Results for 'Kolcaba Raymond'

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  1.  42
    Editor's Introduction.Raymond Kolcaba - 2015 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 22 (1):1-3.
  2. Loss of the world: A philosophical dialogue.Raymond Kolcaba - 2000 - Ethics and Information Technology 2 (1):3-9.
    Humanity has begun to move from the natural world intothe cyber world. Issues surrounding this mentalmigration are debated in philosophical dialogue. Thelead character is Becket Geist, a romantic philosopherwith views tempered by 20th century science. He openswith a monologue in which he argues that loss of theworld in exchange for the cyber world is dark andinevitable. His chief adversary is Fortran McCyborg,a cyborg with leanings toward Scottish philosophy. The moderating force is Nonette Naturski who championsnaturalism, conservation of humanist ideals, andprudent (...)
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  3. Dispensing with the generic sense of" art'.Raymond Kolcaba - 1989 - Southwest Philosophical Studies 11.
    The question of whether the term ”art,” or art as an array of objects, can be defined depends upon the sense of “art” and its extension. The generic sense of “art” is its broadest meaning having its widest extension. I argue that the term is very much like the generic term “science.” Uses of both terms don’t depend upon rigorous definition. Rather, the terms organize an enormous number of varied and sometimes incompatible sub-categories. Most informative topics in art and science (...)
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    Fiduciary Decision-Making Using Comfort Care.Raymond J. Kolcaba - 2003 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 10 (1):81-86.
    Ethical fiduciaries in health care lack sufficient criteria for making ethical decisions. The authors introduce criteria from The Theory of Comfort as developed in the nursing literature. According to the theory, comfort is based in observation, measurable, and represents a nearly universal human need and interest. Use of the theory is illustrated through three case studies.
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  5. Human Obsolescence.Raymond Kolcaba - 2001 - In Laura Duhan Kaplan (ed.), Philosophy and everyday life. New York: Seven Bridges Press. pp. 152.
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    Finding Art in the World.Raymond Kolcaba - 2015 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 22 (1):91-103.
    The task of finding art in the world is presented as a tale of three dynamic forces that have shaped art in recent times. The first is expansion of the domain of art. This is reflected in linguistic change. The term "art" has grown enormously in sense and extension. The second force is the public's subjective response to art writ large. Our commercial culture compels reaction. The third force is the art world's active promotion of the expansion of art's domain (...)
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  7. Loss of the world: A philosophical dialogue (1).Kolcaba Raymond - 2000 - Ethics and Information Technology 2 (1):11-17.
    Is machine autonomy the same as human autonomy? Answers to this question are developed inphilosophical dialogue. Becket Geist, a romanticphilosopher with scientific leanings, is irked by thearrogance of Fortran McCyborg – a Model 2000 cyborg. Nonette Naturski, a champion of naturalistic views,joins Becket in playing devil''s advocate by arguingthat Fortran''s actions are voluntary, not chosen byhim, and lacking the freedom caused by deliberatedesire. With the attempts to reduce Fortran''s status,Fortran ups the ante by arguing for yet higher status– that he (...)
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    Public Goods, Private Goods.Raymond Geuss - 2001 - Princeton University Press.
    "--Daniel Brudney, University of Chicago "The fund of information Geuss brings into his discussion of the ancients, and the verve and charm with which it is all presented, make the central chapters of this book particularly engaging.
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    The Neo-Liberal State.Raymond Plant - 2009 - Oxford University Press.
    There is a world-wide debate at the moment about the appropriate role for the state in modern societies in the light of the world financial crisis. This book provides a comprehensive analysis and critique of Neo-liberal or economic liberal ideas on this issue.
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  10. The Gospel According to John (i–xii).Raymond E. Brown - 1966
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    Conditional Reasoning: The Unruly Syntactics, Semantics, Thematics, and Pragmatics of If.Raymond Nickerson - 2017 - Oup Usa.
    This book reviews the work of prominent psychologists and philosophers on conditional reasoning. It provides empirical research on how people deal with conditional arguments and examines how conditional statements are used and interpreted in everyday communication.
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    Phenomenological Psychology: An Introduction : With a Glossary of Some Key Heideggerian Terms.Raymond Joseph McCall - 1983 - Madison, Wis.: University of Wisconsin Press.
