Results for 'Kimberly Baltzer'

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  1.  20
    The Wesen of Things, According to Reinach.Kimberly Baltzer-Jaray - 2013 - Quaestiones Disputatae 4 (1):65-80.
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  2. Adolf Reinach is not a Platonist.Kimberly Baltzer-Jaray - 2009 - Symposium 13 (1):100-112.
    Contemporary scholars have generally labelled Adolf Reinach, a founding member of early phenomenology’s Göttingen Circle, a Platonist. Because Reinach conceives of states of affairs as neither real nor ideal, as involved with timeless essences and necessary logical laws, many have hastily concluded that states of affairs are Platonic entities. In this essay, I analyse Barry Smith’s argument that Reinach is a Platonist. Smith’s widely accepted argument often becomes utilised to show that Reinach and other phenomenologists, including Husserl, are Platonic realists (...)
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    Phenomenological Approaches to the Uncanny and the Divine: Adolf Reinach and Gerda Walther on Mystical Experience.Kimberly Baltzer-Jaray - 2018 - In Antonio Calcagno, Gerda Walther's Phenomenology of Sociality, Psychology, and Religion. Cham: Imprint: Springer. pp. 149-167.
    Adolf Reinach and Gerda Walther were two figures of the early movement who gave phenomenological description to mystical and uncanny experiences; and, while the phenomenological approach each employs is slightly different, both commit to phenomenological description of the experiences of God and the uncanny, including the foreseeing of one’s death, in a manner that is open-minded and unprejudiced. In this chapter I will discuss the experiences of foreseeing and of God for both Reinach and Walther. I will rely on their (...)
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    The Good Wife and Philosophy.Kimberly Baltzer-Jaray, Robert Arp, Judith Andre, Jai Galliott, Rod Carveth & Céline Morin - 2013 - Open Court Publishing.
    Fifteen philosophers look at the deeper issues raised in the highly popular TV drama, including common morality, legal correctness and legal ethics, discussing the gray areas of legal battles and maneuvering.
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    The Phenomenological Spring.Kimberly Baltzer-Jaray & Jeff Mitscherling - 2012 - Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy/Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale 16 (2):1-19.
    The article discusses research work of Heinrich Hofmann, who has completed doctoral studies in mathematics under Karl Weierstrass in Berlin. His first book "Philosophy of Arithmetic: Psychological and Logical Investigations With Supplementary Texts From 1887-1901" contains his thesis "In the Concept of Number: Psychological Analyses" completed in the guidance of Weierstrass.
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  6. Austrian Phenomenology: Brentano, Husserl, Meinong, and Others on Mind and Object.Kimberly Baltzer-Jaray - 2011 - Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy/Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale 15 (2):209-212.
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    No Title available: Dialogue.Kimberly Baltzer-Jaray - 2010 - Dialogue 49 (3):497-500.
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    Introduction to The Early Phenomenology: Munich and Göttingen.Kimberly Baltzer-Jaray - 2012 - Quaestiones Disputatae 3 (1):4-6.
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    Proving Too Much.Kimberly Baltzer-Jaray - 2018-05-09 - In Robert Arp, Steven Barbone & Michael Bruce, Bad Arguments. Wiley. pp. 201–203.
    This chapter focuses on one of the common fallacies in Western philosophy called 'proving too much'. The proving too much fallacy has been committed when an argument can be used to also prove something false or leads to contradictory conclusions. An argument that proves too much demonstrates a lack of soundness, since sound arguments can only establish true conclusions, and thus when an argument can be used to prove false conclusions, it becomes evident that there is a flaw in its (...)
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    Fleshy Canvas.Kimberly Baltzer-Jaray & Tanya Rodriguez - 2012 - In Robert Arp, Tattoos — Philosophy for Everyone: I Ink, Therefore I Am. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 38-50.
    In this paper, we first investigate a bit of feminist and hermeneutical aesthetics. Building upon these theories, we expand the discussion of art to include the fleshy canvas.We argue that a feminist philosophy of art suggests a sound theoretical framework by which one can maintain that skin art is just that – art. In its contemporary practice, tattooing has become a new form of art, and feminist theory provides context for interpretation. The tattooed body may agitate conventional conceptions of fine (...)
