in Romantic and Victorian Literature looks at the impact of medievalism in the 18th and 19th centuries and the importance of post-Enlightenment literary religious medievalism. The book suggests that religious medievalism was not a superficial cultural phenomenon and that the romantic spirit with which it was chronologically connected, was intimately associated with the metaphysical. The book suggests that this belief gave birth to the metaphysical yearning and cultural expression of the (...)
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    Varivm Et Mvtabile Semper Femina: Divine Warnings and Hasty Departures in Odyssey 15 and Aeneid 4.Kevin Muse - 2023 - Classical Quarterly 73 (1):231-242.
    In his second appearance to Aeneas in Aeneid 4 Mercury drives the hero to flee Carthage with a false allegation that Dido is planning an attack, capping his warning with an infamous sententia about the mutability of female emotion. Building on a previous suggestion that Mercury's first speech to Aeneas is modelled on Athena's admonishment of Telemachus at the opening of Odyssey 15, this article proposes that Mercury's second speech as well is modelled on Athena's warning, in which the goddess (...)
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  20.  19
    The elimination of sensations and the loss of philosophy.Kevin Steiling - 1976 - Auslegung 3 (November):20-28.
  21.  29
    Neoliberal Education for Work Versus Liberal Education for Leisure.Kevin Gary - 2016 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 36 (1):83-94.
    My concern in this essay is not so much with the invisible work or hidden labor produced by neoliberalism, but rather with what Joseph Pieper describes as an emerging culture of “total work”. More than the sheer number of hours of work, Pieper diagnoses a transformation in the way we view work. Work has become the exclusive point of reference for how we see and define ourselves. We are, Pieper feared, increasingly incapable of seeing beyond the working self. The human (...)
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    Summarization beyond sentence extraction: A probabilistic approach to sentence compression.Kevin Knight & Daniel Marcu - 2002 - Artificial Intelligence 139 (1):91-107.
  23.  35
    Deane-Peter Baker: Citizen Killings; Liberalism, State Policy and Moral Risk: London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2016. Paperback . US$26.95. 156 + ix pp.Kevin Lacourse & Peter Stone - 2018 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 21 (4):1013-1014.
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  24. In two minds about rationality?Clare Saunders & Over & David - 2009 - In Jonathan St B. T. Evans & Keith Frankish (eds.), In Two Minds: Dual Processes and Beyond. Oxford University Press.
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    Toward a Critical Synthesis of the Aristotelian and Confucian Doctrines of the Mean.Kevin M. Brien - 2020 - Dialogue and Universalism 30 (1):9-35.
    This paper is the second phase of a project that was begun more than three years ago. The first phase culminated in the publication of a paper working toward a critical appropriation of Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics.1 Therein Aristotle famously argues that human wellbeing (eudaimonia) is constituted by “activity of the soul in accordance with moral and intellectual virtue.”2 This earlier paper brought into focus all the main lines of Aristotle’s theoretical web in the N. Ethics: including the nature of the (...)
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    Explanation, Wonder, and the Cultural Point of the Tractatus.Kevin M. Cahill - 2010 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 44 (3-4):206-215.
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    Transforming the Military-Industrial Complex.Kevin J. Cassidy - 1991 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 4 (2):117-127.
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    Persons, Bodies and Consciousness, Oh My!!!Kevin Corcoran - 2020 - Philosophy, Theology and the Sciences 7 (1):90.
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    The Anatomical and Evolutionary Relationship between Self-awareness and Theory of Mind.Kevin Guise, Karen Kelly, Jennifer Romanowski, Kai Vogeley, Steven M. Platek, Elizabeth Murray & Julian Paul Keenan - 2007 - Human Nature 18 (2):132-142.
    Although theories that examine direct links between behavior and brain remain incomplete, it is known that brain expansion significantly correlates with caloric and oxygen demands. Therefore, one of the principles governing evolutionary cognitive neuroscience is that cognitive abilities that require significant brain function (and/or structural support) must be accompanied by significant fitness benefit to offset the increased metabolic demands. One such capacity is self-awareness (SA), which (1) is found only in the greater apes and (2) remains unclear in terms of (...)
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  30.  66
    Individuation in Aquinas’s Super Boetium De Trinitate, Q.4.Kevin White - 1995 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 69 (4):543-556.
  31.  24
    Mediation in the Medical Field: Is Neutral Intervention Possible?Kevin Gibson - 1999 - Hastings Center Report 29 (5):6-13.
    Neutrality is held to be the touchstone of good mediation. True neutrality is elusive, however, and probably not even desirable, at least when applied to patient‐provider disputes over medical care. In this context, mediators should not posture as “neutrals”; they should strive instead to protect their clients’ autonomy.