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    The Banners of the Champions: An Anthology of Medieval Arabic Poetry from Andalusia and beyond, by Ibn Saʿīd al-maghribīThe Banners of the Champions: An Anthology of Medieval Arabic Poetry from Andalusia and beyond, by Ibn Said al-maghribi.Raymond P. Scheindlin, James A. Bellamy, Patricia Owen Steiner, Ibn Saʿī al-maghribī & Ibn Sai Al-Maghribi - 1990 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 110 (3):524.
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  14. In a time of terror: globalisation, transformation and the Enlightenment.Raymond Aaron Younis - 2009 - In Philip Quadrio Carrol Besseling & Andrew Quadrio (eds.), Politics and religion in the new century: philosophical reflections. Sydney University Press. pp. 233-258.
    A critical analysis and evaluation of Habermas' and Derrida's understanding of terrorism (in particular 9/11); some reflections on the role of philosophy and philosophers in the present age.
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  15. Religion Literature and the Arts.Raymond Aaron Younis, Michael Griffith, James Tulip, Ross Keating & Elaine Lindsay (eds.) - 1996 - Sydney: RLA.
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    The ancient quarrel between philosophy and poetry.Raymond Barfield - 2011 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book explores the pervasiveness of poetry's impact on philosophy and, conversely, how philosophy has sometimes resisted or denied poetry's influence.
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    Ethical Considerations in the Management of Chronic Pain in Older Adults.Raymond C. Tait - 2006 - In B. L. Gant & M. E. Schatman (eds.), Ethical Issues in Chronic Pain Management. pp. 79--93.
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  18. A Small Explosion FromA (Relatively) Quiet Atheist.Raymond Tallis - 2014 - Philosophy Now 103:52-53.
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    The Soup and The Scaffolding.Raymond Tallis - 2011 - Philosophy Now 83:50-51.
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  20. Actes.Raymond Bayer - 1951 - Hermann.
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    L'esthétique mondiale au XXe siècle.Raymond Bayer - 1961 - Paris,: Presses universitaires de France.
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    Dostoevsky’s Legal and Moral Philosophy: The Trial of Dmitri Karamazov.Raymond Angelo Belliotti - 2016 - Brill | Rodopi.
    The trial of Dmitri Karamazov embodies Dostoevsky’s general legal and moral philosophy. This book explains and critically analyses such notions as the rule of law, the adversary system of adjudication, the principle of universal moral responsibility, the plausibility of unconditional love, and the contours of human nature. The ballast for conclusions about all these ideas is an understanding of the relationship between individuals and their communities.
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    What is behavior? And why is it not reducible to biological states of affairs?Raymond M. Bergner - 2016 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 36 (1):41-55.
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  24. Politický a morální závazek u Thomase Hobbese.Raymond Polin - 2004 - Reflexe: Filosoficky Casopis 25:81-101.
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  25. Truth and Modality.Raymond Turner - 1990 - Pitman.
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    The" Palace Miracles" in Euripides' Bacchae: A Reconsideration.Raymond K. Fisher - 1992 - American Journal of Philology 113 (2).
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    Is Multinational Citizenship Possible?Raymond Aron - 1974 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 41.
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    History and the dialectic of violence: an analysis of Sartre's Critique de la raison dialectique.Raymond Aron - 1975 - Oxford: Blackwell.
  29. (1 other version)La cybernétique et l'origine de l'information.Raymond Ruyer - 1956 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 11 (3):524-525.
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    Hagar’s Vocation: Philosophy’s Role in the Theology of Richard Fishacre, OP.Raymond James Long - 2015 - Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press.
    Genesis 16 tells of Abraham conceiving Ishmael with his wife Sarai's servant Hagar. Dominican Friar Richard Fishacre (ca. 1200-1248) used this Biblical narrative to explore the relationship of the natural and Divine sciences. Fishacre believed that the theologian must first study the world, before he could be fruitful as a theologian. How do the natural sciences, in short, help us better understand the Scriptures? Fishacre, like his contemporaries Albert the Great (ca. 1200-1280) and Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) looked at ways that (...)
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    Singular causal explanations.Raymond Martin - 1972 - Theory and Decision 2 (3):221-237.
