Results for 'Konrad Dietzfelbinger'

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    Wilutzky, Konrad, Die Liebe.Konrad Wilutzky - 1920 - Kant Studien 25 (1).
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    Subjekt und Metaphysik: Konrad Cramer zu Ehren, aus Anlass seines 65. Geburtstages.Konrad Cramer & Jürgen Stolzenberg - 2001 - Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
    Proceedings of a conference held Dec. 4-5, 1998 at the Universit'at G'ottingen.
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    On Aggression.Konrad Lorenz - 2002 - Routledge.
    Hugely controversial on publication, this is an insightful and characteristically entertaining survey of animal behaviour and the evolution of aggression throughout the animal world.
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    Lavelles philosophische Selbstbezeugung (eingeleitet von Karl Albert - übersetzt von Konrad Jacobs).Konrad Jacobs - 1981 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 7:245-262.
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    Praxisleitfaden Unternehmensethik: Kennzahlen, Instrumente, Handlungsempfehlungen.Daniel Dietzfelbinger - 2022 - Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
    Unternehmens- und wirtschaftsethische Fragen entscheiden zunehmend über Erfolg oder Misserfolg von Unternehmen. Welche Leitbilder, Haltungen und Kulturen gibt es, welchen Einfluss haben Moralvorstellungen von Führungspersönlichkeiten und der Charakter der Organisation auf Managementprozesse von Unternehmen und Organisationen? Die Wirtschaft und ihre Akteur*innen sehen sich drängenden Fragen der Gesellschaft gegenüber: Die Gesellschaft akzeptiert es längst nicht mehr, dass Wirtschaften im Verborgenen und zum Wohl einzelner Personen stattfindet. Die zunehmende Ablehnung der Privatisierung der Gewinne bei gleichzeitiger Sozialisierung der Schäden fordert Führungspersönlichkeiten und Organisationen (...)
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    Structuring unleashed expression: Developmental foundations of human communication.Wiktor Rorot, Katarzyna Skowrońska, Ewa Nagórska, Konrad Zieliński, Julian Zubek & Joanna Rączaszek-Leonardi - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e13.
    The target article highlights the sources of open-endedness of human communication. However, the authors' perspective does not account for the structure of particular communication systems. To this end, we extend the authors' perspective, in the spirit of evolutionary extended synthesis, with a detailed account of the sources of constraints imposed upon expression in the course of child development.
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    Aktualität der Antike.Jean Bollack, Rüdiger Bubner, Konrad Cramer & Reiner Wiehl (eds.) - 1979 - Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht.
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    Subjekt und Person.Wolfgang Cramer, Rüdiger Bubner, Konrad Cramer & Reiner Wiehl - 1988 - Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
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    From Archive to Archival Practices: Rethinking the Preservation of Mamluk Administrative Documents.Konrad Hirschler - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 136 (1):1.
    This article proposes a new approach to the question of why so few Arabic documents have survived in their original archival context. Taking the Mamluk period as a case study it argues that the category “archive” itself needs to be reconfigured, away from the idea of fixed archival spaces, or even a Mamluk state archive, toward archival practices. These archival practices were spread across the Mamluk realm and involved numerous actors, which included the central bureaucracy in Cairo, individual secretaries, and, (...)
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    Abteilung V: Briefwechsel und biographische Dokumente, Band 7, Briefwechsel 1803 - 1804: (Briefe 1541 - 1830).Hermann Fischer, Ulrich Barth, Konrad Cramer, Günter Meckenstock, Kurt-Victor Selge, Andreas Arndt & Wolfgang Virmond (eds.) - 2005 - De Gruyter.
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    Meet the Metaorganism: A web‐based learning app for undergraduate and graduate biology students.Susanne H. Landis, Agnes Piecyk, Manuel Reitz, Carolin Enzingmüller, Hinrich Schulenburg, Thomas Bosch, Katja Dierking, Peter Deines, Jonas Hunfeld-Häutle, Konrad Rappaport & Tom Duscher - 2023 - Bioessays 45 (10):2300043.