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    Bogged Down in Ontologism and RealismRealism. Reinach’s Phenomenological Realist Response to Husserl.Kimberly Baltzer-Jaray - 2021 - In Rodney K. B. Parker, The Idealism-Realism Debate Among Edmund Husserl’s Early Followers and Critics. Springer Verlag. pp. 151-171.
    Adolf Reinach began his education in phenomenology with the teachings of Theodor Lipps before encountering Edmund Husserl’s Logical Investigations in 1902. What attracted Reinach to the Logical Investigations was the philosophical realism he saw accompanying Husserl’s criticism of psychologism and discussions of the formal structures of meaning therein. However, shortly after Reinach and a number of the Munich Circle members began studying with him in Göttingen, it became clear that the position Husserl espoused was shifting into transcendental idealism. Reinach maintained (...)
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    Euphemism.Kimberly Baltzer-Jaray - 2018-05-09 - In Robert Arp, Steven Barbone & Michael Bruce, Bad Arguments. Wiley. pp. 270–272.
    This chapter focuses on one of the common fallacies in Western philosophy called 'euphemism'. Euphemisms create emotional distance and thus provide a level of comfort and ease when discussing a topic that is sensitive, difficult, or disturbing. In some instances, euphemisms are intentionally used to sway people's opinions or emotions to a particular side, as in the example of politicians' referring to the anti‐abortion position as “pro‐life”, torture techniques as “enhanced interrogation”, or the non‐combatants civilians who die during armed conflict (...)
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    Confusing an Explanation for an Excuse.Kimberly Baltzer-Jaray - 2018-05-09 - In Robert Arp, Steven Barbone & Michael Bruce, Bad Arguments. Wiley. pp. 252–254.
    This chapter focuses on one of the common fallacies in Western philosophy, 'confusing an explanation for an excuse'. This fallacy occurs when there is an uncritical assumption that an explanation given for an action or event is an attempt to justify it. Sometimes this fallacy comes about when there is general confusion about the difference between an explanation and an excuse. Other times, we see this fallacy committed intentionally when someone is attempting to use an explanation of facts as some (...)
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    Fleshy Canvas.Kimberly Baltzer-Jaray & Tanya Rodriguez - 2012 - In Fritz Allhoff & Robert Arp, Tattoos – Philosophy for Everyone. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 38–50.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Mobile Art Gallery The State of Aesthetic Theory The Female Fleshy Canvas: Body Art from a Feminist Perspective Gadamer's Hermeneutics and Tattoos: Play, Festival, and Symbol Art Cannot Change the World, but it Can Influence Those Who Will.
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    Homunculus.Kimberly Baltzer-Jaray - 2018-05-09 - In Robert Arp, Steven Barbone & Michael Bruce, Bad Arguments. Wiley. pp. 165–167.
    This chapter focuses on one of the common fallacies in Western philosophy called 'homunculus fallacy' (HmF). The HmF was coined by Anthony Kenny in 1971, in his essay by the same name. Following Ludwig Wittgenstein, Kenny describes the fallacy as occurring when we ascribe to the brain attributes that can be ascribed only to the animal as a whole. Historically this fallacy is connected to the theory of vision or what is sometimes called the Cartesian theater. Someone might explain human (...)
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    Unwarranted Assumption.Kimberly Baltzer-Jaray - 2018-05-09 - In Robert Arp, Steven Barbone & Michael Bruce, Bad Arguments. Wiley. pp. 407–409.
    This chapter focuses on one of the common fallacies in Western philosophy, “unwarranted assumption”. Unwarranted assumptions are claims or beliefs that possess little to no supporting evidence, things we might take for granted as true, or just completely false ideas we inherited without reflection. When we reason using implicit assumptions or further propositions whose truth is uncertain or implausible, we commit the fallacy of unwarranted assumption and the truth of our conclusions is grossly affected. Prejudices and stereotypes are some common (...)
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    The Philosophy of Gadamer. [REVIEW]Kimberly Baltzer - 2004 - Symposium 8 (1):141-142.
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  18. Clear and Present Thinking: A Handbook in Logic and Rationality.Brendan Myers, Charlene Elsby, Kimberly Baltzer-Jaray & Nola Semczyszyn - 2013 - Northwest Passage Books.
