Results for 'Klein group'

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  1.  47
    The Klein Group, Squares of Opposition and the Explanation of Fallacies in Reasoning.Serge Robert & Janie Brisson - 2016 - Logica Universalis 10 (2-3):377-392.
    During the last decades, the psychology of reasoning has identified experimentally many fallacies committed by spontaneous reasoners. Given these experimental results, some theories have been developed about this phenomenon, mainly algorithmic theories. This paper develops instead a computational modelling of these current fallacies which appear as simplifications in the treatment of information that do not respect the formal rules of classical propositional logic. These fallacies are explained as crushes in the Klein group structure and so, in squares of (...)
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    Modelling Individual Expertise in Group Judgements.Dominik Klein & Jan Sprenger - 2015 - Economics and Philosophy 31 (1):3-25.
    Group judgements are often – implicitly or explicitly – influenced by their members’ individual expertise. However, given that expertise is seldom recognized fully and that some distortions may occur (bias, correlation, etc.), it is not clear that differential weighting is an epistemically advantageous strategy with respect to straight averaging. Our paper characterizes a wide set of conditions under which differential weighting outperforms straight averaging and embeds the results into the multidisciplinary group decision-making literature.
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    Topic Modeling Reveals Distinct Interests within an Online Conspiracy Forum.Colin Klein, Peter Clutton & Vince Polito - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    Conspiracy theories play a troubling role in political discourse. Online forums provide a valuable window into everyday conspiracy theorizing, and can give a clue to the motivations and interests of those who post in such forums. Yet this online activity can be difficult to quantify and study. We describe a unique approach to studying online conspiracy theorists which used non-negative matrix factorization to create a topic model of authors' contributions to the main conspiracy forum on Reddit. This subreddit provides a (...)
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  4.  33
    Values-based food procurement in hospitals: the role of health care group purchasing organizations.Kendra Klein - 2015 - Agriculture and Human Values 32 (4):635-648.
    In alignment with stated social, health, and environmental values, hundreds of hospitals in the United States are purchasing local, organic, and other alternative foods. Due to the logistical and economic constraints associated with feeding hundreds to thousands of people every day, new food procurement initiatives in hospitals grapple with integrating conventional supply chain norms of efficiency, standardization, and affordability while meeting the diverse values driving them such as mutual benefit between supply chain members, environmental stewardship, and social equity. This paper (...)
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  5. Libet's timing of mental events: Commentary on the commentaries.Stanley Klein - 2002 - Consciousness and Cognition 11 (2):326-333.
    This issue of Consciousness and Cognition presents four target articles and eight commentaries on the target articles. The present article presents comments on those commentaries, grouped into backward referral and volition categories. Regarding backward referral: I disagree with my fellow commentators and take the unpopular position of defending Libet's notion of backward referral. I join my fellow commentators in critiquing Libet's notion of a 500-ms delay. I examine several of the hypotheses suggested by other commentators for why cortical and lateral (...)
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    Integrating Equity Work throughout Bioethics.Eran Klein, Erika Versalovic, Andreas Schönau, Natalia Montes, Darcy McCusker, Timothy Emmanuel Brown & Sara Goering - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (1):26-27.
    As members of a neuroethics research group funded by the NIH, we echo the call from Fabi and Goldberg for greater funding parity between the ethics of specialized medical technologies and br...
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    Founding Sins: How a Group of Antislavery Radicals Fought to Put Christ into the Constitution. By Joseph S.Moore. Pp. xiv, 214. Oxford University Press, 2016, £22.99, $31.95.The Origins of American Religious Nationalism. By SamHaselby. Pp. x, 336. Oxford University Press, 2015, £59.00, $78.00. [REVIEW]Terrance Klein - 2021 - Heythrop Journal 62 (1):136-137.
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    If Government is so Villainous, How come Government Officials don't seem like Villains?Daniel B. Klein - 1994 - Economics and Philosophy 10 (1):91-106.