    Meet the Metaorganism is a web‐based learning app that combines three fundamental biological concepts (coevolution, community dynamics, and immune system) with latest scientific findings using the metaorganism as a central case study. In a transdisciplinary team of scientists, information designers, programmers, science communicators, and educators, we conceptualized and developed the app according to the latest didactic and scientific findings and aimed at setting new standards in visual design, digital knowledge transfer, and online education. A content management system allows continuous integration (...)
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  12.  26
    Der Beitrag des Luthertums zur Sozialen Marktwirtschaft.Daniel Dietzfelbinger - 2013 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 65 (1):32-46.
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    Der Stilbegriff als Paradigma der Wirtschaftsethik.Daniel Dietzfelbinger - 1998 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 42 (1):191-207.
    The author deals with the question, how to mediate between oeconomic imperatives and ethical principles. He offers to turn »oeconomic style« to advantage as a pattern of this mediation. The attraction of the suggestion is shown in a profound reconstruction of Alfred Müller-Armacks concept of »Soziale Marktwirtschaft« as an oeconomic-ethical programm.
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    The Embodied Philosopher: Living in Pursuit of Boundary Questions.Konrad Werner - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    The book is the first formulation of a meta-philosophical scheme rooted in the embodied cognition paradigm. The latter views subjects capable of cognition and experience as living, embodied creatures coupled with their environments. On the other hand, the emergence of experimental philosophy has given rise to a new context in which philosophers have begun to search for a more thorough definition of philosophical competence. The time is ripe for these two trends to join their efforts. Therefore, the book discusses what (...)
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  15. Enactment and Construction of the Cognitive Niche: Toward an Ontology of the Mind- World Connection.Konrad Werner - 2020 - Synthese 197 (3):1313-1341.
    The paper discusses the concept of the cognitive niche and distinguishes the latter from the metabolic niche. By using these posits I unpack certain ideas that are crucial for the enactivist movement, especially for its original formulation proposed by Varela, Thompson and Rosh. Drawing on the ontology of location, boundaries, and parthood, I argue that enacting the world can be seen as the process of cognitive niche construction. Moreover, it turns out that enactivism—as seen through the lens of the conceptual (...)
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    Rezension: Johannes Fischer, Stefan Gruden, Esther Imhof, Jean-Daniel Strub: Grundkurs Ethik. Grundbegriffe philosophischer und theologischer Ethik.Daniel Dietzfelbinger - 2008 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 52 (3):234-235.
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    Von häßlichen Entlein und Undercover-Agenten: Differenzerfahrungen zwischen Kirche und Wirtschaft.Daniel Dietzfelbinger - 1999 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 43 (1):221-228.
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    Jupiters Nebeldecke und die Wolke des Zeus.Konrad Heldmann - 2014 - Hermes 142 (3):326-348.
    The account of Zeus’ love for Io, the nature of which can be defined by the reports of the ancient mythographers, the song of Orpheus in Valerius Flaccus and the ancient love poetry, has been changed into its contrary by Ovid who has turned the truly loving father of the gods into a brutal rapist. This radical reinterpretation is reflected in the fog cover that Jupiter makes rise in the „Metamorphoses“ in order not to be seen by Juno. It must (...)
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  19. Zeitschrift Der philosophische Unterricht.Konrad Michelis - 1933 - Kant Studien 38:495.
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    Who Asks Questions and Who Benefits from Answers: Understanding Institutions in Terms of Social Epistemic Dependencies.Konrad Werner - forthcoming - Erkenntnis:1-31.
    The paper develops the idea that institutions are enablers. However, they do not only enable individuals and collectives to achieve their goals; first and foremost, they enable individuals and collectives to have a goal, to select and recognize certain possible states of affairs as targets of action, and as a result, to have a demand – especially a demand for further institutions. I make the case that properly functioning institutions are dedicated to making these states of affairs epistemically acquaintable. What (...)