    The product of a Kickstarter fundraising campaign, "Clear and Present Thinking" is a college-level textbook in logic and critical thinking. Chapters: 1. Questions, Problems, and World Views 2. Good and Bad Thinking Habits 3. Basics of Argumentation 4. Fallacies 5. Reasonable Doubt 6. Moral Reasoning In an effort to reduce the cost of education for students, this textbook was funded by over 700 people through the Kickstarter online crowd-funding platform.
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    Regulatory Misconception Muddies the Ethical Waters: Challenges to a Qualitative Study.Kimberly M. Yee & Paul J. Ford - 2012 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 23 (3):217-220.
    In “Potential Subjects’ Responses to an Ethics Questionnaire in a Phase I Study of Deep-Brain Stimulation in Early Parkinson’s Disease,” Finder, Bliton, Gill, Davis, Konrad, and Charles undertake informed consent research on what they describe as a Phase I trial of deep brain stimulation (DBS) for Parkinson’s disease. We argue that the authors should have more carefully characterized the nature of the DBS study at the start of their clinical study.
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    Caring for Contemporary Mystics: Pentecostalism and the Mystical Worldview.Kimberly G. Castelo & Daniel Castelo - 2020 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 13 (1):102-114.
    Pentecostals can be understood as contemporary Christian mystics, and doing so can aid one in both understanding and caring for them. The task of understanding them is facilitated by this category in that it allows one to inhabit a different mindset from what is typical in contemporary settings. Pentecostalism and charismatic movements work out of distinct, fundamental claims that together work as a kind of worldview, one that operates from a hyperawareness of God’s presence and a sensed empowerment of the (...)
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    Francis Bacon's New Atlantis in the Foundation of Modern Political Thought.Kimberly Hurd Hale - 2013 - Lexington Books.
    The relationship between technology, philosophy, and politics is both contentious and vital to our understanding of human nature and the ways human beings interact with one another in society; Francis Bacon outlined the wild potential and great danger of this relationship. Francis Bacon's New Atlantis in the Foundation of Modern Political Thought explores Bacon’s role as a founder of modern political science and the place of his New Atlantis in the founding of modern political thought.
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    Comparative Studies and 'Cross-National Attraction' in Education: A typology for the analysis of English interest in educational policy and provision in Germany.Kimberly Ochs & David Phillips - 2002 - Educational Studies 28 (4):325-339.
    This paper describes a 'structural typology' to assist in the analysis of ways in which policy-makers in one country explore educational provision in another and seek to 'borrow' from it. In this analysis we look specifically at England's 'cross-national attraction' to education in Germany over the past 200 years. The paper aims to provide an analytical programme to use in comparative education and to facilitate exploration of the importance of context in shaping educational phenomena.
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    Equitable access to ectogenesis for sexual and gender minorities.Laura L. Kimberly, Megan E. Sutter & Gwendolyn P. Quinn - 2020 - Bioethics 34 (4):338-345.
    As the technology for ectogenesis continues to advance, the ethical implications of such developments should be thoroughly and proactively explored. The possibility of full ectogenesis remains hypothetical at present, and myriad concerns regarding the safety and efficacy of the technology must be evaluated and addressed, while pressing moral considerations should be fully deliberated. However, it is conceivable that the technology may become sufficiently well established in the future and that eventually full ectogenesis might be deemed ethically acceptable as a reproductive (...)
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    Governing Animals: Animal Welfare and the Liberal State.Kimberly K. Smith - 2012 - Oup Usa.
    Governing Animals explores the role of the liberal state in protecting animal welfare. Examining liberal concepts such as the social contract, property rights, and representation, Kimberly K. Smith argues that liberalism properly understood can recognize the moral status and social meaning of animals and provides guidance in fashioning animal policy.
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    Democratic Policing and Officer Well-Being.Kimberly C. Burke - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Saturday Night Live and the Production of Political Truth.Kimberly S. Engels - 2020 - In Ruth Tallman & Jason Southworth, Saturday Night Live and Philosophy: Deep Thoughts Through the Decades. John Wiley & Sons. pp. 63–73.
    Saturday Night Live (SNL) has become a staple of each political season. In this chapter, the authors show how late night comedy programs such as SNL have joined traditional TV news programs as authorities of delimination for defining the boundaries of political truth in historical epoch. SNL is different from other comedy programs such as the The Daily Show because of its focus on parody. SNL featured many sketches focused on the election, which also contributed to the production of the (...)