    At lunch one day a colleague and I had a friendly argument over occupational licensing. I attacked it for being anticompetitive, arguing that licensing boards raise occupational incomes by restricting entry, advertising, and commercialization. My colleague, while acknowledging anticompetitive aspects, affirmed the need for licensing on the grounds of protecting the consumer from frauds and quacks. In many areas of infrequent and specialized dealing, consumers are not able, ex ante or even ex post, to evaluate competence. I countered by suggesting (...)
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  9.  30
    Abū Ṭayyib al-Washshāʾ and the Poetics of Inscribed Objects.Yaron Klein - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 138 (1):1.
    In Kitāb al-Muwashshā, a unique work on good manners and high-culture etiquette, al-Washshāʾ recorded the practices of a group of courtiers and other members of the elite in Abbasid society known as the ẓurafāʾ. This group conducted itself according to a strict etiquette governing dress, posture, speech, and even smell. One of the most interesting practices associated with the ẓurafāʾ is their inscribing of poetry on a variety of objects, from garments, rings, musical instruments, and wine vessels to (...)
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    Pragmatism's Evolution: Organism and Environment in American Philosophy by Trevor Pearce (review).Alexander Klein - 2024 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 62 (1):160-161.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Pragmatism's Evolution: Organism and Environment in American Philosophy by Trevor PearceAlexander KleinTrevor Pearce. Pragmatism's Evolution: Organism and Environment in American Philosophy. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2020. Pp. 384. Paperback, $35.00.Pragmatist pioneers were young lions in the days of Darwin. Evolutionary-biological thinking infused this philosophical movement from the start. And yet the last time a major monograph appeared on classic pragmatism and evolutionary biology—Philip Wiener's Evolution and (...)
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  11.  15
    Follow the sound of my violin: Granger causality reflects information flow in sound.Lucas Klein, Emily A. Wood, Dan Bosnyak & Laurel J. Trainor - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:982177.
    Recent research into how musicians coordinate their expressive timing, phrasing, articulation, dynamics, and other stylistic characteristics during performances has highlighted the role of predictive processes, as musicians must anticipate how their partners will play in order to be together. Several studies have used information flow techniques such as Granger causality to show that upcoming movements of a musician can be predicted from immediate past movements of fellow musicians. Although musicians must move to play their instruments, a major goal of music (...)
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  12. Attention and counter-framing in the Black Lives Matter movement on Twitter.Colin Klein, Ritsaart Reimann, Ignacio Ojea Quintana, Marc Cheong, Marinus Ferreira & Mark Alfano - 2022 - Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 9 (367).
    The social media platform Twitter platform has played a crucial role in the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement. The immediate, flexible nature of tweets plays a crucial role both in spreading information about the movement’s aims and in organizing individual protests. Twitter has also played an important role in the right-wing reaction to BLM, providing a means to reframe and recontextualize activists’ claims in a more sinister light. The ability to bring about social change depends on the balance of these (...)
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  13. From children's perspectives: A model of aesthetic processing in theatre.Jeanne Klein - 2005 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 39 (4):40-57.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:From Children's Perspectives:A Model of Aesthetic Processing in TheatreJeanne Klein (bio)Since the children's theatre movement began, producers have sought to create artistic theatre experiences that best correspond to the adult-constructed aesthetic "needs" of young audiences by categorizing common differences according to age groups. For decades, directors simply chose plays on the basis of dramatic genres (e.g., fairy tales), as defined by children's presupposed interests or "tastes," by subscribing (...)
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    What Happens After a Neural Implant Study? Neuroethics Expert Workshop on Post-Trial Obligations.Ishan Dasgupta, Eran Klein, Laura Y. Cabrera, Winston Chiong, Ashley Feinsinger, Joseph J. Fins, Tobias Haeusermann, Saskia Hendriks, Gabriel Lázaro-Muñoz, Cynthia Kubu, Helen Mayberg, Khara Ramos, Adina Roskies, Lauren Sankary, Ashley Walton, Alik S. Widge & Sara Goering - 2024 - Neuroethics 17 (2):1-14.