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  21.  17
    Differences in Children’s Social Development: How Migration Background Impacts the Effect of Early Institutional Childcare Upon Children’s Prosocial Behavior and Peer Problems.Kira Konrad-Ristau & Lars Burghardt - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This article focuses on the early years of children from immigrant families in Germany. Research has documented disparities in young children’s development correlating with their family background, making clear the importance of early intervention. Institutional childcare—as an early intervention for children at risk—plays an important role in Germany, as 34.3% of children below the age of three and 93% of children above that age are in external childcare. This paper focuses on the extent to which children from families with a (...)
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    Platons ungeschriebene Lehre: Studien zur systematischen und geschichtlichen Begründung der Wissenschaften in der Platonischen Schule.Konrad Gaiser - 1998 - E. Klett.
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    Unintended Consequences of Coverage Laws Targeting Cancer Drugs.Maximilian Salcher-Konrad & Huseyin Naci - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (3):552-554.
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    On second order intuitionistic propositional logic without a universal quantifier.Konrad Zdanowski - 2009 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 74 (1):157-167.
    We examine second order intuitionistic propositional logic, IPC². Let $F_\exists $ be the set of formulas with no universal quantification. We prove Glivenko's theorem for formulas in $F_\exists $ that is, for φ € $F_\exists $ φ is a classical tautology if and only if ¬¬φ is a tautology of IPC². We show that for each sentence φ € $F_\exists $ (without free variables), φ is a classical tautology if and only if φ is an intuitionistic tautology. As a corollary (...)
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    Business managers and moral sanctuaries.Armin Richard Konrad - 1982 - Journal of Business Ethics 1 (3):195 - 200.
    Moral Sanctuary is used in this paper as a metaphor for any theory which makes actions immune from moral criticism. Three arguments favoring moral sanctuaries for business activities are countered. Two of the arguments rest on faulty analogies. One compares business activities to games, another to the behavior of machines. The third rests on the claim that business is a unique activity. This position is rejected by a reductio ad absurdum argument; it entails the immunity of all professional activities from (...)
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  26. King Solomon's Ring.Konrad Z. Lorenz - 1952 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 3 (11):265-272.
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  27. On Aggression.Konrad Lorenz, Robert Ardrey, Desmond Morris & Lionel Tiger - 1971 - Science and Society 35 (2):209-219.
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  28. The" arbeitsrappen" in basel.Konrad Bekker - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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    A reply to Beauchamp.A. Richard Konrad - 1973 - Journal of Value Inquiry 7 (1):60-60.
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    Das Prompte ist das Barbarische.Konrad Paul Liessmann - 2016 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2016 (2):185-190.
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  31. Bayesian decision theory in sensorimotor control.Konrad P. Körding & Daniel M. Wolpert - 2006 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 10 (7):319-326.
  32.  19
    Climate change and anti-natalism: Between the horrible and the unthinkable.Konrad Szocik & Matti Häyry - 2024 - South African Journal of Philosophy 43 (1):21-29.
    There is no longer any doubt that the coming decades will bring serious threats to humanity from anthropogenic climate change. As we have suggested elsewhere, horrible scenarios are far more realistic than non-horrible ones, and science and technology are incapable, especially in our non-ideal world, of equitably distributing wealth, access to resources and adaptations to climate change. In this article, we offer an alternative to these inevitable horrible scenarios. The alternative is to implement either an anti-natalist policy, or procreative beneficence (...)
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    Perfectionism and Identity Processes in Two Domains: Mediational Roles of Worry, Rumination, Indecisiveness, Shame, and Guilt.Konrad Piotrowski - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  34. Filosofiska smulor: tillägnade Konrad Marc-Wogau, 75 år 4 april 1977.Konrad Marc-Wogau, Ulla Carlstedt & Ann-Mari Henschen-Dahlquist (eds.) - 1977 - Uppsala: Filosofiska föreningen och Filosofiska institutionen vid Uppsala universitet.