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    The Politics of Perfection: Technology and Creation in Literature and Film.Kimberly Hurd Hale - 2016 - Lexington Books.
    This book explores the relationship between modern technological progress and classical liberalism. The compatibility of classical liberalism and technology is questioned, using fiction and film as a window into Western society’s views on politics, economics, religion, technology, and the family.
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  28. Strategizing in an era of conceptual change : security, sanctioned violence, and new military roles.Kimberly A. Hudson & Dan Henk - 2014 - In Caron E. Gentry & Amy Eckert, The future of just war: new critical essays. Athens, Georgia: University of Georgia Press.
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    Answering the Call for a Sociological Perspective on the Multilevel Social Construction of Emotion: A Comment on Boiger and Mesquita.Kimberly B. Rogers & Lynn Smith-Lovin - 2012 - Emotion Review 4 (3):232-233.
    Boiger and Mesquita (2012) present a social constructionist perspective on emotion that argues for its multilevel contextualization through social interactions, relationships, and culture. The present comments offer a response to the authors’ call for input from other disciplines. We provide a sociological perspective on emotion construction at each of the contextual levels discussed by Boiger and Mesquita, and discuss a model that can address interdependencies between these levels. Our remarks are intended to identify additional literature that can be brought to (...)
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  30. W. E. B. Du Bois’s “Conservation of Races”: A Metaphilosophical Text.Kimberly Ann Harris - 2019 - Metaphilosophy 50 (5):670-687.
    Nothing was more important for W. E. B. Du Bois than to promote the upward mobility of African Americans. This essay revisits his “The Conversation of Races” to demonstrate its general philosophical importance. Ultimately, Du Bois’s three motivations for giving the address reveal his view of the nature of philosophical inquiry: to critique earlier phenotypic conceptions of race, to show the essentiality of history, and to promote a reflexive practice. Commentators have been unduly invested in the hermeneutic readings and as (...)
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  31. The Ultimate Reality and Meaning of the Slave Narrative Tradition: Literary Acts of Imagination and Liberation Theology.Kimberly Rae Connor - 1996 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 19 (2):83-93.
  32. Reading Hegel.Kimberly Hutchings & Tuija Pulkkinen - 2010 - In Kimberly Hutchings & Tuija Pulkkinen, Hegel's philosophy and feminist thought: beyond Antigone? New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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  33. Part introduction : Immersion, togetherness, and the sublime.Kimberly Jannarone - 2015 - In Vanguard performance beyond left and right. Ann Arbor: Univ Of Michigan Press.
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    There's more to mental states than meets the inner “l”.Kimberly Wright Cassidy - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (1):34-35.
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    Stand Your Ground.Kimberly Kessler Ferzan - 2019 - In Larry Alexander & Kimberly Kessler Ferzan, The Palgrave Handbook of Applied Ethics and the Criminal Law. Springer Verlag. pp. 731-749.
    This chapter examines the moral justifiability of “stand your ground” laws. First, it sets forth the parameters of self-defense as understood in the philosophical literature. Next, it focuses on the necessity limitation and questions whether this limitation can be defensibly weakened to accommodate SYG laws. Finding no comfort for SYG statutes in a weakened necessity limitation, the chapter turns to the proportionality constraint and examines approaches that increase the interests that may permissibly be defended as well as approaches that abandon (...)
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  36. Neuroethics in education.Kimberly Sheridan, Elena Zinchenko & Howard Gardner - forthcoming - Neuroethics: Defining the Issues in Theory, Practice, and Policy:265--275.
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    Kimberly N. Ruffin: Black on Earth: African American Ecoliterary Traditions. [REVIEW]Kimberly Smith - 2012 - Environmental Ethics 34 (2):211-212.
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    Same-different reaction time to the sequential visual presentation of vowels and consonants.Kimberly D. Peterson, J. Richard Simon & Jyh-Hone Wang - 1986 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 24 (4):248-250.
  39.  23
    Predictive Testing for HD: Maximizing Patient Autonomy.Kimberly A. Quaid - 1991 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 2 (4):238-240.
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  40. Kant's Theory of the Intuitive Intellect.Kimberly Brewer - 2022 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 39 (2):163–182.