    What happens at the end of a clinical trial for an investigational neural implant? It may be surprising to learn how difficult it is to answer this question. While new trials are initiated with increasing regularity, relatively little consensus exists on how best to conduct them, and even less on how to ethically end them. The landscape of recent neural implant trials demonstrates wide variability of what happens to research participants after an neural implant trial ends. Some former research participants (...)
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  15. Logic and Ethics: An Integrated Model for Norms, Intentions and Actions.Alessandra Marra & Dominik Klein - 2015 - In Wiebe van der Hoek, Wesley H. Holliday & Wen-Fang Wang (eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 9394. Springer. pp. 268-281.
    The paper investigates the way norms relate to and affect agents' intentions and actions. Current work in deontic logic dealing with agency mainly falls within two different groups: a variety of frameworks which adopt a purely external approach and represent agency in terms of possible outcomes of actions, and frameworks which instead endorse an internal approach and focus exclusively on the agents' intentions. The paper argues that neither of these models alone can produce a satisfactory analysis. An integrated model which (...)
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  16. The rise of empiricism: William James, Thomas hill green, and the struggle over psychology.Alexander Klein - 2007 - Dissertation, Indiana University, Bloomington
    The concept of empiricism evokes both a historical tradition and a set of philosophical theses. The theses are usually understood to have been developed by Locke, Berkeley, and Hume. But these figures did not use the term “empiricism,” and they did not see themselves as united by a shared epistemology into one school of thought. My dissertation analyzes the debate that elevated the concept of empiricism (and of an empiricist tradition) to prominence in English-language philosophy. -/- In the 1870s and (...)
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  17.  26
    National Insecurity Crime.Josh R. Klein - 2015 - Criminal Justice Ethics 34 (1):1-17.
    Terrorism, international gangs, and other frequently mentioned national security threats are actually less dangerous than a new type of state-corporate crime that may be called national insecurity crime. This crime poses not only unprecedented victimization, but a massive ethical problem. Examples in the U.S. include the 1980s Savings and Loan (S&L) scandal, the late-1990s dot-com bubble, the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq, and the 2007–09 financial crisis. National insecurity crime threatens national security because of its geographic and social extensiveness, severity (...)
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  18.  26
    “These Are Just Stories, Mulder”: Exposure to Conspiracist Fiction Does Not Produce Narrative Persuasion.Kenzo Nera, Myrto Pantazi & Olivier Klein - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:330093.
    Narrative persuasion, i.e. the impact of narratives on beliefs, behaviors and attitudes, and the mechanisms underpinning endorsement of conspiracy theories have both drawn substantial attention from social scientists. Yet, to date these two fields have evolved separately, and to our knowledge no study has empirically examined the impact of conspiracy narratives on real-world conspiracy beliefs. In a first study, we exposed a group of participants (n = 37) to an X-Files episode before asking them to fill in a questionnaire (...)
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  19.  20
    Class Clowns: Talking out of Turn with an Orientation Toward Humor.Janine Klein & Neal Norrick - 2008 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 4 (1):83-107.
    Class Clowns: Talking out of Turn with an Orientation Toward Humor The classroom is a primary site for children to learn accommodation to cultural practices and norms, but also for them to develop strategies for disruption and humor while avoiding sanctions. Although the teacher has the power in the elementary classroom, there are twenty or so prospective disruptors and all sorts of possible disruptions with humorous potential at various different points in the interaction. In our paper, we investigate disruptive humor (...)
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  20.  19
    Interpreting and extending classical agglomerative clustering algorithms using a model-based approach.Dan Klein & Christopher D. Manning - unknown
    erative clustering. First, we show formally that the common heuristic agglomerative clustering algorithms – Ward’s method, single-link, complete-link, and a variant of group-average – are each equivalent to a hierarchical model-based method. This interpretation gives a theoretical explanation of the empirical behavior of these algorithms, as well as a principled approach to resolving practical issues, such as number of clusters or the choice of method. Second, we show how a model-based viewpoint can suggest variations on these basic agglomerative algorithms. (...)