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    Correction: Legal concepts and legal expertise.Kevin Tobia - 2024 - Synthese 203 (5):1-1.
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    The Aesthetics of Food: The Philosophical Debate About What We Eat and Drink.Kevin W. Sweeney - 2017 - Rowman & Littlefield International.
    A comprehensive and accessible introduction to the development of and current debates in the aesthetics of food and drink.
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  34. Some Implications of a Sample of Practical Turing Tests.Kevin Warwick, Huma Shah & James Moor - 2013 - Minds and Machines 23 (2):163-177.
    A series of imitation games involving 3-participant (simultaneous comparison of two hidden entities) and 2-participant (direct interrogation of a hidden entity) were conducted at Bletchley Park on the 100th anniversary of Alan Turing’s birth: 23 June 2012. From the ongoing analysis of over 150 games involving (expert and non-expert, males and females, adults and child) judges, machines and hidden humans (foils for the machines), we present six particular conversations that took place between human judges and a hidden entity that produced (...)
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    Without Derrida.Kevin Hart - 2007 - The European Legacy 12 (4):419-429.
    This essay explores the adventures of the word “without” in Jacques Derrida's work from the mid-1970s until his death. It is argued that Derrida comes to Yale primarily with a new reading of Kantian formalism in mind and that this in part explains both the ready acceptance and the resistance he found at Yale. It is further argued that by the time Derrida left Yale in the mid-1980s, the word “without” was serving a new end: ethics and religion. And yet (...)
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    Brentano on the mind.Kevin Mulligan - 2004 - In Dale Jacquette (ed.), The Cambridge companion to Brentano. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 66.
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    Racism and the Limits of Distributive Justice.Kevin M. Graham - 2001 - Public Affairs Quarterly 15 (3):271-289.
  38. Heidegger and the Essence of Poetry.Kevin Hart - 1988 - Critical Philosophy 4:69.
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  39. The Gospel of L'Arrêt de mort.Kevin Hart - 2004 - Journal of Philosophy and Scripture 1 (2).
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    Understanding Liberal Democracy: Essays in Political Philosophy, by Nicholas Wolterstorff.Kevin Vallier - 2014 - Faith and Philosophy 31 (3):345-348.
  41. Dictionary for Theological Interpretation of the Bible.Kevin J. Vanhoozer - 2005
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    Education and the Voice of Michael Oakeshott.Kevin Williams - 2007 - Imprint Academic.
    The work of Michael Oakeshott has retained a striking currency in philosophical discourse about education. This is hardly surprising in view of his influence on Paul Hirst and Richard Peters, two philosophers whose work had an enormous impact on educational thinking and practice in the English-speaking world. And, although much of the detail in educational debate may change, the fundamental underlying concerns regarding the conception of the person, the nature of knowledge and the moral life and their expression in educational (...)
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    "As Nameless as a Flower": The Exhaustions and Excesses of Outliving in Ganja & Hess.Kevin Bell - 2021 - Substance 50 (2):79-101.
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    (1 other version)Sartre and Adorno.Kevin W. Gray - 2009 - Symposium 13 (2):224-227.
  45.  65
    Ethics of the Image.Kevin Hart - 2005 - Levinas Studies 1:119-138.
    In March 1956 there appeared in Monde Nouveau a relatively short piece by Emmanuel Levinas called “Maurice Blanchot et le regard du poète.” It is an extended review of L’Espace littéraire, published by Gallimard the previous summer, which is also laced with a polemic against Heidegger. Levinas observes that Blanchot is close to the Heidegger of Vorträge und Aufsätze (1954), almost to the point of immediate intellectual intuition, but he is just as quick to register the distance between the two (...)
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    (1 other version)Mystic Maybe's.Kevin Hart - 2004 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 60 (4):1011 - 1024.
    "Mystic Maybe's": the title comes from Augustine Birrill's words on the death of Matthew Arnold. Is it true that Richard Kearney's philosophy of religion, like Arnold's reflections on the Bible, are "mystic maybe's," mere flirtations with possibility? In order to answer this question I seek to understand Kearney's expression "the God who may be" and to see if it fits into a non-metaphysical philosophy of religion. The expression is clarified by way of comparisons with Wolfhart Pannenberg's eschatological understanding of God (...)
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  47. Religious Experience and the End of Metaphysics.Kevin Hart - 2003 - Indiana Univ Pr.
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  48. The causal interpretation of Bayesian Networks.Kevin Korb & Ann Nicholson - unknown
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  49. Communion and friendship: a framework for ecumenical dialogue in ethics.Kevin McDonald - 1989 - Roma: Pontificia Studiorum universitas a S. Thoma Aq. in Urbe.
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    Volunteering Children.Kevin Mcdonnell - 1989 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 63:182.
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