    Kant's theory of the intuitive intellect has a broad and substantial role in the development and exposition of his critical philosophy. An emphasis on this theory's reception and appropriation on the part of the German idealists has tended to divert attention from Kant's own treatment of the topic. In this essay, I seek an adequate overview of the theory Kant advances in support of his critical enterprise. I examine the nature of the intuitive intellect's object; its epistemic relation to its (...)
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    From In-Itself to Practico-Inert.Kimberly S. Engels - 2018 - Sartre Studies International 24 (1):48-69.
    This article focuses on Sartre’s concept of the practicoinert in his major work A Critique of Dialectical Reason, Vol. 1. I first show the progression from Sartre’s previous conception of in-itself to his concept of practico-inert. I identify five different layers of the practico-inert: human-made objects, language, ideas, social objects and class being. I show how these practico-inert layers form the possibilities for our subjectivity and how this represents a change from Sartre’s view of in-itself in Being and Nothingness. I (...)
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    What If?: A Story of an Unwanted Medicalized Birth.Fairchild Kimberly - 2017 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 7 (3):190-192.
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  43. Hegel on Race, Gender, and the Time and Space of Justice.Kimberly Hutchings - 2024 - In Paolo Diego Bubbio & Andrew Buchwalter, Justice and freedom in Hegel. New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
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  44. Creating sustainable organizations in a globalizing world : integrating anthropological knowledge and organizational systems theory.Kimberly Porter Martin - 2014 - In David Humphreys & Spencer S. Stober, Transitions to sustainability: theoretical debates for a changing planet. Champaign, Illinois, USA: Common Ground Publishing LLC.
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  45. The Gender‐Neutral Feminism of Hannah Arendt.Kimberly Maslin - 2013 - Hypatia 28 (3):585-601.
    Though many have recently attempted either to locate Arendt within feminism or feminism within the great body of Arendt's work, these efforts have proven only modestly successful. Even a cursory examination of Arendt's work should suggest that these efforts would prove frustrating. None of her voluminous writings deal specifically with gender, though some of her work certainly deals with notable women. Her interest is not in gender as such, but in woman as assimilated Jew or woman as social and political (...)
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  46. Dissecting the Sociality of Emotion: A Multilevel Approach.Kimberly B. Rogers, Tobias Schröder & Christian von Scheve - 2014 - Emotion Review 6 (2):124-133.
    In recent years, scholars have come to understand emotions as dynamic and socially constructed—the product of interdependent cultural, relational, situational, and biological influences. While researchers have called for a multilevel theory of emotion construction, any progress toward such a theory must overcome the fragmentation of relevant research across various disciplines and theoretical frameworks. We present affect control theory as a launching point for cross-disciplinary collaboration because of its empirically grounded conceptualization of social mechanisms operating at the interaction, relationship, and cultural (...)
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    The bluff: The power of insincere actions.Kimberly Kessler Ferzan - 2017 - Legal Theory 23 (3):168-202.
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    Reproductive Rights without Resources or Recourse.Kimberly Mutcherson - 2017 - Hastings Center Report 47 (s3):S12-S18.
    The U.S. Supreme Court declared procreation to be a fundamental right in the early twentieth century in a case involving Oklahoma's Habitual Criminal Sterilization Act, an act that permitted unconsented sterilization of individuals convicted of certain crimes. The right that the Court articulated in that case is a negative right: it requires that the government not place unjustified roadblocks in the way of people seeking to procreate, but it does not require the government to take positive steps to help people (...)
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  49. De Sitter Space Without Dynamical Quantum Fluctuations.Kimberly K. Boddy, Sean M. Carroll & Jason Pollack - 2016 - Foundations of Physics 46 (6):702-735.
    We argue that, under certain plausible assumptions, de Sitter space settles into a quiescent vacuum in which there are no dynamical quantum fluctuations. Such fluctuations require either an evolving microstate, or time-dependent histories of out-of-equilibrium recording devices, which we argue are absent in stationary states. For a massive scalar field in a fixed de Sitter background, the cosmic no-hair theorem implies that the state of the patch approaches the vacuum, where there are no fluctuations. We argue that an analogous conclusion (...)
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    To Criticize the Right to Know We Must Question the Value of Genetic Relatedness.Kimberly Leighton - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics 13 (5):54-56.
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