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  21. Philosophy and the historical perspective.Lee Klein (ed.) - 2018 - Oxford: Published for the British Academy by Oxford University Press.
    Some pursue philosophy via its history, while others focus on current debates without reference to the past. But a growing group of philosophers believe historical perspective can contribute to current debates. 'Philosophy and the Historical Perspective' explores the importance of this perspective and investigates the very nature of philosophy.
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    Sozialität als Conditio Humana: eine interdisziplinäre Untersuchung zur Sozialanthropologie in der experimentellen Ökonomik, Sozialphilosophie und Theologie.Rebekka A. Klein - 2010 - Göttingen: Edition Ruprecht.
  23.  57
    Keeping Disability in Mind: A Case Study in Implantable Brain–Computer Interface Research.Laura Specker Sullivan, Eran Klein, Tim Brown, Matthew Sample, Michelle Pham, Paul Tubig, Raney Folland, Anjali Truitt & Sara Goering - 2018 - Science and Engineering Ethics 24 (2):479-504.
    Brain–Computer Interface research is an interdisciplinary area of study within Neural Engineering. Recent interest in end-user perspectives has led to an intersection with user-centered design. The goal of user-centered design is to reduce the translational gap between researchers and potential end users. However, while qualitative studies have been conducted with end users of BCI technology, little is known about individual BCI researchers’ experience with and attitudes towards UCD. Given the scientific, financial, and ethical imperatives of UCD, we sought to gain (...)
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  24. A tragic coalition of the rational and irrational: a threat to collective responses to COVID-19.Marinus Ferreira, Marc Cheong, Colin Klein & Mark Alfano - 2022 - Philosophical Psychology (6).
    There is not as much resistance to COVID-19 mitigation as there seems, but there are structural features that make resistance seem worse than it is. Here we describe two ways that the problem seeming to be worse than it is can make it worse. First, visible hesitation to implement COVID-19 responses signals to the wider society that mitigation measures may not succeed, which undermines people’s conditional willingness to join in on those efforts. Second, our evaluations of others’ willingness to implement (...)
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  25.  15
    Public Service Media and Diversity in the Digital Media Landscape: Opportunities and Limitations for Social Justice.Aya Yadlin & Oranit Klein-Shagrir - 2024 - Studies in Social Justice 18 (1):165-179.
    This essay reviews the place and role of Public Service Media (PSM) in promoting social justice in the changing digital media landscape through the ethos of diversity. Media diversity – the value and practice of including varied viewpoints, social groups, voices, and channels or outlets in media – has long been a declared pillar of PSM organizations worldwide. However, current changes in the digital media landscape and the growing extension of PSM organizations to digital platforms require re-reading the premise of (...)
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  26. Polarization and trust in the evolution of vaccine discourse on Twitter during COVID-19.Ignacio Ojea Quintana, Ritsaart Willem Peter Reimann, Marc Cheong, Mark Robert Alfano & Colin Klein - 2022 - PLoS ONE 12 (17):e0277292.
    Trust in vaccination is eroding, and attitudes about vaccination have become more polarized. This is an observational study of Twitter analyzing the impact that COVID-19 had on vaccine discourse. We identify the actors, the language they use, how their language changed, and what can explain this change. First, we find that authors cluster into several large, interpretable groups, and that the discourse was greatly affected by American partisan politics. Over the course of our study, both Republicans and Democrats entered the (...)
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    External validity of social psychological experiments is a concern, but these models are useful.Youri L. Mora, Olivier Klein, Christophe Leys & Annique Smeding - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45.