    Marc-Wogau, K. Mina filosofiska fördomar.--Gustafsson, L. Om klassifikation.--Kanger, S. Några synpunkter på begreppet inflytande.--Torstendahl, R. Minikrav, optimumnormer och paradigm i historisk vetenskap.--Lagerberg, D. Punktkommentarer till dialektiken.--Nordenfeldt, L. Om olika former av interaktion.--Puterman, Z. An indeterminist interpretation of Marx's historical determinism.--Carls, R. Kunskap och frihet.--Andersson, J. S. Some notions of pragmatic implication.--Tönisson, I. A preliminary study of interpreting K[subscript x]ø¹.--Bergström, L. Vilken handlingsutilitarism är den riktiga?--Alfredsson, T. Kärlekskoefficienter.--Segerberg, K. The assignment problem as a problem of social choice.--Åqvist, L. En tidslogisk variant (...)
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    Revising Cognitive and Evolutionary Science of Religion : Religion as an Adaptation.Konrad Szocik & Hans Van Eyghen - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This unique and pioneering book critically appraises current work from both the cognitive science of religion and the evolutionary study of religion. It addresses the question: Why does the believer possess supernatural or religious beliefs in the combined context of his cognitive biases, their adaptive usefulness measured in terms of survival and reproduction, and the impact of social learning and cultural traits? The authors outlines a pluralistic approach to the study of religion that does not treat religion as an accidental (...)
  36.  16
    To never exist is always best. A critique of the metaphysics of pronatalism in contemporary bioethics.Konrad Szocik - 2024 - Bioethics 39 (1):145-150.
    The subject of this paper is a critique of the pronatalist metaphysics that underlies bioethics and shapes the thinking and discourse on reproductive rights. The point of reference is the philosophy of antinatalism presented by Marcus T. L. Teo. Seemingly arguing in favor of antinatalism, Teo mixes antinatalist concepts with pronatalist intuitions. The consequence of combining the impossible is the restoration of negative eugenics on the one hand, and a series of contradictions on the other. The article shows that philosophical (...)
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    From Shared Enaction to Intrinsic Value. How Enactivism Contributes to Environmental Ethics.Konrad Werner & Magdalena Kiełkowicz-Werner - 2022 - Topoi 41 (2):409-423.
    Two major philosophical movements have sought to fundamentally rethink the relationship between humans and their environment(s): environmental ethics and enactivism. Surprisingly, they virtually never refer to or seek inspiration from each other. The goal of this analysis is to bridge the gap. Our main purpose, then, is to address, from the enactivist angle, the conceptual backbone of environmental ethics, namely the concept of intrinsic value. We argue that intrinsic value does indeed exist, yet its "intrinsicality" does not boil down to (...)
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    Glanz und Elend des Biodiversitäts-Konzeptes.Konrad Ott - 2021 - Jahrbuch für Recht Und Ethik 29 (1):79-101.
    The concept of biodiversity has entered the law. Article intends to make the conceptual suppositions and the ethical profile of the biodiversity concept explicit. Article takes “biodiversity” as a hybrid concept located at the intersection of biological science, environmental ethics, and international conservation policies. It proceeds with sections on genealogy and definitions of the concept. Further, a matrix-scheme is construed serving the purpose to make debates on biodiversity more specific and precise. Moreover, different approaches in environmental ethics are assessed trying (...)
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    Liebesschwüre mit und ohne Hesiod.Konrad Heldmann - 2015 - Hermes 143 (3):288-314.
    Since the 19 th c. it has been taken for granted that Apollodorus’ version of the story about the love of Zeus and Io and the killing of Argus, in which Zeus is said to have denied his love by swearing a false oath, must be traced back to Hesiod. This paper tries to show (1) that the reasons given for this assumption are not valid. They are based on a clear misunderstanding of Apollodorus’ words. In addition, the evidence adduced (...)