    Singular causal explanations cite explicitly, or may be paraphrased to cite explicitly, a particular factor as the cause of another particular factor. During recent years there has emerged a consensus account of the nature of an important feature of such explanations, the distinction between a factor regarded correctly in a given context of inquiry as ‘the cause’ of a given result and those other causally relevant factors, sometimes called ‘mere conditions’, which are not regarded correctly in that context of inquiry (...)
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  32. Would it matter all that much if there were no selves?Raymond Martin - 2009 - In Mario D'Amato, Jay L. Garfield & Tom J. F. Tillemans (eds.), Pointing at the moon: Buddhism, logic, analytic philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  33. The death-life law of nature.Raymond Westbury Maxwell - 1972 - St. Louis, Mo.,: St. Louis, Mo..
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    Reconstructing the Social Order.Raymond A. Mcgowan - 1933 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 9:183.
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    Rorty, Dewey, and post-modern metaphysics.Raymond D. Boisvert - 1989 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 27 (2):173-193.
  36. Afterlife.Raymond J. VanArragon - 2022 - In Mark A. Lamport (ed.), The Rowman & Littlefield Handbook of Philosophy and Religion. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
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  37. The Nature of Time.Raymond Flood & Michael Lockwood - 1988 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 178 (1):120-120.
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  38. "Can a loving God send people to hell?" A reply to William L. Craig.Raymond D. Bradley - unknown
    Some Christians do in fact think of the question euphemistically, like this. And some like to suppose, further, that when the children find that Hawaii is a bit like hell - it's far too hot and the locals are giving them a hard time - Father will relent and welcome them to his mansions on high.
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  39. Principles of Christian Worship.Raymond Abba - 1957
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    The University in transition.Raymond F. Bacchetti - 1967 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 5 (1):36-46.
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    The Urban Church in Global Perspective: Reflections on the Past, Challenges for the Future.Raymond J. Bakke - 1992 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 9 (2):2-5.
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    Le II E congrès international d'esthétique et de science de l'art (paris, 7-11 aout 1937).Raymond Bayer - 1938 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 45 (1):161 - 172.
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    Dante's Deadly Sins: Moral Philosophy in Hell.Raymond Angelo Belliotti - 2011 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    _Dante’s Deadly Sins_ is a unique study of the moral philosophy behind Dante’s master work that considers the _Commedia_ as he intended, namely, as a practical guide to moral betterment. Focusing on _Inferno_ and _Purgatorio_, Belliotti examines the puzzles and paradoxes of Dante’s moral assumptions, his treatment of the 7 deadly sins, and how 10 of his most powerful moral lessons anticipate modern existentialism. Analyzes the moral philosophy underpinning one of the greatest works of world culture Summarizes the _Inferno_ and (...)
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    Marxism, Feminism, and Surrogate Motherhood.Raymond A. Belliotti - 1988 - Social Theory and Practice 14 (3):389-417.
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    Dewey: A beginner's guide (review).Raymond D. Boisvert - 2010 - Education and Culture 26 (2):94-98.
    John Dewey's early exposure to Hegel left a "permanent deposit" on his thinking. Dewey's Hegelian side does not emerge in the usual sense of someone predicting the march of Spirit through history. Rather it is as the complete philosopher seeking, above all else, to leave nothing out. Such a philosopher criticized reified abstractions, reinstated the centrality of relations, emphasized the importance of thinking ideas together with their history, and insisted on the interpenetration of individual and social. This Hegelian inheritance, when (...)
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    L'intention partagée: l'invitation de Descartes à Stockholm.Jean-François de Raymond - 1997 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 53 (3):507-518.
  47. The Right to Self-Determination and Secession in Yugoslavia: a Hornets' Nest of Inconsistencies.Raymond Detrez - 2003 - In Bruno Coppieters & Richard Sakwa (eds.), Contextualizing Secession: Normative Studies in Comparative Perspective. Oxford University Press.
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    Immediate generalized, and enduring effectiveness of punishment and response prevention of human avoidance responding.Raymond W. Drake & Philip A. Meyer - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 96 (1):110.
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  49. Symbols and Modesty Blaise'.Raymond Durgnat - 1968 - Cinema 1:2-7.
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  50. The pursuit of purpose.Raymond English - 1947 - London,: Falcon Press.
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