    We agree that external validity of social psychological experiments is a concern, we disagree these models are useless. Experiments, reconsidered from a situated cognition perspective and non-linearly combined with other methods allow grasping decision dynamics beyond bias outcomes. Dynamic insights regarding these processes are key to understand missing forces and bias in real-world social groups.
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    The Semantics of ‘Spirituality’ and Related Self-Identifications: A Comparative Study in Germany and the USA.Barbara Keller, Constantin Klein, Anne Swhajor-Biesemann, Christopher F. Silver, Ralph Hood & Heinz Streib - 2013 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 35 (1):71-100.
    Culturally different connotations of basic concepts challenge the comparative study of religion. Do persons in Germany or in the United States refer to the same concepts when talking about ‘spirituality’ and ‘religion’? Does it make a difference how they identify themselves? The Bielefeld-Chattanooga Cross-Cultural Study on ‘Spirituality’ includes a semantic differential approach for the comparison of self-identified “neither religious nor spiritual”, “religious”, and “spiritual” persons regarding semantic attributes attached to the concepts ‘religion’ and ‘spirituality’ in each research context. Results show (...)
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  29.  21
    Wnt–frizzled signaling in the induction and differentiation of the neural crest.Wang Yanfeng, Jean-Pierre Saint-Jeannet & Peter S. Klein - 2003 - Bioessays 25 (4):317-325.
    The neural crest is a transient population of multipotent progenitors arising at the lateral edge of the neural plate in vertebrate embryos. After delamination and migration from the neuroepithelium, these cells contribute to a diverse array of tissues including neurons, smooth muscle, craniofacial cartilage, bone cells, endocrine cells and pigment cells. Considerable progress in recent years has furthered our understanding at a molecular level of how this important group of cells is generated and how they are assigned to specific (...)
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    "In the spectrum of people who are healthy": Views of individuals at risk of dementia on using neurotechnology for cognitive enhancement.Asad Beck, Andreas Schönau, Kate MacDuffie, Ishan Dasgupta, Garrett Flynn, Dong Song, Sara Goering & Eran Klein - 2024 - Neuroethics 17 (2):1-18.
    Neurotechnological cognitive enhancement has become an area of intense scientific, policy, and ethical interest. However, while work has increasingly focused on ethical views of the general public, less studied are those with personal connections to cognitive impairment. Using a mixed-methods design, we surveyed attitudes regarding implantable neurotechnological cognitive enhancement in individuals who self-identified as having increased likelihood of developing dementia (n = 25; ‘Our Study’), compared to a nationally representative sample of Americans (n = 4726; ‘Pew Study’). Participants in Our (...)
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  31.  14
    Computerized Symbol Digit Modalities Test in a Swiss Pediatric Cohort Part 1: Validation.Céline Hochstrasser, Sarah Rieder, Ursina Jufer-Riedi, Marie-Noëlle Klein, Anthony Feinstein, Brenda L. Banwell, Michelle Steiner, Li Mei Cao, Karen Lidzba & Sandra Bigi - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    ObjectiveThe objective of this study was to validate the computerized Symbol Digit Modalities Test in a Swiss pediatric cohort, in comparing the Swiss sample to the Canadian norms. Secondly, we evaluated sex effects, age-effects, and test–retest reliability of the c-SDMT in comparison to values obtained for the paper and pencil version of the Symbol Digit Modalities Test.MethodsThis longitudinal observational study was conducted in a single-center setting at the University Children’s Hospital of Bern. Our cohort consisted of 86 children aged from (...)
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    Behavioral and Neural Manifestations of Reward Memory in Carriers of Low-Expressing versus High-Expressing Genetic Variants of the Dopamine D2 Receptor.Anni Richter, Adriana Barman, Torsten Wüstenberg, Joram Soch, Denny Schanze, Anna Deibele, Gusalija Behnisch, Anne Assmann, Marieke Klein, Martin Zenker, Constanze Seidenbecher & Björn H. Schott - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
    Dopamine is critically important in the neural manifestation of motivated behavior, and alterations in the human dopaminergic system have been implicated in the etiology of motivation-related psychiatric disorders, most prominently addiction. Patients with chronic addiction exhibit reduced dopamine D2 receptor (DRD2) availability in the striatum, and the DRD2 TaqIA (rs1800497) and C957T (rs6277) genetic polymorphisms have previously been linked to individual differences in striatal dopamine metabolism and clinical risk for alcohol and nicotine dependence. Here, we investigated the hypothesis that the (...)