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    Sallust, Cat. 3,1: "Bene dicere rei publicae?".Konrad Heldmann - 1986 - Hermes 114 (1):124-127.
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    Das Herrscherbild im “Evangeliar Ottos III.” (clm 4453).Konrad Hoffmann - 1973 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 7 (1):324-341.
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    The Collapse of Communism and the Search for Master Narratives: Interpretative Implications of German Unification.Konrad H. Jarausch - 2006 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2006 (136):59-75.
    After decades of Cold War stability, most participants experienced the collapse of communism in 1989-90 as an unforeseen “return of history.”1 The deep freeze of the Cold War made it seem that the East-West division had become permanent and that the best one could hope for was a gradual softening of the iron curtain. Repeated suppression of East European revolts by Soviet tanks and the failure of the communist parties in the West appeared to indicate that the domestic order of (...)
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    Michel Foucault: Intelektual Spesifik Versus Intelektual Universal.Konrad Kebung - 2017 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 16 (2):138-157.
    Abstrak: Artikel ini menyajikan pandangan Foucault tentang intelektual spesifik sebagai lawan dari intelektual universal atau tradisional yang diklaim oleh para pemikir modernis, yang pada umumnya mendasarkan pemikiran mereka pada esensi, fondasi, transendensi, universalia, atau apa yang disebut narasi-narasi besar. Intelektual spesifik Foucault tidak didasarkan pada akal universal yang dilihat sebagai sumber dari semua kapasitas manusiawi yang membebaskan. Dalam kuliah-kuliah dan seminar-seminarnya yang terakhir, Foucault berbicara mengenai parrhesia (truth-telling), yaitu bagaimana seorang individu menyadari dirinya sebagai subjek kebenaran dan etika. Intelektual sejati (...)
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    Quality of Mother-Child Interaction Before, During, and After Smartphone Use.Carolin Konrad, Mona Hillmann, Janine Rispler, Luisa Niehaus, Lina Neuhoff & Rachel Barr - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Studies have demonstrated that parents often exhibit a still face while silently reading their cell phones when responding to texts. Such disruptions to parent-child interactions have been observed during parental media use such as texting and these disruptions have been termed technoference. In the present study, we explored changes to mother-child interactions that occur before, during and after interruptions due to texting using an adapted naturalistic still face paradigm. Specifically, we examined the effect of an interruption due to either maternal (...)
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    The Battle at the Cape of Italy.C. F. Konrad - 2017 - Hermes 145 (2):143-158.
    Contrary to the widely held view that the Roman-Carthaginian naval encounter Polybios reports at 1.21.9-11 was separate from the one off Mylae (260 BC) told at length right afterwards (1.23), the battle at the ‘Cape of Italy’ is in fact - as suspected by some scholars long ago - identical with the one at Mylae. However, far from mistaking (as has been suggested) Philinos’ account of the latter for a separate engagement, Polybios knowingly and deliberately told the battle of Mylae (...)
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    Hodina duchů: praxe nevzdělanosti: polemický spis.Konrad Paul Liessmann - 2015 - Praha: Academia. Edited by Milan Váňa.
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    Salomon Maimon: Hiob der Aufklärung: Mosaiksteine zu seinem Bildnis.Konrad Pfaff - 1995 - New York: G. Olms.
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    5. Der »Faustische« Mensch.Konrad Pfeiffer - 1949 - In Zum Höchsten Dasein: Goethes Faust Im Lichte der Schopenhauerschen Philosophie. De Gruyter. pp. 48-67.
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  49. Toward a defining the concept of structural greed.Konrad Raiser - 2015 - In Athena Peralta & Rogate R. Mshana (eds.), The greed line: tool for a just economy. Geneva, Switzerland: World Council of Churches.
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    Der gürtel der Hippolyte.Konrad Schauenburg - 1960 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 104 (1-2):1-13.
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