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    Fact Sheet for “Consistency of Modeled and Observed Temperature Trends in the Tropical Troposphere”.Ben Santer, Peter Thorne, Leo Haimberger, Karl Taylor, Tom Wigley, John Lanzante, Susan Solomon, Melissa Free, Peter Gleckler, Phil Jones, Tom Karl, Steve Klein, Carl Mears, Doug Nychka, Gavin Schmidt, Steve Sherwood & Frank Wentz - 2018 - In Elisabeth A. Lloyd & Eric Winsberg (eds.), Climate Modelling: Philosophical and Conceptual Issues. Springer Verlag. pp. 73-84.
    Using state-of-the-art observational datasets and results from a large archive of computer model simulations, a consortium of scientists from 12 different institutions has resolved a long-standing conundrum in climate science—the apparent discrepancy between simulated and observed temperature trends in the tropics. Research published by this group indicates that there is no fundamental discrepancy between modeled and observed tropical temperature trends when one accounts for: the uncertainties in observations; and the statistical uncertainties in estimating trends from observations. These results refute (...)
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    Augmented Reality for Presenting Real-Time Data During Students’ Laboratory Work: Comparing a Head-Mounted Display With a Separate Display.Michael Thees, Kristin Altmeyer, Sebastian Kapp, Eva Rexigel, Fabian Beil, Pascal Klein, Sarah Malone, Roland Brünken & Jochen Kuhn - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Multimedia learning theories suggest presenting associated pieces of information in spatial and temporal contiguity. New technologies like Augmented Reality allow for realizing these principles in science laboratory courses by presenting virtual real-time information during hands-on experimentation. Spatial integration can be achieved by pinning virtual representations of measurement data to corresponding real components. In the present study, an Augmented Reality-based presentation format was realized via a head-mounted display and contrasted to a separate display, which provided a well-arranged data matrix in spatial (...)
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    Oxford Guide to Low Intensity Cbt Interventions.James Bennett-Levy, David Richards, Paul Farrand, Helen Christensen, Kathy Griffiths, David Kavanagh, Britt Klein, Mark A. Lau, Judy Proudfoot, Lee Ritterband, Jim White & Chris Williams (eds.) - 2010 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Mental disorders such as depression and anxiety are increasingly common. Yet there are too few specialists to offer help to everyone, and negative attitudes to psychological problems and their treatment discourage people from seeking it. As a result, many people never receive help for these problems. The Oxford Guide to Low Intensity CBT Interventions marks a turning point in the delivery of psychological treatments for people with depression and anxiety. Until recently, the only form of psychological intervention available for patients (...)
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  36.  19
    Development and Evaluation of a Sound-Swapped Video Database for Misophonia.Patrawat Samermit, Michael Young, Allison K. Allen, Hannah Trillo, Sandhya Shankar, Abigail Klein, Chris Kay, Ghazaleh Mahzouni, Veda Reddy, Veronica Hamilton & Nicolas Davidenko - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Misophonia has been characterized as intense negative reactions to specific trigger sounds. However, recent research suggests high-level, contextual, and multisensory factors are also involved. We recently demonstrated that neurotypicals’ negative reactions to aversive sounds are attenuated when the sounds are synced with positive attributable video sources. To assess whether this effect generalizes to misophonic triggers, we developed a Sound-Swapped Video database for use in misophonia research. In Study 1, we created a set of 39 video clips depicting common trigger sounds (...)
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    Conducting Research with Highly Portable MRI in Community Settings: A Practical Guide to Navigating Ethical Issues and ELSI Checklist.Francis X. Shen, Susan M. Wolf, Frances Lawrenz, Donnella S. Comeau, Barbara J. Evans, Damien Fair, Martha J. Farah, Michael Garwood, S. Duke Han, Judy Illes, Jonathan D. Jackson, Eran Klein, Matthew S. Rosen, Efraín Torres, Paul Tuite & J. Thomas Vaughan - 2024 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 52 (4):769-785.
    Highly portable and accessible MRI technology will allow researchers to conduct field-based MRI research in community settings. Previous guidance for researchers working with fixed MRI does not address the novel ethical, legal, and societal issues (ELSI) of portable MRI (pMRI). Our interdisciplinary Working Group (WG) previously identified 15 core ELSI challenges associated with pMRI research and recommended solutions. In this article, we distill those detailed recommendations into a Portable MRI Research ELSI Checklist that offers practical operational guidance for researchers (...)
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    Defining reactivity: How several methodological decisions can affect conclusions about emotional reactivity in psychopathology.Brady D. Nelson, Stewart A. Shankman, Thomas M. Olino & Daniel N. Klein - 2011 - Cognition and Emotion 25 (8):1439-1459.
    There are many important methodological decisions that need to be made when examining emotional reactivity in psychopathology. In the present study, we examined the effects of two such decisions in an investigation of emotional reactivity in depression: (1) which (if any) comparison condition to employ; and (2) how to define change. Depressed (N = 69) and control (N = 37) participants viewed emotion-inducing film clips while subjective and facial responses were measured. Emotional reactivity was defined using no comparison condition (i.e., (...)
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    Circadian Effects on Attention and Working Memory in College Students With Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Symptoms.Lily Gabay, Pazia Miller, Nelly Alia-Klein & Monica P. Lewin - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectiveIndividuals with an evening chronotype prefer to sleep later at night, wake up later in the day and perform best later in the day as compared to individuals with morning chronotype. Thus, college students without ADHD symptoms with evening chronotypes show reduced cognitive performance in the morning relative to nighttime. In combination with symptoms presented in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, we predicted that having evening chronotype renders impairment in attention during the morning, when students require optimal performance, amplifying desynchrony.MethodFour hundred (...)
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    Felix Klein’s projective representations of the groups $$S6$$ and $$A7$$.Henning Heller - 2022 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 76 (5):431-470.
    This paper addresses an article by Felix Klein of 1886, in which he generalized his theory of polynomial equations of degree 5—comprehensively discussed in his Lectures on the Icosahedron two years earlier—to equations of degree 6 and 7. To do so, Klein used results previously established in line geometry. I review Klein’s 1886 article, its diverse mathematical background, and its place within the broader history of mathematics. I argue that the program advanced by this article, although historically (...)
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    Transferts d’objets et groupe de Klein: Essai de formalisation en semiotique narrative greimasienne.Luc Racine - 1986 - Semiotica 62 (3-4):313-324.
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    Felix Klein and Sophus Lie on quartic surfaces in line geometry.David E. Rowe - 2024 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 78 (6):763-832.
    Although rarely appreciated, the collaboration that brought Felix Klein and Sophus Lie together in 1869 had mainly to do with their common interests in the new field of line geometry. As mathematicians, Klein and Lie identified with the latest currents in geometry. Not long before, Klein’s mentor Julius Plücker launched the study of first- and second-degree line complexes, which provided much inspiration for Klein and Lie, though both were busy exploring a broad range of problems and (...)
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    Melanie Klein Today, Volume 1: Mainly Theory: Developments in Theory and Practice.Elizabeth Bott Spillius (ed.) - 2014 - Routledge.
    _Melanie Klein Today, Volume 1 _is the first of two volumes of collected essays devoted to developments in psychoanalysis based on the work of Melanie Klein. The papers are arranged into four groups: the analysis of psychotic patients, projective identification, on thinking, and pathalogical organisation.
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    Felix Klein, Sophus Lie, contact transformations, and connexes.L. D. Kay - 2023 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 77 (4):373-391.
    Much of the mathematics with which Felix Klein and Sophus Lie are now associated (Klein’s Erlangen Program and Lie’s theory of transformation groups) is rooted in ideas they developed in their early work: the consideration of geometric objects or properties preserved by systems of transformations. As early as 1870, Lie studied particular examples of what he later called contact transformations, which preserve tangency and which came to play a crucial role in his systematic study of transformation groups and (...)
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  45. Groups as dynamical models.E. C. G. Sudarshan - 1995 - Foundations of Physics 25 (4):637-641.
    Felix Klein classified geometries by their group structure. It is pointed out that a similar program has been in place for particle physics and canonical quantum mechanics.
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    Structuralism and Mathematical Practice in Felix Klein’s Work on Non-Euclidean Geometry†.Biagioli Francesca - 2020 - Philosophia Mathematica 28 (3):360-384.
    It is well known that Felix Klein took a decisive step in investigating the invariants of transformation groups. However, less attention has been given to Klein’s considerations on the epistemological implications of his work on geometry. This paper proposes an interpretation of Klein’s view as a form of mathematical structuralism, according to which the study of mathematical structures provides the basis for a better understanding of how mathematical research and practice develop.
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    Group Theoretical Derivation of Consistent Free Particle Theories.Giuseppe Nisticò - 2020 - Foundations of Physics 50 (9):977-1007.
    The difficulties of relativistic particle theories formulated by means of canonical quantization, such as those of Klein–Gordon and Dirac, ultimately led theoretical physicists to turn to quantum field theory to model elementary particle physics. In order to overcome these difficulties, the theories of the present approach are developed deductively from the physical principles that specify the system, without making use of canonical quantization. For a free particle these starting assumptions are invariance of the theory and covariance of position with (...)
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    Hamiltonian Map to Conformal Modification of Spacetime Metric: Kaluza-Klein and TeVeS. [REVIEW]Lawrence Horwitz, Avi Gershon & Marcelo Schiffer - 2011 - Foundations of Physics 41 (1):141-157.
    It has been shown that the orbits of motion for a wide class of non-relativistic Hamiltonian systems can be described as geodesic flows on a manifold and an associated dual by means of a conformal map. This method can be applied to a four dimensional manifold of orbits in spacetime associated with a relativistic system. We show that a relativistic Hamiltonian which generates Einstein geodesics, with the addition of a world scalar field, can be put into correspondence in this way (...)
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    Group theory and solutions of classical field theories with polynomial nonlinearities.A. M. Grundland, J. A. Tuszyński & P. Winternitz - 1993 - Foundations of Physics 23 (4):633-665.
    In this paper we investigate a number of analytical solutions to the polynomial class of nonlinear Klein-Gordon equations in multidimensional spacetime. This is done in the context of classical φ4 and φ6 field theory, the former with and without the inclusion of an external force field conjugate to φ. Both massive (m≠0) and massless (m=0) cases are considered, as well as tachyonic solutions allowed (v>c). We first present a complete set of translationally invariant solutions for the φ4 model and (...)
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    Winnicott e o Middle Group: a diferença que faz diferença.Ariadne Alvarenga de Rezende Engelberg de Moraes - 2008 - Natureza Humana 10 (1):73-104.
    Considerando que a fundação do Middle Group é uma dissidência teórica do pensamento psicanalítico clássico, destaco as idéias centrais dos teóricos britânicos das relações de objeto, mostrando os pontos de divergência entre eles e Klein, autora que, apesar de pioneira no desenvolvimento do conceito de relações objetais, apresentava-se como principal representante do pensamento tradicional. Em seguida, analiso a noção winnicottiana de constituição de um si-mesmo e de conquista do concernimento como os fundamentos teóricos que marcam a originalidade de (...)
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